View Full Version : Lars Von Trier facing charges over Hitler rant

European blood
10-10-2011, 07:21 PM
DANISH FILM DIRECTOR Lars von Trier says he’s facing charges of violating a French law against justification of war crimes over statements he made about Adolf Hitler and Jews during the film festival in Cannes.

Von Trier addressed the investigation in a brief statement Wednesday that he said would be his last, ever.

“Due to these serious accusations I have realized that I do not possess the skills to express myself unequivocally and I have therefore decided from this day forth to refrain from all public statements and interviews,” von Trier said.

The director said he was questioned by police in North Zealand, Denmark, in connection with charges made by the prosecution of Grasse in France.

Von Trier was ejected from the Cannes Film Festival in May after expressing sympathy for Hitler at a news conference for his film Melancholia.

In a rambling speech, the filmmaker spoke about his German heritage, saying his ancestry made him “sympathise with (Hitler) a little bit.” He added that he supports Jews. The director said afterwards he had been joking and later issued an apology.

He later retracted the apology, telling GQ magazine that he wasn’t sorry, but wished he had made clear that he was joking.

Peter Aalbaek Jensen, co-founder with von Trier of the Zentropa film company, said he had talked to the director Wednesday, and confirmed he did not wish to speak to the media ever again.
‘He has decided to muzzle himself’

“He has decided today to muzzle himself. He takes this extremely seriously,” Aalbaek Jensen said.

“He is a colourful and entertaining person and he has never had the intention or wish to offend anyone,” Jensen said. “He has now spent five months explaining himself. He is a self-declared socialist and humanist and speaks up for the little people. It would be absurd if he started to praise them (Nazis).”

Von Trier’s comments ignited shock from the moment they spilled out of his mouth, causing Kirsten Dunst, an actress in Melancholia, to lean over and whisper to von Trier, “Oh my God, this is terrible.”

“What can I say? I understand Hitler, but I think he did some wrong things, yes, absolutely. But I can see him sitting in his bunker in the end,” von Trier said at the time. “He’s not what you would call a good guy, but I understand much about him, and I sympathise with him a little bit. But come on, I’m not for the Second World War, and I’m not against Jews. …

“I am very much for Jews. No, not too much, because Israel is a pain in the ass.”

North Zealand police spokesman Henrik Suhr didn’t return calls seeking a comment and the police officer on duty declined to comment on the case.


10-10-2011, 07:24 PM
Yes, paranoia runs rampant especially and clearly in my view in France. Well, let's face it they could never stand the Germans let alone what they must feel after a decade of Nazi occupation.

10-10-2011, 08:08 PM
Poor man, this matter seems to me day by day more similar to Polanski's affair with an underaged girl troubling him for decades. Moreover, I would guess French ones accomplished long time ago their Antinazi agenda by "valiantly" humiliating German soldiers former fiancees.

10-10-2011, 08:24 PM
Poor man, this matter seems to me day by day more similar to Polanski's affair with an underaged girl troubling him for decades. Moreover, I would guess French ones accomplished long time ago their Antinazi agenda by "valiantly" humiliating German soldiers former fiancees.

As far as I know, he raped a 13 year old girl. That's the kind of thing that should follow a person around for decades..

and lol @ this guy. I don't see him condoning anything Hitler did, all he did was give a personal opinion about the man. It's no wonder why the French are so fucked.

10-10-2011, 08:52 PM
As far as I know, he raped a 13 year old girl. That's the kind of thing that should follow a person around for decades..

and lol @ this guy. I don't see him condoning anything Hitler did, all he did was give a personal opinion about the man. It's no wonder why the French are so fucked.

And Polanski is a Jew.

10-10-2011, 10:20 PM
As far as I know, he raped a 13 year old girl. That's the kind of thing that should follow a person around for decades..

Well, victim forgave him (dont forget it was a consented intercourse so she never felt like a victim then it was no trauma involved) and, moreover, crimes (even 99.9% of assasinations not included in crimes against humanity chapter) use to prescript: i know escaping from justice stops the count but, anycase, i guess California justice it's been too picky with him. In fact I cant help from appending one more case to my serie: with DSK, USA justice were also suspiciously picky.

10-11-2011, 01:06 AM
Well, victim forgave him (dont forget it was a consented intercourse so she never felt like a victim then it was no trauma involved) and, moreover, crimes (even 99.9% of assasinations not included in crimes against humanity chapter) use to prescript: i know escaping from justice stops the count but, anycase, i guess California justice it's been too picky with him. In fact I cant help from appending one more case to my serie: with DSK, USA justice were also suspiciously picky.

Its easy to forgive when someone offers you a shit ton of money, and a 13 year old can't consent to have sex with an adult man in my book.

10-11-2011, 01:27 AM
Well, victim forgave him (dont forget it was a consented intercourse so she never felt like a victim then it was no trauma involved)

When your daughter is 13 and I get her to consent to have sex with me, will you hold the camera still for me?

10-11-2011, 01:42 AM
Poor man, this matter seems to me day by day more similar to Polanski's affair with an underaged girl troubling him for decades. Moreover, I would guess French ones accomplished long time ago their Antinazi agenda by "valiantly" humiliating German soldiers former fiancees.

Polanski committed statutory rape. Get your facts straight.

10-11-2011, 11:10 AM
1) 13 y.o. girl is neither a woman...nor a child. And Im not the one thinking so, Spanish lawyers should think the same when they regard sexual intercourse with underaged as violation no matter concrete conditions just when victim is below 13 y.o. If American lawyers think different is not my issue, Im talking from my concience and my legal system.
2) If I ever got a daughter, of course, I would not like she becoming a whore going bed with everyone, no matter if it happens at her 13, at her 16 or at her 20.
3) I was talking about Lars Von Trier. I introduced Polanski's case just because I regard it as similar in how they're ruining their peace of mind for long periods of time not proportional with the offense commited: for God sake, Polanski's misbehaviour take place more than 30 years ago.

10-11-2011, 11:40 AM
1) 13 y.o. girl is neither a woman...nor a child. And Im not the one thinking so, Spanish lawyers should think the same when they regard sexual intercourse with underaged as violation no matter concrete conditions just when victim is below 13 y.o. If American lawyers think different is not my issue, Im talking from my concience and my legal system.
2) If I ever got a daughter, of course, I would not like she becoming a whore going bed with everyone, no matter if it happens at her 13, at her 16 or at her 20.
3) I was talking about Lars Von Trier. I introduced Polanski's case just because I regard it as similar in how they're ruining their peace of mind for long periods of time not proportional with the offense commited: for God sake, Polanski's misbehaviour take place more than 30 years ago.

Drugging a 13 yr. old girl and then raping her is a far cry from making some off-hand comments about Hitler.

Don't forget that Polanski fled the US to avoid prosecution.

Here's something else to think about, France wants von Trier extradited so they can prosecute him for thought crimes, yet they knowingly harbored Polanki, a man who fled the US to avoid being tried for raping an under-aged girl.

10-11-2011, 12:05 PM
Drugging a 13 yr. old girl and then raping her is a far cry from making some off-hand comments about Hitler.

Don't forget that Polanski fled the US to avoid prosecution.

Here's something else to think about, France wants von Trier extradited so they can prosecute him for thought crimes, yet they knowingly harbored Polanki, a man who fled the US to avoid being tried for raping an under-aged girl.

Again, Polanski is a Jew. I cannot believe this isn't going to turn into something ugly this ridiculous attempt at von Trier. France in my view is simply kissing certain ass a bit much for my taste lately. I'd like to see a debate on the issue you have raised above.

10-11-2011, 12:19 PM
Again, Polanski is a Jew. I cannot believe this isn't going to turn into something ugly this ridiculous attempt at von Trier. France in my view is simply kissing certain ass a bit much for my taste lately. I'd like to see a debate on the issue you have raised above.

Von Trier should just convert to Judaism, then all his problems would disappear overnight.

10-11-2011, 12:29 PM
Von Trier should just convert to Judaism, then all his problems would disappear overnight.

It certainly appears that way by preponderance of the evidence that I have seen. How long do these people think they can pull this shit and get away with it.

They clearly have yet to learn the lesson that everyone one gives out comes back tenfold.

10-11-2011, 12:37 PM
It certainly appears that way by preponderance of the evidence that I have seen. How long do these people think they can pull this shit and get away with it.

They clearly have yet to learn the lesson that everyone one gives out comes back tenfold.

I'll be curious if the Dutch government caves in and actually allows von Trier to be extradited to France. If they do that will say plenty about Jew power in Western Europa.

10-11-2011, 12:44 PM
I'll be curious if the Dutch government caves in and actually allows von Trier to be extradited to France. If they do that will say plenty about Jew power in Western Europa.

Yes. Let's see if they have any balls left. Again, in my view this is all a bad remake of a play that wasn't very good the last time around.

10-11-2011, 03:21 PM
I'll be curious if the Dutch government caves in and actually allows von Trier to be extradited to France. If they do that will say plenty about Jew power in Western Europa.

What do the Dutch have to do with this?

10-11-2011, 04:18 PM
What do the Dutch have to do with this?

I think he is in Denmark.

10-11-2011, 04:23 PM
I think he is in Denmark.

Which is why I'm asking what the Dutch have to do with this?

10-11-2011, 04:42 PM
Which is why I'm asking what the Dutch have to do with this?

He may have been mistaken.

10-11-2011, 06:28 PM
He may have been mistaken.

Sorry, Danish government.

10-11-2011, 09:17 PM
Sorry, Danish government.

No worries mate.

10-12-2011, 04:10 AM
1) 13 y.o. girl is neither a woman...nor a child. And Im not the one thinking so, Spanish lawyers should think the same when they regard sexual intercourse with underaged as violation no matter concrete conditions just when victim is below 13 y.o. If American lawyers think different is not my issue, Im talking from my concience and my legal system.
2) If I ever got a daughter, of course, I would not like she becoming a whore going bed with everyone, no matter if it happens at her 13, at her 16 or at her 20.

In 1977 a 13 year old was certainly still a girl.

This is a child. If a grown man is attracted to that I'd venture to say he's got a thing for kids.




10-12-2011, 04:25 AM
What Polanski did was wrong for sure. However, I tend to separate the person from the artist. Polanski is a brilliant director.

I've always found the double standard people have with such things quite interesting to say the least. When it comes to artists, people often become hyper-sensitive. But such thing doesn't happen sometimes.

Didn't Elvis date a 14 year old girl? Frank Sinatra had mob connections, wasn't he, most likely, ordering hits on people he didn't like? I don't see people making such a big deal out of those facts, plenty don't even know about it, and if they do they simply don't care. These are often the same people who bash Polanski or Michael Jackson.

10-12-2011, 11:18 PM
Gamera: maybe you mean Jerry Lee Lewis who married his cousin of 13 yo.

Jerney: indeed she looked younger and/or no sexual attractive at all for a sane adult. But we had no other probes on an hipotetical Polanski's deviation, we just know by films and life he liked teen-like femmes, like a young Catherine Deneuve or his wife Sharon Tate. Moreover, if later had been still alive instead of been killed by a bunch of nuts, maybe Polanski's darkest day had never take place.

10-12-2011, 11:25 PM
What Polanski did was wrong for sure. However, I tend to separate the person from the artist. Polanski is a brilliant director.

I've always found the double standard people have with such things quite interesting to say the least. When it comes to artists, people often become hyper-sensitive. But such thing doesn't happen sometimes.

Didn't Elvis date a 14 year old girl? Frank Sinatra had mob connections, wasn't he, most likely, ordering hits on people he didn't like? I don't see people making such a big deal out of those facts, plenty don't even know about it, and if they do they simply don't care. These are often the same people who bash Polanski or Michael Jackson.

Yes, the double standard that allowed the monied Jew Polanski to hide in France, free from extradition back to the US where was to face trial on a statutory rape charge.