View Full Version : New to this,classify,thanks in advance :).

01-03-2021, 07:34 PM
Could you please classify me? Croat ancestry 22yr old 188cm tall 70-75+kg..nose changed a bit due to being broken twice(bump on bridge) in mma fights.Ive done mh dna test and results were Balkan Baltic Scandinavia Greek/S Italian/italian and Native American(siberian)
Genetic group since new update Split Dalmatia/Bosnia Herzegovina high.
k13 is
Baltic 36.25
North Atlantic 22.79
East Med15.95
West Med 15.83
West Asian 5.52
South Asian 1.57
Amerindian 1.12
Siberian 0.5
Red Sea 0.48
Thanks :).

MTA Ancient populations Deep dive Early slav,Kiev rus,Swedish Vikings,Scythian etc..

01-03-2021, 07:44 PM
You look very Slavic indeed

01-03-2021, 07:47 PM
Very low north atlantic and high baltic for your ethnicity.
Have you tried oracles?

01-03-2021, 08:05 PM
Neo-Danubian/Baltid + Pontid. Very Slavic looking. Nice results, I'll add you to eastern Croat average If we don't have you (I think we don't)
Edit: yes, I already have you in database :) Dobrodošao!

Your updated Oracles

Distance to: Vrazijadivizija

6.13259325 Bosniak
6.55757577 Moldova_North
6.66949773 Ukrainian_Ivano_Frankivsk
6.79203946 Croat_East
6.98458302 Croat_South
7.33283710 Serb_north
7.63256182 Romania_Moldavia_North
7.74457875 Moldova_Centre
7.78314204 Moldova_average
7.82906763 Croat
8.22624459 Serb_central
8.24379767 Serb
8.29945179 Croat_West
9.09217796 Romania_Maramures
9.42747580 Hungarian_Alföld
9.48362273 Csángó
9.86709684 Croat_North
10.02224526 Hungarian_Northern
10.47479833 Székely
10.49090082 Hungarian
10.52422919 Serb_south
10.77053388 Romania_Moldavia_South
10.95496235 Hungarian_Transylvania
11.13471598 Slovenian
11.27194748 Romania_Crisana

another model for you (distance is high though)

Target: Vrazijadivizija
Distance: 4.0928% / 4.09278540

70.1 Slavic
29.9 Vlach

01-03-2021, 08:18 PM
For comparison, here are results of Croat from across the river, from Bosnian Posavina. Quite similar to yours

Admix Results (sorted):

1 Baltic 35.67
2 North_Atlantic 25.89
3 West_Med 14.55
4 East_Med 13.31
5 West_Asian 8.83
6 Red_Sea 0.8
7 East_Asian 0.66
8 Oceanian 0.16
9 Amerindian 0.09
10 Siberian 0.04

01-03-2021, 08:32 PM
Hi! Thanks for replying :D and posting oracles cuz i forgot to add most of the things to the post..nice to see im already in ur database :D..also that guy from B.Posavina could be my relative if hes from Orašje/Bok/Oštra luka and Vidovice cuz i also originate from there..also how did u manage to find Vlach,i couldnt..29.9 seems high?

01-03-2021, 08:38 PM
Hi! Thanks for replying :D and posting oracles cuz i forgot to add most of the things to the post..nice to see im already in ur database :D..also that guy from B.Posavina could be my relative if hes from Orašje/Bok/Oštra luka and Vidovice cuz i also originate from there..also how did u manage to find Vlach,i couldnt..29.9 seems high?

Hmm, I'm not sure where from in Bosnian Posavina he's from because he just stated region...I got his results from Croatian FTDNA project! He is E-V13 haplogroup.
I think my friend Nato ZG got your results from forum.hr if you posted them there. He collects samples from there bcz I'm banned :P

This model I made for you, it's just approximation of your old Slavic and pre-Slavic ancestry. You come out 70% Early Slavic, that's damn high and above average!
But not suprising for Slavonia. Your Vlach percentage isn't very high for a Croat. Southern Croats in comparison are around 38% Vlach on average.

Your results fit your look, highly Slavic. In oracles you get SW Ukrainians on 3rd place, that should tell you something.

01-03-2021, 08:51 PM
Hmm, I'm not sure where from in Bosnian Posavina he's from because he just stated region...I got his results from Croatian FTDNA project! He is E-V13 haplogroup.
I think my friend Nato ZG got your results from forum.hr if you posted them there. He collects samples from there bcz I'm banned :P

This model I made for you, it's just approximation of your old Slavic and pre-Slavic ancestry. You come out 70% Early Slavic, that's damn high and above average!
But not suprising for Slavonia. Your Vlach percentage isn't very high for a Croat. Southern Croats in comparison are around 38% Vlach on average.

Your results fit your look, highly Slavic. In oracles you get SW Ukrainians on 3rd place, that should tell you something.
Yeah i ve figured out that i pull more toward eastern europe than average Croat :D my face is really that Slavic peasant vibe from Ukraine hahaha..i think he might got it from facebook..also what were ur results? have u done MTA?

01-03-2021, 08:54 PM
Neo Danubian + Norid, you do look very Slavic

01-03-2021, 08:56 PM
Yeah i ve figured out that i pull more toward eastern europe than average Croat :D my face is really that Slavic peasant vibe from Ukraine hahaha..i think he might got it from facebook..also what were ur results? have u done MTA?

Oh, maybe than I got your results from FB, I have a friend there (he lives in Ireland) interested in genetics and he sent me few Croatian results, maybe yours too :)
Yes, I have done a test!

Here are my results: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338954-Stearsolina-Myheritage-results!-(proper-test-not-upload)

In my signature you can see my modeling.

Another thread that might interest you, PCA of tested Croatian apricity members (K13)

I will plot you too.

01-03-2021, 09:22 PM
Oh, maybe than I got your results from FB, I have a friend there (he lives in Ireland) interested in genetics and he sent me few Croatian results, maybe yours too :)
Yes, I have done a test!

Here are my results: https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?338954-Stearsolina-Myheritage-results!-(proper-test-not-upload)

In my signature you can see my modeling.

Another thread that might interest you, PCA of tested Croatian apricity members (K13)

I will plot you too.

And what do you think about ur MH results? your results came out nice they really messed up mine...added 75% balkan rest Baltic high and Scandinavian than minimimal under 2% Greek/italian and N.America
Myheritage has a really bad algorithm and their "Balkan" is a bad mix..atleast they got it somehow correct with last update with regions etc..

01-03-2021, 09:46 PM
And what do you think about ur MH results? your results came out nice they really messed up mine...added 75% balkan rest Baltic high and Scandinavian than minimimal under 2% Greek/italian and N.America
Myheritage has a really bad algorithm and their "Balkan" is a bad mix..atleast they got it somehow correct with last update with regions etc..

I'm happy with my results, better than getting Balkan which is hybrid Slavic-Vlach component based on modern South Slavs (Serb like) and confuses lots of people. I didn't get regions except Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia tho, dissapointed. But Myheritage will update their ethnicity estimate this year :)

Here is how you plot on PCA, closest to north Moldovan average. I think your high Baltic and high East Med plus low North Atlantic pull you east.


You are bit SE from eastern Croat average in which your sample was included afaik, but keep in mind it's based on low sample size (less than 10) unfortunately.
They are still closest Croatian average to you which is nice.

01-03-2021, 09:56 PM
You remind me to the actor DJ Qualls xd

01-03-2021, 10:38 PM
I would say Dinarid-Baltid mix.
Very Slavic indeed.

01-04-2021, 10:54 AM
I'm happy with my results, better than getting Balkan which is hybrid Slavic-Vlach component based on modern South Slavs (Serb like) and confuses lots of people. I didn't get regions except Croatia/Bosnia/Serbia tho, dissapointed. But Myheritage will update their ethnicity estimate this year :)

Here is how you plot on PCA, closest to north Moldovan average. I think your high Baltic and high East Med plus low North Atlantic pull you east.


You are bit SE from eastern Croat average in which your sample was included afaik, but keep in mind it's based on low sample size (less than 10) unfortunately.
They are still closest Croatian average to you which is nice.
Interesting,Hvala for pca plot :D..yeah i was really hoping for the ethnicity % change this christmas..i guess we ll have to wait another christmas haha..

01-04-2021, 10:56 AM
Very low north atlantic and high baltic for your ethnicity.
Have you tried oracles?

Yeah i got low NA probably cause of high med influence which is west/east 15/15,forgotten to add oracles into the post so Stearsolina did it..

Davy Jones's Locker
01-04-2021, 01:00 PM
I would guess NeoDanubian with Dinaric.

01-04-2021, 01:44 PM
I would guess NeoDanubian with Dinaric.
Thanks for classifying :))..What exactly do you see Dinaric in my look? is it the nose? the overall face shape? Even my skull is not going onto Dinaric overall shape?

01-04-2021, 06:28 PM
I do see dinarid/norid input in his profile (sloping forehead for example), but his occiput is really round so I opted for secondary Pontid admix instead.

01-04-2021, 08:00 PM
You look very Slavic indeed

Brown eyes though.

01-04-2021, 08:02 PM
I would say you are Neo-Danubian with Pontic admixture. You would fit nicely Polish, but also as Ukrainian.

01-04-2021, 08:10 PM
Neo Danubian + Norid, you do look very Slavic

I totally agree

01-04-2021, 09:22 PM
I agree with "Norid/Noric" lots of people classified me as that,pretty much light Dinarid with more Nordid look than a standard Dinarid highly visible in Croats,Slovenes..i think im somewhat of a big weird mix like Alpinid+Halstatt Nordid+Norid+Neodanubian and something else including likeCM? that occiput i was thinking it was rather one that Halstatt N had "Tall, ectomorph or mildly mesomorph with wide shoulders and narrow hips (even in women), meso- sometimes brachyskelic. Mesocephalic, dolichocephalic at times, mildly chamaecranic with a curved "occiput"

03-29-2021, 09:31 AM
can't see pics