View Full Version : Classify Johann Trollman

12-28-2020, 02:58 AM
Today marks the 113th anniversary of the boxer Johan Wilhelm ′ ′ Rukely ′ ′ Trollman (December 27, 1907 - February 9, 1944). I am sharing a photo of the legendary boxer game from June 9, 1933 On the photo you can see how Rukely knocked Adolf Vit down, but they don't recognize him as a winner because he is a '' gypsy '', he is one of the German Sintas. The audience rebelled and the judges were forced to declare Rucheli champion. Only six days later his championship title was revoked, Hitler was already in power in Germany and the Nazis were also involved in the sport. It was decided that Rukeli would face a new opponent Gustav Eder on July 21, but under new rules. Before the game he was threatened with, he was told he was going to lose. Johan Trollman Rukelli realizes that he has no choice but to do something that he will stay in history. He goes to the match with blonde hair and a powdered face - a cartoon by ′ ′ Aryan ′ ′ - and lets himself be defeated. The game becomes a farce. Nazis are furious - the gypsy publicly mocked her ideal of the white, blond man of the high race. They won't forgive him for that. In 1935 Johan Trollman married the German Olga, of whom his daughter Rita was born in the same year. Despite the great joy, Trollman was sterilized by Nazi doctors so that there were no more children. The Nuremberg race laws in Germany have already been voted on. In 1938 Rukeli was forced to divorce his German wife in 1938. 1939 1939 was sent to the Eastern Front to fight for Germany. He stayed there until 1941 when he was injured and returned. The following year he was sent to Noyengam Concentration Camp. That was the fate of almost all Roma and Jewish soldiers in the Bundeswehr - returned from the front and sent to concentration camps. The concentration camp commandant forces Trollman to teach guards how to box. In 1944 he was transferred to another Wittenberge camp in 1944, where he spent the last days of his life. A German criminal who was also a camp guard, Emil Cornelius decided to ask Trollman to fight, but the criminal was beaten. In revenge, Cornelius kills Trollman. At 35, the life of sports star Johan Trollman with a gypsy name was '' Rukely '' because he was tall and built like a tree (from Rum. '' Ruk ''). His brother was killed in Auschwitz that year. After the war, Trollman was forgotten until the 1990s when he started writing about him. 2003, 2003, 2003, the German Boxing Association honored Rukelli as the winner of the 1933 game. And posthumously awards him the championship title. 2004 became a Street in Hanover named after Johan Trollman. In 2008, a plaque was placed in front of his former house in 2008. In 2010, another plaque was placed in front of the building in which Trollman boxed against Vit and Eder. In 2016, Nobel Prize winner Dario Pho published a book that is dedicated to the dramatic fate of Rukely - ′ ′ Razza di zingaro ". More theater plays, books and films about Rukelli will follow. He remembered his dancing style in the ring, which was considered an atypical German boxer, this style reminded Muhammad Ali's late style. Today in Germany for many young Roma and sintisJ ohan Wilhelm ′ ′ Rukheli ′ ′ Trollman is a symbol for the fight against anti-zyganism and Neofascism.

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Cristiano viejo
12-28-2020, 03:20 AM
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT_OK64qfuh6TbEW0TE7iXSmK02yIGc1 zQBsA&usqp=CAU

Tooting Carmen
12-28-2020, 03:21 AM
CM of some sort.

12-28-2020, 03:37 AM
What happened to his daughter?

12-28-2020, 03:38 AM
What happened to his daughter?

She survived by hiding in Berlin.

12-28-2020, 03:40 AM
She survived by hiding in Berlin.

She is still alive?

There are any interviews with her?

12-28-2020, 03:44 AM
She is still alive?

There are any interviews with her?

I dont know if she is now still alive. She must be very old. I have no idea. I copied and pasted from facebook. On the gravestone it is written in english that his daughter survived the nazi regime. You can read it yourself, by reading the text on the gravestone.

12-28-2020, 03:48 AM
I dont know if she is now still alive. She must be very old. I have no idea. I copied and pasted from facebook. On the gravestone it is written in english that his daughter survived the nazi regime. You can read it yourself, by reading the text on the gravestone.

I didn't doubt that she survived i was wondering if you can see her somewhere in TV, if there is some interview with her

She would be about 85 years now if she still lives...

12-28-2020, 03:50 AM
I didn't doubt that she survived i was wondering if you can see her somewhere in TV, if there is some interview with her

She would be about 85 years now if she still lives...

No I never saw her on TV. And only in 80s the germans admitted to have killed the gypsies on biological basis before the 80s they didnt admitt this, they just said it was fighting crime and normal. There is not much about holocaust against gypsies, it is if you read it mostly about jews only.

12-28-2020, 09:22 AM
Maybe berid? Interesting look

Steppe Timelord
12-28-2020, 09:57 AM
looks part black, local native CM elements + syrid/south med.

The Blade
12-28-2020, 10:29 AM

12-29-2020, 02:58 AM

12-30-2020, 02:47 AM

12-30-2020, 04:59 AM
Pure Indid, more typical in North-West