View Full Version : Classify rate beautiful Serb Jelena Jugovic Tuncel

03-05-2021, 01:43 PM
Jelena Jugovic Tuncel - Miss BiH 2008 - From RS. Married to a Turkish man, lives in Istanbul.

Her YT https://www.youtube.com/c/JelenaJugovicTunceljelenajugovictuncel

https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJxHbAVd6BB9EtVb6nzDECh0m9e3CGZYwWz0iC9RsQ=s90 0-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj

03-05-2021, 03:09 PM

03-05-2021, 03:45 PM

You didnt rate her?


Here a video of her if it helps (in Serbian) ===


03-05-2021, 04:14 PM
You didnt rate her?


Here a video of her if it helps (in Serbian) ===


to me she's not attractive

03-05-2021, 04:51 PM
Baltid + North Pontid. Very Slavic look.

03-05-2021, 06:15 PM
There like at least 100 thousand Russian women just like her married to Turkish men though :lmao It's hard to find a Turkish woman married to anyone from Eastern Europe but there are enough examples of the opposite to fill a larger town in my country. Arabs are even worse, their women can't even marry a non-muslim while men can do so at their whim.

Off topic - I've personally observed that lighter-pigmented women tend to marry foreigners and gypsies more often than darker ones. On the other hand almost all nationalistic women I've seen were swarthy Med and Dinarid types. People with lighter features are also much more likely to be (openly) homosexual here, based on what I've seen on social media. There's clearly a good reason why those genes are recessive and not dominant.

03-05-2021, 07:26 PM
Gorid + Faelid

03-05-2021, 08:07 PM
Baltid - CM - Pontid mix

03-06-2021, 04:08 AM
There like at least 100 thousand Russian women just like her married to Turkish men though :lmao It's hard to find a Turkish woman married to anyone from Eastern Europe but there are enough examples of the opposite to fill a larger town in my country. Arabs are even worse, their women can't even marry a non-muslim while men can do so at their whim.

Off topic - I've personally observed that lighter-pigmented women tend to marry foreigners and gypsies more often than darker ones. On the other hand almost all nationalistic women I've seen were swarthy Med and Dinarid types. People with lighter features are also much more likely to be (openly) homosexual here, based on what I've seen on social media. There's clearly a good reason why those genes are recessive and not dominant.

As you wrote this post just to group Turks with Arabs, gypsies and homosexuals; i understand this marriage makes you feel offended, right?

From my perspective, this two persons are equal. Both fair skinned and blue eyed persons and their children are also fair skinned and blue eyed.

03-06-2021, 01:11 PM
As you wrote this post just to group Turks with Arabs, gypsies and homosexuals; i understand this marriage makes you feel offended, right?

From my perspective, this two persons are equal. Both fair skinned and blue eyed persons and their children are also fair skinned and blue eyed.

These women who marry foreigners simply represent a genetic dead end for my people. The same goes for homosexuals. Not sure what's hard to understand about that.

03-06-2021, 01:52 PM
There is no Turanid, Anatolid, East Med etc. in Turk. Descendant of Balkan Muslim migrants?

03-06-2021, 01:55 PM
She could find a Serb man for marriage and creating family.

So best classification is traitor.

03-06-2021, 01:57 PM
She could find a Serb man for marriage and creating family.

So best classification is traitor.


03-06-2021, 01:58 PM
Westbaltid she is pretty

03-06-2021, 03:08 PM
These women who marry foreigners simply represent a genetic dead end for my people.

Y-DNA: G-L497

Haplogroup G is very common here. Perhabs the man and you are both grandsons of the same man lived around black sea? "Your people" could include him, IMHO.

Descendant of Balkan Muslim migrants?I dont have experience in detecting balkan looks. For me he looks close to North Caucasus-Volga area Turks. From side pic its more prominent, this might help if you want to check.


03-06-2021, 03:16 PM
Haplogroup G is very common here. Perhabs the man and you are both grandsons of the same man lived around black sea? "Your people" could include him, IMHO.

I dont have experience in detecting balkan looks. For me he looks close to North Caucasus-Volga area Turks. From side pic its more prominent, this might help if you want to check.


My subclade comes from the Hallstatt culture, so that's highly unlikely. The guy could have various origins, but that's besides the point here. His culture is foreign and those kids will be raised as Turks and not as a part of my ethnicity.

03-06-2021, 03:22 PM
My subclade comes from the Hallstatt culture, so that's highly unlikely. The guy could have various origins, but that's besides the point here. His culture is foreign and those kids will be raised as Turks and not as a part of my ethnicity.

Those kids and similar kids from your nation will play together same fortnite shitgame and will probably speak a third language more than their native languages.

Moje ime
03-06-2021, 03:29 PM
She could find a Serb man for marriage and creating family.

So best classification is traitor.

Yes, that would be the best if she married a Serb.

But what if she would marry someone from compatible nations like Russian or Greek?

03-06-2021, 03:32 PM
Baltid + North Pontid

03-06-2021, 03:56 PM
I don't see her husband passing anywhere in Russia. But he looks no less Caucasoid than she does and not so artificial.

03-06-2021, 03:58 PM
Yes, that would be the best if she married a Serb.

But what if she would marry someone from compatible nations like Russian or Greek?

I dont interfere in other peoples life and choices.

The best is to stick to its own ethnicity in term of marriage and creating a family.
If not that, then at least to stick to same religion and culture.

But everyone is free for their choices, including this woman.

03-06-2021, 04:03 PM
I don't remember about any Slavic husband and Turkish wife couples. But there're plenty of another combination: Slavic husband and Turkic wife.

03-06-2021, 04:18 PM
I don't remember about any Slavic husband and Turkish wife couples.

I know only one so far.

This cosplay girl=

https://scontent.fesb4-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/14089100_1176131379100227_4287332831337148723_n.jp g?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=973b4a&_nc_ohc=00XQTpKvIjAAX80Gw9G&_nc_ht=scontent.fesb4-2.fna&oh=9f7f4c13d6544ececa2e4bab514278f7&oe=60681C79

And this LOL player, Polish if i remember correct=

https://scontent.fesb4-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/cp0/e15/q65/s480x480/19222806_1229635410496234_7746172455386966832_o.jp g?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=2d5d41&_nc_ohc=LE7ESxPsGRkAX-uGYc8&_nc_ht=scontent.fesb4-1.fna&tp=9&oh=157dc9b9c9c3f029c9d26d0695da25c8&oe=606830B6

Moje ime
03-06-2021, 04:19 PM
I dont interfere in other peoples life and choices.

The best is to stick to its own ethnicity in term of marriage and creating a family.
If not that, then at least to stick to same religion and culture.

But everyone is free for their choices, including this woman.

I must add that I don't like Serbian men who marry Albanian women as they and their children are traitors whether they aware of that or not

But as you said, everyone is free to make own choices by their conscience.

03-06-2021, 04:45 PM
I must add that I don't like Serbian men who marry Albanian women as they and their children are traitors whether they aware of that or not

But as you said, everyone is free to make own choices by their conscience.

These women like the one in the OP have a choice. On the other hand men who marry Albanian women are mostly middle-aged bachelor virgins from villages that the local girls have abonded long ago, thinking themselves too good and enlightened for rural life.

03-06-2021, 04:46 PM
I must add that I don't like Serbian men who marry Albanian women as they and their children are traitors whether they aware of that or not

But as you said, everyone is free to make own choices by their conscience.

Извини, али ти случајеви немају никакве везе са овим, нити могу да се гледају исто.
Ова је могла врло лако да нађе мушкарца у Србији/Српској, а не да иде у Турску да се уда. Вероватно је имала огроман избор.

А наши мушкарци, махом из удаљених и изолованих села, који су довели Албанке, то су урадили јер другог избора нису имали, будући да су наше жене из тих села отишле у градове.
Избор је био или да им се лоза угаси, или да ожене те Албанке, а које видим из разних репортажа су научиле српски језик и прешле на православље. Сигурно тим мушкарцима им није био хир да ожене Албанке.
Не подржавам и не подстичем такве бракове, али некако могу наћи више разумевања за њих него за ову жену.

03-06-2021, 04:49 PM
Сахаляр (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B0%D1%85%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8F%D1%80) is a whole sub-ethnos, similarily to métises of North America.

Moje ime
03-06-2021, 05:07 PM
Those men should have found women from more compatible nation to marry. This way, they are letting Albanian tribes to infliltrate in Serbian society in future generations and divide Serbs. They are not aware of that but they should be. No excuses for them, better to stay unmarried than do that.

03-06-2021, 05:49 PM
The higher MENA component in the people, the rarere Turkic women marry out. Is it coinsindence? :D

03-06-2021, 06:04 PM
The higher MENA component in the people, the rarere Turkic women marry out. Is it coinsindence? :D

See it for the good side. At least she is not one those Slavic/Eastern European girls who go for Turkey to sell their pussies to rich men. :D

On topic: West Baltid.

03-06-2021, 06:07 PM
See it for the good side. At least she is not one those Slavic/Eastern European girls who go for Turkey to sell their pussies to rich men. :D

On topic: West Baltid.

Agreed. What is the usual punishment of a Turkish woman who sells her pussy?

03-06-2021, 06:08 PM
Agreed. What is the usual punishment of a Turkish woman who sells her pussy?


03-06-2021, 06:15 PM

No wonder they're rare on the market.

03-06-2021, 06:15 PM
Slavic husband and Turkic wife.

It's still ok for turkcels since Turkish women marry with arabs Which is also the worst
Turks are struggling with Syrian refugees these days

03-06-2021, 06:19 PM
It's still ok for turkcels since Turkish women marry with arabs Which is also the worst
Turks are struggling with Syrian refugees these days
At least they get additional MENA this way so become less prone to marrying European men.

03-06-2021, 06:20 PM
Turkish women marry with arabs Which is also the worst

Big LUL. Among Turkish women Arabs are no-go zone. For example; i know a lot of Turkish women married to western European-White american men but 0 married to Arab.

03-06-2021, 06:22 PM
Also,Some serbs got butthurt because her husbands ethnicity.I see no problem The guy looks european af.I even doubt he has turkish dna
Again,I see no problem there is no need to judge her.Let her alone Serbcels

03-06-2021, 06:25 PM
Agreed. What is the usual punishment of a Turkish woman who sells her pussy?

Nice try but they are not into your culture.

03-06-2021, 06:28 PM
Nice try but they are not into your culture.

I guess honor killings don't work for Christians these days. For atheists as well.

honor killings

03-06-2021, 06:40 PM
I guess honor killings don't work for Christians these days. For atheists as well.

honor killings

You are interesting person. Normally Russians dont mind if their women marries foreigners, as theyre not oriental-minded like Serbs.

03-06-2021, 06:41 PM
At least they get additional MENA this way so become less prone to marrying European men.

Solution is easy.Remove all the women who married with MENA or Blacks.This is the real deal.This couple isn't a fucking deal.They are even looksmatched.It could be so much worse.I've seen tons of european women and black men It's far over than you think.
Even you ruskis cucked by western culture.It's totally over for 80% of males

03-06-2021, 06:44 PM
Big LUL. Among Turkish women Arabs are no-go zone. For example; i know a lot of Turkish women married to western European-White american men but 0 married to Arab.

Aahahhaahha I know a turkish balkan immigrant girl who married with Palestinian Arab(The darker one :) )
So don't be fucking sure about it :)

03-06-2021, 06:45 PM
Aahahhaahha I know a turkish balkan immigrant girl who married with Palestinian Arab(The darker one :) )
So don't be fucking sure about it :)

Fuck of, troll. Go dwell your basement.

03-06-2021, 06:48 PM
You are interesting person. Normally Russians dont mind if their women marries foreigners, as theyre not oriental-minded like Serbs.
Actually, many do mind it even here in the south. I guess it's even more common in NW. It depends on the foreigner though.

03-06-2021, 06:48 PM
lol at this thread :lmao :lmao

03-06-2021, 06:49 PM
Fuck of, troll. Go dwell your basement.

I swear to God,I told you the truth

03-06-2021, 06:50 PM
Solution is easy.Remove all the women who married with MENA or Blacks.This is the real deal.This couple isn't a fucking deal.They are even looksmatched.It could be so much worse.I've seen tons of european women and black men It's far over than you think.
Even you ruskis cucked by western culture.It's totally over for 80% of males

These days all nations need full scaled soveregnity to be saved. Culturally too.

03-06-2021, 06:51 PM
It depends on the foreigner though.

I mean this. As i know very well Turks seen as equal nation in Russia and they consider it normal. Ive never seen Russian treating Turks like churkas or wogs.

03-06-2021, 06:57 PM
There are a lot of Russian bitches in Turkish bars

03-06-2021, 06:59 PM
I mean this. As i know very well Turks seen as equal nation in Russia and they consider it normal. Ive never seen Russian treating Turks like churkas or wogs.

Mr Hektor,Would you prefer 150cm brownie Turkish Kezban or Potato face Russian ?

03-06-2021, 07:00 PM
Mr Hektor,Would you prefer 150cm brownie Turkish Kezban or Potato face Russian ?

Yo mum

03-06-2021, 07:01 PM
Yo mum

There are a lot of Russian bitches in Turkish bars

Seljuk men cucked by iranian men that is why your Şereflikocahisar sample has iranian y dna ;)

03-06-2021, 07:02 PM
A true Mongol has nothing to do in a bar as he biologically doesn't handle alchohol.

03-06-2021, 07:02 PM
She is hot,what's her height?

03-06-2021, 07:03 PM
A true Mongol has nothing to do in a bar as he biologically doesn't handle alchohol.


03-06-2021, 07:05 PM
Seljuk men cucked by iranian men that is why your Şereflikocahisar sample has iranian y dna ;)

Lol source?
Source is yo mum? :rolleyes:
My Şereflikoçhisar result's y dna is unknown
Nice try

03-06-2021, 07:06 PM

03-06-2021, 07:08 PM

I've read it. It's funny :D :

The finished product contains between 0.7 and 2.5% alcohol

03-06-2021, 07:11 PM
I've read it. It's funny :D :

Bro what did you expect we are not Rusky we cant conquer continents with higher alcohol percentage. (:

03-06-2021, 07:11 PM
A true Mongol has nothing to do in a bar as he biologically doesn't handle alchohol.

Turkics were eurasian not mongoloid

03-06-2021, 07:14 PM
Bro what did you expect we are not Rusky we cant conquer continents with higher alcohol percentage. (:

No offence, but you're not even Celts ;)

03-06-2021, 07:15 PM
No offence, but you're not even Celts ;)

Offence to Celts here i guess (: .

03-06-2021, 07:19 PM

03-06-2021, 07:19 PM
Turkics were eurasian not mongoloid

Your av looks too much Mong for a bar, imho.

03-06-2021, 07:22 PM
Your av looks too much Mong for a bar, imho.

Probably my avatar is just 40% mongoloid (:

03-06-2021, 07:23 PM
Bro what did you expect we are not Rusky we cant conquer continents with higher alcohol percentage. (:

Siberia stands still where it belongs the last time I've checked. So do the Arabs.

03-06-2021, 07:55 PM
These women who marry foreigners simply represent a genetic dead end for my people. The same goes for homosexuals. Not sure what's hard to understand about that.

Her man looks more Serb than Turk to me :lol:

03-06-2021, 08:30 PM
Her man looks more Serb than Turk to me :lol:

Its not about phenotype, but about ethnicity, religion and culture.

Serbs should marry Serbs, Turks should marry Turks, Chinese should marry Chinese etc.

I said to my sister: You should be wife of fellow Serb, as your mother, and grandmother, and great grandmother did.

If he must be some kind a foreigner, at least should be Orthodox Christian from surrounding countries - Russian or Ukrainian or Greek or Moldovan etc.

She married a Serb, off course. :)

03-06-2021, 08:58 PM
Those men should have found women from more compatible nation to marry. This way, they are letting Albanian tribes to infliltrate in Serbian society in future generations and divide Serbs. They are not aware of that but they should be. No excuses for them, better to stay unmarried than do that.

I heard Albanian brides who are married for rural Serbs will albanized some areas where their concentration is higher. xD

03-06-2021, 09:09 PM
I don't remember about any Slavic husband and Turkish wife couples. But there're plenty of another combination: Slavic husband and Turkic wife.

Turkish woman from Macedonia married for Macedonian https://wiki2.org/en/Selimova-%C5%BDel%C4%8Deski

Funny she look European and he look MENA


03-06-2021, 09:55 PM
I heard Albanian brides who are married for rural Serbs will albanized some areas where their concentration is higher. xD

I've heard that ethnic Macedonian men from rural areas are also marrying Albanian women en masse for the same reasons as Serbian men.

And I'd like to point out that in all age categories under 40 there's visible surplus of men:


So already there's not enough members of the opposite sex to be paired off with every man. A rise in the trend of women marrying foreigners would make things terrible.

03-06-2021, 10:10 PM
I've heard that ethnic Macedonian men from rural areas are also marrying Albanian women en masse for the same reasons as Serbian men.

And I'd like to point out that in all age categories under 40 there's visible surplus of men:


So already there's not enough members of the opposite sex to be paired off with every man. A rise in the trend of women marrying foreigners would make things terrible.



03-06-2021, 11:05 PM
You didnt rate her?


Here a video of her if it helps (in Serbian) ===


She has Bosnian accent, textbook example.

03-06-2021, 11:11 PM
If he must be some kind a foreigner, at least should be Orthodox Christian from surrounding countries - Russian or Ukrainian or Greek or Moldovan etc.

She married a Serb, off course. :)

On a funny note, in Romanian we call husband and wife - bărbat and nevastă - the first word is Latin derived, the second one is Slavic.

We also have soț and soție (both derived from Latin), but those are more impersonal and less used.

03-06-2021, 11:52 PM
Her man looks more Serb than Turk to me :lol:

There is no such thing as Turkish look, as we are phenotypically very diverse.

03-11-2021, 09:31 PM
There like at least 100 thousand Russian women just like her married to Turkish men though :lmao It's hard to find a Turkish woman married to anyone from Eastern Europe but there are enough examples of the opposite to fill a larger town in my country. Arabs are even worse, their women can't even marry a non-muslim while men can do so at their whim.

Good for them, speaks for their superiority and blessing for a strong religion. Most European right-wingers want the same, but hate menas out of jeaousy for their namus. I hope they preserve it for themselves.

"According to researcher Robert Ermers honor means moral reputation.[2][3] When individuals have a good moral reputation, people in their community are likely to include them. Thus namus means sexual moral reputation. When people possess namus, their friends, neighbors and other community members, believe that they are sexually trustworthy and of integrity. This is a precondition for being included.[4] When, however, an individual's honour is damaged, e.g. by means of slander, libel, or their own factual moral transgression, this moral reputation is likely to be damaged, with social death as a consequence,[5] which can also extend to family members.

The Turkish language has multiple words to describe related concepts of honor including namus, onur and şeref. Though namus is often understood as feminine sexual virtue or chastity, this definition is only part of current use. The official definition of namus from the dictionary Foundation of Turkish Language is "the attachment of a society to moral rules".[6] In fact, the notion of namus is related to sexually deviant behavior and not limited to women: men who are known as rapists are also known as namussuz, as are families that do not respond to rape of a family member."

"Family members are vulnerable when one group member commits deviant behavior. If a woman or a man transgresses important moral and sexual norms (a wife, sisters, daughters, brothers, uncles), their common namus is lost in the eyes of the community, following the mechanism of associative stigmatization. The entire family then risks being cast out. They have to cleanse their family's honor in order to prevent exclusion."

Islamic populations will prevail due to their reactionary and dogmatic culture, and those 2 terms are nothing negative.

03-11-2021, 10:43 PM
Good for them, speaks for their superiority and blessing for a strong religion. Most European right-wingers want the same, but hate menas out of jeaousy for their namus. I hope they preserve it for themselves.

"According to researcher Robert Ermers honor means moral reputation.[2][3] When individuals have a good moral reputation, people in their community are likely to include them. Thus namus means sexual moral reputation. When people possess namus, their friends, neighbors and other community members, believe that they are sexually trustworthy and of integrity. This is a precondition for being included.[4] When, however, an individual's honour is damaged, e.g. by means of slander, libel, or their own factual moral transgression, this moral reputation is likely to be damaged, with social death as a consequence,[5] which can also extend to family members.

The Turkish language has multiple words to describe related concepts of honor including namus, onur and şeref. Though namus is often understood as feminine sexual virtue or chastity, this definition is only part of current use. The official definition of namus from the dictionary Foundation of Turkish Language is "the attachment of a society to moral rules".[6] In fact, the notion of namus is related to sexually deviant behavior and not limited to women: men who are known as rapists are also known as namussuz, as are families that do not respond to rape of a family member."

"Family members are vulnerable when one group member commits deviant behavior. If a woman or a man transgresses important moral and sexual norms (a wife, sisters, daughters, brothers, uncles), their common namus is lost in the eyes of the community, following the mechanism of associative stigmatization. The entire family then risks being cast out. They have to cleanse their family's honor in order to prevent exclusion."

Islamic populations will prevail due to their reactionary and dogmatic culture, and those 2 terms are nothing negative.

How could they prevail, when their fertility rate nowadays is not higher than for example Serbian or Irish or German.


Only majority Kurdish regions are different.

03-12-2021, 02:53 AM
Turkish men are very popular in Serbia due to turkish media and serials. Also those guys might be rich, who marry russian or serbian women. This is my observation

03-12-2021, 04:08 PM
How could they prevail, when their fertility rate nowadays is not higher than for example Serbian or Irish or German.


Only majority Kurdish regions are different.

Mustafa Kemal forced a heavy westernization/secularization upon the Turks. But it doesnt matter, fact is, this land will remain dar al-islam a islamic country, just with a way bigger Kurd and Syrian population. Thats the price the Turks pay for abolishing the khalifa.

03-12-2021, 04:28 PM
oof hard classification. I'm gonna have to predict she is whitE? Hard one to say.

03-12-2021, 06:04 PM
How could they prevail, when their fertility rate nowadays is not higher than for example Serbian or Irish or German.


Only majority Kurdish regions are different.

It doesn't matter like Al-Teutone said.
Turks of Germany have higher fertility rage than Whole Serbia(including the gypsie ones)

03-12-2021, 06:58 PM
It doesn't matter like Al-Teutone said.
Turks of Germany have higher fertility rage than Whole Serbia(including the gypsie ones)

Actually, Muslims in Germany have surprisingly low fertility rate of 1.9, that is below replacement level of 2.1.
It is indeed higher than of ethnic Germans, but still lower than someone would expected.



03-12-2021, 09:40 PM
Actually, Muslims in Germany have surprisingly low fertility rate of 1.9, that is below replacement level of 2.1.
It is indeed higher than of ethnic Germans, but still lower than someone would expected.



Doesnt matter as they immigrate here 200k-500k each year and have a high fertility rate in their homelands.

Turks? Look at TA, they are the Swedes of the Islamic World. Mustafa Kemal destroyed their honor. But the Turks in Germany are pretty archaic and masculine, they are true Turks.

03-13-2021, 07:00 PM

From this graph its clear that theyre not more fertile than Germans, but just younger and have sex more. (: Its bad news for Germany as whenever they get same median age with Germans, they will have same 1.4 fertility rate. Germany needs to find a new workforce. Maybe Chinese?

06-16-2023, 03:12 PM
I don't remember about any Slavic husband and Turkish wife couples. But there're plenty of another combination: Slavic husband and Turkic wife.

turkic as in what? Kazakh? Uzbek? Azeri? Kyrgyz? Tatar? Yakut? Chuvash? Bashkir?

06-16-2023, 03:20 PM
turkic as in what? Kazakh? Uzbek? Azeri? Kyrgyz? Tatar? Yakut? Chuvash? Bashkir?
Volga Tatars for sure and probably similar peoples. Siberian Turkics. Some Kazakhs too.

06-16-2023, 03:23 PM
Northern East Slavic pondids.

06-16-2023, 03:25 PM
From this graph its clear that theyre not more fertile than Germans, but just younger and have sex more. (: Its bad news for Germany as whenever they get same median age with Germans, they will have same 1.4 fertility rate. Germany needs to find a new workforce. Maybe Chinese?
North pondid that woman, shut up.

06-16-2023, 03:35 PM
North pondid that woman, shut up.

Ok bro, calm down. I dont say shes South Pontid. I like North Pontids, going a little bit north doesnt make them non-Pontid.

06-16-2023, 03:47 PM
Ok bro, calm down. I dont say shes South Pontid. I like North Pontids, going a little bit north doesnt make them non-Pontid.
Do you, an Asian classifies Serbs? And troll the Sami. There is no respect for you.

06-16-2023, 03:56 PM
Do you, an Asian classifies Serbs? And troll the Sami. There is no respect for you.

You a Mongolian classify Russians?

06-16-2023, 04:02 PM
There like at least 100 thousand Russian women just like her married to Turkish men though :lmao It's hard to find a Turkish woman married to anyone from Eastern Europe but there are enough examples of the opposite to fill a larger town in my country. Arabs are even worse, their women can't even marry a non-muslim while men can do so at their whim.

Off topic - I've personally observed that lighter-pigmented women tend to marry foreigners and gypsies more often than darker ones. On the other hand almost all nationalistic women I've seen were swarthy Med and Dinarid types. People with lighter features are also much more likely to be (openly) homosexual here, based on what I've seen on social media. There's clearly a good reason why those genes are recessive and not dominant.

There are also a lot of Turkish women married to foreigners. But they prefer Southern European guys.

Most of East European fellas known as alcoholic, non-family guy in Turkey. Maybe, that's why they prefer Italian or Spanish guys. But, their numbers are quite lower than thr men.

06-16-2023, 04:04 PM
You a Mongolian classify Russians?
Russians are Eastern Europeans, the main ones, and you are black exotic. I will not repeat this word, it is in the lexicon even the Germans now have this word) and you deserve it, not all Turks

06-16-2023, 04:35 PM
She looks like Seya, but maybe someone else has already mentioned it in the thread.

06-16-2023, 05:19 PM
Fool, she didn't find an ethnic Serb for a husband, or at least an other Orthodox from another nation.


06-17-2023, 03:23 AM
Slavic with a Balkan shift. I saw Romanians with that look too... Not my type (CM-derivative): 4/10

06-17-2023, 06:31 PM
Woman: North Pontid.
Man: Dinarid/Berid