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02-21-2021, 10:39 PM

02-21-2021, 10:58 PM
He is brachy but not IB imo.

More like some blend of Alpinid and Turanid with darker pigmentation.

02-21-2021, 11:32 PM
Doesn't look full Indo-Brachid. Maybe partly the Afghan Indo-Brachid type(humanphenotypes says the Indo-Brachid can be found slightly different in Afghanistan).

He doesn't look full Indian/Pakistani for sure.

02-22-2021, 09:16 AM
Doesn't look full Indo-Brachid. Maybe partly the Afghan Indo-Brachid type(humanphenotypes says the Indo-Brachid can be found slightly different in Afghanistan).

He doesn't look full Indian/Pakistani for sure.

What would you classify him as? I thought he was Indian or Paki when I first saw him

02-22-2021, 09:20 AM

02-22-2021, 09:23 AM

What would you classify him?

02-22-2021, 09:26 AM
What would you classify him?

Not sure he looks what he is though to me Kurdish or Middle Eastern not
South Asian in particular there is plenty of people among Kurds and Iranians,Assyrians who can look like that from my experience

He is just a dark type alot of Kurds maybe be lighter than him

02-22-2021, 09:36 AM
Kurds are very diverse. Most I have met irl look persian, some looked russian with blue/green eyes, and some looked dark like indians

02-22-2021, 10:21 AM
Kurds are very diverse. Most I have met irl look persian, some looked russian with blue/green eyes, and some looked dark like indians

Agreed (& C Asian) though the key with this classification stuff is not to tell anyone where the individual is from. You’ll get much less biased classifications and more accurate ones this way although you may get less guesses because people are scared to guess wrong.

I’ve seen it done all the time. As soon as you tell them he’s from country X most of people guessing will start saying X.

If you told me this guy is Kurd, Iraqi, Persian, Pakistani, or Indian I wouldn’t question you for a second.

02-22-2021, 01:09 PM
Passes as Gypsy or Indian fine, but he's not that typical. There is something middle eastern about him