View Full Version : Classify Turkish Actors/Actress

04-04-2021, 01:58 PM
İlker Kaleli - Van

https://i.resmim.net/JQD0r.jpg (https://resmim.net/i/JQD0r)

Nejat İşler - İstanbul

https://i.resmim.net/JQYda.jpg (https://resmim.net/i/JQYda)

Büşra Develi - İzmit

https://i.resmim.net/JoHUL.jpg (https://resmim.net/i/JoHUL)

Dilan Deniz - Sivas

https://i.resmim.net/JtWB6.jpg (https://resmim.net/i/JtWB6)

Hakan Durmuş - Bayburt

https://i.resmim.net/Jtdkc.jpg (https://resmim.net/i/Jtdkc)

04-04-2021, 02:12 PM
1. Litorid (Atlanto-Med + Armenoid).

2. Med/Taurid.

3. Atlantid + CM.

4. Mediterranid.

5. Nordo-Med.

04-04-2021, 02:21 PM
5. Nordo-Med.
Interesting, I thought of him as North Pontid/Atlantid with CM input. What are the differences between Nordo-Med and Atlantids etc.?

04-04-2021, 02:28 PM
Interesting, I thought of him as North Pontid/Atlantid with CM input. What are the differences between Nordo-Med and Atlantids etc.?

I said "Nordo-Med" because his look seems more ambiguous in my opinion.
I think the Med element in him looks more East-Med than Atlanto or Pontic.

04-04-2021, 02:31 PM
1- armenoid + pontid
2- med + anatolid
3- pontid
4- pontid + turanid + maybe alpinid influenced
5- i don't know, his facial features looks very local but pigmention is a bit different than locals.