View Full Version : Classify Chuvash girl

12-10-2020, 03:41 PM
This Uralisch beauty posted Komintasavalta deserve her thread.


12-10-2020, 03:43 PM
the whiter shade of pale

12-10-2020, 03:46 PM
the whiter shade of pale

it sounds like good name for uralische fanclub song

12-10-2020, 04:06 PM


12-10-2020, 04:14 PM

I forgot the topic too, listening to Annie Lennox. :) :thumb001:

12-10-2020, 04:57 PM
Uralid or Uralid + Baltid

12-10-2020, 06:35 PM
it sounds like good name for uralische fanclub song

It makes sense since reddish skin tone is typical Uralisch trait.

Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt on skin tone of West Siberians:

Auch die Hautfarbe, vor allem bei jüngeren weiblichen Individuen, läßt häufig den rötlichen Schimmer erkennen, der sich sonst fast nur bei den nördlichen Europiden findet.

Yandex translate:

Also the skin color, especially among younger female individuals, often shows the reddish shimmer, which is otherwise found almost only among North Europids.

And this is my favorite song about Uralisch girls.


Translation of lyrics

I fell into the power of your slanting eyes
Your black straight and smooth hair.
Teeth always with a marijuana cigarette
And the pockets full of more cigarettes.
Your red shoes and short shorts
And a weird tank top that opens your back.
I could play sports with you sometimes.,
If I hadn't been so tight on cocaine.
But you know I'm a man of art,
Tell your fucking mom that.
She doesn't know what real feelings are -
Five hours fucking on speed.

12-10-2020, 06:51 PM
^^ what a cutie, no not that one from clip, the one from the band
Эльвира Пономарева

but she is from Ukraine :p

Эльвира Пономарева) — уроженка Донецка (Украина), на данный момент проживает в городе Ростов-на-Дону (Россия), бывшая участница украинской версии телешоу «Голос»[2].

12-10-2020, 09:51 PM
Беломоро-балтийская раса + субуральский тип. This seems like either an exaggerated form of a Baltic Finnic type, or like one of the sub-Uralids of the VUR who could easily pass in the Baltic–White Sea region.

More photos from my deep archives:


She was born in 1993 and these photos are from 2013-2015, when I wrote scripts for scraping the VK API. (I have no interest in girls from the Insta/TikTok era, when people had already learned to look less uncool.)

She has similar eye shape as this Finnish hockey player, where she has fairly high canthal tilt, but the curves of the upper and lower eyelid margins still have similar symmetrical shape:


Usually in people with high canthal tilt, the lower eyelid margin is more straight and the upper eyelid margin is more curved, or the lower eyelid margin has a more wavy or tilde-like shape.

Egon Freiherr von Eickstedt on skin tone of West Siberians:

Auch die Hautfarbe, vor allem bei jüngeren weiblichen Individuen, läßt häufig den rötlichen Schimmer erkennen, der sich sonst fast nur bei den nördlichen Europiden findet.

Yandex translate:

Also the skin color, especially among younger female individuals, often shows the reddish shimmer, which is otherwise found almost only among North Europids.

The source is Eickstedt's book "Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit, Volume 1" (https://books.google.com/books?id=ykgRAQAAMAAJ&q=%22Auch+die+Hautfarbe,+vor%22&#v=onepage&q=%22Auch%20die%20Hautfarbe%2C%20vor%22&f=false):

Weiterhin finden wir unter den Sibiriden verschiedene ausgesprochen nordeuropid anmutende Züge, Dazu gehört die Augenfarbe, die nicht nur an sich hell ist, also viel lichtere Töne des Braun als die der z. B. Tungiden aufweist, sondern auch richtige graue und blaue Farben zeigt. Für einzelne westliche Gruppen werden bis zu 36% blaue und graue Augen angegeben. Ferner findet sich braunes welliges Haar. Es tritt also weder die Straffheit noch die Schwärze des mongoliden Haares auf. Nicht selten finden sich rötliche Töne, besonders im Bartwuchs. Auch die Hautfarbe, vor allem bei jüngeren weiblichen Individuen, häufig den rötlichen Schimmer erkennen, der sich sonst fast nur bei den nördlichen Europiden findet. Eigentliche Primitivmerkmale fehlen. Bei allen Sibiriden ist der Körperbau untersetzt und plump, der Rumpf also lang; die Schultern sind breit und kräftig. Nicht nur Kraft, sondern auch auferordentliche Widerstandsfähigkeit im Ertragen von Hunger und Kälte wird ihnen zugeschrieben 1). Im Sommer, „wenn die Sonne schlaflos ist”, schlafen auch die Menschen des Nordens erstaunlich wenig. Kälte ficht sie wenig an, bei rieselndem Schnee schlafen sie in ihrer gewöhnlichen Kleidung an kleinem Feuer im Freien.


Furthermore, we find various distinctly northern European-looking traits among the Sibrids. These include the eye color, which is not only light in itself, so much lighter tones of brown than for example the Tungids have, but also shows proper gray and blue colors. Up to 36% blue and gray eyes are reported for individual western groups. There is also brown wavy hair. So there is neither the tightness nor the blackness of the mongolid hair. It is not uncommon to find reddish tones, especially in the beard. Also the skin color, especially in younger female individuals, often recognizes the reddish sheen, which is usually only found in northern Europids. Actual primitive features are missing. In all Sibrids, the build is squat and plump, the trunk long; the shoulders are broad and strong. Not only strength, but also extraordinary resilience in enduring hunger and cold are ascribed to them [1]. In summer, "when the sun is sleepless", the people of the north also sleep surprisingly little. The cold does not bother them, and when the snow is falling they sleep in their ordinary clothes by a small fire in the open air.

12-10-2020, 09:56 PM
Uralische BEAUTY! She is whiter than me -> less wog

I think we should make a contest around this Christmas. A huge thread where everybody can vote, which is more beautiful according to them: Uralische vs Turanische vs Nordische vs Mediterrane beauties (the races must be Eurasian, sorry my African and American Hunter Gatherers) :o

12-10-2020, 10:24 PM
She looks very Northern and Eastern Baltid(Uralische :loveheart:) :vote_yes:

More photos from my deep archives:


I'm really curious and interested about the deep archive you have... :curtain: :hiding: :sweat: :confused3: :spy:

(I have no interest in girls from the Insta/TikTok era, when people had already learned to look less uncool.)

Uncool looking Uralische girls are extra cute :shy:

I also have no interest in girls from the Insta/TikTok era :wacko:


12-11-2020, 09:37 AM

12-11-2020, 11:59 AM
She looks very Northern and Eastern Baltid(Uralische :loveheart:) :vote_yes:

I'm really curious and interested about the deep archive you have... :curtain: :hiding: :sweat: :confused3: :spy:

Uncool looking Uralische girls are extra cute :shy:

I also have no interest in girls from the Insta/TikTok era :wacko:


Komintasavalta's Uralisch VK girls from the early 2010's look much better than today's. I don't even want to see what Uralisch girls look like from tiktok and instagram.

I am more and more inclined to believe that in the future we can't do with with simple palliative measures.

To protect our girls from from harmful foreign influence we'll have to build something like this around the perimeter of the white/wogg zone.


12-11-2020, 01:10 PM
To protect our girls from from harmful foreign influence we'll have to build something like this around the perimeter of the white/wogg zone.



12-11-2020, 02:28 PM

The Great Anti-Wog Wall.

12-11-2020, 05:23 PM

She is true Chuvash like me. She has Chuvash flag and I have brochure where the meaning of the colors of the Chuvash flag is explained.


The national flag of the Chuvash Republic is a yellow-red rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 5:8. it shows the Tree of life and wisdom, crowned with three Suns, meaning the connection of three generations-youth, maturity and old age. Three vertical lines forming the trunk of the Tree symbolize the three dialects of the Chuvash language: viryal (upper), vatam (middle) and anatri (lower) Chuvash. Horizontal lines extending from the tree are a symbol of the Earth and the centuries-old life path of the Chuvash people.

12-12-2020, 02:59 AM
Or maybe we should employ Dúnedain Rangers in the forests and steppe surrounding the VURish domain, so they can fight off the wogs who try to disturb the peace of the VUR.

(In LOTR, Rangers protect northern settlements like the Shire and Bree from invasion by orcs and other dark beings, so hobbits can continue to live in peace. Hobbits do not themselves know that they are under the protection of the Rangers, so they can continue a naive existence. If there was a huge wall around the Shire instead, maybe it would make the hobbits feel more like they are trapped, or maybe it would make them more apprehensive of the threat from the outside world.)

12-12-2020, 04:52 AM
Send a few thousand like her to Japan and in one generation the Japs no longer need kabuki theatre powder and get to keep their facial contours as a plus.

12-12-2020, 05:03 AM
I think she's uralo-turanid. There is also true mongoloid in her