View Full Version : A study compares attitudes towards interracial relationships among Whites and South Asians in UK

Tooting Carmen
01-20-2021, 12:30 AM
Yes I know it is rather old (2007), but the results of this study looking at 16-34 year olds are interesting and revealing all the same. While 87% of Whites would consider interracial dating, a mere 53% of South Asians would. What is more, while 53% of South Asians would consider dating a White person, just 44% of South Asians would consider dating a Black person. (Does the fact the gap is only 9% mean that South Asians are more anti-White and less anti-Black than many people assume?)

N.B. Many of you may be thinking why do I post so many threads about South Asians? Well here's why:
(1) I grew up in Leicester, home to a very large Indian population.
(2) Indians are by some distance the UK's largest ethnic minority group, with Pakistanis second.
(3) India is the world's second-most populated nation, and according to demographic predictions may soon become the first.
(4) India is a major emerging global power, and it will have increasing ramifications and influence elsewhere over the years to come.