View Full Version : compare Slovak and Hungarian volleyball teams

03-11-2021, 03:46 PM




03-11-2021, 03:56 PM
Hungarian girls look much better imo

03-11-2021, 03:59 PM
These two groups are similar, but the Slovaks are bit more East Slavic than the Hungarians. The latter people have more Germanic/Balkan vibe.

03-11-2021, 05:17 PM
and how do they compare to Czechs and Slovenians? :)





03-11-2021, 08:13 PM
I don't want to tie in you, but I think, the volleyball teams are not the most representative, because they are taller then the average population.

At the same time, I admit, that the height don't change the features and pigmentation.

I think, the most representative pitcures would be the random group pitcures.

03-11-2021, 08:18 PM
13 and 3 from the first Hungarian pic seem gypsy. Last pic of Slovakia has 4 gypsies. Slovakia has more gypsies, but whites look more similar - Slavic. Hungary has more Germanic types but the pigmentation between the two looks similar.

03-11-2021, 08:58 PM
I don't want to tie in you, but I think, the volleyball teams are not the most representative, because they are taller then the average population.

At the same time, I admit, that the height don't change the features and pigmentation.

I think, the most representative pitcures would be the random group pitcures.

I like volleyball teams, players are often good looking and there are less foreigners than in some bigger sports like football.

03-11-2021, 09:02 PM
13 and 3 from the first Hungarian pic seem gypsy. Last pic of Slovakia has 4 gypsies. Slovakia has more gypsies, but whites look more similar - Slavic. Hungary has more Germanic types but the pigmentation between the two looks similar.

4 Gypsies? Don't make me laugh imbecile, not a single Gypsy is among players on this pic.


13 and 3 from the first Hungarian pic seem gypsy

Ahaha, in what fantasy world??! There is only one Gypsy and that is number 5. 3 looks typical handsome western Med, as far from Gypsy as Romanians are far from being light.

GTFO from the thread, thanks.

03-11-2021, 09:04 PM
I don't want to tie in you, but I think, the volleyball teams are not the most representative, because they are taller then the average population.

At the same time, I admit, that the height don't change the features and pigmentation.

I think, the most representative pitcures would be the random group pitcures.

Old people and kiddos

03-11-2021, 09:06 PM
When Atlanto-Med become Gypsy :laugh:


Especially ironic when imbecile comes from nation that is synonymous with Gypsies worldwide ahaha. He looks more of a standard western white man than average swarthy, eastern looking Romanian.

03-11-2021, 09:06 PM
Many of the Hungarian ones look more Spanish(generally Med in general) while the Slovak just have that bit of extra North and eastern component that makes them look very much more central/north Euro.

03-11-2021, 09:09 PM
Slovaks look more Balto-Slavic. Quite similar to Southern Poles or Ukrainians. Hungarians look more southern.

03-11-2021, 09:13 PM
and how do they compare to Czechs and Slovenians? :)





Damn, both are equally hot

03-11-2021, 09:17 PM
Many of the Hungarian ones look more Spanish(generally Med in general) while the Slovak just have that bit of extra North and eastern component that makes them look very much more central/north Euro.

I think hungarian girls have faces that suit their head size more, maybe more stabilised genes or something, I dunno, I'm a rock

03-11-2021, 09:19 PM
I think hungarian girls have faces that suit their head size more, maybe more stabilised genes or something, I dunno, I'm a rock

I have not noticed that but i have noticed that many of those Hungarian girls pass in Spain easily.

03-11-2021, 09:24 PM
I have not noticed that but i have noticed that many of those Hungarian girls pass in Spain easily.

Meaning what?

03-11-2021, 09:24 PM
I have not noticed that but i have noticed that many of those Hungarian girls pass in Spain easily.

Many? Sound like exeggeration.

03-11-2021, 09:24 PM
I think hungarian girls have faces that suit their head size more, maybe more stabilised genes or something, I dunno, I'm a rock

All of your comments here are dumb and please post no more.

03-11-2021, 09:26 PM
All of your comments here are dumb and please post no more.

Shut your mouth

03-11-2021, 09:29 PM
Hopefully someone bans this redikul.

03-11-2021, 09:31 PM
Many? Sound like exeggeration.

I counted 12 i think can pass, there is quite a bit of Med and Alpine in Hungary that does not look out of place in Spain

03-11-2021, 09:44 PM
SK Řečkovice! It's football, but you can still add it to the database for Czechs. :-)


03-11-2021, 09:45 PM
I counted 12 i think can pass, there is quite a bit of Med and Alpine in Hungary that does not look out of place in Spain

Passing and looking sth is very different story though.

03-11-2021, 11:53 PM
When Atlanto-Med become Gypsy :laugh:


He looks more of a standard western white man than average swarthy, eastern looking Romanian.

He has a common look for Romania. Actually, he looks more Romanian than Hungarian.


03-12-2021, 01:51 AM

He has a common look for Romania. Actually, he looks more Romanian than Hungarian.


Except the guy in the hungarian pic is much lighter, unlike this med looking romanian guy who has black hair and black beard.

03-12-2021, 02:10 AM
Except the guy in the hungarian pic is much lighter, unlike this med looking romanian guy who has black hair and black beard.
It's the same guy in every picture, his name is Nagy Jozsef .

03-12-2021, 06:30 AM
They are similar, but not that much. Slovaks look like Southern Poles (with less Slavic). Hungarians don't look any more Slavic than Romanians...

03-12-2021, 06:44 AM

He has a common look for Romania. Actually, he looks more Romanian than Hungarian.


Are you a troll? Romanians are not Kurds! He's as atypical for Romanian as for Hungarian

03-12-2021, 07:05 AM
They are similar, but not that much. Slovaks look like Southern Poles (with less Slavic). Hungarians don't look any more Slavic than Romanians...

Hungarians have heavy Germanic input and this seems to make them lighter. Some germanic phenotypes are alien in Romania. For instance, in the first pic, 12 looks very North-western European and wouldn't see him in Romania. I think he is corded nordid but I may be wrong.

03-12-2021, 07:12 AM

He has a common look for Romania. Actually, he looks more Romanian than Hungarian.

He could have Jewish ancestry too, but there are ethnic Hungarian with such looks. There's a hungarian member with the username "Viers" or something like that and he looks like this or even more exotic but his dna test result is very avarage hungarian.

03-12-2021, 07:15 AM
He could have Jewish ancestry too, but there are ethnic Hungarian with such looks. There's a hungarian member with the username "Viers" or something like that and he looks like this or even more exotic but his dna test result is very avarage hungarian.

03-12-2021, 10:05 AM
Are you a troll? Romanians are not Kurds! He's as atypical for Romanian as for Hungarian

Are you troll?
Looks 0% Kurdish, he is more SW looking than average Hungarians and Romanians.

Looks Iberian and also typical look in Dalmatia. But I noticed west Med looking people exist in Hungary.

03-12-2021, 12:20 PM
Hungarians have heavy Germanic input and this seems to make them lighter. Some germanic phenotypes are alien in Romania. For instance, in the first pic, 12 looks very North-western European and wouldn't see him in Romania. I think he is corded nordid but I may be wrong.

That's correct! Hungarians from TransDanubia (West of Danube) have heavy German influences (comparable to French): 20-30% of them may descend from assimilated Swabians. If you look at ethnic maps in 1700s there was an enormous German minority in Trans-Danubia which over time got Magyarized. Blonde element in Hungarians has four origins (by chronological order):

- Pannonian
- Slavic
- Magyar
- Germanic

First and second are shared with SW Slavs

03-12-2021, 12:25 PM
He could have Jewish ancestry too, but there are ethnic Hungarian with such looks. There's a hungarian member with the username "Viers" or something like that and he looks like this or even more exotic but his dna test result is very avarage hungarian.

Doesn't look Semitic/Arabid. That "viers" user looks pure Paki... WTF

03-12-2021, 01:08 PM
That's correct! Hungarians from TransDanubia (West of Danube) have heavy German influences (comparable to French): 20-30% of them may descend from assimilated Swabians. If you look at ethnic maps in 1700s there was an enormous German minority in Trans-Danubia which over time got Magyarized. Blonde element in Hungarians has four origins (by chronological order):

- Pannonian
- Slavic
- Magyar
- Germanic

First and second are shared with SW Slavs

Eastern and western hungarians are not really different. The german migration to Carpathian Basin was continuous since 10. century, and after the tatar destruction there was a such big german migration wave like in the 17.-18. century. These early medieval germans have settled everywhere not only in West Hungary. Eastern hungarians can have pretty high german genetic, but there were many german settlement in East fir example Újszász, Szászberek etc. You can see many german named person in East Hungary too.

03-12-2021, 03:43 PM
When Atlanto-Med become Gypsy :laugh:


Especially ironic when imbecile comes from nation that is synonymous with Gypsies worldwide ahaha. He looks more of a standard western white man than average swarthy, eastern looking Romanian.

Atlanto gypsy is a new pheno

03-12-2021, 05:12 PM
Eastern and western hungarians are not really different. The german migration to Carpathian Basin was continuous since 10. century, and after the tatar destruction there was a such big german migration wave like in the 17.-18. century. These early medieval germans have settled everywhere not only in West Hungary. Eastern hungarians can have pretty high german genetic, but there were many german settlement in East fir example Újszász, Szászberek etc. You can see many german named person in East Hungary too.

You just cannot compare! Western Hungary had massive German settlement starting with Habsburg rule (17th-18th century). I have a map from a Hungarian site about the ethnic makeup of Hungary in late 1700s and Germans appear to have been a huge minority in Transdanubia (there were plenty of SW Slavs, too, but later were indigenous I think)


^ Danube swabians. Areas West of Raab river had a huge German minority, too (but they are native Bavarians, not Swabian immigrants)

03-13-2021, 12:08 AM
You just cannot compare! Western Hungary had massive German settlement starting with Habsburg rule (17th-18th century). I have a map from a Hungarian site about the ethnic makeup of Hungary in late 1700s and Germans appear to have been a huge minority in Transdanubia (there were plenty of SW Slavs, too, but later were indigenous I think)


^ Danube swabians. Areas West of Raab river had a huge German minority, too (but they are native Bavarians, not Swabian immigrants)

Yes West Hungary got massive german influence between 17-18 century, and? There were many other german migration wave, the first is in 10. century when german knights and priests helped to St. Stephen to fight against pagan hungarians and to defend the christian hungarian state, they were settled mostly in Pest area. Later the half Hungary was destroyed by tatar-mongols, the destruction happened mostly in East Hungary (Alföld):


"The effects of the Mongol invasion were tremendous in the kingdom of the Hungary. The worst damage was incurred on the plains regions, where 50-80% of settlements were destroyed.[28] The combination of massacres perpetrated by the Mongols, the famines induced by their foraging, and the simultaneous devastation of the countryside by the fleeing Cumans resulted in an estimated loss of 15–25% of Hungary's population, some 300,000–500,000 people in total.[29] The only places that held in the face of Mongol assaults were approximately eighty fortified places, including all of the few stone castles in the kingdom. Among these places were Esztergom, Székesfehérvár, and the Pannonhalma Archabbey.[30] However, these places were relatively few; a German chronicler in 1241 noted that Hungary "had almost no city protected by strong walls or fortresses", so the majority of settled areas were extremely vulnerable.[31]"
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Mongol_invasion_of_Hungary#Devastation_of_Hu ngary

The King Béla IV also called the "second founder of the state" invited tons of germans (+slavs) to these regions. So my point is the german migration was continuous and influenced every region including East Hungary. The most germanized area is Budapest by far, this city had german majority between the 11-20 century. Nowadays 10% of peoples in Budapest have mostly german ethnic background (but most cannot speak german) other 20-30% have at least 25% german ancestry, according to my experience. In my ex class in the school every 3. person had german surname. But this is not rare in East Hungary. I don't deny West Hungary is more german influenced (mostly Budapest, Baranya and Sopron/Ödenburg) but it exist also in East, and eastern hungarians also can score pretty high german genetic.
In 1910 10% of Hungary was german:
https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_magyarorsz%C3%A1gi_nemzetis%C3%A9gek_t%C3%B6rt%C 3%A9nete#Az_1910-es_n%C3%A9psz%C3%A1ml%C3%A1l%C3%A1s
And this number is after the effect of magyarization, so the real number is around 15-20% in the reality but these other 5-10% was assimilated.

03-13-2021, 03:56 AM
The King Béla IV also called the "second founder of the state" invited tons of germans (+slavs) to these regions. So my point is the german migration was continuous and influenced every region including East Hungary. The most germanized area is Budapest by far, this city had german majority between the 11-20 century. Nowadays 10% of peoples in Budapest have mostly german ethnic background (but most cannot speak german) other 20-30% have at least 25% german ancestry, according to my experience. In my ex class in the school every 3. person had german surname. But this is not rare in East Hungary. I don't deny West Hungary is more german influenced (mostly Budapest, Baranya and Sopron/Ödenburg) but it exist also in East, and eastern hungarians also can score pretty high german genetic.

You are suprisingly knowledgeable for a woman... East of Tisza river, outside Saxon settlements in Transylvania (12th-13th century), the only German-inhabited areas were Swabian (18th century mostly):

- Banat: the vast majority
- Szatmar
- Arad

But outside Banat, where Hungarians disappeared for 300 years after Turkish conquest, German influence was really small. I don't think that Hungarians there have more than 5% German ancestry (there is no historical reason to accept anything more). Anyway, considering you're Danube Swabian also, have you tried to investigate where did they came from?

By studying surnames of my German ancestors as well as those of their family friends (Hoeber, Kuhn, Priess, Schiller, Roth) by comparing with surname maps it's obvious their origin is Franconian rather than Swabian.

03-13-2021, 11:23 AM
You are suprisingly knowledgeable for a woman...

Thx but women are not stupid just because they are women...

East of Tisza river, outside Saxon settlements in Transylvania (12th-13th century), the only German-inhabited areas were Swabian (18th century mostly):

- Banat: the vast majority
- Szatmar
- Arad

These cities and regions are parts of Alföld, as i said there were other german (mostly saxon) settlements Szászberek, Újszász (szász means saxon), these are located in North Alföld.

But outside Banat, where Hungarians disappeared for 300 years after Turkish conquest, German influence was really small.

Indeed in the modern times.

I don't think that Hungarians there have more than 5% German ancestry (there is no historical reason to accept anything more).

I have seen such genetic test from an east hungarian, maybe stearsolina or universe can help you.

Anyway, considering you're Danube Swabian also, have you tried to investigate where did they came from?

Danube swabians? We are not ethnic swabians, the danube swabian name is a collective name for all germans who lived in central parts of Hungary, their background is mostly not swabian but bavarian, austrian, west german and every area where chatolic germans lived. For example i'm danube swabian and i have no any real swabian ancestry but my german side is mostly bavarian with minor austrian. So the danube swabian name can be misleading if you see our ethnic background.

By studying surnames of my German ancestors as well as those of their family friends (Hoeber, Kuhn, Priess, Schiller, Roth) by comparing with surname maps it's obvious their origin is Franconian rather than Swabian.

Kuhn name sounds jewish. My mother is half hungarian half danube swabian (her german side is bavarian) her surname is very rare in general. My father is 100% bavarian, but he said the family have a very distant austrian roots too, his and my surname is very common in Bavaria and Austria.