View Full Version : Classify Arthur Seyß-Inquart

04-12-2021, 06:35 PM
Austrian Nazi politician, Chancellor of Austria for two days before the Anschluss and Reichscommissariat for the Netherlands from 1940 to 1945

Born in May 22, 1892 in Stannern, Moravia and died in October 16, 1946 in Nüremberg.










04-12-2021, 06:48 PM
He looks like a Croat from Zagreb, common face there. Dinaro-Alpine.

04-12-2021, 07:06 PM
Nobleoid, CM - big skull

04-12-2021, 07:34 PM
Nordo-Baltid, looks Latvian to me. His ancestry is half Czech German, half ethnic Czech afaik.

04-12-2021, 07:41 PM
Noric + Alpine, from some pics more Nordic others more Noric looking

04-12-2021, 07:42 PM
Nordo-Baltid, looks Latvian to me. His ancestry is half Czech German, half ethnic Czech afaik.

Ye, his father was Czech and his mother was German.

04-12-2021, 09:41 PM
Noric + Alpine, from some pics more Nordic others more Noric looking
Actually yeah the Dinaric is pretty evident, most evident in this pic:


In a pic like this it's less evident:


His nose isn't actually all that hooked, but he has that "Roman bump" or prominent nasal bridge, which is also a part of Dinaricization. I still think he has obvious Baltid in his eye shape and think he's too long faced for Norid+Alpine or Norid+Baltid as Norid is already shorter faced, so I'll go with the original Nordo-Baltid but + Dinarid. I still think he looks Latvian though, kind of reminds me of Valdis Zatlers or Guntis Ulmanis.

04-12-2021, 09:45 PM
Nordo-Baltid, looks Latvian to me. His ancestry is half Czech German, half ethnic Czech afaik.

Is this a joke? Guy is a regular south central European wog.

04-12-2021, 10:07 PM
Actually yeah the Dinaric is pretty evident, most evident in this pic:

His nose isn't actually all that hooked, but he has that "Roman bump" or prominent nasal bridge, which is also a part of Dinaricization. I still think he has obvious Baltid in his eye shape and think he's too long faced for Norid+Alpine or Norid+Baltid as Norid is already shorter faced, so I'll go with the original Nordo-Baltid but + Dinarid. I still think he looks Latvian though, kind of reminds me of Valdis Zatlers or Guntis Ulmanis.

well, technically it should not (because Nordic and Dinaric are long faced types) , but in reality you find many shorter faced types too (Alpine admix- but also what is descibed as Danubian- Neolithic Med was short faced, so unlike what people believe- the short facedness could come from actual Mediteranean mixture - obviously it could be selection as well...)
on the other side a lot people not that are classified as Noric arent brachy either ( Op was not either i would say but there are many more clearer cases)

i found it here quite evident- very triangular face

04-12-2021, 10:15 PM
Is this a joke? Guy is a regular south central European wog.
Which one of these Croatian/Hungarian WW2 leaders does he look like?












He looks like a longer headed version of WW2 Latvian leader Karlis Ulmanis more so than any of those Croats, although Karlis Ulmanis himselfs looks more Ukrainian than Latvian. Also looks like a long headed version of Tony Guoga. He looks NE Slavic/Baltic. People also say Himmler and Heidrich also looked exotic for Germans, and they do, but they didn't look "southern", they looked eastern. Himmler leans toward Russia and Tataria, not the Med. Heidrich was rumored to be Jewish but to me he looks clearly eastern with Neo-Danubian esque eyes.

04-12-2021, 10:20 PM
^^^how are they relevant?

There are tons of older men in Zagreb who look exactly like him. You're kinda weird by trying to nordify your favorite nazis, he looks about as Latvian as I look Greek.

04-12-2021, 10:25 PM
Ye, his father was Czech and his mother was German.

His parents were apparently both Austrian immigrants.


You're gonna need to plug that in a google translate, but English wiki doesn't have that info in there.

04-12-2021, 10:55 PM
^^^how are they relevant?

There are tons of older men in Zagreb who look exactly like him. You're kinda weird by trying to nordify your favorite nazis, he looks about as Latvian as I look Greek.
There are tons of men in Zagreb that also pass best in NE Europe, like Robert Prosinecki. Point is, he doesn't look like the more average Zagrebian, who will look like Robert Jarni. I'm trying to Nordify someone by saying he looks Latvian and eastern European? :picard1: Do you think the average Latvian looks like Juris Laizans?

Let's say I didn't say Latvian(although he clearly does look like Valdis Zatlers and Guntis Ulmanis) and said Ukrainian, am I still trying to Nordify him? He has Dinaric influence, like many NE Europeans, but in no way is he a standard Balkanite Dinaric. He clearly has too much Baltic and extra Nordid/North Pontid influence.

04-12-2021, 11:03 PM
There are tons of men in Zagreb that also pass best in NE Europe, like Robert Prosinecki. Point is, he doesn't look like the more average Zagrebian, who will look like Robert Jarni. I'm trying to Nordify someone by saying he looks Latvian and eastern European? :picard1: Do you think the average Latvian looks like Juris Laizans?

Let's say I didn't say Latvian(although he clearly does look like Valdis Zatlers and Guntis Ulmanis) and said Ukrainian, am I still trying to Nordify him? He has Dinaric influence, like many NE Europeans, but in no way is he a standard Balkanite Dinaric. He clearly has too much Baltic and extra Nordid/North Pontid influence.

Native people in Zagreb don't look Balkan at all, they are central Euros similar to Hungarians, Austrians and Czechs. He doesn't look Balkan at all, but southern part of centraleuro to me (Austria, Hungary, north Croatia etc)

Yeah here we learned Dinaromorph features exist in Balts. But we imagine Latvians as light block heads with short nose and square jaw etc.

04-12-2021, 11:08 PM
Btw he is similar type to ex user Hrvoje, just much older. Hrvoje is from Zagreb and Croat/Slovenian/Czech mix with heavy Germanic DNA. So I call this type local centraleuro "wog"