View Full Version : Classify/Plass Spanish Female Tennis Player

03-25-2021, 03:50 PM
She is from Extremadura:



OH WAIT! This one doesn't look like Penelope Cruz either! lol

03-25-2021, 04:24 PM
Passes here. Med. Probably additional component [alpinid] as well.

03-25-2021, 05:04 PM
Alpine-med with dinaric tendancies.

03-25-2021, 05:06 PM
Robust Alpine Med, has a slightly Portuguese vibe which is not surprising really, similar pigmentation to Penelope Cruz.

03-25-2021, 05:09 PM
Robust Alpine Med, has a slightly Portuguese vibe which is not surprising really, similar pigmentation to Penelope Cruz.

But she looks nothing like Penelope Cruz.

03-25-2021, 05:24 PM
Nice looking gordita. Looks underage though

03-25-2021, 05:28 PM
Nice looking gordita. Looks underage though

Might be an under 18 teenager, but I think teenagers are already classifiable.

Cristiano viejo
03-25-2021, 07:07 PM
Robust Alpine Med, has a slightly Portuguese vibe which is not surprising really, similar pigmentation to Penelope Cruz.

Not true, Penélope Cruz is lighter


03-25-2021, 07:12 PM
Not true, Penélope Cruz is lighter


Thats because she comes from a more Spanish part of Spain, Extremadura has more Portuguese influence

Cristiano viejo
03-25-2021, 07:14 PM
Thats because she comes from a more Spanish part of Spain, Extremadura has more Portuguese influence

Penélope Cruz father was a Gypsy from Extremadura, and her mother is Andalusian :thumb001:

03-25-2021, 07:17 PM
Penélope Cruz father was a Gypsy from Extremadura, and her mother is Andalusian :thumb001:

No indication about him being gypsy, looks more like an Alentejan to me https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/79/590x/Eduardo-Cruz-and-daughter-Penelope-585394.jpg

03-25-2021, 07:24 PM
Lo que pasa, y aquí entre nosotros, es que le venía ya en los genes, su padre, que hace poco se nos fue, era un artesano de la palabra, vendía coches, que no es fácil, y además era de sangre gitana. Y por si fuera poco, su madre, la madre de P, andaluza total, así que ya me dirán ustedes de donde vienen esos ojos, ese aire de la copla, que además, la canta y muy bien, con duende, aunque ahora sólo la dedique a sus niños, que uno se llama Leo y otra se llama Luna.


Pues sí era su padre de sangre gitana, ni lo sabía. Siempre me pareció algo exótica y su mezcla lo cubre de alguna manera que no es tan fácil ver si no lo sabes, pienso.

03-25-2021, 07:39 PM
Andrea Gilete



Apellido de origen francés; aunque algunos lo sitúan en Navarra o Santander

Tuvo este apellido su casa solar en Navarra. Muchos linajes de este apellido probaron su nobleza en las Órdenes de Santiago, Calatrava, Alcántara, Montesa, (corporaciones nacidas para luchar contra los moros, cooperando a la Reconquista, y asegurar el orden, protegiendo a los peregrinos y desvalidos), Carlos III y San Juan de Jerusalén (es una orden religiosa militar fundada en el siglo XI); numerosas veces en las Reales Chancillería de Valladolid y Granada, en la Real Compañía de Guardias Marinas y en la Real Audiencia de Oviedo. Los de Navarra traen por armas: En gules, cinco estrellas, de oro, puestas dos y tres. Otros traen: En gules, cinco flores de lis de oro, puestas dos a cada lado y una punta; en abismo, un escudetes de oro, cargado de una estrella de azur. Bordura de oro. Otros: Partido. Primero: en oro, un oso, de gules, y segundo: en plata, cinco fajas, ondeadas, de azur. El estudio del escudo heráldico familiar nos "habla" de quienes formaron el origen de la familia G., pues esa era su función, la de manifestar a los demás sus elementos diferenciales, pues la inclusión del elemento estrella es la figura más extendida en la heráldica, su significado es impreciso, en cuanto se refiere a la Península, pero parece ser que demostrar su fidelidad a la Iglesia de Roma, por analogía al significado en Lombardía y Toscana que era la pertenencia al partido Güelfo (del Papa de Roma). Los esmaltes del arma de los G. pregonan los siguientes valores: el Gules es el símbolo de la fuerza, del poder, del amor ferviente a Dios y al prójimo, tal es el significado de este esmalte, a lo que habría que añadir el afán de dominio, el coraje, la audacia, la fortaleza y la magnanimidad, un alto porcentaje de este tipo de escudos familiares se dieron por actos de guerra. ...

No veo el segundo apellido...

03-25-2021, 07:56 PM

03-25-2021, 07:58 PM
Has anyone else noticed that this guy only posts bread-faced girls?

03-25-2021, 08:01 PM
Has anyone else noticed that this guy only posts bread-faced girls?

Because I like bread faced women :)

Cristiano viejo
03-25-2021, 08:50 PM
No indication about him being gypsy, looks more like an Alentejan to me
What he looked for you is not relevant since you are showed to be a total inexpert and unskilled about Spanish people. He was Gypsy, this is a fact, it does not matter what you think.

Damião de Góis
03-25-2021, 11:08 PM
No indication about him being gypsy, looks more like an Alentejan to me


Yeah he looks very familiar to me. :picard1:

You must be the most retarded anthrotard i've seen in this forum, even more than Sikeliot was. And he had a mental disorder.

03-25-2021, 11:10 PM
The Powerpuff Girl

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 12:19 AM
Yeah he looks very familiar to me. :picard1:

You must be the most retarded anthrotard i've seen in this forum, even more than Sikeliot was. And he had a mental disorder.

Who are you to debate with him about how your people look? dont forget he travelled in a burro for the Alentejo, he knows well :heh:

Damião de Góis
03-26-2021, 12:22 AM
Who are you to debate with him about how your people look? dont forget he travelled in a burro for the Alentejo, he knows well :heh:

Exactly my family isn't from there and i don't know the region as well as him. He is also an expert on Spain and spanish people.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 12:26 AM
Exactly my family isn't from there and i don't know the region as well as him. He is also an expert on Spain and spanish people.


03-26-2021, 12:40 AM

Yeah he looks very familiar to me. :picard1:

You must be the most retarded anthrotard i've seen in this forum, even more than Sikeliot was. And he had a mental disorder.

That's the light lol, here he looks fully Europid https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/penelope-cruzs-father-eduardo-cruz-and-girlfriend-attends-the-of-on-picture-id80698172

03-26-2021, 01:54 AM
Who are you to debate with him about how your people look? dont forget he travelled in a burro for the Alentejo, he knows well :heh:

Exactly my family isn't from there and i don't know the region as well as him. He is also an expert on Spain and spanish people.

Shhh... let him talk. Everybody (including Spanish/Portuguese) shut up. He is an expert in how Iberians look, more than Iberians themselves. So, let the "expert" explain how Iberians look.

Don't forget his rides in Lisbon's subway and his trips riding donkeys in Iberian countryside :rolleyes:

03-26-2021, 02:29 PM
That's the light lol, here he looks fully Europid https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/penelope-cruzs-father-eduardo-cruz-and-girlfriend-attends-the-of-on-picture-id80698172

Are you sure you are part Spanish?? Or maybe your ancestry is Spanish vía LatinAmerica and you have never been to Spain? I guess you are trolling in all the Spanish threads lately.

The father of Penolope Cruz is a GYPSY. She even played a videoclip in which they said (a Spanish group band named Mecano): "she has gypsy eyes" (ojos de gitana) referring to Penélope Cruz. So, Spaniards saying that Penolope had gypsy eyes.

He does not look Spanish but what he is: a mix between x amount of Spanish and Y amount of gypsy. A mutt, yes. And his skin color and facial features are totally non-Spanish.

The worst is to know that Penélope (the daugther of a gypsy) played as Queen Isabel La Católica in a film..... Queen Isabel was a redhead blue eyed woman. Disgusting.

Also it is curious that the most known actors from Spain in USA are on the Top5% darkest people of Spaniards: Almodóvar, Penélope Cruz, and Antonio Banderas. Even Javier Bardem has probably some non-White blood since his ancestry is Cuban-Canarian and his surname is not Spanish (Bardem) and he in fact has a rare nose and his brother looks non-White. So, all in all, our "best" representatives of Spain all over the world are basically the darkest ones. It is no wonder that people still believe in stereotypes about us and get shocked when they visit us in Spain and see that we are not like the stereotype.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 02:51 PM
The worst is to know that Penélope (the daugther of a gypsy) played as Queen Isabel La Católica in a film..... Queen Isabel was a redhead blue eyed woman. Disgusting.
which film?

Also it is curious that the most known actors from Spain in USA are on the Top5% darkest people of Spaniards: Almodóvar, Penélope Cruz, and Antonio Banderas. Even Javier Bardem has probably some non-White blood since his ancestry is Cuban-Canarian and his surname is not Spanish (Bardem) and he in fact has a rare nose and his brother looks non-White. So, all in all, our "best" representatives of Spain all over the world are basically the darkest ones. It is no wonder that people still believe in stereotypes about us and get shocked when they visit us in Spain and see that we are not like the stereotype.
Bardem is a Catalan surname.
Almodóvar and Banderas are not dark.



Neither Penélope is. What happens is that they make up or tan, that it is how the world knows them.
Compare her with or without make up :rolleyes:

03-26-2021, 02:55 PM
Are you sure you are part Spanish?? Or maybe your ancestry is Spanish vía LatinAmerica and you have never been to Spain? I guess you are trolling in all the Spanish threads lately.

The father of Penolope Cruz is a GYPSY. She even played a videoclip in which they said (a Spanish group band named Mecano): "she has gypsy eyes" (ojos de gitana) referring to Penélope Cruz. So, Spaniards saying that Penolope had gypsy eyes.

He does not look Spanish but what he is: a mix between x amount of Spanish and Y amount of gypsy. A mutt, yes. And his skin color and facial features are totally non-Spanish.

The worst is to know that Penélope (the daugther of a gypsy) played as Queen Isabel La Católica in a film..... Queen Isabel was a redhead blue eyed woman. Disgusting.

Also it is curious that the most known actors from Spain in USA are on the Top5% darkest people of Spaniards: Almodóvar, Penélope Cruz, and Antonio Banderas. Even Javier Bardem has probably some non-White blood since his ancestry is Cuban-Canarian and his surname is not Spanish (Bardem) and he in fact has a rare nose and his brother looks non-White. So, all in all, our "best" representatives of Spain all over the world are basically the darkest ones. It is no wonder that people still believe in stereotypes about us and get shocked when they visit us in Spain and see that we are not like the stereotype.

I have been to Spain, more than 20 times, i even did a survey on the recent thread about senators from Spain and concluded that 10% of them looked completely British so there is a substantial minority that passes in Britain and the rest of Europe. As for Cruz's father he looks like a Berid to me, he comes from Extremadura so may have Portuguese blood which gives him a less than Spanish look.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 03:15 PM
I have been to Spain, more than 20 times, i even did a survey on the recent thread about senators from Spain and concluded that 10% of them looked completely British so there is a substantial minority that passes in Britain and the rest of Europe. As for Cruz's father he looks like a Berid to me, he comes from Extremadura so may have Portuguese blood which gives him a less than Spanish look.

All your post is retarded. You are not part Spanish nor have been here more than 20 times, do you think you can deceive us? Your opinion about Spanish senators means a shit, same than you stupid comments in other threads where Spanish are involved (people from Alicante pass in Turkey, as if they were different than other Spanish, and really pass there, LEL, threads where you try to play the role of an expert and shit it again and again saying that Spanish looks Andalusian when he is Asturian just because you think he is not enough light, etc etc). Passing in UK is nothing difficult since they have very dark specimens, I could not laugh harder reading your idiotic estimations :lol:

Her father does not look Berid, unless you think Berids dont look white, something you are very able to think since you are really handicaped. Even if he looked Berid, we are saying to you HE IS GYPSY. This, dear espagueti, is documented, it is not that we call Gypsy to him just because he seems so to us.

Damião de Góis
03-26-2021, 06:15 PM
I have been to Spain, more than 20 times, i even did a survey on the recent thread about senators from Spain and concluded that 10% of them looked completely British so there is a substantial minority that passes in Britain and the rest of Europe. As for Cruz's father he looks like a Berid to me, he comes from Extremadura so may have Portuguese blood which gives him a less than Spanish look.

Extremadurans having portuguese blood is news to me. Please expand more on this, must have been something i missed. :rolleyes:

So Eduardo Cruz Contreras (typical portuguese surnames) looks like this because he is likely of portuguese blood, being extremaduran:


(portuguese btw, who look like this according to the last anti-confinement/vaccination demonstration of a few days ago):


That's really top notch anthrodardism.

03-26-2021, 06:41 PM
Extremadurans having portuguese blood is news to me. Please expand more on this, must have been something i missed. :rolleyes:

So Eduardo Cruz Contreras (typical portuguese surnames) looks like this because he is likely of portuguese blood, being extremaduran:


(portuguese btw, who look like this according to the last anti-confinement/vaccination demonstration of a few days ago):


That's really top notch anthrodardism.

These are authentic Alentejans, are they that different to the man above? https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CWGNR9/cante-alentejano-a-group-of-men-singing-in-alvito-alentejo-portugal-CWGNR9.jpg
As for being from Extremadura you are literally so close to Portugal that you are bound to have influence from there, i mean the donkey ride from Portugal only involves crossing a slow flowing river or oak tree plantations so there we go.

03-26-2021, 06:48 PM
Nice looking gordita. Looks underage though


Damião de Góis
03-26-2021, 06:59 PM
These are authentic Alentejans, are they that different to the man above? https://c8.alamy.com/comp/CWGNR9/cante-alentejano-a-group-of-men-singing-in-alvito-alentejo-portugal-CWGNR9.jpg

Ah so you're back at teaching me how people from Alentejo look like.

No they don't look alike. In fact in the center of that picture i recognize this singer:



None of these people look like Eduardo Cruz Contreras.


As for being from Extremadura you are literally so close to Portugal that you are bound to have influence from there, i mean the donkey ride from Portugal only involves crossing a slow flowing river or oak tree plantations so there we go.

That's it? I was expecting some wild theory of repopulation. No, people from Extremadura have castillian surnames and people from Portugal have portuguese surnames. I thought an anthrotard specialist like you would know this.

03-26-2021, 07:02 PM
Who are you to debate with him about how your people look? dont forget he travelled in a burro for the Alentejo, he knows well :heh:

Ah but you can debate about how other people (mine included) look? the hypocrisy. And don't fucking say you can because "MuH tHEre AreE a LoT OF mOrOcCan CrIMniAls HeRE".

03-26-2021, 07:07 PM
Ah so you're back at teaching me how people from Alentejo look like.

No they don't look alike. In fact in the center of that picture i recognize this singer:



None of these people look like Eduardo Cruz Contreras.


That's it? I was expecting some wild theory of repopulation. No, people from Extremadura have castillian surnames and people from Portugal have portuguese surnames. I thought an anthrotard specialist like you would know this.

Well maybe there has not been much migration from Portugal to Spain since the languages separated about 1000 years ago but i can imagine before there would have been more migration, it is not like two peoples in a small area would never have intermingled before:picard1:

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 07:11 PM
Ah but you can debate about how other people (mine included) look? the hypocrisy. And don't fucking say you can because "MuH tHEre AreE a LoT OF mOrOcCan CrIMniAls HeRE".
Because Moroccans live in masse in my own country. 24/7. I see them continuously. It has nothing to do with the fantasious story of this useless Oliverio about crossing Portugal in a burro as a tourist.

And yes, there are a lot of Moroccans criminals here. Is this a lie? I could be posting news abut them the 24 hours of the day during some years with no stop, and you know that.

03-26-2021, 07:13 PM
Because Moroccans live in masse in my own country. 24/7. I see them continuously. It has nothing to do with the fantasious story of this useless Oliverio about crossing Portugal in a burro as a tourist.

And yes, there are a lot of Moroccans criminals here. Is this a lie? I could be posting news abut them the 24 hours of the day during some years with no stop, and you know that.

I'm talking about phenotype, most moroccans (excluding catalonia) come from Southern Morocco, and mostly you receive the social failures/scum of Morocco, yet its enough for you to judge all and lie.

Brás Garcia de Mascarenhas
03-26-2021, 07:15 PM
Well maybe there has not been much migration from Portugal to Spain since the languages separated about 1000 years ago but i can imagine before there would have been more migration, it is not like two peoples in a small area would never have intermingled before:picard1:

In the border regions there was always ocasional intermarriages but I don't see how that would have any impact on how the people look like, people from Extremadura or other regions of Western Spain are virtually the same.


Children from Beja (the heart of Alentejo) singing a traditional song from the region.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 07:28 PM
I'm talking about phenotype, most moroccans (excluding catalonia) come from Southern Morocco, and mostly you receive the social failures/scum of Morocco, yet its enough for you to judge all and lie.

You were not talking about phenotype, what the fuck are you saying? :confused:

And as if I knew something about disctintions between Moroccans :lol: for me all of you are the same shit. Criminal and super alien shit. Accept it.

03-26-2021, 07:31 PM
You were not talking about phenotype, what the fuck are you saying? :confused:

And as if I knew something about disctintions between Moroccans :lol: for me all of you are the same shit. Criminal and super alien shit. Accept it.

Yes i was, you always depict us as sandniggers etc. Which makes you a fucking hypocrite.

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 07:38 PM
Yes i was, you always depict us as sandniggers etc. Which makes you a fucking hypocrite.

Not really, your comment was overall about hypocrisy, because according you I can not talk about Moroccans because I dont live in Morocco... which as I already have said unfortunately is not need, since there is 1 million of you here and unfortunately again you appear too much in the media, specially due your illicit activities.

03-26-2021, 07:39 PM
Not really, your comment was overall about hypocrisy, because according you I can not talk about Moroccans because I dont live in Morocco... which as I already have said unfortunately is not need, since there is 1 million of you here and unfortunately again you appear too much in the media, specially due your illicit activities.

Arrogant to the end huh?

Cristiano viejo
03-26-2021, 07:40 PM
Arrogant to the end huh?

I am Castilian, I am arrogant.

But could be worse for you if I was from Madrid.

03-26-2021, 09:26 PM
The girl of this thread would pass in Portugal, but she is Spanish and looks Spanish.

03-26-2021, 09:39 PM
Thats because she comes from a more Spanish part of Spain, Extremadura has more Portuguese influence

:picard1: go back under the bridge

03-26-2021, 10:18 PM
In the border regions there was always ocasional intermarriages but I don't see how that would have any impact on how the people look like, people from Extremadura or other regions of Western Spain are virtually the same.


Children from Beja (the heart of Alentejo) singing a traditional song from the region.

wholesome singing

03-26-2021, 10:38 PM
Well maybe there has not been much migration from Portugal to Spain since the languages separated about 1000 years ago but i can imagine before there would have been more migration, it is not like two peoples in a small area would never have intermingled before:picard1:

Although they had never mixed between the border regions of Spain and Portugal (which is not the case because there has been continuous mixing), genetically they would continue to be practically indistinguishable, because 1000 years ago they were already indistinguishable.

As you move away from the border, the genetics may begin to move further apart, but right in the border areas, it must be difficult to genetically discriminate the result of a Portuguese and an Extremaduran (as in Andalusian, Castilian-Leonese or neighboring Galician areas close to the borders).

03-26-2021, 11:03 PM
Do these children from Badajoz city(4-5 km distance to the Portuguese border) pass as Portuguese? :confused:

I don´t know, maybe Portuguese members can clarify it better than me, because I am not Portuguese and I shouldn´t speak for them.:noidea:

Take into account we have a higher rate of immigrants than Portugal and it is a public school, public school=free=more inmigrants.


03-26-2021, 11:35 PM
I have been to Spain, more than 20 times, i even did a survey on the recent thread about senators from Spain and concluded that 10% of them looked completely British so there is a substantial minority that passes in Britain and the rest of Europe. As for Cruz's father he looks like a Berid to me, he comes from Extremadura so may have Portuguese blood which gives him a less than Spanish look.

The last time we spoke you claimed to have visited my country only 15 times, are you trying to tell me you visited 5+ times in the span of less than a month????


Ah, Oliverio....

03-26-2021, 11:38 PM
The last time we spoke you claimed to have visited my country only 15 times, are you trying to tell me you visited 5+ times in the span of less than a month????


Ah, Oliverio....

Hey why are you surprised? the average aprician visited north africa 10000 times :rolleyes:

03-26-2021, 11:44 PM
The last time we spoke you claimed to have visited my country only 15 times, are you trying to tell me you visited 5+ times in the span of less than a month????


Ah, Oliverio....

I'll break it down, born 1992, 1993 1 visit then 1 visit or so each year until 1999 which had 2 visits, 1 visit in 2001, 3 visits in 2002, 2 visits in 2003, 1 visit in 2004, 1 in 05, 2 in 2011, 2 in 2012, 2 in 2013, 1 in 2014, 1 in 2015 and 1 in 2019 so yep that makes it around 20 in total.

Damião de Góis
03-26-2021, 11:48 PM
Do these children from Badajoz city(4-5 km distance to the Portuguese border) pass as Portuguese? :confused:

I don´t know, maybe Portuguese members can clarify it better than me, because I am not Portuguese and I shouldn´t speak for them.:noidea:

Take into account we have a higher rate of immigrants than Portugal and it is a public school, public school=free=more inmigrants.


It's pretty logical that they do. It's not what i am disputing.

I'm disagreeing about Penelope Cruz's father looking portuguese (and even having ancestry from there to justify his look according to our foreign expert).

03-26-2021, 11:55 PM
It's pretty logical that they do. It's not what i am disputing.

I'm disagreeing about Penelope Cruz's father looking portuguese (and even having ancestry from there to justify his look according to our foreign expert).

How would you classify Cruz's father?

03-26-2021, 11:56 PM
I'll break it down, born 1992, 1993 1 visit then 1 visit or so each year until 1999 which had 2 visits, 1 visit in 2001, 3 visits in 2002, 2 visits in 2003, 1 visit in 2004, 1 in 05, 2 in 2011, 2 in 2012, 2 in 2013, 1 in 2014, 1 in 2015 and 1 in 2019 so yep that makes it around 20 in total.

I am sure you rode many subway cars and donkeys while closely studying the local townspeople :yawnee20:

My friend, I really have no clue who you are trying to fool, because it is soooo obvious the most experience you have with Spain is perhaps whatever resort you stayed in at Benidorm.

03-27-2021, 12:03 AM
It's pretty logical that they do. It's not what i am disputing.

I'm disagreeing about Penelope Cruz's father looking portuguese (and even having ancestry from there to justify his look according to our foreign expert).

I was answering that Iberian people expert not you, Penelope Cruz father looks quite atypical being Spanish, and I agree with you this has nothing to do with the possiblity of having some Portuguese ancestry.

I´ve read in a different forum that Oliver could be Septentrion disguised. They are just rumors of quite paranoid people, but who knows ...;)

03-27-2021, 12:07 AM
which film?

Bardem is a Catalan surname.
Almodóvar and Banderas are not dark.


Neither Penélope is. What happens is that they make up or tan, that it is how the world knows them.
Compare her with or without make up :rolleyes:

With "dark" in reality is everything. Dark skinned or dark featured (no me digas que Almodóvar tiene pinta de ario, o que Banderas no tiene rasgos muy mediterráneos y esos ojos saltones o raros que tiene, le hacen parecer más étnico). Fui yo el que puso una vez una foto de Banderas en su yate y de tono de piel era bastante claro, pero de rasgos faciales puedo entender que se le considere "latino" en USA). Y Penélope en esa foto q has puesto sin maquillaje sigue siendo morena. Tiene una base morena, un tono de piel beige (normal viendo que su padre es gitano). Coges 3 españoles al azar y la probabilidad de que los 3 sean o muy morenos o muy étnicos es muy baja. Por eso me sorprende que estos, que son de la tipología más morena o borderline White que pueda haber en España y casualmente los 3 tienen un Oscar y son mundialmente conocidos.

Extremadurans having portuguese blood is news to me. Please expand more on this, must have been something i missed. :rolleyes:

So Eduardo Cruz Contreras (typical portuguese surnames) looks like this because he is likely of portuguese blood, being extremaduran:



The father of Penélope Cruz looks like he is a singer of the gypsy band Los Chunguitos.

03-27-2021, 12:10 AM
Penelope¡s father looks puerto rican to me. Not gypsy.

03-27-2021, 12:27 AM
Penelope¡s father looks puerto rican to me. Not gypsy.

Yeah, I would think he is some kind of mixed race Caribbean Hispanic as well, gypsies look different in my mind.

Cristiano viejo
03-27-2021, 12:32 AM
With "dark" in reality is everything. Dark skinned or dark featured (no me digas que Almodóvar tiene pinta de ario, o que Banderas no tiene rasgos muy mediterráneos y esos ojos saltones o raros que tiene, le hacen parecer más étnico). Fui yo el que puso una vez una foto de Banderas en su yate y de tono de piel era bastante claro, pero de rasgos faciales puedo entender que se le considere "latino" en USA). Y Penélope en esa foto q has puesto sin maquillaje sigue siendo morena.
Yo no discuto sobre el color de ojos o pelo sino sólamente de piel. Ninguno de los tres son oscuros o morenos de piel de manera natural.

Penelope¡s father looks puerto rican to me. Not gypsy.
But he was (Gypsy).

Cristiano viejo
03-27-2021, 12:34 AM
Yeah, I would think he is some kind of mixed race Caribbean Hispanic as well, gypsies look different in my mind.

Because he probably was not pure Gypsy. In any case for me he did look clearly Gypsy in some photos.

03-25-2022, 10:52 PM

Good looking girl imo.