View Full Version : Classify the main cast of cult film "The Faculty"

Tooting Carmen
01-04-2021, 11:18 PM
Jordana Brewster
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTc1OTMwMzM3NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTM5MzIyODE@._ V1_.jpg

Clea DuVall

Laura Harris

Josh Hartnett

Shawn Hatosy

Elijah Wood

01-04-2021, 11:23 PM
Only Jordana Brewster could easily fit South of Rio Grande/Bravo.

Tooting Carmen
01-04-2021, 11:24 PM
Only Jordana Brewster could easily fit South of Rio Grande/Bravo.

Well she is half-Brazilian. xD

01-04-2021, 11:26 PM
Well she is half-Brazilian. xD

Yeah, but she could look WASP, since her father is typical White Murican, at least in ancestry: England, Scotland, Ireland.

01-04-2021, 11:42 PM
1. Atlanto-Med + Berid
2. Atlanto-Brünn + Turanid
3. Borreby + Anglo-Saxon, looks Australian
4. Lappid + Brünn
5. Brünn + some Atlantid-Borreby
6. Kelto-Borreby + some Baltid

01-04-2021, 11:46 PM
Shawn Hatosy looks like an older version of Tom Holland.

01-04-2021, 11:47 PM
1. Atlanto-Med + CM.

2. Paleo Atlantid.

3. Anglo-Saxon, being Faelid the main element.

4. Paleo Atlantid.

5. Brunn.

6. Brunn/Alpine, perhaps.

The Blade
01-05-2021, 08:13 PM
1 - Atlantid + Faelid (I think I've classified her before)
2 - Paleo Atlantid
3 - Borreby + Faelid
4 - Paleo Atlantid (have posted him in thread also)
5 - Nordo-Brunn
6 - Norid + Borreby

The Blade
01-05-2021, 08:14 PM
1 - Atlantid + Faelid (I think I've classified her before)
2 - Paleo Atlantid
3 - Borreby + Faelid
4 - Paleo Atlantid (have posted him in thread also)
5 - Nordo-Brunn
6 - Norid + Borreby

Tooting Carmen
01-14-2021, 05:14 PM

01-22-2021, 04:38 AM
Idk if you can call it a cult film, was a star studded major motion picture for it's day.

Tooting Carmen
03-15-2021, 01:02 AM
Idk if you can call it a cult film, was a star studded major motion picture for it's day.

By 'cult' I mean it has a niche following. Anyway, here is Elijah Wood again:
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTM0NDIxMzQ5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNzAyNTA4Nw@@._ V1_UY1200_CR85,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg

Tooting Carmen
08-24-2021, 12:29 AM

08-24-2021, 12:42 AM
I think Elijah Wood could easily fit in the British Isles. There is this movie where he moves to England and join a group of holligans, I think he easily blend in there.

Tooting Carmen
12-13-2021, 04:55 AM
I think Elijah Wood could easily fit in the British Isles. There is this movie where he moves to England and join a group of holligans, I think he easily blend in there.

Well yes...