View Full Version : There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China

03-10-2021, 04:34 AM

Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China

A Chinese professor claims that the Egyptian pyramids, the Parthenon, and other remnants of ancient civilizations in the West, were all faked by Western scholars in order to fabricate an ancient history, and diminish the glory of China.

Hong Kong News outlet Hong Kong 01 is just one of many Chinese language media who reported on the farcical claims after Professor Huang Heqing broadcast one of his lectures live to the internet recently.

While ultranationalist conspiracy theories are not rare in China (or indeed, in any other country), what makes this story even more bizarre is that Huang teaches in the School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China.

Huang Heqing stated in his lecture that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts.

The Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century, Huang claims.

“A well-known French chemist and material scientist conducted physical and chemical analysis on the Khufu pyramid in the 1980s, and confirmed that other than a small amount of natural stone, it mostly consisted of concrete,” says Huang, referring to the controversial theories of Joseph Davidovits, who posits that the Egyptians built the pyramid using a limestone-based cement invented thousands of years before the Romans invented concrete.

“Another materials scientist from the United States came to a similar conclusion,” Huang says.

“In addition, the stones at the bottom of the Pyramid of Khufu have a “lip shape”, which is obviously a sign they were cast,” Huang said. “The ancient Egypt we know today is actually a fairy tale fabricated by the Western orthodox historians since the 19th century.”

Western scholars elevated the status of ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations at China’s expense, Huang argues.

The intention of this vast occidental conspiracy in fictionalizing these three civilizations to appear to be older than Chinese civilization was to “weaken the glory of Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization is more ancient,” Huang said

The now 63-year-old Doctoral supervisor obtained his first degree, majoring in French, at the People Liberation Army’s Luoyang Institute of Foreign Languages, studied Western Art History at Zhejiang University, and eventually gained a PHD at the The Sorbonne, University of Paris. Huang has been a professor at Zhejiang University since 2000.

The Chinese Ministry of Education Class A Double First Class University ranks among the top three in China, and its motto is: “Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation.”

Professor Huang’s theory is truly innovative, and he claims that he can prove his theory with pictures.

Huang said that he had found (online) the sketches of Denon, the first curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris, and others who were part of a delegation of scientists on Napoleon’s 1798 expedition to Egypt. They published pictures in Description of Egypt after they returned home. Both show that the pyramid was built on a land of hills and gullies, completely different from the landscape we see today.

“Whether it is the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, or the Parthenon Temple in Athens, they are all actually modern forgeries by Western countries, with the purpose of “depreciating Chinese culture,” Huang emphasized.

“This is a historical conspiracy, so I have to make a stand for rectification for Chinese culture.”

“The West is always making up history and falsifying ancient relics. The main purpose is to belittle Chinese civilization. I want to justice for Chinese civilization!”

The lecture is just a small part of his efforts to “reverse history”. In the past few years, he has been committed to correcting the “mistakes of the West”.

If Huang’s were only one voice, well may people laugh the story off, but unfortunately, Huang is only one member of a school of thought developing in China which aims to re-write the history of the world to put China at the center.

Huang wrote the preface for the book “The Fictitious History of Western Civilization: Research on the Ancient and Modern West Copying China” (虛構的西方文明史–古今西方「復制中國」考論), published in 2017. In this book, author Zhu Youzhi asserts that “Primitive Europe was brought into the “civilization of the world” by China, from which it obtained writing, navigation, technology, economy, bureaucracy, democracy, philosophy, and history.

In the book “Fictitious Ancient Greek Civilization,” published in 2015, author Dong Binsheng, claims that ancient Greek civilization does not have any credible philology or archeologically credible proof.

The history of ancient Greece is a cultural movement. This movement began around the 14th century, Dong argues. Rather than a “Renaissance” of classical western civilization, the Age of Enlightenment was a product of contact with Chinese civilization.

In “The Source of Civilization and the World of Great Harmony” (2012), author Du Gangjian explains how human civilization originated in the southwestern region of China, and ancient Chinese people moved westward, creating ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

What all these books have in common is that world history as we know it is merely a Western fabrication. There were no ancient civilizations outside of China. Civilization is a Chinese characteristic, and others only became civilized after coming into contact with China. Therefore, today’s “world civilization” is Chinese in origin, and in nature.

Source: https://taiwanenglishnews.com/chinese-professor-there-were-no-ancient-western-civilizations-just-modern-fakes-made-to-demean-china/

03-10-2021, 06:30 AM

Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China

A Chinese professor claims that the Egyptian pyramids, the Parthenon, and other remnants of ancient civilizations in the West, were all faked by Western scholars in order to fabricate an ancient history, and diminish the glory of China.

Hong Kong News outlet Hong Kong 01 is just one of many Chinese language media who reported on the farcical claims after Professor Huang Heqing broadcast one of his lectures live to the internet recently.

While ultranationalist conspiracy theories are not rare in China (or indeed, in any other country), what makes this story even more bizarre is that Huang teaches in the School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China.

Huang Heqing stated in his lecture that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts.

The Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century, Huang claims.

“A well-known French chemist and material scientist conducted physical and chemical analysis on the Khufu pyramid in the 1980s, and confirmed that other than a small amount of natural stone, it mostly consisted of concrete,” says Huang, referring to the controversial theories of Joseph Davidovits, who posits that the Egyptians built the pyramid using a limestone-based cement invented thousands of years before the Romans invented concrete.

“Another materials scientist from the United States came to a similar conclusion,” Huang says.

“In addition, the stones at the bottom of the Pyramid of Khufu have a “lip shape”, which is obviously a sign they were cast,” Huang said. “The ancient Egypt we know today is actually a fairy tale fabricated by the Western orthodox historians since the 19th century.”

Western scholars elevated the status of ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations at China’s expense, Huang argues.

The intention of this vast occidental conspiracy in fictionalizing these three civilizations to appear to be older than Chinese civilization was to “weaken the glory of Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization is more ancient,” Huang said

The now 63-year-old Doctoral supervisor obtained his first degree, majoring in French, at the People Liberation Army’s Luoyang Institute of Foreign Languages, studied Western Art History at Zhejiang University, and eventually gained a PHD at the The Sorbonne, University of Paris. Huang has been a professor at Zhejiang University since 2000.

The Chinese Ministry of Education Class A Double First Class University ranks among the top three in China, and its motto is: “Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation.”

Professor Huang’s theory is truly innovative, and he claims that he can prove his theory with pictures.

Huang said that he had found (online) the sketches of Denon, the first curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris, and others who were part of a delegation of scientists on Napoleon’s 1798 expedition to Egypt. They published pictures in Description of Egypt after they returned home. Both show that the pyramid was built on a land of hills and gullies, completely different from the landscape we see today.

“Whether it is the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, or the Parthenon Temple in Athens, they are all actually modern forgeries by Western countries, with the purpose of “depreciating Chinese culture,” Huang emphasized.

“This is a historical conspiracy, so I have to make a stand for rectification for Chinese culture.”

“The West is always making up history and falsifying ancient relics. The main purpose is to belittle Chinese civilization. I want to justice for Chinese civilization!”

The lecture is just a small part of his efforts to “reverse history”. In the past few years, he has been committed to correcting the “mistakes of the West”.

If Huang’s were only one voice, well may people laugh the story off, but unfortunately, Huang is only one member of a school of thought developing in China which aims to re-write the history of the world to put China at the center.

Huang wrote the preface for the book “The Fictitious History of Western Civilization: Research on the Ancient and Modern West Copying China” (虛構的西方文明史–古今西方「復制中國」考論), published in 2017. In this book, author Zhu Youzhi asserts that “Primitive Europe was brought into the “civilization of the world” by China, from which it obtained writing, navigation, technology, economy, bureaucracy, democracy, philosophy, and history.

In the book “Fictitious Ancient Greek Civilization,” published in 2015, author Dong Binsheng, claims that ancient Greek civilization does not have any credible philology or archeologically credible proof.

The history of ancient Greece is a cultural movement. This movement began around the 14th century, Dong argues. Rather than a “Renaissance” of classical western civilization, the Age of Enlightenment was a product of contact with Chinese civilization.

In “The Source of Civilization and the World of Great Harmony” (2012), author Du Gangjian explains how human civilization originated in the southwestern region of China, and ancient Chinese people moved westward, creating ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

What all these books have in common is that world history as we know it is merely a Western fabrication. There were no ancient civilizations outside of China. Civilization is a Chinese characteristic, and others only became civilized after coming into contact with China. Therefore, today’s “world civilization” is Chinese in origin, and in nature.

Source: https://taiwanenglishnews.com/chinese-professor-there-were-no-ancient-western-civilizations-just-modern-fakes-made-to-demean-china/

I only read the first paragraphs.

If this piece of news is true, then it's just a chinese ultranationalist speech.

The use of the propaganda is not only exclusive of Occident, but it's given especially in the socialist/communist countries.

03-10-2021, 06:30 AM

Chinese professor: There were no ancient western civilizations; just modern fakes made to demean China

A Chinese professor claims that the Egyptian pyramids, the Parthenon, and other remnants of ancient civilizations in the West, were all faked by Western scholars in order to fabricate an ancient history, and diminish the glory of China.

Hong Kong News outlet Hong Kong 01 is just one of many Chinese language media who reported on the farcical claims after Professor Huang Heqing broadcast one of his lectures live to the internet recently.

While ultranationalist conspiracy theories are not rare in China (or indeed, in any other country), what makes this story even more bizarre is that Huang teaches in the School of Arts and Archeology at Zhejiang University – one of the oldest, most selective, and prestigious universities in China.

Huang Heqing stated in his lecture that from the 19th to 20th centuries, the West was rampantly forging historical and cultural relics, and spending huge sums of money everywhere from the Mediterranean to India, fabricating fake ancient artefacts.

The Pyramids of Khufu, and the Great Sphinx of Giza, were made of concrete, and constructed in the 19th century, Huang claims.

“A well-known French chemist and material scientist conducted physical and chemical analysis on the Khufu pyramid in the 1980s, and confirmed that other than a small amount of natural stone, it mostly consisted of concrete,” says Huang, referring to the controversial theories of Joseph Davidovits, who posits that the Egyptians built the pyramid using a limestone-based cement invented thousands of years before the Romans invented concrete.

“Another materials scientist from the United States came to a similar conclusion,” Huang says.

“In addition, the stones at the bottom of the Pyramid of Khufu have a “lip shape”, which is obviously a sign they were cast,” Huang said. “The ancient Egypt we know today is actually a fairy tale fabricated by the Western orthodox historians since the 19th century.”

Western scholars elevated the status of ancient Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Indian civilizations at China’s expense, Huang argues.

The intention of this vast occidental conspiracy in fictionalizing these three civilizations to appear to be older than Chinese civilization was to “weaken the glory of Chinese civilization. Chinese civilization is more ancient,” Huang said

The now 63-year-old Doctoral supervisor obtained his first degree, majoring in French, at the People Liberation Army’s Luoyang Institute of Foreign Languages, studied Western Art History at Zhejiang University, and eventually gained a PHD at the The Sorbonne, University of Paris. Huang has been a professor at Zhejiang University since 2000.

The Chinese Ministry of Education Class A Double First Class University ranks among the top three in China, and its motto is: “Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation.”

Professor Huang’s theory is truly innovative, and he claims that he can prove his theory with pictures.

Huang said that he had found (online) the sketches of Denon, the first curator of the Louvre Museum in Paris, and others who were part of a delegation of scientists on Napoleon’s 1798 expedition to Egypt. They published pictures in Description of Egypt after they returned home. Both show that the pyramid was built on a land of hills and gullies, completely different from the landscape we see today.

“Whether it is the pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt, or the Parthenon Temple in Athens, they are all actually modern forgeries by Western countries, with the purpose of “depreciating Chinese culture,” Huang emphasized.

“This is a historical conspiracy, so I have to make a stand for rectification for Chinese culture.”

“The West is always making up history and falsifying ancient relics. The main purpose is to belittle Chinese civilization. I want to justice for Chinese civilization!”

The lecture is just a small part of his efforts to “reverse history”. In the past few years, he has been committed to correcting the “mistakes of the West”.

If Huang’s were only one voice, well may people laugh the story off, but unfortunately, Huang is only one member of a school of thought developing in China which aims to re-write the history of the world to put China at the center.

Huang wrote the preface for the book “The Fictitious History of Western Civilization: Research on the Ancient and Modern West Copying China” (虛構的西方文明史–古今西方「復制中國」考論), published in 2017. In this book, author Zhu Youzhi asserts that “Primitive Europe was brought into the “civilization of the world” by China, from which it obtained writing, navigation, technology, economy, bureaucracy, democracy, philosophy, and history.

In the book “Fictitious Ancient Greek Civilization,” published in 2015, author Dong Binsheng, claims that ancient Greek civilization does not have any credible philology or archeologically credible proof.

The history of ancient Greece is a cultural movement. This movement began around the 14th century, Dong argues. Rather than a “Renaissance” of classical western civilization, the Age of Enlightenment was a product of contact with Chinese civilization.

In “The Source of Civilization and the World of Great Harmony” (2012), author Du Gangjian explains how human civilization originated in the southwestern region of China, and ancient Chinese people moved westward, creating ancient Greek and Roman civilizations.

What all these books have in common is that world history as we know it is merely a Western fabrication. There were no ancient civilizations outside of China. Civilization is a Chinese characteristic, and others only became civilized after coming into contact with China. Therefore, today’s “world civilization” is Chinese in origin, and in nature.

Source: https://taiwanenglishnews.com/chinese-professor-there-were-no-ancient-western-civilizations-just-modern-fakes-made-to-demean-china/

I only read the first paragraphs.

If this piece of news is true, then it's just a chinese ultranationalist speech.

The use of the propaganda is not only exclusive of Occident, but it's given especially in the socialist/communist countries.

06-15-2021, 08:19 AM
You can't use some people to represent all the Chinese people. This professor's point of view can't explain most of the Chinese people. As a Chinese, I don't believe that the civilization of ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Persia and even the civilization of the two river basins was forged. You know, this kind of opinion is also questioned by many people in China, because large-scale systematic fraud is completely impossible

06-15-2021, 08:26 AM
You need to know that anti intellectualism exists everywhere. For example, if a westerner preaches the theory of white racial superiority, can the white represent all the white people? As you said, most people who believe in counterfeiting are populists. China is not a populist country, because a small number of people can never represent the vast majority of people, just like some Germans who slander that the Greeks are Slavs. The argument on the forged history was first put forward by Soviet mathematicians, right? If you remember correctly, they are fumianke

06-15-2021, 09:05 AM
You need to know that anti intellectualism exists everywhere. For example, if a westerner preaches the theory of white racial superiority, can the white represent all the white people? As you said, most people who believe in counterfeiting are populists. China is not a populist country, because a small number of people can never represent the vast majority of people, just like some Germans who slander that the Greeks are Slavs. The argument on the forged history was first put forward by Soviet mathematicians, right? If you remember correctly, they are fumianke

The problem is that the person who says that is a university professor.

On the other hand, and without reaching the extreme that the Parthenon or the Pyramids are a modern creation to diminish China, it is true that Western countries are very focused on ourselves, and we have left "far Eastern" history aside, that it has had highly developed civilizations since ancient times.

06-15-2021, 11:33 AM

Sounds like a variation of Fomenko chronology. Except in that theory, Chinese history is even more manufactured. Indo-European tribes had lived in the area of Western China for centuries when the first Chinese dynasties arose.


Tocharians had lived in the Tarim basin which is nowadays part of China. One theory even states that the Chinese had received the knowledge of advanced metallurgy from these 'savages' at their borders. Chinese do NOT like the implications of these archeological finds. Even the DNA studies from China are always twisted in favour of Han nationalism.

Chinese revisionism isn't even an new concept as you think, a lot of revisionism went on under the Communists. China was enslaved by Mongol, Manchu, Xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen Empires for over 1000 years.

Even Chinese dynasties differed vastly in the structure of their administration (not to mention most dynasties were ruled by non-Han peoples), even between primitive dynasties like Han and Zhou. Also, it's debatable whether Zhou was a single dynasty, sort of like how the Japanese claim to be one dynasty even though power has passed laterally within the house so far that the "blood" of the house has changed completely several times.

China was at its strongest in the Tang dynasty because of the Silk Road and envoys with Japan, China in the Republic period was bolstered by American support and westernising the military.

Everyone raped China after 1800s. The CCP would have fucking lost without Soviet support.


Chinese have Stockholm syndrome about Yuan Dynasty and think that it was somehow a Chinese dynasty when Mongols were in complete control of China and only delegated things to Chinese they didn't feel like doing, however much of the invasion fleet against Japan that Kublai Khan ordered had Chinks in them to pad the army out but obviously the best warriors and biggest chunk of the fighting force was Mongols and would have met the Japanese in battle since Chinks can't fight field battles for shit.


None of the Yuan Emperors had Han wives or concubines. They are unique in Chinese history for being the sole dynasty with no Han concubines or wives in the palace. Yuan Emperors only married Mongol, Turkic and Korean women. Now they are trying to erase Genghis Khan from Chinese history.


The Yuan dynasty fell and was replaced by the native Ming; the Ming dynasty fell and in doing so opened the way to the last Manchurian Qing dynasty.

I wonder how history buffs feel about history being destroyed by all of today's puritanical ideologies rewriting it to suit their own values. Whether it's the psycho leftist commies in the west, or the psycho commies in China, or the psycho commies in Russia, now that everything is online and can be rewritten without anyone noticing, there is no more unchanging archive that historians can trust to reference events of the past.

They are already starting to claim certain Asian languages as Chinese dialects (to make obvious territorial claims). Some are even claiming English is a Chinese dialect. (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/mandarin-chinese-english-shakespeare-world-civilization-research-association-a9097926.html) In the future the history of Western inventions and discoveries will be erased and retaught 100%.

If narratives aren't challenged, literally anyone can claim anything. In hundreds of years China will claim their knock off European monuments were the originals and the ones in Europe are forgeries.

We laugh at African-Americans, a group overwhelmingly West African, when they claim that they are the same as the Afro-Asiatic Egyptians and Nubians, but in 50 years, children will be taught that the late 2010s were a time of absolute oppression, where blacks were being gunned down en masse in the streets, and that this is why they must endure the current liberal world order.

Just like nobody today can have nation states or high trust communities because that led to Jews getting genocided, nobody in the future will be allowed freedom because that lead to six million negroes getting murdered every day by police. Nobody will be able to prove that it is incorrect once all the current books have been burned, and everyone will just accept it like they accept the WW2 narrative today.

China is one nation in which successive waves of barbarians/invaders genocided and mixed with the native population until all that was left were mongrelised rape babies who ruled them for centuries (what we call "assimilated" lel). Qing Dynasty was created with just 300000 Manchus when there were well over 100 million Chinese at the time. Basically Chinese are literal cucks and think that Han Chinese were the same equivalent to the Mongols when in reality Han Chinese have been taken over by barbaric Manchus.


The only reason Chinese assimilated people was because of their written language. Ethnically, the Han people have been powerless since the fall of the Tang dynasty. Ever since then it was all either conquest dynasties (Qing, Yuan, Jin) or shit dynasties (Ming).


If mongrels were unable to claim the heritage of their ancestors in any direction then conquest would only work with complete genocide (Dzungar genocide). There's a reason Alexander married Greek men to Persian women, and promoted vice versa. They became the Bactrians and future Persians, heavily hellenized and all with a claim to the regional legacy of not only the conquered but also the conquered.

Some of the Chinese at least admit that the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms influenced their art, particularly sculpture (including the terracotta army) (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/oct/12/ancient-greeks-may-have-inspired-china-terracotta-army-sculptors-ancient-dna) due to an obvious leap forward in realism around that time.

06-15-2021, 11:41 AM
You need to know that anti intellectualism exists everywhere. For example, if a westerner preaches the theory of white racial superiority, can the white represent all the white people? As you said, most people who believe in counterfeiting are populists. China is not a populist country, because a small number of people can never represent the vast majority of people, just like some Germans who slander that the Greeks are Slavs. The argument on the forged history was first put forward by Soviet mathematicians, right? If you remember correctly, they are fumianke

If you really are Chinese my advice to you is to cut the diplomacy and niceguy act. Western animals only respect aggression. To get respect from animal what you do?

War is the only solution.

06-15-2021, 12:31 PM
If you think about this way.

Big reason why Japanese are so respected in West today is because they fought very hard war with Americans. To get respect China needs to start WW3.

06-15-2021, 02:29 PM
This man is a university professor, and his behavior can only represent him personally, but the Russian Burmese science school was directly supported by the Soviet government,

06-15-2021, 02:39 PM
President Xi and government officials in China also highly praised the ancient Greek culture when they visited Greece. This university professor said that he just wanted to make fire, win attention and make traffic. His statement has been criticized by many people.

06-15-2021, 02:45 PM
I want to say that you are very impolite, but I won't make trouble with you, because we Chinese have an old saying, don't do to others what you don't want. I have explained this problem. This university professor can't represent the Chinese, and he just wants to be angry

06-15-2021, 02:51 PM
We Chinese are a peace loving nation, our nation is a moderate nation, we Chinese will never bring disaster to the world

06-15-2021, 02:53 PM
We Chinese are a peace loving nation, our nation is a moderate nation, we Chinese will never bring disaster to the world

I'm hopeful Chinese leadership sees situation more rationally than you.

06-15-2021, 02:54 PM
I want to say that you are very impolite, but I won't make trouble with you, because we Chinese have an old saying, don't do to others what you don't want. I have explained this problem. This university professor can't represent the Chinese, and he just wants to be angry

Well. Western animals are blind to arguments. They will cherry pick anything which puts China in a bad light. And they will ignore billions of good things about China.

06-15-2021, 03:03 PM

Sounds like a variation of Fomenko chronology. Except in that theory, Chinese history is even more manufactured. Indo-European tribes had lived in the area of Western China for centuries when the first Chinese dynasties arose.


Tocharians had lived in the Tarim basin which is nowadays part of China. One theory even states that the Chinese had received the knowledge of advanced metallurgy from these 'savages' at their borders. Chinese do NOT like the implications of these archeological finds. Even the DNA studies from China are always twisted in favour of Han nationalism.

Chinese revisionism isn't even an new concept as you think, a lot of revisionism went on under the Communists. China was enslaved by Mongol, Manchu, Xianbei, Khitan, Jurchen Empires for over 1000 years.

Even Chinese dynasties differed vastly in the structure of their administration (not to mention most dynasties were ruled by non-Han peoples), even between primitive dynasties like Han and Zhou. Also, it's debatable whether Zhou was a single dynasty, sort of like how the Japanese claim to be one dynasty even though power has passed laterally within the house so far that the "blood" of the house has changed completely several times.

China was at its strongest in the Tang dynasty because of the Silk Road and envoys with Japan, China in the Republic period was bolstered by American support and westernising the military.

Everyone raped China after 1800s. The CCP would have fucking lost without Soviet support.


Chinese have Stockholm syndrome about Yuan Dynasty and think that it was somehow a Chinese dynasty when Mongols were in complete control of China and only delegated things to Chinese they didn't feel like doing, however much of the invasion fleet against Japan that Kublai Khan ordered had Chinks in them to pad the army out but obviously the best warriors and biggest chunk of the fighting force was Mongols and would have met the Japanese in battle since Chinks can't fight field battles for shit.


None of the Yuan Emperors had Han wives or concubines. They are unique in Chinese history for being the sole dynasty with no Han concubines or wives in the palace. Yuan Emperors only married Mongol, Turkic and Korean women. Now they are trying to erase Genghis Khan from Chinese history.


The Yuan dynasty fell and was replaced by the native Ming; the Ming dynasty fell and in doing so opened the way to the last Manchurian Qing dynasty.

I wonder how history buffs feel about history being destroyed by all of today's puritanical ideologies rewriting it to suit their own values. Whether it's the psycho leftist commies in the west, or the psycho commies in China, or the psycho commies in Russia, now that everything is online and can be rewritten without anyone noticing, there is no more unchanging archive that historians can trust to reference events of the past.

They are already starting to claim certain Asian languages as Chinese dialects (to make obvious territorial claims). Some are even claiming English is a Chinese dialect. (https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/mandarin-chinese-english-shakespeare-world-civilization-research-association-a9097926.html) In the future the history of Western inventions and discoveries will be erased and retaught 100%.

If narratives aren't challenged, literally anyone can claim anything. In hundreds of years China will claim their knock off European monuments were the originals and the ones in Europe are forgeries.

We laugh at African-Americans, a group overwhelmingly West African, when they claim that they are the same as the Afro-Asiatic Egyptians and Nubians, but in 50 years, children will be taught that the late 2010s were a time of absolute oppression, where blacks were being gunned down en masse in the streets, and that this is why they must endure the current liberal world order.

Just like nobody today can have nation states or high trust communities because that led to Jews getting genocided, nobody in the future will be allowed freedom because that lead to six million negroes getting murdered every day by police. Nobody will be able to prove that it is incorrect once all the current books have been burned, and everyone will just accept it like they accept the WW2 narrative today.

China is one nation in which successive waves of barbarians/invaders genocided and mixed with the native population until all that was left were mongrelised rape babies who ruled them for centuries (what we call "assimilated" lel). Qing Dynasty was created with just 300000 Manchus when there were well over 100 million Chinese at the time. Basically Chinese are literal cucks and think that Han Chinese were the same equivalent to the Mongols when in reality Han Chinese have been taken over by barbaric Manchus.


The only reason Chinese assimilated people was because of their written language. Ethnically, the Han people have been powerless since the fall of the Tang dynasty. Ever since then it was all either conquest dynasties (Qing, Yuan, Jin) or shit dynasties (Ming).


If mongrels were unable to claim the heritage of their ancestors in any direction then conquest would only work with complete genocide (Dzungar genocide). There's a reason Alexander married Greek men to Persian women, and promoted vice versa. They became the Bactrians and future Persians, heavily hellenized and all with a claim to the regional legacy of not only the conquered but also the conquered.

Some of the Chinese at least admit that the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms influenced their art, particularly sculpture (including the terracotta army) (https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/oct/12/ancient-greeks-may-have-inspired-china-terracotta-army-sculptors-ancient-dna) due to an obvious leap forward in realism around that time.

I want to tell you that your behavior is very impolite and without any factual basis, full of prejudice. You don't know China at all, but I don't want to quarrel with you. I want to teach you an old Chinese saying: don't impose on others what you don't want to accept

06-15-2021, 03:05 PM
I'm hopeful Chinese leadership sees situation more rationally than you.

You don't have to worry about this. I have great confidence in my country and our government

06-15-2021, 03:10 PM
The problem is that the person who says that is a university professor.

On the other hand, and without reaching the extreme that the Parthenon or the Pyramids are a modern creation to diminish China, it is true that Western countries are very focused on ourselves, and we have left "far Eastern" history aside, that it has had highly developed civilizations since ancient times.

In fact, the professor's point of view is still copied from the Soviet point of view

06-15-2021, 03:12 PM
How come you`re even able to post here, when you`re "actually" from bolshevik China?

06-15-2021, 03:20 PM
You don't have to worry about this. I have great confidence in my country and our government

Yes, you are Chinese. I am Indian :laugh:

06-15-2021, 03:50 PM
You need to know that anti intellectualism exists everywhere. For example, if a westerner preaches the theory of white racial superiority, can the white represent all the white people? As you said, most people who believe in counterfeiting are populists. China is not a populist country, because a small number of people can never represent the vast majority of people, just like some Germans who slander that the Greeks are Slavs. The argument on the forged history was first put forward by Soviet mathematicians, right? If you remember correctly, they are fumianke

No, but most whites look down on non whites in the reality. It doesn't mean these peoples are neonazis or something nope, it's just a sociological phenomenon.

06-16-2021, 01:06 AM
No, but most whites look down on non whites in the reality. It doesn't mean these peoples are neonazis or something nope, it's just a sociological phenomenon.

This university professor, who preaches the theory of Western counterfeiting, has not made clear the concept of East and West. In his eyes, the Persian civilization of Egypt is both Western civilization, so you should know that this professor is purely for fire and fire, and his major is not archaeology. He has also been criticized by Chinese archaeologists

06-16-2021, 01:11 AM
No, but most whites look down on non whites in the reality. It doesn't mean these peoples are neonazis or something nope, it's just a sociological phenomenon.

Although many Chinese believe that it is reasonable for university professors to say that ancient Egypt, Babylon and Persepolis were forged by the west, there are more criticisms and refutations in China.

06-16-2021, 02:01 AM
So first we had Indo Aryans like Indians and Iranians creating Greece, then we had Nordics creating Greece and now we have the Chinese.

You all missed out on on the Africans - what about Egyptians? No one wants to mention them.. Linear A did come from Egyptian hieroglyphics did they not.?

06-16-2021, 02:33 AM
Post passport with timestamp, or otherwise this is another sock shill account.

06-24-2021, 04:12 AM
How come you`re even able to post here, when you`re "actually" from bolshevik China?

Ha ha, my country is very free and safe. You can only envy us

06-24-2021, 05:33 AM
Ha ha, my country is very free and safe. You can only envy us

Uyghurs beg to differ

06-24-2021, 07:41 AM
These are probably the only two Chinese constructions still preserved (worthy of being considered a construction) dating back to before the year 1000 A.D. Yes Annus Domini.

Nanchan Temple VIII century A.D.


Zhaozhou Bridge VII century A.D.


06-24-2021, 07:45 AM
These are probably the only two Chinese constructions still preserved (worthy of being considered a construction) dating back to before the year 1000 A.D. Yes Anno Domini.

Nanchan Temple VIII century A.D.


Zhaozhou Bridge VII century A.D.


The Great wall.. was not so great before 1500 A.D... it was like this.


06-24-2021, 08:25 AM
Uyghurs beg to differ

我直接用汉语给你发消息,因为翻译软件经常把翻译的意思会被曲解掉。你来过中国吗?你知道新疆很安全很稳定 吗?不好意思呀,我一个好朋友就是新疆的维吾尔族的姑娘,她很反感西方媒体的一些做法,因为西方媒体也在抹 黑维吾尔族人民对新疆做出的贡献,你们西方应该好好正视正式你们自己,看看你们自己对中东地区做了什么!! 1

06-24-2021, 08:27 AM
Uyghurs beg to differ

我直接用汉语给你发消息,因为翻译软件经常把翻译的意思会被曲解掉。你来过中国吗?你知道新疆很安全很稳定 吗?不好意思呀,我一个好朋友就是新疆的维吾尔族的姑娘,她很反感西方媒体的一些做法,因为西方媒体也在抹 黑维吾尔族人民对新疆做出的贡献,你们西方应该好好正视正式你们自己,看看你们自己对中东地区做了什么!! 1

06-24-2021, 08:45 AM
我直接用汉语给你发消息,因为翻译软件经常把翻译的意思会被曲解掉。你来过中国吗?你知道新疆很安全很稳定 吗?不好意思呀,我一个好朋友就是新疆的维吾尔族的姑娘,她很反感西方媒体的一些做法,因为西方媒体也在抹 黑维吾尔族人民对新疆做出的贡献,你们西方应该好好正视正式你们自己,看看你们自己对中东地区做了什么!! 1

Google translator..

I will send you a message directly in Chinese, because translation software often misinterprets the meaning of translation. Have you been to China? Do you know that Xinjiang is very safe and stable? Sorry, a good friend of mine is a Uyghur girl in Xinjiang. She is very disgusted with some of the practices of Western media, because Western media are also discrediting the Uyghur people’s contribution to Xinjiang. You, the West, should take you seriously. See what you have done to the Middle East!

06-24-2021, 08:51 AM

06-24-2021, 05:28 PM
我直接用汉语给你发消息,因为翻译软件经常把翻译的意思会被曲解掉。你来过中国吗?你知道新疆很安全很稳定 吗?不好意思呀,我一个好朋友就是新疆的维吾尔族的姑娘,她很反感西方媒体的一些做法,因为西方媒体也在抹 黑维吾尔族人民对新疆做出的贡献,你们西方应该好好正视正式你们自己,看看你们自己对中东地区做了什么!! 1

Yeah, right. :picard1: