View Full Version : Can ethnic Russians/Ukrainians have pure black hair?

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 06:43 AM
Or will this be the result of mixing with some other folks?

12-17-2020, 07:52 AM
I have not seen Russians with pure black hair.

12-17-2020, 07:54 AM
I've seen some Poles with black hair.

River Plate
12-17-2020, 07:56 AM
Yes, I have seen Russians and Ukrainians with black hair

12-17-2020, 07:58 AM
A woman I know is from eastern Ukraine, she is Russian ethnically and has black hair, blue eyes and very white skin. Looks stunning and that's her natural hair color.

River Plate
12-17-2020, 07:59 AM
I don't think there are any nationalities/ethnicities where black hair can't be found

12-17-2020, 08:00 AM
Nah, if Russian is not Nordic then of course this person is Ukrainian, simple as that:rolleyes:

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:14 AM
I have not seen Russians with pure black hair.

My grandfather had black hair and he was from a Cossack family

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:16 AM
Yes, I have seen Russians and Ukrainians with black hair

Probably they are not ethnic

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:19 AM
A woman I know is from eastern Ukraine, she is Russian ethnically and has black hair, blue eyes and very white skin. Looks stunning and that's her natural hair color.

That woman are probably not ethnic Russian. I mean some Russians who think they are Russian actually are not Russian.

12-17-2020, 08:20 AM
A woman I know is from eastern Ukraine, she is Russian ethnically and has black hair, blue eyes and very white skin. Looks stunning and that's her natural hair color.

Very cool, kinda off topic but I know a Hungarian (Szekely Hungarian) who also has natural black hair, with blue eyes and very white skin. My father also has black hair.

River Plate
12-17-2020, 08:20 AM
Probably they are not ethnic

Was not Leonid Brezhnev ethnic Ukrainian/Russian?

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:24 AM
Nah, if Russian is not Nordic then of course this person is Ukrainian, simple as that:rolleyes:

Actually no. Nordids are minority among modern Russian population and of course nordids exists in Ukraine too. My Ukrainian grandfather was baltid.

12-17-2020, 08:26 AM
Very rare among Slavs, is not rare for "Slav" Bulgarians or Macedonians

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:26 AM
Was not Leonid Brezhnev ethnic Ukrainian/Russian?

Of course he wasn't. Communists have no nationality.

12-17-2020, 08:33 AM
That woman are probably not ethnic Russian. I mean some Russians who think they are Russian actually are not Russian.

No, she' s ethnic Russian.

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 08:40 AM
No, she' s ethnic Russian.

Okay, but mind that "Ethnic Russian" is relative concept

12-17-2020, 08:56 AM
Here is a book about anthropology of ethnic Russian. Read it.
http://www.rodnovery.ru/attachments/article/785/Proiskhozhdenie_i_etnicheskaya_istoria_russkogo_na roda_1965.pdf

12-17-2020, 09:46 AM
Yes, although It's very rare among Europeans.

12-17-2020, 10:36 AM
Okay, but mind that "Ethnic Russian" is relative concept

Donbass has less exotic minorities than Russia proper as far as I know, correct me if wrong.

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 10:50 AM
Donbass has less exotic minorities than Russia proper as far as I know, correct me if wrong.

Exotic minorities? What do you mean?

12-17-2020, 10:50 AM
Among Ukrainians, probably. But it's definitely not pure black like Asian people'. I didn't noticed it among ethnic Russians despite living in, if not the most "darkest" Russian city

12-17-2020, 10:52 AM
Exotic minorities? What do you mean?

Finno-Ugrics, Caucasians, Siberians. In Donbass live Russians and some Ukrainians who are genetically the same and very Slavic.

LorD NooB
12-17-2020, 11:08 AM
Finno-Ugrics, Caucasians, Siberians. In Donbass live Russians and some Ukrainians who are genetically the same and very Slavic.

Right, Ukrainians are purier than Russians

12-17-2020, 11:15 AM
Kinda funny because dark hair is a stereotype here for Slavs.

12-17-2020, 05:41 PM
Ukraine pigmentation is on central-south European level so they easy can have black hairs. Russians are lighter than Ukrainians, but they also can have one. My grandparents are ethnical Russians from orlovska oblast and they have pretty dark hairs.

12-17-2020, 05:49 PM
Some Ukrainian males have black hair, but they're not very numerous.

01-15-2021, 04:51 PM
Some Ukrainian males have black hair, but they're not very numerous.

Southern Ukraine is all the way dark haired, but black hair are rare indeed (My hair a very dark, but still dark brown).

01-15-2022, 04:01 AM
Yes. Most of the ones with the black hair often have ghost-ish white skin and crystal blue eyes. It's a good look, especially on women.

01-15-2022, 07:48 AM
Southern Ukraine is all the way dark haired, but black hair are rare indeed (My hair a very dark, but still dark brown).

If that's you in your avatar, your hair is black.

01-15-2022, 07:49 AM
I am Ukrainian and my hair is black. My mother has a black hair as well. My father has a lighter pigmentation, but I haven't inherited it.

01-15-2022, 09:41 AM
2,74% Russians have black hair by Not a Cop

That includes mixed people and self-identified "Russians"


01-15-2022, 10:04 AM
North of the european part of Russia = blonde hair, big bulging eyes of blue color. A mixture of scandinavian people with Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples.

South of the european part of Russia = brown hair, brown eyes. A mixture of the steppe peoples and the Slavic.

Between the two zones (on the Oka River and the Upper Don) there is a hybrid of both types - the north pontid.

Buy only white Russian.

Ukraine = east, center and southeast is a mixture of both types from Russia.

The west of Ukraine is black hair. Often non-european features. Descendants of all the peoples that lived in the steppe.

Examples of Ukrainians in the photos:




I always distinguish a Pole from a Ukrainian immigrant on the street without any problems.

01-15-2022, 10:26 AM
North of the european part of Russia = blonde hair, big bulging eyes of blue color. A mixture of scandinavian people with Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples.

South of the european part of Russia = brown hair, brown eyes. A mixture of the steppe peoples and the Slavic.

Southern Russia is lighter than Poland/Ukraine/Belarus, sorry to break old anthrotard meme about albino North swarthy South.


These are the locations he used for South:


Examples of Ukrainians in the photos:

Poles are only slightly lighter than Ukraine as a whole. You don't want to play cherry-picking game, do you?


01-15-2022, 11:11 AM
Your map has nothing to do with what you would find there if you went there.

I've already heard stories on The Apriciti about the ancient Hellenes who were brunettes and about the Scythians who were blondes. Unfortunately, Polish anthropologists say the opposite about 180 ° and they gave evidence in the form of examining skeletons, mainly skulls.

Are you sure you are Russian? Or only Russian Federation citizen?

Poles are only slightly lighter than Ukraine as a whole. You don't want to play cherry-picking game, do you?

Rather, you do it. You have never been to Poland or Ukraine. Saying that Poles look like Ukrainians is the same nonsense widespread in the West as saying that Russians are Mongols.

I don't care that the whole world is promoting the defense of Ukraine and you have to lie about them. I don't give a shit about political correctness. Come to Poland and it will show you how Poles differ from Ukrainians.
And this photo of football fans tanned in summer, you know what ...

In summer, I also look like an Arab. But not in winter!
The Ukrainian is dark 365 days a year.

01-15-2022, 02:33 PM
Ukraine differs a lot from region to region. Central and northern Ukraine are heavily Slavic like Belarus or Central Russia, southern Ukraine is a melting pot, this region was conquered in 18 century and colonized with Russians, Ukrainians, Vlachs, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Germans and many others, i'd say southern Ukraine is more genetically Balkan that other parts. Western Ukraine is special and existed separated from other modern Ukrainian lands. For me they are Rusyns with admixture of local tribes like Hutsuls who seem to be similar with Vlachs someway. Eastern Ukraine is Slavic 50/50 Russian/Ukrainian with some local spots of other ethnic groups like Greeks or Bulgarians. Here's the ethnic map of the southern region:

01-15-2022, 02:36 PM

01-15-2022, 02:37 PM
North of the european part of Russia = blonde hair, big bulging eyes of blue color. A mixture of scandinavian people with Finno-Ugric and Slavic peoples.

South of the european part of Russia = brown hair, brown eyes. A mixture of the steppe peoples and the Slavic.

Between the two zones (on the Oka River and the Upper Don) there is a hybrid of both types - the north pontid.

Buy only white Russian.

Ukraine = east, center and southeast is a mixture of both types from Russia.

The west of Ukraine is black hair. Often non-european features. Descendants of all the peoples that lived in the steppe.

Examples of Ukrainians in the photos:




I always distinguish a Pole from a Ukrainian immigrant on the street without any problems.

First photo from the town of Striy, this is western Ukraine. Ukraine has never been the one state and one nation before 1939 and populations differ a lot. You would barely meet such people in typical Slavic central or northern Ukraine.

01-15-2022, 02:54 PM
First photo from the town of Striy, this is western Ukraine. Ukraine has never been the one state and one nation before 1939 and populations differ a lot. You would barely meet such people in typical Slavic central or northern Ukraine.

But I wrote it all.
East this is russians languages people and differente faces because is not Ucrainian only Ucraine citizens.

01-15-2022, 02:57 PM
Ukraine differs a lot from region to region. Central and northern Ukraine are heavily Slavic like Belarus or Central Russia, southern Ukraine is a melting pot, this region was conquered in 18 century and colonized with Russians, Ukrainians, Vlachs, Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Germans and many others, i'd say southern Ukraine is more genetically Balkan that other parts. Western Ukraine is special and existed separated from other modern Ukrainian lands. For me they are Rusyns with admixture of local tribes like Hutsuls who seem to be similar with Vlachs someway. Eastern Ukraine is Slavic 50/50 Russian/Ukrainian with some local spots of other ethnic groups like Greeks or Bulgarians. Here's the ethnic map of the southern region:

Exactly, and the stereotype about swarthiness of Southern Ukraine comes from all these Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs and other dark people who settled there.

Ukrainians proper are standard Slavic stock, not darker than Poles.

01-15-2022, 03:00 PM
But I wrote it all.
East this is russians languages people and differente faces because is not Ucrainian only Ucraine citizens.

Sorry, i missed some parts of your text, you are right. And i disagree with the Russian guy that Russians from southern Russia are lighter than Poles.

01-15-2022, 03:02 PM
Sorry, i missed some parts of your text, you are right. And i disagree with the Russian guy that Russians from southern Russia are lighter than Poles.

Southern Russians are lighter than Poles if you exclude semi-Armenians.

Moscow is in fact darker than Southern Russia.

01-15-2022, 03:07 PM
Exactly, and the stereotype about swarthiness of Southern Ukraine comes from all these Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs and other dark people who settled there.

Ukrainians proper are standard Slavic stock, not darker than Poles.

Southern and Western Ukrainians are darker than Poles, it's a fact. All those tribes on the map are already assimilated and consider themselves to be Ukrainians or Russians of Ukraine except for Bulgarians of Bugeac, the very south of Odessa region by Danube. By my photo you can see a classic product of southern Ukraine. My maternal grandfather was Ukrainian by his father whose ancestors migrated there from classic Ukrainian Poltava region, his mother was local Moldovan/Vlach with Greek admixture. Intermarriages were heavily propagated by Russian Empire, usually it went like Slavic males of one village choosing the brides from other village which is Greek, Moldovan (only Orthodox allowed). I have access to church archive of the village, this scheme worked for 90% of marriages.

01-15-2022, 03:08 PM
Southern Russians are lighter than Poles if you exclude semi-Armenians.

Moscow is in fact darker than Southern Russia.

Moscow is a state inside state. There are people from everywhere who come here. I have wider Russian ancestry by paternal side from other regions of Russia, Ryazan and Ivanovo.

01-15-2022, 03:24 PM
Exactly, and the stereotype about swarthiness of Southern Ukraine comes from all these Greeks, Bulgarians, Romanians, Serbs and other dark people who settled there.

Ukrainians proper are standard Slavic stock, not darker than Poles.

We should not forget the cossacks who participated in genetical construction of significant part of Ukrainians and Russians of southern Russia. Zaporozhie Sich was a military state which accepted new members from any nation, the only needed was to be an Orthodox or to convert to Orthodoxy. Most of cossacks except Slavic populace of Ukraine were again Russians and Vlachs (greeks, tatars, Balkan poeple as minority). Vlachs were so significant so lots of famous cossacks were Vlach or of Vlach origin, some hetmans too.

01-15-2022, 03:26 PM
Ukrainians proper are standard Slavic stock, not darker than Poles.

But bullshit. It's as if you spit in the Poles' face now!
You not see Ucranians on the street every day?

When they leave work, you can see who is Polish and who is Ukrainian.

Ukrainians are lower. They have a more stocky physique. Often different noses and darker eyes. Especially since real Ukrainians from the west (Galicia) come to Poland. Russian-speaking, i.e. Russians from Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv, very rarely go to work in Poland.

In my Pomerania, Ukrainians have been living since the end of the 1940s. They differ from Poles in appearance just like their brothers who have been coming to Poland since 2014/2015.

01-15-2022, 03:37 PM
Southern Russians are lighter than Poles if you exclude semi-Armenians.

Moscow is in fact darker than Southern Russia.

Yeah! If everything from the entire federation comes to Moscow for work + humped noses from Central Asia and the Caucasus countries, it can be colorful.

Say Sweden is a black or brown Semitic country. After all, 25% of its inhabitants are salam aleykum. Which does not mean that they are native inhabitants of these lands.

01-15-2022, 04:54 PM
Yes, my grandfather and father had black hair.They are descendants of the Sevryuk