View Full Version : State main phenotypes of the Italians on the left in this pic

03-09-2021, 09:55 PM

03-09-2021, 10:25 PM
Here we go

03-09-2021, 10:36 PM
The boy with the blond afro hair is my idol.

Cristiano viejo
03-09-2021, 11:18 PM
Terroni look MENA as fuck, almost seminegroes.

03-09-2021, 11:22 PM
The boy with the blond afro hair is my idol.

I am strongly sexually attracted to the dark armpit of that Italian woman who raises her fist.:eek:

Do I need a psychoanalyst?

03-09-2021, 11:31 PM
Man Boobid + Berberid.

03-09-2021, 11:34 PM
Terroni look MENA as fuck, almost seminegroes.

That is Rome(we can see the Víctor Emanuel II monument "la máquina de escribir"), not exactly Southern Italy, probably summer, but we cannot know exactly where that people is from, it´s some type of demonstration, so they could have gone to ROme just to that act.

Anyway, excepting the bald gorilla dressed with a camouflage t-shirt, I don´t see them as a group too alien in Spain. Do you?

03-09-2021, 11:38 PM
That is Rome(we can see the Víctor Emanuel II monument "la máquina de escribir"), not exactly Southern Italy, probably summer, but we cannot know exactly where that people is from, it´s some type of demonstration, so they could have gone to ROme just to that act.

Anyway, excepting the bald gorilla dressed with a camouflage t-shirt, I don´t see them as a group too alien in Spain. Do you?

You gotta be trolling at this point. Some of those dudes don't even look typical for Italy, let alone Spain.

03-09-2021, 11:42 PM
You gotta be trolling at this point. Those dudes don't even look typical for Italy, let alone Spain.

According to what is written on their shirts (Marcia su Roma), and the colour of that shirts, they should be fascists emulating the original Marcia su Roma in 1922, so they should be Italians.



03-09-2021, 11:42 PM
I will say tho maybe I see some alpine influence in the Man Boobic brothers, which coupled with Berberid makes a very bizarre look.

03-09-2021, 11:43 PM
You gotta be trolling at this point. Those dudes don't even look typical for Italy, let alone Spain.

its just one exotic looking bald guy- but other people look like DinaroMeds, AlpineMed or sm , that you see in South Italy/ Rome. Did not know chociprasa was shitposting, but its a pic in summer, they are tanned and they look exotic compraed to some Russian students, not a big deal though.

03-09-2021, 11:47 PM
its just one exotic looking bald guy- but other people look like DinaroMeds, AlpineMed or sm , that you see in South Italy/ Rome. Did not know chociprasa was shitposting, but its a pic in summer, they are tanned and they look exotic compraed to some Russian students, not a big deal though.
I meant the dude next to the big tit monke and the guy behind (who cannot be seen properly anyway). I agree many of them look typical, for Italy at least.

03-09-2021, 11:49 PM
You gotta be trolling at this point. Some of those dudes don't even look typical for Italy, let alone Spain.

It is not the best group photo of Italians in the world, it is clearly chosen with a clear intention by the OP (stand out when compared to the group of young Russians), but most likely they are Italians.

Have you ever been in Italy or in Spain, specially during summer?

03-09-2021, 11:53 PM
I will say tho maybe I see some alpine influence in the Man Boobic brothers, which coupled with Berberid makes a very bizarre look.

Have you seen the photo I´ve posted about the original demonstration in 1922?

It was at the end of October (so not in summer), and we can see some people with exotic features in it too.

03-09-2021, 11:55 PM
It is not the best group photo of Italians in the world, it is clearly chosen with a clear intention by the OP (stand out when compared to the group of young Russians), but most likely they are Italians.

Have you ever been in Italy or in Spain, specially during summer?
Not about complexion, Mussolini could get as dark as these people anyway. Again, imo the fat dudes look Berberid (heavy CM) + Alpine. Very strange appearance.

03-10-2021, 12:01 AM
Not about complexion, Mussolini could get as dark as these people anyway. Again, imo the fat dudes look Berberid (heavy CM) + Alpine. Very strange appearance.

I am not talking about Mussolini, he had a quite normal look, but about this man for example:


03-10-2021, 12:04 AM
Not about complexion, Mussolini could get as dark as these people anyway. Again, imo the fat dudes look Berberid (heavy CM) + Alpine. Very strange appearance.

The bald gorilla is not specially berberid, it´s simply a monster, the man I pointed in the image from 1922 looks several times more NA than the bald gorilla.:D

03-10-2021, 12:13 AM
I can understand the thumb down you gave to me, but I have not said anything that I cannot defend with arguments.

Edit:I mean that Tenma de Pegasus gave me, not Lorenzo.

03-10-2021, 01:11 AM
I am not talking about Mussolini, he had a quite normal look, but about this man for example:

Yea I noticed him too. Couldn't place him in North Africa by phenotype but those are some mean curls over there.

03-10-2021, 01:12 AM
The bald gorilla is not specially berberid, it´s simply a monster, the man I pointed in the image from 1922 looks several times more NA than the bald gorilla.:D

03-10-2021, 02:03 AM
It's obviously a weird intention by OP to post such a comparison. Yes, Russians are pale, and a lot are blonde, cool? The Italians look like they built a lot of civilizations.. in the past ofc-- haha, but I think I'd join Romans over the Russians.

03-10-2021, 11:53 AM

Yes, he must have a particular and exclusive phentotype created just for him.

Fortunately, Italians are not like that.

03-10-2021, 11:58 AM
It's obviously a weird intention by OP to post such a comparison. Yes, Russians are pale, and a lot are blonde, cool? The Italians look like they built a lot of civilizations.. in the past ofc-- haha, but I think I'd join Romans over the Russians.

That is the main point in all this.

If I were Italian, what I would be proud of is precisely the history and the culture, not of being more or less blond.

Cristiano viejo
03-10-2021, 03:07 PM
That is Rome(we can see the Víctor Emanuel II monument "la máquina de escribir"), not exactly Southern Italy, probably summer, but we cannot know exactly where that people is from, it´s some type of demonstration, so they could have gone to ROme just to that act.

Anyway, excepting the bald gorilla dressed with a camouflage t-shirt, I don´t see them as a group too alien in Spain. Do you?
Yes, I do.

03-10-2021, 03:57 PM
are they gypsies?

Cristiano viejo
03-10-2021, 04:18 PM
are they gypsies?

They would be the first patriotic Gypsies in the history of mankind.

03-10-2021, 04:40 PM
Remember that are Italians that are against Spaniards and are starting shit, remeber it forumers. Btw the offical Italian pheno is South-Indid now, and you shall not mentition the existence of Rom people.

03-10-2021, 05:08 PM
They would be the first patriotic Gypsies in the history of mankind.

It's a covid negationist group you son of

Cristiano viejo
03-10-2021, 05:15 PM
It's a MENA looking covid negationist group you son of


03-10-2021, 05:28 PM
I don't see pic:(

03-10-2021, 05:35 PM

Italian Pic

Most Adults
South Europe
Less Iluminated pic (see the building on the background)

Russian Pic

Most teens
Northeast Europe
More illuminated pic (see the building on the background)

Typical pic and thread to attempt to make fun of italians --and southeuropeans--- people


03-10-2021, 05:44 PM
Made me think of this :



03-10-2021, 05:46 PM
Left - Orcs
Right - Elves

03-10-2021, 07:21 PM
Is this the state of this website? a bunch of people living in shacks in forgotten by god Russian forests try to feel better about their miserable lives by insulting Italians and this Spanish loser who spends his free time harrassing Italians for whatever the reason? Are you ok with this? I'm talking about the civilized people here... Brits, Germans, were are you at?

03-10-2021, 07:22 PM
Made me think of this :




03-10-2021, 07:26 PM
Left - Orcs
Right - Elves


03-10-2021, 07:26 PM
Terroni look MENA as fuck, almost seminegroes.

Nope, 36-year-old nerd who spend all his life on this forum.

03-10-2021, 07:30 PM
You want to watch a video on how Romans look like, try to video one yourself. A city like Rome today must have 30-40% of people with non Italian blood let alone from Rome itslelf. Italians in 70' didn't look like this. Find me a video, ok?


03-10-2021, 07:35 PM
This thread should have been locked hours ago.

Chociprasa seems to despise Italians, how I will say that... Italians don't give a f... about being "tanned" or not "as blonde as" Russians... They are a Southern Europe population and your trolling show only that you're deeply jealous of their achievements.

Do you know that Italy alone has more contributions in 200 years in science and arts than your country in 3000 years of history ? You should think about some time.

03-10-2021, 07:41 PM
I understand 100% people in Italic Roots or on internet that become madly furious about italian trolling either here or on Youtube, Quora... There is clearly a whole group of people who wished that their own country had the soft power of Italy in modern times or in the past.

Funniest thing is that almost everyone in the world love Italy, and their attempts to mock it, are in vain.

03-10-2021, 08:01 PM
These are the Italians that the generally post on Italic Roots
They have about the same amount of brain cells as Cristiano viejo
They have the inverse tread
Med hating meds, fuck me

03-10-2021, 08:02 PM
Made me think of this :



LOL :lol: No way, man. They look from MENA to straight up light skinned South Asian in that pic especially the dude with the glasses on. I have seen South Asians that look like him.

03-10-2021, 08:05 PM
This is are Italians that the generally post on Italic Roots
They have about the same amount of brain cells as Cristiano viejo
They have the inverse tread
Med hating meds, fuck me

Fortunately this is only an anthrotard thing. Spanish people like a lot Italians and viceversa.

You can see it IRL or even in YTB videos.

There's more rivalry with France.

03-10-2021, 08:09 PM
This is are Italians that the generally post on Italic Roots

That's not an italian that's a femboy

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Cristiano viejo
03-10-2021, 10:47 PM
Nope, 36-year-old nerd who spend all his life on this forum.
Yepe, they look MENA as fuck and I am not who has an entire forum to insult Spanish.

Fortunately this is only an anthrotard thing. Spanish people like a lot Italians and viceversa.

You can see it IRL or even in YTB videos.

There's more rivalry with France.
That you think :rolleyes:

03-10-2021, 11:01 PM
I understand 100% people in Italic Roots or on internet that become madly furious about italian trolling either here or on Youtube, Quora... There is clearly a whole group of people who wished that their own country had the soft power of Italy in modern times or in the past.

Funniest thing is that almost everyone in the world love Italy, and their attempts to mock it, are in vain.

I agree/understand that Italic Roots have all rights to feel annoyed ab the Italian trolling... and I feel bad ab it myself. But that doesn't make it okay for a lot of them to be Nordicist-minded af, and that is probably why they are so mentally ill about the trolling. I looked at the TA thread and that Aermechi guy is always posting these blonde/red haired Sicilians for some reason... like this:



Who is he fooling with only posting these rare pale types? 99% of the posts look more like central/northern euro looking girls, guys than the average Italian. Ofc such a look happens and perhaps more in northern Italy, but it also happens in all of southern Europe, where we see super pan-euro, and nordic looking people, but it's rare so why portray it so much? We should instead all be proud of southern Europe's entire variety! And perhaps especially the beautiful Mediterranean phenotypes that make our averages.. but people focusing on either extreme of the spectrum are being dishonest af, either it being super pale, like these Russians lol, or the darkest and most exotic.

03-11-2021, 12:06 AM
I agree/understand that Italic Roots have all rights to feel annoyed ab the Italian trolling... and I feel bad ab it myself. But that doesn't make it okay for a lot of them to be Nordicist-minded af, and that is probably why they are so mentally ill about the trolling. I looked at the TA thread and that Aermechi guy is always posting these blonde/red haired Sicilians for some reason... like this:



Who is he fooling with only posting these rare pale types? 99% of the posts look more like central/northern euro looking girls, guys than the average Italian. Ofc such a look happens and perhaps more in northern Italy, but it also happens in all of southern Europe, where we see super pan-euro, and nordic looking people, but it's rare so why portray it so much? We should instead all be proud of southern Europe's entire variety! And perhaps especially the beautiful Mediterranean phenotypes that make our averages.. but people focusing on either extreme of the spectrum are being dishonest af, either it being super pale, like these Russians lol, or the darkest and most exotic.That mindset is beyond delusional. Some people compare CV to them, I think he doesn't even come remotely close. And i've only seen a little tiny bit of their bs mind you. At least with Cristiano Viejo I can agree on some things, and he isn't LARPing as italian.

Enviado desde mi SM-A107M mediante Tapatalk

03-11-2021, 12:19 AM
That mindset is beyond delusional. Some people compare CV to them, I think he doesn't even come remotely close. And i've only seen a little tiny bit of their bs mind you. At least with Cristiano Viejo I can agree on some things, and he isn't LARPing as italian.

Enviado desde mi SM-A107M mediante Tapatalk

Yes, CV at least will show perfectly typical Spanish-looking people, and that is usually brown hair or even black haired people. Think Casillas as a good example... distinctly iberian-looking without a doubt, and such is far more agreeable than Italic Roots thinking nordic people are typical of Italy- especially southern Italy. Ofc CV does have his joyous moments of showing light types too, just not even close to as much as Italic Roots does, so the comparison is indeed pretty uneven on the mentally ill chart.



-Typical Iberians



Italic Roots:

-Typical Italians


03-11-2021, 12:41 AM
Yes, CV at least will show perfectly typical Spanish-looking people, and that is usually brown hair or even black haired people. Think Casillas as a good example... distinctly iberian-looking without a doubt, and such is far more agreeable than Italic Roots thinking nordic people are typical of Italy- especially southern Italy. Ofc CV does have his joyous moments of showing light types too, just not even close to as much as Italic Roots does, so the comparison is indeed pretty uneven on the mentally ill chart.



-Typical Iberians



Italic Roots:

-Typical Italians


You look a lot like Iker Casillas lol.

03-11-2021, 12:54 AM
You look a lot like Iker Casillas lol.

no, I do not :picard2: - I wish though LOL.

03-11-2021, 12:58 AM
no, I do not :picard2: - I wish though LOL.

-1. I disagree. There is definitely some facial similarity imo.

03-11-2021, 04:53 AM
It's not an insult to call someone east-med or exotic (or at least it shouldn't be), but it is insulting to wrongly characterized somebody's else entnicity, also again, I don't even think that true Levantines are these ugly dark mongrels, on the contrary. I heard here that Anatolians or Levantines are lighter than some South-Euro, it's stupid to say that, but it's all about perception. But at that point what sense does it make to conflate euro meds with middle easterners? Two completely different cultures, it's like conflating naked women with veiled women, libertines with prudes :rofl_002:, (don't get offended I'm kidding) I mean. come on.. like it or not, Greeks, Italians, Iberians, had many overachieving civilizations, and they are part of the European identity since they basically invented it. So deal with it.

03-11-2021, 04:55 AM
It's not an insult to call someone east-med or exotic (or at least it shouldn't be), but it is insulting to wrongly characterized somebody's else entnicity, also again, I don't even think that true Levantines are these ugly dark mongrels, on the contrary. I heard here that Anatolians or Levantines are lighter than some South-Euro, it's stupid to say that, but it's all about perception. But at that point what sense does it make to conflate euro meds with middle easterners? Two completely different cultures, it's like conflating naked women with veiled women, libertines with prudes 2
:rofl_002:, I mean. come on.. like it or not, Greeks, Italians, Iberians, had many overachieving civilizations, and they are part of the European identity since they basically invented it. So deal with it.

Put on a middle eastern robe... you're now middle eastern... the same person puts on some top-notch Italian fashion, Mediterranean man, the pinnacle of beauty. :thumb001:

03-11-2021, 05:04 AM
.Put on a middle eastern robe... you're now middle eastern... the same person puts on some top-notch Italian fashion, Mediterranean man, the pinnacle of beauty.

Italian fashion wasn't built in a day, nor the beautiful cities and the culture and art. And Italians are hotter (not me unfortunately) so it's not just about changing robes, as we are seeing with how hard is integration now days, with everyone entitled to everything. Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

03-11-2021, 05:43 AM
Italian fashion wasn't built in a day, nor the beautiful cities and the culture and art. And Italians are hotter (not me unfortunately) so it's not just about changing robes, as we are seeing with how hard it's integration now days, with everyone entitled to everything. Give Caesar what belongs to Caesar.

yeah, I'm just joking around. But on a serious note Culture, history, and genetics > Phenotypes. Because fuck if I care if a man from the Italian peninsula who helped build the great civilizations in Europe we see today was a swarthy man. That is the least of my concern, he could of been blonde, blue eyed, and look Swedish, i dont care (although I doubt it, ;)). But the culture? The history? That is what is important, the people of that real heritage, whose ancestors helped progress society, architecture, science, etc. across the continent of Europe. That is TRUE beauty-- at least to me.

03-11-2021, 06:32 AM
yeah, I'm just joking around. But on a serious note Culture, history, and genetics > Phenotypes. Because fuck if I care if a man from the Italian peninsula who helped build the great civilizations in Europe we see today was a swarthy man. That is the least of my concern, he could of been blonde, blue eyed, and look Swedish, i dont care (although I doubt it, ;)). But the culture? The history? That is what is important, the people of that real heritage, whose ancestors helped progress society, architecture, science, etc. across the continent of Europe. That is TRUE beauty-- at least to me.
I'm a history buff and I respect many civilizations more than our own modern western one, like Egypt, Petra, the Angkorian civilization and many others, mostly for the beauty of them, beautiful is morality and knowledge, kalos kagathos. We live in an unnatural society that has lost contact with human-size beauty and ethics.

03-11-2021, 12:30 PM
Wogs getting butthurt at how swarthy they look compared to Europeans ��

03-11-2021, 01:07 PM
I'm noticing that the ignorant anti Italians stuff almost exclusively comes from poor countries or underachieving low pisa test score area. And that Spanish retard and some fake whites(a huge part of this forum)

03-11-2021, 01:45 PM
This thread about anthropology. Why do southern euros like to talk about their culture in anthroplology threads?

Cristiano viejo
03-11-2021, 02:10 PM
Wogs getting butthurt at how swarthy they look compared to Europeans ��

To Europeans?? juas.

03-11-2021, 11:38 PM
Wogs getting butthurt at how swarthy they look compared to Europeans ��

I like it :) why should I not like being dark?

03-11-2021, 11:41 PM
While Italians are a great people, in real life, exept for complexed people, nobody is jealous of their archievments.

And the reason is obvious: the scientific/artistic acomplishments of Italics, or any other ethnicity, belongs to the specific people responsible for it, not the whole population.

And the pic of the Italics has bad lightening. Not a good one to say anything.

03-11-2021, 11:52 PM
It's a covid negationist group you son of

why most of them are using mask?

03-12-2021, 03:45 AM
why most of them are using mask?

These are the news articles I found, they are right wing covid-19 negationist.



These news article also says that those arrested were from outside Lazio, so go figure.

03-12-2021, 03:50 AM
Of course a picture like this was never going to be cherrypicked by the retards!


03-12-2021, 09:52 AM
most hardly look italian, clearly don't pass as locals.
Perhaps gypsies of the Spada clan?

03-12-2021, 09:54 AM
While Italians are a great people, in real life, exept for complexed people, nobody is jealous of their archievments.

And the reason is obvious: the scientific/artistic acomplishments of Italics, or any other ethnicity, belongs to the specific people responsible for it, not the whole population.

And the pic of the Italics has bad lightening. Not a good one to say anything.

it's not even a lightening question imo, the facial traits are very exotic, especially the bald dudes on the left and the woman on the right lmao.
They even might pass as atypical for italian gypsies

03-12-2021, 10:07 AM
They would be the first patriotic Gypsies in the history of mankind.

The spada clan are gypsy gangsters from Rome with ties with the italian far right

03-12-2021, 10:10 AM
its just one exotic looking bald guy- but other people look like DinaroMeds, AlpineMed or sm , that you see in South Italy/ Rome. Did not know chociprasa was shitposting, but its a pic in summer, they are tanned and they look exotic compraed to some Russian students, not a big deal though.

Are you joking?
They overall pass more in the indian subcontinent than in Rome

03-12-2021, 10:34 AM
I think this is the event in question:
