View Full Version : UN Chief says crisis could result in failed States

Sol Invictus
04-02-2009, 03:51 PM
April 2, 2009

UN chief Ban Ki-moon warned Thursday that failing to act to halt the global economic crisis could lead to widespread social unrest and failed states, ahead of the G20 crisis summit here.

“What began as a financial crisis has become a global economic crisis,” the UN secretary general wrote in an article in the Guardian newspaper.

“I fear worse to come — a full-blown political crisis defined by growing social unrest, weakened governments and angry publics who have lost all faith in their leaders and their own future.”

He said the global economic downturn affected the poorest countries the most, and noted that in these countries “things fall apart alarmingly fast”.

“Unless we build a worldwide recovery we face a looming catastrophe in human development,” Ban wrote.

Full Article (http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.581a8cdd9df65663e3db2cf1c153f2b 3.41&show_article=1)

04-02-2009, 07:50 PM
good :thumb001:

Sol Invictus
04-02-2009, 09:29 PM
good :thumb001:

Explain why this would be a good thing? You're not a sadist are you?

04-03-2009, 01:34 AM
Explain why this would be a good thing? You're not a sadist are you?

if the governments fall, then we the people can take our countries back from the invaders, rest assured with out protection of the law the invaders will flee as fast as they can!

what was that?
there goes poncho on an inner tube :D

guess the raft left with out him :p

04-03-2009, 04:34 AM
if the governments fall, then we the people can take our countries back from the invaders, rest assured with out protection of the law the invaders will flee as fast as they can!

If you indeed were a soldier, then you should know that if the US government were to fail, the enormous power vacuum would be quickly filled by one of the several up and coming military powers. The state of the nation is certainly less than optimal, but it's worlds better than being colonized by China.

Fortis in Arduis
04-03-2009, 06:49 AM
What about US states becoming independent with the failure of the federal infrastructure?

04-03-2009, 06:57 AM
What about US states becoming independent with the failure of the federal infrastructure?

One hundred years ago that might've been possible. Today though, I can't really think of a believable scenario in which the federal government fails, the states are left in tact, and we're not invaded/overpowered for a foreign power.

04-03-2009, 08:45 AM
Who cares what the UN or those dickweeds at the Guardian think?

Of course the current criis is severe. But nothing they can conceivably do, say or think is going to make it any better.

04-03-2009, 12:18 PM
One hundred years ago that might've been possible. Today though, I can't really think of a believable scenario in which the federal government fails, the states are left in tact, and we're not invaded/overpowered for a foreign power.

I could not think of a more impossible scenario. We would still have a military, and they would not allow a foreign military landing. The greatest threat to the people of this country is this federal government, and it should fail. It has not existed for the benefit of us, the people for about 100 years now.

Lets try Constitutional government again.

Ron Paul for president.

Any other former congressmen, government bureaucratic employees, and all lobbyists will not be allowed inside the D.C. Beltway.

04-03-2009, 02:22 PM
If you indeed were a soldier, then you should know that if the US government were to fail, the enormous power vacuum would be quickly filled by one of the several up and coming military powers. The state of the nation is certainly less than optimal, but it's worlds better than being colonized by China.

why would any country want to invade the US,
china would be the last nation that wished to do so

1st of all we are there #1 customers with out the american $ they dont excist

2nd the amount of debt and dollars china holds in there vaults we are worth more to them as the USA then an occupied nation

3rd we have you know that nuclear thing, that pretty much eleminates any invasion from the outside

if there is unrest it will come from with in :thumb001:

04-03-2009, 02:28 PM
why would any country want to invade the US,
china would be the last nation that wished to do so

Psychonaut isn't saying that the US will be invaded by China, but is stating that China could be the world's predominant superpower.;) (I think)

04-03-2009, 02:57 PM
Psychonaut isn't saying that the US will be invaded by China, but is stating that China could be the world's predominant superpower.;) (I think)

Right. The powers that be would probably prevent a land invasion of most of the US, but without the might of the strong federal government, we'd quickly be apt to be bullied by the big boys in the same way that we bully other nations right now. I'm no Hamiltonian, but I don't think that we should do anything that could conceivably compromise our spot as the preeminent military power in the world; that would just be foolish.

We would still have a military, and they would not allow a foreign military landing.

I'm not quite sure what kind of scenario would destroy the federal government, but leave the military fully functioning. Are you thinking that it would be evenly distributed amongst the states? That it would function as an autonomous "semi-federal" entity? Our military has never been truly effective except on a federal level.

04-03-2009, 08:45 PM
Right. The powers that be would probably prevent a land invasion of most of the US, but without the might of the strong federal government, we'd quickly be apt to be bullied by the big boys in the same way that we bully other nations right now. I'm no Hamiltonian, but I don't think that we should do anything that could conceivably compromise our spot as the preeminent military power in the world; that would just be foolish.

I'm not quite sure what kind of scenario would destroy the federal government, but leave the military fully functioning. Are you thinking that it would be evenly distributed amongst the states? That it would function as an autonomous "semi-federal" entity? Our military has never been truly effective except on a federal level.

Agree that we should not diminish our military power, but we do not need to be a virtual empire with troops in over 130 countries around the world at this very moment.

A revolution could destroy the current corrupt government and leave the military intact. I would hope the leading generals and admirals would wait until a new government arises. I do not think some general would use the military for a power grab, because I do not think US soldiers would kill US civilians just because some officer told him to.

04-03-2009, 09:26 PM
I do not think US soldiers would kill US civilians just because some officer told him to.

dont be so sure

04-03-2009, 10:02 PM
dont be so sure

Are our troops being trained to follow orders, question nothing, even going against US civilians?

04-03-2009, 10:46 PM
Are our troops being trained to follow orders, question nothing, even going against US civilians?

troops are today trained to defend the Federal government.
not the american people.
do you think we are fighting and dieing in the east defending our citizens?
the average arab has no problem with americans but they hate the US government
when the order comes down the line the US soldier will not be deployed to his town or even his state

a soldier from ohio will be deployed to texas a soldier from Ga. will be deployed to Cal. this way there is no connection and the troops will view the rioter's or who ever is going against the government as the enemy and it is there duty to protect the US government

not your way of life

04-04-2009, 03:46 AM
Agree that we should not diminish our military power, but we do not need to be a virtual empire with troops in over 130 countries around the world at this very moment.

Agreed. I'm not in favor of occupying sovereign nations.

A revolution could destroy the current corrupt government and leave the military intact. I would hope the leading generals and admirals would wait until a new government arises. I do not think some general would use the military for a power grab, because I do not think US soldiers would kill US civilians just because some officer told him to.

Do you really think that a revolution would not involve the military? I agree that many many soldiers would not turn against their fellow Americans, but I would imagine that the military would be torn apart along with the federal powers if that were the case (which I still think is not possible at this juncture).

04-04-2009, 08:48 AM
One hundred years ago that might've been possible. Today though, I can't really think of a believable scenario in which the federal government fails, the states are left in tact, and we're not invaded/overpowered for a foreign power.
We began moving away from being a nation and sowed the seeds of empire in 1965 with the immigration act, all empires fall eventually, we will be no different.

No one attempted to invade Russia when the Soviet empire collapsed 20 years ago, no one will invade us, assuming the the 'groid-In-Chief is willing to do his job...