View Full Version : Classify Steve McFadde

10-01-2011, 12:48 PM
English actor from London. Classic Borreby? :thumb001:

Typical Borreby behavior :D

10-01-2011, 01:05 PM
I don't know if he is necessarily a Borreby he definitely is oriented as if he is one. I believe he is more of a reduced Brunn or Alpinoid/Brunn and they look awfully similar to Borrebys at times. He has very thin lips which is a Brunn trait and his nose is upturned. I can see though one would conclude that he is a Borreby he does have the Bald head which is such a typical trait associated with Borrebys.

10-01-2011, 01:09 PM
I don't know if he is necessarily a Borreby he definitely is oriented as if he is one. I believe he is more of a reduced Brunn or Alpinoid/Brunn and they look awfully similar to Borrebys at times. He has very thin lips which is a Brunn trait and his nose is upturned. I can see though one would conclude that he is a Borreby he does have the Bald head which is such a typical trait associated with Borrebys.

Bear in mind that Borreby have tendency to endomorphic, but usually much robust than that average Alpinid. As I said to Pallantides could he pass as Danish and he said yes, so obviously he has similarities to Borreby from Denmark. :wink

10-01-2011, 01:13 PM
Bear in mind that Borreby have tendency to endomorphic, but usually much robust than that average Alpinid. As I said to Pallantides could he pass as pass Danish and he said yes, so obviously he has similarities to Borreby from Denmark. :wink

Yes that is right but some Brunns are endomorphic and he clearly has something British about him. That said there are many similarities that he has cranio-facially with Borrebys and I have seen this in many of the examples of Alpinoid/Brunns in the British Isles. I suppose one could conclude that he was a Borreby or /Alpinoid/Brunn because they look so similar to each other.

10-01-2011, 01:17 PM
I don't know if he is necessarily a Borreby he definitely is oriented as if he is one. I believe he is more of a reduced Brunn or Alpinoid/Brunn and they look awfully similar to Borrebys at times. He has very thin lips which is a Brunn trait and his nose is upturned. I can see though one would conclude that he is a Borreby he does have the Bald head which is such a typical trait associated with Borrebys.

He is Borreby, both Alpinids and Brunns don't have high cranium like this guy does. There are many Borrebies in UK that arrived there with Vikings from Dennmark.

Bear in mind that Borreby have tendency to endomorphic, but usually much robust than that average Alpinid. As I said to Pallantides could he pass as Danish and he said yes, so obviously he has similarities to Borreby from Denmark. :wink

But they aren't as Pyknomorphic as Alpinids. Usually they are Pykno-Athletic, so with Mesomorphy, part of that is being more robust, muscular.

10-01-2011, 01:19 PM
Yes that is right but some Brunns are endomorphic and he clearly has something British about him. That said there are many similarities that he has cranio-facially with Borrebys and I have seen this in many of the examples of Alpinoid/Brunns in the British Isles. I suppose one could conclude that he was a Borreby or /Alpinoid/Brunn because they look so similar to each other.
Borreby have a lot of variation among them, ranging from British looking to Greek looking.

10-01-2011, 01:21 PM
Pred. Borreby/Cromagno-Alpinoid for sure, minor Nordoid is possible though.

10-01-2011, 01:22 PM
He is Borreby, both Alpinids and Brunns don't have high cranium like this guy does. There are many Borrebies in UK that arrived there with Vikings from Dennmark.

This is true. I have seen some Brunns though with rather high craniums and broad foreheads in general. Its usually when they are Alpinized but I can understand why this guy is a Borreby quite obviously.

10-01-2011, 01:24 PM
But they aren't as Pyknomorphic as Alpinids. Usually they are Pykno-Athletic, so with Mesomorphy, part of that is being more robust, muscular.

If we are comparing Borreby to Alpinid and even Eastern Cromagnoid/West Baltid, Borreby are indeed robust, but they aren't as robust as proper Cromagnid because they are partially endomorphic/Alpinized.

10-01-2011, 01:28 PM
If we are comparing Borreby to Alpinid and even Eastern cromagnid/West Baltid, Borreby are indeed robust, but they aren't as robust as proper Cromagnid because they are partially endomorphic/Alpinized.

There are different ranges and orientations within the Borreby type as a specific sub-type. There are some Borrebys which appear more Alpinized and others which appear to have a stronger Cro-Magnon orientation. Borrebys are like Alpinized Faelids or Brunns as you have said in the past.

10-01-2011, 01:33 PM
There are different ranges and orientations within the Borreby type as a specific sub-type. There are some Borrebys which appear more Alpinized and others which appear to have a stronger Cro-Magnon orientation. Borrebys are like Alpinized Faelids or Brunns as you have said in the past.

Yes, that's right. Like I mentioned from above, Borreby have a lot of variation among them, ranging from almost Alpinized to almost Cro-Magnon, but on average, they are basically what they are - robust Alpinid/Cromagnoid.

10-01-2011, 01:37 PM
If we are comparing Borreby to Alpinid and even Eastern Cromagnoid/West Baltid, Borreby are indeed robust, but they aren't as robust as proper Cromagnid because they are partially endomorphic/Alpinized.

Well Borreby skull shape is not Cromagnid but many other features are. So they can be as robust as Cromagnid proper it seems often. Also they have a range, often they are even long headed. Some are only slightly alpinised some more.
Example of an extreme Borreby type is Danish strongman Flemming Rasmussen, 6'5" 155 kg.




10-01-2011, 01:40 PM
Yes, that's right. Like I mentioned from above, Borreby have a lot of variation among them, ranging from almost Alpinized to almost Cro-Magnon, but on average, they are basically what they are - robust Alpinid/Cromagnoid.

I would say if one is very alpinised so more Alpinid than CM he is no Borreby proper but Borreby+Alpinoid. I guess they range from 50-50 to more, possibly 70 % or more CM.

10-01-2011, 01:48 PM
Well Borreby skull shape is not Cromagnid but many other features are. So they can be as robust as Cromagnid proper it seems often. Also they have a range, often they are even long headed. Some are only slightly alpinised some more.
Example of an extreme Borreby type is Danish strongman Flemming Rasmussen, 6'5" 155 kg.




Faelid (proper CM):

Borreby's jaw shape are not as robust as Proper Cromagnid and proper Cromagnid have quite archaic features than Borreby who usually have somewhat softer facial features like such as short broad nose, somewhat rounder face and other detail..

10-01-2011, 01:50 PM
I would say if one is very alpinised so more Alpinid than CM he is no Borreby proper but Borreby+Alpinoid. I guess they range from 50-50 to more, possibly 70 % or more CM.

Typical Borreby is just balance like half and half but usually more on robust side.

10-01-2011, 01:57 PM

Faelid (proper CM):

Borreby's jaw shape are not as robust as Proper Cromagnid and proper Cromagnid have quite archaic features than Borreby who usually have somewhat softer facial features like such as short broad nose, somewhat rounder face and other detail..

Typical Borreby is just balance like half and half but usually more on robust side.

That Borreby in the morph looks alot like Grammer, so more CM than Alpinid. Yes although broad nose you speak of is common among archaic Cromagnids like Palaeatlantid etc. and in part they derive from them so broader nose is not necessarily so Alpinid but archaic CM.

Long time ago I asked Agrippa where is Borreby between CM and Alpinid and he said something like "Borreby is still more on Cromagnoid side quite often but part alpinised".

10-01-2011, 02:01 PM
Long time ago I asked Agrippa where is Borreby between CM and Alpinid and he said something like "Borreby is still more on Cromagnoid side quite often but part alpinised".
My point exactly. :)

10-04-2011, 11:02 PM
Here's a more recent variation of the Borreby morph (I am actually the creator :D)
I think this one is a bit more Alpinid.


Compare to my Alpinid morph.


10-05-2011, 12:27 AM
Here's a more recent variation of the Borreby morph (I am actually the creator :D)
I think this one is a bit more Alpinid.


Compare to my Alpinid morph.


Hey nice work. :thumb001: Do you have any other morphs or preferably a West-Baltid morph? If not, could you make one?

10-05-2011, 03:36 PM
Hey nice work. :thumb001: Do you have any other morphs or preferably a West-Baltid morph? If not, could you make one?

Here I made a morph (average Polish man), pred. West Baltid with Nordid influence

10-05-2011, 03:59 PM
Hey nice work. :thumb001: Do you have any other morphs or preferably a West-Baltid morph? If not, could you make one?

Yes I have several. Maybe I will put them on a website some time in the future where anybody can help me to find new pictures of typical individuals (which is sometimes quite hard).
Here's the male West Baltid morph. You see hes a robust, depigmented cromagnid type with some baltid components.


10-05-2011, 05:09 PM
Yes I have several. Maybe I will put them on a website some time in the future where anybody can help me to find new pictures of typical individuals (which is sometimes quite hard).
Here's the male West Baltid morph. You see hes a robust, depigmented cromagnid type with some baltid components.

Excellent example and you did a good job.:thumb001: I remember the first time I made a morph and it turn out that it was totally wrong in a direction. xD

10-05-2011, 06:16 PM
Here I made a morph (average Polish man), pred. West Baltid with Nordid influence

Yes I have several. Maybe I will put them on a website some time in the future where anybody can help me to find new pictures of typical individuals (which is sometimes quite hard).
Here's the male West Baltid morph. You see hes a robust, depigmented cromagnid type with some baltid components.


Good work guys :thumb001: those are some good morphs. It's difficult for me to distinguish much differences between the Borreby and West-Baltid types. Do Borrebies have a higher Height-Length index? What are some other characteristics that separate these two apart?

10-05-2011, 06:35 PM
Cool morphs, guys.

And yeah, the subject in question looks very Borreby to me

10-06-2011, 04:47 PM
Good work guys :thumb001: those are some good morphs. It's difficult for me to distinguish much differences between the Borreby and West-Baltid types. Do Borrebies have a higher Height-Length index? What are some other characteristics that separate these two apart?
They are indeed very similiar because they are part of Cromagnoid specimen, partially reduced, but the difference between West Baltid and Borreby is that West Baltid on average, less archaic Cromagnoid than Borreby and West Baltid often have wider jawline than Borreby.

08-01-2018, 01:30 PM

Knight Slayer
08-01-2018, 03:53 PM