View Full Version : Classify/Pass this Spanish woman

02-28-2021, 03:50 AM
She is a psychologist from Madrid:


According to Oliver, she doesn't look Spanish, lol

02-28-2021, 03:53 AM
Alpinized Atlanto-Med with Atlantid tendencies.

02-28-2021, 03:56 AM
She looks like a normal girl you'd see in line at the local Mercadona, perhaps you'd strike up some small talk or something like this, she begins talking about the weather and you zone out, etc etc.

Alpinized Atlanto-Med with Atlantid tendencies.

That sounds about right, yes.

02-28-2021, 03:58 AM
Looks like the turkish volleyball player Naz Aydemir.


02-28-2021, 04:01 AM
As for the classfication, Atlanto-Med.

02-28-2021, 04:16 AM
Atlantid + slightly alpine

02-28-2021, 06:15 AM
She is a psychologist from Madrid:


According to Oliver, she doesn't look Spanish, lol


I'm afraid that such Oliver has no clue about Spain, he mustn't have moved from his li'l village since he was birth, swallowing all the propaganda Hollywood is capable of producing, aside from their "popular wisdom".

Edit: Not only that guy, but I'm pretty sure many users in this website, not having moved to any place from their original places, and thus knowing a bit different places and people, live at clichés, predujices and stereotypes that their public opinion holds about Iberians. For them, the prototype of any spanish woman would be like this:


02-28-2021, 11:41 AM
Lol i think she passes in Spain but is not typical of the majority of the population, she passes as north as Belgium and southern England but she is not totally out of place for Spain, the Turkish volleyball player looks a bit more gracile so more Spanish, this woman on the other hand has the robust features one often sees in the British women.

Luigi C
02-28-2021, 12:21 PM
Atlanto-med with alpine

02-28-2021, 12:23 PM
Actually she looks more like an Atlantid with a bit Alpine

Parça do Neymar
02-28-2021, 12:30 PM
According to Oliver, she doesn't look Spanish, lol


Atlantid-leaning Alpinised Atlanto/Med, #2 nailed it. There's nothing non-Spanish about this woman, looks fairly common, actually.

02-28-2021, 12:41 PM
She is a psychologist from Madrid:


According to Oliver, she doesn't look Spanish, lol


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWc_rjhpnNbF0s5Uy1R6R1XwvZMOXz6 E4P9Q&usqp=CAU


It reminded me a lot of another Spaniard named Cecilia, a Spanish singer.

02-28-2021, 05:06 PM
She looks very spanish

02-28-2021, 05:16 PM
Lol i think she passes in Spain but is not typical of the majority of the population, she passes as north as Belgium and southern England but she is not totally out of place for Spain, the Turkish volleyball player looks a bit more gracile so more Spanish, this woman on the other hand has the robust features one often sees in the British women.

Now it comes that the Turkish woman, for being more med, looks more Spanish than this woman who is an actual Spanish person.

You're so funny, seriously :lol:

Cristiano viejo
02-28-2021, 05:42 PM
Lol i think she passes in Spain but is not typical of the majority of the population,
she passes as north as Belgium and southern England but she is not totally out of place for Spain, the Turkish volleyball player looks a bit more gracile so more Spanish, this woman on the other hand has the robust features one often sees in the British women.


02-28-2021, 05:52 PM
She kinda looks like my sister

03-01-2021, 10:36 PM
More opinions?

Tooting Carmen
03-01-2021, 10:37 PM
Alpinized Atlanto-Med with Atlantid tendencies.

More-or-less this. While she does look commonplace enough for Spain, I'd actually be more inclined to guess her as French.

03-02-2021, 12:40 AM
More-or-less this. While she does look commonplace enough for Spain, I'd actually be more inclined to guess her as French.

It is Spanish as the question of the post already says: Classify/Pass this Spanish woman

Grand Admiral Thrawn
03-02-2021, 02:14 AM

The people classifying her as Atlanto-Med are only doing so because she is from Spain, her features are not "Dark" enough for Atlanto med. What I mean by that is Atlanto meds usually have darker hair and eyes and much thicker eyebrows. If she had those traits, then I'd classify her as Atlanto-Med. However she does not and looks like a typical Frenchwoman

Also I see some other thing in her as well as Alpine or Atlantid that I can't seem to classify.

Grand Admiral Thrawn
03-02-2021, 02:17 AM

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTWc_rjhpnNbF0s5Uy1R6R1XwvZMOXz6 E4P9Q&usqp=CAU


It reminded me a lot of another Spaniard named Cecilia, a Spanish singer.

Also Atlantid. There appears to be many Spaniards with those pseudo-north western traits, probably celtic connection or something.

03-02-2021, 02:34 AM

The people classifying her as Atlanto-Med are only doing so because she is from Spain, her features are not "Dark" enough for Atlanto med. What I mean by that is Atlanto meds usually have darker hair and eyes and much thicker eyebrows. If she had those traits, then I'd classify her as Atlanto-Med. However she does not and looks like a typical Frenchwoman

Also I see some other thing in her as well as Alpine or Atlantid that I can't seem to classify.

Are you saying that if she were English or French, they wouldn't classify her as med?

03-02-2021, 02:46 AM
More-or-less this. While she does look commonplace enough for Spain, I'd actually be more inclined to guess her as French.

She might pass in France, UK or whatever, but she looks very Spanish. So much Spanish that hurts.