View Full Version : Classify Spanish footballer Angel Montoro

04-22-2021, 01:05 AM



04-22-2021, 01:10 AM
Littorid with north afican admixture very mena ,looks maghrebi.Obvious atypical.

04-22-2021, 01:25 AM

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ9Gk-1FbluQZvcnBqRKPRpYv2mZaOhORNwdpVGfnz8rRNnZTtL0BA5R OlBZueLWHOkuBc&usqp=CAU

It is very very atypical, I would opt for a recent inheritance, perhaps a Canarian grandfather. An ancient ancestry would not give such a marked result, besides it is something that in America you should know perfectly well is where it could be better observed.

04-22-2021, 01:50 AM
Armenoid + Berberid

04-22-2021, 01:56 AM

04-22-2021, 02:52 AM
He looks North African or Canarian

Enviado desde mi SM-G920I mediante Tapatalk

04-22-2021, 07:42 PM

04-22-2021, 08:26 PM
yes, not as atypical as others claim

04-22-2021, 11:28 PM
Baskid-Med + Berberid

04-22-2021, 11:31 PM
Yeah he looks more Moroccan than Spaniard

04-23-2021, 11:10 AM
They no longer find more mixed Spaniards that they have to repeat?

this one is already on the third round


04-23-2021, 11:36 AM
Is he White? No.

Conclussion? He is not ethnic Spanish, meaning that he either is a gypsy (remember that we have 1 million), or with Canarian ancestry, or whatever ancestry from any SouthAmerica country. I don´t know his bio but it is obvious that he does not look European but mixed race, aka, non-White.

Remember: we have 1 million gypsies. 1.000.000. All of them with Spanish names and surnames and there is already a list of gypsy footballers, some of them like (Antonio Reyes and others) reached the National Team.

04-23-2021, 12:21 PM
He is not that atypical and many ethnic Spaniards are non-white. If we find non-whites up to the British Isles with people like Chris Coleman, no surprise that they are numerous in Spain.

04-23-2021, 01:41 PM
He looks mega N.African and would definetly be seen as one here, not even of the pseudo euro looking kind like Kabyles, Berbers that we have. I would think he s at least half NA, or something else.

04-23-2021, 01:53 PM
Is he White? No.

Conclussion? He is not ethnic Spanish, meaning that he either is a gypsy (remember that we have 1 million), or with Canarian ancestry, or whatever ancestry from any SouthAmerica country. I don´t know his bio but it is obvious that he does not look European but mixed race, aka, non-White.

Remember: we have 1 million gypsies. 1.000.000. All of them with Spanish names and surnames and there is already a list of gypsy footballers, some of them like (Antonio Reyes and others) reached the National Team.

Not every dark spaniard has to be of gypsy/foreign background, just like not every Nordic Spaniard has to be of foreign background. I've noticed a lot of Southern Europeans accuse their fellow countrymen of darker complexion as being of foreign background, but interestingly enough they don't ever do the same for the Nordic looking ones. You yourself are (supposedly) a Nordic looking Spaniard and I would imagine you wouldn't want someone accuse you of being adopted or of foreign background just because you are exotic. The guy I posted clearly has non-european influnce, but I think he's simply one of those ethnic Spaniards with higher than average moorish admixture, or at the very least it's showing up more than his European side for sure. Like Gallicus said, if you can find non-white looking people in the UK or even in Scandinavia, it shouldn't be a surprise that some ethnic Spaniards look non-white.

04-23-2021, 02:36 PM
It is very likely that he is of gypsy parent or grandparent or some ancestry.

04-23-2021, 02:38 PM
He is not that atypical and many ethnic Spaniards are non-white. If we find non-whites up to the British Isles with people like Chris Coleman, no surprise that they are numerous in Spain.

That's for you to say, you're not even Spanish, because you must still resent having been a colony of Spain, but this guy is super atypical, who are you kidding?

04-23-2021, 02:54 PM
For real, why are Iberians here so insecure, delusional and unpleasant?

@Charlemagne7, well put. By the way I think that dark types in Iberia predate the Moorish times. Few Arabs and Berbers settled in Spain, some thousands in an already huge population. Just like Visigoths, the Arab-Berber input in Iberia isn't important.

04-23-2021, 02:55 PM
For real, why are Iberians here so insecure, delusional and unpleasant?

@Charlemagne7, well put. By the way I think that dark types in Iberia predate the Moorish times. Few Arabs and Berbers settled in Spain, some thousands in an already huge population. Just like Visigoths, the Arab-Berber input in Iberia isn't important.

04-23-2021, 02:55 PM
Baskid + Med

04-23-2021, 07:58 PM
Not every dark spaniard has to be of gypsy/foreign background, just like not every Nordic Spaniard has to be of foreign background. I've noticed a lot of Southern Europeans accuse their fellow countrymen of darker complexion as being of foreign background, but interestingly enough they don't ever do the same for the Nordic looking ones. You yourself are (supposedly) a Nordic looking Spaniard and I would imagine you wouldn't want someone accuse you of being adopted or of foreign background just because you are exotic. The guy I posted clearly has non-european influnce, but I think he's simply one of those ethnic Spaniards with higher than average moorish admixture, or at the very least it's showing up more than his European side for sure. Like Gallicus said, if you can find non-white looking people in the UK or even in Scandinavia, it shouldn't be a surprise that some ethnic Spaniards look non-white.

I am the first to say (and I have said it several times) that we have a 6-7% of ethnic Spaniards (like Busquets) that are non-White. But this guy has obvious non-Spanish appareance. While Busquets types are rare, more or less, we know someone that would have an acquitaince (or whatever it is written) that looks like Busquets. But, gypsy looking types, or pseudogypsy looking have a clear non-European look. We can find a Busquets type (a tiny minority) where I am from, but this guy would be easily spotted as either "foreign" or directly a gypsy.

Regarding what you say about nordid looking or dark looking. Considering that most nordid looking Spaniards are 100% Spanish since at least 500 years ago (all their ancestors, like mine are), you can´t say that a nordid looking is "foreign" unless you can prove it. So, the nordid component is part of the Spanish phenotype variation and part of our History, culture, and ethnogenesis (suebi, visigoths, vandals, franks, ... came to Spain and mixed like the Romans or other groups did). Even the CIA factsbook wrote about Spaniards: "a mix of Med + Nordic types" just until a few years ago. The gypsies arrived in 1400s, they are clearly of Indian ancestry, so "no-ethnic European" for them. The moros, despite all the trolls, were also a tiny minority and the mixing was negligible, and most (even those that were Spanish muslims) were kicked out. Even moriscos. So, there are no "moorish" Spaniards. And again, a germanic, nordic, med, alpine, Spaniard, is an European. A gypsy, or moorish person has extraEuropean admixture.

Even more, it is the gypsies the ones that auto-disgregate from society, so from a cultural point of view, most of them are a different society. We even tried to kick all of them out in 1700s, just search for "La Gran Redada", but it was not posible in the end. We would have saved lots of problems, millions of them.

04-23-2021, 08:01 PM
By the way, I also posted in the past very dark Spaniards that look completely European. Like this one (in fact, he looks like a modern versión of La Braña Mesolithic individual, and he is from that área):


Or this caveman:


I would never say that they look foreign, or gypsy, despite their looks are in a very minority number. And these kind of people (very dark individuals) are probably remains of what Europeans looked like 6000 years ago or so. So, pre-Indoeuropean people. All Europeans were dark just 6000 years ago, even people in Scandinavia or the British Isles. But anyone can say that despite being very dark they "look European". Anyone that is European can spot some non-Euro facial features even if I am checking an exotic looking Scandinavian or Brit or wherever. And also anyone that is European can say that someone is European despite their pigmentation being ligther or darker.

04-23-2021, 09:12 PM
Regarding what you say about nordid looking or dark looking. Considering that most nordid looking Spaniards are 100% Spanish since at least 500 years ago (all their ancestors, like mine are), you can´t say that a nordid looking is "foreign" unless you can prove it. So, the nordid component is part of the Spanish phenotype variation and part of our History, culture, and ethnogenesis (suebi, visigoths, vandals, franks, ... came to Spain and mixed like the Romans or other groups did). Even the CIA factsbook wrote about Spaniards: "a mix of Med + Nordic types" just until a few years ago. The gypsies arrived in 1400s, they are clearly of Indian ancestry, so "no-ethnic European" for them. The moros, despite all the trolls, were also a tiny minority and the mixing was negligible, and most (even those that were Spanish muslims) were kicked out. Even moriscos. So, there are no "moorish" Spaniards. And again, a germanic, nordic, med, alpine, Spaniard, is an European. A gypsy, or moorish person has extraEuropean admixture.

Well, and I would argue that types like the one I posted and Busquets are a remnant of the moorish invasion of Spain and are part the Spanish phenotype, just like Nordid looking Spaniards are also a remnant of the Goths, Visigoths, etc. You can't have it both ways, you can't say on one hand argue that Nordic Spaniards are part of the Spanish phenotype and on other argue that the moorish looking ones are foreign, especially considering the fact that Iberians have anywhere from 2-10% North African admixture on average (depending on the region). So using your logic you also can't accuse them of being foreign unless you can prove it.

And finally, if you truly think people like Busquets are ethnic Spaniards, where do you think their phenotype came from if not from the Moorish conquest? You can't say it's because of the pre-Indoeuropeans or whatever because then you would have to explain why types like him are so much more frequent in Spain than in the rest of Europe (excluding other southern parts of Europe).

04-23-2021, 09:30 PM
By the way, I also posted in the past very dark Spaniards that look completely European. Like this one (in fact, he looks like a modern versión of La Braña Mesolithic individual, and he is from that área):

Or this caveman:
Caveman in mesolithic Armenia maybe.

04-23-2021, 09:36 PM
By the way, I also posted in the past very dark Spaniards that look completely European. Like this one (in fact, he looks like a modern versión of La Braña Mesolithic individual, and he is from that área):


Or this caveman:


I would never say that they look foreign, or gypsy, despite their looks are in a very minority number. And these kind of people (very dark individuals) are probably remains of what Europeans looked like 6000 years ago or so. So, pre-Indoeuropean people. All Europeans were dark just 6000 years ago, even people in Scandinavia or the British Isles. But anyone can say that despite being very dark they "look European". Anyone that is European can spot some non-Euro facial features even if I am checking an exotic looking Scandinavian or Brit or wherever. And also anyone that is European can say that someone is European despite their pigmentation being ligther or darker.

La brana looks more Anson Mount

http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2021/16/5/1619213744-e0d69eb967ad1eb0f5817e084d59c30a.png (http://www.noelshack.com/2021-16-5-1619213744-e0d69eb967ad1eb0f5817e084d59c30a.jpg)
http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2021/16/5/1619213789-la-brana-1-reconstitution.png (http://www.noelshack.com/2021-16-5-1619213789-la-brana-1-reconstitution.jpg)

04-23-2021, 09:37 PM
Frank Cuesta can not even know what its color would be without the exposure to which it is subjected so being so it does not even seem dark to me.



04-23-2021, 09:43 PM
Well, and I would argue that types like the one I posted and Busquets are a remnant of the moorish invasion of Spain and are part the Spanish phenotype, just like Nordid looking Spaniards are also a remnant of the Goths, Visigoths, etc. You can't have it both ways, you can't say on one hand argue that Nordic Spaniards are part of the Spanish phenotype and on other argue that the moorish looking ones are foreign, especially considering the fact that Iberians have anywhere from 2-10% North African admixture on average (depending on the region). So using your logic you also can't accuse them of being foreign unless you can prove it.

And finally, if you truly think people like Busquets are ethnic Spaniards, where do you think their phenotype came from if not from the Moorish conquest? You can't say it's because of the pre-Indoeuropeans or whatever because then you would have to explain why types like him are so much more frequent in Spain than in the rest of Europe (excluding other southern parts of Europe).

There is also no evidence that that phenotype comes from Moors or whatever, despite its really dark pigmentation it doesn't seem out of place to me.

04-23-2021, 09:46 PM
La brana looks more Anson Mount

http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2021/16/5/1619213744-e0d69eb967ad1eb0f5817e084d59c30a.png (http://www.noelshack.com/2021-16-5-1619213744-e0d69eb967ad1eb0f5817e084d59c30a.jpg)
http://image.noelshack.com/minis/2021/16/5/1619213789-la-brana-1-reconstitution.png (http://www.noelshack.com/2021-16-5-1619213789-la-brana-1-reconstitution.jpg)
That's a hand drawn picture, not La Brana man. If La Brana man's look exists anymore it's probably going to be in Estonia, Lithuania, etc.

04-23-2021, 09:57 PM

David Suárez

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVpw4Ebwihg1SO8UVQOXFZqPzUm02jv cEg8w4xmCV6FbFZ-vQw0RDyHmxOKHigY5R5_-I&usqp=CAU
Manel Loreiro

It is all very relative, they may look archaic in other photos may appear clearer, perhaps the European term has been attributed a more pseudo-Russian aspect. But what must have been the appearance in Europe in the Neolithic period onwards, I think that attributing ancestral aspects to the Moorish invasion in Spain is stupid because we forget the impossibility of mixed marriages due to religion, we forget the Reconquest and we forget that those who could have stayed at this time are already Spanish and their number could not have given another aspect to the Spanish because how many were really exotic, how many were actually natives of Iberia and finally there are North Africans that so little are so exotic so it makes no sense to search for Spaniards with a gypsy origin that they do not talk about or cases in which it is not possible to know what may be the real history of that person so exotic for the Spaniards themselves, the opinion of some foreigners is obviously based on socio-political aspects and current interests, in a surreptitious way but they are already more than obvious.

04-23-2021, 09:58 PM
There is also no evidence that that phenotype comes from Moors or whatever, despite its really dark pigmentation it doesn't seem out of place to me.

Would you say that the guy I posted, although atypical, could still perfectly be an ethnic Spaniard?

04-23-2021, 10:02 PM
He looks middle eastern.

04-23-2021, 10:10 PM
Would you say that the guy I posted, although atypical, could still perfectly be an ethnic Spaniard?

There are ethnic Spaniards darker than him.

04-23-2021, 10:34 PM
That's a hand drawn picture, not La Brana man. If La Brana man's look exists anymore it's probably going to be in Estonia, Lithuania, etc.

he three hunter-gatherers from Romania grouped together with other individuals from the European Mesolithic, including the two new Iberian genomes. They are also close to contemporary individuals from Northern Europe. Conversely, the individual of the Eneolithic of Romania is situated between the European hunter-gatherers and the farmers of the European Neolithic. These results are confirmed by analysis with the ADMIXTURE


WHG are porto nordic , armenoids and eurasians are invaded europa and remplace this opulation.

04-23-2021, 11:40 PM
Passes perfectly as north african

04-24-2021, 12:50 PM
Well, and I would argue that types like the one I posted and Busquets are a remnant of the moorish invasion of Spain and are part the Spanish phenotype, just like Nordid looking Spaniards are also a remnant of the Goths, Visigoths, etc. You can't have it both ways, you can't say on one hand argue that Nordic Spaniards are part of the Spanish phenotype and on other argue that the moorish looking ones are foreign, especially considering the fact that Iberians have anywhere from 2-10% North African admixture on average (depending on the region). So using your logic you also can't accuse them of being foreign unless you can prove it.

And finally, if you truly think people like Busquets are ethnic Spaniards, where do you think their phenotype came from if not from the Moorish conquest? You can't say it's because of the pre-Indoeuropeans or whatever because then you would have to explain why types like him are so much more frequent in Spain than in the rest of Europe (excluding other southern parts of Europe).

What you don´t get is that germanic invaders ARE part of the ethnogenesis of what a Spaniard is. There are MANY families in Spain (N-S-E-W) that have a blond or a blond blue eyed relative. Even the darkest (non-semitic or non-gypsy) Spaniard can perfectly have a brother who is blond or blond and blue eyed, or redhead.

Moors were repelled, were opposite, were kicked out. WERE not part of the ethnogenesis of Spain. In fact, Spain was created against the moros.

I don´t know the bio of Busquets. His parents look Spanish. There have been MANY (probably hundred of thousands or more) of non-paternal events during History. Maybe the mother cheated with a gypsy (I don´t know), maybe the grandmother was raped by a moor from Franco´s troop but they were put with the rest of the family. I don´t really know. I just say, he looks non-White. But, in any case he is an outlier. A blonde blue eyed is not an outlier. It is in most families in any part of Spain. Not necesarily a brother but a cousin or whatever.
Another example: the tennis player Fernando Verdasco. I always thought that he looked strange and very dark but I just said: "he is just a very dark Spaniard with a rare face". Some months ago here I saw that his parents are Chilean and he has amerindian blood. If you look at him after knowing this info, you can really spot some amerindian or whatever ancestry he has on him:


He is another non-White Spaniard. And probably 90% of Spaniards dont even know that he is a mixed person.

Compare him to a very dark Spaniard (it also adds the fact that he has been living 25 years in Thailandia for his dark appareance):

In the first case, you see a non-White. In the second case, you see a very dark European.

04-24-2021, 12:57 PM
That's a hand drawn picture, not La Brana man. If La Brana man's look exists anymore it's probably going to be in Estonia, Lithuania, etc.

LaBraña, like Cheddar and others from 6-8000 years ago don´t have the genes for light skin, that is why the only thing for sure about them is that they were DARKER than any European today, so it is not posible that he looks like a Lithuanian of today. The reconstruction could be fake, but what is for sure is that he was very dark as all Europeans were 6000 years ago and earlier (and considering that all Homo Sapiens came from the Horn of Africa at some point on history (not meaning that they were black, but very dark skinned as an ancient trait), it is easy to conclude that LaBraña and Cheddar and others were quite dark.

Later other populations came, also the normal evolution on a less-sunny enviroment, new mutations, etc, and we have the different skin types that we see in Europe today.

And to me he looks like LaBraña (not counting the eyes color):


That he is exactly from the same province of LaBraña (León) could be a casuality....or not.

04-24-2021, 01:00 PM

David Suárez


I agree with what you said, but I am sure that this David Suarez (I don´t even know who he is) is a mixed race person. Probably a southamerican recent ancestor like Fernando Verdasco. But he is an obvious non-White. The other too can look archaic or dark, but look inside our range.

04-24-2021, 01:25 PM
David Suárez is a Galician humorist.

David Suárez is a Galician humorist. In some photos he looks a little strange in others not so much. But that is what we are going to, it is very easy this with the Spanish by the long shadow of Al Andalus, but strange faces for the natives themselves there are in all countries of Europe the difference is that when it comes to Spanish everything is intended to go to the same point of the target.

Maybe this guy has some ancient Roman in him.





There is something you see different but you don't know exactly what it is either. As much as mestizo, mestizo to me is 50/50. Having an exotic ancestry I don't see it as being mestizo.

It may simply be an unusual ancestral recombination, that's why I tell you that with Spaniards with the fucking Al Andalus these foreigners have it very easy to want to put our atypical in an average, but that's not so.

It is necessary to look beyond the typical pseudorussian ones, they do not have to be the only European model.

04-24-2021, 01:31 PM
David Suárez .

Yes, I know what you say that our exotics are normally associated with the AlAndalus event just to prove whatever agenda they have. Yet the exotics of other countries are 100% European and White (like Bjork and that Haland soccer player) when to me they are also non-White.

And there is an issue that we might not consider (that may suit, or not) to this David Suarez (and others). The indianos that made fortune in America in the XIX and first part of the XX century and came back and are quite usual in Galicia, Asturias, or even basque región. There are towns filled with "indianos" houses in Asturias. I guess that SOME of them married someone from America and brought some non-White blood here. They probably mixed with castizos, so the difference is not so great but in some cases is noticiable. I don´t know if this is the case for this David Suarez (since in some pictures he looks inside our range but in others he looks mixed race, not necesary a 50%-50% but just a 10-20% makes someone look very dark or very ethnic.

04-24-2021, 01:42 PM
Yes, I know what you say that our exotics are normally associated with the AlAndalus event just to prove whatever agenda they have. Yet the exotics of other countries are 100% European and White (like Bjork and that Haland soccer player) when to me they are also non-White.

And there is an issue that we might not consider (that may suit, or not) to this David Suarez (and others). The indianos that made fortune in America in the XIX and first part of the XX century and came back and are quite usual in Galicia, Asturias, or even basque región. There are towns filled with "indianos" houses in Asturias. I guess that SOME of them married someone from America and brought some non-White blood here. They probably mixed with castizos, so the difference is not so great but in some cases is noticiable. I don´t know if this is the case for this David Suarez (since in some pictures he looks inside our range but in others he looks mixed race, not necesary a 50%-50% but just a 10-20% makes someone look very dark or very ethnic.

It's a little bit about perception for me it's more about the features; whether the guy has been in the sun 24/7 or not he's like milk. The look the factions as Spaniards we don't have to adopt the ideas of the Nazis of the third Richer see if you understand me, I have seen Hispanic Americans very white skinned and I don't see them white and other Hispanic Americans darker I see them white. I am not going to adopt the perception of the United States or other European countries.

Diego Garcia
04-24-2021, 01:55 PM
yes, not as atypical as others claim

Yeah, he looks like quite typical for Romania.

Quite atypical for Spain.

Diego Garcia
04-24-2021, 01:57 PM
Not every dark spaniard has to be of gypsy/foreign background, just like not every Nordic Spaniard has to be of foreign background. I've noticed a lot of Southern Europeans accuse their fellow countrymen of darker complexion as being of foreign background, but interestingly enough they don't ever do the same for the Nordic looking ones. You yourself are (supposedly) a Nordic looking Spaniard and I would imagine you wouldn't want someone accuse you of being adopted or of foreign background just because you are exotic. The guy I posted clearly has non-european influnce, but I think he's simply one of those ethnic Spaniards with higher than average moorish admixture, or at the very least it's showing up more than his European side for sure. Like Gallicus said, if you can find non-white looking people in the UK or even in Scandinavia, it shouldn't be a surprise that some ethnic Spaniards look non-white.

Who are you with so less comments and creating directly a thread about a Spaniard footballer, rat?

04-24-2021, 01:59 PM
It's a little bit about perception for me it's more about the features; whether the guy has been in the sun 24/7 or not he's like milk. The look the factions as Spaniards we don't have to adopt the ideas of the Nazis of the third Richer see if you understand me, I have seen Hispanic Americans very white skinned and I don't see them white and other Hispanic Americans darker I see them white. I am not going to adopt the perception of the United States or other European countries.

You just have to look at one of my previous post in which I compare Verdasco with Frank Cuesta. Both are very dark yet one is a mixed person and the other is just a dark European (also due to his 25 years living in Thailandia I guess). People like Canelo Alvarez, the mexican bóxer, who is lighter than 80% of Europeans yet you can see a small amerindian on him, is the prove that what matters are the facial features and not the pigmentation. Deeply in me I don´t care about the "White" concept since it is often missused or socially-politically motivated. I just care of what we are (as Spaniards, as Europeans). We are this thing -whatever the definition is- and we (at least me) try to defend it since it is the base of what we are (in a more extended conception). And we are part of what our ancestors were, so destroying it would be like backstabbing them (and someone -politicians basically- have been backstabbing all of our ancestors in the last 20-30 years).

Diego Garcia
04-24-2021, 02:00 PM



Go and create a thread to classify your mom's pussy, you son of a bitch

04-24-2021, 02:03 PM
Some foreigners believe that we porfiamos the subject by the tone of the type that have hung in the post and it is by the features, the look, the expression, the structure that agree that with an excessive tan still increases the exoticism, since there is a range of photos to choose from as already seen in the choice by some foreigners with the photo of Inma Cuesta.

We don't give a damn about the tone if we perceive the tan, the tanned skin by the sun or a darker tone within our range that for us is not dark Hindu type.

So they are wrong if they think we are talking about or looking at the tone of guys who are outdoors all day.

04-24-2021, 02:10 PM
Go and create a thread to classify your mom's pussy, you son of a bitch

Es lo que quieren, no caigas en eso. Este jugador no es la primera vez que lo sacan, tienen que estar una semana buscando españoles atípicos, han metido montones de veces la pata, ya que la mayoría eran con mezcla gitana, piensa que los españoles estamos en una encrucijada y por un lado han de negar a Hispanoamérica su parte blanca europea, por otro lado hay resentimientos por nuestra historia, ninguno de ellos llegó hasta donde llegó Iberia con el Imperio Romano, después muchos de sus países europeos fueron colonias nuestras, vasallos, llevan décadas haciendo publicidad en Sudamérica para que odien nuestra historia que es la de Sudamérica también, paradógico, Italia por ejemplo tienen verdadero pánico a que España le adelante económicamente, Francia también, en fin que una semana se tienen que estar buscando fotos para finalmente encontrar a 4 españoles mezclados con gitanos para demostrar una mierda porque otra cosa no demuestran.

04-24-2021, 02:43 PM
LaBraña, like Cheddar and others from 6-8000 years ago don´t have the genes for light skin, that is why the only thing for sure about them is that they were DARKER than any European today, so it is not posible that he looks like a Lithuanian of today. The reconstruction could be fake, but what is for sure is that he was very dark as all Europeans were 6000 years ago and earlier (and considering that all Homo Sapiens came from the Horn of Africa at some point on history (not meaning that they were black, but very dark skinned as an ancient trait), it is easy to conclude that LaBraña and Cheddar and others were quite dark.

Later other populations came, also the normal evolution on a less-sunny enviroment, new mutations, etc, and we have the different skin types that we see in Europe today.

And to me he looks like LaBraña (not counting the eyes color):


That he is exactly from the same province of LaBraña (León) could be a casuality....or not.

Eso es propaganda progresista en los medios sicentificos quienes nefgrifican la histoira de el hombre europeo , los cromanones son los proto nordicos quienes evolucionaron en la epoca glaciera .. la Brana es genticamente identico que una parte de los escandinavos modernos lo que confiman que los WHG eran proto nordicos

04-24-2021, 04:27 PM
What you don´t get is that germanic invaders ARE part of the ethnogenesis of what a Spaniard is. There are MANY families in Spain (N-S-E-W) that have a blond or a blond blue eyed relative. Even the darkest (non-semitic or non-gypsy) Spaniard can perfectly have a brother who is blond or blond and blue eyed, or redhead.

Moors were repelled, were opposite, were kicked out. WERE not part of the ethnogenesis of Spain. In fact, Spain was created against the moros.

I don´t know the bio of Busquets. His parents look Spanish. There have been MANY (probably hundred of thousands or more) of non-paternal events during History. Maybe the mother cheated with a gypsy (I don´t know), maybe the grandmother was raped by a moor from Franco´s troop but they were put with the rest of the family. I don´t really know. I just say, he looks non-White. But, in any case he is an outlier. A blonde blue eyed is not an outlier. It is in most families in any part of Spain. Not necesarily a brother but a cousin or whatever.
Another example: the tennis player Fernando Verdasco. I always thought that he looked strange and very dark but I just said: "he is just a very dark Spaniard with a rare face". Some months ago here I saw that his parents are Chilean and he has amerindian blood. If you look at him after knowing this info, you can really spot some amerindian or whatever ancestry he has on him:


He is another non-White Spaniard. And probably 90% of Spaniards dont even know that he is a mixed person.

Compare him to a very dark Spaniard (it also adds the fact that he has been living 25 years in Thailandia for his dark appareance):

In the first case, you see a non-White. In the second case, you see a very dark European.

Spain is arguably the least Germanic country in Continental Europe, that just goes to show that the Germanic tribes hardly made any impact there. On the other hand, they are the most North African influenced country in Europe after Portugal. And yes, the Moors are part of the Spanish ethnogenesis as you can see below.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/2a455fce-cd74-4375-9833-ba3072ef7b67/d8fztsi-2a9c8929-34f3-4751-946b-fd64d2a7d5b3.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJ IUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjph cHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvMmE0NTVmY2UtY2 Q3NC00Mzc1LTk4MzMtYmEzMDcyZWY3YjY3XC9kOGZ6dHNpLTJh OWM4OTI5LTM0ZjMtNDc1MS05NDZiLWZkNjRkMmE3ZDViMy5wbm cifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9h ZCJdfQ.iZn2jbLZ5EqOrlV9tQ_u1mvWr-US64vmADVR9BoxehA

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f1/Map_of_African_admixture_in_European_populations.p ng


04-24-2021, 04:46 PM
Go and create a thread to classify your mom's pussy, you son of a bitch

I'm an orphan though :laugh:

04-24-2021, 04:51 PM
exotic spanish! look north african.

Steppe Timelord
04-24-2021, 06:52 PM
That's a hand drawn picture, not La Brana man. If La Brana man's look exists anymore it's probably going to be in Estonia, Lithuania, etc.

the today's labrana men in the baltic countries and russia you talk about are getting classified by you as baltid+alpine (g*rid) lmao.

I think someone with labrana's look should plot very west in the PCA chart, the WHGs were very northwestern shifted (unlike many baltid eastern europeans who shift more Southeast), the irish people are the closest to them. Thus the Brunn type could be the
loosely continuation of the original WHG/La Brana/Loschbour stock.

Some baltids look like eastern shifted brunns. (both brunn and baltid being unstable mix between two or more phenotypes, balto-borreby balto-nordid, brunn nordid borreby brunn etc..)

and for OPs classification: armenoid/orientalid- south med mix.

04-24-2021, 07:01 PM
Spain is arguably the least Germanic country in Continental Europe, that just goes to show that the Germanic tribes hardly made any impact there.

Barbarians go home!!

Iberia the only Roman stronghold that exists :D

04-24-2021, 08:13 PM
Would be unironically Atlanto Med in Coons book - otherwise i dont know how he saw that peaking in North Africa- Berberid- medized by Oriental and Atlanto traits

Grand Admiral Thrawn
04-25-2021, 08:29 PM
Would be unironically Atlanto Med in Coons book - otherwise i dont know how he saw that peaking in North Africa- Berberid- medized by Oriental and Atlanto traits

Coon was highly questionable, this Spaniard is clearly not fully European. And there's no way I would classifiy him as Atlanto-Med, he's too dark and he looks too non-euro.

I agree he looks South Mediterranid/Trans Mediterranid with a more Orientalid vibe

04-26-2021, 02:33 AM
yes, not as atypical as others claim

+1. All bordeline Europeans have such looking individuals.So I don’t think he is atypical among Spaniards.

04-26-2021, 02:23 PM
+1. All bordeline Europeans have such looking individuals.So I don’t think he is atypical among Spaniards.

I am just starting to not care much about the stupidities some people say about the people of my country. He is an extreme outlier and he is a non-White, most probably a GYPSY, that is why people say he is transaharid or whatever, in reality he is SouthAsian (Indian) mixed with Med Spanish (since most gypsies have a some Spanish blood).

04-26-2021, 02:40 PM
Spain is arguably the least Germanic country in Continental Europe, that just goes to show that the Germanic tribes hardly made any impact there. On the other hand, they are the most North African influenced country in Europe after Portugal. And yes, the Moors are part of the Spanish ethnogenesis as you can see below.


I see tonnes of maps, painted by who?? What scientific papers did he use?? Are other scientific papers that contradicts what he says and he does not read them?? Because we can be sure of something: genetic tests, DNA, population genetics, is a recent thing, and they make many mistakes. Like the Pompeu Fabra study of 2009 in which they used the E and J halopgroup in Spain (not in other European countries! which have the same rates of E and J than Spain) to say that we were 20% jew and 10% northafrican.

I see those maps from time to time, but I don´t see the papers for them. Those that take conclussions based on maps that someone painted just because he read some paper with a sample of 150 people to define 45 million of people, are as retarded as those that make maps based on 150 individuals.

And it is obvious that you have an agenda. First, you probably are not a true yankie (probably a chicano) and have not set a foot in Spain ever. And second, you have no idea on how we look like. So, why do you take conclussions without real knowledge and pointing just to certain ideas: "very northafrican", "no germanic". It is obvious. You are a mestizo from southamerica, most probably that is butthurt against Spain. And germanic input is much higher than what people think (and is not represented well in that map). Spain was the final chapter for the Goths and for the Suebi, 2 of the main germanic tribes. If instead samples of 150-200 individuos for all Spain, they used 40.000 (also from rural áreas), things would look quite different.

04-26-2021, 02:42 PM
I am just starting to not care much about the stupidities some people say about the people of my country. He is an extreme outlier and he is a non-White, most probably a GYPSY, that is why people say he is transaharid or whatever, in reality he is SouthAsian (Indian) mixed with Med Spanish (since most gypsies have a some Spanish blood).

Some native Spaniards look like gypsies, this is a fact.

04-26-2021, 02:51 PM
Some native Spaniards look like gypsies, this is a fact.

A 5%. But even with that they don´t look like gypsies, just non-White, extremeMed, or semitic, or whatever. Like Busquets, Imanol Arias, etc.

04-26-2021, 03:22 PM
Looks Mena, no way is he a full Spaniard

04-26-2021, 03:26 PM
And it is obvious that you have an agenda. First, you probably are not a true yankie (probably a chicano) and have not set a foot in Spain ever. And second, you have no idea on how we look like. So, why do you take conclussions without real knowledge and pointing just to certain ideas: "very northafrican", "no germanic". It is obvious. You are a mestizo from southamerica, most probably that is butthurt against Spain. And germanic input is much higher than what people think (and is not represented well in that map). Spain was the final chapter for the Goths and for the Suebi, 2 of the main germanic tribes. If instead samples of 150-200 individuos for all Spain, they used 40.000 (also from rural áreas), things would look quite different.

I did a thread on a British guy that looked MENA as fuck and not a single British member had a problem with it. I also did a thread on one very exotic looking Italian youtuber and nobody said anything either. I just like posting exotic people lol, chill. You and other Spanish members are making Spaniards look like annoying crybabies with this type of behaviour.



04-27-2021, 07:00 AM
The Spaniards do not have problems with the atypical guy that is published we have it with the kind of comments because when this type of publications are for Spain the treatment of the comments on the subject is very different and turn to make average what it is not, that's the difference small, even in that you are going to distort the subject?

And of course we will answer or what did you expect little gnome?

04-27-2021, 07:06 AM