View Full Version : Colonization of extra-terrestrial habitable planets and reversal of racial superiority?

02-27-2021, 03:41 PM
Humans which we see today are a product of million years of evolution.

You know we cannot live this planet forever. Sooner or later we have to move out and colonize other planets. As we leave the earth our environment will also change. Being humans we adopt to changing conditions. What if the prevailing conditions of that planet favour one race? For example the conditions of that planet gave black race an evolutionary advantage and white or mongoloid race find themselves at the receiving end. In that case is it possible for us to see other races to move up the ladder in that particular planet, who find themselves at a disadvantage in this planet?

Thanks to the user supercomputer for inspiration.

02-27-2021, 03:50 PM
I'll take the question seriously, eventhough it includes phrases like "reversal of racial superiority" and "race ladder."
I don't think of it in that kind of way. I think our advanced modern science has proven that certain genetic traits can now be turned "on and off," in a laboratory setting; or at least, we're approaching that reality. The future is going to look very different, WE will look very different.

02-27-2021, 04:36 PM
I doubt that a planet will be more favour for one race, because the biological differences are very very minimal between various human races. Its nothing in cosmological level. And most astronauts are whites, mostly americans, europeans and russians. Third worlders have no enought resources or technology to colonise the space.