View Full Version : Classify typical Chuvash girl

03-04-2021, 09:44 AM

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2021, 09:52 AM

03-04-2021, 10:06 AM
Volgid + slightly aralid can pass as tatar or bashkir

03-04-2021, 12:01 PM
Mongolide, not white in my book.

03-04-2021, 01:11 PM
Mongolide, not white in my book.

Much whiter than Geert Wilders.

Chaos One
03-04-2021, 01:28 PM

Nah, ok. IMO Volgid + Turanid.

03-04-2021, 02:08 PM

03-04-2021, 02:51 PM
progressive Volgid, but narrow face is from something else I can't identify

03-04-2021, 04:56 PM
Much whiter than Geert Wilders.

Touch a nerv here? :)

That Girl has Mongolid appearance, atleas she does to me.

And as for Wilders..Escuse me? Im originally from Belgium, Not the Netherlands (although Im currently live there now, but thats beyond the point) I'm Flemish by blood and birth. Wilders is of no interests to me at all. Now, do you have a life other then herash forummembers because they give an opinion on a subject?

03-04-2021, 05:08 PM
do you have a life other then herash forummembers because they give an opinion on a subject?
No, im dedicated. What did you expect from a middle-eastern barbar?

I will always do this. Evade me by not grouping humans as nonsense white/non-white when no-one asked. Good luck. You will need that.

03-04-2021, 05:20 PM
I dont debate with Turks nor with any other non-whites..so, I would preciate not to send me anymore messages. Thank you.

03-04-2021, 05:24 PM
I dont debate with Turks nor with any other non-whites..so, I would preciate not to send me anymore messages. Thank you.

Ah sorry... Stupid me i didnt realize you mentally handicapped person. I will also not chase you. Good luck with your life...

03-04-2021, 06:34 PM
We can get an extremely good fit for Chuvashes on G25 by modeling them as 61% Mari and 39% Mishar, or as 70% Mari and 30% Mordvin. Even the fit for 76% Mari and 24% Ukrainian is very good (.015), which makes me wonder if Chuvashes are located left of Maris on the Travv Scale.

$ curl -Ls 'drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1wZr-UOve0KUKo_Qbgeo27m-CQncZWb8y'>modernave
$ 2way(){ awk -F, 'NR==1{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)a[i]=$i;next}NR==2{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)b[i]=$i;next}{for(r=0;r<=100;r+=1){s=0;for(i=2;i<=NF;i++)s+=(a[i]-(.01*r*$i+(1-.01*r)*b[i]))^2;t[r]=s^.5}; min=-1;for(i in t)if(min==-1||t[i]< min){min=t[i];minr=i};if(min!=0)printf"%f %.0f %s\n",min,minr,$1}' "$@"|sort -n|awk '{$1=sprintf("%.3f",$1);sub(/^0/,"")}1';}
$ 2way <(grep Chuvash modernave) <(grep Mari, modernave) modernave
.009 39 Tatar_Mishar
.013 30 Mordovian
.014 25 Moldovan_o
.015 24 Ukrainian
.015 47 Tatar_Kazan
.015 25 Russian_Orel
.015 24 Slovakian
.015 23 Bosnian
.015 25 Cossack_Ukrainian
.015 25 Russian_Kursk
.015 23 Croatian
.015 26 Russian_Tver
.015 24 Hungarian
.015 24 Polish
.015 23 Slovenian
.015 29 Russian_Kostroma

You can try it yourself by going here: http://g25vahaduo.genetics.ovh/G25modern-scaled-averages.htm. Cut the row for Chuvashes from the SOURCE tab, paste it to the TARGET tab, go to the SINGLE tab, and press RUN ALL.

03-04-2021, 08:26 PM
No, im dedicated. What did you expect from a middle-eastern barbar?

I will always do this. Evade me by not grouping humans as nonsense white/non-white when no-one asked. Good luck. You will need that.

I think Edgü said very well on this matter in other thread.

White = Wog

Purity = Chuvash

Chuvash ≠ White

Chuvash = Purity

Italian = White

Italian ≠ Purity

Instead of the Chuvash you can substitute any other VURisch people and instead of the Italians any other white people and it will be true.

We play in our own league and look down on battles of white people which of them is woggier.