View Full Version : First Roma Protest in Netherlands organised by Bulgarian migrants (Main types?)

02-25-2021, 06:25 AM
https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/53062477_2536120303069245_2068581619848970240_n.jp g?_nc_cat=110&ccb=3&_nc_sid=a26aad&_nc_ohc=36tnVA5Rl4AAX9QU-HO&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=25d21a955759d92f30cefa1575a43b53&oe=605B07BC

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/52608876_2536120376402571_1273927234599518208_n.jp g?_nc_cat=106&ccb=3&_nc_sid=a26aad&_nc_ohc=1_UV5Az1g6IAX-T7gVU&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=7f1db962d9a762a03c0cb6e5a6184bcd&oe=605D7582

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/52823429_2536120469735895_3427940203552047104_n.jp g?_nc_cat=109&ccb=3&_nc_sid=a26aad&_nc_ohc=SaXwphFyvvkAX-Z0c1j&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=7903661dd4b4538acb022c6549f61936&oe=605D1D96

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/52688563_2536120589735883_8020554750414028800_n.jp g?_nc_cat=105&ccb=3&_nc_sid=a26aad&_nc_ohc=5OhcxlPr8gEAX-wpcpJ&_nc_ht=scontent-vie1-1.xx&oh=b4c1715b935cdd5fa60f9db2e692ae94&oe=605BC17F

02-25-2021, 10:12 AM
Stop racism in Bulgaria and protesting in Netherlands ahahahha.

02-25-2021, 10:35 AM
I`d say, why not go back to India and protest from there? (I know it`s easier said, than done, cause even there nobody wants them)

02-25-2021, 10:39 AM
Big Lulz - they ran away from Bulgaria so they can pocket the higher Western-Welfare while not working their whole life, same as here and they protest against racism in Bulgaria from there.

The Dutch people are probably buying it. They are so naive they probably do think we are some evil racists who want to exterminate these fine and innocent people.

02-25-2021, 10:43 AM
The Dutch people are probably buying it. They are so naive they probably do think we are some evil racists who want to exterminate these fine and innocent people.

100% Most westerners know jack shit about Gypsies but they will eventually get their life scheme. The sad thing is then when Dutch people imagine Bulgarians like this or any other country based of those gypsies.

02-25-2021, 10:50 AM
100% Most westerners know jack shit about Gypsies but they will eventually get their life scheme. The sad thing is then when Dutch people imagine Bulgarians like this or any other country based of those gypsies.


02-25-2021, 10:57 AM
Stop racism in Bulgaria and protesting in Netherlands ahahahha.

Albanians also protested in every major city in the world for Kosovo

02-25-2021, 11:03 AM
Big Lulz - they ran away from Bulgaria so they can pocket the higher Western-Welfare while not working their whole life, same as here and they protest against racism in Bulgaria from there.

The Dutch people are probably buying it. They are so naive they probably do think we are some evil racists who want to exterminate these fine and innocent people.

I don't think there is much if any media coverage for that roma themselves took pictures and posted it on social media I doubt the Dutch give a fuck zhambaski said roma are subhumans and he is in EU Parlament

02-25-2021, 11:05 AM
Albanians also protested in every major city in the world for Kosovo

Yeah are you comparing internal racism in country with an ongoing war in Europe 50 years after ww2? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
That's like comparing ants with dinosaurs.
What has Dutch goverment to do with racism of Bulgarians in Bulgaria.

02-25-2021, 11:06 AM
I don't think there is much if any media coverage for that roma themselves took pictures and posted it on social media I doubt the Dutch give a fuck zhambaski said roma are subhumans and he is in EU Parlament

Be happy noone is talking about you in media lol.

02-25-2021, 11:06 AM
Yeah are you comparing internal racism in country with an ongoing war in Europe 50 years after ww2? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
That's like comparing ants with dinosaurs.
What has Dutch goverment to do with racism of Bulgarians in Bulgaria.

No matter what the cause of this is you can protest anywhere kurds also always protest no?

02-25-2021, 11:07 AM
I don't think there is much if any media coverage for that roma themselves took pictures and posted it on social media I doubt the Dutch give a fuck Zhambaski said roma are subhumans and he is in EU Parlament

Its Djambazki. And that makes one person on the EU Parliament who isn't a total fool.

02-25-2021, 11:09 AM
Its Djambazki. And that makes one person on the EU Parliament who isn't a total fool.

And you say that you are not a racist

02-25-2021, 11:11 AM
And you say that you are not a racist

Racism is hating someone because they are a different race.

Hating someone because he is a leech who sucks the economy of your nation and doesn't contribute anything does not equal racism. If they lived like normal people, nobody would hate them, like nobody hates Turks and Pomaks.

02-25-2021, 11:13 AM
Racism is hating someone because they are a different race.

Hating someone because he is a leech who sucks the economy of your nation and doesn't contribute anything does not equal racism.

That can not be seperated so easily in that case obviously like calling blacks criminals same shit

02-25-2021, 11:25 AM
That can not be seperated so easily in that case obviously like calling blacks criminals same shit

You can very easily separate the two. Its just that certain organizations don't want the two to be separated because using "racist" as a weapon against people is way easier than providing an actual argument.

02-25-2021, 11:26 AM
You can very easily separate the two. Its just that certain organizations don't want the two to be separated because using "racist" as a weapon against people is way easier than providing an actual argument.

I just say cigani are subhumans and pigs but I'm not racist

02-25-2021, 11:33 AM
I don't think there is much if any media coverage for that roma themselves took pictures and posted it on social media I doubt the Dutch give a fuck zhambaski said roma are subhumans and he is in EU Parlament

Looks like you brought it on point here. Thread can be closed now.

02-25-2021, 11:46 AM
Roma should have their own ethnostate somewhere so they stop depending on others, but in the age of multiculturalism it won't happen.

02-25-2021, 11:50 AM
Looks like you brought it on point here. Thread can be closed now.

What would you think if someone said that about germans I bet you would cry

02-25-2021, 11:54 AM
What would you think if someone said that about germans I bet you would cry

And who`d have a reason to say that?
We never "needed" to depend on others or were leeches to all of humankind, so there`s no debating there.

02-25-2021, 11:58 AM
And who`d have a reason to say that?
We never "needed" to depend on others or were leeches to all of humankind, so there`s no debating there.

Because German nationalists are whiners just like all nationalists they cry about germanophobia and that they are not nazis eventhough no one actually says such a thing you are a German right winger so I'm sure you would cry and leave the forum

02-25-2021, 12:02 PM
Roma should have their own ethnostate somewhere so they stop depending on others, but in the age of multiculturalism it won't happen.

That's never gonna happen because gypsies like to live on aid and others money and this gypsie state would be same level with Somalia without money. That's why there are no any gypsie separatist movements, it makes no sense.

02-25-2021, 12:04 PM
That's never gonna happen because gypsies like to live on aid and others money and this gypsie state would be same level with Somalia without money.

So what if it would be poor? Many countries in the world are poor. They already live among 3rd world conditions in Hungary and many other countries. So they are poor in Hungary and will be poor in their new Gypsy country.
Some people have the same stereotype about jews ('needing to have a host society') still Israel was created.

02-25-2021, 12:06 PM
That's never gonna happen because gypsies like to live on aid and others money and this gypsie state would be same level with Somalia without money. That's why there are no any gypsie separatist movements, it makes no sense.

No one is completely autark without depending to some degree on others loans or some forms of aid ethnostates do often depend on other states or world organizations

02-25-2021, 12:12 PM
So what if it would be poor? Many countries in the world are poor. They already live among 3rd world conditions in Hungary and many other countries.
Some people have the same stereotype about jews ('needing to have a host society') still Israel was created.

Don't compare jews with gypsies because jews are basically high class educated peoples unlike gypsies. Where do you image this gypsie state? India has enough population, they don't want them, neither others so where? In Antarctica or what? Do you want to force them to move India? Gypsies dont wanna move and they dont want own state, the only thing what they want money without work.

02-25-2021, 12:18 PM
Don't compare jews with gypsies because jews are basically high class educated peoples unlike gypsies. Where do you image this gypsie state? India has enough population, they don't want them, neither others so where? In Antarctica or what? Do you want to force them to move India? Gypsies dont wanna move and they dont want own state, the only thing what they want money without work.

Gypsies often specialized in particular kinds of work

Alot were into music,some were into circus and performers others were merchants and some were craftsmen for example goldsmiths i beilieve

There is whole Gypsy tribe called Tinkers because of the work they do
But in industrialized society there is no place for them anymore

02-25-2021, 12:26 PM
But in industrialized society there is no place for them anymore

Why? In the communism every gypsie had job/house etc and they are worked in the factories or agriculture, the discimination against them was very low. After the fall of communism libtards gived them tons of aid and money to get more voters. And now most gypsie kids are growing up and see their parents don't work and they think this is the normal way.

02-25-2021, 12:27 PM
Because German nationalists are whiners just like all nationalists they cry about germanophobia and that they are not nazis eventhough no one actually says such a thing you are a German right winger so I'm sure you would cry and leave the forum

Haha, dont you worry, I can hold my own weight be it in the internet or in real life. Still cant see a valid counter argument from your side.

02-25-2021, 12:31 PM
Alot were into music

Which they clumsily stole from Hungarians and Romanians, twisted and perverted it, so they would be actually able to play it and then called it their own.

some were into circus

Because that`s actually all they are known for: stealing and abusing animals.

02-25-2021, 12:37 PM
Which they clumsily stole from Hungarians and Romanians, twisted and perverted it, so they would be actually able to play it and then called it their own.

Because that`s actually all they are known for: stealing and abusing animals.

They didn't steal the music they were mostly perfomers or interpreters of music and alot were very good at it

Everyone in Hungary knows about the Lakatos family

In classical music you also have both composers and interpreters people who play interpret music

02-25-2021, 12:41 PM
Everyone in Hungary knows about the Lakatos family

This is bs, nobody knows about them lol Zoltán Mága or Kis Grófó are the most famous gypsie musician, who is Lakatos? I have never heard about them.

02-25-2021, 12:42 PM
This is bs, nobody knows about them lol Zoltán Mága or Kis Grófó are the most famous gypsie musician, who is Lakatos? I have never heard about them.


02-25-2021, 12:45 PM

And? If you ask random hungarians who is the Lakatos Family 99% will not know them.

02-25-2021, 12:46 PM
And? If you ask random hungarians who is the Lakatos Family 99% will not know them.

I don't buy that but ok...you are from Hungary, me not

02-25-2021, 12:53 PM
Haha, dont you worry, I can hold my own weight be it in the internet or in real life. Still cant see a valid counter argument from your side.

Because there is no argument from your side only a insult like they are subhumans or libel like they steal and abuse animals that's not a argument

02-25-2021, 12:56 PM
Because there is no argument from your side only a insult like they are subhumans or libel like they steal and abuse animals that's not a argument

The truth always makes for the best argument, you know?

02-25-2021, 12:59 PM
The truth always makes for the best argument, you know?

I believe this how you perceive the truth maybe you even witness that that a gypsy did but the truth is always much more complex they are subhumans can not be a truth

02-25-2021, 01:06 PM
In fact, only the communists assimilated gypsies very well nobody else. In the bolsevik times if a gypsie didn't want to work then the red pufajka guards were coming and they broke their legs and arms and after that they deported them to the gulag. In a democratic system you will not assimilate gypsies, thats impossible.

02-25-2021, 01:13 PM
Big Lulz - they ran away from Bulgaria so they can pocket the higher Western-Welfare while not working their whole life, same as here and they protest against racism in Bulgaria from there.

The Dutch people are probably buying it. They are so naive they probably do think we are some evil racists who want to exterminate these fine and innocent people.

You have to understand them, it is undoubtedly very racist that in Bulgaria they cannot earn as much money stealing as in the Netherlands.

02-25-2021, 01:18 PM
I believe this how you perceive the truth maybe you even witness that that a gypsy did but the truth is always much more complex they are subhumans can not be a truth

You`re partly right on this. I tend to have my own perception outside the common one. But hey, where I live there is a whole street just around the corner from me, which is completely occupied by "bulgarian" Gypsies for as long as I can remember. Also in the town next to mine the "famous" Reinhardt clan resides (you know, Django Reinhardt). And all I`ve ever saw them do was making trouble, stealing, hanging around all day instead of working and begging. It`s not just what I have witnessed tough, same goes for what all my friends and family ever experienced from them. Even my ex wife, who originates from Finnland has her own story with this. Her grandmother, on whose farm she grew up before moving to Germany, married a Mustalainen ("finnish" gypsy) after her divorce. She still has nightmares to this day about how her favourit horse shudders and thrashes with a look of sheer terror on his face, whenever said step grandfather or his relatives entered the stable and from the countless occasions, where his clan kicked and hit the farm animals just for fun. So tell me, which word is more fitting for this kind of behaviour than subhuman?

The Blade
02-25-2021, 01:33 PM
Big Lulz - they ran away from Bulgaria so they can pocket the higher Western-Welfare while not working their whole life, same as here and they protest against racism in Bulgaria from there.

The Dutch people are probably buying it. They are so naive they probably do think we are some evil racists who want to exterminate these fine and innocent people.
I doubt it. Based on their attitude towards EU bullshit they seem more reasonable. German liberals, on the other hand, do believe such shit.

The Blade
02-25-2021, 01:37 PM
100% Most westerners know jack shit about Gypsies but they will eventually get their life scheme. The sad thing is then when Dutch people imagine Bulgarians like this or any other country based of those gypsies.
First part of Linebacker's comment is absolutely true. I think that Spaniards, Portuguese, French and Dutch are less prone to believe such Gypsy manipulations, while Norwegians, Swedes and Germans buy these lies more often.

02-25-2021, 01:42 PM
First part of Linebacker's comment is absolutely true. I think that Spaniards, Portuguese, French and Dutch are less prone to believe such Gypsy manipulations, while Norwegians, Swedes and Germans buy these lies more often.

Sad but true. It`s part of the "Ewige Schuld" agenda driven by our government which seemingly swapped over to Scandinavia. A shame.

The Blade
02-25-2021, 01:47 PM
Sad but true. It`s part of the "Ewige Schuld" agenda driven by our government which seemingly swapped over to Scandinavia. A shame.
It's always nice to see there are exceptions like you or like the German guy who married a colleague of mine. Greetings!

02-25-2021, 02:35 PM
It's always nice to see there are exceptions like you or like the German guy who married a colleague of mine. Greetings!

Cheers to you! :food-smiley-004:

02-25-2021, 05:27 PM
Did my earlier post disappeared here? WTF

02-25-2021, 05:42 PM
You`re partly right on this. I tend to have my own perception outside the common one. But hey, where I live there is a whole street just around the corner from me, which is completely occupied by "bulgarian" Gypsies for as long as I can remember. Also in the town next to mine the "famous" Reinhardt clan resides (you know, Django Reinhardt). And all I`ve ever saw them do was making trouble, stealing, hanging around all day instead of working and begging. It`s not just what I have witnessed tough, same goes for what all my friends and family ever experienced from them. Even my ex wife, who originates from Finnland has her own story with this. Her grandmother, on whose farm she grew up before moving to Germany, married a Mustalainen ("finnish" gypsy) after her divorce. She still has nightmares to this day about how her favourit horse shudders and thrashes with a look of sheer terror on his face, whenever said step grandfather or his relatives entered the stable and from the countless occasions, where his clan kicked and hit the farm animals just for fun. So tell me, which word is more fitting for this kind of behaviour than subhuman?

You don't call certain behaviors subhumans but a ethnic group or that's what you and the bulgarian first did now you softened your tone I don't think you can call a people of a certain origin less than human and not be a racist I myself witnessed subhumans behavior among various ethnicities including German usually all of us are quick to judge and generalise foreigners even I catch myself doing it sometimes like when a certain looking white man stares at me or is rude im quick to say those people are this way but I realize that it is wrong

02-25-2021, 05:57 PM
You don't call certain behaviors subhumans but a ethnic group or that's what you and the bulgarian first did now you softened your tone I don't think you can call a people of a certain origin less than human and not be a racist I myself witnessed subhumans behavior among various ethnicities including German usually all of us are quick to judge and generalise foreigners even I catch myself doing it sometimes like when a certain looking white man stares at me or is rude im quick to say those people are this way but I realize that it is wrong

I never said, I wasnt. Its only natural.

02-28-2021, 12:26 PM
Gypsies truly gonna gypsy aye?

02-28-2021, 12:38 PM
Gypsies truly gonna gypsy aye?

I think it's ground breaking first such case in history at least in Netherlands because roma communicated their national identity gathered under their flag and organised and united their efforts and community for a common goal that is something roma don't do often or ever historically but which is essential for every national conscious and can have many positive influences on many on first sight not related issues in their communities and for integration

02-28-2021, 12:44 PM
I think it's ground breaking first such case in history at least in Netherlands because roma communicated their national identity gathered under their flag and organised and united their efforts and community for a common goal that is something roma don't do often or ever historically but which is essential for every national conscious and can have many positive influences on many on first sight not related issues in their communities and for integration

Except they're never going to be autonomous. They'd miss on too much money milked out from the native taxpayers...

02-28-2021, 12:48 PM
Except they're never going to be autonomous. They'd miss on too much money milked out from the native taxpayers...

You don't need a state to gain some degree of autonomy for example never in history roma wrote about roma which is something self explanation for every one else like the university of Athens writes about Greek history if roma succeed to influence how people see them have educated people who write about roma and define themselves they already gained alot of authority and autonomy they never had before

02-28-2021, 12:56 PM
What would you think if someone said that about germans I bet you would cry

Fuck these guys, respect you become more ballsy and defend yourself, much love to you Morti.

Let the proud Germans bark, they are a minority in less than 50years but cry about foreigners instead of starting self criticism. Weak people deserve replacement, in that term Germans are the weakest people on this planet right now, together with other Germanics.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

02-28-2021, 01:32 PM
Fuck these guys, respect you become more ballsy and defend yourself, much love to you Morti.

Let the proud Germans bark, they are a minority in less than 50years but cry about foreigners instead of starting self criticism. Weak people deserve replacement, in that term Germans are the weakest people on this planet right now, together with other Germanics.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

Welcome back

02-28-2021, 01:44 PM
Welcome back

Lass dich nicht unterkriegen Bruder, habe immer ein offenes Ohr für dich.

Gottes Segen für dich und deine Familie

02-28-2021, 03:12 PM
Let the proud Germans bark, they are a minority in less than 50years but cry about foreigners instead of starting self criticism. Weak people deserve replacement, in that term Germans are the weakest people on this planet right now, together with other Germanics.

"Oh well, fuck my countrymen, and certainly fuck being a force of change in order to change society, despite the fact I'm not alone"

You are one of the forces that have brought Deutschland to the ground. Id est, one of the weak spineless mammal-like "humans" like you who seem to not stand for anything. I don't care if you voice over having similar points of view to mine. Your weakness, lack of will and frailty are more than enough to show that you belong in the same exact bunch you're precisely scolding. Because remember, it's not only godless commies and degenerate liberals that constitute themselves as traitors.

They are also coming from within our ranks, id est, you.

02-28-2021, 03:31 PM
in Romania the other ethnic groups started to mix a lot with the Roma, they enter normal jobs, normal schools etc. even the term Gypsy is less and less used (it is considered a racial slur), I think the majority assimilated already into the Romanian identity and the remaining ones will get assimilated very soon. probably this will happen in all southeastern Europe, from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Bulgaria and Yugoslavia and such ethnic tensions will disappear

02-28-2021, 03:50 PM
"Oh well, fuck my countrymen, and certainly fuck being a force of change in order to change society, despite the fact I'm not alone"

You are one of the forces that have brought Deutschland to the ground. Id est, one of the weak spineless mammal-like "humans" like you who seem to not stand for anything. I don't care if you voice over having similar points of view to mine. Your weakness, lack of will and frailty are more than enough to show that you belong in the same exact bunch you're precisely scolding. Because remember, it's not only godless commies and degenerate liberals that constitute themselves as traitors.

They are also coming from within our ranks, id est, you.

Im not a nationalist, I do not identify with a nation obstructed by people that defeat us, that existed only since 1870, that has borders changing thousand of times. Pride gotta be earned, identification gotta be earned. I identify with a certain demographic of German people, mostly in the Alpine region. I do not identify with the federal republic of Germany and its culture,customs and society, thats fine. Christians of the western Roman empire did the same, im proud to be in line with them.
Germany will be a nation of parallel societies, if each parallel society can live according to their laws and customs I find that good. All western Nations are heavily divided and only a fool thinks nationalism can glue the society in 2020 together, you are Greek not Germanic, your Front is not lost, here its been lost since over 100years.

I follow philosophies, values, god and not nations.

02-28-2021, 04:39 PM
Im not a nationalist, I do not identify with a nation obstructed by people that defeat us, that existed only since 1870, that has borders changing thousand of times. Pride gotta be earned, identification gotta be earned. I identify with a certain demographic of German people, mostly in the Alpine region. I do not identify with the federal republic of Germany and its culture,customs and society, thats fine. Christians of the western Roman empire did the same, im proud to be in line with them.
Germany will be a nation of parallel societies, if each parallel society can live according to their laws and customs I find that good. All western Nations are heavily divided and only a fool thinks nationalism can glue the society in 2020 together, you are Greek not Germanic, your Front is not lost, here its been lost since over 100years.

I follow philosophies, values, god and not nations.

Don't worry, every messiah came from outside of the country, Jesus is from Middle East, Hitler is from Austria, Napoleon is from Corsica, Stalin is from Georgia etc etc, and i will came from Hungary because i have dreamed everything. First of all i will unite the danube swabian battalions, i will find a gypsie necromancer who will summon the souls of dead ww2 soldiers and the aryanz from the Nibiru and we will march to Germany and we will break Merkelistan just like in the lotro movie when Galadriel destroyed Dol Guldur, and I'm Galandriel with no doubt. I have the power of light, and the creatures of darkness (libtards, marxists, muslims) can't stand in front of me.
Once i said in a pm, i will be the Empress of the world and i was not joking.

Cristiano viejo
02-28-2021, 04:39 PM
in Romania the other ethnic groups started to mix a lot with the Roma, they enter normal jobs, normal schools etc. even the term Gypsy is less and less used (it is considered a racial slur), I think the majority assimilated already into the Romanian identity and the remaining ones will get assimilated very soon. probably this will happen in all southeastern Europe, from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Bulgaria and Yugoslavia and such ethnic tensions will disappear
Romania de vanzare.

02-28-2021, 04:53 PM
Don't worry, every messiah came from outside of the country, Jesus is from Middle East, Hitler is from Austria, Napoleon is from Corsica, Stalin is from Georgia etc etc, and i will came from Hungary because i have dreamed everything. First of all i will unite the danube swabian battalions, i will find a gypsie necromancer who will summon the souls of dead ww2 soldiers and the aryanz from the Nibiru and we will march to Germany and we will break Merkelistan just like in the lotro movie when Galadriel destroyed Dol Guldur, and I'm Galandriel with no doubt. I have the power of light, and the creatures of darkness (libtards, marxists, muslims) can't stand in front of me.
Once i said in a pm, i will be the Empress of the world and i was not joking.

You is a cutie

02-28-2021, 05:12 PM

02-28-2021, 05:24 PM
Fuck these guys, respect you become more ballsy and defend yourself, much love to you Morti.

Let the proud Germans bark, they are a minority in less than 50years but cry about foreigners instead of starting self criticism. Weak people deserve replacement, in that term Germans are the weakest people on this planet right now, together with other Germanics.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.
Ephesians 6:12

Jetzt mal im Ernst, das ist wirklich deine Auffassung und Meinung? Mir kommts nämlich eher so vor, als wärst ein Troll.

02-28-2021, 05:32 PM
You don't call certain behaviors subhumans but a ethnic group or that's what you and the bulgarian first did now you softened your tone I don't think you can call a people of a certain origin less than human and not be a racist I myself witnessed subhumans behavior among various ethnicities including German usually all of us are quick to judge and generalise foreigners even I catch myself doing it sometimes like when a certain looking white man stares at me or is rude im quick to say those people are this way but I realize that it is wrong

Wahre Worte Broder

02-28-2021, 05:33 PM
Jetzt mal im Ernst, das ist wirklich deine Auffassung und Meinung? Mir kommts nämlich eher so vor, als wärst ein Troll.

Schwäche wird in der Natur ausgemerzt.
Schwache Bevölkerungen, Zivilisationen und Nationen landen auf der Friedhof der Geschichte.

Anstatt wie ein Fliesentisch Hartzer die Schuld beim Islam, Juden oder Ausländern zu suchen, sollte man mal die eigene Bevölkerung und Kultur betrachten und realisieren, dass der Untergang eine logische Konsequenz ist.

02-28-2021, 06:18 PM
Schwäche wird in der Natur ausgemerzt.
Schwache Bevölkerungen, Zivilisationen und Nationen landen auf der Friedhof der Geschichte.

Anstatt wie ein Fliesentisch Hartzer die Schuld beim Islam, Juden oder Ausländern zu suchen, sollte man mal die eigene Bevölkerung und Kultur betrachten und realisieren, dass der Untergang eine logische Konsequenz ist.

Da besteht dann nur letztlich die Frage, warum du überhaupt noch lebst. Eventuell eben wegen der Nation die du so verabscheust?

02-28-2021, 06:27 PM
Im not a nationalist, I do not identify with a nation obstructed by people that defeat us, that existed only since 1870, that has borders changing thousand of times. Pride gotta be earned, identification gotta be earned. I identify with a certain demographic of German people, mostly in the Alpine region. I do not identify with the federal republic of Germany and its culture,customs and society, thats fine. Christians of the western Roman empire did the same, im proud to be in line with them.
Germany will be a nation of parallel societies, if each parallel society can live according to their laws and customs I find that good. All western Nations are heavily divided and only a fool thinks nationalism can glue the society in 2020 together, you are Greek not Germanic, your Front is not lost, here its been lost since over 100years.

I follow philosophies, values, god and not nations.

First of all, nope, your country has quite a robust identity throughout millennia. The Holy Roman Empire was objectively a German state. It was politically divided by the various feudal lords, who had as a result created 500-ish states within the territory of the Empire.

But let's take some basic things first: the people inhabiting all the states in the HRE were Germans. The language was everywhere and in any way German, the customs also. For religion, there's quite obviously a divide, as one part is Protestant and another is Catholic. But the main element is this: the people are German. They made the values, the culture and the language. These states might have united to the second Reich in 1871, but either ways, Preußen, Sachsen, Bayern, Westfalen, Baden, Austria, all of them are Germans objectively speaking. They're regional varieties at best, and whatever hatred they had in the past was politically motivated.

You saying that you're not a nationalist because foreign peoples obstruct it is the uttermost sign of cowardice. If anyone said this for my nation, I'd give him a good beating for him to grow a spine. Dude are you serious?

And parallel societies, you literally desire for non-European ethnic groups to permanently settle in the continent, despite the fact they're not natives and they don't deserve to be here? That's textbook cuckoldry, not even figurative speech here.

I follow philosophies, values, god and not nations.

I'm going to throw up rainbows.

02-28-2021, 07:02 PM
Romania de vanzare.
Nurzat is just writing bullshit, as usual.

Neither Romanians, nor Gypsies want to mix with each other. Very, very few Romanians are willing to mix with Gypsies (I don't know about ethnic minorities, I've heard Transylvanian Hungarians mix more with Gypsies, but I'm not sure if it's true). Even integrated Gypsies prefer to mix with their own.

Gypsy is a colloquial term, it has only become a slur in time. Growing up in Romania, I've never heard Gypsies calling themselves Roma. They are very proud about calling themselves Țigani.

02-28-2021, 07:10 PM
in Romania the other ethnic groups started to mix a lot with the Roma, they enter normal jobs, normal schools etc. even the term Gypsy is less and less used (it is considered a racial slur), I think the majority assimilated already into the Romanian identity and the remaining ones will get assimilated very soon. probably this will happen in all southeastern Europe, from Czechoslovakia and Hungary to Bulgaria and Yugoslavia and such ethnic tensions will disappear

Integration/assimilation was more possible when their numbers were small. Now that they're a huge population and are continuing to grow, I will expect paralel society type division and ghettoization to be even more prevalent sadly.

02-28-2021, 07:46 PM
Integration/assimilation was more possible when their numbers were small. Now that they're a huge population and are continuing to grow, I will expect paralel society type division and ghettoization to be even more prevalent sadly.

I think ghettoization is a risk for the entire working class now because of the social and economical changes, it estimated automation will put a high percentage of people, especially unskilled and lower skilled, on vacation. working class is poorer and poorer and middle class is disappearing, melting into the working class. this is so-called high capitalism. who knows what that will bring. best to have land you can grow some food on and be not very close to cities

02-28-2021, 07:50 PM
I think ghettoization is a risk for the entire working class now because of the social and economical changes, it estimated automation will put a high percentage of people, especially unskilled and lower skilled, on vacation. working class is poorer and poorer and middle class is disappearing, melting into the working class. this is so-called high capitalism. who knows what that will bring. best to have land you can grow some food on and be not very close to cities

The difference is poor whites don't make 4-5 children / woman on avarage, but have similar reproduction rates to wealthier whites.

02-28-2021, 08:14 PM
Da besteht dann nur letztlich die Frage, warum du überhaupt noch lebst. Eventuell eben wegen der Nation die du so verabscheust?

Bist ja ne richtig traurige Gestalt wenn Patriotismus deinen Lebenswillen definiert.

02-28-2021, 08:23 PM
Bist ja ne richtig traurige Gestalt wenn Patriotismus deinen Lebenswillen definiert.

Sagt derjenige, der gern schwarze Schwänze lutscht.

02-28-2021, 08:26 PM
Sagt derjenige, der gern schwarze Schwänze lutscht.

Meddl on du krasser NSBM Larper



02-28-2021, 09:32 PM
Meddl on du krasser NSBM Larper



Der hat mit seinem schizophrenen Selbsthass wenigstens noch Unterhaltungswert. Dir fehlt selbst das kleine bisschen Lebensberechtigung.

03-01-2021, 12:07 AM
Schwäche wird in der Natur ausgemerzt.
Schwache Bevölkerungen, Zivilisationen und Nationen landen auf der Friedhof der Geschichte.

Anstatt wie ein Fliesentisch Hartzer die Schuld beim Islam, Juden oder Ausländern zu suchen, sollte man mal die eigene Bevölkerung und Kultur betrachten und realisieren, dass der Untergang eine logische Konsequenz ist.

Hast du viel Stress? Mal entspannen wirkt Wunder, danach nimmt man alles viel leichter :rolleyes: