View Full Version : Classify this Albanian Girl

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 09:03 PM

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 09:10 PM

01-02-2021, 09:12 PM
Dinaro-Alpine + some Med.

01-02-2021, 09:15 PM
Alpine mostly.

01-02-2021, 09:53 PM
Dinaro-Alpine + some Med.


She looks very Italian

And very pretty (pale skin + dark hair and eyes) + she got that cute calm innocent girl next door look :P

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 10:10 PM

She looks very Italian

And very pretty (pale skin + dark hair and eyes) + she got that cute calm innocent girl next door look :P

Yeah she's a beauty, I know a lot of Albanian Girls that have those features (Pale skin + Dark Hair and Eyes) I find that look very striking.

01-02-2021, 10:13 PM
Yeah she's a beauty, I know a lot of Albanian Girls that have those features (Pale skin + Dark Hair and Eyes) I find that look very striking.

She got not only great features according to my taste, but also she seems to be a "simple" girl (i.e. good wife material) and not some trashy vulgar Instagram wannabe "influencer"

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 10:27 PM
She got not only great features according to my taste, but also she seems to be a "simple" girl (i.e. good wife material) and not some trashy vulgar Instagram wannabe "influencer"

Yeah she's literally my type of Girl -all those characterists

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 10:28 PM
She got not only great features according to my taste, but also she seems to be a "simple" girl (i.e. good wife material) and not some trashy vulgar Instagram wannabe "influencer"

Yeah she's literally my type of Girl -all those characterists

01-02-2021, 10:35 PM
Why would a British Ashkenazi care this much about the Balkans?

You have posted images named "Romanians are White 2.jpg", "Romanians are White.png", "Albanians are White 11.jpg", and "Albanian People are Not Dark lmfao.jpg".


Hell no, Romanians are for the most part not as dark as Armenians and Turks. There will be some Romanians that are swarthier, but not that swarthy. If we're talking about Greeks they can either be the exact same pigmentation as most Turks and Armenians or they can be as white as Western European.

Yeah she's a beauty, I know a lot of Albanian Girls that have those features (Pale skin + Dark Hair and Eyes) I find that look very striking.

Good question, I mean look at Albanians lol.


They're not only White but they also for the most part look "White Passing". So why do a lot of people not consider them White? It's probably because they're a "Majority Muslim country" and Islam is associated with MENAs and South Asians. Whenever I see a person say "Dude Albanians aren't white LMFAO" - I call them a Retard and then send him like 75 photographs of what the vast majority of Albanians look like, before the person would say "Bruh I would have never guessed them as Albanian" before replying with "What do you think Albanians look like"? -

"Idk bro Brown? Arab?"

It's laughable and it's beyond stupidity that people think like this.

Yeah absolutely, Albanian genes are interesting because they actually cluster close to North Italians but also cluster close to Greeks from Thessaly and Central Macedonia. Where as Ashkenazi cluster close to Greek Islanders and Southern Italians, it makes me laugh when I see people to this stay still calling us "Khazar converts" lmfao.

No. This is coming from someone who dates an Albanian and has spoken with many Albanians, people around the Balkans and all over Europe. Generally people see Albanians as the "Africans" of Europe in terms of "How they act" despite Albanians not only being White, looking White and having Light Skin. They are generally seen as "Non-White" because of the fact that "Albania" is a majority Islamic country, whenever I defend Albanians I usually get laughed at because people tell me I sound like a pathetic retard lol. People mainly hate Albanians probably because of the crime and the mafia, in other words stereotyping. Most people I've met dislike Albanians and many Albanians in the UK as a result usually make friends with non-whites such as the Pakistani, Arabs and even Black people.

As a result you get quite a lot of Diaspora Albanians, mainly in the US and the UK that say that they're "Not-White" despite them literally being it and looking it, this reason along with how Albanians online get triggered easily has caused many people to despise Albanians.

What do I think of Albanians? I think they're an incredibly misunderstood people, many online people are utterly retarded (Most of them are Kids) and some of them who are older probably have things wrong with them. But most Albanians IRL I've seen are decent at best people, some are even really kind, open hearted and caring. Many others are ignorant and only really think about themselves and Ultra Nationalists aren't uncommon either. Funfact: On Stormfront (the white supremacist) website, basically every European ethnicity is White apart from Albanians because they hate them so much lol

Albanian Muslims don't act Muslim, they don't have "Islam" in their identity. So it's best not to call them Islamic

"As for Albanians, comparimg them with other Balkan people who live here i think they are darker"

Well Albanians that live in Greece (Tosks) are slightly different to Ghegs, Ghegs or Northern and Central Albanians are more Dinaro-Pontid and represent and look similar to Bulgarians, Serbs, Bosnians, Croats and Northern Italians. On average Albanians are not "Dark" enough to even be considered Dark, they're way too light. It doesn't matter if you live with many Albanians from Greece and you "Think they are Darker". Anyone can tan, Greece is a piping hot country in the Mediterranean sea, people are not typically going to stay light there for long. So the Albanians you will be seeing are most likely not their actual skin tone, so you may ask, then what is?

Well like that Albanian woman said up top Albanians on average are Medium pigmentation: Fair Skin, Cream Skin and Light Biege skin, some Albanians are Pale and some Albanians are Olive but the vast majority of Albanians are Fair or Light Biege. Hair colour: Light Brown, Brown, Dark Brown and Black - Blonde hair isn't really uncommon. Eyes: typically Hazel or Brown and if we're being honest here the vast majority of people in the Balkans fit into the description I just gave. 104510104511

That is literally entirely wrong, I live in a multi-cultural city. Thousands of Romanians, Bulgarians and Albanians and on average they are identical in pigmentation- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGveJn5Q-6A
And you miss-read the images, I just got the images and they were named that way. Just because "Albanians" have more Paleo-Balkanic DNA than Bulgarians, Romanians and South Slavs doesn't make them darker, I don't think you know how this stuff works. Many Serbs can be identical in pigmentation to the average Greek, 104512 - 104513104514 104515 104514104516 And by "Darker" i know you're not saying they're not "White" - the reason why those images said "White" because Literally when I found them, they were called that. - I just think your opinion of darker is a little flawed, the majority of South Slavs are not pure Slavs, most of them have Med DNA which gives them that "Balkan look" that's why they can fit in with the other people in the Balkans. 104517 So I'll conclude this one more time, there is no such thing as "The Darkest people in the Balkans", however there is such thing as "The Lightest people in the Balkans" - and that prize goes to Slovenians, but that's a debate whether to even consider them Balkan lmfao

01-02-2021, 10:52 PM
Why would a British Ashkenazi care this much about the Balkans?

You have posted images named "Romanians are White 2.jpg", "Romanians are White.png", "Albanians are White 11.jpg", and "Albanian People are Not Dark lmfao.jpg".

He also using such figure of speech as "Neo-Danubian elements". Only one paleo user using such figure of speech (under his real account).

Anyone who knows a little bit about anthropology knows that such an expression is complete nonsense.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-02-2021, 11:59 PM
Why would a British Ashkenazi care this much about the Balkans?

You have posted images named "Romanians are White 2.jpg", "Romanians are White.png", "Albanians are White 11.jpg", and "Albanian People are Not Dark lmfao.jpg".

Well I have a lot of friends that are Balkan lmfao, I don't see why you went out of your way to make a point like that, I know a lot of history and geography or whatever you would like to classify my "expertise" in. With a lot of countries

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-03-2021, 12:11 AM
He also using such figure of speech as "Neo-Danubian elements". Only one paleo user using such figure of speech (under his real account).

Anyone who knows a little bit about anthropology knows that such an expression is complete nonsense.

How? Neo-Danubian is part of the "Human-Phenotype" website as a selected phenotype, which I btw don't really agree with because it's literally Pseudo-Science. All forms of "ANAYLYSE THIS PHENOTYPE" is pretty much nonesense, however if we literally use the logic that most people on this forum use then it literally makes sense as an expression. Not sure why you're also bringing this up on this thread as this has nothing to do with that baltic girl

01-03-2021, 06:06 PM
How? Neo-Danubian is part of the "Human-Phenotype" website as a selected phenotype, which I btw don't really agree with because it's literally Pseudo-Science. All forms of "ANAYLYSE THIS PHENOTYPE" is pretty much nonesense, however if we literally use the logic that most people on this forum use then it literally makes sense as an expression. Not sure why you're also bringing this up on this thread as this has nothing to do with that baltic girl

According to Coon Neo-Danubian is a mix between Danubian Nordic and Ladogan. There are no specific traits that are unique to this phenotype. Therefore classification like "Aisto Nordid + Neo-Danubian elements" looks wierd.

Davy Jones's Locker
01-04-2021, 11:40 AM
I'd guess Alpine-Dinaric.

01-04-2021, 11:44 AM
Mediterranean. Just the broad faced and hooked nose variant

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:22 AM
Mediterranean. Just the broad faced and hooked nose variant

So Dinaro-Meditteranid or Litorid? Basically Italian, Balkan or European Jewish look?

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:24 AM
According to Coon Neo-Danubian is a mix between Danubian Nordic and Ladogan. There are no specific traits that are unique to this phenotype. Therefore classification like "Aisto Nordid + Neo-Danubian elements" looks wierd.

Aight I see your point.

01-06-2021, 01:31 AM
So Dinaro-Meditteranid or Litorid? Basically Italian, Balkan or European Jewish look?

her features are Pan-Med including MENA World to me. Are there any essential differences really between an Asiatic Alpine-Dinaric- Med mix and a Southeuropean one- with identical pigmentation ?
Especially mixes in the new world create anthro-guessing games, but let say in Brazil an Italian Gracile Med is equally "Euro/white" looking to them like a Lybid-Med guy.

01-06-2021, 03:20 AM
She doesnt look Albanian. Her features are off.

01-06-2021, 05:03 AM
She looks extremely Georgian. Caucasian (original) version of Alpinid...

01-06-2021, 12:25 PM
Not the typical albanian girl for me


Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:23 PM
her features are Pan-Med including MENA World to me. Are there any essential differences really between an Asiatic Alpine-Dinaric- Med mix and a Southeuropean one- with identical pigmentation ?
Especially mixes in the new world create anthro-guessing games, but let say in Brazil an Italian Gracile Med is equally "Euro/white" looking to them like a Lybid-Med guy.

All I see is European Mediterranean, I don't see Middle East North African features at all. Honestly If I saw her walking in the street without analyzing her phenotype I'd just assume she was a British girl with Black hair lol

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:24 PM
Not the typical albanian girl for me


I mean I've seen a lot of Albanian Women that look like her, I think she has Dinarid features if I'm being honest, the nose screams Dinarid for example lol.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:26 PM
Not the typical albanian girl for me


I mean I've seen a lot of Albanian Women that look like her, I think she has Dinarid features if I'm being honest, I think I agree with the first one, Dinaro-Alpine with some Med. Like the nose screams Dinarid for me

01-06-2021, 01:30 PM
her features are Pan-Med including MENA World to me. Are there any essential differences really between an Asiatic Alpine-Dinaric- Med mix and a Southeuropean one- with identical pigmentation ?
Especially mixes in the new world create anthro-guessing games, but let say in Brazil an Italian Gracile Med is equally "Euro/white" looking to them like a Lybid-Med guy.

Right. It's funny how OP made this thread to prove Albanians looked 'white', when even individuals whose features are more concretly European get mistaken for hispanic and the like in America.

Only a minority of Balkaners don't look foreign compared to WASPs.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:32 PM
She looks extremely Georgian. Caucasian (original) version of Alpinid...

Agreed, she can pass in Georgia. I also personally think she's Dinaro-Alpine with some Med, mainly because of the hair, nose etc.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:49 PM
Right. It's funny how OP made this thread to prove Albanians looked 'white', when even individuals whose features are more concretly European get mistaken for hispanic and the like in America.

Only a minority of Balkaners don't look foreign compared to WASPs.

That was actually not the intent of this post, I made this to simply classify the person lol.

I think all Balkaners have feature that make them obviously look "Different to WASPS", anyone with darker hair and eyes, perhaps even longer noses and sometimes slightly darker pigmentated skin is gonna be noticed as different. It's like saying I don't look White because I have Olive skin, slightly longer nose and Dark hair. (bEcAusE iM jeWisH) and I have been mistaken for foreign before, mostly Italian but looking "White" is a very grey term, in my eyes someone that looks White is someone who looks European or has a stereotypical "European Look" which is a Face that looks Med, Alpine, Dinarid, Slavic, WASP, Celtic or Nordic including "Lighter skin" such as Pale, Fair, Cream, Beige or Olive. because all Europeans even darker ones like Greeks have naturally lighter skin, my skin is darker but it's light. To describe my skin it's a yellowy-pale colour that tans easily which I think most people with Beige or Olive skin do. So Olive skin in my eyes is still lighter pigmentation. I live in a city basically surrounded by MENAs and South Asians, Mostly Pakistanis and North Africans and Balkaners stand out easily because of their Lighter Pigmentation and European looking faces. It's like how in Nazi Germany Jews were easily spotted and targeted because they "looked" different. Despite most Ashkenazi looking Southern European, the Nazis straight up said they look Semitic which was just pseudo-science.

If I'm being honest the term White is outdated anyway, it was only invented and used by WASPS and was never used in any other region of Europe apart from Anglo Colonizers. But given that "White" has a more broader term mainly referring to someone of European descent, we can pretty much still use it.

01-06-2021, 01:54 PM
All I see is European Mediterranean, I don't see Middle East North African features at all. Honestly If I saw her walking in the street without analyzing her phenotype I'd just assume she was a British girl with Black hair lol
She looks generally Balkan, if i saw her i would think she was probably Romanian, her facial features are not that British though not that far off, some could see her as being British if they are less familiar with Balkan phenotypes, she is not dark.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 01:59 PM
She looks generally Balkan, if i saw her i would think she was probably Romanian, her facial features are not that British though not that far off, some could see her as being British if they are less familiar with Balkan phenotypes, she is not dark.

100% Agreed.

01-06-2021, 02:14 PM
That was actually not the intent of this post, I made this to simply classify the person lol.

I think all Balkaners have feature that make them obviously look "Different to WASPS", anyone with darker hair and eyes, perhaps even longer noses and sometimes slightly darker pigmentated skin is gonna be noticed as different. It's like saying I don't look White because I have Olive skin, slightly longer nose and Dark hair. (bEcAusE iM jeWisH) and I have been mistaken for foreign before, mostly Italian but looking "White" is a very grey term, in my eyes someone that looks White is someone who looks European or has a stereotypical "European Look" which is a Face that looks Med, Alpine, Dinarid, Slavic, WASP, Celtic or Nordic including "Lighter skin" such as Pale, Fair, Cream, Beige or Olive. because all Europeans even darker ones like Greeks have naturally lighter skin, my skin is darker but it's light. To describe my skin it's a yellowy-pale colour that tans easily which I think most people with Beige or Olive skin do. So Olive skin in my eyes is still lighter pigmentation. I live in a city basically surrounded by MENAs and South Asians, Mostly Pakistanis and North Africans and Balkaners stand out easily because of their Lighter Pigmentation and European looking faces. It's like how in Nazi Germany Jews were easily spotted and targeted because they "looked" different. Despite most Ashkenazi looking Southern European, the Nazis straight up said they look Semitic which was just pseudo-science.

If I'm being honest the term White is outdated anyway, it was only invented and used by WASPS and was never used in any other region of Europe apart from Anglo Colonizers. But given that "White" has a more broader term mainly referring to someone of European descent, we can pretty much still use it.

You can recongise all of those different regional ethnic groups because you're an anthrotard, no offense. Most of us on this forum can. However, the average joe isn't knowledgable or aware enough to make a quick in-depth analysis of someone's facial features. They see a person with dark brown or black hair, dark eyes, and southern features and they immediately make as association with latinos, Turks, Arabs. And that's not only limited to America, other westerners are also 'guilty' of that manner of thinking. See the discussion I had here and the example I gave:


Albanians for the most part simply aren't able to blend in among NW Europeans. Neither are Serbs, to be honest. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just a testament to the diversity of Europe and caucasoid populations in general.
There are tons of people with personal experience like that.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 02:25 PM
You can recongise all of those different regional ethnic groups because you're an anthrotard, no offense. Most of us on this forum can. However, the average joe isn't knowledgable or aware enough to make a quick in-depth analysis of someone's facial features. They see a person with dark brown or black hair, dark eyes, and southern features and they immediately make as association with latinos, Turks, Arabs. And that's not only limited to America, other westerners are also 'guilty' of that manner of thinking. See the discussion I had here and the example I gave:


Albanians for the most part simply aren't able to blend in among NW Europeans. Neither are Serbs, to be honest. And there's nothing wrong with that. Just a testament to the diversity of Europe and caucasoid populations in general.
There are tons of people with personal experience like that.

I am aware of this, I've been mistaken for "Turkish" about 90 million times. I used to honestly get mad about stuff like that but I learned to deal with it, however considering the fact how Ashkenazis are mutts more so than Balkaners, It doesn't bother me that much. People look at me and just assume Italian, then some might say Turkish and some call me a "Kike". My mum always got mistaken for Arab though, no matter what. My dad who's English didn't really look english because he had black hair, dark brown eyes (light skin but darker than the average WASP) he was always mistaken for Italian and he was a literal Anglo.

I think us Anthrotards as you say it, which btw I think is a pretty good word for most of us on this forum are the only ones who really can tell a difference because most people like you said just assume "OOO SHITSKIN" whenever they see a Caucasoid person with darker features.

01-06-2021, 07:12 PM
if i saw her i would think she was probably Romanian

She is able to pass as Romanian, as are 90% of Georgians, but she's more typical for Georgians/Armenians

01-06-2021, 07:23 PM
It's interesting the UK and the US didn't come up with the concept of "Wog", as an umbrella to group all these dark haired, dark eyed, olive-skinned Caucasoid, although as you highlighted, in their minds, this Balkan girl is as exotic as any other MENA.

Only Australians came up with this category, probably because of the high influx of ex-Yugoslavians, Greeks, Italians and Lebanese immigrants, that contrasted with the old British stock.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 09:25 PM
She is able to pass as Romanian, as are 90% of Georgians, but she's more typical for Georgians/Armenians

Ok no she's not typical for Armenians, she's not dark enough. She's way way too light for an Armenian. Like I'd say maximum Georgian or Balkan because of her Dinarid features.

01-06-2021, 09:27 PM
Very special one indeed.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
01-06-2021, 09:28 PM
It's interesting the UK and the US didn't come up with the concept of "Wog", as an umbrella to group all these dark haired, dark eyed, olive-skinned Caucasoid, although as you highlighted, in their minds, this Balkan girl is as exotic as any other MENA.

Only Australians came up with this category, probably because of the high influx of ex-Yugoslavians, Greeks, Italians and Lebanese immigrants, that contrasted with the old British stock.

What's interesting is Albanians weren't "Woggy" enough to be considered Wogs in Australia, especially during the White-Australia policy which extended to Southern Europe for some reason. However Albanians were allowed in, due to having fairer or light skin and more European features, which is intriguing to say the least.


01-17-2021, 10:19 PM
Our Anglo-Jew OP seems to be outright obsessed with Balkans :D Here's the girl from this thread (4:08)
