View Full Version : If these two individuals were to marry, would you classify it as a 'mixed marriage'?

Tooting Carmen
12-08-2020, 07:00 PM

12-08-2020, 07:01 PM

12-08-2020, 07:09 PM
I don't think so. Interracial to me would be something like this:


12-08-2020, 07:12 PM
Yes this is considered interracial in Europe.

12-08-2020, 07:12 PM
What do you mean with "mixed"? If you mean international, yes but if you mean interracial, no; since both are Caucasoid.

Tooting Carmen
12-08-2020, 07:21 PM
What do you mean with "mixed"? If you mean international, yes but if you mean interracial, no; since both are Caucasoid.

'Mixed' in this instance can mean either of those. After all, in Japan even half-Koreans and half-Chinese are called 'hafus'.

12-08-2020, 07:23 PM
Sorta, mixing a northern Euro with a southern Euro isn't what I would suggest as it can still result in allele conflicts, the differences in our DNA are limited to genes and alleles that are expressed in phenotypical markers.

Not the worst thing in the world but it is still technically mixing on a phenotypic level. Your children will not look like either of you. This is why some white Americans (especially the ones with both Northern and Southern European ancestors) don't look like any particular sub-race of Europeans.


12-08-2020, 07:24 PM

12-08-2020, 07:25 PM
no, both with attached earlobes

12-08-2020, 07:27 PM
what would they have in common :icon1:

does he sing and dance as well as she does :icon1:

will he accept her "lead" on the ballroom floor :icon1:

12-08-2020, 07:27 PM
The woman has obvious west Asian features, if she had blue eyes but the same skin colour then perhaps the answer would be more debatable but as she looks so foreign to the mans country i will say that it would be a mixed marriage.

12-08-2020, 07:32 PM
Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain are real life examples.

Its not race mixing but mixing of culture which is nowadays losing importance. Its of course effecting the kids though, who kind of have identity issues in some cases etc. even if its only a question of aesthetics. I guess this is why OP is asking such questions. You could consider Christian and Oksana Wilhelmson as "race mixing" too if you look it from this perspective because they have total different phenotypes and it will effect offspring to some extend too.

12-08-2020, 07:36 PM
Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain are real life examples.

Its not race mixing but mixing of culture which is nowadays losing importance. Its of course effecting the kids though, who kind of have identity issues in some cases etc. even if its only a question of aesthetics. I guess this is why OP is asking such questions. You could consider Christian and Oksana Willhemson as "race mixing" too if you look it from this perspective because they have total different phenotypes and it will effect offspring to some extend too.

Shanga Hussain looks mainly Alpine to me, her skintone is within the northern European range especially if you include countries like Poland as part of N Europe, this lady on the other hand looks like she could not pass easily north of 40 degrees.

12-08-2020, 07:42 PM
Shanga Hussain looks mainly Alpine to me, her skintone is within the northern European range especially if you include countries like Poland as part of N Europe, this lady on the other hand looks like she could not pass easily north of 40 degrees.

So mixing of North European and South European is now race mixing? Do you feel like a mix raced person?

I really dont care about pheno- if someone is a Kurdish Irano Nordid, he /she is not more European than an Atlanto Med or Alpine - anyway i would not consider all that race mixing.

12-08-2020, 07:49 PM
So mixing of North European and South European is now race mixing? Do you feel like a mix raced person?

I really dont care about pheno- if someone is a Kurdish Irano Nordid, he /she is not more European than an Atlanto Med or Alpine - anyway i would not consider all that race mixing.

I don't feel mixed race because my mother has lighter eyes and skin so i would say she is within the European mean. Some of the people in Alicante look very exotic, my mums father could have passed for a N African though his wife was pale and central Euro looking.

12-08-2020, 07:53 PM
he could never trust her :sad:

(she seduced a married man with two children) :tsk:

12-08-2020, 07:55 PM
Sorta, mixing a northern Euro with a southern Euro isn't what I would suggest as it can still result in allele conflicts, the differences in our DNA are limited to genes and alleles that are expressed in phenotypical markers.

If we use Estonians as the standard of the purest Northern Europeans, then British people are already approximately half-and-half mixes between Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans. That's the way they seem to us, but they cannot understand how woggy they are themselves, because to them being a half wog is the norm.

Canadian whites are even worse. For example Dick just said this about a Turkish chick: "Looks like a girl next door plain Jane Canadian."

12-08-2020, 07:58 PM
If we use Estonians as the standard of the purest Northern Europeans, then British people are already approximately half-and-half mixes between Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans. That's the way they seem to us, but they cannot understand how woggy they are themselves, because to them being a half wog is the norm.

Even in Britain people in the North often think they are more truly British than the southern people, i don't know if it is because of the more Nordid elements present in Northern Britain but the North/South divide often comes up in the UK and i think that appearance does play a part though most people wont say it.

12-08-2020, 07:59 PM
I don't feel mixed race because my mother has lighter eyes and skin so i would say she is within the European mean. Some of the people in Alicante look very exotic, my mums father could have passed for a N African though his wife was pale and central Euro looking.

So, do you consider that two Spanish from Alicante that look different(one with lighter and another one with darker features) are different races, and if they would marry, that would be a mixed marriage?:confused:

12-08-2020, 08:03 PM
I don't feel mixed race because my mother has lighter eyes and skin so i would say she is within the European mean. Some of the people in Alicante look very exotic, my mums father could have passed for a N African though his wife was pale and central Euro looking.

Your mom and the swarthy spaniard fella from her town are genetically the same and have the same admixture.

12-08-2020, 08:03 PM
So, do you consider that two Spanish from Alicante that look different(one with lighter and another one with darker features) are different races, and if they would marry, that would be a mixed marriage?:confused:

I think so, i mean one had ancestors that mainly came from the eastern Mediterranean, the other probably had most of their ancestors coming from central and northern Europe.

12-08-2020, 08:04 PM
I don't feel mixed race because my mother has lighter eyes and skin so i would say she is within the European mean. Some of the people in Alicante look very exotic, my mums father could have passed for a N African though his wife was pale and central Euro looking.

Passing in North Africa does not make you mix raced- most Europeans arent in the spectrum of Oscar Wendt either. Such things become an issue when you identify with something but you cant fit into it (like looking typical British, Swedish or simply not being mistaken for a MENA).

12-08-2020, 08:05 PM

12-08-2020, 08:07 PM
If we use Estonians as the standard of the purest Northern Europeans, then British people are already approximately half-and-half mixes between Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans. That's the way they seem to us, but they cannot understand how woggy they are themselves, because to them being a half wog is the norm.

Canadian whites are even worse. For example Dick just said this about a Turkish chick: "Looks like a girl next door plain Jane Canadian."

That Turkish girl looks typically European though.

12-08-2020, 08:09 PM
Yes.He looks Germanic,Nordic and She looks Lebanese Arab,However They are looksmatched and actually they would be interesting couple.
She would probably die for his nordic sperm and if our guy has ethnic fetish Things would be more interesting.

12-08-2020, 08:10 PM
Passing in North Africa does not make you mix raced- most Europeans arent in the spectrum of Oscar Wendt either. Such things become an issue when you identify with something but you cant fit into it (like looking typical British, Swedish or simply not being mistaken for a MENA).

But if you pass in N Africa then that means you have non European elements in your ancestry no? most Brits would be spoken to in French or English in N Africa, my grandfather and many people from Alicante would be spoken to as locals if they were dressed in the local way.

12-08-2020, 08:14 PM
Yes.He looks Germanic,Nordic and She looks Lebanese Arab,However They are looksmatched and actually they would be interesting couple.
She would probably die for his nordic sperm and if our guy has ethnic fetish Things would be more interesting.

Would you die for nordic sperm xiperium?

12-08-2020, 08:15 PM
Yes.He looks Germanic,Nordic and She looks Lebanese Arab,However They are looksmatched and actually they would be interesting couple.
She would probably die for his nordic sperm and if our guy has ethnic fetish Things would be more interesting.

Bro, i've seen your other posts too and you are the most weirdest and creepiest person i've ever seen on this forum.

12-08-2020, 08:15 PM
Would you die for nordic sperm xiperium?

No,I would die for Ethnic vaginas(Kurds Armenians and Arabs)
But if you ask for Xiperyum,Yes he would sell his mother for it

12-08-2020, 08:15 PM
Yea, mongoloids are the true "master race". Just look at this epitome of creation:


Japanese are Mongoloid and are superior to almost every European country in economic development and technology.

12-08-2020, 08:17 PM
But if you pass in N Africa then that means you have non European elements in your ancestry no? most Brits would be spoken to in French or English in N Africa, my grandfather and many people from Alicante would be spoken to as locals if they were dressed in the local way.

Depends how you look i guess or how you define "passing"- if someone looks like Riyad Mahrez, well yeah- he does not look native for Southeuro. If someone is only very tanned Skin tone IV, and still looks Southeuro- people in Algeria would mistake him as local too. It will also not stop people from making comments like "you look Arab/ West Asian" etc. but that does not change the fact that he looks European.

12-08-2020, 08:18 PM
Bro, i've seen your other posts too and you are the most weirdest and creepiest person i've ever seen on this forum.

Why ?I am not Xiperyum btw.I have nothing to do with Albanianfag

12-08-2020, 08:22 PM
Yes, this is a mixed marriage. She doesn't look white.

12-08-2020, 08:24 PM
Japanese are Mongoloid and are superior to almost every European country in economic development and technology.

Culturally they are not. They are obsessed with European things like classical music btw and love to visit Europe.

12-08-2020, 08:26 PM
Why ?I am not Xiperyum btw.I have nothing to do with Albanianfag

You gave me hardcore angry incel vibes with inferiority complex and hate. And you are projecting some of your insecurities to others too probably.
I know you are not xiperyum, i actually lurked in this forum while waiting for my dna results, before making an account and i suspect you are a sock account of an old member.

12-08-2020, 08:28 PM
What? She is a Spanish actress lel.


I didn't know. I taught she is west Asian like Lebanese, Iranian or something.

12-08-2020, 08:33 PM
Nope xD

12-08-2020, 08:34 PM
I didn't know. I taught she is west Asian like Lebanese, Iranian or something.

Same but there is a strong west Asian element in the Spanish population, did not realise the connection until i realised that many Spaniards seem to combine a Mediterranean appearance and with quite tall stature which seems more uncommon in other Med countries.

Tooting Carmen
12-08-2020, 08:36 PM
I didn't know. I taught she is west Asian like Lebanese, Iranian or something.

Which just shows how arbitrary and bullshitty concepts of 'whiteness' sometimes are. Being Spanish she'd probably be classified 'Gracile Med', but if she were Lebanese or Iranian she'd be classified as 'Orientalid', 'Arabid', 'Iranid' etc and deemed unpassable in Europe.

12-08-2020, 08:36 PM
Yea, mongoloids are the true "master race". Just look at this epitome of creation:



That food looks really healthy. They eat the bone marrow too, so they don't need to buy bone broth from Alex Jones. Most people can only dream of a diet where their staple food is organic grass-fed meat.

That's the kind of food wolves eat too, but wolves look healthier and stronger than domesticated dogs. Maybe it's part of the reason why compared to domesticated dogs, wolves have narrower eyes that are more slanted inwards, in the same way that compared to wogs and half wogs, Nenetses have narrower eyes that are more slanted inwards.

That Turkish girl looks typically European though.

Yeah but typical Europeans are half wogs. And typical Western Europeans are more than half wogs. Because in Western Europe, the only ethnic groups that are not half wogs or worse are Saami, Kvens, Forest Finns, and North Germanics, and their total population is only about 10% of the population of Western Europe. But in Eastern Europe, the biggest ethnic group are the Russians, who are less than half wog.

12-08-2020, 08:37 PM
Which just shows how arbitrary and bullshitty concepts of 'whiteness' sometimes are. Being Spanish she'd probably be classified 'Gracile Med', but if she were Lebanese or Iranian she'd be classified as 'Orientalid', 'Arabid', 'Iranid' etc and deemed unpassable in Europe.

Whitness isn't arbitrary if you mean white = European. She is white but doesn't look it. And people who classify by geographic regions are idiots.

12-08-2020, 08:39 PM
I think the geographical classifications are valid, there are some differences between Atlanto Mediterraneans and Irano Afghan types though they are sometimes slight and it would take an expert like Coon to show us the very minor differences between similar phenotypes.

12-08-2020, 08:41 PM
You gave me hardcore angry incel vibes with inferiority complex and hate. And you are projecting some of your insecurities to others too probably.
I know you are not xiperyum, i actually lurked in this forum while waiting for my dna results, before making an account and i suspect you are a sock account of an old member.

I probably mog you to death,Anyway,I tell whatever i want and you attacked me because of my comment . Well this is my turn now Why don't you go back to Circassia,If it still exists.
I also remembered you,There was a Circassian guy Who blames on Turkish girl,Is that you ?

12-08-2020, 08:42 PM
Absolutely, and that's by normal standards.

By the most autistic standards(actually you can even get more autistic than this and these two would be seperate "races" tied to a specific migration under Coon/oldschool anthropology, as the male is more Nordoid shifted, just fat) you can even say not this = racemixing:

https://www.mindfood.com/wp-content/themes/mindfood-theme/timthumb.php?src=/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/2020-09-01T193111Z_1598988667_CVMDEN34BFC466XFE86X41B8X951 7X90E0AEAD0E12_RTRFIPP_4_COVER-SHOWBIZ.jpg&w=700&h=700&zc=1

Also lol @ Emil Forsberg not being a race mixer. "Caucasoid" is not a race(I mean sure of course it can be, it's all subjective, as is all taxonomy, including animal taxonomy, but there's a great genetic difference and time divergence), it's a grouping.

12-08-2020, 08:42 PM
Which just shows how arbitrary and bullshitty concepts of 'whiteness' sometimes are. Being Spanish she'd probably be classified 'Gracile Med', but if she were Lebanese or Iranian she'd be classified as 'Orientalid', 'Arabid', 'Iranid' etc and deemed unpassable in Europe.

depends who you ask i guess. There is a good portion of West Asian Med types, which can fit easy in Southeuro. its however very unrealistic to expect her look to be average MENA look

12-08-2020, 08:43 PM
I think so, i mean one had ancestors that mainly came from the eastern Mediterranean, the other probably had most of their ancestors coming from central and northern Europe.

It´s absurd. 2 persons from the same city, considered 2 different races just because of darker features...

There is no native Spanish or Portuguese with most ancestors coming from the eastern Mediterranean, nor from central or northern europe.:picard1:

The vast majority of the DNA of any Spaniard, including those from the Canary Islands that have the greatest non-European contribution, is simply Iberian.

Haven't you even learned that in all the time you've been here?

Where do you get that idea from?

Tooting Carmen
12-08-2020, 08:46 PM
depends who you ask i guess. There is a good portion of West Asian Med types, which can fit easy in Southeuro. its however very unrealistic to expect her look to be average MENA look

No such thing as 'average MENA look'. The difference between Istanbul or even Beirut and Aden is HUGE.

12-08-2020, 08:48 PM
It´s absurd. 2 persons from the same city, considered 2 different races just because of darker features...

There is no native Spanish or Portuguese with most ancestors coming from the eastern Mediterranean, nor from central or northern europe.:picard1:

The vast majority of the DNA of any Spaniard, including those from the Canary Islands that have the greatest non-European contribution, is simply Iberian.

Haven't you even learned that in all the time you've been here?

Where do you get that idea from?

Are you telling me that Iberia is now the homeland of mankind? or that most Iberian people are descendants of Cro Magnon man who came most likely from Russia? I would actually rather accept the former question as an answer given that the earliest human skeleton was discovered in Morocco.

12-08-2020, 08:48 PM
I probably mog you to death,Anyway,I tell whatever i want and you attacked me because of my comment . Well this is my turn now Why don't you go back to Circassia,If it still exists.


I also remembered you,There was a Circassian guy Who blames on Turkish girl,Is that you ?
No i discovered this site because of corona lockdown actually and made my account this summer. But i wish there were some Circassian members here too.

12-08-2020, 08:50 PM
Absolutely, and that's by normal standards.

By the most autistic standards(actually you can even get more autistic than this and these two would be seperate "races" tied to a specific migration under Coon/oldschool anthropology, as the male is more Nordoid shifted, just fat) you can even say not this = racemixing:

Also lol @ Emil Forsberg not being a race mixer. "Caucasoid" is not a race(I mean sure of course it can be, it's all subjective, as is all taxonomy, including animal taxonomy, but there's a great genetic difference and time divergence), it's a grouping.

this guy is more "mongoloid" since East Baltic eyes- therefor race mixing detected. he is not really a Nordid- in the same basket like Oscar Wendt, Emil Forsberg, Christian Wilhelmson- they are also a different race.

btw i m not saying that is correct, but its also a perscpective what anthropologists took

12-08-2020, 08:52 PM
I tell whatever i want and you attacked me because of my comment .

And Im not attacking you my friend, Im just telling you the impression you give to people. You can work on that and become a better person.

12-08-2020, 08:57 PM
Your mom and the swarthy spaniard fella from her town are genetically the same and have the same admixture.

This is true. The difference genetically between a dark Spanish and lighter one could be 5. 10, 15% at maximum, but between his parents the genetic similarity even in the case of Spanish person being very northern-shifted would reach 15% at most.:picard1:

Is similar than saying that Michael caine and Sean COnnery are different races because the difference of features, even worse, because these two persons are not from the same city.:picard1:

12-08-2020, 08:57 PM
And Im not attacking you my friend, Im just telling you the impression you give to people. You can work on that and become a better person.

Ok.Have a good day

12-08-2020, 08:59 PM
Ok.Have a good day

You too my friend :) Good night.

12-08-2020, 09:04 PM
No i discovered this site because of corona lockdown.

But i wish there were some Circassian members here too.


12-08-2020, 09:07 PM
Are you telling me that Iberia is now the homeland of mankind? or that most Iberian people are descendants of Cro Magnon man who came most likely from Russia? I would actually rather accept the former question as an answer given that the earliest human skeleton was discovered in Morocco.

Do not invent or fable about what I say , i´ve said what I said, and you have said a sovereign idiocy. Practically every opinion of yours about Spain and the Spanish is stupid and a continuous display of ignorance, and I don't care if your mother is Spanish.

Your mother and father are several times autosomally more different from each other, than any native of Alicante with your Spanish mother, no matter how dark skin that native may be.

Except of course this, that they are gypsies, and only in the case that those gypsies are little mixed with non-gypsies.

Edit:I must re-read what I write before posting it, sorry.;)

12-08-2020, 09:09 PM
If they're interracial, then me and my GF are sorta interracial

12-08-2020, 09:17 PM
This is true. The difference genetically between a dark Spanish and lighter one could be 5. 10, 15% at maximum, but between his parents the genetic similarity even in the case of Spanish person being very northern-shifted would reach 15% at most.:picard1:

Is similar than saying that Michael caine and Sean COnnery are different races because the difference of features, even worse, because these two persons are not from the same city.:picard1:

Yes, very true. I'll use quite a literal example to debunk some stupidity. I am incredibly close genetically to my grandma who is blonde, light, blue eyes. She is classified as German(ic) looking in all regards, I am classified by anthrotards as arab. There you go. Simply put... I am dark and not white, she is light and very white fits in like a charm to Central/ NW Europe and US.

12-08-2020, 09:17 PM
Yea, true lel.


Good way to annoy me, because in my scheme, Caucasoids are phenotypically inferior to Congoids, and wogs are inferior to Northern Europeans because they are more progressive. Pseudo-SSA features are anti-wog features, because woggishness is progressiveness. I recently just posted two pseudo-SSA girls (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337828-Classify-platyrrhine-Finnish-girl, https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337651-Classify-girl-from-Russian-women-s-hockey-league).

And I posted this photoshop of a more Uralish (i.e. anti-wog) version of a Russian model:

More extreme version:


For example a low nasal index is a wog trait, but a high nasal index is an anti-wog trait.

12-08-2020, 09:19 PM
Lol of course not xD With this logic, my parents are also in a mixed marriage (my father has typical mediterranean dark brownish - almost black hair and my mom has more Central-Eastern European light brown hair, lighter skin etc)

12-08-2020, 09:28 PM
this guy is more "mongoloid" since East Baltic eyes- therefor race mixing detected. he is not really a Nordid- in the same basket like Oscar Wendt, Emil Forsberg, Christian Wilhelmson- they are also a different race.

btw i m not saying that is correct, but its also a perscpective what anthropologists took
I know he has Eastern influence lol, I said Nordoid shifted(didn't say Hallstatt either :p). Coon would definitely consider him Nordid because of his skull shape(while the girl is Coon's Borreby or East Baltic), which was my point, as he didn't put much consideration to eye shape outside of what high cheekbones/etc will do to the eyes(because he only used calipher measurements). Under Coon those are practically opposite phenotypes(even though Coon's top Borreby example had a textbook Nordid son lols), but to me they are very similar phenotypes and of course, the exact same race. Pigmentation is what stands out most to me so to me that's a definite case of not race mixing, although probably not the best one on second thought.



Personally I would classify him as Nordo-Borreby based on a multitude of pics but I agree you can say he looks eastern shifted and Fenno-Nordid/Nordid+East Baltid, etc.

Maybe better example:


12-08-2020, 09:31 PM
Yes, very true. I'll use quite a literal example to debunk some stupidity. I am incredibly close genetically to my grandma who is blonde, light, blue eyes. She is classified as German(ic) looking in all regards, I am classified by anthrotards as arab. There you go.

You are 10 times closer to that Galician woman that looks like Trump than to any Arab. And me or Oliver Spanish mother too, and the darkest among the darkest Spanish or Portuguese that you can find too. Even the Canary islands or Madeiran native with more non-European admixture is.

12-08-2020, 09:31 PM
Good way to annoy me, because in my scheme, Caucasoids are phenotypically inferior to Congoids, and wogs are inferior to Northern Europeans because they are more progressive. Pseudo-SSA features are anti-wog features, because woggishness is progressiveness. I recently just posted two pseudo-SSA girls (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337828-Classify-platyrrhine-Finnish-girl, https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337651-Classify-girl-from-Russian-women-s-hockey-league).

And I posted this photoshop of a more Uralish (i.e. anti-wog) version of a Russian model:

For example a low nasal index is a wog trait, but a high nasal index is an anti-wog trait.

There should be holy racial war between us the Mongoloids/Negroids versus the Progressives. I like our odds :cool:

12-08-2020, 09:35 PM
You are 10 times closer to that Galician woman that looks like Trump than to any Arab. And me or Oliver Spanish mother too, and the darkest among the darkest Spanish or Portuguese that you can find too. Even the Canary islands or Madeiran native with more non-European admixture is.

yes ofc i will be closer to a Galician than any Arab, or rlly any ethnicity. But I guess the subject is regarding looks and genetic correlations. It will never be exactly certain that someone who is 100% iberian, or 100% Irish, or 100% German will turn out to be completely and undeniably typical, and not exotic to their heritage IN LOOKS. I mean there are many examples of this native exoticness and it just proves the correlation is not 100% accurate for some users to make.

12-08-2020, 09:35 PM
You narrow skulls are weak degenerate race. If war comes, you will all die. Harkonnen has spoken.

12-08-2020, 09:51 PM
(especially the ones with both Northern and Southern European ancestors) don't look like any particular sub-race of Europeans.


12-08-2020, 09:51 PM
Which just shows how arbitrary and bullshitty concepts of 'whiteness' sometimes are. Being Spanish she'd probably be classified 'Gracile Med', but if she were Lebanese or Iranian she'd be classified as 'Orientalid', 'Arabid', 'Iranid' etc and deemed unpassable in Europe.

Yes. I 200% believe if I said I was Turkish, or even probably north African I'd be classified according to those ethnicities instead of like an Atlanto-med mix, of eufracanid type med. Now that I think of it I could of/should have joined the forum and gotten an unbiased opinion, but my time here has been far too long now. And honestly, I can't care enough ab anthrotardid classifications anymore, I've done enough of that. I'd rather just be happy with my ethnicity and be proud of who I am than fall into retarded inferiority complexes people have on here.

12-08-2020, 09:57 PM
Yes. I 200% believe if I said I was Turkish, or even probably north African I'd be classified according to those ethnicities instead of like an Atlanto-med mix, of eufracanid type med. Now that I think of it I could of/should have joined the forum and gotten an unbiased opinion, but my time here has been far too long now. And honestly, I can't care enough ab anthrotardid classifications anymore, I've done enough of that.
lol, who's being biased? Only people being biased is anyone who would say you look Atlanto-Med. You do look Turkish, whether or not you're genetically Portuguese is irrelevant, because "Portuguese" isn't a race or phenotype, and all modern Europeans are mixes, so you will see great diversity.

12-08-2020, 09:58 PM
Yes. I 200% believe if I said I was Turkish, or even probably north African I'd be classified according to those ethnicities instead of like an Atlanto-med mix, of eufracanid type med. Now that I think of it I could of/should have joined the forum and gotten an unbiased opinion, but my time here has been far too long now. And honestly, I can't care enough ab anthrotardid classifications anymore, I've done enough of that. I'd rather just be happy with my ethnicity and be proud of who I am than fall into retarded inferiority complexes people have on here.

You look like a textbook Med to me, i think you look more Spanish than Portuguese though but can pass in any Med country between Portugal and the Caucasus.

12-08-2020, 10:01 PM
lol, who's being biased? Only people being biased is anyone who would say you look Atlanto-Med. You do look Turkish, whether or not you're genetically Portuguese is irrelevant, because "Portuguese" isn't a race or phenotype, and all modern Europeans are mixes, so you will see great diversity.

You're missing my point. Ik there is great diversity in European looks, but it isn't apparent to a lot of people here just how diverse it can reach. And lets make it clear... most aren't being consciously biased, it's just how people compare looks in populations... they think "well Portugal is in Europe so he will be European-looking... and I've seen his 100% typical Portuguese genetic results... sooooo he must be around the Atlanto-med spectrum." But this thought pattern isn't actually thought out like this, instead it's more of a natural bias for people to change their perspective when given certain information. Specifically, I'm saying if I didn't show my genetic results, and didn't show my ethnicity, the bias would be apparent. And yes, I agree I can fit in as Turkish looking and I personally like that, but I'm pointing out how in its foundation, classifications are rlly fucking pointless, and some people rlly do take it seriously like its not a pseduo field :picard2:

12-08-2020, 10:17 PM
lol, who's being biased? Only people being biased is anyone who would say you look Atlanto-Med. You do look Turkish, whether or not you're genetically Portuguese is irrelevant, because "Portuguese" isn't a race or phenotype, and all modern Europeans are mixes, so you will see great diversity.

The prob is only that some people have an unrealistic view on what is in the Southeuro spectrum. The same can be West Asian of course...

12-08-2020, 10:23 PM
No,I would die for Ethnic vaginas(Kurds Armenians and Arabs)
But if you ask for Xiperyum,Yes he would sell his mother for it

You'd die for any woman with a pulse to look your way :D

Parça do Neymar
12-08-2020, 10:39 PM
no, both with attached earlobes

Both have excessive pretarsal skin exposure too, this is borderline incestuous.

Steppe Timelord
12-08-2020, 10:39 PM
All these discussions about what is considered mixed/european/wog/mong/american or not are making me sick...

12-08-2020, 10:40 PM
All these discussions about what is considered mixed/european/wog/mong/american or not are making me sick...

Welcome to an anthropology forum my friend

Steppe Timelord
12-08-2020, 10:43 PM
Welcome to an anthropology forum my friend

Thanks I guess..
It seems to me there are many biased persons here, each one of them trying to whitewash their ethnicity. Or look in some way... It really gives me headaches sometimes, especially those OWD mongoloid guys who want to look northern european. duuh..

I am mostly passing-by only, won't stay here daily, just checking in what happens time to time. Some threads are really interesting.

12-08-2020, 11:06 PM
The soil in which a plant grows is not as important as the seed. He is white that is all that matters.

12-08-2020, 11:11 PM
Thanks I guess..
It seems to me there are many biased persons here, each one of them trying to whitewash their ethnicity. Or look in some way... It really gives me headaches sometimes, especially those OWD mongoloid guys who want to look northern european. duuh..

I am mostly passing-by only, won't stay here daily, just checking in what happens time to time. Some threads are really interesting.
You mean travv and Komi? That's like two people.

Also, they don't want to look Northern European, they claim their people ARE the Northern Europeans and Northern Europeans are the intermediaries(which you can even argue in terms of latitude does somewhat match up, Komi Republic is more northernly than most Swedish populations centers, even Kazan is already the same latitude as Denmark, although genetically it's a whole different story of course in both cases), they don't deny the Mong. If anything they're kind of right that their ancestors spent far more time in the furthest north/arctic, and in the north overall because they have little or less Basal Eurasian, while both CM/WHG and East Eurasian have essentially only evolved in the north after 40k BC. I wouldn't call that OWD, it's something different. OWD is wanting to be something you aren't, they clearly don't want to have anything to do with them.

There is a lot of OWD on this forum though, yes.

Pedro Ruben
12-08-2020, 11:17 PM

12-08-2020, 11:41 PM
Thanks I guess..
It seems to me there are many biased persons here, each one of them trying to whitewash their ethnicity. Or look in some way... It really gives me headaches sometimes, especially those OWD mongoloid guys who want to look northern european. duuh..

I am mostly passing-by only, won't stay here daily, just checking in what happens time to time. Some threads are really interesting.

I just added you to the list of users who are likely to be the Man-who-has-a-Thousand-Socks.

For example he often replies to posts by his own accounts, and you replied to his account Todd Frent (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338009-Guess-this-female-teacher&p=7021278&viewfull=1#post7021278). His accounts also say that they're mixed-ethnicity, and your ethnicity field is set as "A micmac of european". Also his accounts pretend that they're not familiar with this forum, like you did just now. Also like your post I just quoted, his posts are full of comma splices.

I'm getting more powerful at sniffing out socks every day.

I bet you have a narrow skull too. Todd Frent took the side of a horcefaced guy in a Dutch raving contest (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?336552-Classify-very-specifically-stereotypical-looking-horsefaced-drugged-out-Dutch-guy&p=6986795#post6986795[/url): "Man, that's sad. The horsefaced guy should have won, he had the better dance moves. It's an unfair world, never trust a crowd."

Your morph in my Swedish soccer thread also had a gay elliptical Ryan Gosling face.

12-09-2020, 01:22 AM
But the sentiments opposed to such relationships have softened considerably, and the language that goes with it. (This is partly Political Correctness, like everywhere else, but does get into the real unfderlying attitudes).
"multicultural" (rather than "interracial") is used more and more to avoid referring to the idea of "race" even in cases of really mixed couples. The rise in immigration and also growing numbers of international students at universities (in the years before Covid) mean, among other things, that people in general have more perspective.

12-09-2020, 01:32 AM
Would you die for nordic sperm xiperium?

I don't know if Caucasianturkk is xiperyum, but he consistently puts a space before question marks, like these users who write in Turkish: Friedrich Ulrich (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?25629-Friedrich-Ulrich), Edgü (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?28396-Edgü), BTHUN (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?28668-BTHUN), Chinese Kurd (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?28764-Chinese-Kurd), and Yamyam (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?28802-Yamyam). However xiperyum (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?21414-xiperyum) or the account named CaucasianTurk (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?27007-CaucasianTurk) with a single "k" didn't put a space before question marks.

I'm still working on mapping out the network of Türk söcks, but I'm now convinced that Aileron, Kutlu, and archangel were the same person:

- Aileron (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/member.php?26272-Aileron) was banned after he made a thread titled "Default Classify Ailerons Sister" (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?322738-Classify-Ailerons-Sister) where he used photos by someone else. Maintenance said that Kutlu and Deniz were Aileron, and he also wrote about Aileron (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?322738-Classify-Ailerons-Sister&p=6695516&viewfull=1#post6695516): "Most likely Archangel, hes been exposed so many times using blonde peoples photos and claiming yoruk ancestry."
- archangel, Aileron, and Kutlu all used the word "bumpish". Most search hits for the word are threads started by them.
- Kutlu (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?303279-Classify-Turkish-football-players-Caglar-Soyuncu-and-Mert-Gunok&p=6276324#post6276324) and archangel (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?273548-New-Race-Ladder&p=5713834#post5713834) both formatted ordered lists so that they put a dash after the number.
- Kutlu, Aileron, and archangel all used the image hosting site resmim. However it was also used by Itilvolga and Rius.
- In a thread Aileron made about classifying himself (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?311873-Classy-me-please&p=6432336&viewfull=1#post6432336), the first replies were by Kutlu and archangel.
- Archangel (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?311209-Russian-backed-Syrian-army-vs-Turkish-army&p=6419614#post6419614), Kutlu (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?311711-I-like-my-cousin&p=6431839#post6431839), and Aileron (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?311873-Classy-me-please&p=6432322&viewfull=1#post6432322) all occasionally wrote the word "I" as "İ".

12-09-2020, 01:39 AM
Mixed can mean many things, hardcore ustasha consider a serb in law mixed and disgusting. A ustasha father killed his daughter over a serb husband. That doesnt mean it is neccessarily interracial either. Races are also hard to define, the woman looks arab, almost gypsy too, and everyone would agree a gypsy and a white person is interracial, maybe not really like the darkest most AASI gypsie like boban voz but someone like zlata petrovic. Is zlata petrovic with a balkan guy interracial im sure they would look closer, someone like vlade divac and zlata petrovic is closer then what those are. but everyone would say it is interracial.


12-09-2020, 01:41 AM
but we could go by genetics instead of phenotype, like 100% or nearly so westeuroasian, then it would not be interracial. If we consider western asian/northafrican and northern europeans as two distinct groups then yes it is.

12-09-2020, 01:48 AM

12-09-2020, 02:46 AM
She don't have levantine facial features, just weird pseudo exotic vibe.

Rocio Munoz Morales

She is maybe cuban or whatever.

12-09-2020, 04:03 AM
If we use Estonians as the standard of the purest Northern Europeans, then British people are already approximately half-and-half mixes between Northern Europeans and Southern Europeans. That's the way they seem to us, but they cannot understand how woggy they are themselves, because to them being a half wog is the norm.

Canadian whites are even worse. For example Dick just said this about a Turkish chick: "Looks like a girl next door plain Jane Canadian."

Don’t Turks have some mongoloid admixture? Wouldn’t that make them less woggy then most Europeans on average by your measure?

Take this Turkish actress, she looks very uralische:


12-09-2020, 04:56 AM
Japanese are Mongoloid and are superior to almost every European country in economic development and technology.

Just saying, without Europeans they would be still blocked in the Middle Ages.

They were nowhere near to invent the steam machine.

Chaos One
12-09-2020, 05:22 AM
Well, me and my wfie are somekind of Mixed couple if you go by phenotypes...

...except that she's also mixed.

12-09-2020, 05:24 AM
Yes I think it is.

If I mix with a non Greek then thats race mixing and grandchildren could lose Greek genus if children also mix with non Greeks.

quasi Greek genus could be considered for some Italians and Balkanians

12-09-2020, 09:20 AM
Only ethnically. Because both of them are White, so their mix only can be "mixed ethnicity". Also they're not racially different that much

Mixed "race" marriages would be like these:

https://scontent.fist10-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/s960x960/123141167_3648548928501338_143469098348479508_o.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=2&_nc_sid=2d5d41&_nc_ohc=2tSlunxiS2gAX9XkGHq&_nc_ht=scontent.fist10-1.fna&tp=7&oh=d223b1e8150d8db20c4a95d64f689b5c&oe=5FF5F7BA



NOTE: I've just learned that the last girl has dating with Neymar for 8 months! :shocked: Oh, my "Gafily"(Gafur + Gabily) heart :ohwell::cry
2ND NOTE & EDIT: I hardly ship people but I think those celebs in the pictures look so fine together :cry:cry:cry:cry
Also I always condemned the shippers many times and now I'm living the same one! Really a person doesn't die before living the thing s/he condemned

12-09-2020, 09:21 AM
Even in Britain people in the North often think they are more truly British than the southern people, i don't know if it is because of the more Nordid elements present in Northern Britain but the North/South divide often comes up in the UK and i think that appearance does play a part though most people wont say it.

I think it's the opposite more nordid/atlantid in the south and higher rates of CM (lots of robust borreby and Brunns) up north.

12-09-2020, 11:09 AM
Nope, because they're in the same greater race, that is, the European one. If we say it's international, then yes, as they are from different nationalities in Europe. But again, you can find these phenotypes everywhere in Europe, so it gets complicated.

12-09-2020, 11:49 AM
i don't know what a mixed marriage means. they're both caucasian. so it's not an interracial marriage. we have here people who look even more extreme than this two.

12-09-2020, 12:08 PM
Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain are real life examples.

Its not race mixing but mixing of culture which is nowadays losing importance. Its of course effecting the kids though, who kind of have identity issues in some cases etc. even if its only a question of aesthetics. I guess this is why OP is asking such questions. You could consider Christian and Oksana Wilhelmson as "race mixing" too if you look it from this perspective because they have total different phenotypes and it will effect offspring to some extend too.

So based on this logic, if a European mixes with a Caucasian (I mean someone from the Caucasus) that is also race mixing?? Because then my father is mixed and so am I to a degree (not even counting the other stuff).

12-09-2020, 12:29 PM
So based on this logic, if a European mixes with a Caucasian (I mean someone from the Caucasus) that is also race mixing?? Because then my father is mixed and so am I to a degree (not even counting the other stuff).

I did not claim its race mixing- i really dont care for the theoretical definition (and actually nobody really cares about theory- we only pretend to do) but it has other obvious real life effects- the visible ones are in the phenotype of a person.

12-09-2020, 01:09 PM
If they are from the same ethnicity, then no.

12-09-2020, 01:09 PM
So based on this logic, if a European mixes with a Caucasian (I mean someone from the Caucasus) that is also race mixing?? Because then my father is mixed and so am I to a degree (not even counting the other stuff).
He just said Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain(Arab) isn't race mixing, why would European+Caucasus be? To me it's race mixing, although I do accept "Caucasoid" as a valid term, as genetics has largely proven the existence of it. I would consider a Latvian mixing with a Georgian the same as a white American mixing with an American mulatto, while a Latvian mixing with a Saudi would be white American+black.

It all depends on how long of divergence you want to set as a threshold. Basal, deep lineage groups of Caucasoids(Basal Eurasians/southern Caucasoids and WHG/CM) have been separated for atleast 25k years despite their genetic relation relative to East Eurasians(who have been separated atleast for 45k years), and it doesn't help that all West Eurasians are mixed between both(although Europeans north of the Alps are still predominantly WHG/CM/paleo-Euro, like 65% for Europeans north of the Alps and 70-75% for N. Europeans, 45% for South Italians, when ANE is split between paleo-Euro and East Eurasian, and Peninsular Arabs/Levantines/Egyptians are still predominantly Basal Eurasian/southern Caucasoid), it makes the whole situation extremely complicated, especially when because we're so mixed there can be individuals that don't look like the average and can pass a continent away.

It makes things easier if you use more recent populations as proxies for "races", although then race becomes more meaningless. To me 25-30k is too long a time, so I don't consider Caucasoids one race, however something like 4.5k years is far too short to produce enough differences, which is how long Celto-Germanics/Bell Beakers and Balto-Slavs/Corded Ware have been separated, so as much as I like to point out the differences between Germanics and Slavs(of course there's been mixing between those two as well in Central Europe), it'd be rather non-sensical to call both mixing as "race mixing", and on a global scale they largely do look the same, especially to the eye of a foreigner. I think the bare minimum should be 10k years of separation, and I personally believe somewhere between 20-25k is the sweet spot and provides the most accurate definition of race, looking past everyone is already mixed race anyway(but again, some populations are still vast majority of one ancestral component, so for the sake of the argument of modern race, populations can still be considered "pure").

12-09-2020, 02:10 PM
He just said Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain(Arab) isn't race mixing, why would European+Caucasus be? To me it's race mixing, although I do accept "Caucasoid" as a valid term, as genetics has largely proven the existence of it. I would consider a Latvian mixing with a Georgian the same as a white American mixing with an American mulatto, while a Latvian mixing with a Saudi would be white American+black.

It all depends on how long of divergence you want to set as a threshold. Basal, deep lineage groups of Caucasoids(Basal Eurasians/southern Caucasoids and WHG/CM) have been separated for atleast 25k years despite their genetic relation relative to East Eurasians(who have been separated atleast for 45k years), and it doesn't help that all West Eurasians are mixed between both(although Europeans north of the Alps are still predominantly WHG/CM/paleo-Euro, like 65% for Europeans north of the Alps and 70-75% for N. Europeans, 45% for South Italians, when ANE is split between paleo-Euro and East Eurasian, and Peninsular Arabs/Levantines/Egyptians are still predominantly Basal Eurasian/southern Caucasoid), it makes the whole situation extremely complicated, especially when because we're so mixed there can be individuals that don't look like the average and can pass a continent away.

It makes things easier if you use more recent populations as proxies for "races", although then race becomes more meaningless. To me 25-30k is too long a time, so I don't consider Caucasoids one race, however something like 4.5k years is far too short to produce enough differences, which is how long Celto-Germanics/Bell Beakers and Balto-Slavs/Corded Ware have been separated, so as much as I like to point out the differences between Germanics and Slavs(of course there's been mixing between those two as well in Central Europe), it'd be rather non-sensical to call both mixing as "race mixing", and on a global scale they largely do look the same, especially to the eye of a foreigner. I think the bare minimum should be 10k years of separation, and I personally believe somewhere between 20-25k is the sweet spot and provides the most accurate definition of race, looking past everyone is already mixed race anyway(but again, some populations are still vast majority of one ancestral component, so for the sake of the argument of modern race, populations can still be considered "pure").

First split was between Basal Eurasians and WHG/ENA grouping. A Siberian who is mix between ANE, ENA and some WHG is less racially mixed entity than Early Farmer who was mix between WHG and Basal. That's how I understand it.

And yes, Caucasian is fake race.

12-09-2020, 04:05 PM
The man looks like a typical LIGHT Iberian whilst she looks like a Gypsy/Indian woman of the beautiful kind.

Yes, their marriage leading to viable offspring would undoubtedly be the very definition of race mixing.

Have a nice day.

12-09-2020, 04:32 PM
Wow, literally calling me out. Just say my name.
Sorta, mixing a northern Euro with a southern Euro isn't what I would suggest as it can still result in allele conflicts, the differences in our DNA are limited to genes and alleles that are expressed in phenotypical markers.

Not the worst thing in the world but it is still technically mixing on a phenotypic level. Your children will not look like either of you. This is why some white Americans (especially the ones with both Northern and Southern European ancestors) don't look like any particular sub-race of Europeans.

12-10-2020, 06:40 AM
By the logic of some people on here my parents were in a mixed relationship because my dad had lighter features and my mom is more swarthy, those damn race mixers breeding with....other Spaniards :p

12-10-2020, 06:59 AM
No :icon_lol:

12-10-2020, 01:24 PM
By the logic of some people on here my parents were in a mixed relationship because my dad had lighter features and my mom is more swarthy, those damn race mixers breeding with....other Spaniards :p

The guy is Swedish(Oscar Wendt), the girl is Spanish. Do you really think the only difference between them is pigmentation? You think if you dyed your hair blonde and wore blue contacts you'd look like him?

This isn't race mixing(same guy):



(0:04, Irish)

while the OP example rather obviously is.

Steppe Timelord
12-10-2020, 01:25 PM
You mean travv and Komi? That's like two people.

Also, they don't want to look Northern European, they claim their people ARE the Northern Europeans and Northern Europeans are the intermediaries(which you can even argue in terms of latitude does somewhat match up, Komi Republic is more northernly than most Swedish populations centers, even Kazan is already the same latitude as Denmark, although genetically it's a whole different story of course in both cases), they don't deny the Mong. If anything they're kind of right that their ancestors spent far more time in the furthest north/arctic, and in the north overall because they have little or less Basal Eurasian, while both CM/WHG and East Eurasian have essentially only evolved in the north after 40k BC. I wouldn't call that OWD, it's something different. OWD is wanting to be something you aren't, they clearly don't want to have anything to do with them.

There is a lot of OWD on this forum though, yes.

Which is even worse lol, never thought they were this bad. But everyone with his own mental problems. The persons they post will always look depigmented asian just like the somalis are just caucasoids with very dark skin. I literally couldn't care less about the "northern" thing the OWDs are trying to prove.

I just added you to the list of users who are likely to be the Man-who-has-a-Thousand-Socks.

For example he often replies to posts by his own accounts, and you replied to his account Todd Frent (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338009-Guess-this-female-teacher&p=7021278&viewfull=1#post7021278). His accounts also say that they're mixed-ethnicity, and your ethnicity field is set as "A micmac of european". Also his accounts pretend that they're not familiar with this forum, like you did just now. Also like your post I just quoted, his posts are full of comma splices.

I'm getting more powerful at sniffing out socks every day.

I bet you have a narrow skull too. Todd Frent took the side of a horcefaced guy in a Dutch raving contest (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?336552-Classify-very-specifically-stereotypical-looking-horsefaced-drugged-out-Dutch-guy&p=6986795#post6986795[/url): "Man, that's sad. The horsefaced guy should have won, he had the better dance moves. It's an unfair world, never trust a crowd."

Your morph in my Swedish soccer thread also had a gay elliptical Ryan Gosling face.

What a great way to greet new members :bored: well done. haha. Everyone with less than 500 posts is automatically a s0ck. You are funny, but don't become too obsessed, it might hurt you. As a friendly reminder.

12-10-2020, 01:32 PM
Which is even worse lol, never thought they were this bad. But everyone with his own mental problems. The persons they post will always look depigmented asian just like the somalis are just caucasoids with very dark skin. I literally couldn't care less about the "northern" thing the OWDs are trying to prove.

What a great way to greet new members :bored: well done. haha. Everyone with less than 500 posts is automatically a s0ck. You are funny, but don't become too obsessed, it might hurt you. As a friendly reminder.

You're a sock of komintasavalta and immanenzi

12-10-2020, 01:34 PM
The guy is Swedish(Oscar Wendt), the girl is Spanish. Do you really think the only difference between them is pigmentation? You think if you dyed your hair blonde and wore blue contacts you'd look like him?

I just think its mixing between different ethnicities, cultures that clash with each other, but its not race mixing, they're both European and "white"

Is there a difference between different Euro ethnicities? Definitely, no doubt, but there are also differences between Japanese and Filipino people, would you consider that a mixed marriage? Most people do not.

Rafael Passoni
12-10-2020, 01:39 PM
I think mixed person is when two different basis races (or their combination) intermarry. I don't know this couple, if one of then is mixed so it will be an interracial marriage.

12-10-2020, 01:44 PM
I just think its mixing between different ethnicities, cultures that clash with each other, but its not race mixing, they're both European and "white"

Is there a difference between different Euro ethnicities? Definitely, no doubt, but there are also differences between Japanese and Filipino people, would you consider that a mixed marriage? Most people do not.
because they're ignorant. Filipinos have double digit literal Negrito admixture, and look way different from Japanese. Japanese+Chinese or Evenki wouldn't be race mixing. What makes South Italians "white"(yes, they are more white, but why completely different races?) and Anatolians, Georgians or Lebanese not outside of a geographic boundary? Most people would consider white American plus 75% white/25% black American race mixing, so there's a double standard.

12-10-2020, 02:35 PM
because they're ignorant. Filipinos have double digit literal Negrito admixture, and look way different from Japanese. Japanese+Chinese or Evenki wouldn't be race mixing. What makes South Italians "white"(yes, they are more white, but why completely different races?) and Anatolians, Georgians or Lebanese not outside of a geographic boundary? Most people would consider white American plus 75% white/25% black American race mixing, so there's a double standard.

Meh, I disagree completely but you're entitled to your opinion. I'm getting the feeling that we probably fundamentally disagree on some things so its not really worth it to get into an argument over this, just not in the mood for that, haha, cheers.

Tooting Carmen
12-27-2020, 11:11 PM
Yes I think it is.

If I mix with a non Greek then thats race mixing and grandchildren could lose Greek genus if children also mix with non Greeks.

quasi Greek genus could be considered for some Italians and Balkanians

Iberians and Maltese also?

Rafael Passoni
12-27-2020, 11:13 PM
Is she Greek?

Tooting Carmen
12-27-2020, 11:15 PM
Is she Greek?


The Blade
12-27-2020, 11:17 PM

Son of Argentina
12-27-2020, 11:18 PM
No. He's Nordic and she's Mediterranean. They would produce a beautiful Atlantid offspring.

Rafael Passoni
12-27-2020, 11:19 PM
Do any European country consider Spanish women belong to a non European race to make this strange question?
Many people answered "yes" and "maybe".

12-27-2020, 11:42 PM
The man looks like a typical LIGHT Iberian whilst she looks like a Gypsy/Indian woman of the beautiful kind.

Yes, their marriage leading to viable offspring would undoubtedly be the very definition of race mixing.

Have a nice day.

He is not typical iberian, lol. You’re probably trolling? She’s med he’s Nordic.

12-28-2020, 12:02 AM
interracial would be between very distant groups like between a sub-saharan person and an east asian one or european - east asian

Borderline interracial relation would be with south asians, other groups I don't consider it interracial, afghan- saudi or russian - italian or korean - indonesian are not "interracial" relations to me

Tooting Carmen
02-03-2021, 05:23 PM
Whitness isn't arbitrary if you mean white = European. She is white but doesn't look it. And people who classify by geographic regions are idiots.

Why do you say she "doesn't look White"? Is it her skintone or facial features?

02-03-2021, 05:25 PM
Lol, nope^*^

Tooting Carmen
02-18-2021, 05:23 PM

02-18-2021, 05:33 PM

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2021, 06:29 PM

03-08-2021, 06:31 PM

In 1775, "John Hunter of Edinburg included under the label light brown, Southern Europeans, Italians, the Spanish, Persians, Turks and Laplanders, under the label brown."[3]

03-08-2021, 06:39 PM
It depends on where do you think that one race begins and another ends.
But would this be interracial?


Tooting Carmen
03-08-2021, 06:46 PM
It depends on where do you think that one race begins and another ends.
But would this be interracial?


Hasn't Sergio Busquets' ancestry been questioned a lot?

03-08-2021, 07:21 PM
Hasn't Sergio Busquets' ancestry been questioned a lot?

Idk, but based on something or just because he looks exotic? But I could use Sergio Busquets or someone else

Tooting Carmen
03-08-2021, 07:23 PM
Idk, but based on something or just because he looks exotic? But I could use Sergio Busquets or someone else

Both. People say his mother in particular looks odd.

03-08-2021, 07:42 PM
I don't feel mixed race because my mother has lighter eyes and skin so i would say she is within the European mean. Some of the people in Alicante look very exotic, my mums father could have passed for a N African though his wife was pale and central Euro looking.

But doesnt your grandpa look like this man? Do you think this man looks so exotic?


03-08-2021, 07:49 PM
If it was a man people would say yes. The WOG features are less present in women

Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 09:16 PM

Rafael Passoni
07-04-2021, 04:02 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDO-CxOfCuGlwa6MiRmIw5eeBInUo0Zno1k0NTAScko8_BqZQ8y61C ufk&s=10

07-04-2021, 04:21 AM
Emil Forsberg and Shanga Hussain are real life examples.

Its not race mixing but mixing of culture which is nowadays losing importance. Its of course effecting the kids though, who kind of have identity issues in some cases etc. even if its only a question of aesthetics. I guess this is why OP is asking such questions. You could consider Christian and Oksana Wilhelmson as "race mixing" too if you look it from this perspective because they have total different phenotypes and it will effect offspring to some extend too.

I agree, my friend

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 05:00 AM
It´s absurd. 2 persons from the same city, considered 2 different races just because of darker features...

There is no native Spanish or Portuguese with most ancestors coming from the eastern Mediterranean, nor from central or northern europe.:picard1:

The vast majority of the DNA of any Spaniard, including those from the Canary Islands that have the greatest non-European contribution, is simply Iberian.

Haven't you even learned that in all the time you've been here?

Where do you get that idea from?

Genetics is much more informative than using anthropology. Whatever someone's colouring whether they are dark or fair if they have long term ancestry in the same country they will have similar genetics and cluster together. People guessing people's ancestry on their appearance is mind boggling to me. The darkest Scandinavian will cluster with other Scandinavians and the lightest Sicilian will cluster with other Sicilians.

So people here think that a blond Sicilian is the same as a blond Swede? It's stupid the way some people think if someone is a blond or a brunet that they have different ancestry. How many times on here have I read of people thinking that because they are blond they must have a Viking in the woodpile or the old Spanish Armada being to blame for someone like Colin Farrell.:picard1:

07-04-2021, 05:02 AM
No lol

07-04-2021, 05:15 AM
Genetics is much more informative than using anthropology. Whatever someone's colouring whether they are dark or fair if they have long term ancestry in the same country they will have similar genetics and cluster together. People guessing people's ancestry on their appearance is mind boggling to me. The darkest Scandinavian will cluster with other Scandinavians and the lightest Sicilian will cluster with other Sicilians.

So people here think that a blond Sicilian is the same as a blond Swede? It's stupid the way some people think if someone is a blond or a brunet that they have different ancestry. How many times on here have I read of people thinking that because they are blond they must have a Viking in the woodpile or the old Spanish Armada being to blame for someone like Colin Farrell.:picard1:

It's a very complicated and an apparently touchy issue with some. Kjartan Sveinsson is 100% Icelandic but dosn't look it or does he?

https://mix-movie.com/img/ye%2FPKZNtwmi21Oue%2FTYyquUsbf%2FpH2lJ%2FjoHu%2BMh F0WBmnPJsNdJLVEnzJne1vh9cWDG327X7uVD051LRGN1EXF9%2 F5AyBptSuPyPQaD2Wtg%3D

Daco Celtic
07-04-2021, 05:26 AM
Who gives two fucks

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 05:27 AM
It's a very complicated and an apparently touchy issue with some. Kjartan Sveinsson is 100% Icelandic but dosn't look it or does he?

https://mix-movie.com/img/ye%2FPKZNtwmi21Oue%2FTYyquUsbf%2FpH2lJ%2FjoHu%2BMh F0WBmnPJsNdJLVEnzJne1vh9cWDG327X7uVD051LRGN1EXF9%2 F5AyBptSuPyPQaD2Wtg%3D

I don't see any reason why he would not be 100% Icelandic. What is there that makes him look non-Icelandic?

07-04-2021, 05:38 AM
I don't see any reason why he would not be 100% Icelandic. What is there that makes him look non-Icelandic?

Well compare him to Bjork. Same modern "tribe" so something is making them look different physically even though they would cluster together on a map, no?

07-04-2021, 05:40 AM
Genetics is much more informative than using anthropology. Whatever someone's colouring whether they are dark or fair if they have long term ancestry in the same country they will have similar genetics and cluster together. People guessing people's ancestry on their appearance is mind boggling to me. The darkest Scandinavian will cluster with other Scandinavians and the lightest Sicilian will cluster with other Sicilians.

So people here think that a blond Sicilian is the same as a blond Swede? It's stupid the way some people think if someone is a blond or a brunet that they have different ancestry. How many times on here have I read of people thinking that because they are blond they must have a Viking in the woodpile or the old Spanish Armada being to blame for someone like Colin Farrell.:picard1:

That's a fair point, but I understand why some individuals think the way they do. My sister got almost 97% "British & Irish". Yet, she has the same features as the woman in post #132. She makes Andrea Corr look Scandinavian!

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 05:42 AM
It's a very complicated and an apparently touchy issue with some. Kjartan Sveinsson is 100% Icelandic but dosn't look it or does he?

https://mix-movie.com/img/ye%2FPKZNtwmi21Oue%2FTYyquUsbf%2FpH2lJ%2FjoHu%2BMh F0WBmnPJsNdJLVEnzJne1vh9cWDG327X7uVD051LRGN1EXF9%2 F5AyBptSuPyPQaD2Wtg%3D

Looks quite British actually.

07-04-2021, 05:42 AM
Who gives two fucks

The couples did. That's how they got their kids.

07-04-2021, 05:43 AM
Well compare him to Bjork. Same modern "tribe" so something is making them look different physically even though they would cluster together on a map, no?

I always thought that Bjork was cute. Does that make me some kind of freak?

Daco Celtic
07-04-2021, 05:45 AM
The couples did. That's how they got their kids.

But why is their coupling noteworthy or worth a thread?

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 05:47 AM
Well compare him to Bjork. Same modern "tribe" so something is making them look different physically even though they would cluster together on a map, no?

All populations have some variance in looks. Iceland is a very small population but even so there are different phenotypes. You can get brothers that look different. Both Bjork and this man still look Icelandic.

This guy is Icelandic as well.


This is Bjork with her parents.


The Icelanders come from a fairly small population base and even today are only about 357,000 at the most.

07-04-2021, 05:50 AM
But why is their coupling noteworthy or worth a thread?

It's complicated. To make a long story short, word has it that such couplings could save the human race from going extinct (mum's the word, though).

07-04-2021, 05:50 AM
That's a fair point, but I understand why some individuals think the way they do. My sister got almost 97% "British & Irish". Yet, she has the same features as the woman in post #132. She makes Andrea Corr look Scandinavian!

Curious, have you gotten your G25 coordinates? If so, where do you tend to cluster?

You and your sister sound a lot like me genotype and phenotype wise. I always cluster around South-East England.

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 05:51 AM
All populations have some variance in looks.

Key operative word in bold. Would you not question whether an Irishman who looked like our forum members Luso, Cernunnos or PT Tagus was fully Irish?

07-04-2021, 05:54 AM
All populations have some variance in looks. Iceland is a very small population but even so there are different phenotypes. You can get brothers that look different. Both Bjork and this man still look Icelandic.

This guy is Icelandic as well.


This is Bjork with her parents.


The Icelanders come from a fairly small population base and even today are only about 357,000 at the most.

He looks Icelandic to you because I told you. To me he looks Albanian even though I knew who he was.

As for Bjork not looking at all like her parents in that picture, Well, that's just mind blowing.

07-04-2021, 05:55 AM
Curious, have you gotten your G25 coordinates? If so, where do you tend to cluster?

You and your sister sound a lot like me genotype and phenotype wise. I always cluster around South-East England.

I haven't. This makes things even more mysterious because most of our traced English forebears came from Western England and Yorkshire, and there were few to none from Southeast England. Maybe it's the Black Celt look. Maybe we descend from the Irish that hide in the bogs. ;-)

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 06:00 AM
Key operative word in bold. Would you not question whether an Irishman who looked like our forum members Luso, Cernunnos or PT Tagus was fully Irish?

There not good examples because they aren't Irish. There are some exotic Irish but unless they look extremely atypical no I wouldn't question their Irishness. A lot of people questioned Robert Sheehan but he said he was only Irish as far as he was aware. I can see why people would ask him though.


Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 06:02 AM
There not good examples because they aren't Irish. There are some exotic Irish but unless they look extremely atypical no I wouldn't question their Irishness. A lot of people questioned Robert Sheehan but he said he was only Irish as far as he was aware. I can see why people would ask him though.


Well Luso looks exotic for anywhere in Europe and some have suggested he is part-Arab or part-Gypsy. The other two are commonplace dark Portuguese types, but the point is they'd still look very atypical for Ireland as well, wouldn't they?

07-04-2021, 06:11 AM
Curious, have you gotten your G25 coordinates? If so, where do you tend to cluster?

You and your sister sound a lot like me genotype and phenotype wise. I always cluster around South-East England.

By the way, do you have much ancestry from that area? Some maps indicate that dark eyes and dark hair aren't uncommon there. Do they limit statistics to individuals with deep roots there, though? You wonder if they include non-White people in those figures.

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 06:14 AM
He looks Icelandic to you because I told you. To me he looks Albanian even though I knew who he was.

As for Bjork not looking at all like her parents in that picture, Well, that's just mind blowing.

Well no I wouldn't have guessed him as Albanian. I've watched some Icelandic programs and yes they have some diverse looking people but they still fit in Iceland. There are dark haired and dark eyed Icelanders.

This woman is Icelandic but I would not have guessed her as such. Her name is Birgitta Birgisdóttir. The actor you posted doesn't look that atypical for an Icelander.



Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 06:16 AM
By the way, do you have much ancestry from that area? Some maps indicate that dark eyes and dark hair aren't uncommon there. Do they limit statistics to individuals with deep roots there, though? You wonder if they include non-White people in those figures.

Here are the secondary school children from a mainly White middle-class neighbourhood in Berkshire. Judge for yourself: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?344047-State-the-main-phenotypes-of-these-kids-from-two-schools-with-the-same-name-in-Reading-SE-England&p=7145475&viewfull=1#post7145475

07-04-2021, 06:16 AM
This is Bjork with her parents.


Not to be mean, but Bjork looks like a scary girl, from a horror movie, in that photo. Baby Bjork: "I'm going to send you into the cornfield now."

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 06:17 AM
Well no I wouldn't have guessed him as Albanian. I've watched some Icelandic programs and yes they have some diverse looking people but they still fit in Iceland. There are dark haired and dark eyed Icelanders.

This woman is Icelandic but I would not have guessed her as such. Her name is Birgitta Birgisdóttir. The actor you posted doesn't look that atypical for an Icelander.



More Northern-looking than her compatriot Heida Reed. xD

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 06:19 AM
Well Luso looks exotic for anywhere in Europe and some have suggested he is part-Arab or part-Gypsy. The other two are commonplace dark Portuguese types, but the point is they'd still look very atypical for Ireland as well, wouldn't they?

But it's a moot point because they aren't Irish. Southern Europeans would have more extremes naturally enough. Luso though just has typical Portuguese genetic results so that's the point I was making.

07-04-2021, 06:20 AM
By the way, do you have much ancestry from that area? Some maps indicate that dark eyes and dark hair aren't uncommon there. Do they limit statistics to individuals with deep roots there, though? You wonder if they include non-White people in those figures.

Well I’m pretty much a mixed NW european mutt.
My dad is mostly colonial English and Irish. But he has blue eyes and light brown hair.
My mother is Breton, French, Norwegian, And German. She has the darker eyes and complexion.
We do have SSA admixture. I score around 2% on tests. Some users think that’s why I look as dark as I do but I’m not convinced lol..

I honestly haven’t a clue if they feature non-whites in those statistics.

07-04-2021, 06:20 AM
Here are the secondary school children from a mainly White middle-class neighbourhood in Berkshire. Judge for yourself: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?344047-State-the-main-phenotypes-of-these-kids-from-two-schools-with-the-same-name-in-Reading-SE-England&p=7145475&viewfull=1#post7145475

Thanks for the link. The White kids look the same as other White kids in the British Isles, so Occam's Razor says that we descend from darker inhabitants who escaped to North America when the Romans conquered Britain.

07-04-2021, 06:23 AM
Well I’m pretty much a mixed NW european mutt.
My dad is mostly colonial English and Irish. But he has blue eyes and light brown hair.
My mother is Breton, French, Norwegian, And German. She has the darker eyes and complexion.
We do have SSA admixture. I score around 2% on tests. Some users think that’s why I look as dark as I do but I’m not convinced lol..

If I saw you in public I'd probably start speaking in Spanish to you jaja. You look very Med and also could pass as white latina

07-04-2021, 06:25 AM
If I saw you in public I'd probably start speaking in Spanish to you jaja. You look very Med and also could pass as white latina

Lol yeah I get that a lot.
When I lived in Houston, I would be spoken to in Spanish quite often.

07-04-2021, 06:27 AM
Well I’m pretty much a mixed NW european mutt.
My dad is mostly colonial English and Irish. But he has blue eyes and light brown hair.
My mother is Breton, French, Norwegian, And German. She has the darker eyes and complexion.
We do have SSA admixture. I score around 2% on tests. Some users think that’s why I look as dark as I do but I’m not convinced lol..

I'm descended from two or more Black slaves too. They mixed with White families, some of whom were indentured, and that's probably the solution to the Melungeon conundrum. That's the case for some families whose ancestors moved to Northeastern Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia, but I have yet to prove that we're descended from the Cherokee. It seems like all Americans claim to have some Native American blood if their forebears arrived here before the Civil War. SMH

07-04-2021, 06:35 AM
Lol yeah I get that a lot.
When I lived in Houston, I would be spoken to in Spanish quite often.

I bet you get a lot of people telling you things like "oh, your parents didn't teach you?" when you tell them you don't speak Spanish :laugh:

07-04-2021, 06:38 AM
Lol yeah I get that a lot.
When I lived in Houston, I would be spoken to in Spanish quite often.

How often do you get guessed as someone of Northwest European descent? My most memorable guess was "Cajun" when I was in a checkout line at Walmart.

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 06:44 AM
Not to be mean, but Bjork looks like a scary girl, from a horror movie, in that photo. Baby Bjork: "I'm going to send you into the cornfield now."

Haha. She looks like a bit of a changeling there. :) I've never thought Bjork's looks extreme as there are some Irish that looks a bit pseudo Asian. Some of that look is due to having hooded eyes.

This Irish boy has been missing for decades but I'm posting him because he looks somewhat like a younger Jimmy Page.


07-04-2021, 06:51 AM
Haha. She looks like a bit of a changeling there. :) I've never thought Bjork's looks extreme as there are some Irish that looks a bit pseudo Asian. Some of that look is due to having hooded eyes.

This Irish boy has been missing for decades but I'm posting him because he looks somewhat like a younger Jimmy Page.


I wouldn't mess with her. That Korean(?) reporter learned that the hard way. Do they have any guesses or theories about what happened to the missing boy? The Manic Street Preachers missing singer sprang right to mind.

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 06:55 AM
I wouldn't mess with her. That Korean(?) reporter learned that the hard way. Do they have any guesses or theories about what happened to the missing boy? The Manic Street Preachers missing singer sprang right to mind.

Child abductions are extremely rare in Ireland so this case has never been forgotten. It looks like he was abducted and murdered but no trace of him has been found.


07-04-2021, 07:01 AM
Child abductions are extremely rare in Ireland so this case has never been forgotten. It looks like he was abducted and murdered but no trace of him has been found.


We had a case like that here in the '90s. It turned out that a driver accidentally killed a girl with his van, and he and others buried her body out in the country.

Grace O'Malley
07-04-2021, 07:20 AM
We had a case like that here in the '90s. It turned out that a driver accidentally killed a girl with his van, and he and others buried her body out in the country.

Police believe it was an abduction in this case. Hard to believe it will ever be solved now sadly.

07-04-2021, 07:31 AM
Police believe it was an abduction in this case. Hard to believe it will ever be solved now sadly.

Eamonn Cooke was a suspect. It was hard to tell whether or not he was cleared in the disappearance because the entry said that he gave some details that matched the case facts. However, they found none of his DNA on the boy's belongings. He definitely had a rap sheet, and he wasn't the last person that you would suspect.

07-04-2021, 03:42 PM
The woman in the OP looks Indian to me, but fully Caucasoid. So it would not be race mixing if she had intercourses or even children with the guy of the OP.

07-04-2021, 03:51 PM
I'm descended from two or more Black slaves too. They mixed with White families, some of whom were indentured, and that's probably the solution to the Melungeon conundrum. That's the case for some families whose ancestors moved to Northeastern Tennessee and Southwestern Virginia, but I have yet to prove that we're descended from the Cherokee. It seems like all Americans claim to have some Native American blood if their forebears arrived here before the Civil War. SMH

Haha yes the infamous Native American family lore. My theory is that those in the south would claim their SSA admixture as Native due to the 1 drop rule. What I find ironic is that when I study American results, it is much more common for AFRAMS to have distant Native admixture than it is for those with Colonial roots.

How often do you get guessed as someone of Northwest European descent? My most memorable guess was "Cajun" when I was in a checkout line at Walmart.

Irl, never. Actually I take that back. One time this drunk guy told me I looked American so I guess that counts. Usually I get mistaken for Italian, Latina or half white half middle eastern.

07-04-2021, 04:00 PM
I've read the thread and seen that she is actually Spaniard, not Indian. So yet another Iberian wog who looks Indian, haha.

07-04-2021, 04:09 PM

07-04-2021, 11:55 PM
Haha yes the infamous Native American family lore. My theory is that those in the south would claim their SSA admixture as Native due to the 1 drop rule. What I find ironic is that when I study American results, it is much more common for AFRAMS to have distant Native admixture than it is for those with Colonial roots.

Irl, never. Actually I take that back. One time this drunk guy told me I looked American so I guess that counts. Usually I get mistaken for Italian, Latina or half white half middle eastern.

Even Black Americans often have a "Native American granny". Both Blacks and Whites are almost always disappointed when they get their test results. Latinos tend to be Mestizo (from a small percentage to a large percentage), though. I wonder if they have stories about their Aztec grandma. ;-)

A student guessed me as English in sixth grade when I had a Beatles haircut in the '80s. An optometrist guessed me as Irish or Scottish back in the '90s when I was in a pink skin phase, and my good friend guessed me as German. I think that those were the only times that I was guessed as any flavor of Northwest European, because I often heard variations of "just like you're of (fill in Southern European country) descent", and one guy asked me if I had any Native American in me when I was in high school while a second guy compared me to some Latin American celebrity as an insult because he was cheesy.

07-05-2021, 12:24 AM
Haha yes the infamous Native American family lore. My theory is that those in the south would claim their SSA admixture as Native due to the 1 drop rule. What I find ironic is that when I study American results, it is much more common for AFRAMS to have distant Native admixture than it is for those with Colonial roots.

Irl, never. Actually I take that back. One time this drunk guy told me I looked American so I guess that counts. Usually I get mistaken for Italian, Latina or half white half middle eastern.

Even Black Americans often have a "Native American granny". Both Blacks and Whites are almost always disappointed when they get their test results. Latinos tend to be Mestizo (from a small percentage to a large percentage), though. I wonder if they have stories about their Aztec grandma. ;-)

A student guessed me as English in sixth grade when I had a Beatles haircut in the '80s. An optometrist guessed me as Irish or Scottish back in the '90s when I was in a pink skin phase, and my good friend guessed me as German. I think that those were the only times that I was guessed as any flavor of Northwest European, because I often heard variations of "just like you're of (fill in Southern European country) descent", and one guy asked me if I had any Native American in me when I was in high school while a second guy compared me to some Latin American celebrity as an insult because he was cheesy.

Do you have distant Native American ancestry?
Most of the Mexican mestizo or with indigenous ancestry do not have Aztec ancestry but rather from the peoples enslaved by them.

07-05-2021, 12:27 AM
Child abductions are extremely rare in Ireland so this case has never been forgotten. It looks like he was abducted and murdered but no trace of him has been found.

How rare are kidnappings in Ireland? I heard that murders are rare, but kidnappings even more so.
Anyway I bet Ireland is safer than much of England.

07-05-2021, 12:27 AM

07-05-2021, 12:58 AM
How rare are kidnappings in Ireland? I heard that murders are rare, but kidnappings even more so.
Anyway I bet Ireland is safer than much of England.

Certainly, but when I was there I have heard anecdotes about rival Irish gangs shooting at each other in the street during the day. One of my neighbor had been shot dead at his home by the Irish mafia because he was in trouble with them, and it was in a quiet town in the suburbs of Dublin. Ireland seems a bit like Japan in this regard, rich and relatively homogeneous and safe with a low crime and murder rate but with a significant organized crime.

07-05-2021, 01:55 AM
Would Irish person marrying and English person be considered interracial?

Interestingly enough there are stories in the liberal UK press celebrating that at least 1 in 10 marriage were interracial, but that includes White Irish/White British combination and White British/White Other so was just wondering.

Tooting Carmen
07-05-2021, 02:03 AM
Would Irish person marrying and English person be considered interracial?

Of course not!

Interestingly enough there are stories in the liberal UK press celebrating that at least 1 in 10 marriage were interracial, but that includes White Irish/White British combination and White British/White Other so was just wondering.

That's due to a misreading of the Census statistics, which conflate interethnic marriages with interracial ones.

07-05-2021, 03:16 AM
Would Irish person marrying and English person be considered interracial?

Interestingly enough there are stories in the liberal UK press celebrating that at least 1 in 10 marriage were interracial, but that includes White Irish/White British combination and White British/White Other so was just wondering.

That's weird. If that was the case, I'd have lots of "mulatto" ancestors.

07-05-2021, 03:26 AM
Do you have distant Native American ancestry?
Most of the Mexican mestizo or with indigenous ancestry do not have Aztec ancestry but rather from the peoples enslaved by them.

I always heard that, but I never proved it. My sister had no indication of it on her test results. There are two or more Black slaves in my family tree. I doubt that it has a lot of Cherokee princesses, though.

Grace O'Malley
07-05-2021, 11:02 AM
How rare are kidnappings in Ireland? I heard that murders are rare, but kidnappings even more so.
Anyway I bet Ireland is safer than much of England.

Stranger child abductions are rare but like most countries a lot of kidnappings now are due to a non-custodial parent or a relative taking a child. Murder rates are low in Ireland.

Tried finding some maps with organised crime as mentioned by Centurion. I have heard of gangland crime in Dublin and places like Limerick.

This map from 2020.



This is from 2017 about Intentional Homicide rates.


This list of Homicide rates is for 2021. Ireland is 0.8.


Tooting Carmen
07-10-2021, 03:13 PM
I've read the thread and seen that she is actually Spaniard, not Indian. So yet another Iberian wog who looks Indian, haha.

While I don't really agree with your constant attacks on Southern Europeans, it has to be said that Gracile Meds often look like lighter-skinned Gulf Arabs or South Asians.

07-10-2021, 07:17 PM
While I don't really agree with your constant attacks on Southern Europeans, it has to be said that Gracile Meds often look like lighter-skinned Gulf Arabs or South Asians.

Some Gracile-Med do give me a vibe of these ethnicities you mentioned. I think Gracile-Meds, Berids and Dinaro-Meds can produce the most "exotic" types when it comes to Euro aesthetics in Med Europe.

07-12-2021, 11:07 PM
While I don't really agree with your constant attacks on Southern Europeans, it has to be said that Gracile Meds often look like lighter-skinned Gulf Arabs or South Asians.

Yes, I've realized several years ago that the differences of phenotypes between Southern Europeans and the light MENA and South Asian are not that big.

Observing the wogness of South Europeans is not attacking them. And I don't want to constantly "attack" them, it's the Club Med syndicate itself who give me the baton to beat them by constantly trying to deny their wogness and trying to darkwash others Europeans. I had to put them on my ignore list to not hold the stick they constantly give to me with their butthurts comments.

Cristiano viejo
07-12-2021, 11:49 PM
Yes, I've realized several years ago that the differences of phenotypes between Southern Europeans and the light MENA and South Asian are not that big.

And so happens between French (who also are Southern Europeans) and MENAs and South Asians :noidea:

07-13-2021, 12:56 AM
Good way to annoy me, because in my scheme, Caucasoids are phenotypically inferior to Congoids, and wogs are inferior to Northern Europeans because they are more progressive. Pseudo-SSA features are anti-wog features, because woggishness is progressiveness. I recently just posted two pseudo-SSA girls (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337828-Classify-platyrrhine-Finnish-girl, https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?337651-Classify-girl-from-Russian-women-s-hockey-league).

And I posted this photoshop of a more Uralish (i.e. anti-wog) version of a Russian model:

For example a low nasal index is a wog trait, but a high nasal index is an anti-wog trait.

Caucasoid features are superior compared to Down syndrome mongs. Leave this European forum you fat lifeless uraloid.

Tooting Carmen
09-14-2022, 05:52 AM
Caucasoid features are superior compared to Down syndrome mongs. Leave this European forum you fat lifeless uraloid.

That is very subjective.

09-16-2022, 06:18 PM
No. their children would be atlantid

Tooting Carmen
11-16-2022, 10:05 AM
Which just shows how arbitrary and bullshitty concepts of 'whiteness' sometimes are. Being Spanish she'd probably be classified 'Gracile Med', but if she were Lebanese or Iranian she'd be classified as 'Orientalid', 'Arabid', 'Iranid' etc and deemed unpassable in Europe.

I still stand by this.

11-16-2022, 10:21 AM
I still stand by this.

You are too clever by half. Is this kind of pairing common ? innumerate people characteristically have a strong tendency to personalize—to be misled by their own experiences, or by the media's focus on individuals and drama. From this it doesn't necessarily follow that mathematicians are impersonal or formal. You seem to have internalized the media's focus on individuals and drama then manifested them here in your post(s).

Tooting Carmen
11-16-2022, 10:26 AM
You are too clever by half. Is this kind of pairing common ? innumerate people characteristically have a strong tendency to personalize—to be misled by their own experiences, or by the media's focus on individuals and drama. From this it doesn't necessarily follow that mathematicians are impersonal or formal. You seem to have internalized the media's focus on individuals and drama then manifested them here in your post(s).

I'm using this as an example to show that definitions of 'whiteness' are often highly subjective and arbitrary. (True, we can all agree that blond Nordic types are unquestionably 'White', but there are some other phenotypes that are a lot more borderline and blurry in that respect).

11-16-2022, 11:13 AM
I'm using this as an example to show that definitions of 'whiteness' are often highly subjective and arbitrary. (True, we can all agree that blond Nordic types are unquestionably 'White', but there are some other phenotypes that are a lot more borderline and blurry in that respect).

Really? I think some Skandinavians like Haaland are questioned if they arent part Mongol while some other apricity members say even "Proto Nordic" and "Orientalid" are essentially the same.

Tooting Carmen
11-16-2022, 11:15 AM
Really? I think some Skandinavians like Haaland are questioned if they arent part Mongol while some other apricity members say even "Proto Nordic" and "Orientalid" are essentially the same-.

I meant plain Nordids like Wendt are unambiguous. Yeah, some Baltids like Haaland can look racially ambiguous, even if for rather different reasons than why some dark Southern Europeans can.

11-16-2022, 11:26 AM
I meant plain Nordids like Wendt are unambiguous. Yeah, some Baltids like Haaland can look racially ambiguous, even if for rather different reasons than why some dark Southern Europeans can.

but plain Nordids are just a depigmeted version of what is a "plain Caucasian". In this case you are mixing the terms "white" with having "whiter skin" and "blonder hair". It would be the logical fallacy to assume white meaning "more unambigous European" looking while we have on the other side even a theoretical problem to seperate Meds from Nordids but their pigmentation, while you are also sepereating plain Nordids from ambigous looking Skandinavians- it results into a weird situation that you cherry pick South and North Europeans but the criteria being different.

Tooting Carmen
11-16-2022, 03:31 PM
but plain Nordids are just a depigmeted version of what is a "plain Caucasian". In this case you are mixing the terms "white" with having "whiter skin" and "blonder hair". It would be the logical fallacy to assume white meaning "more unambigous European" looking while we have on the other side even a theoretical problem to seperate Meds from Nordids but their pigmentation, while you are also sepereating plain Nordids from ambigous looking Skandinavians- it results into a weird situation that you cherry pick South and North Europeans but the criteria being different.

Well, there are still per capita far more Southern Europeans who look part-MENA than there are Scandinavians who look part-Asian, even if it's true the latter often get overlooked.

11-16-2022, 09:00 PM
I still stand by this.

Or if it were British it would be classified as Paleo Atlantid or if it were Latino Castizo, it also happens with other phenotypes for example a Borreby in Ireland would be classified as Brunn.Or if it were British it would be classified as Paleo Atlantid or if it were Latino Castizo, it also happens with other phenotypes for example a Borreby in Ireland would be classified as Brunn.

11-16-2022, 09:01 PM
I still stand by this.

Or if it were British it would be classified as Paleo Atlantid or if it were Latino Castizo, it also happens with other phenotypes for example a Borreby in Ireland would be classified as Brunn.Or if it were British it would be classified as Paleo Atlantid or if it were Latino Castizo, it also happens with other phenotypes for example a Borreby in Ireland would be classified as Brunn.

11-16-2022, 11:07 PM
Well, there are still per capita far more Southern Europeans who look part-MENA than there are Scandinavians who look part-Asian, even if it's true the latter often get overlooked.

Considering "Mena passing" as "different race" is your opinion however, which most people here did not share.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 05:03 PM
Considering "Mena passing" as "different race" is your opinion however, which most people here did not share.

Well many here do consider Europeans and MENAs to be separate races (personally I am ambivalent about that).

05-13-2023, 10:29 PM
personally I am ambivalent about that.

Your opinion about race has 0 value because you consider a Georgian and a Moroccan the same race "MENA", logic is dead along with genetics and all the other branches of the science.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 10:30 PM
Your opinion about race has 0 value because you consider a Georgian and a Moroccan the same race "MENA", logic is dead along with genetics and all the other branches of the science.

Of course Georgians and Moroccans are very different: quasi-pure West Asians versus Berbers with notable SSA.

05-13-2023, 10:31 PM
Of course Georgians and Moroccans are very different: quasi-pure West Asians versus Berbers with notable SSA.

So maybe stop calling them all "MENA" ?

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 10:32 PM
So maybe stop calling them all "MENA" ?

Yes and no. Georgians (like other Kavkazians), Cypriots and Turks are transitional between Europe and the Middle East anyway.

05-13-2023, 10:34 PM
Yes and no. Georgians (like other Kavkazians), Cypriots and Turks are transitional between Europe and the Middle East anyway.

Your passion for packing all possible parties as "middle eastern" is priceless.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 10:36 PM
Your passion for packing all possible parties as "middle eastern" is priceless.

Of course there is more to the Middle East than just the very dark Gulf Arab types. That doesn't mean that every Turk, Kavkazian or even Cypriot passes in Europe, however (not even Greece or Malta).

05-13-2023, 10:40 PM
Of course there is more to the Middle East than just the very dark Gulf Arab types. That doesn't mean that every Turk, Kavkazian or even Cypriot passes in Europe, however (not even Greece or Malta).

Even talking about race is impossible with you, you immediately start "passifying" to deviate the essence of the topic.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 10:41 PM
Even talking about race is impossible with you, you immediately start "passifying" to deviate the essence of the topic.

Do Northwest Asians cluster genetically even with far Southern Europeans then?

05-13-2023, 10:42 PM
Do Northwest Asians cluster genetically even with far Southern Europeans then?

I dont care about eur*peans, do Georgians cluster with Yemenis?

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 10:44 PM
I dont care about eur*peans, do Georgians cluster with Yemenis?

No, and yes of course the gap is even bigger than between Swedes and Cretans.

05-13-2023, 10:45 PM

Garza Blanca
05-13-2023, 10:47 PM

05-13-2023, 11:36 PM
Well many here do consider Europeans and MENAs to be separate races (personally I am ambivalent about that).

Talking about "race" is overrated to me- people only say that because they think its a more important categorization than culture, social status, behaviour, thinking etc.- maybe because they cant comprehend more dynamic factors being way more important in life of humans and all beings really.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 11:41 PM
Talking about "race" is overrated to me- people only say that because they think its a more important categorization than culture, social status, behaviour, thinking etc.- maybe because they cant comprehend more dynamic factors being way more important in life of humans and all beings really.

You know that and I know that, but does 80-90% of this forum too?

05-13-2023, 11:41 PM
That food looks really healthy. They eat the bone marrow too, so they don't need to buy bone broth from Alex Jones. Most people can only dream of a diet where their staple food is organic grass-fed meat.

That's the kind of food wolves eat too, but wolves look healthier and stronger than domesticated dogs. Maybe it's part of the reason why compared to domesticated dogs, wolves have narrower eyes that are more slanted inwards, in the same way that compared to wogs and half wogs, Nenetses have narrower eyes that are more slanted inwards.

Yeah but typical Europeans are half wogs. And typical Western Europeans are more than half wogs. Because in Western Europe, the only ethnic groups that are not half wogs or worse are Saami, Kvens, Forest Finns, and North Germanics, and their total population is only about 10% of the population of Western Europe. But in Eastern Europe, the biggest ethnic group are the Russians, who are less than half wog.

Dude, Finns aren't that radically more northern than North-west Europeans. You include North-Germanics who carry the exact same amount of near eastern ancestry as Scots and Irishmen with the exception of maybe 10% of the Swedish population. Most of Russia's population doesn't live in Novgorod or the Urals, AKA ethnic Russians average only 2-3% less near eastern than other Slavs or North-West Europeans. If you were to actually test that thought experiment AKA average A Fin or Balt with a "WOG" in this context I'm going to assume you are referring to the mixed populations of the Mediterranean so a Spaniard Greek or Italian, you end up with about a 12-18% increase in near Eastern ancestry and unlike actual north-West Europeans this would carry much more basal rich near eastern ancestry that is absent from the common European gene pool so Iran neolithic Tarofalt and or Natufian; the closest thing to this is France, former Yugoslavia or southern Germany, not the British isles, not Flanders or the Netherlands nor even the large majority of Germany. Finland's unique position isn't due to being so much radically more Northern than it's neighbors while it certainly is more northerly that more severe impact is caused by Siberian admixture of which it's perfectly fine to be proud, though I would caution against romanticizing extremely distantly related populations such as the Udmurts and Saami wonderful people though they are they are not particularly close kin to Finns who do much better to associate with the Baltic and Scandinavia.

Occiput in Starlight
05-13-2023, 11:44 PM
How can we make that classification without knowing their respective genetics?

I've never heard mention of mixed-phenotype marriages, only mixed-race ones.

Tooting Carmen
05-13-2023, 11:47 PM
How can we make that classification without knowing their respective genetics?

I've never heard mention of mixed-phenotype marriages, only mixed-race ones.

If the woman looked exactly the same but were e.g. Syrian or Iranian rather than Spanish, would people suddenly regard it as an 'interracial marriage'?

Occiput in Starlight
05-13-2023, 11:51 PM
If the woman looked exactly the same but were e.g. Syrian or Iranian rather than Spanish, would people suddenly regard it as an 'interracial marriage'?

If she were Syrian and her husband Spanish, then theirs would be an interracial marriage.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-14-2023, 12:14 AM
If she were Syrian and her husband Spanish, then theirs would be an interracial marriage.

That's just silly. There are four races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and Australoid. Syrians and Spaniards both belong to the Caucasoid race.

I'll be damned to say this guy is mixed race because he's a quarter Syrian.


Why do you hate freedom and America, OiS?

Tooting Carmen
05-14-2023, 12:18 AM
That's just silly. There are four races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and Australoid. Syrians and Spaniards both belong to the Caucasoid race.

I'll be damned to say this guy is mixed race because he's a quarter Syrian.


Why do you hate freedom and America, OiS?

(Playing devil's advocate): there are even genetic mulattoes such as Hallsy who look fully White. What does this guy's Syrian ancestor look like? Syrians can range from very fair-skinned to brownish-skinned, but they are almost uniformly dark-haired/eyed.

Colonel Frank Grimes
05-14-2023, 12:20 AM
(Playing devil's advocate): there are even genetic mulattoes such as Hallsy who look fully White. What does this guy's Syrian ancestor look like? Syrians can range from very fair-skinned to brownish-skinned, but they are almost uniformly dark-haired/eyed.

Skin tone, eye, and hair color doesn't define race. When they find the bones of a murder victim they don't say, "This dude was a Syrian in contrast to a Greek or a Swede..." They say we have a deceased male and obviously they can tell from the skull.

05-14-2023, 12:27 AM
I feel like the people would judge that couple way more extremely if the colors/genders were swapped

Tooting Carmen
05-14-2023, 12:29 AM
I feel like the people would judge that couple way more extremely if the colors/genders were swapped

How so?

05-14-2023, 12:31 AM
How so?

In my experience, people with touchy emotions about "race mixing" seem to give out more passes when the girl is darker than the guy, but more people get up in arms if the man is darker

05-14-2023, 12:42 AM

Occiput in Starlight
05-14-2023, 06:18 AM
That's just silly. There are four races: Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, and Australoid. Syrians and Spaniards both belong to the Caucasoid race.

I'll be damned to say this guy is mixed race because he's a quarter Syrian.


Why do you hate freedom and America, OiS?

*salutes Colonel Frank Grimes*

You are right, but you know what I mean, Sir.

05-14-2023, 06:32 AM
You can define mixed marriage by many factors.... In some circles a croat/catholic and serb/orthodox marriage counts as "mixed"... but it is not "interracial" because both are europeans, it depends on the social and cultural context, identities are cultural constructs