View Full Version : Classify people from Munich

03-18-2021, 06:00 PM
A video from Munich, quite a few English looking people in the video, especially the girl on the left at 2:23, man at 0:40, the young man on the right at 2:46 and the boy who needs a haircut at 1:40, also the young man at 3:25. Seems much less Alpine than France i think and more similar to Belgium as far as phenotypes go.


03-18-2021, 07:40 PM
Pretty Pan - German as expected and unlike what on anthroboards is preached. More Austrian looking in the video from Berlin because more Norics etc. Probably only the guy on 3:26 would be truly South German looking. Now if you make the same in small villages (the less tourist attracting ones) it would be different of course.

03-18-2021, 08:01 PM
The guy at 0:53 looks Albanian.