View Full Version : Classify AVERAGE Afghans (not cherrypicked atypical celebs)

12-10-2020, 08:55 PM
So I was browsing very old apricity posts, and a question struck me.
What does an Afghani look like?
It seems here on apricity, people only cherrypick the whitest passing people/crowds from non Euro countries.

They try to say things like:
"Oh oh look at my relatives at a marriage ceremony who happen to be among the whitest Afghans! This is the average Afghan pheno. We are misrepresented by Western media. We are white passing Aryans with green eyes."
They don't say this but hint at it.

https://www.google.com/search?q=afghan+crowds&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr9430ssTtAhUVZc0KHcDBATAQ_AUoAXoECA4QA Q&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75
So I'm just asking people here, what some of these Afghanistanis look like.
Any morphs representative of the average Afghan?
Any typical looking Afghanis?

12-10-2020, 09:01 PM
Afghans in general are probably Iranids, Indo-Iranids, Turanids, Pamirids, with a minority of types such as Aralids, Proto-Nordics and Indid types

12-10-2020, 09:03 PM
Afghans in general are probably Iranids, Indo-Iranids, Turanids, Pamirids, with a minority of types such as Aralids, Proto-Nordics and Indid types

Any pic/morph of what you think is the average looking Afghani(I know it varies but still)?.

Cause that average Afghani is most certainly not what's posted on TA.

12-10-2020, 09:05 PM
Any pic/morph of what you think is the average looking Afghani(I know it varies but still)?.

Cause that average Afghani is most certainly not what's posted on TA.


12-10-2020, 09:08 PM

Really? Any other? I know the average morph varies for all countries slightly

12-10-2020, 09:14 PM
I can post videos of afghans if you don't seem convinced , another south Asian with a complex FFs.

12-10-2020, 09:19 PM
Really? Any other? I know the average morph varies for all countries slightly

Well, that seems pretty accurate I would say. I think 85% of Pashtuns fall into the Iranid-IndoIranid-Pamirid range with the other 15% of Mongoloid, Nordic and Indic types

12-10-2020, 09:41 PM
Any pic/morph of what you think is the average looking Afghani(I know it varies but still)?.

Cause that average Afghani is most certainly not what's posted on TA.

Don't know about morphs but I have made threads on afghan football / cricket teams

This is what an anthropologist had to say when he travelled to Afghanistan

"The Afghans and Pathans, like the Persians, are usually brunet, and at the same time show a persistent minority of blondism, which in this case reflects Nordic admixture. They are heavy-bearded, and possess heavy body hair. Their facial features show a maximum of bony relief, and, on the whole, their facial skeletons seem much heavier and much more strongly marked than those of the more delicate Arabian Mediterraneans. They possess, in common with the Arabian Mediterranean group, a sharpness in definition of feature which stands in contrast to the coarser lineaments of the average Mesopotamian countenance.

In respect to the Dardic group, we have a certain amount of published and unpublished information which will be useful here.25

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27"

34% of Nuristanis have light eyes, and 20% of Pashtuns have light eyes. That equates to one out of every 5 pashtuns having some light eye color, and 17/50 Nuristanis having a light eye color.

Average skin color of both Nuristanis and Pashtuns is von Luschan #9

Next, we will be discussing light hair.
It has already been mentioned that Nuristanis have 28% blonde and light brown hair, I also found sources indicating that Tajiks have 10% blonde hair, 20% light hair and total, and Pashtuns also having light hair colors 20% of the time. Tajiks also have 20% light eyes.

So when you average out the percentage of light hair and eyes among genetically close afghan populations, light eyes is present in 26% of caucasoid Afghans, and light hair 15-23%.

12-10-2020, 09:56 PM
Don't know about morphs but I have made threads on afghan football / cricket teams

This is what an anthropologist had to say when he travelled to Afghanistan

"The Afghans and Pathans, like the Persians, are usually brunet, and at the same time show a persistent minority of blondism, which in this case reflects Nordic admixture. They are heavy-bearded, and possess heavy body hair. Their facial features show a maximum of bony relief, and, on the whole, their facial skeletons seem much heavier and much more strongly marked than those of the more delicate Arabian Mediterraneans. They possess, in common with the Arabian Mediterranean group, a sharpness in definition of feature which stands in contrast to the coarser lineaments of the average Mesopotamian countenance.

In respect to the Dardic group, we have a certain amount of published and unpublished information which will be useful here.25

The Kafirs of the Kati tribe, who live in the easternmost section of Kafiristan, are taller and larger-headed than the Pathans, but still essentially dolichocephalic and leptorrhine.26 They seem also to possess a high ratio of blondism. Like the Pathans, their commonest skin color is a medium brunet white, von Luschan #9, but in hair and eye color they seem to be lighter than the Pushtu-speaking peoples. Thirty-four per cent have mixed or light eyes, as opposed to 20 per cent of Pushtus. Their hair color, according to Stein, is blond or light brown in 28 per cent of the group.27"

34% of Nuristanis have light eyes, and 20% of Pashtuns have light eyes. That equates to one out of every 5 pashtuns having some light eye color, and 17/50 Nuristanis having a light eye color.

Average skin color of both Nuristanis and Pashtuns is von Luschan #9

Next, we will be discussing light hair.
It has already been mentioned that Nuristanis have 28% blonde and light brown hair, I also found sources indicating that Tajiks have 10% blonde hair, 20% light hair and total, and Pashtuns also having light hair colors 20% of the time. Tajiks also have 20% light eyes.

So when you average out the percentage of light hair and eyes among genetically close afghan populations, light eyes is present in 26% of caucasoid Afghans, and light hair 15-23%.

Please link when these sources are from and just how outdated they really are and the mindset of the people of that time.

You are saying more than a 1/4 of Afghans have light eyes and about a quarter have blonde hair. Sure...

You're trying to suggest it's far more likely that I'll come across a blond hair blue eyed white Afghan than it is that I'll come across a 6 foot tall American man. That's bogus.

12-10-2020, 09:59 PM
Please link when these sources are from and just how outdated they really are and the mindset of the people of that time.

You are saying more than a 1/4 of Afghans have light eyes and about a quarter have blonde hair. Sure...

You're trying to suggest it's far more likely that I'll come across a blond hair blue eyed white Afghan than it is that I'll come across a 6 foot tall American man. That's bogus.

https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=kCjHDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA420&lpg=PA420&dq=The+Afghans+and+Pathans,+like+the+Persians,+are +usually+brunet,+and+at+the+same+time+show+a+persi stent+minority+of+blondism,+which+in+this+case+ref lects+Nordic+admixture.+They+are+heavy-bearded,+and+possess+heavy+body+hair.+Their+facial +features+show+a+maximum+of+bony+relief,+and,+on+t he+whole,+their+facial+skeletons+seem+much+heavier +and+much+more+strongly+marked+than+those+of+the+m ore+delicate+Arabian+Mediterraneans.+They+possess, +in+common+with+the+Arabian+Mediterranean+group,+a +sharpness+in+definition+of+feature+which+stands+i n+contrast+to+the+coarser+lineaments+of+the+averag e+Mesopotamian+countenance.+In+respect+to+the+Dard ic+group&source=bl&ots=dR1DOi8Unv&sig=ACfU3U02NU2TeRFzdjatXV7vTlKrTmLakg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi2nYPhwcTtAhU3QEEAHfMgAEAQ6AEwAHoECAEQA Q#v=onepage&q=The%20Afghans%20and%20Pathans%2C%20like%20the%20 Persians%2C%20are%20usually%20brunet%2C%20and%20at %20the%20same%20time%20show%20a%20persistent%20min ority%20of%20blondism%2C%20which%20in%20this%20cas e%20reflects%20Nordic%20admixture.%20They%20are%20 heavy-bearded%2C%20and%20possess%20heavy%20body%20hair.% 20Their%20facial%20features%20show%20a%20maximum%2 0of%20bony%20relief%2C%20and%2C%20on%20the%20whole %2C%20their%20facial%20skeletons%20seem%20much%20h eavier%20and%20much%20more%20strongly%20marked%20t han%20those%20of%20the%20more%20delicate%20Arabian %20Mediterraneans.%20They%20possess%2C%20in%20comm on%20with%20the%20Arabian%20Mediterranean%20group% 2C%20a%20sharpness%20in%20definition%20of%20featur e%20which%20stands%20in%20contrast%20to%20the%20co arser%20lineaments%20of%20the%20average%20Mesopota mian%20countenance.%20In%20respect%20to%20the%20Da rdic%20group&f=false



Yeah I don't give a crap about your own personal agendas, you clearly have some weird complex lol.

12-10-2020, 10:04 PM
Please link when these sources are from and just how outdated they really are and the mindset of the people of that time.

You are saying more than a 1/4 of Afghans have light eyes and about a quarter have blonde hair. Sure...

You're trying to suggest it's far more likely that I'll come across a blond hair blue eyed white Afghan than it is that I'll come across a 6 foot tall American man. That's bogus.






12-10-2020, 10:06 PM
Quite similar to northern Pakistanis but with some central Asian influence.

12-10-2020, 10:07 PM
Just go through this woman's Instagram, she's a famous tb presenter who goes around the country and meeting people from all backgrounds


12-10-2020, 10:07 PM
I can post videos of afghans if you don't seem convinced , another south Asian with a complex FFs.

There's something wrong with your comprehension skills if you think this. You can see for yourself roo. Fuck off of my thread if you have nothing fruitful to say.

Typical Brit racist accusing others of complexes.

12-10-2020, 10:09 PM
Just go through this woman's Instagram, she's a famous tb presenter who goes around the country and meeting people from all backgrounds


Sorry for my previous comments. Ya drew Binsky does it better too.vhers is mostly pictures of herself and a few children here and there. They look very different from the ones posted on TA. I'd advise actually watching Binsky Vlogs instead.

I'm Pakistani so I have first hand experience seeing TONS of Afghans immigrants/refugees. Just wondering why the TA ones look so different.

12-10-2020, 10:09 PM
Quite similar to northern Pakistanis but with some central Asian influence.

True. Actually also similar to Persians.

12-10-2020, 10:11 PM
Sorry for my previous comments. Ya drew Binsky does it better too. They look very different from the ones posted on TA. I'm Pakistani so I have first hand experience seeing TONS of Afghans immigrants/refugees. Just wondering why the TA ones look so different.
It seems that you react to the way your own personal view is affirmed then you start acting nice to people . If you seem so concerned about the people posted on TA why don't you mention the extremely atypical Nepalis posted or blonde Spaniards constantly bombarded ? Light afghans exist . Dark afghans exist . Most are in between

12-10-2020, 10:13 PM
Quite similar to northern Pakistanis but with some central Asian influence.

Northern Pakistan is former afghan land . So yes no wonder why lol

12-10-2020, 10:22 PM
You know these kids have to grow up right , most of them would retain their features ( maybe slightly darker hair )

https://i.postimg.cc/4mv01Bdj/Screenshot-20201210-231956.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4mv01Bdj)

https://i.postimg.cc/4nV2JBzn/Screenshot-20201210-232007.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4nV2JBzn)

https://i.postimg.cc/68Y1kqC0/Screenshot-20201210-232017.jpg (https://postimg.cc/68Y1kqC0)

https://i.postimg.cc/SXP1KPTY/Screenshot-20201210-232030.jpg (https://postimg.cc/SXP1KPTY)

https://i.postimg.cc/CZ56S0NV/Screenshot-20201210-232041.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CZ56S0NV)

https://i.postimg.cc/7J8B32yx/Screenshot-20201210-232058.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7J8B32yx)

12-10-2020, 10:40 PM
Sorry for my previous comments. Ya drew Binsky does it better too.vhers is mostly pictures of herself and a few children here and there. They look very different from the ones posted on TA. I'd advise actually watching Binsky Vlogs instead.

I'm Pakistani so I have first hand experience seeing TONS of Afghans immigrants/refugees. Just wondering why the TA ones look so different.

What kind of afghans are you seeing on TA? Is this because my previous thread? I haven't posted for months so it can't be me mate .

12-10-2020, 10:47 PM

12-10-2020, 11:20 PM
It seems that you react to the way your own personal view is affirmed then you start acting nice to people . If you seem so concerned about the people posted on TA why don't you mention the extremely atypical Nepalis posted or blonde Spaniards constantly bombarded ? Light afghans exist . Dark afghans exist . Most are in between

EXACTLY. I already made a post about cherrypicking the whitest people of each ethnicity and racism

12-10-2020, 11:22 PM
EXACTLY. I already made a post about cherrypicking the whitest people of each ethnicity and racism

Can you direct me to these cherrypicked afghans, I'll judge it for myself since I'm afghan myself and I see afghans all my life ?

12-10-2020, 11:24 PM

What city?


Disgustingly racist propaganda video from BBC or CNN that I found. I remember seeing this live on my tv hence I included it.

12-10-2020, 11:26 PM
Can you direct me to these cherrypicked afghans, I'll judge it for myself since I'm afghan myself and I see afghans all my life ?

There was a post. I don't remember which one. Saying the Afghanis on media aren't representative of actual Afghans. They are LITERALLY Afghans. Then that guy posts videos of a wedding of his friends or something. Don't remember the exact post.

You said yourself most are inbetween. This guy only featured the lightest etc.

12-10-2020, 11:27 PM
Northern Pakistan is former afghan land . So yes no wonder why lol

The A in Pakistan stands for Afghan province but it's still part of Pakistan as much as it is Afghan.

12-10-2020, 11:43 PM
What city?


Disgustingly racist propaganda video from BBC or CNN that I found. I remember seeing this live on my tv hence I included it.


12-10-2020, 11:43 PM
There was a post. I don't remember which one. Saying the Afghanis on media aren't representative of actual Afghans. They are LITERALLY Afghans. Then that guy posts videos of a wedding of his friends or something. Don't remember the exact post.

You said yourself most are inbetween. This guy only featured the lightest etc.

Your gonna have to direct me to these threads man for me to judge

12-10-2020, 11:48 PM

"Main phenotypes among Afghans "
Then he proceeds to only show the whitest looking Afghans and completely neglects the phenotypes which are darker with beautiful olive skin. The definition of cherrypicking. a light family and using their wedding pictures smh.

12-11-2020, 12:07 AM

"Main phenotypes among Afghans "
Then he proceeds to only show the whitest looking Afghans and completely neglects the phenotypes which are darker with beautiful olive skin. The definition of cherrypicking. a light family and using their wedding pictures smh.

My friend they look like typical diaspora afghans. I swear I kid you not . Diaposra afghans are usually from the cities

Also the photos posted show pretty much all Dark haired / white skinned / olive skinned afghans . I don't see the issue here . That's what diaspora afghans look like in general lol.

12-11-2020, 12:16 AM

"Main phenotypes among Afghans "
Then he proceeds to only show the whitest looking Afghans and completely neglects the phenotypes which are darker with beautiful olive skin. The definition of cherrypicking. a light family and using their wedding pictures smh.

I'm sorry , but as an Afghan who lives outside of Afghanistan , those people are super typical looking people . I thought you were gonna show me blonde haired afghans or something lol. Those ladies look like typical westernised afghan aunties and the women look stereotypical afghan .

Are you telling me these people are light and not dark lmoa??

https://i.postimg.cc/G4m711L7/Humaira-and-Behzad-Afghan-wedding-ceremony-by-Wedding-Photographer-San-Diego-Abouna-Photo-8198.jpg (https://postimg.cc/G4m711L7)

https://i.postimg.cc/Bj7hSwtq/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Bj7hSwtq)

https://i.postimg.cc/1ggvfcND/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/1ggvfcND)

https://i.postimg.cc/p9gq8hD4/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9gq8hD4)

I'm starting to question your sincerity if this is the case . These are not even light afghans to begin with . Show any afghan and they will agree .

12-11-2020, 12:19 AM
I'm sorry , but as an Afghan who lives outside of Afghanistan , those people are super typical looking people . I thought you were gonna show me blonde haired afghans or something lol. Those ladies look like typical westernised afghan aunties and the women look stereotypical afghan .

Are you telling me these people are light and not dark lmoa??

https://i.postimg.cc/G4m711L7/Humaira-and-Behzad-Afghan-wedding-ceremony-by-Wedding-Photographer-San-Diego-Abouna-Photo-8198.jpg (https://postimg.cc/G4m711L7)

https://i.postimg.cc/Bj7hSwtq/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Bj7hSwtq)

https://i.postimg.cc/1ggvfcND/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/1ggvfcND)

https://i.postimg.cc/p9gq8hD4/Trisa-and-Faisal-Nikah-Afghan-Wedding-La-Jolla-Marriott-by-San-Diego-Wedding-Photographer-Andrew-Abo.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9gq8hD4)

If you want to show ALL or the MAIN phenos of Afghanistan(as said in the title), why don't they show more types of looks instead of one type and one family?

They just showed one type of look and one type of family.

And yes, SOME of these people have the same tone as Southern Europeans or even central or Dark Brit skin tone.

I don't know how to explain it but

Look at all the various types here?

12-11-2020, 12:31 AM
If you want to show ALL or the MAIN phenos of Afghanistan(as said in the title), why don't they show more types of looks instead of one type and one family?

They just showed one type of look and one type of family.

And yes, SOME of these people have the same tone as Southern Europeans or even central or Dark Brit skin tone.

I don't know how to explain it but

Look at all the various types here?

You cannot be serious . Do you think the user is saying that the people in thread represents ALL afghans or the fact that thread is a classification thread to state the main types in the pictures ? I think you misunderstood that's all. Again, using Google images ain't really helpful but if you want to dive in and examine every single face from a mile away then so be it . I can show you groups of Syrians on Google images who look dark as Bedouins , does that mean all those Syrians in America who some can pass as Italian are representative ? Or what about Turks ? I can easily go on Google and find 100 dark looking folks but is that negating the true phenotype diversity of Anatolia ? I can post you more videos if you want .

12-11-2020, 12:37 AM
And fyi the average skin tone is Von luschan 9 , tell me what colour it looks like to you

https://i.postimg.cc/rdC7896g/1000x750-q95.jpg (https://postimg.cc/rdC7896g)

https://i.postimg.cc/G4DZfCqW/20507642-1415058988530954-3176731805952709759-o.jpg (https://postimg.cc/G4DZfCqW)

https://i.postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH/5-C7u-TVy-Imgur.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH)

https://i.postimg.cc/rK3BgmCG/74580026-2521257021244473-5181256122769604608-o.jpg (https://postimg.cc/rK3BgmCG)

https://i.postimg.cc/PPCGmZZr/Anti-Fraud-Protests-in-Afghanistan-880x587.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PPCGmZZr)

https://i.postimg.cc/tZqw7Vpb/kapisa-province-afghanistan-u-s-army-spc-joshua-mcdaniel-with-provincial-EBBPG1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZqw7Vpb)

https://i.postimg.cc/XZ0TSzPp/peace-jirga-of-elders-in-laghman.jpg (https://postimg.cc/XZ0TSzPp)

12-11-2020, 12:41 AM
These are truly light cherrypicked afghans

https://i.postimg.cc/75L51K9J/1bf367dbe9-avatar.jpg (https://postimg.cc/75L51K9J)

https://i.postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ/1XpzhnF.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ)

https://i.postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6/50669956-870930979744327-8253437407735578624-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6)

https://i.postimg.cc/14pVyn4X/afghan33su5.jpg (https://postimg.cc/14pVyn4X)

https://i.postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3/afghanman-arte.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3)

https://i.postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m/Pamiri-man.jpg (https://postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m)

https://i.postimg.cc/crhK8pRN/Screenshot-20190601-180937.jpg (https://postimg.cc/crhK8pRN)

https://i.postimg.cc/CdYkBH3k/Screenshot-20200215-120819.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CdYkBH3k)

https://i.postimg.cc/V5DrSyBP/Screenshot-20191127-231020.jpg (https://postimg.cc/V5DrSyBP)

https://i.postimg.cc/tZz1twKP/Screenshot-20191210-174136.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZz1twKP)

https://i.postimg.cc/xq0NTjmP/Screenshot-20200215-120808.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xq0NTjmP)

12-11-2020, 12:53 AM
These are truly light cherrypicked afghans

https://i.postimg.cc/75L51K9J/1bf367dbe9-avatar.jpg (https://postimg.cc/75L51K9J)

https://i.postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ/1XpzhnF.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ)

https://i.postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6/50669956-870930979744327-8253437407735578624-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6)

https://i.postimg.cc/14pVyn4X/afghan33su5.jpg (https://postimg.cc/14pVyn4X)

https://i.postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3/afghanman-arte.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3)

https://i.postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m/Pamiri-man.jpg (https://postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m)

https://i.postimg.cc/crhK8pRN/Screenshot-20190601-180937.jpg (https://postimg.cc/crhK8pRN)

I apologize I really do. He said MAIN in his title so I assumed he was showcasing all the main ones or most looks rather than one family.
If you read the comments, the man is trying to prove them as "whites" (like leavntines)and totally different looking from Indians/Pakistanis and both of us know that MANY Pakistanis (especially in Afghan province KPK) can look somewhat similar to Afghans.
Would you say these comments on the post are somewhat misguided or do you consider Afghans as very distinct looking from Pakistanis and/or do you consider them white?

I've even seen posts by Pakistanis saying they are Caucasian and Caucaisan looking and on one of my posts they comment/call Iranian men as undesirable and Pakistani men as very desirable haha. They even proceed to call Iran a backwards country etc. But this isn't about Pakistan so I won't comment about that.

The 2nd peoples skin tone doesn't really vary from SOME of the ones you posted. The top pic of the first one looks the darkest. But from the first comment you made, only the top picture loads for me haha.

Would you say these are typical Afghans? https://globalvoices.org/2016/01/04/afghanistans-national-football-team-the-pride-of-a-nation-even-in-defeat/

12-11-2020, 01:00 AM
I apologize I really do. He said MAIN in his title so I assumed he was showcasing all the main ones or most looks rather than one family.
If you read the comments, the man is trying to prove them as "whites" (like leavntines)and totally different looking from Indians/Pakistanis and both of us know that MANY Pakistanis (especially in Afghan province KPK) can look somewhat similar to Afghans.
Would you say these comments on the post are somewhat misguided or do you consider Afghans as very distinct looking from Pakistanis and/or do you consider them white?

I've even seen posts by Pakistanis saying they are Caucasian and Caucaisan looking and on one of my posts they comment/call Iranian men as undesirable and Pakistani men as very desirable haha. They even proceed to call Iran a backwards country etc. But this isn't about Pakistan so I won't comment about that.

The 2nd peoples skin tone doesn't really vary from SOME of the ones you posted. The top pic of the first one looks the darkest. But from the first comment you made, only the top picture loads for me haha.

Would you say these are typical Afghans? https://globalvoices.org/2016/01/04/afghanistans-national-football-team-the-pride-of-a-nation-even-in-defeat/

I'm sorry but saying levantines are white and proceeding to deny that afghans are not is quite untrue . If levantines are white ( which they are not but euro standards ) then I'm CERTAIN afghans are even more white. But they are not since we are not european . We are Caucasian , which is something you cannot deny. Also, I don't know if this will offend you but indic Pakistanis and afghans do not look similar , at all. I live in England and have seen pakis all my life , I find very few that I have mistook for afghans. Kpk pashtuns especially from FATA are ethnic afghans . Ofcourse they look similar. When we mean paki we mean Punjabis , Sindhis , kashmiris , hindkos, potwahris , muhajjirs and gujjars.

Yes the afghan football team is typical , i posted a more recent squad just a page back . You can see that light eyes is common even there let alone the cricket team .

Btw a side note , the wedding isn't showing one family but a whole gathering of afghans lol

Afghan football team


12-11-2020, 01:14 AM
I'm sorry but saying levantines are white and proceeding to deny that afghans are not is quite untrue . If levantines are white ( which they are not but euro standards ) then I'm CERTAIN afghans are even more white. But they are not since we are not european . We are Caucasian , which is something you cannot deny. Also, I don't know if this will offend you but indic Pakistanis and afghans do not look similar , at all. I live in England and have seen pakis all my life , I find very few that I have mistook for afghans. Kpk pashtuns especially from FATA are ethnic afghans . Ofcourse they look similar. When we mean paki we mean Punjabis , Sindhis , kashmiris , hindkos, potwahris , muhajjirs and gujjars.

Yes the afghan football team is typical , i posted a more recent squad just a page back . You can see that light eyes is common even there let alone the cricket team .

Btw a side note , the wedding isn't showing one family but a whole gathering of afghans lol

Afghan football team


No one calls Levantines white lmao. He brought it up.

Pakistan's largest ethnic group is Pashtun after Punjabi... They don't just live in the north but the most actually live in the South in Karachi and Quetta. These people are thoroughly Pakistani imo. You can't mention Pakistan without mentioning Pashtuns. Pakistan is 30 percent Iranic groups after all.

You don't think some Kashmiris or Punjabis look similar to some of your examples? I certainly do.

Speaking of gujju, I am gujju speaking/group and I don't look too different but I acknowledge that most Afghanis clearly look different from other Indic groups haha. There should be absolutely nothing offensive about this so need to be apologize.

Edit: sorry you said Gujjars not Gujjus haha. I mistakes the too.

12-11-2020, 01:19 AM
No one calls Levantines white lmao. He brought it up.

Pakistan's largest ethnic group is Pashtun after Punjabi... They don't just live in the north but the most actually live in the South in Karachi and Quetta. These people are thoroughly Pakistani imo. You can't mention Pakistan without mentioning Pashtuns. Pakistan is 30 percent Iranic groups after all.

You don't think some Kashmiris or Punjabis look similar to some of your examples? I certainly do.

Speaking of gujju, I am gujju speaking/group and I don't look too different but I acknowledge that most Afghanis clearly look different from other Indic groups haha. There should be absolutely nothing offensive about this so need to be apologize.

No don't get it twisted man, pashrun is a linguistic term mainly in Pakistan . For instance , a peshwari hindko admixed " pashtun" will call himself pashtun. Likewise , 2nd or 3rd generation pashtuns living in Punjab like Imran khan are admixed , even though he looks pashtun. The ones im talking about are FATA tribal pashtuns like that tall pashtun cricket player , forgot his name .

Afghans have a an extra layer or two of west Asian / Caucasus type that Pak pashtuns lack. This is why you can commonly get afghans who look no different to Iranians , Turks or levantines but hardly get that with kpk pashtuns . Something lameduck noticed too .

I think I saw your pic , aren't you a parsi?

12-11-2020, 01:29 AM
No don't get it twisted man, pashrun is a linguistic term mainly in Pakistan . For instance , a peshwari hindko admixed " pashtun" will call himself pashtun. Likewise , 2nd or 3rd generation pashtuns living in Punjab like Imran khan are admixed , even though he looks pashtun. The ones im talking about are FATA tribal pashtuns like that tall pashtun cricket player , forgot his name .

Afghans have a an extra layer or two of west Asian / Caucasus type that Pak pashtuns lack. This is why you can commonly get afghans who look no different to Iranians , Turks or levantines but hardly get that with kpk pashtuns . Something lameduck noticed too .

I think I saw your pic , aren't you a parsi?

You need to understand that 10-20 percent of Karachi/Peshawar are actually 1st or 3rd generation immigrants/refugees from Afghanistan. I'd considered a 2nd or 3rd generation Afghanistani in Pakistan as Pakistani since that's where they grew up. And many pashtuns in Pak do actually cluster with Afghan Pashtuns. Same with Baluchis.

Parsis are a Gujju speaking group. Perhaps no group better exemplifies Gujarat than Parsis do.
You think that all Gujjus are the same, yet, study after study shows they are Indias most genetically diverse group. Bohras, Iranis, Siddis, Parsis, low caste, high caste, Pathans etc.
If you want a "proper" Gujaratis(or North Indians), here you go.
See what I mean about my previous comments about picking wedding pics.

12-11-2020, 01:37 AM
No don't get it twisted man, pashrun is a linguistic term mainly in Pakistan . For instance , a peshwari hindko admixed " pashtun" will call himself pashtun. Likewise , 2nd or 3rd generation pashtuns living in Punjab like Imran khan are admixed , even though he looks pashtun. The ones im talking about are FATA tribal pashtuns like that tall pashtun cricket player , forgot his name .

Afghans have a an extra layer or two of west Asian / Caucasus type that Pak pashtuns lack. This is why you can commonly get afghans who look no different to Iranians , Turks or levantines but hardly get that with kpk pashtuns . Something lameduck noticed too .

I think I saw your pic , aren't you a parsi?

Last question. How many Afghanis would pass as Parsis and change vice versa? 30 percent? A lot of Parsis have clear admixture with South Asians which Afghans lack. Would Mercury, Freddy Daruwalla, Jamshyd Godrej, Sam maneckshaw, Jamshed Marker (examples of Parsis) and a few other pass in Kabul?

What percent of would completely pass as Completely indistinguishable from Iranians 40 percent?

12-11-2020, 01:39 AM
You need to understand that 10-20 percent of Karachi/Peshawar are actually 1st or 3rd generation immigrants/refugees from Afghanistan. I'd considered a 2nd or 3rd generation Afghanistani in Pakistan as Pakistani since that's where they grew up. And many pashtuns in Pak do actually cluster with Afghan Pashtuns. Same with Baluchis.

Parsis are a Gujju speaking group. Perhaps no group better exemplifies Gujarat than Parsis do.
You think that all Gujjus are the same, yet, study after study shows they are Indias most genetically diverse group. Bohras, Iranis, Siddis, Parsis, low caste, high caste, Pathans etc.
If you want a "proper" Gujaratis(or North Indians), here you go.
See what I mean about my previous comments about picking wedding pics.

Bro are you seriously comparing those normal / dark afghans who are deffo not light to those Bollywood light types ? The latter is much much lighter than your average Punjabi from Amritsar . Besides the point , Pak pashtuns do cluster close to afghans but not quite. Afghan pashtuns and Tajiks have more caucasus type ancestry in general , I think higher steppe. Although overall quite similar . Depends where and who tbh. Not as simple as it looks .

12-11-2020, 01:41 AM
Last question. How many Afghanis would pass as Parsis and change vice versa? 30 percent? A lot of Parsis have clear admixture with South Asians which Afghans lack. Would Mercury, Freddy Daruwalla, Jamshyd Godrej, Sam maneckshaw, Jamshed Marker (examples of Parsis) and a few other pass in Kabul?

What percent of would completely pass as Completely indistinguishable from Iranians 40 percent?

Not too familar with Parsis , could you post those folks ilu mentioned?

12-11-2020, 01:44 AM
Bro are you seriously comparing those normal / dark afghans who are deffo not light to those Bollywood light types ? The latter is much much lighter than your average Punjabi from Amritsar . Besides the point , Pak pashtuns do cluster close to afghans but not quite. Afghan pashtuns and Tajiks have more caucasus type ancestry in general , I think higher steppe. Although overall quite similar . Depends where and who tbh. Not as simple as it looks .

It's more than skin tone. Mukesh just looks "off" for some reason to me. Not just his tone. He just don't look Indian (especially non Iranic Gujju) to me.

Agree with everything else you've said bro. Spot on.

12-11-2020, 01:55 AM
Not too familar with Parsis , could you post those folks ilu mentioned?

https://www.google.com/search?q=freddie+mercury&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWud3B9MTtAhWFU80KHUtqA5sQ_AUoAXoECBsQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75

Freddie Mercury

Freddy Daruwalla

Godrej family and Petigara

Jamshyd Godrej.

Sam Maneckshaw.

Some Pakistani Parsis.
Ardershir Cowasjee.

Jamshed Marker.

Thiese are regular parsis. Many of whom I've spoken to myself. So not cherrypicked as these are regular run-of-the-mill folks I know myself who shaped India and Pakistan and not light skinned models or actors with tons of makeup like most of Bollywood haha. Can't use any wedding footage and pictures as those are largely mixed with Hindu and Muslim guests and a lot of Parsis are marrying out now anyways.

12-11-2020, 02:01 AM
Not too familar with Parsis , could you post those folks ilu mentioned?

What about my second comment? How many Afghans would completely pass as Iranians? 40 percent?

12-11-2020, 07:28 AM
So I was browsing very old apricity posts, and a question struck me.
What does an Afghani look like?
It seems here on apricity, people only cherrypick the whitest passing people/crowds from non Euro countries.

They try to say things like:
"Oh oh look at my relatives at a marriage ceremony who happen to be among the whitest Afghans! This is the average Afghan pheno. We are misrepresented by Western media. We are white passing Aryans with green eyes."
They don't say this but hint at it.

https://www.google.com/search?q=afghan+crowds&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr9430ssTtAhUVZc0KHcDBATAQ_AUoAXoECA4QA Q&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75
So I'm just asking people here, what some of these Afghanistanis look like.
Any morphs representative of the average Afghan?
Any typical looking Afghanis?

There is no such thing as a typical afghan. The ones with pale features also are not found in the cities. They are in between persians indians and northerners (iranian) and mongols (uzbeks, hazara, huns etc). Even if someone did a face morph I doubt it would ever be indicative of anyone you meet from there

You mention people cherrypicking the whitest looking afghans and maybe some people do that, but ironically what shocks me is that a lot of afghan people look like westerners with very dark colours, aka they might have a northern-esque or italian face but they will have dark skin black hair and brown eyes, etc.

12-11-2020, 09:13 AM
There is no such thing as a typical afghan. The ones with pale features also are not found in the cities. They are in between persians indians and northerners (iranian) and mongols (uzbeks, hazara, huns etc). Even if someone did a face morph I doubt it would ever be indicative of anyone you meet from there

You mention people cherrypicking the whitest looking afghans and maybe some people do that, but ironically what shocks me is that a lot of afghan people look like westerners with very dark colours, aka they might have a northern-esque or italian face but they will have dark skin black hair and brown eyes, etc.

These are typical afghans

https://i.postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH/5-C7u-TVy-Imgur.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH)

https://i.postimg.cc/hzDp80Vf/Screenshot-20200129-114401.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hzDp80Vf)

Does your comment at the end mean this ?

https://i.postimg.cc/TL1nYNrq/Screenshot-20200424-190031.jpg (https://postimg.cc/TL1nYNrq)

https://i.postimg.cc/JHBJjyYs/Screenshot-20200424-190043.jpg (https://postimg.cc/JHBJjyYs)

https://i.postimg.cc/Lhqjc74m/Screenshot-20200424-190059.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Lhqjc74m)

https://i.postimg.cc/5jZ8b3jL/Screenshot-20200424-190117.jpg (https://postimg.cc/5jZ8b3jL)

https://i.postimg.cc/ppzzTFn7/Screenshot-20200424-190134.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ppzzTFn7)

https://i.postimg.cc/tZcW1dk0/Screenshot-20200424-190146.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZcW1dk0)

https://i.postimg.cc/Z9RWrBCJ/Screenshot-20200502-145132.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Z9RWrBCJ)

https://i.postimg.cc/9rpKvrQ3/people-watch-a-partridge-fighting-in-a-park-in-kabul-afghanistan-on-september-4-2009-bird-fighting-i.jpg (https://postimg.cc/9rpKvrQ3)

https://i.postimg.cc/ZCZX7rZF/111063602-protest.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ZCZX7rZF)

12-11-2020, 09:15 AM
What about my second comment? How many Afghans would completely pass as Iranians? 40 percent?
No I think rather higher . Passing shouldn't be so difficult , even though I think Iranians have a disticnt look .

12-11-2020, 10:14 AM
Pashtuns look mostly Irano Afghan indo iranid and iranid
Tajiks mostly Pamirid Turanid
Turkmens: Turanid Transcaspid Pamirid little Aralid
Uzbeks: Turanid Pamirid Aralid.
Hazaras: Aralid Turanid Pamirid

Also Afghanistani Fars look lighter than Iranian Fars.

12-11-2020, 10:34 AM
https://i.postimg.cc/p9xCQtj2/130908601-3645868362147335-7833610800426789919-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9xCQtj2)

https://i.postimg.cc/d7BB4SRG/131056472-3645868175480687-1240689219602986670-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/d7BB4SRG)

https://i.postimg.cc/dkV9Xmnp/131218939-3645868348814003-7941130098136241405-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/dkV9Xmnp)

https://i.postimg.cc/1gqgzgXX/129762305-3632067763527395-4873017250973402703-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/1gqgzgXX)

12-11-2020, 10:35 AM
Pashtuns look mostly Irano Afghan indo iranid and iranid
Tajiks mostly Pamirid Turanid
Turkmens: Turanid Transcaspid Pamirid little Aralid
Uzbeks: Turanid Pamirid Aralid.
Hazaras: Aralid Turanid Pamirid

Also Afghanistani Fars look lighter than Iranian Fars.

Irano afghan is the same as iranid ( long headed sharp featured Mediterranean ) . For pashtuns I would say iranid , Indo iranid( softer rounder look ) and nordoid iranid( lighter featured ) is the most common.

12-11-2020, 01:28 PM
These are typical afghans

https://i.postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH/5-C7u-TVy-Imgur.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WtWLFSdH)

https://i.postimg.cc/hzDp80Vf/Screenshot-20200129-114401.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hzDp80Vf)

Does your comment at the end mean this ?

https://i.postimg.cc/TL1nYNrq/Screenshot-20200424-190031.jpg (https://postimg.cc/TL1nYNrq)

https://i.postimg.cc/JHBJjyYs/Screenshot-20200424-190043.jpg (https://postimg.cc/JHBJjyYs)

https://i.postimg.cc/Lhqjc74m/Screenshot-20200424-190059.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Lhqjc74m)

https://i.postimg.cc/5jZ8b3jL/Screenshot-20200424-190117.jpg (https://postimg.cc/5jZ8b3jL)

https://i.postimg.cc/ppzzTFn7/Screenshot-20200424-190134.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ppzzTFn7)

https://i.postimg.cc/tZcW1dk0/Screenshot-20200424-190146.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZcW1dk0)

https://i.postimg.cc/Z9RWrBCJ/Screenshot-20200502-145132.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Z9RWrBCJ)

https://i.postimg.cc/9rpKvrQ3/people-watch-a-partridge-fighting-in-a-park-in-kabul-afghanistan-on-september-4-2009-bird-fighting-i.jpg (https://postimg.cc/9rpKvrQ3)

https://i.postimg.cc/ZCZX7rZF/111063602-protest.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ZCZX7rZF)

How come the ones I find on google and the ones I see in Canada and Pakistan and in travel vlogs vary so much from yours??? Is yours just northern? Are you searching a lot?

The Afghan team I linked and see play regularly literally zero have colored eyes. I'm aware of Afghans with colored eyes. Seen it quite often. Arshad Khan. But not a 1/4 percent.

Literally the first few articles of Google and the first few images. Didn't have to dig deep and search at all.
I'm not stupid. I can see the difference between Pakistanis and Afghanis. Most Pakistanis can rather easily. HOWEVER, they don't look too different from Pak Pashtuns at all.

12-11-2020, 01:39 PM
So I was browsing very old apricity posts, and a question struck me.
What does an Afghani look like?
It seems here on apricity, people only cherrypick the whitest passing people/crowds from non Euro countries.

Don't they do that with all nationalities and ethnicities here ?

They try to say things like:
"Oh oh look at my relatives at a marriage ceremony who happen to be among the whitest Afghans! This is the average Afghan pheno. We are misrepresented by Western media. We are white passing Aryans with green eyes."

WTF is 'aryan' , anyway ? Nazi ideology is a complete joke. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I don't give a fuck I don't want to be an blonde hair blue eyed Swede when I can be English e.g. Cornish/Devonshire English. The further West you go in Britain the more likely someone is to have brown hair and eyes but the skin is usually still whiter than Germans and scandinavians. Sorry, for the off topic but that is what happens when you use controversial terms like aryan. Most English people probably don't give a flying fuck about being 'aryan' when they are British or English instead.

12-11-2020, 01:46 PM
How come the ones I find on google and the ones I see in Canada and Pakistan and in travel vlogs vary so much from yours??? Is yours just northern? Are you searching a lot?

The Afghan team I linked and see play regularly literally zero have colored eyes. I'm aware of Afghans with colored eyes. Seen it quite often. Arshad Khan. But not a 1/4 percent.

Literally the first few articles of Google and the first few images. Didn't have to dig deep and search at all.
I'm not stupid. I can see the difference between Pakistanis and Afghanis. Most Pakistanis can rather easily. HOWEVER, they don't look too different from Pak Pashtuns at all.

Your actually taking the piss now . How are the afghans I posted any different from the ones you just shown ? It's very bad lighting and most of those refugees are from jalalabad ( known to be quite dark since its extremely hot ). Look at their FACIAL FEATURES. I'm posting legit afghans from Afghanistan in football teams , organisations , protests . And it's a quarter for Caucasoid afghans including nuristanis , pashtuns , Tajiks . For pashtuns alone it's 20% . Look at the cricket squad I listed and the football team don't have light eyes ?? Lol you need to get your eyes checked buddy .

https://i.postimg.cc/p9pg6LtJ/187191-1473750016.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9pg6LtJ)

https://i.postimg.cc/nXc8q1R5/1915745-916538671774110-2427374388794173872-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nXc8q1R5)

https://i.postimg.cc/rDhBjt7p/19-Rahmat-Akbari.png (https://postimg.cc/rDhBjt7p)

https://i.postimg.cc/0bCR64fD/download-11.jpg (https://postimg.cc/0bCR64fD)

https://i.postimg.cc/2VGMjZkx/Screenshot-20191021-020650.jpg (https://postimg.cc/2VGMjZkx)

That's 5 out of 20 which is 25% .

Let's look at Indian Parsis using the great Google engine

https://www.google.com/search?q=indian+parsis&client=ms-android-ee-uk-revc&prmd=inv&sxsrf=ALeKk02IIJaxooZr09ydPMerdv90-FhSHQ:1607697961722&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwimlajPlcbtAhWlnVwKHQv2A1gQ_AUoAXoECAsQA Q&biw=360&bih=623&dpr=3

Yeah ..

12-11-2020, 01:52 PM
The cricket squad , players with light eyes

https://i.postimg.cc/QK8LSkNH/merwais-ashraf-afg-1.png (https://postimg.cc/QK8LSkNH)

https://i.postimg.cc/CnLtbhJ8/1926784-664161893620002-549950280-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CnLtbhJ8)

https://i.postimg.cc/21BtQXd0/IMG-20190601-173433.jpg (https://postimg.cc/21BtQXd0)

https://i.postimg.cc/wykZty5H/IMG-20190601-173543.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wykZty5H)

https://i.postimg.cc/yJ4bvXvs/IMG-20190601-173555.jpg (https://postimg.cc/yJ4bvXvs)

https://i.postimg.cc/3dNVRwk5/Screenshot-20190601-173250.jpg (https://postimg.cc/3dNVRwk5)

https://i.postimg.cc/rKHbtL4d/Screenshot-20190601-180937.jpg (https://postimg.cc/rKHbtL4d)

https://i.postimg.cc/mhbKvjRr/Screenshot-20190601-224245.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mhbKvjRr)

https://i.postimg.cc/rzQ7M4FN/Screenshot-20190601-225749.jpg (https://postimg.cc/rzQ7M4FN)

https://i.postimg.cc/PNRKSQ59/Screenshot-20200129-114445.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PNRKSQ59)

https://i.postimg.cc/xNnQhV5j/10868185-887661974600772-8149646941363661206-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xNnQhV5j)

https://i.postimg.cc/K3fbyppP/13920799-1881295348764804-8094512085688691859-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/K3fbyppP)

https://i.postimg.cc/LhpZ2q05/35166877-10156469786767920-864692700413165568-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LhpZ2q05)

https://i.postimg.cc/Hj98xpf2/samiullah-shinwari-afg.png (https://postimg.cc/Hj98xpf2)

Having " light eyes " doesn't necessarily mean the person looks Swedish or English ffs . Alot of these men look stereotypically afghan but with colored eyes. From afar they would look no different to their darker eyed brethren .

12-11-2020, 02:00 PM
The circled players are ones who I am certain have light eyes , the others have brown or mixed eyes
That's 3 out of 12 . Equals 23% .

https://i.postimg.cc/CBdrKPKC/IMG-20201211-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CBdrKPKC)

That's 4 out of 15 , which is 26%.

https://i.postimg.cc/DWwBCj1V/IMG-20201211-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/DWwBCj1V)

Honestly don't see the issue .

12-11-2020, 02:08 PM
Serious question why do Parsis and iranis look so different to the ones you posted ?

https://www.google.com/search?q=pakistani+parsis&client=ms-android-ee-uk-revc&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk00ITjbRs60qR2Oo8KPhVyOVolBYyA:160769927 5593&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtr-jBmsbtAhXOOcAKHYLGCJQQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=360&bih=575#imgrc=-SMzZeq6DpMvbM

12-11-2020, 02:53 PM
Serious question why do Parsis and iranis look so different to the ones you posted ?

https://www.google.com/search?q=pakistani+parsis&client=ms-android-ee-uk-revc&prmd=ivn&sxsrf=ALeKk00ITjbRs60qR2Oo8KPhVyOVolBYyA:160769927 5593&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtr-jBmsbtAhXOOcAKHYLGCJQQ_AUoAXoECAYQAQ&biw=360&bih=575#imgrc=-SMzZeq6DpMvbM

Well, they are basically 1/4 Indic

Distance: 1.1778% / 0.01177809
Target: Parsi_Pakistan
76.9 Iranian_Zoroastrian
23.1 Gujarati

Distance: 1.3060% / 0.01305961
Target: Parsi_India
75.7 Iranian_Zoroastrian
24.3 Gujarati

12-11-2020, 03:11 PM
Well, they are basically 1/4 Indic

Distance: 1.1778% / 0.01177809
Target: Parsi_Pakistan
76.9 Iranian_Zoroastrian
23.1 Gujarati

Distance: 1.3060% / 0.01305961
Target: Parsi_India
75.7 Iranian_Zoroastrian
24.3 Gujarati

No I get that, but according to Azzbuzz the Parsis look quite light even for Iranian standards . I'm just using his own standards against him and showing is hyprocrisy and inconsistency .

12-11-2020, 03:16 PM
No I get that, but according to Azzbuzz the Parsis look quite light even for Iranian standards . I'm just using his own standards against him and showing is hyprocrisy and inconsistency .

Well idk about that, but I know most Parsis look more or less NW Indian however there are light types present at a higher rate than their neighbors for obviously

12-11-2020, 03:24 PM
Well idk about that, but I know most Parsis look more or less NW Indian however there are light types present at a higher rate than their neighbors for obviously

According to him these are normal looking Parsis( they don't show any indid and look even western shifted for typical Persians ) lmao, his whole title thread is about people cherypicking atypical celebs then proceeds do it for his own group looool

https://i.postimg.cc/8jVgz62F/2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/8jVgz62F)

https://i.postimg.cc/KkkhRrcT/34104552045-30d7007074-m.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KkkhRrcT)

https://i.postimg.cc/hfbWzGn2/657fa6e4bc885db65194caa94ea1ed72.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hfbWzGn2)

https://i.postimg.cc/grhPpDTF/808838-sam-manekshaw.jpg (https://postimg.cc/grhPpDTF)

https://i.postimg.cc/HcqD5cjh/Freddy-Daruwala.jpg (https://postimg.cc/HcqD5cjh)

https://i.postimg.cc/QKcLq8Tx/longest-serving-envoy-jamsheed-marker-passes-away-1529613767-1189.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QKcLq8Tx)

https://i.postimg.cc/Lq0M90SR/Navroze.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Lq0M90SR)

Yeah I've figured this guy is either a troll or has a some weird complex .

12-11-2020, 03:58 PM
Yeah I've figured this guy is either a troll or has a some weird complex .

bruh moment

12-11-2020, 04:05 PM
bruh moment

Yeah and these are typical afghans obviously :rolleyes:

https://i.postimg.cc/FkfPbN7C/1-Xpzhn-F-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FkfPbN7C)

https://i.postimg.cc/kDDhPFfN/BLVOmXs.jpg (https://postimg.cc/kDDhPFfN)

https://i.postimg.cc/XGY1Jw3b/f1pBfpe.jpg (https://postimg.cc/XGY1Jw3b)

https://i.postimg.cc/bDVC2sN2/UqzKdqt.jpg (https://postimg.cc/bDVC2sN2)

12-11-2020, 04:11 PM
Also Afghanistani Fars look lighter than Iranian Fars.

I think this is an anthromyth

These are average Iranians:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lH0edrfBAQ&ab_channel=LifeGoesOnInIran&fbclid=IwAR2IdXPSkI7VWg2FBHzzqxrOhJqaHoINRXpxySpWn V5LXitxcpJh_sVX-XM

Maybe Afghans are lighter than Southern Iranians

12-11-2020, 04:24 PM
I think this is an anthromyth

These are average Iranians:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lH0edrfBAQ&ab_channel=LifeGoesOnInIran&fbclid=IwAR2IdXPSkI7VWg2FBHzzqxrOhJqaHoINRXpxySpWn V5LXitxcpJh_sVX-XM

Maybe Afghans are lighter than Southern Iranians

I disagree man . Afghan Tajiks especially from badakkshan panjsher and regions are lighter than those you posted

Southern afghans are much lighter southern Iranians , so yeah afghans more up north would be lighter by default .

Afghan Tajiks from badakkshan


12-11-2020, 04:28 PM
According to him these are normal looking Parsis( they don't show any indid and look even western shifted for typical Persians ) lmao, his whole title thread is about people cherypicking atypical celebs then proceeds do it for his own group looool

https://i.postimg.cc/8jVgz62F/2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/8jVgz62F)

https://i.postimg.cc/KkkhRrcT/34104552045-30d7007074-m.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KkkhRrcT)

https://i.postimg.cc/hfbWzGn2/657fa6e4bc885db65194caa94ea1ed72.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hfbWzGn2)

https://i.postimg.cc/grhPpDTF/808838-sam-manekshaw.jpg (https://postimg.cc/grhPpDTF)

https://i.postimg.cc/HcqD5cjh/Freddy-Daruwala.jpg (https://postimg.cc/HcqD5cjh)

https://i.postimg.cc/QKcLq8Tx/longest-serving-envoy-jamsheed-marker-passes-away-1529613767-1189.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QKcLq8Tx)

https://i.postimg.cc/Lq0M90SR/Navroze.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Lq0M90SR)

Yeah I've figured this guy is either a troll or has a some weird complex .

How tf do you expect me to pic actual Parsis? You do know the google images are half Hindus? You people have never actually been to Mumbai or seen Parsis and it's rather evident.

Parsis have ALWAYS been described as very tall and "white" by Brits, Portuguese and Spaniard explorers. Want sources?

My entire friend group and myself don't vary from Navroze Godrej at all.

Want more "typical" Parsis who fit your view? What about Kavas Petigara, Jim Sarabh, Adi Godrej and more that I linked? Literally all these people are very dark featured (dark hair and eyes). I didn't cherrypick green and blue eyes at all like you guys did. You think 75 percent Persians wouldnt look like this?

12-11-2020, 04:32 PM
How tf do you expect me to pic actual Parsis? You do know the google images are half Hindus? You people have never actually been to Mumbai or seen Parsis and it's rather evident.

Parsis have ALWAYS been described as very tall and "white" by Brits, Portuguese and Spaniard explorers. Want sources?

My entire friend group and myself don't vary from Navroze Godrej at all.

Want more "typical" Parsis who fit your view? What about Kavas Petigara, Jim Sarabh, Adi Godrej and more that I linked? Literally all these people are very dark featured (dark hair and eyes). I didn't cherrypick green and blue eyes at all like you guys did. You think 75 percent Persians wouldnt look like this?

Hahaha so when I quoted a LEGIT anthropologist stating what afghans look like and their rate of blondism and light eyes you dismissed it with " provide you sources " etc etc . Show me these British people talking about these so called white Parsis ?

Cherrypick light eyes ? Lol, I showed you the amount of afghans who had light eyes in a group photo and it aligned with the statistics that reflect the rate of light pigmented eyes . Nice try though .

Just a side note : how do you know those people on Google images you seem to label as afghans are fully afghans such as pashtuns or Tajiks from Afghanistan and not turkic admixed ? You don't . That's right . Because it suits your agenda. Hypocritical.

12-11-2020, 04:34 PM
Well idk about that, but I know most Parsis look more or less NW Indian however there are light types present at a higher rate than their neighbors for obviously


12-11-2020, 04:35 PM
How tf do you expect me to pic actual Parsis? You do know the google images are half Hindus? You people have never actually been to Mumbai or seen Parsis and it's rather evident.

Parsis have ALWAYS been described as very tall and "white" by Brits, Portuguese and Spaniard explorers. Want sources?

My entire friend group and myself don't vary from Navroze Godrej at all.

Want more "typical" Parsis who fit your view? What about Kavas Petigara, Jim Sarabh, Adi Godrej and more that I linked? Literally all these people are very dark featured (dark hair and eyes). I didn't cherrypick green and blue eyes at all like you guys did. You think 75 percent Persians wouldnt look like this?

Do you know what I look like? Do you know what previous afghan members online looked like?

12-11-2020, 04:36 PM
Hahaha so when I quoted a LEGIT anthropologist stating what afghans look like and their rate of blondism and light eyes you dismissed it with " provide you sources " etc etc . Show me these British people talking about these so called white Parsis ?

Cherrypick light eyes ? Lol, I showed you the amount of afghans who had light eyes in a group photo and it aligned with the statistics that reflect the rate of light pigmented eyes . Nice try though .

Just a side note : how do you know those people on Google images you seem to label as afghans are fully afghans such as pashtuns or Tajiks from Afghanistan and not turkic admixed ? You don't . That's right . Because it suits your agenda. Hypocritical.

So I can quote literal European explorers saying the same thing about Parsi skin color and more. You think Jim Sarabh, Adi Godrej, Kavas Petigara and more I linked were cherrypicked. Nope. You can see for yourself. Not light at all.

If I want to cherrypick, I'd choose only green eyed ones.

12-11-2020, 04:36 PM
I disagree man . Afghan Tajiks especially from badakkshan panjsher and regions are lighter than those you posted

Southern afghans are much lighter southern Iranians , so yeah afghans more up north would be lighter by default .

Afghan Tajiks from badakkshan


Most Afghans living in Teheran are darker than the average population I just going by what I see. Also in Germany Afghans tend to be darker on average too but not by much. There might be some regions in Afghanistan who are very light i'm not denying.
I agree with most of your statements on this thread otherwise.

12-11-2020, 04:37 PM
Do you know what I look like? Do you know what previous afghan members online looked like?

I've seen tons of blue and green eyed ones. Like I already apologized that I misunderstood the previous post so I apologize for it. You can go back and see.

12-11-2020, 04:39 PM
Most Afghans living in Teheran are darker than the average population I just going by what I see. Also in Germany Afghans tend to be darker on average too but not by much.
I agree with most of your statements on this thread otherwise.

Darker featured Iranians are referred to as "Afghans" in Tehran and ghora bachas in Pakistan are referred to as "white like a Pathan" lmao. I have sources.

Also fuck this white obssession. Anthropology is more than skin color. The Afghans don't look too much different from Tehranians facially.

12-11-2020, 04:40 PM
Most Afghans living in Teheran are darker than the average population I just going by what I see. Also in Germany Afghans tend to be darker on average too but not by much. There might be some regions in Afghanistan who are very light i'm not denying.
I agree with most of your statements on this thread otherwise.

Most afghans in Iran are hazaras or Turkic heratis . I know exactly what type of afghans you have been exposed too and I don't blame you for thinking that . Afghans in Germany are pretty diverse , some are dark some are light , but most fall in between and share great overlap with other iranic groups in Germany from what I've seen

12-11-2020, 04:42 PM
Darker featured Iranians are referred to as "Afghans" in Tehran and ghora bachas in Pakistan are referred to as "white like a Pathan" lmao. I have sources.

Also fuck this white obssession. Anthropology is more than skin color. The Afghans don't look too much different from Tehranians facially.
Afghans in Iran are almost always hazaras and they can look quite dark plus Mongolic features . They get looked down upon even by their own Shia brothers .

12-11-2020, 04:49 PM
Hahaha so when I quoted a LEGIT anthropologist stating what afghans look like and their rate of blondism and light eyes you dismissed it with " provide you sources " etc etc . Show me these British people talking about these so called white Parsis ?

Cherrypick light eyes ? Lol, I showed you the amount of afghans who had light eyes in a group photo and it aligned with the statistics that reflect the rate of light pigmented eyes . Nice try though .

Just a side note : how do you know those people on Google images you seem to label as afghans are fully afghans such as pashtuns or Tajiks from Afghanistan and not turkic admixed ? You don't . That's right . Because it suits your agenda. Hypocritical.

Here are some more. Keep in mind I had already linked this previously. You only chose to focus on "the light ones".
https://www.google.com/search?q=nusli+wadia&client=ms-android-google&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiEr7bivMbtAhWKGs0KHQBSBZIQ_AUoAnoECCAQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75
Mixed with Indian.

Kavas Petigara(he was in the Godrej link but you only chose Jamshyd Godrej for some reason).

https://www.google.com/search?q=adi+godrej&client=ms-android-google&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiOtJulvcbtAhXMZc0KHVgfAmQQ_AUoAnoECBYQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75

https://www.google.com/search?q=jim+sarbh&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj69OOuvcbtAhUtB50JHfOkBD0Q_AUoAXoECBQQA Q&biw=393&bih=698

Some regular crowds
https://www.alamy.com/middle-aged-parsi-couple-standing-together-in-parsi-attire-image61749808.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=B30D4023-C628-4C87-9FE9-E997649CDC83&p=181199&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sort by%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26q t%3dparsi%2520man%26qt_raw%3dparsi%2520man%26lic%3 d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3 d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26 tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%2 6loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0 xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26a%3 d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib% 3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d %26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d 1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26c ap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26e drf%3d%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d

https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-indian-parsi-family-in-front-of-parsi-augury-mr784l-mr364-83621813.html?pv=1&stamp=2&imageid=2E2DF47D-A8B6-4482-B0AC-BE9B0CC2B71F&p=148099&n=0&orientation=0&pn=1&searchtype=0&IsFromSearch=1&srch=foo%3dbar%26st%3d0%26pn%3d1%26ps%3d100%26sort by%3d2%26resultview%3dsortbyPopular%26npgs%3d0%26q t%3dparsi%2520man%26qt_raw%3dparsi%2520man%26lic%3 d3%26mr%3d0%26pr%3d0%26ot%3d0%26creative%3d%26ag%3 d0%26hc%3d0%26pc%3d%26blackwhite%3d%26cutout%3d%26 tbar%3d1%26et%3d0x000000000000000000000%26vp%3d0%2 6loc%3d0%26imgt%3d0%26dtfr%3d%26dtto%3d%26size%3d0 xFF%26archive%3d1%26groupid%3d%26pseudoid%3d%26a%3 d%26cdid%3d%26cdsrt%3d%26name%3d%26qn%3d%26apalib% 3d%26apalic%3d%26lightbox%3d%26gname%3d%26gtype%3d %26xstx%3d0%26simid%3d%26saveQry%3d%26editorial%3d 1%26nu%3d%26t%3d%26edoptin%3d%26customgeoip%3d%26c ap%3d1%26cbstore%3d1%26vd%3d0%26lb%3d%26fi%3d2%26e drf%3d0%26ispremium%3d1%26flip%3d0%26pl%3d
There's people in the back too.


This is literally at the same fire temple I used to go to.

Just google " Parsi Alamy" if you want.

Can't get more objective than this
Only watch the first 2 minutes and if you get interested watch the rest.

Only don't accuse me of cherrypicking when I literally chose the darkest eyed and darkest haired Parsis I could find.

12-11-2020, 04:56 PM
Afghans in Iran are almost always hazaras and they can look quite dark plus Mongolic features . They get looked down upon even by their own Shia brothers .

Ok thanks man. Sorry if I said anything that hurt your feelings. If I want to learn more about Afghanistan could you help me out? I'll help you out too if you want to learn about my community.

12-11-2020, 05:02 PM
Ok thanks man. Sorry if I said anything that hurt your feelings. If I want to learn more about Afghanistan could you help me out? I'll help you out too if you want to learn about my community.

No worries man . Yeah of course , all you need to do is ask and I'll be happy to help . I just don't get why people get so agitated when I post afghans who look very normal . I think people have a very warped version of what they THINK afghans look like compared to what they actually do. I mean I've tried my best to post FOB looking afghans lol

12-11-2020, 05:21 PM
No worries man . Yeah of course , all you need to do is ask and I'll be happy to help . I just don't get why people get so agitated when I post afghans who look very normal . I think people have a very warped version of what they THINK afghans look like compared to what they actually do. I mean I've tried my best to post FOB looking afghans lol

Ya it's just that in the pic of refugees I posted in perfectly normal outdoor lighting, literally none of them had light eyes (and this is similar to my experience in Pakistan), however, now that I think about it, many have green eyes too. Maybe like you said Jalalabad is different. Do most Afghans in Pakistan come from there?

Are there any Parsis left in Afghanistan? I knew quite a few, not sure if they've left.

Also, I'm sorry for being rude. But you can read about Bhicaji Bulsara, Anthony De Monserrate and English explorers of how they described Parsis. forget this anthrotard bullshit. It's a fascinating community, so along with appearance, you'll learn about their culture.
The reason I told you not to completely trust google images is because we are literally so tiny, that there are pictures of actual Hindus reporters that I know. Not to mention I've seen threads discussing Parsis where they post Hindu actors (or half Parsi actors) like the Bachan family in Parsi attire (since thats what shows up on google). So with a community so small, there's a lot of misinformation. Afghanstan is MUCH larger obviously but I realise these mistakes can happen with Google too for Afghanis- so sorry for being rude about that.

Alamy is much better since it was actually taken and uploaded by other Parsis I know so they won't post Hindu reporters etc.

12-11-2020, 05:22 PM
No worries man . Yeah of course , all you need to do is ask and I'll be happy to help . I just don't get why people get so agitated when I post afghans who look very normal . I think people have a very warped version of what they THINK afghans look like compared to what they actually do. I mean I've tried my best to post FOB looking afghans lol

I've even linked a video you might find interesting. You can give it a watch!

Watch from minute 9:38-9:50 or so. Now you see why I posted the examples I did? Because there is literally no one other Parsis left in Pakistan lmao. Under 1000 in Pakistan and close to 500 now. How am I supposed to cherrypick from them haha.
Also, Buman Irani in the video is an Irani not Parsi and Ozar is full on from Iran so definitely not a Parsi. That's why I tell people to be vary of who Parsis are and who aren't because of all the misleading info on google. The lady at 6:48 is a Parsi for sure. I know that.

Parsis are so small, that they can't even make a full video without using Iranis and Iranian Zoroastrians lmao.

12-11-2020, 05:30 PM
Well idk about that, but I know most Parsis look more or less NW Indian however there are light types present at a higher rate than their neighbors for obviously

"Tbh, I’m not sure because I’ve never really met many Parsis. Just judging off of some group photos, they seem to be mostly Persian + Indian looking with various outliers on both ends of that spectrum" Dr Maul.

Interesting. Changed your mind all of sudden? Did you suddenly meet many?

Bruh moment.

Haha JK.

12-11-2020, 05:43 PM
Ya it's just that in the pic of refugees I posted in perfectly normal outdoor lighting, literally none of them had light eyes (and this is similar to my experience in Pakistan), however, now that I think about it, many have green eyes too. Maybe like you said Jalalabad is different. Do most Afghans in Pakistan come from there?

Are there any Parsis left in Afghanistan? I knew quite a few, not sure if they've left.

Also, I'm sorry for being rude. But you can read about Bhicaji Bulsara, Anthony De Monserrate and English explorers of how they described Parsis. forget this anthrotard bullshit. It's a fascinating community, so along with appearance, you'll learn about their culture.
The reason I told you not to completely trust google images is because we are literally so tiny, that there are pictures of actual Hindus reporters that I know. Not to mention I've seen threads discussing Parsis where they post Hindu actors (or half Parsi actors) like the Bachan family in Parsi attire (since thats what shows up on google). So with a community so small, there's a lot of misinformation. Afghanstan is MUCH larger obviously but I realise these mistakes can happen with Google too for Afghanis- so sorry for being rude about that.

Alamy is much better since it was actually taken and uploaded by other Parsis I know so they won't post Hindu reporters etc.

Yeah most afghans in Pakistan are usually from jalalabad since it's the closest city to peshawar . I will post some videos from jalalabad and it's neighbor laghman to show you what they look like. I think your taking Google images and news pics very seriously when it comes to afghans . I mean I'm sorry but I don't see how you could see their eye colour even in daylight .

12-11-2020, 05:47 PM
"Tbh, I’m not sure because I’ve never really met many Parsis. Just judging off of some group photos, they seem to be mostly Persian + Indian looking with various outliers on both ends of that spectrum" Dr Maul.

Interesting. Changed your mind all of sudden? Did you suddenly meet many?

Bruh moment.

Haha JK.

What I will do is I will screenshot the people in a video and post it here along with the video if you want check it out . Seems people are not bothered to watch videos so why not

12-11-2020, 06:01 PM
What I will do is I will screenshot the people in a video and post it here along with the video if you want check it out . Seems people are not bothered to watch videos so why not

There no need. Just link the videos. Also. Ok mate. Cool. Most Afghans are light haired and blue eyes. A quarter are. I get it. No need to argue more. Don't bother posting the screenshots. You win.
I was not aware that most Pakistani Afghans are Jalabadi so I apologize. I wasn't basing it of only google images but also my experience. Again, Jalabadi Afghans are very cool people. Many, many of them live in karachi

12-11-2020, 06:10 PM
"Tbh, I’m not sure because I’ve never really met many Parsis. Just judging off of some group photos, they seem to be mostly Persian + Indian looking with various outliers on both ends of that spectrum" Dr Maul.

Interesting. Changed your mind all of sudden? Did you suddenly meet many?

Bruh moment.

Haha JK.

Well, I don't see the issue. Parsi generally look like Punjabi+Persian with outliers

12-11-2020, 06:15 PM
Well, I don't see the issue. Parsi generally look like Punjabi+Persian with outliers

Sorry for being rude.

12-11-2020, 06:41 PM
There no need. Just link the videos. Also. Ok mate. Cool. Most Afghans are light haired and blue eyes. A quarter are. I get it. No need to argue more. Don't bother posting the screenshots. You win.
I was not aware that most Pakistani Afghans are Jalabadi so I apologize. I wasn't basing it of only google images but also my experience. Again, Jalabadi Afghans are very cool people. Many, many of them live in karachi

Nah it's okay man , these are afghans from laghman , they are not far from jalalabad . Most of the people in video are pashtuns . I will try and do one for Tajiks from panjsher etc too

12-11-2020, 06:45 PM
Nah it's okay man , these are afghans from laghman , they are not far from jalalabad . Most of the people in video are pashtuns . I will try and do one for Tajiks from panjsher etc too

https://i.postimg.cc/tsp9mrWk/Screenshot-20201211-190928-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tsp9mrWk)

https://i.postimg.cc/NKkjshBZ/Screenshot-20201211-190948-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/NKkjshBZ)

https://i.postimg.cc/9DhfHX5G/Screenshot-20201211-190956-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/9DhfHX5G)

https://i.postimg.cc/QVC9fMhC/Screenshot-20201211-191034-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QVC9fMhC)

https://i.postimg.cc/jLJWrkWr/Screenshot-20201211-191100-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/jLJWrkWr)

https://i.postimg.cc/hhYJ6qtr/Screenshot-20201211-191108-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hhYJ6qtr)

https://i.postimg.cc/s1Mxp04Z/Screenshot-20201211-191120-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/s1Mxp04Z)

https://i.postimg.cc/gnR07X5z/Screenshot-20201211-191126-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gnR07X5z)

https://i.postimg.cc/mc41jNgW/Screenshot-20201211-191207-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/mc41jNgW)

https://i.postimg.cc/tnFHBPg8/Screenshot-20201211-191237-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tnFHBPg8)

https://i.postimg.cc/yJf6RFJP/Screenshot-20201211-191249-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/yJf6RFJP)

https://i.postimg.cc/jwLx4LPr/Screenshot-20201211-191256-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/jwLx4LPr)

https://i.postimg.cc/ygtVQsy3/Screenshot-20201211-191303-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/ygtVQsy3)

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https://i.postimg.cc/477GhjRf/Screenshot-20201211-191912-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/477GhjRf)

https://i.postimg.cc/2qXmyrJ9/Screenshot-20201211-192046-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/2qXmyrJ9)

https://i.postimg.cc/3ywY3dLD/Screenshot-20201211-192125-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://postimg.cc/3ywY3dLD)

Thanks. Drew Binsky's Kabul vlog is also good since it shows normal people and how they looks. "Kabul vlog" on YouTube yields many results.

If you have any questions about the Parsi videos and images and vlogs I linked, I'll be glad to answer them for you.

I've heard the Parsis in Afghanistan have blended in easily with the locals, so that shows there is some phenotypic overlap between the 2 groups for sure.
https://zoroastrians-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/zoroastrians.net/2013/02/01/a-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&amp_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16077133331975&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Fzoroastrians.net%2F2013%2F0 2%2F01%2Fa-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2%2F

12-11-2020, 06:48 PM
Thanks. Drew Binsky's Kabul vlog is also good since it shows normal people and how they looks. "Kabul vlog" on YouTube yields many results.

If you have any questions about the Parsi videos and images and vlogs I linked, I'll be glad to answer them for you.

I've heard the Parsis in Afghanistan have blended in easily with the locals, so that shows there is some phenotypic overlap between the 2 groups for sure.
https://zoroastrians-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/zoroastrians.net/2013/02/01/a-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16077133331975&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fzoroastrians.net%2F2013%2F02%2 F01%2Fa-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2%2F

I've never heard of Parsis in Afghanistan if I'm honest man . I know Zoroastrianism was practiced pre Islam but have no clue regarding Parsis . First time I'm hearing it lol.

I took the screenshot and tried posting it but postimage is acting up a little , I'll try and upload as soon as possible

12-11-2020, 06:57 PM
Thanks. Drew Binsky's Kabul vlog is also good since it shows normal people and how they looks. "Kabul vlog" on YouTube yields many results.

If you have any questions about the Parsi videos and images and vlogs I linked, I'll be glad to answer them for you.

I've heard the Parsis in Afghanistan have blended in easily with the locals, so that shows there is some phenotypic overlap between the 2 groups for sure.
https://zoroastrians-net.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/zoroastrians.net/2013/02/01/a-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2/amp/?amp_js_v=a6&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQHKAFQArABIA%3D%3D#aoh=16077133331975&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fzoroastrians.net%2F2013%2F02%2 F01%2Fa-very-interesting-account-on-zoroastrians-in-kabul-afghanistan-2%2F

https://i.ibb.co/FBcddv0/Screenshot-20201211-191034-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Q6hxxBC)
https://i.ibb.co/KLsGYng/Screenshot-20201211-191249-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/pRKPgqT)
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https://i.ibb.co/SVL1BTG/Screenshot-20201211-191553-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/9yMfWXS)
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https://i.ibb.co/XyyR3kZ/Screenshot-20201211-191303-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/M880G5D)
https://i.ibb.co/nw6wnvZ/Screenshot-20201211-191654-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/VLJLQZr)
https://i.ibb.co/9q3TCGn/Screenshot-20201211-191306-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/hK1WtCs)
https://i.ibb.co/5LJgCvf/Screenshot-20201211-191310-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/89QLG2S)
https://i.ibb.co/0X9THjY/Screenshot-20201211-191708-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/pPKcYv4)
https://i.ibb.co/ZXxQ03m/Screenshot-20201211-191334-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T2tQsZL)
https://i.ibb.co/SKV2RnG/Screenshot-20201211-191737-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/brNxzBD)
https://i.ibb.co/Mgk5fjP/Screenshot-20201211-191350-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/8mg4bRP)
https://i.ibb.co/NpxrPmH/Screenshot-20201211-191834-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/sQjCG6M)
https://i.ibb.co/Ht9hPBn/Screenshot-20201211-191402-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/GWrHMnc)
https://i.ibb.co/bLJdRpX/Screenshot-20201211-191912-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/tcXCPyD)
https://i.ibb.co/mT8zG0g/Screenshot-20201211-191436-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/bmJdPFD)
https://i.ibb.co/n0QTygq/Screenshot-20201211-192046-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/TTPZGvD)
https://i.ibb.co/8n3q5gS/Screenshot-20201211-191445-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/Cpdg7KT)
https://i.ibb.co/tJTtfrg/Screenshot-20201211-192125-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/71d5cmP)
https://i.ibb.co/PzvThgd/Screenshot-20201211-191546-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/gFLvTJx)
upload images (https://imgbb.com/)

12-11-2020, 06:59 PM
https://i.ibb.co/DL9d2ZN/Screenshot-20201211-193047-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/qxN6Qvz)
https://i.ibb.co/G5rrXNL/Screenshot-20201211-193105-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/ZMbb37P)
https://i.ibb.co/f2Ntwsf/Screenshot-20201211-193137-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/jTwGXSm)
https://i.ibb.co/sbv9H2s/Screenshot-20201211-192550-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/XjZx8bF)
https://i.ibb.co/dmw3h1M/Screenshot-20201211-192609-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/DrH6qsW)
https://i.ibb.co/82tQqWS/Screenshot-20201211-192615-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/0ZvzTgd)
https://i.ibb.co/pvNTLm6/Screenshot-20201211-192649-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/VWbGqK0)
https://i.ibb.co/k8mh4r7/Screenshot-20201211-192947-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/LtNCxqF)
https://i.ibb.co/FJdjK4B/Screenshot-20201211-192719-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/wC2xRhK)
https://i.ibb.co/j4yH1Qr/Screenshot-20201211-193000-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/DK9LSvR)
https://i.ibb.co/Yyz50MV/Screenshot-20201211-193015-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/cCGWYHs)
https://i.ibb.co/rcbnrKs/Screenshot-20201211-193024-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/D8G32Pp)
https://i.ibb.co/TYzm8Ky/Screenshot-20201211-192445-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/vV2ZPs9)
https://i.ibb.co/JqFzB6j/Screenshot-20201211-192510-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T1qHvjM)
https://i.ibb.co/FwW84gY/Screenshot-20201211-192528-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QNcYvrH)
https://i.ibb.co/12TrBbW/Screenshot-20201211-192858-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QmMPhXw)
https://i.ibb.co/4Rd4rhg/Screenshot-20201211-192248-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/nMCQJx8)
https://i.ibb.co/MR3NHk2/Screenshot-20201211-192926-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/GVbPDQx)
https://i.ibb.co/vBzKnm2/Screenshot-20201211-192305-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/thCWrcy)
https://i.ibb.co/p3kBbpN/Screenshot-20201211-192937-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/0fzRm31)
https://i.ibb.co/HGhkbCK/Screenshot-20201211-192356-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/c2Y7Zwy)
https://i.ibb.co/KNmLYkL/Screenshot-20201211-192940-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/B4wrmxr)
https://i.ibb.co/s9RfpLw/Screenshot-20201211-192420-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/k2B7VY8)
https://i.ibb.co/4W3GdHn/Screenshot-20201211-192433-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/F6CMVFL)
https://i.ibb.co/HhSkHLW/Screenshot-20201211-192731-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/PDLf6s7)
https://i.ibb.co/h9NxzxZ/Screenshot-20201211-192806-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/1QNYWYd)
https://i.ibb.co/QpGLbXh/Screenshot-20201211-192815-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/GnjyxFG)
https://i.ibb.co/HqDZpNN/Screenshot-20201211-192817-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/vkx9vss)
https://i.ibb.co/YB7yyQh/Screenshot-20201211-192854-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/SwXddyB)
https://i.ibb.co/DtqHn3y/Screenshot-20201211-192151-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/jTpPF72)

12-11-2020, 07:09 PM
Thanks. Again, if you have any questions about my group, I'll be glad to answer them.

12-11-2020, 07:11 PM
https://i.ibb.co/DL9d2ZN/Screenshot-20201211-193047-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/qxN6Qvz)
https://i.ibb.co/G5rrXNL/Screenshot-20201211-193105-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/ZMbb37P)
https://i.ibb.co/f2Ntwsf/Screenshot-20201211-193137-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/jTwGXSm)
https://i.ibb.co/sbv9H2s/Screenshot-20201211-192550-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/XjZx8bF)
https://i.ibb.co/dmw3h1M/Screenshot-20201211-192609-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/DrH6qsW)
https://i.ibb.co/82tQqWS/Screenshot-20201211-192615-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/0ZvzTgd)
https://i.ibb.co/pvNTLm6/Screenshot-20201211-192649-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/VWbGqK0)
https://i.ibb.co/k8mh4r7/Screenshot-20201211-192947-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/LtNCxqF)
https://i.ibb.co/FJdjK4B/Screenshot-20201211-192719-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/wC2xRhK)
https://i.ibb.co/j4yH1Qr/Screenshot-20201211-193000-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/DK9LSvR)
https://i.ibb.co/Yyz50MV/Screenshot-20201211-193015-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/cCGWYHs)
https://i.ibb.co/rcbnrKs/Screenshot-20201211-193024-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/D8G32Pp)
https://i.ibb.co/TYzm8Ky/Screenshot-20201211-192445-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/vV2ZPs9)
https://i.ibb.co/JqFzB6j/Screenshot-20201211-192510-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T1qHvjM)
https://i.ibb.co/FwW84gY/Screenshot-20201211-192528-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QNcYvrH)
https://i.ibb.co/12TrBbW/Screenshot-20201211-192858-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/QmMPhXw)
https://i.ibb.co/4Rd4rhg/Screenshot-20201211-192248-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/nMCQJx8)
https://i.ibb.co/MR3NHk2/Screenshot-20201211-192926-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/GVbPDQx)
https://i.ibb.co/vBzKnm2/Screenshot-20201211-192305-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/thCWrcy)
https://i.ibb.co/p3kBbpN/Screenshot-20201211-192937-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/0fzRm31)
https://i.ibb.co/HGhkbCK/Screenshot-20201211-192356-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/c2Y7Zwy)
https://i.ibb.co/KNmLYkL/Screenshot-20201211-192940-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/B4wrmxr)
https://i.ibb.co/s9RfpLw/Screenshot-20201211-192420-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/k2B7VY8)
https://i.ibb.co/4W3GdHn/Screenshot-20201211-192433-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/F6CMVFL)
https://i.ibb.co/HhSkHLW/Screenshot-20201211-192731-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/PDLf6s7)
https://i.ibb.co/h9NxzxZ/Screenshot-20201211-192806-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/1QNYWYd)
https://i.ibb.co/QpGLbXh/Screenshot-20201211-192815-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/GnjyxFG)
https://i.ibb.co/HqDZpNN/Screenshot-20201211-192817-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/vkx9vss)
https://i.ibb.co/YB7yyQh/Screenshot-20201211-192854-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/SwXddyB)
https://i.ibb.co/DtqHn3y/Screenshot-20201211-192151-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/jTpPF72)

Thanks. If you have any questions about my group, I'll answer those too since you helped me.

12-11-2020, 08:35 PM
https://www.google.com/search?q=freddie+mercury&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjWud3B9MTtAhWFU80KHUtqA5sQ_AUoAXoECBsQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75

Freddie Mercury

Freddy Daruwalla

Godrej family and Petigara

Jamshyd Godrej.

Sam Maneckshaw.

Some Pakistani Parsis.
Ardershir Cowasjee.

Jamshed Marker.

Thiese are regular parsis. Many of whom I've spoken to myself. So not cherrypicked as these are regular run-of-the-mill folks I know myself who shaped India and Pakistan and not light skinned models or actors with tons of makeup like most of Bollywood haha. Can't use any wedding footage and pictures as those are largely mixed with Hindu and Muslim guests and a lot of Parsis are marrying out now anyways.

I suspect Jamshyd Godrej is probably European mixed on his mothers side. I have met a number of Parsis, none had his sort of look or complexion.

In this https://www.flickriver.com/photos/pi...7684540738312/ (https://www.flickriver.com/photos/pimu/sets/72157684540738312/) link, the lighting is making Musharraf look light complexioned. He was not so light actually as in the pic with Ardeshir Cowasjee

12-11-2020, 08:44 PM
These are truly light cherrypicked afghans

https://i.postimg.cc/75L51K9J/1bf367dbe9-avatar.jpg (https://postimg.cc/75L51K9J)

https://i.postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ/1XpzhnF.jpg (https://postimg.cc/KKk4w4dZ)

https://i.postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6/50669956-870930979744327-8253437407735578624-n.jpg (https://postimg.cc/sM0vT5H6)

https://i.postimg.cc/14pVyn4X/afghan33su5.jpg (https://postimg.cc/14pVyn4X)

https://i.postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3/afghanman-arte.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FkgYpqw3)

https://i.postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m/Pamiri-man.jpg (https://postimg.cc/cr0gCx8m)

https://i.postimg.cc/crhK8pRN/Screenshot-20190601-180937.jpg (https://postimg.cc/crhK8pRN)

https://i.postimg.cc/CdYkBH3k/Screenshot-20200215-120819.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CdYkBH3k)

https://i.postimg.cc/V5DrSyBP/Screenshot-20191127-231020.jpg (https://postimg.cc/V5DrSyBP)

https://i.postimg.cc/tZz1twKP/Screenshot-20191210-174136.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZz1twKP)

https://i.postimg.cc/xq0NTjmP/Screenshot-20200215-120808.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xq0NTjmP)

I did not check any of the others, but this guy below is not from Afghanistan. He is Pamiri from Tajikistan. See Памир халăхĕсем — Википеди (wikipedia.org) (https://cv.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80_%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB% C4%83%D1%85%C4%95%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC)

12-11-2020, 08:48 PM
I suspect Jamshyd Godrej is probably European mixed on his mothers side. I have met a number of Parsis, none had his sort of look or complexion.

In this https://www.flickriver.com/photos/pi...7684540738312/ (https://www.flickriver.com/photos/pimu/sets/72157684540738312/) link, the lighting is making Musharraf look light complexioned. He was not so light actually as in the pic with Ardeshir Cowasjee

I'm not sure you met many Parsis. I've met several people on this site making this claim.
They spew BS like "I met one family and they looked completely Iranian". I can assure you I've seen more. Again, you legitimately may have, but lots of trolls on TA.

https://www.google.com/search?q=jamshyd+godrej&client=ms-android-google&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQ4vT_8sbtAhWCLc0KHXn8B1UQ_AUoAnoECCgQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75

This guy easily passes as Parsi in Mumbai and on

No question about it. He doesn't even look white.

He don't even look too much different from his son Navroze and his other relatives.
Here's Adi. You can look up Nadir Godrej.

Also why tf does everything have to be about skin color. My skin gets as red as his in the summer, brown as his right after summer(in the link I just linked) and as white as his in the previous post year round. It's the same for all people. Most of the year there's no tan but it varies for 2-3 months. His facial features done change lmao.

12-11-2020, 09:28 PM
All ethnicities have range , there are light people and there are dark people and there is average, you can focus on each range and call other cherrypicked , i dont see anyone even posting afghans for months let alone cherrypicking

you seem to be false flagger.

12-11-2020, 09:39 PM
All ethnicities have range , there are light people and there are dark people and there is average, you can focus on each range and call other cherrypicked , i dont see anyone even posting afghans for months let alone cherrypicking

you seem to be false flagger.

Yup. I even posted the link. If you read the comments of that link, the guy talks about Afghanis as being very very different looking from Pakistanis (even though the A in Pakistan is for Afghan province.) And he says they should be considered whites.

Idk man. You have to see it in context. It's not really true to call Afghanis closer looking to whites and Levantines than some Pakistanis.

12-11-2020, 09:45 PM
Yup. I even posted the link. If you read the comments of that link, the guy talks about Afghanis as being very very different looking from Pakistanis (even though the A in Pakistan is for Afghan province.) And he says they should be considered whites.

Idk man. You have to see it in context. It's not really true to call Afghanis closer looking to whites and Levantines than some Pakistanis.

i dont give a f about who is considered very different from pakis , i dont need crutches of other ethnicities.

12-11-2020, 09:54 PM
I did not check any of the others, but this guy below is not from Afghanistan. He is Pamiri from Tajikistan. See Памир халăхĕсем — Википеди (wikipedia.org) (https://cv.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80_%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB% C4%83%D1%85%C4%95%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC)

I don't think you are aware that a bulk of pamiris are from Afghanistan living in the bakdakhsan province of Afghanistan . The tajikstan pamiris are on the other side of the border living in the gorno bakdakhsan region . As for the man , he could very well be from Afghanistan .

12-11-2020, 09:55 PM
i dont give a f about who is considered very different from pakis , i dont need crutches of other ethnicities.

"Probably gonna trigger people but he looks Pakistani, BUT i don't think he represents the average persian, he's too dark and south asian looking imo".

It's almost as if people compare other nationalities to Pakistanis as a joke. It's really annoying to me when people think it's offensive or triggersome if someone compares them to Pakistanis or Indians. Theres nothing wrong with it and it makes me mad.

I don't know if you'll agree with me or not but it shouldn't trigger people getting compared to Indians or Pakistanis.

12-11-2020, 10:03 PM
"Probably gonna trigger people but he looks Pakistani, BUT i don't think he represents the average persian, he's too dark and south asian looking imo".

It's almost as if people compare other nationalities to Pakistanis as a joke. It's really annoying to me when people think it's offensive or triggersome if someone compares them to Pakistanis or Indians. Theres nothing wrong with it and it makes me mad.

I don't know if you'll agree with me or not but it shouldn't trigger people getting compared to Indians or Pakistanis.

many people troll and post on boards to get a reaction , I dont care.
these forums also have eurocentric orientalism so probably people want to escape that as well becasuse of fear of being called paki , and they have right , every ethnicity is unique to a degree.

12-11-2020, 10:15 PM
I don't think you are aware that a bulk of pamiris are from Afghanistan living in the bakdakhsan province of Afghanistan . The tajikstan pamiris are on the other side of the border living in the gorno bakdakhsan region . As for the man , he could very well be from Afghanistan .

He is from Tajikistan afaik. I have seen his photo before at other sites. He looks different to most Afghans, especially Pashtuns.

I dont know the history of Badakhsan, There is no need for me to spend time learning about the place as it has no direct concern with me after all, but I know some areas in north Afghanistan are not historically Afghan territory. At this link Feyẕābād | Afghanistan | Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/place/Feyzabad) it says Badakhsan was annxed by Afghanistan in 1881.

Similarly the sparsely populated Wakhan corridor was not originally part of Afghanistan. It was taken over by Afghanistan with British agreement because they wanted a buffer zone between (British) India (Chitral area) and Russia.

12-11-2020, 10:22 PM
I'm not sure you met many Parsis. I've met several people on this site making this claim.
They spew BS like "I met one family and they looked completely Iranian". I can assure you I've seen more. Again, you legitimately may have, but lots of trolls on TA.

https://www.google.com/search?q=jamshyd+godrej&client=ms-android-google&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQ4vT_8sbtAhWCLc0KHXn8B1UQ_AUoAnoECCgQA g&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75

This guy easily passes as Parsi in Mumbai and on

No question about it. He doesn't even look white.

He don't even look too much different from his son Navroze and his other relatives.
Here's Adi. You can look up Nadir Godrej.

Also why tf does everything have to be about skin color. My skin gets as red as his in the summer, brown as his right after summer(in the link I just linked) and as white as his in the previous post year round. It's the same for all people. Most of the year there's no tan but it varies for 2-3 months. His facial features done change lmao.

I dont think you are Parsi lol.

12-11-2020, 10:25 PM
"Probably gonna trigger people but he looks Pakistani, BUT i don't think he represents the average persian, he's too dark and south asian looking imo".

It's almost as if people compare other nationalities to Pakistanis as a joke. It's really annoying to me when people think it's offensive or triggersome if someone compares them to Pakistanis or Indians. Theres nothing wrong with it and it makes me mad.

I don't know if you'll agree with me or not but it shouldn't trigger people getting compared to Indians or Pakistanis.

I'm pretty sure the user kimbo has south Asian heritage . So it's one of your own that made that comment tbh

12-11-2020, 10:26 PM
I dont think you are Parsi lol.

Sure mate lmao. I don't actually blame you considering how many LARPers and fakers there are online.

My side profile is literally a spitting image of mercury (I can send a comparison picture of you'd like).

I speak Parsi Gujarati completely fluently and some Zoroastrian Dari. I have pictures of my navjote and me wearing the sudreh and kusti.

12-11-2020, 10:29 PM
He is from Tajikistan afaik. I have seen his photo before at other sites. He looks different to most Afghans, especially Pashtuns.

I dont know the history of Badakhsan, There is no need for me to spend time learning about the place as it has no direct concern with me after all, but I know some areas in north Afghanistan are not historically Afghan territory. At this link Feyẕābād | Afghanistan | Britannica (https://www.britannica.com/place/Feyzabad) it says Badakhsan was annxed by Afghanistan in 1881.

Similarly the sparsely populated Wakhan corridor was not originally part of Afghanistan. It was taken over by Afghanistan with British agreement because they wanted a buffer zone between (British) India (Chitral area) and Russia.

Bakdakhsan has very well been in the territory of Afghanistan lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badakhshan

Please don't start this

The man is either from tajikstan or Afghanistan , point is he's pamiri and there are pamiris in Afghanistan too .

12-11-2020, 10:32 PM
I'm pretty sure the user kimbo has south Asian heritage . So it's one of your own that made that comment tbh

Has he mentioned it? Are you certain? Also, I'm aware of self hate among Pakistanis many of who want to look Arab or Persian or Pathan and claim Arab ancestry. I'm aware that some Pakistanis on this sub. I remember making a post and Jattsychtin spamming it with reasons about why Pakistanis are better than their western neighbours. This same guy made a post about how Pakistanis are more Caucaisan looking than North Africans and MENA people lmao.

However it works both ways. I'm sure you must have met the "we're practically white" Pashtun nationalists and the "We're white. We are the original Aryan" Persians. I certainly have.

So, I'm just tired of Pakistanis/Afghans/Arabs/Persians trying to call themselves a "white Aryan race. Everyone wants to be guessed as more Northern and Western than they really are. It gets cringey after a while.

12-11-2020, 10:41 PM
Has he mentioned it? Are you certain? Also, I'm aware of self hate among Pakistanis many of who want to look Arab or Persian or Pathan and claim Arab ancestry. I'm aware that some Pakistanis on this sub. I remember making a post and Jattsychtin spamming it with reasons about why Pakistanis are better than their western neighbours. This same guy made a post about how Pakistanis are more Caucaisan looking than North Africans and MENA people lmao.

However it works both ways. I'm sure you must have met the "we're practically white" Pashtun nationalists and the "We're white. We are the original Aryan" Persians. I certainly have.

So, I'm just tired of Pakistanis/Afghans/Arabs/Persians trying to call themselves a "white Aryan race. Everyone wants to be guessed as more Northern and Western than they really are. It gets cringey after a while.

I think the term white has been thrown around a bit and europeans have taken it for themselves . Now wait . I'm not saying afghans / Arabs / etc are white . Because now we think of white as blonde haired pale skinned Bradley looking . But white as in Caucasian looking . Before the age of mass immigration and new world era , most people lived and only knew their own ethnicities within their borders . So to them, a " white " person would've been a person who has fair skin or someone with lighter than average features . Btw , euros fight between themselves about who is more whiter let alone menas lol

12-11-2020, 10:49 PM
Sure mate lmao. I don't actually blame you considering how many LARPers and fakers there are online.

My side profile is literally a spitting image of mercury (I can send a comparison picture of you'd like).

I speak Parsi Gujarati completely fluently and some Zoroastrian Dari. I have pictures of my navjote and me wearing the sudreh and kusti.

Haha sure. Anybody can do what you said... wear this or that.

I even came across someone in Canada who looked not too different from the right side guy in pic below.

He claimed to be a Parsi immigrant from India as per his German girlfriend who worked with us in our office. She told me he used to do fire worship ceremony at home.
One time I saw him when he came to meet her. It was easy to see he was probably lying to her. The only other slight possibility is that his mother was a non-Parsi very dark Indian and he looked like her.


In fact the "Parsi" guy in Canada looked even more like a very dark Gujarati who was in my college class.

12-11-2020, 10:51 PM
I think the term white has been thrown around a bit and europeans have taken it for themselves . Now wait . I'm not saying afghans / Arabs / etc are white . Because now we think of white as blonde haired pale skinned Bradley looking . But white as in Caucasian looking . Before the age of mass immigration and new world era , most people lived and only knew their own ethnicities within their borders . So to them, a " white " person would've been a person who has fair skin or someone with lighter than average features . Btw , euros fight between themselves about who is more whiter let alone menas lol

Exactly my point bro. Whiteness is a construct.
People fighting all the time for who is white. That obssession is what I was talking about. Like Jattsychtin making that Caucaisan thread choosing the whitest Pakistanis and then someone cherrypicks a dark Pakistani crowd and they go back and forth with that pseudo science.

Southern Europeans with their weekly "who is whiter Spaniards or Japanese threads" and then people being to argue about lighting and tan etc.

I even made a thread about this. And people agreed with me surprisingly and some even sent me reputation comments that they were going to include the thread in their signatures/bios lmao. You can check it out and comment if you'd like.

12-11-2020, 10:57 PM
Haha sure. Anybody can do what you said... wear this or that.

I even came across someone in Canada who looked not too different from the right side guy in pic below. He claimed to be a Parsi immigrant from India as per his German girlfriend who worked with us in our office. She told me he used to do fire worship ceremony at home.
One time I saw him when he came to meet her. It was easy to see he was probably lying to her. The only other slight possibility is that his mother was a non-Parsi very dark Indian and he looked like her.


Nice. Typical classic racism and ignorance basing your opinion of a group based only of a few guy.

Only Parsis and Iranis and Iranian Zoroastrians are allowed inside fire temples. It's not possible for me to go inside and take a picture as non Zoroastrian. It's not possible for me to have my navjote as a non Zoroastrian by Zoroastrian priest.
What triggered me the most about your comment was the "fire-worship" BS.
We DON'T worship fire. This has been a slur used against Zoroastrians since the Arab invasions. Weve incorrectly been described as this for centuries.

I don't expect you to know about Parsi or Zoroastrians, but don't comment on it and lie that you know a lot or you've seen a lot because the ignorance is alarming and leads to casual slurs like you accidentally used.

If you actually want to learn about this, ask someone who knows not just a random German woman haha.

12-11-2020, 11:15 PM
Bakdakhsan has very well been in the territory of Afghanistan lol. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badakhshan

Please don't start this

The man is either from tajikstan or Afghanistan , point is he's pamiri and there are pamiris in Afghanistan too .

Badakhshan was annexed by ruler of Afghanistan in 1881.

He looks different to most Afghans. That is something I could see when I saw his photo in the past. It was the reason I checked where he was from.
On the other hand, when I see people like below I will always assume they are Afghans and not bother to check where they are from.


12-11-2020, 11:22 PM
Nice. Typical classic racism and ignorance basing your opinion of a group based only of a few guy.

Only Parsis and Iranis and Iranian Zoroastrians are allowed inside fire temples. It's not possible for me to go inside and take a picture as non Zoroastrian. It's not possible for me to have my navjote as a non Zoroastrian by Zoroastrian priest.
What triggered me the most about your comment was the "fire-worship" BS.
We DON'T worship fire. This has been a slur used against Zoroastrians since the Arab invasions. Weve incorrectly been described as this for centuries.

I don't expect you to know about Parsi or Zoroastrians, but don't comment on it and lie that you know a lot or you've seen a lot because the ignorance is alarming and leads to casual slurs like you accidentally used.

If you actually want to learn about this, ask someone who knows not just a random German woman haha.

You are not Parsi lol. If you were, you would realise I am telling the truth instead of getting "triggered".

It was the man's girlfriend who said "he does fire worship" or "he does a fire ceremony" at home (which was in Toronto). I did not say it, the girl did. I cannot now remember which of these two things she said to me, but it was one or the other.

12-11-2020, 11:26 PM
You are not Parsi lol. If you were, you would realise I am telling the truth instead of getting "triggered".

It was the man's girlfriend who said "he does fire worship" or "he does a fire ceremony" at home (which was in Toronto). I did not say it, the girl did. I cannot now remember which of these two things she said to me, but it was one or the other.

Stop making BS up at this point. Stop contradicting yourself and spewing random things. Enough of your accusations. Leave my thread if you'll continue to be so immature. Want my GEDmatch results? Ok what was this guy's name then?

12-11-2020, 11:27 PM
Badakhshan was annexed by ruler of Afghanistan in 1881.

He looks different to most Afghans. That is something I could see when I saw his photo in the past. It was the reason I checked where he was from.
On the other hand, when I see people like below I will always assume they are Afghans and not bother to check where they are from.


Ya. These are very Afghan looking people. But Avicenna also posted many great examples.

12-11-2020, 11:28 PM
Ya. These are very Afghan looking people. But Avicenna also posted many great examples.
That man is part of our diversity. Like it or not it don't make a difference mate . Hahahaha .

12-11-2020, 11:32 PM
That man is part of our diversity. Like it or not it don't make a difference mate . Hahahaha .

Um I think you took it the wrong way. I said you also posted many great examples. You should've tagged turbosat instead of me.

12-11-2020, 11:33 PM
Badakhshan was annexed by ruler of Afghanistan in 1881.

He looks different to most Afghans. That is something I could see when I saw his photo in the past. It was the reason I checked where he was from.
On the other hand, when I see people like below I will always assume they are Afghans and not bother to check where they are from.

You keep saying It was annexed by the ruler of afg , why are you sprouting bs ? Then again, you just admitted you have no interest in badakkshan or know anything about it

."It was ruled by the Durranis followed by the Barakzai dynasty, and was untouched by the British during the three Anglo-Afghan Wars that were fought in the 19th and 20th centuries. It remained peaceful for about 100 years until the 1980s Soviet–Afghan War at which point the Mujahideen began a rebellion against the central Afghan government."

Before the durranis it ws ruled by Murad beg, who was a khan of kunduz , Afghanistan . Nice one buddy .

12-11-2020, 11:34 PM
Um I think you took it the wrong way. I said you also posted many great examples. You should've tagged turbosat instead of me.

Oops my bad , I meant it for turbo

I don't think turbo understands sarcasm . The light afghans I posted as " typical looking " was obviously a joke .

12-11-2020, 11:34 PM
That man is part of our diversity. Like it or not it don't make a difference mate . Hahahaha .

Also, don't argue with turbosat. He's already use the classic "fire worshipper" slur against me, he lied about meeting "many" Parsis and he is now accusing me of lying about my identity.

Soon he might start using slurs against you, accusing you of posting wrong examples, and saying you are lying about your Identity.

12-11-2020, 11:36 PM
You keep saying It was annexed by the ruler of afg , why are you sprouting bs ? Then again, you just admitted you have no interest in badakkshan or know anything about it

."It was ruled by the Durranis followed by the Barakzai dynasty, and was untouched by the British during the three Anglo-Afghan Wars that were fought in the 19th and 20th centuries. It remained peaceful for about 100 years until the 1980s Soviet–Afghan War at which point the Mujahideen began a rebellion against the central Afghan government."

Before the durranis it ws ruled by Murad beg, who was a khan of kunduz , Afghanistan . Nice one buddy .

Don't even bother man. I believe you and you had posted the examples for me. I've seen an Afghan man whose a splitting image of the "supposed" "Tajik" man Turbosat keeps harping about. Afghans definitely can look like that.

12-11-2020, 11:37 PM
Also, don't argue with turbosat. He's already use the classic "fire worshipper" slur against me, he lied about meeting "many" Parsis and he is now accusing me of lying about my identity.

Soon he might start using slurs against you, accusing you of posting wrong examples, and saying you are lying about your Identity.

Lol , you think this is the first time I've had a little spout with him? Funny thing is , you don't see me making comments or posting very dark looking Punjabis in any threads but you always see these types of members coming out of their caves at night lol.

12-11-2020, 11:39 PM
Also, don't argue with turbosat. He's already use the classic "fire worshipper" slur against me, he lied about meeting "many" Parsis and he is now accusing me of lying about my identity.

Soon he might start using slurs against you, accusing you of posting wrong examples, and saying you are lying about your Identity.

You know I'm actually curious about zardashti. I know it's a monotheism religion . According to some sources Zoroaster was born in Afghanistan right ?

12-11-2020, 11:43 PM
You keep saying It was annexed by the ruler of afg , why are you sprouting bs ? Then again, you just admitted you have no interest in badakkshan or know anything about it

."It was ruled by the Durranis followed by the Barakzai dynasty, and was untouched by the British during the three Anglo-Afghan Wars that were fought in the 19th and 20th centuries. It remained peaceful for about 100 years until the 1980s Soviet–Afghan War at which point the Mujahideen began a rebellion against the central Afghan government."

Before the durranis it ws ruled by Murad beg, who was a khan of kunduz , Afghanistan . Nice one buddy .

You can read in the link I posted earlier. It mentioned Badakhshan being annexed by Afghanistan in 1881 or whatever it was.

Here Badakhshan - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badakhshan) it also says "After being annexed by Afghanistan, Badakhshan was joined with Qataghan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qataghan) to create the Badakhshan-Qataghan district (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Badakhshan-Qataghan_district&action=edit&redlink=1) located in Afghan Turkestan Province (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_Turkestan_Province).".

Not sure why you dont like it being mentioned.
You can search about Wakhan corridor as well. It was not ruled by Afghans until British times according to what I read in the past.

12-11-2020, 11:45 PM
Don't even bother man. I believe you and you had posted the examples for me. I've seen an Afghan man whose a splitting image of the "supposed" "Tajik" man Turbosat keeps harping about. Afghans definitely can look like that.

I know bro , I've posted videos and group pictures time and time again , there are afghans who resemble somewhat that pamiri man. It's not that big of a deal . In that laghman video there were plenty of light brown haired afghans etc etc

12-11-2020, 11:45 PM
They are on average brown.

12-11-2020, 11:46 PM
You can read in the link I posted earlier. It mentioned Badakhshan being annexed by Afghanistan in 1881 or whatever it was.

Here Badakhshan - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badakhshan) it also says "After being annexed by Afghanistan, Badakhshan was joined with Qataghan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qataghan) to create the Badakhshan-Qataghan district (https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Badakhshan-Qataghan_district&action=edit&redlink=1) located in Afghan Turkestan Province (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afghan_Turkestan_Province).".

Not sure why you dont like it being mentioned.
You can search about Wakhan corridor as well. It was not ruled by Afghans until British times according to what I read in the past.

How can you dispute what I said about badakkshan when it was under control of afghans BEFORE 1881 hahahaha gimme a break . Badakkshan people are just as afghan as people from Kandahar or khost.

12-11-2020, 11:52 PM
How can you dispute what I said about badakkshan when it was under control of afghans BEFORE 1881 hahahaha gimme a break . Badakkshan people are just as afghan as people from Kandahar or khost.

Even if it was before, it was not much before 1881. In the wiki link it gives various years before 1881 when it was not under Afghan rule.

btw, search in Google, you can find Tajiks and other non-Pashtuns who object to being identified as "Afghan" on their id cards. Its nothing of great concern to me, but it is something that I read recently by chance when reading other stuff. "Afghan" originally was used by Pashtuns for themselves.

You seem to be sensitive about Badakhshan, so I will not post more on it.

12-11-2020, 11:53 PM
You know I'm actually curious about zardashti. I know it's a monotheism religion . According to some sources Zoroaster was born in Afghanistan right ?

Some sources say Afghanistan. Some say South of Russia. Most likely it was in the Irano-Afghan Caucasus region. Yes, Zoroastrianism may very well be the first monotheistic religion. It also feels the most modern and liberal. Anyone whose read the Koran or the bible can tell it's influence. Infact, Muslims pray nearly identically to Zoroastrians.
Please see. I pray 3 times as do most other Zoroastrians. It's simply far more convenient and considered okay too. The daily prayers are around 7 minutes long. If you are more interested, ask me and I'll help you.

12-11-2020, 11:55 PM
Even if it was before, it was not much before 1881. In the wiki link it gives various years before 1881 when it was not under Afghan rule.

btw, search in Google, you can find Tajiks and other non-Pashtuns who object to being identified as "Afghan" on their id cards. Its nothing of great concern to me, but it is something that I read recently by chance when reading other stuff. "Afghan" originally was used by Pashtuns for themselves.

Listen there's no need to tell me whats going on with my country buddy , just focus on your own nation. It's always used for geopolitical reasons mainly pushed by opposing nationalistic sides of Tajik and pashtuns. If you actually interact with afghans in Afghanistan , like the common folk people , they couldn't care less .

12-11-2020, 11:57 PM
Some sources say Afghanistan. Some say South of Russia. Most likely it was in the Irano-Afghan Caucasus region. Yes, Zoroastrianism may very well be the first monotheistic religion. It also feels the most modern and liberal. Anyone whose read the Koran or the bible can tell it's influence. Infact, Muslims pray nearly identically to Zoroastrians.
Please see. I pray 3 times as do most other Zoroastrians. It's simply far more convenient and considered okay too. The daily prayers are around 7 minutes long. If you are more interested, ask me and I'll help you.

I would hate to disagree man, I'm very well convinced in my religion , Islam . But I do know that according to our beliefs , God has sent many messengers to every nation to preach the oneness of God. Through the ages , those messages have been lost or distrorted to something else. The claim you are making about Islam and Judaism being influenced by Zoroastrianism is a big one , but I'm not convinced with that with all due respect

12-11-2020, 11:58 PM
Listen there's no need to tell me whats going on with my country buddy , just focus on your own nation. It's always used for geopolitical reasons mainly pushed by opposing nationalistic sides of Tajik and pashtuns. If you actually interact with afghans in Afghanistan , like the common folk people , they couldn't care less .

I can comment here like everyone else. Dont be so sensitive.

12-11-2020, 11:58 PM
Even if it was before, it was not much before 1881. In the wiki link it gives various years before 1881 when it was not under Afghan rule.

btw, search in Google, you can find Tajiks and other non-Pashtuns who object to being identified as "Afghan" on their id cards. Its nothing of great concern to me, but it is something that I read recently by chance when reading other stuff. "Afghan" originally was used by Pashtuns for themselves.

You seem to be sensitive about Badakhshan, so I will not post more on it.

Badakhshan has been part of historic Afghanistan .

12-11-2020, 11:59 PM
I can comment here like everyone else. Dont be so sensitive.

Badakshan has been part of historic Afghanistan.

12-12-2020, 12:00 AM
I can comment here like everyone else. Dont be so sensitive.

Yeah I wouldnt be so sensitive if I knew the opinion came from a good place . I know you very well turbo , you ain't fooling me

12-12-2020, 12:01 AM
Badakshan has been part of historic Afghanistan.


12-12-2020, 12:08 AM
Yeah I wouldnt be so sensitive if I knew the opinion came from a good place . I know you very well turbo , you ain't fooling me

I understand your thinking very well.

12-12-2020, 12:11 AM
I would hate to disagree man, I'm very well convinced in my religion , Islam . But I do know that according to our beliefs , God has sent many messengers to every nation to preach the oneness of God. Through the ages , those messages have been lost or distrorted to something else. The claim you are making about Islam and Judaism being influenced by Zoroastrianism is a big one , but I'm not convinced with that with all due respect

Of course. Literally every Muslim I've spoken says Zoroaster is one of the unmentioned prophets in the Koran. Quarist muslims as you saw in the video say the same thing. All Muslims believe it's one message right?
In the Bible, the Magi priests that appear to Jesus were actually Persian Zoroastrian priests.

As for the corruption of the faiths. Even Zoroastrians agree that certain texts like the Vendidad are corrupted. Very few people actually follow that. We only follow what Zoroasters' Gathas and some of the Avesta has to say. The rest was burned and destroyed by Arabs, Alexander etc. This is literally what Zoroaster had to say and it's in its purest form.

You're not understanding my point. The fact that Islam, Christianity and Zoroastrianism are so similar in many aspects all but confirms that Islam's "one message" policy might be completely true. This is what the man in the video was saying! It's what quaranists say.
The concept of monotheism, good vs evil, heaven vs evil weren't only preached by Zoroaster (though he is most likely the first one) but also Jesus, Muhammed, Zoroaster etc. It's all really one message. As for Zoroastrianism being older than Islam. It's simply a fact. Zoroastrians pray the exact same way, at the exact same time.

What does this prove? That the message spread by Muhammed, may be very very similar to the message and religion spread by Zoroaster. Seeing your a Muslim, this all but confirms the one message policy you talk about.

If you want to learn anything else in general, ask me.

12-12-2020, 12:14 AM
Of course. Literally every Muslim I've spoken says Zoroaster is one of the unmentioned prophets in the Koran. Quarist muslims as you saw in the video say the same thing. All Muslims believe it's one message right?
In the Bible, the Magi priests that appear to Jesus were actually Persian Zoroastrian priests.

As for the corruption of the faiths. Even Zoroastrians agree that certain texts like the Vendidad are corrupted. Very few people actually follow that. We only follow what Zoroasters' Gathas and some of the Avesta has to say. The rest was burned and destroyed by Arabs, Alexander etc. This is literally what Zoroaster had to say and it's in its purest form.

You're not understanding my point. The fact that Islam, Christianity and Zoroastrianism are so similar in many aspects all but confirms that Islam's "one message" policy might be completely true. This is what the man in the video was saying! It's what quaranists say.
The concept of monotheism, good vs evil, heaven vs evil weren't only preached by Zoroaster (though he is most likely the first one) but also Jesus, Muhammed, Zoroaster etc. It's all really one message. As for Zoroastrianism being older than Islam. It's simply a fact. Zoroastrians pray the exact same way, at the exact same time.

What does this prove? That the message spread by Muhammed, may be very very similar to the message and religion spread by Zoroaster. Seeing your a Muslim, this all but confirms the one message policy you talk about.

If you want to learn anything else in general, ask me.

Hmm , I think we could have a fruitful discussion privately in regards to do this if you want ? You seem quite knowledgeable and sincere .

12-12-2020, 12:15 AM

You've been on my ignore list for a long time but you seem to crawl from under the earth every now and again

Oh damn I was gonna say something really Vital

Oh yeah
.badakshan has always been part of historic Afghanistan

Night night

12-12-2020, 12:18 AM
Dont know about average Afghans.

Some look like this :


Others look like these. If you compare guy on right above, he is quite different looking to those below.

12-12-2020, 12:30 AM
Dont know about average Afghans.

Some look like this :


Others like these in Kabul. If you compare guy on right above, he is quite different looking to those below.
Oops nice try sardar but the below pic is from jalalabad recently , here is the video



https://i.ibb.co/CbqxS0f/Screenshot-20201212-013749-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T4ZzNhs)
Fast forward a little and you will see normal looking Irano afghans :) nice try though

Don't worry , I'll post videos on jalalabad too . Thought I wa ignored ?

12-12-2020, 12:43 AM
Quick on video on nangarhar province ( capital is jalalabad )


12-12-2020, 12:54 AM
Quick on video on nangarhar province ( capital is jalalabad )


Holy man haha. Afghans look like Afghans. Persians look like Persians. Pakistanis look like Pakistanis. Some pheno overalaps for sure but not the norm. Some groups like Baluchis, Pashtuns cross international borders.
What's the point of picking indivual videos and images? What I said above is clear fact and and arguing with these videos and pictures is rather fruitless.

Edit. Sorry. This was meant for Turbo.

12-12-2020, 12:55 AM
Hmm , I think we could have a fruitful discussion privately in regards to do this if you want ? You seem quite knowledgeable and sincere .

Sure thing. No problem. PM/DM/message me if you'd like.

12-12-2020, 01:21 AM
Another one in jalalabad , mind you, jalalabad is probably the hottest city in Afghanistan and probably the darkest . If your gonna find south Asian looking folks , this is the place .


12-12-2020, 01:40 AM
Another one in jalalabad , mind you, jalalabad is probably the hottest city in Afghanistan and probably the darkest . If your gonna find south Asian looking folks , this is the place .


"Phar Mur veedeos, please liek share r chanul bye bye." Lmao. Such a unique accent. A lot of my Farsi speaking friends (from Iran) say the Afghan accent is unique.

1) they don't look South Asian.
2) the highest density of Afghanstan is around Kabul-jalalabad area I've heard.
3) you said I cherrypicked Parsis in terms of lightness, but alot of these would very easily fit among the same Parsis I posted. Some of these Afghans don't look dark at all. Especially in the beginning and the ending presenter. Facial features are 1000000% Afghan(exactly like the ones I've seen in Pakistan). Where's your evidence that Jalalabad is the darkest? Surely due to close proximity they shouldn't vary too much from Kabuli people. The baluch live in harsh climates so do many Anglo Australians. So climate doesn't all change appearance.
4) they're all really good looking haha. Pathans are kind of the beauty standard in Pakistan with many people in the filming industry being Pashtuns.
5) do you think Pashtuns vary a lot based on region in Afghanistan? No light dark BS. I'm talking about facial features. I know ethnic Persians are genetically rather homogenous and phenotypically too.
6) is Zoroastrian Dari(which I speak a bit) mutually intelligible with Dari in Afghanistan? Zoroastrian Dari isn't mutually intelligible with Farsi, but it has the same name as Dari so just curious.

12-12-2020, 05:25 AM
Another one in jalalabad , mind you, jalalabad is probably the hottest city in Afghanistan and probably the darkest . If your gonna find south Asian looking folks , this is the place .


The number of people who pass as South Asian (if you exclude high caste Punjabis) is very low. 95-98% lack any Indid influence whatsoever...

12-12-2020, 06:38 AM
The number of people who pass as South Asian (if you exclude high caste Punjabis) is very low. 95-98% lack any Indid influence whatsoever...

Passing is different from looking an entire ethnicity. This people pass far easier among their fellow Pak Pashtuns or Indian Pathans than they do with high caste Punjabis. No one would question their identity if they spoke Urdu at all. Only anthrotards use terms like "no Indid influence means they abslutely cannot pass" without actually stepping foot in that country.

Do they look South Asian? No. Not really at all. Would they pass in Pakistan? Absolutely.
2 different things.

FFS the A in Pakistan even stands for Afghanistan hahahahaha.

12-12-2020, 09:05 AM
Yup. I even posted the link. If you read the comments of that link, the guy talks about Afghanis as being very very different looking from Pakistanis (even though the A in Pakistan is for Afghan province.) And he says they should be considered whites.

Idk man. You have to see it in context. It's not really true to call Afghanis closer looking to whites and Levantines than some Pakistanis.

I still have doubts about you being a Parsi from Karachi. If you are, then your knowledge about Pakistan is severely lacking.

When people say Pakistanis look different to Afghans, they are speaking about Pakistanis proper, such as Punjabis and Sindhis. They are not talking about Pashtuns of Pakistan. Pakistanis are Indian origin people. Pakistanis look as different to Afghans as other Indians. Therefore it is correct to say Pakistanis, on the whole, look very different from Pakistanis.

The A in Pakistan is for "Afghania" because NWFP (now called KPK) is the home area of Pashtuns in Pakistan. Another name of Pashtuns is "Afghans". Hence A for Afghania in name of Pakistan. btw, name "Pakistan" was coined by a Punjabi from Punjab in India.

You mentioned a number of times about so many Pashtuns living in Karachi. Reason for Pashtuns living in large numbers in Karachi is they have migrated and settled there for work after 1947.

12-12-2020, 09:16 AM
"Phar Mur veedeos, please liek share r chanul bye bye." Lmao. Such a unique accent. A lot of my Farsi speaking friends (from Iran) say the Afghan accent is unique.

1) they don't look South Asian.
2) the highest density of Afghanstan is around Kabul-jalalabad area I've heard.
3) you said I cherrypicked Parsis in terms of lightness, but alot of these would very easily fit among the same Parsis I posted. Some of these Afghans don't look dark at all. Especially in the beginning and the ending presenter. Facial features are 1000000% Afghan(exactly like the ones I've seen in Pakistan). Where's your evidence that Jalalabad is the darkest? Surely due to close proximity they shouldn't vary too much from Kabuli people. The baluch live in harsh climates so do many Anglo Australians. So climate doesn't all change appearance.
4) they're all really good looking haha. Pathans are kind of the beauty standard in Pakistan with many people in the filming industry being Pashtuns.
5) do you think Pashtuns vary a lot based on region in Afghanistan? No light dark BS. I'm talking about facial features. I know ethnic Persians are genetically rather homogenous and phenotypically too.
6) is Zoroastrian Dari(which I speak a bit) mutually intelligible with Dari in Afghanistan? Zoroastrian Dari isn't mutually intelligible with Farsi, but it has the same name as Dari so just curious.

Lol when I tell you these man are FOBs they are FOBs looool

1) I know they generally don't look south Asian but jalalabad always seems to produce very dark types that could be mistaken for indid . Ofcourse the vast majority are iranids , pamirids and Indo iranids etc
2) yeah the north , northeast and east of afg is where the majority of afghans live
3) showing a video of people walking around in a city is anything but cherrypicking so I know this was the only way . Jalalabad from my understanding is the most south Asian / indo Aryan influenced city . You can see it in the rickshaws , markets etc it's also extremely hot during the summer , so people can get very tanned. Kabul on the other hand is very cold especially during winter . Jalalabad also has the highest amount of Hindus and Sikhs .
The reason why they look very similar yo kpk pashtuns is because they are form a west to east cline ( east Afghanistan to nw Pakistan ). Compared to southern pashtuns like Kandahar and Quetta .
I will try and do more videos like these for other cities
6) not too sure , could you write something in your language ?

Btw Kabul and jalalabad may be relatively close but Kabul sits at a much higher altitude up in the mountains . To get to jalalabad you have to go through narrow mountain passways , jalalabad sits very low , hence why it's so hot .

12-12-2020, 09:19 AM
Passing is different from looking an entire ethnicity. This people pass far easier among their fellow Pak Pashtuns or Indian Pathans than they do with high caste Punjabis. No one would question their identity if they spoke Urdu at all. Only anthrotards use terms like "no Indid influence means they abslutely cannot pass" without actually stepping foot in that country.

Do they look South Asian? No. Not really at all. Would they pass in Pakistan? Absolutely.
2 different things.

FFS the A in Pakistan even stands for Afghanistan hahahahaha.

I've seen some mark Wien's videos visiting peshawar and tbh Alot of them don't look afghan at all . You can find iranids and pamirids Every now and then but Alot of them seemed kinda hindko looking ? Then again Peshawar is a mixed metropolitan city . The FATA regions should be no different to afghans living on the border .

12-12-2020, 10:32 AM
Oops nice try sardar but the below pic is from jalalabad recently , here is the video



https://i.ibb.co/CbqxS0f/Screenshot-20201212-013749-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T4ZzNhs)
Fast forward a little and you will see normal looking Irano afghans :) nice try though

Don't worry , I'll post videos on jalalabad too . Thought I wa ignored ?

I edited my post to remove "Kabul". That was a "slip of the finger" as it were. I realised it, soon after posting, but did not bother to correct it since it was past 1am.

"Fast forward a little and you will see normal looking Irano afghans :) nice try though"

Are you saying these below are some kind of unusual Afghans? Lol, most of the others (in your fast forward video) all look lighter because the sun is shining on them.

"nice try though" - I posted the pics, just to show that Afghans vary in their looks and complexions. They don't vary as much as Indians, but vary much more than Europeans.


12-12-2020, 10:53 AM
Nice. Typical classic racism and ignorance basing your opinion of a group based only of a few guy.

Only Parsis and Iranis and Iranian Zoroastrians are allowed inside fire temples. It's not possible for me to go inside and take a picture as non Zoroastrian. It's not possible for me to have my navjote as a non Zoroastrian by Zoroastrian priest.
What triggered me the most about your comment was the "fire-worship" BS.
We DON'T worship fire. This has been a slur used against Zoroastrians since the Arab invasions. Weve incorrectly been described as this for centuries.

I don't expect you to know about Parsi or Zoroastrians, but don't comment on it and lie that you know a lot or you've seen a lot because the ignorance is alarming and leads to casual slurs like you accidentally used.

If you actually want to learn about this, ask someone who knows not just a random German woman haha.

"Fire worship" - when people write this or even say it, they do not necessarily mean Zoroastrians "worship fire". They could be saying a form of worship where fire is involved. I am not going to waste my time studying or learning what Zoroastrians/Parsis worship - fire or a bird or anything else. I just quoted what the German girl said her partner was doing.

12-12-2020, 11:05 AM
He viisted Herat, Kabul, Mezari Sharif.


12-12-2020, 11:29 AM
"Fire worship" - when people write this or even say it, they do not necessarily mean Zoroastrians "worship fire". They could be saying a form of worship where fire is involved. I am not going to waste my time studying or learning what Zoroastrians/Parsis worship - fire or a bird or anything else. I just quoted what the German girl said her partner was doing.

Zoroastrian use of fire is symbolic and it should not be confused as an element of the Zoroaster's faith. Zoroastrian should at its core be viewed as the world's first important monotheistic religion and its impact and its influences on Jewish faith, Christianity and Islam has been enormous and often times forgotten. Many of the great Jewish prophets were deeply influenced by faith of Zoroaster and were subjects of various Iranian empires of the time.

12-12-2020, 11:36 AM
So I was browsing very old apricity posts, and a question struck me.
What does an Afghani look like?
It seems here on apricity, people only cherrypick the whitest passing people/crowds from non Euro countries.

They try to say things like:
"Oh oh look at my relatives at a marriage ceremony who happen to be among the whitest Afghans! This is the average Afghan pheno. We are misrepresented by Western media. We are white passing Aryans with green eyes."
They don't say this but hint at it.

https://www.google.com/search?q=afghan+crowds&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr9430ssTtAhUVZc0KHcDBATAQ_AUoAXoECA4QA Q&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75
So I'm just asking people here, what some of these Afghanistanis look like.
Any morphs representative of the average Afghan?
Any typical looking Afghanis?

Afghsnistan is a multi ethnic country. Unlike Iran where you have a great deal of overlap between various groups that does not necessarily exist in Afghanistan. Therefore, a Typical Afghan does not exist.

12-12-2020, 01:51 PM
You know I'm actually curious about zardashti. I know it's a monotheism religion . According to some sources Zoroaster was born in Afghanistan right ?

From what I have read is that We know Zoroastrian faith spread in what is today Northern Afghanistan. North Eastern Iran, Turkmensitan and Uzbekistan first and then spread further west.

However, there is no definite place for the place of Zoroaster's birth as far as I know. Three places have been viewed as possible 1) City of Rayy near Tehran, 2) Azerbaijan region, and 3) northern Afghanistan. from the sources that I have seen northern Afghanistan seems to be the site that most agree on.

Cristiano viejo
12-12-2020, 01:57 PM
https://www.google.com/search?q=afghan+crowds&client=ms-android-google&prmd=inv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjr9430ssTtAhUVZc0KHcDBATAQ_AUoAXoECA4QA Q&biw=393&bih=698&dpr=2.75
So I'm just asking people here, what some of these Afghanistanis look like.
Any morphs representative of the average Afghan?
Any typical looking Afghanis?

Brown as fuck bordering the negro influence. Same pigmentation than Moroccans but not always with the same traits.

12-12-2020, 02:18 PM
6) is Zoroastrian Dari(which I speak a bit) mutually intelligible with Dari in Afghanistan? Zoroastrian Dari isn't mutually intelligible with Farsi, but it has the same name as Dari so just curious.

Zoroastrian Dari is supposedly a NW Iranian language; therefore, not the same thing as Dari in Afghanistan.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoroastrian_Dari_language#:~:text=Zoroastrian%20Da ri%20(Persian%3A%20%D8%AF%D8%B1%DB%8C%20%D8%B2%D8% B1%D8%AA%D8%B4%D8%AA%DB%8C,a%20million%20people%20 in%20Central

12-12-2020, 02:19 PM

"Main phenotypes among Afghans "
Then he proceeds to only show the whitest looking Afghans and completely neglects the phenotypes which are darker with beautiful olive skin. The definition of cherrypicking. a light family and using their wedding pictures smh.

What you are experiencing here is called change of perception due to change of environment. On one hand you have the same Afghans that live rural lifestyles and dress traditional vs Afghans that live in urban regions with a lifestlyle more akine to Western standards. Subconsciously you consider the group from that thread more European looking not primarily because of "different physical features" but because of their more European look all around (lifestyle, clothing etc).

Let me give you an example.

Same Kurdish artist


The person hasn't changed physically

12-12-2020, 02:25 PM
I apologize I really do. He said MAIN in his title so I assumed he was showcasing all the main ones or most looks rather than one family.
If you read the comments, the man is trying to prove them as "whites" (like leavntines)and totally different looking from Indians/Pakistanis and both of us know that MANY Pakistanis (especially in Afghan province KPK) can look somewhat similar to Afghans.
Would you say these comments on the post are somewhat misguided or do you consider Afghans as very distinct looking from Pakistanis and/or do you consider them white?

I've even seen posts by Pakistanis saying they are Caucasian and Caucaisan looking and on one of my posts they comment/call Iranian men as undesirable and Pakistani men as very desirable haha. They even proceed to call Iran a backwards country etc. But this isn't about Pakistan so I won't comment about that.

The 2nd peoples skin tone doesn't really vary from SOME of the ones you posted. The top pic of the first one looks the darkest. But from the first comment you made, only the top picture loads for me haha.

Would you say these are typical Afghans? https://globalvoices.org/2016/01/04/afghanistans-national-football-team-the-pride-of-a-nation-even-in-defeat/

Pakistani has no meaning, just like Syrian or Turkish has no meaning. Pakistan is a multi ethnic state. around 1/3 to 2/4 of the country is made up of Iranic ethnicities who resemble Pashtuns from Afghanistan more than Punjabis. When there is resemlence between Pakistanis and Afghans it is usually the "Pakistanis" (Pashtuns and Baloch) who look like Afghans than vica versa.

12-12-2020, 02:32 PM
I'm sorry but saying levantines are white and proceeding to deny that afghans are not is quite untrue . If levantines are white ( which they are not but euro standards ) then I'm CERTAIN afghans are even more white.

Levantine whiteness must be the biggest OWD bullshit that has been spred by this kind of Fora that I have come across lol. Levantines are genetically literally inbetween Cypriots and Arabians. Closer to Arabians than South Italians genetically. physically they have their own Eastern Mediterranean look. But when it comes to light features, you will find even a higher number of light hair and eyes among Afghans and especially Tajiks than Lebanese that is for sure.

12-12-2020, 02:52 PM
I edited my post to remove "Kabul". That was a "slip of the finger" as it were. I realised it, soon after posting, but did not bother to correct it since it was past 1am.

"Fast forward a little and you will see normal looking Irano afghans :) nice try though"

Are you saying these below are some kind of unusual Afghans? Lol, most of the others (in your fast forward video) all look lighter because the sun is shining on them.

"nice try though" - I posted the pics, just to show that Afghans vary in their looks and complexions. They don't vary as much as Indians, but vary much more than Europeans.


Well when the predominant phentype of people from jalalabad is Irano afghan, yes its usual to say " normal ".

12-12-2020, 03:28 PM
Of course. Literally every Muslim I've spoken says Zoroaster is one of the unmentioned prophets in the Koran. Quarist muslims as you saw in the video say the same thing. All Muslims believe it's one message right?
In the Bible, the Magi priests that appear to Jesus were actually Persian Zoroastrian priests.

The Magi priests that appear to Jesus are Parthians of the Magi cast mate. This Magi cast is a remnant of the Magi priest cast of the Medes who were than living under the Parthian identity. as Was Parthian literally a dynasty dominated by Medes.

As with the Old Persians taking slowly the lead from the Medes via the Achaemenid Empire. The Magi cast was a religious pre Zoroastrian West Iranic cast. That actually teached and formed the Zoroastrians. This Pre Zoroastrian, Mithraistic religion was widespred from West Iran, Mesopotamia all the way into Anatolia (the Mitanni belonged to it, and even the Hettites and Luwians were influenced by it, as Helios the sun god was literally an adaption). Most of Zoroastrianism is basically an adoption of this pre Zoroastrian West Iranic religion which was a synthesis of old Mesopotamian (planet cult) and Old Iranic elements. And it had it's second rise in power via the Parthian dynasty. When these Parthians (Medes) who followed predominantly the pre Zoroastrian sun worhsipping (Mithraism) took the power. A homage to this religion is found in the name of the Parthian rulers such as Mithridates, which basically translates to "given by Mithra".


According to the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 490-c. 425 BC), the so-called “Father of History,” the Magi made up one of the original six tribes of the Medes, who lived in Media – what is today northwestern Iran and southeastern Turkey. Deioces (early 7th century BC) was the first king to unite the Magi and the other five tribes into an empire (Histories, I 101). Because “Magi” was later used to describe the priestly class in the Median and Persian Empires, the relationship of the original Magi to the rest of the Medes may have been similar to the relationship between the Levites and the rest of the Israelites, except that perhaps the original Magi had their own land.

It was the Magi cast that teached and formed Zoroastrian priests during the Achaemenid Dynasty. The Magi cast of the Medes were literally the holy priest cast on the entire Iranian Plateau and they followed the Original West Iranic religion before the rise of Zoroastrianism. Heck it is even believed by allot of scholars that Zoroaster himself was originally part of the Magi cast himself and formed his own religion basically adopting the traditions of the Magi.

The problem is that nowadays Zoroastrian is used like a umbrella term for any West Iranic religion, while allot of these West Iranic practice pre date Zoroastrianism and are even ancestral to it.

12-12-2020, 04:16 PM
What you are experiencing here is called change of perception due to change of environment. On one hand you have the same Afghans that live rural lifestyles and dress traditional vs Afghans that live in urban regions with a lifestlyle more akine to Western standards. Subconsciously you consider the group from that thread more European looking not primarily because of "different physical features" but because of their more European look all around (lifestyle, clothing etc).

Let me give you an example.

Same Kurdish artist


The person hasn't changed physically

Yes good point.

12-12-2020, 08:43 PM
Zoroastrian use of fire is symbolic and it should not be confused as an element of the Zoroaster's faith. Zoroastrian should at its core be viewed as the world's first important monotheistic religion and its impact and its influences on Jewish faith, Christianity and Islam has been enormous and often times forgotten. Many of the great Jewish prophets were deeply influenced by faith of Zoroaster and were subjects of various Iranian empires of the time.

Abraham pbuh wasn't a Jew or a Christian . He lived around 1900BC whilst Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism was formed around the 6th or 7th century BCE. Moses Joseph and majority of the hebrew prophets actually predate Zoroastrianism, so I don't get how it could Influence it ?

12-12-2020, 08:52 PM
Abraham pbuh wasn't a Jew or a Christian . He lived around 1900BC whilst Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism was formed around the 6th or 7th century BCE. Moses Joseph and majority of the hebrew prophets actually predate Zoroastrianism, so I don't get how it could Influence it ?

Yeah I never figured that one out myself... I guess some point his origin to somewhere around 2000 BC rather than the other more accepted version

12-12-2020, 09:06 PM
Abraham pbuh wasn't a Jew or a Christian . He lived around 1900BC whilst Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism was formed around the 6th or 7th century BCE. Moses Joseph and majority of the hebrew prophets actually predate Zoroastrianism, so I don't get how it could Influence it ?

I've read that the original Judaism being practiced wasn't actually monothestic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monotheism#Judaism
go to Judaism and read the sources linked.

Also, scholars like Boyce argue that Zoroaster was born 2000BC, others even 8th century BC. That's why Zoroastrianism MAY have been the oldest religion and very likely monthestically too.

Whether or not it preligions, here are some concepts Zoroaster preached:
https://www.ancient.eu/zoroastrianism/#:~:text=Zoroastrianism%2C%20in%20fact%2C%20is%20t he,original%20vision%20which%20was%20actually
Plethora of sources linked that you can check out.

Zoroastrianism survived – among the Parsees of India and Pakistan (me) (where refugees from the Muslim Invasion fled) – and among the people of Iran who kept it alive – and is still practiced around the world in the present day. Although the early Christians and Muslims repudiated and attacked the faith, its fundamental concepts influenced both Christianity and Islam as well as Judaism. Zoroastrianism, in fact, is the first monotheistic faith to ADVANCE the concepts of individual responsibility for salvation, judgment after death, a messiah, an end-time, and a heaven and hell, and should rightly be regarded as the precursor to the later religions which claim an original vision which was actually established centuries before by Zoroaster and was so confident of its truth that it never needed to try to silence any others......
Were these concepts said by ancient Egyptians and Iranic religions? Yes. Not to this level and not nearly as advanced as Zarathustra said.

Want more historical sources about it may well being the first monothestic religion? I'll link you a plethora.

before any of you comment; PLEASE read the Gathas the same way I've read the Quoran and the Bible. Read the history YOURSELF. You all are basing your opinions of scholars when you can read these texts and read the history yourself to formulate YOUR opinion. This information isn't cold and hard. It still needs to be studied more, so formulate your own view like proper historians always do.

Do you know the similarties between Islam and Zoroastrianism were so great, that many Zoroastrians peacefully converted (for the benefits-no jizya) and "met Ahura Mazda and Ahirman under the names of Allah and Iblis" - Sir Thomas Walker Arnold.

A lot of Muslims get offended when I say this but I see no reason as to why. It only confirms what Muslims believe, that the religion preached by many prophets is essentially the same religion preached by Zoroaster, Jesus and Mohammed and more. It's all one message.

12-12-2020, 09:10 PM
Yeah I never figured that one out myself... I guess some point his origin to somewhere around 2000 BC rather than the other more accepted version

There is no accepted version. Different scholars say different things. This to this day requires a lot of study and your OWN view. That's how historians work. Also read my comment above about Judaism evolving and not always being monotheistic. I'm not biased. Judaism is certainly older imo. I'm talking about monothesim and the present form of the religion. but the way it presently is being performed is a bit different from what it was initially. New concepts came in. Muslims even believe the faith has changed and been corrupted. Zoroastrianism hasn't. We doin't follow the corrupted texts like the Vendidad (most don't). The religion we follow is Zoroaster's gathas mostly which is completely in it's purest form and not changed much at all.

12-12-2020, 09:15 PM
The Magi priests that appear to Jesus are Parthians of the Magi cast mate. This Magi cast is a remnant of the Magi priest cast of the Medes who were than living under the Parthian identity. as Was Parthian literally a dynasty dominated by Medes.

As with the Old Persians taking slowly the lead from the Medes via the Achaemenid Empire. The Magi cast was a religious pre Zoroastrian West Iranic cast. That actually teached and formed the Zoroastrians. This Pre Zoroastrian, Mithraistic religion was widespred from West Iran, Mesopotamia all the way into Anatolia (the Mitanni belonged to it, and even the Hettites and Luwians were influenced by it, as Helios the sun god was literally an adaption). Most of Zoroastrianism is basically an adoption of this pre Zoroastrian West Iranic religion which was a synthesis of old Mesopotamian (planet cult) and Old Iranic elements. And it had it's second rise in power via the Parthian dynasty. When these Parthians (Medes) who followed predominantly the pre Zoroastrian sun worhsipping (Mithraism) took the power. A homage to this religion is found in the name of the Parthian rulers such as Mithridates, which basically translates to "given by Mithra".


It was the Magi cast that teached and formed Zoroastrian priests during the Achaemenid Dynasty. The Magi cast of the Medes were literally the holy priest cast on the entire Iranian Plateau and they followed the Original West Iranic religion before the rise of Zoroastrianism. Heck it is even believed by allot of scholars that Zoroaster himself was originally part of the Magi cast himself and formed his own religion basically adopting the traditions of the Magi.

The problem is that nowadays Zoroastrian is used like a umbrella term for any West Iranic religion, while allot of these West Iranic practice pre date Zoroastrianism and are even ancestral to it.

Don't you as a Muslim beleive the Bible is corrupted? The versions vary a lot. You should know this especially as a Muslim.

Ok. Ignore that point. I was saying Zoroastrianism is present in the bible too. Xerxes I.

Zoroaster formulated his own religion. He introduced some new concepts that were not in Western Iranic religion. Have you even read the Gathas? The scripts of these Iranic religions?
I'm also solely refering to religions still alive and in practise today. The 11 major religions of the world mostly. So arguing about old religions is fruitless. It's not my point at all.

12-12-2020, 09:33 PM
Yeah I never figured that one out myself... I guess some point his origin to somewhere around 2000 BC rather than the other more accepted version

I find that hard to believe man, most sources noticed that Zoroastrianism started to appear around 7th century BC. Abraham pbuh worshipped the one and true God . He was a Muslim as in he submitted to the will it God ( Muslim jeans that in Arabic ). Islam is the universal religioun starting from Adam pbuh to Muhammed pbuh . There have been thousands of prophets and messengers throughout time sent to various peoples and tribes .

12-12-2020, 09:38 PM
There is no accepted version. Different scholars say different things. This to this day requires a lot of study and your OWN view. That's how historians work. Also read my comment above about Judaism evolving and not always being monotheistic. I'm not biased. Judaism is certainly older imo. I'm talking about monothesim and the present form of the religion. but the way it presently is being performed is a bit different from what it was initially. New concepts came in. Muslims even believe the faith has changed and been corrupted. Zoroastrianism hasn't. We doin't follow the corrupted texts like the Vendidad (most don't). The religion we follow is Zoroaster's gathas mostly which is completely in it's purest form and not changed much at all.

Muslims believe what has changed ?

What is the oldest manuscript of the gathas ? When was it first written?

I think we need to make one thing quite clear , just because something predates another religion , it doesn't make the latter false and the former true . By that logic Hinduism Is valid .

12-12-2020, 10:32 PM
Muslims believe what has changed ?

What is the oldest manuscript of the gathas ? When was it first written?

I think we need to make one thing quite clear , just because something predates another religion , it doesn't make the latter false and the former true . By that logic Hinduism Is valid .

Yup. I read your comment about Abraham. Zoroaster is also a Muslim then. One of the unmentioned prophets.

You mention Judaism and Hinduism. I'm saying Zoroastrianism MAY (key word) be the oldest MONOTHESTIC religion. Did you read what I said previously about how Judaism evolved into monthestism? I'm talking about Judaism practiced today. Today's version of Judaism. Zoroastrianism is largely unchanged.

I completely agree with your last point.

Muslims believe that the Bible is corrupted and riddled with contradictions. They believe the message of God followed by Christians and Jews today has been corrupted. Islam and the Koran is claimed to be free of contradictions and God's true message unlike the Koran.
SURELY you knew this right?

12-12-2020, 10:58 PM
Stop making BS up at this point. Stop contradicting yourself and spewing random things. Enough of your accusations. Leave my thread if you'll continue to be so immature. Want my GEDmatch results? Ok what was this guy's name then?

I dont remember the guy's name now, after such a long time. Its not like I needed to remember his name. I only saw him briefly one time. I do of course remember the girl's name as she worked with me.
I haven't made up anything. Its all true.

12-12-2020, 11:01 PM
Don't even bother man. I believe you and you had posted the examples for me. I've seen an Afghan man whose a splitting image of the "supposed" "Tajik" man Turbosat keeps harping about. Afghans definitely can look like that.

Can you post his pic?

12-12-2020, 11:03 PM
I dont remember the guy's name now, after such a long time. Its not like I needed to remember his name. I only saw him briefly one time. I do of course remember the girl's name as she worked with me.
I haven't made up anything. Its all true.

So only one Parsi who may or may not even have been Parsi and how you only got a brief glance of years ago.... Yet you claim to have met many and call us fire worshippers.

Let's just drop this topic because what you're claiming is rather far fetched.

12-12-2020, 11:04 PM
Can you post his pic?

This was in Pakistan. I live in Canada.

12-12-2020, 11:08 PM
Oops nice try sardar but the below pic is from jalalabad recently , here is the video



https://i.ibb.co/CbqxS0f/Screenshot-20201212-013749-com-google-android-youtube.jpg (https://ibb.co/T4ZzNhs)
Fast forward a little and you will see normal looking Irano afghans :) nice try though

Don't worry , I'll post videos on jalalabad too . Thought I wa ignored ?

I ignored your post about Badakhshan.

12-12-2020, 11:12 PM
Village life in Arghandab district , Kandahar . Southern Afghanistan


12-12-2020, 11:50 PM

12-12-2020, 11:54 PM
This was in Pakistan. I live in Canada.

You want everyone to believe the "Afghan man" you saw in Pakistan was a "splitting image" of the Pamiri man from Tajikistan. You cant post his pic because he was in Pakistan. Same way I cant now give you the name of the man in Toronto who claimed to be a Parsi because I never bothered to remember his name.

How do you know for sure 100% the man in Pakistan was Afghan? He could have been from Tajikistan pretending to be Afghan to get entry to Pakistan, or maybe he was really Afghan. I never said no Afghan could ever look like the Tajik Pamiri. I just said he looked different to Afghans I see in most pics and that is why I checked on him and he was from Tajikistan.

12-12-2020, 11:57 PM

12-13-2020, 12:01 AM

12-13-2020, 12:03 AM
You want everyone to believe the "Afghan man" you saw in Pakistan was a "splitting image" of the Pamiri man from Tajikistan. You cant post his pic because he was in Pakistan. Same way I cant now give you the name of the man in Toronto who claimed to be a Parsi because I never bothered to remember his name.

How do you know for sure 100% the man in Pakistan was Afghan? He could have been from Tajikistan pretending to be Afghan to get entry to Pakistan, or maybe he was really Afghan. I never said no Afghan could ever look like the Tajik Pamiri. I just said he looked different to Afghans I see in most pics and that is why I checked on him and he was from Tajikistan.

Look at the Taliban in this video and tell me you can't see some folks who COULD look similar to that man
Watch the video from 0:23 onwards ( no the Taliban are not from bakdakhsan , it says they attacked it )


12-13-2020, 12:03 AM
Wardak province Central East Afghanistan

Click on the link , thumbnail not working


12-13-2020, 12:07 AM
Abraham pbuh wasn't a Jew or a Christian . He lived around 1900BC whilst Zoroaster and Zoroastrianism was formed around the 6th or 7th century BCE. Moses Joseph and majority of the hebrew prophets actually predate Zoroastrianism, so I don't get how it could Influence it ?

Abraham was from the state of Ur, it is believed to be either located in modern Urfa in Southeast of Turkey or somewhere in iraq. Never the less somewhere in Mesopotamia. As I pointed out. Zoroastrianism was basically a reformed version of a older West Iranic religion which had the Magi as their priest caste. This old West Iranic religion as Prof. Kreyenbroeck, a very important figure in Iranistic science says. was a fusion of old Mesopotamian planet cult and old Iranic nature worshipping. later on this Fusion came to be known as Mithraism which in fact not only influenced the Abrahamic religions heavily (for more search Christianity vs Mithraism) but also Judaism.

And here is the issue and why I say it is wrong that Zoroastrianism has become a umbrella term for any West Iranic religion that even predates it. This causes confusion in how the hell Zoroastrianism could influence Abrahamic religions if Abrahamic religions are older. Zoroastrianism is only as old as 7th century BCE, but Iranic fusion of nature religion + planet cult (sun worshipping) is much older in the region (the West Asian version of Mithraism in which Mithra is not only the deity of contract but at the same time the personification of the sun). For example Mithra is already mentioned among the Mitanni and even Hittites.

So when some people claim, Zoroastrianism was very influental on Abrahamic religions, they are usually taking Zoroastrianism as umbrella term for pre Zoroastrian religions of the region, from which Zoroastrianism itself emerged.

For more information about that proto West Iranic religion

If you know German it is good if you don't sorry.

Title is "old Iranic Mythos in Kurdistan". he points out archeological and written findings that prove that a pre Zoroastrian religion existed among the West Iranic tribes, which was prominent among the Medes as example.


So not Zoroastrianism itself influenced Abrahamic religions directly, but a pre Zoroastrian root religion did. The Magi for example.

Proto Old West Iranic religions => Mithraism => Zoroastrianism. That is how it came to life.

12-13-2020, 12:11 AM
You want everyone to believe the "Afghan man" you saw in Pakistan was a "splitting image" of the Pamiri man from Tajikistan. You cant post his pic because he was in Pakistan. Same way I cant now give you the name of the man in Toronto who claimed to be a Parsi because I never bothered to remember his name.

How do you know for sure 100% the man in Pakistan was Afghan? He could have been from Tajikistan pretending to be Afghan to get entry to Pakistan, or maybe he was really Afghan. I never said no Afghan could ever look like the Tajik Pamiri. I just said he looked different to Afghans I see in most pics and that is why I checked on him and he was from Tajikistan.

Sure. He could have been lying. Though I doubt that

12-13-2020, 12:12 AM
Abraham was from the state of Ur, it is believed to be either located in modern Urfa in Southeast of Turkey or somewhere in iraq. Never the less somewhere in Mesopotamia. As I pointed out. Zoroastrianism was basically a reformed version of a older West Iranic religion which had the Magi as their priest caste. This old West Iranic religion as Prof. Kreyenbroeck, a very important figure in Iranistic science says. was a fusion of old Mesopotamian planet cult and old Iranic nature worshipping. later on this Fusion came to be known as Mithraism which in fact not only influenced the Abrahamic religions heavily (for more search Christianity vs Mithraism) but also Judaism.

And here is the issue and why I say it is wrong that Zoroastrianism has become a umbrella term for any West Iranic religion that even predates it. This causes confusion in how the hell Zoroastrianism could influence Abrahamic religions if Abrahamic religions are older. Zoroastrianism is only as old as 7th century BCE, but Iranic fusion of nature religion + planet cult (sun worshipping) is much older in the region (the West Asian version of Mithraism in which Mithra is not only the deity of contract but at the same time the personification of the sun). For example Mithra is already mentioned among the Mitanni and even Hittites.

So when some people claim, Zoroastrianism was very influental on Abrahamic religions, they are usually taking Zoroastrianism as umbrella term for pre Zoroastrian religions of the region, from which Zoroastrianism itself emerged.

For more information about that proto West Iranic religion

If you know German it is good if you don't sorry.

Title is "old Iranic Mythos in Kurdistan". he points out archeological and written findings that prove that a pre Zoroastrian religion existed among the West Iranic tribes, which was prominent among the Medes as example.


Have you even read the manuscripts of Ancient Iranic scripts and the gathas bro?

12-13-2020, 12:13 AM
Abraham was from the state of Ur, it is believed to be either located in modern Urfa in Southeast of Turkey or somewhere in iraq. Never the less somewhere in Mesopotamia. As I pointed out. Zoroastrianism was basically a reformed version of a older West Iranic religion which had the Magi as their priest caste. This old West Iranic religion as Prof. Kreyenbroeck, a very important figure in Iranistic science says. was a fusion of old Mesopotamian planet cult and old Iranic nature worshipping. later on this Fusion came to be known as Mithraism which in fact not only influenced the Abrahamic religions heavily (for more search Christianity vs Mithraism) but also Judaism.

And here is the issue and why I say it is wrong that Zoroastrianism has become a umbrella term for any West Iranic religion that even predates it. This causes confusion in how the hell Zoroastrianism could influence Abrahamic religions if Abrahamic religions are older. Zoroastrianism is only as old as 7th century BCE, but Iranic fusion of nature religion + planet cult (sun worshipping) is much older in the region (the West Asian version of Mithraism in which Mithra is not only the deity of contract but at the same time the personification of the sun). For example Mithra is already mentioned among the Mitanni and even Hittites.

So when some people claim, Zoroastrianism was very influental on Abrahamic religions, they are usually taking Zoroastrianism as umbrella term for pre Zoroastrian religions of the region, from which Zoroastrianism itself emerged.

For more information about that proto West Iranic religion

If you know German it is good if you don't sorry.

Title is "old Iranic Mythos in Kurdistan". he points out archeological and written findings that prove that a pre Zoroastrian religion existed among the West Iranic tribes, which was prominent among the Medes as example.


Have you even read the manuscripts of Ancient Iranic scripts and the gathas bro? You may as well say Mazdakism is a seperate religion. These are all off shoots. The only one that truly survived was Zoroasters'. He talks about this too and just how starkly different these religions were and their similarities in his English articles. Will you even bother reading my comments? The plethora of sources I linked? Literally every historian says the same but you use a German (whose language I clearly don't speak).
You could be misquoting for all I know.

Have you read my comments where I talk about how Judaism varied into the form it was? Why don't you link 7-9 other articles instead of German video? I gave you so many.

This is almost as stupid as the Muslims who cherrypick quotes from Walker Arnold to show that the Islamization of Iran was peacefully when there are SOOOOO many other historians that prove otherwise. It's called cherrypicking.

12-13-2020, 12:16 AM
Have you even read the manuscripts of Ancient Iranic scripts and the gathas bro?

The "ancient scripts" of Gathas are not as old as you think, and they are as I mentioned early just copied and "reworked" versions of older text as by Kreyenbroek. Zoroastrianism itself turns up just 100-200 years after the Magi cast is mentioned by Heredotus.

Avesta itself is Zoroasters reformed book of the old West Iranic religion to gain followers. That is like a Christian telling a Jew "have you even read the Bible yet bro".

Proto old West Iranic religion => Mithraism(Magi cast) => Zoroastrianism.

You should seriously look for Mithra vs Christianity sources, you will be surprised.

Edit: also I might not have red the Ghatas but Prof. Kreyenbroek has and he is an expert on Iranistic studies.

12-13-2020, 12:19 AM
Panjshir province



Northern alliance soldiers ( probably mostly afghan tajiks and few Uzbeks )


12-13-2020, 12:23 AM
So only one Parsi who may or may not even have been Parsi and how you only got a brief glance of years ago.... Yet you claim to have met many and call us fire worshippers.

Let's just drop this topic because what you're claiming is rather far fetched.

Can you show me where I said I met many Parsis?

I met and knew two Parsis in UK. I dont want to post their names. One of them was from Karachi.
I dont need to meet many Parsis in person anyway. I can see their pics online using Google or on various sites. You are also using Google or website links to show Parsis.

I saw this other guy recently on a US TV channel. At first I thought he was Indian (but looked a bit off), but then his name came up as Trita Parsi. I thought in that case he must be from Mumbai. When I read up on him, it says he is Zoroastrian from Iran.
Trita Parsi - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trita_Parsi)

12-13-2020, 12:41 AM
Can you show me where I said I met many Parsis?

I met and knew two Parsis in UK. I dont want to post their names. One of them was from Karachi.
I dont need to meet many Parsis in person anyway. I can see their pics online using Google or on various sites. You are also using Google or website links to show Parsis.

I saw this other guy recently on a US TV channel. At first I thought he was Indian (but looked a bit off), but then his name came up as Trita Parsi. I thought in that case he must be from Mumbai. When I read up on him, it says he is Zoroastrian from Iran.
Trita Parsi - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trita_Parsi)

Lots of non Parsis have Parsi as their last name.

12-13-2020, 12:46 AM
For people who are interested in this more.

THE PRE-ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION OF THE MEDES AND PERSIANS The evidence The close parallels between the beliefs and observances of the Avestan and Vedic peoples show how strong and tenacious was the religious tradition evolved by the proto-lndo-lranians in remote prehistory.1 The western Iranians were equally heirs to this tradition, and so might reasonably be expected to have had the same beliefs and observances in their pre-Zoroastrian days. The difficulty has long been to gather any substantial amount of evidence to establish this as fact; but thanks largely to the work of archaeologists, there has been a considerable increase in data in recent decades. The greatest access has been in the number of theophoric names. These have been extracted in meagre quantity from Assyrian cuneiform texts of the ninth to seventh centuries B.C.; and more abundantly from Elamite cuneiform tablets at Perse-polis, and from Babylonian cuneiform records and Aramaic writings. Much of this material belongs to the late sixth and first half of the fifth centuries-to a period, that is, when Zoroastrianism was evidently making strong headway in western Iran; but the tendency to maintain family traditions in name-giving makes it possible to use it, with caution, to throw light on the beliefs of previous generations.2 A complication for its analysis, however, is the uncertainty which attends the reconstruction of Iranian names recorded by non-Iranian scribes in cuneiform scripts. Doubtful reconstructed forms are marked therefore below with an as-terisk. Some further material is provided by the Persian royal inscriptions of the sixth century, in so far as these preserve older traditions through the month-names of the calendar. Other valuable evidence has been provided by excavations of Median dwelling sites and burial grounds; and Mesopotamian texts and sculptures yield useful background data. 1 See HZ I, passim. 2 The fortification tablets from Persepolis have been dated to 509-494, and those from the treasury to 492-458. See R. Hallock, Persepolis Fortification Tablets, and G. G. Cameron, Perse-po!is Treasury Tablets. On the names in them see E. Benveniste, Titres et noms propres, 75-97; I. Gershevitch, 'Amber at Pe1sepolis'; 'Iranian nouns and names in Elamite garb', TPS 1969, r65-2oo; and 'Island-Bay and the Lion', BSOAS XXXIII, 1970, 82-91. The material in these four publications was indexed, with additional matter, by M. Mayrhofer, Onomastica Persepolitana, (OnP). Add since W. Hinz, Neue Wege in Altpersischen, ro5-r8.
THE PRE-ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION OF THE MEDES ANb PERSIANS IS The gods The Vedic-Avestan evidence suggests that the three moral beings venerated in Iran as the Ahuras-Ahura Mazda, Mithra and *Varuna-were a dominant group in the ancient pantheon; and that their chief task was to uphold the principle of order, truth and justice called in Avestan 'asa', in Medo-Persian 'arta'. The word 'arta' appears to be attested as the first element in two Median personal names recorded in Assyrian cuneiform of the ninth century: * Artasirar(u) and *Irti-zat(i); 3 while the actual name of the greatest of the Ahuras is held to be preserved, as as-sa-ra ma-za-as, in a list of gods in a text of the eighth or seventh century. 4

Pre Zoroastrian West Iranic religions had many deities. Zoroastrians established Ahura as the highest deity. Before that the West Iranic tribes had several main deities as seen from the statues on mount Nemrut. Similar to the Vedic Deities.


12-13-2020, 12:47 AM
Lots of non Parsis have Parsi as their last name.

You can read the Wiki link. It says he is Zoroastrian from Iran.
Or you can email him.

12-13-2020, 12:48 AM
The "ancient scripts" of Gathas are not as old as you think, and they are as I mentioned early just copied and "reworked" versions of older text as by Kreyenbroek. Zoroastrianism itself turns up just 100-200 years after the Magi cast is mentioned by Heredotus.

Avesta itself is Zoroasters reformed book of the old West Iranic religion to gain followers. That is like a Christian telling a Jew "have you even read the Bible yet bro".

Proto old West Iranic religion => Mithraism(Magi cast) => Zoroastrianism.

You should seriously look for Mithra vs Christianity sources, you will be surprised.

Edit: also I might not have red the Ghatas but Prof. Kreyenbroek has and he is an expert on Iranistic studies.

What are you saying bro? Christianity was influenced by West Iranic religion also. I know this. He'll Zoroastrianism also changed slightly and got slight influence from Islam. It's evident.
Are you suggesting that Zoroastrianism is an offshoot? What are you saying? Is Mithra the same religion and Zoroastrianism purified and reformed version of the same religion? Not sure what you're claiming.

At this point I've linked double digit sources. A simple Google search " zoroastrianism oldest MONOTHESTIC religion" on Google scholar will bring more I can link. Even I talk about the articles by prof k in english. You havent linked anything.

You completely avoid when I agree with you and talk about the fact the Judaism does predate Zoroastrianism but not in the form it's practiced today and the plethora of sources I've linked and can continue to do so.

But you have a few sources which youre dead set on rather than listening to the popular opinion. I appreciate that. You have a unique perspective and you think for yourself which is really cool. I'd recommend to rid yourself of bias and dig deeper into this YOURSELF to see which Historians view is the correct one. Maybe read about the religion and it's scriptures before commenting too.

Mary Boyce is a much bigger expert on Zoroastrianism and her sources are even more plentiful talking about this.

12-13-2020, 12:50 AM
You can read the Wiki link. It says he is Zoroastrian from Iran.
Or you can email him.



Regular Iranian Zoroastrians. Look at my thread for crowds too.

12-13-2020, 12:52 AM
Guys the thread Is getting derailed

12-13-2020, 12:52 AM
Exactly. No more religious arguments from me.

12-13-2020, 12:55 AM
Lots of non Parsis have Parsi as their last name.

Lots of Muslim Iranians have last name of "Parsi"? Really? I've never seen one such person on TV or read of one any.
Can you give links to some of them who are Muslims and from Iran?

12-13-2020, 12:56 AM
Lots of Muslim Iranians have last name of "Parsi"? Really? I've never seen one such person on TV or read of one any.
Can you give links to some of them who are Muslims and from Iran?

I never mention Muslims. I've seen fellow Torontonian etc on the news with the last name Parsi. Sina Parsi for example.

12-13-2020, 12:59 AM
The "ancient scripts" of Gathas are not as old as you think, and they are as I mentioned early just copied and "reworked" versions of older text as by Kreyenbroek. Zoroastrianism itself turns up just 100-200 years after the Magi cast is mentioned by Heredotus.

Avesta itself is Zoroasters reformed book of the old West Iranic religion to gain followers. That is like a Christian telling a Jew "have you even read the Bible yet bro".

Proto old West Iranic religion => Mithraism(Magi cast) => Zoroastrianism.

You should seriously look for Mithra vs Christianity sources, you will be surprised.

Edit: also I might not have red the Ghatas but Prof. Kreyenbroek has and he is an expert on Iranistic studies.

I'm sorry for being rude. If you want to continue the discussion private message me. Like Avicenna said the thread is getting derailed.

12-13-2020, 01:00 AM
For people who are interested in this more.

Pre Zoroastrian West Iranic religions had many deities. Zoroastrians established Ahura as the highest deity. Before that the West Iranic tribes had several main deities as seen from the statues on mount Nemrut. Similar to the Vedic Deities.


Your point isn't really coming across to me. Like I know. What does this prove? If you want to Continue the discussion, PLEASE Private message me because Avicenna doesn't want the thread to be derailed.

12-13-2020, 01:30 AM
What are you saying bro? Christianity was influenced by West Iranic religion also. I know this. He'll Zoroastrianism also changed slightly and got slight influence from Islam. It's evident.
Are you suggesting that Zoroastrianism is an offshoot? What are you saying? Is Mithra the same religion and Zoroastrianism purified and reformed version of the same religion? Not sure what you're claiming.

At this point I've linked double digit sources. A simple Google search " zoroastrianism oldest MONOTHESTIC religion" on Google scholar will bring more I can link. Even I talk about the articles by prof k in english. You havent linked anything.

You completely avoid when I agree with you and talk about the fact the Judaism does predate Zoroastrianism but not in the form it's practiced today and the plethora of sources I've linked and can continue to do so.

But you have a few sources which youre dead set on rather than listening to the popular opinion. I appreciate that. You have a unique perspective and you think for yourself which is really cool. I'd recommend to rid yourself of bias and dig deeper into this YOURSELF to see which Historians view is the correct one. Maybe read about the religion and it's scriptures before commenting too.

Mary Boyce is a much bigger expert on Zoroastrianism and her sources are even more plentiful talking about this.

What modern scientists are saying with new archeological evidences is,

1. A Proto Mesopotamian/Iranic religion exist among tribes in West Iran and evern further west all the way into Anatolia and Mesopotamia, which combines elements of old Mesopotamian planet cult and proto Indo_Iranic nature religion (paganism). It was similar to Proto Greek, Proto Sumerian and Proto Indo_Aryan religions in the way that it had multiple deities. Like Ahura, Mithra, Varuna, Verethragna, Anahita.

2. Proto Mithraism evolved out of this among the Magi priests. In this religion all the deities still existed however the religion became monotheistic in the sense that Mithra was the highest deity as well the personification of the sun.

3. Proto Zoroastrianism evolved out of former members, or people influenced heavily by the Magi (mithraistic) religion. It was basically a reformed version of Mithraism. The difference being that Zoroaster put Ahura on the position of Mithra as the highest deity. And in fact we have evidences that Zroastrians persecuted the Mithraist during the early times of Achaemenid Empire. And even in the Avesta there are evidences where Zoroaster is looking down on Mithra or tries to belittle him. Kreyenbroek also points to these evidences that there was indeed a struggle for power between Mithraists from the Median times and Zoroastrians.

Mithraism, the worship of Mithra, the Iranian god of the sun, justice, contract, and war in pre-Zoroastrian Iran. Known as Mithras in the Roman Empire during the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE, this deity was honoured as the patron of loyalty to the emperor. After the acceptance of Christianity by the emperor Constantine in the early 4th century, Mithraism rapidly declined.

Another evidence for the status of Mithra as a main deity next to Ahura Mazda is on the Behistun inscriptons. While the Zoroastrian Persians always depicted themselves with Ahura Mazda. Ardashir II depicts himself with Ahura Mazda and Mithra on the Inscription in order to legitimize himself as the new ruler of the Zoroastrians (mostly Persians) and Mithraists, who were mostly the Parthians (former Medes).


With allot of new archeoligcal evidences turning up allot of our understanding of the history changed. Would you believe me if I told you that many modern linguists do not support the West vs East Iranic language model anymore? Because languages which formerly were thought to be East Iranic, such as Bakhtrian can not be classified as such anymore. We have new evidences (archeological samples) that prove Bakthrian was neither East nor West. A new model is discussed with a "North periphery, South periphery and Central periphery group. Bakhtrian is within the Central periphery within this model.

Our understanding of things will change even more with further archeological findings.

I think we should stop it here, it is getting too off topic.

12-13-2020, 01:37 AM


Regular Iranian Zoroastrians. Look at my thread for crowds too.

Look at crowds and? Waste more of my time lol?
Why would I need, or want, to post pics of Iranian Zoroastrian crowds here? I can see in Google if I want, like anyone else can.

I just mentioned the Trita Parsi guy and posted his pic because I saw him recently on TV, since you kept going on as if I have only ever seen one "Parsi" briefly in Canada in my whole life. Then I told you of two I met many times in UK in the past. In fact 3. I also met the wife of one of them many times. One of them was well known among Parsis in UK.

I have seen those kind of Zoroastrians in your link before. I noticed Zoroastrians from Iran seemed to me to have more of darker individuals among them (veering towards looking Indian) compared to Muslim Iranians. I might be wrong in my impression but I did not want to spend time looking into it more.

See these two guys for example. They are quite Indian looking.
زرتشتیان؛ گفتمان ۴۱ zartoshtian - kourosh Niknam - کورش نیکنام - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK8pXhxR1PI&ab_channel=KouroshNiknam)
زرتشتیان؛ گفتمان ۳۰ zartoshtian - kourosh Niknam - کورش نیکنام - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJj-_c5TrBI&ab_channel=KouroshNiknam)

You will probably come back with a strange weird reply, like "it is only two out of...." , and rest of them look like dark Muslim Iranians. Dont bother because I am not saying every Zoroastrian in Iran is Indian looking. Just that they seem (from my quick look) to have more such people than Muslim Iranians. I might be wrong, but then? Its nearly 3am here. OK?

12-13-2020, 01:43 AM
Look at crowds and? Waste more of my time lol?
Why would I need, or want, to post pics of Iranian Zoroastrian crowds here? I can see in Google if I want, like anyone else can.

I just mentioned the Trita Parsi guy and posted his pic because I saw him recently on TV, since you kept going on as if I have only ever seen one "Parsi" briefly in Canada in my whole life. Then I told you of two I met many times in UK in the past. In fact 3. I also met the wife of one of them many times. One of them was well known among Parsis in UK.

I have seen those kind of Zoroastrians in your link before. I noticed Zoroastrians from Iran seemed to me to have more of darker individuals among them (veering towards looking Indian) compared to Muslim Iranians. I might be wrong in my impression but I did not want to spend time looking into it more.

See these two guys for example. They are quite Indian looking.
زرتشتیان؛ گفتمان ۴۱ zartoshtian - kourosh Niknam - کورش نیکنام - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WK8pXhxR1PI&ab_channel=KouroshNiknam)
زرتشتیان؛ گفتمان ۳۰ zartoshtian - kourosh Niknam - کورش نیکنام - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJj-_c5TrBI&ab_channel=KouroshNiknam)

You will probably come back with a strange weird reply, like "it is only two out of...." , and rest of them look like dark Muslim Iranians. Dont bother because I am not saying every Zoroastrian in Iran is Indian looking. Just that they seem (from my quick look) to have more such people than Muslim Iranians. I might be wrong, but then? Its nearly 3am here. OK?

@Avicenna look at this skin tone obssessed man.

Your deluded Turbosat. THey look no different to Muslims Iranians from those areas and other Persians lmao.

Can you stop focusing on skin color so much? Are you saying the average guy in my link looks Indian(not just tone)?

Iranian Muslims



Iranian Zoroastrians:

Why didn't you post these. I'm struggling to see which South Asians you see.

Avicenna look at this troll/clown turbosat who claims to have the super power to tell Iranian Zoroastrians apart from Muslims Iranians jfl jfl lmao hahaha. Teach me how to do this please turbosat!
Turbosat claims to be able to tell how Parsis look after seeing 2-3 and Iranian Zoroastrians after seeing 10-12 online. He's also not willing to see more links and keeps his bias without viewing more. Not to mention he thinks all dark Iranians look South Asian lmao.

Please educate himself as well Avicenna. But he's not willing to see more, so not sure how I can help him.

12-13-2020, 01:52 AM
Your deluded. THey look no different to Muslims Iranians from those areas and other Persians lmao.

Avicenna said to you on first page "you clearly have some weird complex".
You can keep laughing. You are a time waster.

You ignored what I said...that they (ones in the links I posted) are quite Indian looking. Perhaps Muslim Iranians from those areas also can look like that too (and so what? as you reply), but from what I have seen, the Iranian Zoroastrians have more such people.

Have you even been to Iran or those areas? You haven't, but you are arguing as if you are from those areas and therefore know more than me.

12-13-2020, 01:54 AM
Can you show me where I said I met many Parsis?

I met and knew two Parsis in UK. I dont want to post their names. One of them was from Karachi.
I dont need to meet many Parsis in person anyway. I can see their pics online using Google or on various sites. You are also using Google or website links to show Parsis.

I saw this other guy recently on a US TV channel. At first I thought he was Indian (but looked a bit off), but then his name came up as Trita Parsi. I thought in that case he must be from Mumbai. When I read up on him, it says he is Zoroastrian from Iran.
Trita Parsi - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trita_Parsi)
This guy looks nothing like an Indian imo. He is from Ahvaz and indeed his look is more Arabian admixed than Indian imo.

12-13-2020, 02:05 AM
This guy looks nothing like an Indian imo. He is from Ahvaz and indeed his look is more Arabian admixed than Indian imo.

He has an Indian kind of look which is why I noticed him when he was speaking on TV. I was just changing channels and then stopped when I saw him to see who he was because I thought he was Indian. He looked more Indian on screen than he does in his pics in Google. What made him look a bit less Indian on screen was that he was not too dark. If he was dark brown in the pic I posted, he would look completely Indian. I have only seen him once on TV though.

What about the two old guys in the videos? They dont look Indian?

12-13-2020, 02:43 AM
He has an Indian kind of look which is why I noticed him when he was speaking on TV. I was just changing channels and then stopped when I saw him to see who he was because I thought he was Indian. He looked more Indian on screen than he does in his pics in Google. What made him look a bit less Indian on screen was that he was not too dark. If he was dark brown in the pic I posted, he would look completely Indian. I have only seen him once on TV though.

What about the two old guys in the videos? They dont look Indian?

I don't know man, this guy looks like a Iraqi to me. Clearly Iranic-Arabian mixed but stronger Arabic element as usual.

Which two guys in the video?

12-13-2020, 03:46 AM
What modern scientists are saying with new archeological evidences is,

1. A Proto Mesopotamian/Iranic religion exist among tribes in West Iran and evern further west all the way into Anatolia and Mesopotamia, which combines elements of old Mesopotamian planet cult and proto Indo_Iranic nature religion. It was similar to Proto Greek, Proto Sumerian and Proto Indo_Aryan religions in the way that it had multiple deities. Like Ahura, Mithra, Varuna.

2. Proto Mithraism evolved out of this among the Magi priests. This religions was a reformed version in which all the deities still existed however the religion became monotheistic in the sense that Mithra was the highest deity as well the personification of the sun.

3. Proto Zoroastrianism evolved out of former members, or people influenced heavily by the Magi (mithraistic) religion. It was basically a reformed version of Mithraism. The difference being that Zoroaster put Ahura on the position of Mithra as the highest deity. And in fact we have evidences that Zroastrians persecuted the Mithraist during the early times of Achaemenid Empire. And even in the Avesta there are evidences where Zoroaster is looking down on Mithra or tries to belittle him. Kreyenbroek also points to these evidences that there was indeed a struggle for power between Mithraists from the Median times and Zoroastrians.

Another evidence for the status of Mithra as a main deity next to Ahura Mazda is on the Behistun inscriptons. While the Zoroastrian Persians always depicted themselves with Ahura Mazda. Ardashir II depicts himself with Ahura Mazda and Mithra on the Inscription in order to legitimize himself as the new ruler of the Zoroastrians (mostly Persians) and Mithraists, who were mostly the Parthians (former Medes).


With allot of new archeoligcal evidences turning up allot of our understanding of the history changed. Would you believe me if I told you that many modern linguists do not support the West vs East Iranic language model anymore? Because languages which formerly were thought to be East Iranic, such as Bakhtrian can not be classified as such anymore. We have new evidences (archeological samples) that prove Bakthrian was neither East nor West. A new model is discussed with a "North periphery, South periphery and Central periphery group. Bakhtrian is within the Central periphery within this model.

Our understanding of things will change even more with further archeological findings.

I think we should stop it here, it is getting too off topic.

Yup. I knew all this. You must also remember that this is JUST being found out(like you said). We don't have solid archaeological logic Completely yet, but most likely it MIGHT be true
. Like I said: " WHAT DOES THIS PROVE???" PLEASE DM me so I can learn too.

If anything, it shows that Zoroaster deviated from the multiple deity/God thing and made his monthestic models/religion.

Please DM me we can teach each other more! I want to learn and it seems you're super interested too!

12-13-2020, 03:50 AM
Avicenna said to you on first page "you clearly have some weird complex".
You can keep laughing. You are a time waster.

You ignored what I said...that they (ones in the links I posted) are quite Indian looking. Perhaps Muslim Iranians from those areas also can look like that too (and so what? as you reply), but from what I have seen, the Iranian Zoroastrians have more such people.

Have you even been to Iran or those areas? You haven't, but you are arguing as if you are from those areas and therefore know more than me.

I've BEEN to these places you clown. Why ignore everything I linked?

12-13-2020, 03:51 AM
I don't know man, this guy looks like a Iraqi to me. Clearly Iranic-Arabian mixed but stronger Arabic element as usual.

Which two guys in the video?

He's saying these Iranian Zoroastrians look Indian hahagahahhahaha.

12-13-2020, 04:20 AM
He has an Indian kind of look which is why I noticed him when he was speaking on TV. I was just changing channels and then stopped when I saw him to see who he was because I thought he was Indian. He looked more Indian on screen than he does in his pics in Google. What made him look a bit less Indian on screen was that he was not too dark. If he was dark brown in the pic I posted, he would look completely Indian. I have only seen him once on TV though.

What about the two old guys in the videos? They dont look Indian?

Parsi with Soleimani. They look sooooo similar phenotypically. First your like he looks Indian, now saying only on TV? Wtf???

This is him on TV...

12-13-2020, 10:16 AM
Parsi with Soleimani. They look sooooo similar phenotypically. First your like he looks Indian, now saying only on TV? Wtf???

This is him on TV...

No way on earth does he look Indian lol wtf

12-13-2020, 10:19 AM
Parsi with Soleimani. They look sooooo similar phenotypically. First your like he looks Indian, now saying only on TV? Wtf???

This is him on TV...

No way on earth does he look Indian lol wtf

12-13-2020, 10:46 AM
No way on earth does he look Indian lol wtf

Just like the Pamiri Tajik no way on earth looks like any Afghan/Pashtun. wtf. lol.

12-13-2020, 11:01 AM
Parsi with Soleimani. They look sooooo similar phenotypically. First your like he looks Indian, now saying only on TV? Wtf???

This is him on TV...

Yes he does not particularly resemble Indian in above video. But he did more so when I saw him on the TV channel (about 2 weeks ago). I think he was speaking from his home PC so quality of pic was not as good as it is here. Also even above he can be Indian. You can find some Hindu Sindhis (for example) who can look like him.

Anyway look at the pic, I posted. He is more Indian looking there except his complexion. I saw him one time on TV. Then read on his Wiki page. Do you think I have time to study him for days and days and look at all his pics and videos?

What about the other Iranian Zoroastrians in the two videos I linked (and ones Thambi noted)? Why are you ignoring them? They are whiter than Spanish?

12-13-2020, 11:04 AM
Parsi with Soleimani. They look sooooo similar phenotypically. First your like he looks Indian, now saying only on TV? Wtf???

This is him on TV...

This is what I wrote. Read it carefully.
"I saw this other guy recently on a US TV channel. At first I thought he was Indian (but looked a bit off), but then his name came up as Trita Parsi. I thought in that case he must be from Mumbai. When I read up on him, it says he is Zoroastrian from Iran."

You are a time waster.

12-13-2020, 11:06 AM
Just like the Pamiri Tajik no way on earth looks like any Afghan/Pashtun. wtf. lol.

That pamiri man obviously is atypical for both groups. What's your point ? It's obvious you have a complex with pashtuns lol. Did you watch the video I posted in reply to you? Give that pamiri man a massive beard , traditional clothes and a pakol. He looks atypical for pamiris let alone pashtuns , doesn't mean it doesn't exist . Lol.

12-13-2020, 11:07 AM
Just like the Pamiri Tajik no way on earth looks like any Afghan/Pashtun. wtf. lol.

Theres a fallacy in your comment. There are pamiris in Afghanistan so they are " afghans " . I think someone needs to reiterate his thinking hahahah

12-13-2020, 11:09 AM
Stop wasting my time. Pashtuns are backward, foolish people mostly. I dont have any complex about them, but you have a complex with Indians.

12-13-2020, 11:10 AM
Theres a fallacy in your comment. There are pamiris in Afghanistan so they are " afghans " . I think someone needs to reiterate his thinking hahahah

But he is from Tajikistan, so he is not Afghan. hahahaha...

12-13-2020, 11:11 AM
He's saying these Iranian Zoroastrians look Indian hahagahahhahaha.

Parsis are whiter than Spanish and Italians. hahagahahhahaha

12-13-2020, 11:21 AM
I did not check any of the others, but this guy below is not from Afghanistan. He is Pamiri from Tajikistan. See Памир халăхĕсем — Википеди (wikipedia.org) (https://cv.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%80_%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB% C4%83%D1%85%C4%95%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BC)

" I did not check any others "

Save it . The rest are Tajiks from panjsher / parwan , pashtuns and nuristanis .the second guy looks strkingly similar to that pamiri man don't you think ? Or what about this panjshiri man ?

https://i.ibb.co/GcrBFyp/BLVOmXs.jpg (https://ibb.co/NZGQ75C)
boy and girl kiss emoji (https://emoticoncentral.com/category/boy-and-girl-kiss-emoji)

12-13-2020, 11:27 AM
Stop wasting my time. Pashtuns are backward, foolish people mostly. I dont have any complex about them, but you have a complex with Indians.

....and yet you jump at every opportunity you get to post your snide sneaky sly comments lol. Do you want me to fona video on Punjab ? I don't mind at all . Your inferiority complex is seething through your replies it's not even funny . Why don't you join the bandwagon in AG ?

12-13-2020, 12:09 PM
" I did not check any others "

Save it . The rest are Tajiks from panjsher / parwan , pashtuns and nuristanis .the second guy looks strkingly similar to that pamiri man don't you think ? Or what about this panjshiri man ?

https://i.ibb.co/GcrBFyp/BLVOmXs.jpg (https://ibb.co/NZGQ75C)
boy and girl kiss emoji (https://emoticoncentral.com/category/boy-and-girl-kiss-emoji)

You posted the Pamiri from Tajikistan amongst a bunch of people from Afghanistan. I did not say, there is no person in Afghanistan who could look like him.
I pointed out he was actually from Tajikistan. You should have checked yourself and not posted his pic if you want to maintain accuracy.

Not sure why you want to further waste your time or mine on him. Looks to me you want to show everyone that lots of Afghans got a pink/red complexion like him. It is not too important to me if there are many like him in Afghanistan or not so many lol. Can you stop posting about him now?

If you had posted a German among a bunch of English guys and said they were all English, I would also point out one guy was German and not English. It does not mean a German man cannot look English.

12-13-2020, 12:13 PM
....and yet you jump at every opportunity you get to post your snide sneaky sly comments lol. Do you want me to fona video on Punjab ? I don't mind at all . Your inferiority complex is seething through your replies it's not even funny . Why don't you join the bandwagon in AG ?

Listen you cant bear me to even post in this thread because you think you are some "superior" Afghan and I should not be posting comments like anyone else. I would not even spit on an Afghan, let alone have an inferiority complex over them. That should be very clear now.

12-13-2020, 12:22 PM
Parsis are whiter than Spanish and Italians. hahagahahhahaha

As per @Azbuzz
- Spanish and Portuguese said Parsis in India are whiter than them.
- Also not even a single Indian can look a bit like an Iranian Zoroastrian.

Parsis from Bombay/Mumbai
SPP Organises Navjotes Of Seven Zarthosti Children - Parsi Times (parsi-times.com) (https://parsi-times.com/2019/01/spp-organises-navjotes-of-seven-zarthosti-children/)



12-13-2020, 12:27 PM
You posted the Pamiri from Tajikistan amongst a bunch of people from Afghanistan. I did not say, there is no person in Afghanistan who could look like him.
I pointed out he was actually from Tajikistan. You should have checked yourself and not posted his pic if you want to maintain accuracy.

Not sure why you want to further waste your time or mine on him. Looks to me you want to show everyone that lots of Afghans got a pink/red complexion like him. It is not too important to me if there are many like him in Afghanistan or not so many lol. Can you stop posting about him now?

If you had posted a German among a bunch of English guys and said they were all English, I would also point out one guy was German and not English. It does not mean a German man cannot look English.

You claimed that Pamiri mans look could not be found among afghans , I just batted that claim out of the park . Your other points I agree . Let's leave it at that .

12-13-2020, 12:33 PM
Listen you cant bear me to even post in this thread because you think you are some "superior" Afghan and I should not be posting comments like anyone else. I would not even spit on an Afghan, let alone have an inferiority complex over them. That should be very clear now.

Cool story sardar ji

12-13-2020, 02:08 PM
Pakistani has no meaning, just like Syrian or Turkish has no meaning. Pakistan is a multi ethnic state. around 1/3 to 2/4 of the country is made up of Iranic ethnicities who resemble Pashtuns from Afghanistan more than Punjabis. When there is resemlence between Pakistanis and Afghans it is usually the "Pakistanis" (Pashtuns and Baloch) who look like Afghans than vica versa.

Pakistan as a country is a work in progress. It is a collage of 4-5 main ethnicities that have carved up a country. Interestingly enough IMO it has worked somewhat and it has not been a total failure as many would want us to believe.

I think it is more accurate to say Pakistan is 80% Punjabi, Sindhi, etc, and 20% Pashtun, Balochi, etc that may change in the years to come as the rural areas have higher population growth. In fact, the number of Pashtuns over the next 50 years by some projections may increase substantially in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

12-13-2020, 02:30 PM
Pakistan as a country is a work in progress. It is a collage of 4-5 main ethnicities that have carved up a country. Interestingly enough IMO it has worked somewhat and it has not been a total failure as many would want us to believe.

I think it is more accurate to say Pakistan is 80% Punjabi, Sindhi, etc, and 20% Pashtun, Balochi, etc that may change in the years to come as the rural areas have higher population growth. In fact, the number of Pashtuns over the next 50 years by some projections may increase substantially in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Problematic it becaomes if these Pashtuns and Baloch become Punjabified and this is the issue with these kind of states. Assimilation.

12-13-2020, 03:36 PM
As per @Azbuzz
- Spanish and Portuguese said Parsis in India are whiter than them.
- Also not even a single Indian can look a bit like an Iranian Zoroastrian.

Parsis from Bombay/Mumbai
SPP Organises Navjotes Of Seven Zarthosti Children - Parsi Times (parsi-times.com) (https://parsi-times.com/2019/01/spp-organises-navjotes-of-seven-zarthosti-children/)



2 pics... Some of these are half Parsis I know. Want me to pick actual videos like I did? look on the previous threads. The ACTUAL quotes where Ive said this? Have you seen Ronaldo, Connery, Harrison Ford etc. Many white people share this tone too.

12-13-2020, 04:49 PM
Problematic it becaomes if these Pashtuns and Baloch become Punjabified and this is the issue with these kind of states. Assimilation.

Well, there has to be some degree of assimilation if Pakistan is to succeed.

Some projections have Pakistan at 403 million and Afghanistan at 82 by 2050 from their current 220 million and 39 million respectively, and if the vast majority of the growth is coming from Pashtuns who are supposed to be over 110 -120 million in Pakistan and Afghanistan combined of that 500 million human beings.


I am not sure what the ramifications of that growth will be but I suspect the status quo may not be what we are looking at. That is both Pakistan and Afghanistan may eventually collapse and we may have a realignment of groups in the AFPAK region.

In West Asia, I have seen some crazy projections for Iraq and Egypt but the rest of the countries seem to have their population growth under control.

12-13-2020, 04:50 PM
As per @Azbuzz
- Spanish and Portuguese said Parsis in India are whiter than them.
- Also not even a single Indian can look a bit like an Iranian Zoroastrian.

Parsis from Bombay/Mumbai
SPP Organises Navjotes Of Seven Zarthosti Children - Parsi Times (parsi-times.com) (https://parsi-times.com/2019/01/spp-organises-navjotes-of-seven-zarthosti-children/)

The Europeans did notice the Parsis to be much lighter than the Indians. That is a well-documented fact. Arbuzz is not making that up.

12-13-2020, 05:01 PM
The Europeans did notice the Parsis to be much lighter than the Indians. That is a well-documented fact. Arbuzz is not making that up.

It's obvious to anyone who grew up in Mumbai.
There are quotes from Anthony de Montserrat, English explorers and Spanish explorers. Bhicaji Bulsara in the US and more. Not only were they said to be lighter, they were documented to look different too which is what my point was.

Do you have any quotes though?