View Full Version : Dinarid vs Armenoid. Learn the difference.

Moje ime
03-05-2021, 03:07 PM
This is Dinarid.




This is (dinarized) Armenoid.




03-05-2021, 03:24 PM

03-05-2021, 04:51 PM
Armenoid of Armenoids comes in:rolleyes:


03-05-2021, 04:55 PM
Armenoid of Armenoids comes in:rolleyes:



03-05-2021, 05:01 PM

Damn you got me

*maybe it's time to change my nick*

03-05-2021, 05:05 PM
Dinarid is more often goes gray, Armenoid is more often goes bald.
Dinarid has a more squarish head, Armenoid has a more round one.
Dinarid is often tall and does not have a tendency to extra weight, Armenoid is the opposite.
I have not yet been talking about mental qualities - they are almost antipodes in this regard.
The pseudo-similarity between these types is unlikely to speak about their relationship, most likely about adapting to similar natural conditions.

black hole
03-05-2021, 05:11 PM
Taurid racial group consists of various groups: dinarid, armenoid, caspid, mtebid, pamirid, carpathid, anatolid

03-05-2021, 05:40 PM
Dinarid is more often goes gray, Armenoid is more often goes bald.
Dinarid has a more squarish head, Armenoid has a more round one.
Dinarid is often tall and does not have a tendency to extra weight, Armenoid is the opposite.
I have not yet been talking about mental qualities - they are almost antipodes in this regard.
The pseudo-similarity between these types is unlikely to speak about their relationship, most likely about adapting to similar natural conditions.

The what?
Yeah, for example my sister who comes from same parents and was raised the same way will have different mental qualities because she looks different than me(no, we are very much alike).
Let's say Russian Communist from USSR and capitalist son of Russian American emigrants also have same character and mentality because they look the same:picard1:.
I know these are just anegdotic examples but saying that all people of same phenotype are the same seems to be absurd
Correlating character to just phenotype is such a bullshit that is beyond my imagination.

03-05-2021, 06:16 PM
The first seems to have some Alpine traits while the Macedonian singer is clearly Armenoid. I find it hard he doesn't have some kind of admix.

03-05-2021, 08:35 PM
the 2nd guy is a DinaroMed wog not specifically Armenoid- learn the differences. A dinarized Armenoid is an oxymoron, Armenoid is by default already dinarized East Med/Orientalid type

tw : i saw Varda posted this guy and googled him- he does look sort of exotic, no question, but not specifically Armenoid, he does have West ASian admix in him msot likely

03-05-2021, 08:52 PM
the 2nd guy is a DinaroMed wog not specifically Armenoid- learn the differences. A dinarized Armenoid is an oxymoron, Armenoid is by default already dinarized East Med/Orientalid type

No he is not. The guy is clearly Armenoid (can be mistaken as Gypsy or Half Roma/Gypsy in Serbia), and what's your point here anyway? It makes me feel disgusting when someone put Armenoid into "DinaroMed woggy combination", thus trying to justify them and infiltrate into Europeans, that's how it starts, and then at the end, whole Turkish will be "woggy Dinaro-Meds" according to you experts and who knows maybe Armenia will became Cradle of Dinaric type. Either your knowledge in Anthropology is very low or your goal is to infiltrate Armenoids, Araboids, Iranids into Europeans.

If Agrippa saw this, he would laugh to death on how low anthroknowledge became here.

03-05-2021, 09:04 PM
No he is not. The guy is clearly Armenoid (can be mistaken as Gypsy or Half Roma/Gypsy in Serbia), and what's your point here anyway? It makes me feel disgusting when someone put Armenoid into "DinaroMed woggy combination", thus trying to justify them and infiltrate into Europeans, that's how it starts, and then at the end, whole Turkish will be "woggy Dinaro-Meds" according to you experts and who knows maybe Armenia will became Cradle of Dinaric type. Either your knowledge in Anthropology is very low or your goal is to infiltrate Armenoids, Araboids, Iranids into Europeans.

If Agrippa saw this, he would laugh to death on how low anthroknowledge became here.

I dont know what you are talking about but Agrippa had great respect towards the greater Mediterrean groups including Oriental ones. He had other problematic views however.

As i already wrote- i googled him and his facial diameters are too strong for Armenoid, he still looks West Asian influenced- i dont know why i have to repeat myself here.

03-05-2021, 09:17 PM


03-05-2021, 09:33 PM
I dont know what you are talking about but Agrippa had great respect towards the greater Mediterrean groups including Oriental ones. He had other problematic views however.

As i already wrote- i googled him and his facial diameters are too strong for Armenoid, he still looks West Asian influenced- i dont know why i have to repeat myself here.

I don't have no time to argue here with you. But let's clear some things up when im here.

I don't know who Agrippa respects and i don't care, he is and stays a best Anthropologer who walks here. Even if he had respect for Orientals so what? Does that mean that we now need to turn some of them into Woggy Dinaroids? Come on! Armenoid is Armenoid, Dinaroid is Dinaroid! Some people call me obessive with Oriental phenotypes, but no! The way i talk is just because people like you here trying to put Orientals into Dinaric race - which my Country and people majority are. There is no Woggy Dinaroid, Nordid or Baltid, everyone who is "Woggy" have some Oriental or Armenoid admixture in it. You can't always define on skulls, facial diameters, when it comes to these non-European influences (Orientals, Armenoids). Of course, let me add that Orientals sometimes can strongly mix with various European types that it's difficult for others to recognize Non European admixture on first look, for example with some famous Ashkenazi Jews, long mixing with Europeans, plastic operations make them look unrecognizable.

03-05-2021, 09:39 PM
Reputation Comment

I didnt say Armenoids are pure Gypsies, i said Balkan Gypsies are majority Armenoid admixed.

03-05-2021, 09:44 PM
I didnt say Armenoids are pure Gypsies, i said Balkan Gypsies are majority Armenoid admixed.

I don't say I was serious while writing rep comment. I was just like you to Immanenz(which is making wrong, absurd statements) just because I'm bored

03-05-2021, 09:48 PM


Nije sve u textbook primerima, ali ipak i oni daju doprinos.

Ti Kavkaski, Anadolski tipovi ponekad umeju se dosta izmesati sa Evropljanima da je skoro nemoguce videti taj uticaj, to se dokazalo sa nekim Ashkenazima. Kada vidim da neko sa malim antropoloskim znanjem se trudi da Orijentalne tipove pripoji Evropljanima to mi vrlo zasmeta, pre svega bas zbog Dinaraca jer i ja imam Dinarskog uticaja, velika vecina Srba i Balkanaca ga imaju kao i razni Evropski narodi. I sada ce takvi laici na Apricitiju novajlijama prenositi znanje da postoje Woggy Dinarci, Woggy Nordidi i ostale budalastine koje ce te novajlije prenositi ostalima i onda ode mast u propast.. Dinarac je Dinarac i tacka!

03-05-2021, 09:50 PM
I don't say I was serious while writing rep comment. I was just like you to Immanenz(which is making wrong, absurd statements) just because I'm bored

If you are here for fun then okay, but don't compare your "funly, i was only kidding" statements with mine, i'am not here for fun, i'am here for Anthropology and i'am arguing here for the same thing.

03-05-2021, 10:23 PM



Moje ime
03-05-2021, 10:44 PM

03-05-2021, 10:56 PM
I don't have no time to argue here with you. But let's clear some... Orientals sometimes can strongly mix with various European types that it's difficult for others to recognize Non European admixture on first look, for example with some famous Ashkenazi Jews, long mixing with Europeans, plastic operations make them look unrecognizable.

Realistically not all ancient Europeans looked recognizably European that influenced our gene pool.

But got ya- you dont want to be associated with that exotic look.

03-05-2021, 11:27 PM
Realistically not all ancient Europeans looked recognizably European that influenced our gene pool.

But got ya- you dont want to be associated with that exotic look.

Let's just say that i want Europeans to stay Europeans, and that i don't like newborn stories about that we are in past MENAs or for example North Africans.. We are Europeans and we will stay that, why should you or everyone justify Orientals and try to convert them into Europeans when they are not that, they are MENAs, we are Europeans.

And im questioning this myself everyday, how come this forum is European cultural community when here i see South Americans, Turks, Azeris, Armenians, i mean if they are Asians, South Americans why they want to be something they aren't? This is European forum and it should stay like that, Turks they can made Asian forum, Africans African, South and North Americans theirs and that's it. But this is newborn world when European Cultural forum have South American and Turkish community in it, and that's the one more reason why im gonna left from here.

03-06-2021, 08:29 AM
Armenoid is usualy darker in pigmentation than Dinarid and eyes have typically a strong oriental vibe
sort of almond shaped

03-06-2021, 07:19 PM
Nobody who gets classified as Dinarid is actually Dinarid. Every Balkan guy with a big broken nose gets called Dinarid these days.

The reality is Dinarids are a mostly extinct phenotype and it exists in very small and isolated numbers.


03-06-2021, 07:22 PM
Chiellini dinarid or armenoid?


03-06-2021, 07:24 PM
Chiellini dinarid or armenoid?


03-06-2021, 07:30 PM

What is even Syrid? Can you post sm about it?
He is Dinaro- Med in my book

03-06-2021, 07:30 PM
Chiellini dinarid or armenoid?


Dinaro-Med + CM.

03-06-2021, 07:35 PM
What is even Syrid? Can you post sm about it?
He is Dinaro- Med in my book

If I am not wrong, Syrid is a combo of Dinaricised Med and Arabid. I don’t know if it is true, I just read it on some thread on anthroworld.com years ago. Chiellini might not be a proper example of this type but I got some Near Eastern vibe in mouth and nose regions.

03-06-2021, 07:49 PM

03-06-2021, 07:50 PM
If I am not wrong, Syrid is a combo of Dinaricised Med and Arabid. I don’t know if it is true, I just read it on some thread on anthroworld.com years ago. Chiellini might not be a proper example of this type but I got some Near Eastern vibe in mouth and nose regions.

Ehmm... his nose is convex and prominent and he got it broken several times but he does not look Arabic. Looked Syrid up its a convexed nose Oriental Med- Arab type but obv. not much information i could find.

Moje ime
03-07-2021, 10:11 AM
This is textbook Dinarid. High and narrow nasal bridge, bony hooked nose, high eyes orbits, narrow set eyes, long face and chin, high and bit sloped forehead.


This is CM. The opposite of Dinarid. Low nasal bridge, shorter nose, low eyes orbits, wider set eyes, wide face and squared chin.


03-07-2021, 10:27 AM
Isn't Dinarid just sub-Armenoid?

03-07-2021, 10:29 AM
Isn't Dinarid just sub-Armenoid?

You thought so before this thread?

03-07-2021, 10:55 AM
Isn't Dinarid just sub-Armenoid?


03-07-2021, 11:10 AM
Isn't Dinarid just sub-Armenoid?

AFAIK, no. Their similarities are a result of convergent evolution since they both lived in mountain climate for millennia. Genetically, they are is different clusters. Armenoid - West Asian cluster, Dinarid - Southeast European cluster.

03-07-2021, 01:33 PM
AFAIK, no. Their similarities are a result of convergent evolution since they both lived in mountain climate for millennia. Genetically, they are is different clusters. Armenoid - West Asian cluster, Dinarid - Southeast European cluster.

This is also just a theory though. Keltic Nordids are also partially dinarized, there are no mountains there.
AFAIK, first plan- occoptical skulls came via Steppe + found in Bell Beakers, so it is most likely CHG related.

Dinarid is not only found in Southeasteurope- geographical restrictions are only good for biased classifications.
I dont think dinarization (flat occiput etc) is that relevant for the distinction or generally for a phenotype (there are Irish and French Dinarics for instance)- there are clearly Armenoid looking people who are dolicephalic.
But yeah, West Asians have also Farmer, Steppe and a lot of Chg as you know

03-07-2021, 02:22 PM
This is also just a theory though. Keltic Nordids are also partially dinarized, there are no mountains there.
AFAIK, first plan- occoptical skulls came via Steppe + found in Bell Beakers, so it is most likely CHG related.

Dinarid is not only found in Southeasteurope- geographical restrictions are only good for biased classifications.
I dont think dinarization (flat occiput etc) is that relevant for the distinction or generally for a phenotype (there are Irish and French Dinarics for instance)- there are clearly Armenoid looking people who are dolicephalic.
But yeah, West Asians have also Farmer, Steppe and a lot of Chg as you know

I am not sure but maybe Dinarid proper is the Dinarisation of an ancient European type, which almost does not exist today. Just like Armenoid's being Dinarisation of Iranid type.

03-07-2021, 02:45 PM
I am not sure but maybe Dinarid proper is the Dinarisation of an ancient European type, which almost does not exist today. Just like Armenoid's being Dinarisation of Iranid type.

No, you still did not get it. You put too much importance in asociating one phenotype (or just a term) with one population

03-07-2021, 03:31 PM
This is textbook Dinarid. High and narrow nasal bridge, bony hooked nose, high eyes orbits, narrow set eyes, long face and chin, high and bit sloped forehead.


This is CM. The opposite of Dinarid. Low nasal bridge, shorter nose, low eyes orbits, wider set eyes, wide face and squared chin.


Indeed, the man in the second picture doesn't look much Dinarid

03-09-2021, 04:30 PM
The what?
Yeah, for example my sister who comes from same parents and was raised the same way will have different mental qualities because she looks different than me(no, we are very much alike).
Let's say Russian Communist from USSR and capitalist son of Russian American emigrants also have same character and mentality because they look the same:picard1:.
I know these are just anegdotic examples but saying that all people of same phenotype are the same seems to be absurd
Correlating character to just phenotype is such a bullshit that is beyond my imagination.
I do not believe in ethnopsychology at the individual level, but I do believe at the group level.
Gunther was right in many respects, IMHO, different subrace forms a different world around itself.