View Full Version : Classify Danish journalist Jesper Zølck

12-17-2020, 05:11 PM

Peter Parker
12-17-2020, 05:14 PM
He looks like a Med type. VERY, very, very rare for a Dane!

12-17-2020, 05:15 PM

12-17-2020, 05:31 PM
Looks like a west Asian highlander, could pass in Spain but is he fully Danish?

12-17-2020, 08:22 PM
No way he’s fully Danish.

12-17-2020, 08:27 PM
He doesn't look southern European, I would have guessed him as German.

12-17-2020, 08:30 PM
cool beard

12-17-2020, 08:32 PM
Borreby-Med, he looks a bit Montegrinian

12-17-2020, 08:36 PM
No way he’s fully Danish.

Not really, would be typical with light pigmentation.

12-17-2020, 08:38 PM
Not really, would be typical with light pigmentation.

Have you been to Denmark?

12-17-2020, 08:40 PM
Have you been to Denmark?


12-17-2020, 08:46 PM
I don't believe he is fully Danish.

12-17-2020, 08:48 PM
So how do you know so much about Danes @Stearsolina?

12-17-2020, 08:52 PM
So how do you know so much about Danes @Stearsolina?

Ever heard about media and internet? :)))

David Johnson
12-17-2020, 09:02 PM
Borreby-Med. Deeply atypical.

Peter Parker
12-17-2020, 09:04 PM
He doesn't look southern European, I would have guessed him as German.

He would even be very atypical for Germany - and Danes are a lot lighter than Germans.

12-17-2020, 09:11 PM
Ever heard about media and internet? :)))

So you look at a few pictures of Danes and that makes you an expert on the country? Lol ok pal.

12-17-2020, 09:13 PM
Hunter eyes.

12-17-2020, 09:35 PM
So you look at a few pictures of Danes and that makes you an expert on the country? Lol ok pal.

I'm from Europe, we aren't so limited like Americans. He looks like very swarthy Borreby and guess what - Borreby phenotype peaks in Denmark.
His pigmentation is very atypical, his facial traits are not.

Peter Parker
12-17-2020, 09:39 PM
I'm from Europe, we aren't so limited like Americans. He looks like very swarthy Borreby and guess what - Borreby phenotype peaks in Denmark.
His pigmentation is very atypical, his facial traits are not.

Lol, if he was Italian or Spanish he would be classified as Gracile-Med for sure.
One thing I've learned on here is the fact that most anthropological classifications are pure bullshit.

12-17-2020, 10:26 PM
Lol, if he was Italian or Spanish he would be classified as Gracile-Med for sure.
One thing I've learned on here is the fact that most anthropological classifications are pure bullshit.

Spare me, just because there are few retards out there who have no clue doesn't mean I don't.
He certanly isn't gracile med with such robust face, broad forehead and wide and short nose, lmao.
If he has similarities to any southern type that would be Berid, a Med variation of CM.

12-18-2020, 12:04 AM
Berid, I don't personally see any Borreby.

If he does have any N. Euro features(I don't see it, "robustness" is not a northern European feature, it's present in all human populations), it just goes to show how important pigmentation is in phenotypes(I personally have seen N Europeans with edited skin colour and hair colour and they still look way than different than darker skinned Caucasoids though, his eyes are just kind of general Caucasoid and not particularly N Euro), as a majority of people don't see him as Danish looking.

This is what a dark skinned N Euro looks like:

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Anders_Fogh_Rasmussen%2C_tidligere_statsminister_D anmark%2C_under_Nordisk-Baltisk_statsministermote_i_Reykjavik_2005.jpg
(he has light eyes but I doubt that has much of an affect on his overall look, skin is as dark as the OP's, hair as dark, eyebrows as thick, yet Rasmussen still winds up looking N. Euro)

Here is an orange skinned Anne Hathaway, she looks far closer to regular Anne Hathaway than this guy to any Dane:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/IrYBx--WuKgVFq7oyxa4brktN8eD8OfXevK-OXYKJ1Ahjuay02EcFiI4SKYhiQgl1XFAnVcumFhQc9EGvqT4Kx fhlcwKX_z5qCAE74DvyBqvRhzLyBWp598Ki2vwlXi9fXqzyqgR MhnIE9FAIpCnfa2y89o

Atlantid pre and post spray tan, I'd still call the darker skinned one Atlantid and not Med:


Another rather darker skinned or tanned guy, still rather Atlantid:


I know it's a black and white pic so don't put too much weight on it, but her skin looks kind of darkish compared to the kids and she still looks N Euro(she's Sami):


Same with this Sami man:


This is a dark Borreby(except skin colour, I doubt she'd look much different with darker skin):

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/U_-HCcAw-lrjFQjeNtsosvnhrGK4lOGYKvww6-4DLpAKLmCPNyBwyAv2z5X7ywFgfs_434cCCsMliVK5tkAyE4pD ADBSUpX2M799837P4xDwq3Mkv-E592c0Ly7JbdgXi6bLrTQE2iPB_GObw7yO4p4pOxNxFSkeysOW aS6Fs9yO



More darker N Euros which retain a N Euro look:



https://scontent.fyyz1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13669451_616790261807740_3300812264671225175_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=wP5FgxAmO4AAX-qiJEt&_nc_ht=scontent.fyyz1-1.fna&oh=99b7247ecfce7c21b2437becb2d19d3b&oe=60009770

12-18-2020, 12:15 AM
This guy just looks Spanish to me. Danes are still double digit Basal Eurasian, shouldn't be surprising for something like this or Alicia Vikander to pop up time to time. There's even a chance microcephaly(albeit small chance)like the Moroccan Bassou Ape Man is just people inheriting part of the homo erectus phenotype(this is actually what happens when you get those rare babies that grow a small tail(well not grow, but keep, all embryos have tails), humans inheriting ape-like ancestor traits, it's not a "disease"), and not a "disease". Whales still have differing amounts of hair, some will get the odd hair or two, some will have none, a relic from literally millions of years ago.

12-18-2020, 12:21 AM
Some very curious Borreby/Med type.
I thought may be he had some Strandid but no way, they are more alpinized.

12-18-2020, 12:21 AM
He doesn't look southern European, I would have guessed him as German.

Righte-o mister sakis, good discernment or judgement. He is swarthy compared to Brits (I mean mostly skin color I guess) but that does not make him look Southern Euro. I see dominant Alpine+UP with other 'med' like elements or or something

12-18-2020, 12:22 AM
Some very curious Borreby/Med type.
I thought may be he had some Strandid but no way, they are more alpinized.

He looks Alpine+Borreby+Med to me to be honest

12-18-2020, 12:22 AM
Berid, I don't personally see any Borreby.

If he does have any N. Euro features(I don't see it, "robustness" is not a northern European feature, it's present in all human populations), it just goes to show how important pigmentation is in phenotypes(I personally have seen N Europeans with edited skin colour and hair colour and they still look way than different than darker skinned Caucasoids though, his eyes are just kind of general Caucasoid and not particularly N Euro), as a majority of people don't see him as Danish looking.

This is what a dark skinned N Euro looks like:

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/06/Anders_Fogh_Rasmussen%2C_tidligere_statsminister_D anmark%2C_under_Nordisk-Baltisk_statsministermote_i_Reykjavik_2005.jpg
(he has light eyes but I doubt that has much of an affect on his overall look, skin is as dark as the OP's, hair as dark, eyebrows as thick, yet Rasmussen still winds up looking N. Euro)

Here is an orange skinned Anne Hathaway, she looks far closer to regular Anne Hathaway than this guy to any Dane:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/IrYBx--WuKgVFq7oyxa4brktN8eD8OfXevK-OXYKJ1Ahjuay02EcFiI4SKYhiQgl1XFAnVcumFhQc9EGvqT4Kx fhlcwKX_z5qCAE74DvyBqvRhzLyBWp598Ki2vwlXi9fXqzyqgR MhnIE9FAIpCnfa2y89o

Atlantid pre and post spray tan, I'd still call the darker skinned one Atlantid and not Med:


Another rather darker skinned or tanned guy, still rather Atlantid:


I know it's a black and white pic so don't put too much weight on it, but her skin looks kind of darkish compared to the kids and she still looks N Euro(she's Sami):


Same with this Sami man:


This is a dark Borreby(except skin colour, I doubt she'd look much different with darker skin):

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/U_-HCcAw-lrjFQjeNtsosvnhrGK4lOGYKvww6-4DLpAKLmCPNyBwyAv2z5X7ywFgfs_434cCCsMliVK5tkAyE4pD ADBSUpX2M799837P4xDwq3Mkv-E592c0Ly7JbdgXi6bLrTQE2iPB_GObw7yO4p4pOxNxFSkeysOW aS6Fs9yO



More darker N Euros which retain a N Euro look:



https://scontent.fyyz1-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/13669451_616790261807740_3300812264671225175_o.jpg ?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=174925&_nc_ohc=wP5FgxAmO4AAX-qiJEt&_nc_ht=scontent.fyyz1-1.fna&oh=99b7247ecfce7c21b2437becb2d19d3b&oe=60009770

The last girl look very hot!!

12-18-2020, 07:59 AM
Spare me, just because there are few retards out there who have no clue doesn't mean I don't.
He certanly isn't gracile med with such robust face, broad forehead and wide and short nose, lmao.
If he has similarities to any southern type that would be Berid, a Med variation of CM.

He is tall and strong built. Gracile is the last term to use. This CM IMHO is native to Denemark at least I have seen similar.

12-18-2020, 08:04 AM
Pigmentation is not that important, but he has obv. Med influences not just in skin tone- head lenght + breath, weaker jawline, more hairy brows etc.
Berid works too for him

Most Borrebies that are posted as textbook have rounded alpinish foreheads anyway...

12-19-2020, 04:58 AM
I've seen a few like him in Jutland, but none in islands. Looks like dark CM, but darkness in his case comes from ENF admixture, hence a look that is in between Danes and Turks

Steppe Timelord
12-19-2020, 09:23 AM
I've seen a few like him in Jutland, but none in islands. Looks like dark CM, but darkness in his case comes from ENF admixture, hence a look that is in between Danes and Turks

It's not the first time I see scandos like this, there was one who looked latin american, but guess what? he was of norwegian descent! lol. He looked berid just like this guy.
Always believed that berids and brunns overlap, and it's true of course. Only non-experienced anthropologists would claim otherwise. Berid is specialized SW Euro CM while brunn is NW-North Europe CM specialized type, these are the true paleo-CM of europe. Extended all the way to east europe, been here since immemorial times.
But the guy in OP looks more tydal paleo-atlantid to me. Wouldn't mistake him for south european, never. He just looks like a dark north euro, these types can exist, he also doesn't give me mongo vibes. He just looks proto-european. (BEFORE the IE invasions)

12-19-2020, 01:23 PM
It's not the first time I see scandos like this, there was one who looked latin american, but guess what? he was of norwegian descent! lol. He looked berid just like this guy.
Always believed that berids and brunns overlap, and it's true of course. Only non-experienced anthropologists would claim otherwise. Berid is specialized SW Euro CM while brunn is NW-North Europe CM specialized type, these are the true paleo-CM of europe. Extended all the way to east europe, been here since immemorial times.
But the guy in OP looks more tydal paleo-atlantid to me. Wouldn't mistake him for south european, never. He just looks like a dark north euro, these types can exist, he also doesn't give me mongo vibes. He just looks proto-european. (BEFORE the IE invasions)
Brunn and Berid have little overlap, Brunn is pred. mesolithic Euro while Berid is just Med+minor mesolithic, if not just a robust Med.

Right, I'm sure if he was posted as Spanish, in the sea of "Berid" posts, you would miraculously come along and correct everyone, pointing out he's just a dark Dane.

12-19-2020, 01:24 PM
He might be Jewish.

12-25-2020, 12:52 PM
Always believed that berids and brunns overlap, and it's true of course. Only non-experienced anthropologists would claim otherwise. Berid is specialized SW Euro CM while brunn is NW-North Europe CM specialized type, these are the true paleo-CM of europe. Extended all the way to east europe, been here since immemorial times.

Exactly: people must not forget that originally CMs were not blonde. When I've been in Aarhus I worked with two guys that were very similar: both were blue eyed but they had almost black hair... One had 7 (!) children with a lighter CM woman (my hair color: medium brown): most were CMs themselves (with a spectrum of pigmentation from dark brown to platinum hair, but all with light eyes), some had Aryan too.

Steppe Timelord
12-27-2020, 02:38 PM
Exactly: people must not forget that originally CMs were not blonde. When I've been in Aarhus I worked with two guys that were very similar: both were blue eyed but they had almost black hair... One had 7 (!) children with a lighter CM woman (my hair color: medium brown): most were CMs themselves (with a spectrum of pigmentation from dark brown to platinum hair, but all with light eyes), some had Aryan too.

This is common in scandinavians. To have up to seven children I see, even the Skarsgard family does it too. Really interesting.