View Full Version : Palestine vs Israel: Choose a side

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05-12-2021, 09:12 PM
Who do you think is right ?

05-12-2021, 09:13 PM
Third side: Popcorn.

Tenma de Pegasus
05-12-2021, 09:14 PM
Both sides are complicated

05-12-2021, 09:16 PM
Any sane human being cannot choose something else than siding with Palestinians

And this is regardless religious affiliation

05-12-2021, 09:21 PM
I dont know,one side of me actually doesnt mind a jewish state and the other cant stand the cruelty towards palestinians and the killing,torture of innocent children

05-12-2021, 09:25 PM
Being pro-Palestinians doesn't mean wanting to annilihate Jews or even destroy Israel

Israel is unfortunately a reality, like a baby born out of a rape, he is there now despite he has been conceived from a tragedy

Israel must at least respect the 1967 borders and let Palestinians live in peace, not under embargo; and give back their colonial expansions

05-12-2021, 09:27 PM
Any sane human being cannot choose something else than siding with Palestinians

And this is regardless religious affiliation

You would be suprised at what cost would people throw their logic to Satisfy their hatred and agendas . But hey, what do I know.

05-12-2021, 09:31 PM
Being pro-Palestinians doesn't mean wanting to annilihate Jews or even destroy Israel

Israel is unfortunately a reality, like a baby born out of a rape, he is there now despite he has been conceived from a tragedy

Israel must at least respect the 1967 borders and let Palestinians live in peace, not under embargo; and give back their colonial expansions

Exactly. How can you be anti Jew or anti semitic when orthodox rabbis and Jews are anti Israel / pro Falasteen

This dogs video backfired on him lol


Look at Allah's message


05-12-2021, 09:33 PM
I support isolationism/neutrality in terms official foreign policy as I take a hard stance against foreign interventionism, neo-conservatism etc. But morally and personally I support Palestine.

05-12-2021, 09:33 PM
You would be suprised at what cost would people throw their logic to Satisfy their hatred and agendas . But hey, what do I know.

You would be surprised at the length people go to due to their hatred for MENA people

05-12-2021, 09:37 PM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

When Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in North Africa and in the Ottoman Empire for instances

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

Not to add that the US and the West are completely owned by Jewish-Zionist lobbies + global far-right Islamophobia gloryifing - how ironic when compared to the 30s - Israel as a model on how to "deal with Arab Muslims" (what we call in modern French political theory : the National-Zionist synthesis)

05-12-2021, 09:39 PM
You would be surprised at the length people go to due to their hatred for MENA people

I think it's come to the point where we don't really give a shit anymore. People don't even hide it anymore . Hate us love us , world keeps on spinning.

05-12-2021, 09:46 PM

05-12-2021, 09:48 PM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

When Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in North Africa and in the Ottoman Empire for instances

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

Not to add that the US and the West are completely owned by Jewish-Zionist lobbies + global far-right Islamophobia gloryifing - how ironic when compared to the 30s - Israel as a model on how to "deal with Arab Muslims" (what we call in modern French political theory : the National-Zionist synthesis)

Just to add onto your post with some evidence directly coming from the JEWISH CHRONICLE published BY A JEWISH HISTORIAN:


05-12-2021, 09:50 PM
Look at their guilt on their faces


05-12-2021, 09:53 PM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

When Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in North Africa and in the Ottoman Empire for instances

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

Not to add that the US and the West are completely owned by Jewish-Zionist lobbies + global far-right Islamophobia gloryifing - how ironic when compared to the 30s - Israel as a model on how to "deal with Arab Muslims" (what we call in modern French political theory : the National-Zionist synthesis)

Ironic how the narrative is : White and European rebelling against opressors / invaders --- freedom fighters , heroes .

Muslim middle Eastern rebelling against oppressors / invaders --- terrorists .

05-12-2021, 09:55 PM
Palestinians of course.

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

It's not an hazard if anyone in Europe or Occident pointing the inconsistencies in these tales to sleep standing up about gas chamber made of brick and closed with a wooden door are systematically censored or even sent in jail.

Israel would never have been able to finance sufficiently its defense without all the billions extorted to Occident in the name of Shoah-Business. Without that, Israeli would have been crushed by the Muslims since a very long time and it would have been very good for the whole Humanity.

05-12-2021, 09:57 PM
Came across this little boy who is shocked to see his father and younger brother dead. May God help him :(


05-12-2021, 09:57 PM
Remember , it's the Zionists who want to get rid of the European blood by pushing their agendas and propaganda onto our screens .

05-12-2021, 10:01 PM
I don't see how it's possible to objectively defend/support Israel.

05-12-2021, 10:03 PM
I support whoever hamilcar is supporting

Sebastianus Rex
05-12-2021, 10:05 PM
Any sane human being cannot choose something else than siding with Palestinians

And this is regardless religious affiliation

Then why not even their Muslim "brothers" give a shit about Palestinians? Still today the Palestinian refugees and their second and third generation descendants are not allowed the nationality in the Muslim countries they were born and grew up, also are not allowed to climb socially. Even Israel treats much better their 20% Muslim minority.

Palestinians are just a political tool for islamist interests against Israel, in reality nobody gives a shit about them, they are just useful idiots to perpetuate this conflict and boycott the peace process.

05-12-2021, 10:08 PM
Then why not even their Muslim "brothers" give a shit about Palestinians? Still today the Palestinian refugees and their second and third generation descendants are not allowed the nationality in the Muslim countries they were born and grew up, also are not allowed to climb socially. Even Israel treats much better their 20% Muslim minority.

Palestinians are just a political tool for islamist interests against Israel, in reality nobody gives a shit about them, they are just useful idiots to perpetuate this conflict and boycott the peace process.

Because those "Muslim countries" are run by corrupt puppeteers . Do you really think we are not aware of this man? Like come on bro .

Sebastianus Rex
05-12-2021, 10:33 PM
Because those "Muslim countries" are run by corrupt puppeteers . Do you really think we are not aware of this man? Like come on bro .

Meaning ? How do other Muslims help Palestinians? Infact they are a good part of the reason why Palestinians are still on a shit situation. Don't interfere and things will start to get much better for Palestinians and Israelis.

The conflict is not Palestinian vs Israelis...glad you are aware of it bro.

05-12-2021, 10:53 PM
Meaning ? How do other Muslims help Palestinians? Infact they are a good part of the reason why Palestinians are still on a shit situation. Don't interfere and things will start to get much better for Palestinians and Israelis.

The conflict is not Palestinian vs Israelis...glad you are aware of it bro.

There is far more greater cause behind it all , yeah we Muslims know ...you are right it's not Israel v Palestine. It's. Israel committing genocide , ethnic cleansing , apartehid on Palestinian civilians , glad you are aware of it bro .

05-13-2021, 12:01 AM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

When Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in North Africa and in the Ottoman Empire for instances

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

Not to add that the US and the West are completely owned by Jewish-Zionist lobbies + global far-right Islamophobia gloryifing - how ironic when compared to the 30s - Israel as a model on how to "deal with Arab Muslims" (what we call in modern French political theory : the National-Zionist synthesis)

"Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world"
Let me make it clear, I am not taking any sides here, just pointing out hypocrisy in your quote above.
If your claim above is true which I highly doubt, because if the Jews under muslim control had rebelled or caused any fuss or civil disturbances for any reason they would have been brutally crushed if not totally exterminated.
So my question is why can't the muslims now behave the same obedient way as the jews previously did under muslim control so that they will live in peace since the center of power has reversed?

05-13-2021, 12:14 AM

05-13-2021, 01:16 AM
Exactly. How can you be anti Jew or anti semitic when orthodox rabbis and Jews are anti Israel / pro Falasteen

This dogs video backfired on him lol


Tiny cult known as Nuterei Karta that shows up to holocaust denial conferences*

They've been denounced by the rest of the Orthodox Jewish world. You guys only look gullible citing them. And their Rabbi utterly failed to answer his questions.

05-13-2021, 01:20 AM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control

Habibi, lay off the hashish.

05-13-2021, 01:23 AM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

When Jews were expelled from Spain, they took refuge in North Africa and in the Ottoman Empire for instances

The modern hatred is that Palestinians are collateral victims of European collective guilt of Holocaust. Europeans felt guilty to have committed genocide, and let them take Palestine as a "compensation", this is why they are silent on the Israeli colonization.

Israeli Jews are insensitive to any other form of human sufferings because after what they endured in the past (Holocaust and pogroms), they feel that what happens to Palestinians is nothing, just exaggeration when compared.

Not to add that the US and the West are completely owned by Jewish-Zionist lobbies + global far-right Islamophobia gloryifing - how ironic when compared to the 30s - Israel as a model on how to "deal with Arab Muslims" (what we call in modern French political theory : the National-Zionist synthesis)

Where do you see your extreme right in the United States or Europe?

05-13-2021, 01:26 AM
China has a concentration camp with Muslims and hardly any Muslim country in the Middle East cares.

05-13-2021, 02:16 AM
Habibi, lay off the hashish.

They lived way better under islamic rule than under any other regime. It's muslims who permitted the jews to come back to Jerusalem same later when they defeated the crusaders. They also had their own synagogues, tribunals, schools and neighbourhoods. They also never expelled any jewish communities meanwhile in Europe hundreds happened and who welcomed these jews after they got expelled from Iberia ? It was maghrebis, egyptians and anatolians. It's also under the medieval islamic world that the jews knew their golden age with scholars such as Saadia Gaon, Maimonides, Moise ibn Ezra and Nahmanide. They also reached high positions sallahudin for example had a jewish physician, Abd al-rahman III had a jew as ambassador and Samuel ibn Nagrela became one of the most powerful vizir of Al andalus.

05-13-2021, 02:22 AM
Jews, because once "Palestinians" take over they'll turn the whole area into a shithole.

05-13-2021, 02:27 AM
I dont hate MENA people or muslims that must be said. I like them and respect them. But I dont understand where people get the ideas from that Israelis torture innocent children, Im sure they dont. And as far as I know the muslim world wants to exterminate Israel and I side with Israel. I consider Israel the victim and democracy not the other way around.

05-13-2021, 02:32 AM
They lived way better under islamic rule than under any other regime.

Except their own. Case closed.

They also never expelled any jewish communities

It's also under the medieval islamic world that the jews knew their golden age with scholars such as Saadia Gaon, Maimonides, Moise ibn Ezra and Nahmanide.

Remind me, why didn't Maimonides remain in Spain? Were all of Israel's Mizrachim and Sephardim Zionist migrants?

05-13-2021, 02:39 AM
Except their own. Case closed.

Remind me, why didn't Maimonides remain in Spain? Were all of Israel's Mizrachim and Sephardim Zionist migrants?

the almohads are one chapter among many others and their intolerance didn't always prevail. Anyway maimonide still fled to another muslim state why didn't he settle in northern spain or italy ? As for these "migrants" it's zionist propaganda and european imperialism who contributed to this don't play the hypocrite. Elders themselves will tell you how much israel pushed the idea of jews being no more in security around arabs and european powers contributed to divide the two communities and favored the jews over the arabs which led to conflicts.

05-13-2021, 02:49 AM
the almohads are one chapter among many others and their intolerance didn't always prevail. Anyway maimonide still fled to another muslim state why didn't he settle in northern spain or italy ? As for these "migrants" it's zionist propaganda and european imperialism who contributed to this don't play the hypocrite. Elders themselves will tell you how much israel pushed the idea of jews being no more in security around arabs and european powers contributed to divide the two communities and favored the jews over the arabs which led to conflicts.

"never expelled"


"one chapter"


"we dindu nuffin. zionis and europeens made us do it"

05-13-2021, 04:28 AM

No Israel, more Jews in Europe/North America. Israel is also the more civilized party in the dispute, and Palestinians had both chances for peaceful minority status within Israel(with plenty of other Arab/Levant countries around to move to if you can't stand being in a Jewish majority nation), and even two chances for a two state solution, even having more land than they would today if West Bank/Gaza became independent. I do support West Bank/Gaza independence, but really don't care either way especially Palestinians and other Arab states themselves have pretty much ruined the situation for themselves.

The human rights violations against "innocent civilians" and "children" is way blown out of proportion, usually such type of things are a response to acts as heinous or even more heinous(i.e, why the US police force is more shoot to kill than European police). Evictions happen to people who people who harbour or support rebels and/or terrorists, not randomly. If they're trying to forcefully ethnically cleanse Israel, they're doing a horrible job because the Palestinian population is growing faster than the Jewish population. So again, even if these incidents weren't just what comes along with wars and conflicts, I have trouble sympathizing with a people who literally elected Hamas.

05-13-2021, 05:16 AM
Semite civil war..

Crn Volk
05-13-2021, 06:02 AM
Palestinian Christians

05-13-2021, 06:12 AM
Gotta go with Palestine on this one. But gotta say this conflict is an utter shitstorm and at this point it's very clear both are hard to support. On one hand, Israeli forces have been killing Palestinians on their own land, infiltrating a popular peaceful prayer session in a mosque, and many other cruel acts... so the Palestinians being pissed makes a lot of sense. I think it's really really hard to support Israel if you believe in any ounce of human morality, besides having a bias against their religions.

05-13-2021, 06:17 AM
I'm neutral on this matter

05-13-2021, 07:16 AM
I'm neutral on this matter


05-13-2021, 07:20 AM
I like Israel, but i will put myself neutral on this. The final solution to end this conflict will be Israel yielding territory, specially southern and eastern land.

05-13-2021, 07:21 AM
I take no sides in this conflict, but will say that Israel is wrong for using disproportionate force in retaliatory strikes, imposing collective punishment on innocent civilians, expanding illegal settlements, treating Palestinians as a second class, however, they are smart to use violence in self defense. Palestinians are wrong for imposing collective punishment on innocent civilians and violating international law, but they are smart to use violence in self defense.

If we look at history, Israel launched a preemptive attack against the Arab nations that were amassing significant military power along its border in 1967. This was not a unilateral or uncalled for act of aggression on Israel's part, it was to prevent a clear and obvious plan to invade and destroy Israel. In this offensive Israel gained control of the Egyptian territories of the Gaza strip and Sinai Peninsula, the Jordanian West Bank, and the Syrian Golan Heights. Also, it is important to note that "Palestinians" as a national group didn't exist until the 1960s, and the people who resided in Palestine were Egyptians, Jordanians, Syrians, and whatever Arab nationals chose to live in the area....it is also important to point out that historically the region has only been an independent nation while under Jewish control (Israel and Judea) and has only been under Arab control as part of a larger empire. Another very important note is that until recently the main Palestinian organizations called for the complete destruction of Israel and eradication for all Jewish people, so it is really quite difficult to find any common ground there, lol. And the pro Palestine groups get marginalized so easily because Hamas genuinely engages in terrorism, Fatah used to engage in terrorism, etc etc.

Perhaps in an ideal world I would like to see a proper two state solution, but as long as there are two parties who claim to lead the Palestinians, and one of those is Hamas, I can’t support it. Also, not to mention that Palestinians had numerous chances for a two state solution, it was proposed and rejected by the Palestinian leadership out of hand, so history proves that Palestinians are indeed the party unwilling to share the land, not the Israelis. For it is Palestinians who refused to share the land between two-states in 1947, 1967, 2000, 2001, 2007, 2008 and presently. Not to mention that Israel has previously offered them land amounting to 99.5% of the West Bank, and all of Gaza, with zero displacement and connected by a transit corridor over which the Palestinian state would have full control. However, there is also no major political party in Israel that currently supports a two state solution IIRC, so as long as the US supports Israel diplomatically, militarily, etc they have no reason to renounce any of their territorial claims....and if the situation does not change in the long term, I see the status quo being maintained. Israel is in a position of great power in the region, and the Palestinians are weak. Israel will therefore continue to take land it is interested in, such as the Jordan valley and settlements, Area C, which they've mostly cleared of Palestinians and leaving the parts with high Arab population in isolated enclaves.

Ultimately, when looking at this situation, I merely see two groups of zealous religious people killing each other, and I really cannot stand either pro Zionist or Hamas groups, so I prefer to just watch it all unfold from the comfort of my home :thumb001:.

05-13-2021, 07:30 AM

05-13-2021, 08:09 AM
I will choose the neutral side, regardless which side you are supporting, you will be treaten with hostility.

But I wish peace for all, especially during these special days.

Super Mario
05-13-2021, 08:40 AM
Neutral but have mixed feeling about both Palestine and Israel, they must stop this stupid hatred sometimes.

05-13-2021, 09:05 AM
Jews have only one country. Palestinians can move to other Islamic Countries and both could live peacefully.

05-13-2021, 09:11 AM
The creation of Israel was through the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians. The Israel started to claim more and more land. Hamas wants a reverse nakba. This conflict will never end until one completely destroys the other and Israel is slowly doing it.

05-13-2021, 11:09 AM
That's like choosing between the plague and cholera.

It's hardcore propaganda forcing you to pick a side because if you are silent you support the other. This is manipulative and wrong and sadly too many people fall for that. Just let them kill each other and enjoy the carnage.

05-13-2021, 11:51 AM
"never expelled"


"one chapter"


"we dindu nuffin. zionis and europeens made us do it"

well at least compared to this the word "never" is not an overstatement :


as for zionists it's your elders themselves who tell us how much pressure they put on them to leave our countries :


In the case of europeans see things like the "décret crémieux" for example

05-13-2021, 11:59 AM
No sides taken.

I don't care at the least what happens between Semites. Let them slaughter each other, we've had enough of both of them.

05-13-2021, 12:10 PM
No sides taken.

I don't care at the least what happens between Semites. Let them slaughter each other, we've had enough of both of them.

Genetically most israelis are not "semites" they are similar to your people and sicilians

05-13-2021, 12:14 PM
You would be surprised at the length people go to due to their hatred for MENA people

Not surprised with the aftermath

05-13-2021, 12:18 PM
Israel exists because of European guilt towards the Jewish people.

05-13-2021, 02:58 PM
Genetically most israelis are not "semites" they are similar to your people and sicilians

"What I meant to say was, is that they plot with Greek Islanders"

05-13-2021, 03:01 PM
well at least compared to this the word "never" is not an overstatement :


as for zionists it's your elders themselves who tell us how much pressure they put on them to leave our countries :


In the case of europeans see things like the "décret crémieux" for example

Never means never.

Never are you honest.

I don't speak French.

05-13-2021, 03:03 PM
"What I meant to say was, is that they plot with Greek Islanders"

Indeed, similar to greeks.

05-13-2021, 03:05 PM
Never means never.

Never are you honest.

I don't speak French.

that's the thing you basically have no consistent argument therefore focus on random words. It's not a problem next time I'll be more explicit then.

Cristiano viejo
05-13-2021, 03:17 PM
None. Palestinians are dirty brownies with terrorist faces and thoughts, and Jews are hooked nose anti-white Zionists.
I could not care less abouth both, I am all my life watching their Intifada wars in tv. Since a child! The poor devils dont change. OK, they can go to the hell, none of my business.

05-13-2021, 03:26 PM

Anyone who supports Hamas does not support Palestinian but the thugs of Hamas and its associate thugs Iran and Turkey.

The fact that not even Saudi Arabia or Egypt support these thugs should tell you something.

05-13-2021, 07:22 PM
Genetically most israelis are not "semites" they are similar to your people and sicilians

Yeah, because they have significant southern European admixture. Doesn't remove their Semitic component though.

05-13-2021, 07:30 PM
No sides taken.

I don't care at the least what happens between Semites. Let them slaughter each other, we've had enough of both of them.

You act like they care. Lmao no one wants to be huwhite anyway, they’re pussies.

05-13-2021, 07:31 PM
None. Palestinians are dirty brownies with terrorist faces and thoughts, and Jews are hooked nose anti-white Zionists.
I could not care less abouth both, I am all my life watching their Intifada wars in tv. Since a child! The poor devils dont change. OK, they can go to the hell, none of my business.

Shut it cumskin.

05-13-2021, 07:33 PM
You act like they care. Lmao no one wants to be huwhite anyway, they’re pussies.

I agree with the sentiment of not having to be white. I get that bc being white is something I don't understand, is it how you look nowadays? Or is it how you act, and culture? Or both... I don't get it, but I am not white, and some other southern euros aren't either! Who cares right?

05-13-2021, 07:36 PM
You act like they care. Lmao no one wants to be huwhite anyway, they’re pussies.

Shut up. Don't bring this fucking theme anywhere. You get everyone tired with this shit.

05-13-2021, 07:39 PM
I agree with the sentiment of not having to be white. I get that bc being white is something I don't understand, is it how you look nowadays? Or is it how you act, and culture? Or both... I don't get it, but I am not white, and some other southern euros aren't either! Who cares right?

All of the above, and whites suck in every aspect. They’re too altruistic and anti-materialistic (I mean philosophically). They act like they belong in heaven and everyone else is evil sleaz-balls. They’re also extremely boring.

05-13-2021, 07:40 PM
Yeah, because they have significant southern European admixture. Doesn't remove their Semitic component though.

Please never claim to be orthodox again, thanks.

05-13-2021, 07:43 PM
Please never claim to be orthodox again, thanks.

I will do whatever the fuck I want. And I want is both the Jews and the Muslims to blow up each other so we can finally have peace. Enough is enough with endless wars at a point.

05-13-2021, 07:46 PM
I will do whatever the fuck I want. And I want is both the Jews and the Muslims to blow up each other so we can finally have peace. Enough is enough with endless wars at a point.

Most prophets and even jesus were semites.

plus all the wars in the middle east are orchestrated by the west.

05-13-2021, 07:49 PM
I will do whatever the fuck I want. And I want is both the Jews and the Muslims to blow up each other so we can finally have peace. Enough is enough with endless wars at a point.

Haven’t you thought that Jews are “parasitic leeches” that suck the blood of the Islamic homeland too? The Muslim world just needs their version of Hitler.... am I right? Heheh.

05-13-2021, 07:51 PM
Most prophets and even jesus were semites.

plus all the wars in the middle east are orchestrated by the west.

But that was the Jews’ fault, didn’t you know? Colonialism was motivated by Jewish merchants.

05-13-2021, 07:55 PM
-Iraq was invaded by the west based on fake claims of weapons of mass destructions, turned into a nation with ongoing civil wars.

-Afghanistan was attacked based on the Taliban that were no threat to the west and it used to be funded by the west, turned into a nation with ongoing civil war.

-Libya had a leader that denied the control over the national oil resources to exxon,shell and others, invaded by the west and turned to a country with ongoing civil wars.

-Syria another sovereign nation not playing the games of the west turned to a nation with ongoing civil war and invaded by the west.

Same can be applied partly to Yemen and Falastin.

But muuuh bad muslims cant have peace.

The entire tension in the mid east is based on colonial powers drawing borders ignoring ethnicities,faith,history,culture and language of the people.

05-13-2021, 07:59 PM
Haven’t you thought that Jews are “parasitic leeches” that suck the blood of the Islamic homeland too? The Muslim world just needs their version of Hitler.... am I right? Heheh.

Nah, I never even thought of that, you're delusional. I just want them to nuke one another to end this shit once and for good. I'm fucking sickened of it.

Most prophets and even jesus were semites.

plus all the wars in the middle east are orchestrated by the west.

Yeah, and the same Semites betrayed and crucified Him. Your point being here...? Because he was a Semite, he wanted to be associated with them? Ofc not.

Plus, all the wars in the Middle East are orchestrated by AIPAC™, and all the Jewish lobbies and Jewish foreign policy. It's not at all random that the Middle East started to be fucked when Kissinger, a Jew, was the first Jew to be the Secretary of State.

Oh, and Muslims are at many times pawns of Israel for its state-sponsored terrorism:






05-13-2021, 08:00 PM
Absolutely neither, none of our business. Europeans should stay away from MENA bloodbaths.

05-13-2021, 08:10 PM
Yeah, and the same Semites betrayed and crucified Him. Your point being here...? Because he was a Semite, he wanted to be associated with them? Ofc not.

You’re speaking very heretically. I don’t think Jesus cared about “association” with certain types of people, he could care less. He is/was sent by God. But if anything, he did nothing but try to reach out to his fellow Semites. Perhaps you could say that most Jews didn’t want to associate with Jesus, but you can’t say Jesus didn’t want to associate with Jews/Semites.
And the early Christians were predominantly Jews until both ends, the Catholic Church and non-Christian Jews, stopped recognizing them as their distinct group. Furthermore, what about other Christian Semites? Chaldeans are Christians, and so is half of Lebanon.

05-13-2021, 08:11 PM
I support Palestine

05-13-2021, 08:18 PM
You’re speaking very heretically. I don’t think Jesus cared about “association” with certain types of people, he could care less. He is/was sent by God. But if anything, he did nothing but try to each out to his fellow Semites.
And the early Christians were predominantly Jews until both ends, the Catholic Church and non-Christian Jews, stopped recognizing them as their distinct group. Furthermore, what about other Christian Semites? Chaldeans are Christians, and so is half of Lebanon.

He is 0% religious

trust me

05-13-2021, 08:23 PM
ok, voted

05-13-2021, 08:27 PM
I will do whatever the fuck I want. And I want is both the Jews and the Muslims to blow up each other so we can finally have peace. Enough is enough with endless wars at a point.


05-13-2021, 08:30 PM
muh beacon of democracy in the middle east





05-13-2021, 08:30 PM
I fanatically support Israel against the Saracen scum.

05-13-2021, 08:34 PM

05-13-2021, 08:35 PM
Oh, and Muslims are at many times pawns of Israel for its state-sponsored terrorism.

To be fair, Europe/America are pawns of Israel in almost all socio-political aspects as well. I guess that leaves at least something in common between whites and the vast majority of Semites (the enemy parasites as we know). Btw, I doubt that the common Arab supports terrorism, as terrorism is the reason why their homelands have turned to sh**.

05-13-2021, 08:38 PM
He is 0% religious

trust me

Yeahh, it’s obvious. But neither am I tbh, so I don’t sit here and judge him for that reason. All I can do is debate against his thought process.

05-13-2021, 08:38 PM
Always Israel.

05-13-2021, 09:04 PM
Absolutely neither, none of our business. Europeans should stay away from MENA bloodbaths.


Who would say that a Croat and a Serb will have the same opinion about some subject? :biggrin:

05-13-2021, 09:14 PM
Betrayed Ottoman Empire, now ilahi adalat is answering for this shame. Regardless of the severity of their betrayel, I dont wish to anyone on this earth to experience wars, death or pain. Today it is Eid al-Fitr, I pray for peace and bliss for everyone on this earth. I wish that Palestinians would have normal days at least for this week. They should not fight with each other, we are all creatures of god, call him Allah or Yahweh or whatever.

05-13-2021, 09:42 PM

Il y a des chrétiens parmis la population palestinienne

05-13-2021, 09:53 PM
Fuck Israel.

05-13-2021, 10:01 PM

05-13-2021, 10:16 PM
Israel exists because of invented European guilt towards the Jewish people.


And the muzz here trying to pass as the "good guys" by bashing at Christian people are laughable. Do you think you think you will win anything with the Jews by doing this? They will still crush you whenever they have the occasion or use you as a sweep at best.

"l'islam est la balais d'Israël"


05-13-2021, 10:19 PM
And Jesus was not a Semite by the way.

05-14-2021, 12:00 AM
Always Palestine. The fascist project "Israel" must be closed as it threatens the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the world.
The Third Temple on the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque should not be built. Moshiach is not needed by anyone except Jews and Judaized Christians ("golden billion").
Orthodox Christians must be on the same side with Muslims in this war.

05-14-2021, 12:11 AM

05-14-2021, 12:52 AM
Neutral cause both of them are right

05-14-2021, 08:24 AM
Bigges Zionist lie is that they are more native to the land

Rafael Passoni
05-14-2021, 09:22 AM
Israel because its a democratic country there.

05-14-2021, 10:03 AM
This is an absolute mandatory view for anyone who are still on the fence or use both-sides arguments:


05-14-2021, 03:38 PM
Indeed, similar to greeks.

The only reason you say this is to fool people into thinking that modern Jews are converts. If you told them that Greek Islanders have absorbed enough MENA blood and Ashkenazim have absorbed around half European admixture to plot nearby, then you know no one would care. Your goal isn't to communicate that modern Jews are admixed, but that they're fake. This is why you opt for vague words like "similar" and "genetically". Similar in what sense? Genetically in what sense? And no, American Christians aren't supporting Israel because they think Jews are pure.

05-14-2021, 04:05 PM
The only reason you say this is to fool people into thinking that modern Jews are converts. If you told them that Greek Islanders have absorbed enough MENA blood and Ashkenazim have absorbed around half European admixture to plot nearby, then you know no one would care. Your goal isn't to communicate that modern Jews are admixed, but that they're fake. This is why you opt for vague words like "similar" and "genetically". Similar in what sense? Genetically in what sense? And no, American Christians aren't supporting Israel because they think Jews are pure.

to Fool people ? Sure :

[…] excluding Ethiopian Jews who harbor 80% East African component), as well as a European-related component (on average 8.7%, excluding Ashkenazi Jews who harbor a 41% European-related component).


Overall, it seems that at least 80% of Ashkenazi maternal ancestry is due to the assimilation of mtDNAs indigenous to Europe, most likely through conversion.The phylogenetic nesting patterns suggest that the most frequent of the Ashkenazi mtDNA lineages were assimilated in Western Europe, ~2 ka or slightly earlier. […] These analyses suggest that the first major wave of assimilation probably took place in Mediterranean Europe, most likely in the Italian peninsula ~2 ka, with substantial further assimilation of minor founders in west/central Europe.


the consolidation of Judaism in the world of antiquity cannot be explained - because of the magnitude of its extent - by natural demographic growth, emigration from their homeland or any other element that would not take into account the membership of external origin.

Uriel Rappaport, Propagande religieuse des juifs et mouvement de conversion à l'époque du Second Temple, Université hébraïque, 1965, p. 151

When the Jews came in large numbers to Rome and had converted a large number of people to their ideas, Tiberius banished most of them Dion Cassius, Roman History, LVII, 18

They indeed descend mostly from converts only small groups like iraqi jews or samaritans can pretend to be quite pure and similar to ancient jews.

05-14-2021, 04:14 PM
This is an absolute mandatory view for anyone who are still on the fence or use both-sides arguments:

Anyone can make propaganda:


It's really quite simple, stop shooting rockets from heavy density population areas and you won't have civilian casualties when people give you back a taste of your own medicine.

Obviously, Palestinians have a better claim to the land(most land is stolen anyway), so do you think native Americans should be firing rockets at white suburbs in Colorado?

05-14-2021, 04:21 PM
Anyone can make propaganda:


It's really quite simple, stop shooting rockets from heavy density population areas and you won't have civilian casualties when people give you back a taste of your own medicine.

Obviously, Palestinians have a better claim to the land(most land is stolen anyway), so do you think native Americans should be firing rockets at white suburbs in Colorado?

That's called Resistance. They are constantly humiliated, the colonies keep expanding, they are treated like second-class citizens and you dare to treat them like vulgar terrorists ? They shoot these rockets in reaction to what happened in sheikh jarrah :


and later what happened to muslims on the mount's temple :


Christian palestinians don't support isreal either :


Is that normal to you : https://twitter.com/videooof2/status/1392259556395393024

you're clearly biased because of your hatred for muslims/arabs in general so I'm not expecting much from you.

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 04:27 PM
iraqi jews or samaritans can pretend to be quite pure and similar to ancient jews.

Jews in the present day of age are not defined by descent from Israelites. Jews are Jews because of their religious beliefs. I agree with Pine that when you and others discuss the mixing and conversions of people into historical Jewish communities the goal seems to ultimately delegitimize the heritage of Jews today and give them some fake status because they are racially pure enough for your standards :hitler:. Outside of genetics, there is literally no cultural connection that European Jews (not including modern Italian Jews) have to Italians/Romans.

The most Jewish of all Jews are the Yemenite Jews.

05-14-2021, 04:27 PM
to Fool people ? Sure :



Uriel Rappaport, Propagande religieuse des juifs et mouvement de conversion à l'époque du Second Temple, Université hébraïque, 1965, p. 151

Dion Cassius, Roman History, LVII, 18

They indeed descend mostly from converts only small groups like iraqi jews or samaritans can pretend to be quite pure and similar to ancient jews.
They are not converts, they are mixed(like you show, mostly on the maternal side, paternal side is always dominant culturally).

but yes, they have no claim to the land, it would be like Mexicans claiming right to return to Spain, and Mexico's European ancestors have been in Spain far later than Jews have last been in Israel.

That said, Israel was a must to happen. Most land is stolen, if anyone had an actual good reason for it, it's Israel, especially given the context in the late 1940s(although Israel had already started pretty much in the 1930s, if unofficially). In the context of the 1940s, Jews were hated all around Europe and needed a homeland(of course cuck Europeans have later proven this to be false, they would've been fine staying in Europe, as many still do), they atleast have some connection to the land, which wasn't too populated(therefore minimal displacement), and populated by a population who has extremely similar people all around it(other Levantines). You can even say the creation of Israel was a moral necessity, both for Jews who didn't want to live around other populations, and other populations who didn't want to live around Jews. The consequence of Palestinians losing a) majority status, or b) consequences of a war should they resist were far lesser, atleast in the context of the 1940s, than the creation of Israel. The creation of Israel even made other MENA and Muslim countries more homogenous because Middle-Eastern Jews left for Israel, which gives less chance for inter-ethnic conflict in said countries.

Stop crying and be glad you still have 95% of your cultural, Religious and racial continent, Europeans won't be able to say the same thing in 100-150 years.

05-14-2021, 04:28 PM
to Fool people ? Sure :



Uriel Rappaport, Propagande religieuse des juifs et mouvement de conversion à l'époque du Second Temple, Université hébraïque, 1965, p. 151

Dion Cassius, Roman History, LVII, 18

They indeed descend mostly from converts only small groups like iraqi jews or samaritans can pretend to be quite pure and similar to ancient jews.


excluding Ashkenazi Jews who harbor a 41% European-related component


They [Ashkenazi Jews] indeed descend mostly from converts only small groups like iraqi jews or samaritans can pretend to be quite pure and similar to ancient jews.

Nevermind dishonest, I forgot you're also stupid.

05-14-2021, 04:33 PM
That's called Resistance. They are constantly humiliated, the colonies keep expanding, they are treated like second-class citizens and you dare to treat them like vulgar terrorists ? They shoot these rockets in reaction to what happened in sheikh jarrah :


and later what happened to muslims on the mount's temple :


Christian palestinians don't support isreal either :


Is that normal to you : https://twitter.com/videooof2/status/1392259556395393024

you're clearly biased because of your hatred for muslims/arabs in general so I'm not expecting much from you.
Yes, and I like Jews so much. :laugh: The Jew's New Jersey Jewish accent in the first video literally makes me want to vomit.

Firing rockets to kill/destroy buildings over an eviction of property(are they getting compensated? the evictions over the pre-1948 Jerusalem property laws are extremely rare anyway, most evictions come from supporting terrorists) and breaking up a protest? Nice.

Today, Israeli settlers in West Bank and Palestinian of areas Jerusalem are morally wrong, because they already have the rest of Israel. However, there is clearly one party that's more civilized here. Stop crying and move to Jordan.

05-14-2021, 05:03 PM
Israel-Palestine issue is the hill on which American domination in Middle East will die and be replaced by the Chinese under two decades.

05-14-2021, 05:05 PM
Jews in the present day of age are not defined by descent from Israelites. Jews are Jews because of their religious beliefs. I agree with Pine that when you and others discuss the mixing and conversions of people into historical Jewish communities the goal seems to ultimately delegitimize the heritage of Jews today and give them some fake status because they are racially pure enough for your standards :hitler:. Outside of genetics, there is literally no cultural connection that European Jews (not including modern Italian Jews) have to Italians/Romans.

The most Jewish of all Jews are the Yemenite Jews.

Actually I've always said it was all about religious beliefs but many jewish members disagreed and talked about a jewish ethnicity in the racial sense. My point is simply to discredit the typical zionist argument of "we come back on our lands after 2000 years" or "arabs are invaders" or "you're antisemitic if you do not support the existence of jewish state" so it is to ultimately delegitimize Israel and this nasty ideology that is Zionism. I have no hatred towards jews themselves or their religion.

There is no cultural connection to romans the same way there is no cultural connection between me and romanized north africans does that mean I'm not indigenous to the maghreb ? Does that mean they are not my ancestors and I should avoid them as if they never existed ? Culture unlike lineages/genes don't last, it changes over the centuries. Also how can you talk about "culture" when jewish communities all have different cultures : religion isn't all, do moroccan jews had a similar culture to ashkenazim in russia or falasha jews ?

And why are you saying that yemenite jews are the most jewish ?

05-14-2021, 05:13 PM
They are not converts, they are mixed(like you show, mostly on the maternal side, paternal side is always dominant culturally).

hahah didn't you know someone is considered jew if his mother is jewish ?


but yes, they have no claim to the land, it would be like Mexicans claiming right to return to Spain, and Mexico's European ancestors have been in Spain far later than Jews have last been in Israel.

That said, Israel was a must to happen. Most land is stolen, if anyone had an actual good reason for it, it's Israel, especially given the context in the late 1940s(although Israel had already started pretty much in the 1930s, if unofficially). In the context of the 1940s, Jews were hated all around Europe and needed a homeland(of course cuck Europeans have later proven this to be false, they would've been fine staying in Europe, as many still do), they atleast have some connection to the land, which wasn't too populated(therefore minimal displacement), and populated by a population who has extremely similar people all around it(other Levantines). You can even say the creation of Israel was a moral necessity, both for Jews who didn't want to live around other populations, and other populations who didn't want to live around Jews. The consequence of Palestinians losing a) majority status, or b) consequences of a war should they resist were far lesser, atleast in the context of the 1940s, than the creation of Israel. The creation of Israel even made other MENA and Muslim countries more homogenous because Middle-Eastern Jews left for Israel, which gives less chance for inter-ethnic conflict in said countries.

Stop crying and be glad you still have 95% of your cultural, Religious and racial continent, Europeans won't be able to say the same thing in 100-150 years.

What did palestinians have to do with how jews were treated in Europe ? Many of these jews actually ended up in countries like the united states, the need of such state wasn't that crucial and the area unlike what you said was heavily populated based on ottoman and british census. You seem to underestimate the horrors that were committed against palestinians there is objectively no reason to defend the legitimacy of this neo-colonialist state.

05-14-2021, 05:17 PM


Nevermind dishonest, I forgot you're also stupid.

Why do you pretend south europeans don't already have a decent amount of middle eastern ancestry and why do you purposely avoid the quote of Rappaport ?

05-14-2021, 05:22 PM
Millions of Indians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis had to forcefully move, millions of Germans(12 million) and Poles post-WW2, over a million Greeks/Turks post-WW1, hundreds of thousands of Russians post-1991(although this was more willfull), hundreds of thousands of Balkanites both post-WW2 and Yugoslavia breakup, all had to move, all to ensure future peace and prosperity and to avoid inter-ethnic conflict within a nations borders.

700k Palestinians fled in 1948(forced to flee by militant Zionists and Jewish extremist groups), 700k stayed, the 700k that stayed, or even heck, the whole 1.4 million, think they're special? The 58 Palestinians today in Sheikh Jarrah at risk of being evicted(out of 3k Palestinians living there, and this is from a leftist source) think they're special? Fuck outta here. :laugh:

None of these people complained(except a few of the Balkanites and some of Pakistani street shitters), get over it. Only people who get my sympathy are Native Americans and Australian Aborigines, who were entire races that ceased to exist and have/had no options, not like tiny ethnic groups part of a larger group. Again, stop crying and move to Jordan(or don't do terrorism, accept Israel as a Jewish state and reap the economic benefits if you live there). I'd say the same thing to "muh Danzig corridor" German cucks.

05-14-2021, 05:39 PM
I wish health to Palestinian and Israeli Christians caught in this evergoing conflict.

05-14-2021, 06:48 PM
Israel for the win.

Sent from my G9 PRO using Tapatalk

05-14-2021, 06:48 PM
Any sane human being cannot choose something else than siding with Palestinians

And this is regardless religious affiliationAre you serious? I don't support nomadic frauds.

Sent from my G9 PRO using Tapatalk

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 06:51 PM
Actually I've always said it was all about religious beliefs but many jewish members disagreed and talked about a jewish ethnicity in the racial sense.

Most Jewish groups do in fact have a significant amount of ancestry that is in common with each other even if it distant, and Jews long before anyone knew of DNA were aware of this and it was very important to Jewish identity. Being a Jew has been more about religion, but an ethnic/cultural identity exists and is still important that is why Jews are often classified as an "ethnoreligious" group

My point is simply to discredit the typical zionist argument of "we come back on our lands after 2000 years" or "arabs are invaders" or "you're antisemitic if you do not support the existence of jewish state"

I agree that no one has a right to establish political autonomy just on the basis they had distant ancestors from the area they are establishing a nation upon. Pro-Israel people do overuse the anti-Zionism=antisemitism argument, but it is very true that critiques of Israel are all too often influenced by anti-Semitism, and the Arab/Muslim world and Western leftists are sadly heavily contaminated with anti-Semitic views that have NOTHING at all to do with Israel.

My point is simply to discredit the typical zionist argument........ so it is to ultimately delegitimize Israel and this nasty ideology that is Zionism. I have no hatred towards jews themselves or their religion.

I don't think you understand that arguments are not just perceived as an attack on Zionism or Israel they are seen as an attack on Jewish identity even more than Zionism or Israel. Your strategy of delegitimizing Israel and Zionism can even offend very anti-Israel/anti-Zionist Jews. Zionism has two traditional definitions the first is that Jews have a right to self-determination and the second is that Jews have a right to have a state in their traditional ancestral homeland. I was raised knowing Zionism being defined as "Jews have a right to self-determination" I was not aware of the second definition probably until high school. However, the Arab/Muslim community as well as Western leftists seem to usually just know Zionism as an ideology in which its followers believe Jews have a right to their own Jewish state in Palestine and that right is greater than anyone else's. When I was told my grandfather protested the fact that certain American universities had set limits on how many Jewish students could attend the university I believed my grandfather was fighting a Zionist cause. So back to the previous point about the "anti-Zionism=antisemitism argument", If you are a Jew who perceives Zionism the same way I did then obviously being anti-Zionist can be reasonably perceived as being anti-Semitic.

There is no cultural connection to romans the same way there is no cultural connection between me and romanized north Africans does that mean I'm not indigenous to the maghreb ? Does that mean they are not my ancestors and I should avoid them as if they never existed ?

I don't find this argument to be very strong, I know little about Roman history in North Africa, but I think Romanized North Africans were more likely to be well aware that they were of North African origin and still had aspects of their North African ancestry in their everyday life. I know the ancient Romans referred to various Romanized people who also had Latin names as Gauls, Africans, Arabs, Illyrians, etc. The fact is I don't think any Morrocan Jew or Polish Jew 100 years ago would have any idea that many of their ancestors were Roman/Italian converts nor would they be living in Italy and I don't really think you would be able to find anything Italian or Roman about them. Now probably something like 2% of Ashkenazi or Morrocan Jews may be aware that many of their ancestors had originally been Roman/Italian women however they do not see anything at all about themselves or their family to be Roman or Italian so obviously, they forget about it or "avoid it" as you said, not because it creates some sort of self-conflict about their pro-Zionist views that they may have, but because it just seems entirely irrelevant to the Jewish identity they have had their whole lives.

Does that mean they are not my ancestors and I should avoid them as if they never existed ? Culture unlike lineages/genes don't last, it changes over the centuries. Also how can you talk about "culture" when jewish communities all have different cultures : religion isn't all, do moroccan jews had a similar culture to ashkenazim in russia or falasha jews ?

I would consider there to be an Ashkenazi culture as well as a Sephardic culture. I believe that Morrocan Jews (Sephardic) and Polish Jews (Ashkenazi) have many common cultural aspects that are unrelated to the religious beliefs they share

And why are you saying that yemenite jews are the most jewish ?

Dude do some research on Yemenite Jews they are the epitome of Jewishness.

05-14-2021, 07:04 PM
Israel for the win.

Sent from my G9 PRO using Tapatalk

You are a goyim for them.

05-14-2021, 07:15 PM
hahah didn't you know someone is considered jew if his mother is jewish ?

You know that the mother doesn't have to be an ethnic Jew. She can convert. This is yet another example where you pretend to be even dumber in order to make a misleading statement.

05-14-2021, 07:16 PM
I support Israel. How can you support terrorists?

05-14-2021, 07:19 PM
Why do you pretend south europeans don't already have a decent amount of middle eastern ancestry

I've noticed this one attempted a lot. Habibi, that's factored in.

and why do you purposely avoid the quote of Rappaport ?

Because it has nothing to do with genetics. Poor demographic arguments have been made to argue that Jews are Khazars.

05-14-2021, 07:22 PM
My point is simply to discredit the typical zionist argument of "we come back on our lands after 2000 years"

How has that been going?

05-14-2021, 07:23 PM
Most Jewish groups do in fact have a significant amount of ancestry that is in common with each other even if it distant, and Jews long before anyone knew of DNA were aware of this and it was very important to Jewish identity. Being a Jew has been more about religion, but an ethnic/cultural identity exists and is still important that is why Jews are often classified as an "ethnoreligious" group

The problem with this "ethnoreligious" reality is that it pushes people to believe that all jews no matter from which part of the world they are from form an homogeneous ethnicity such as for example italians, congolese or chinese. Which is of course false and that's why I often invite people to be careful with such notion jews in general are mixed and even inside the same community we can find large difference of admixture proportion. Same when it comes to culture, you can maybe talk about some shared customs here and there but it's not enough to talk about a jewish culture that would be as firmly established as italian or persian culture. I hope you get what I mean (also I'd like to apologize for my bad english which is often exploited by members like Pine that's why I want you to get the general idea)

I agree that no one has a right to establish political autonomy just on the basis they had distant ancestors from the area they are establishing a nation upon. Pro-Israel people do overuse the anti-Zionism=antisemitism argument, but it is very true that critiques of Israel are all too often influenced by anti-Semitism, and the Arab/Muslim world and Western leftists are sadly heavily contaminated with anti-Semitic views that have NOTHING at all to do with Israel.

Actually I feel like anti-zionism often leads to anti-semitism rarely the other way around. Also many european anti-semite are actually pro-israel and often push the idea that jews are not "white".

I don't think you understand that arguments are not just perceived as an attack on Zionism or Israel they are seen as an attack on Jewish identity even more than Zionism or Israel. Your strategy of delegitimizing Israel and Zionism can even offend very anti-Israel/anti-Zionist Jews. Zionism has two traditional definitions the first is that Jews have a right to self-determination and the second is that Jews have a right to have a state in their traditional ancestral homeland. I was raised knowing Zionism being defined as "Jews have a right to self-determination" I was not aware of the second definition probably until high school. However, the Arab/Muslim community as well as Western leftists seem to usually just know Zionism as an ideology in which its followers believe Jews have a right to their own Jewish state in Palestine and that right is greater than anyone else's. When I was told my grandfather protested the fact that certain American universities had set limits on how many Jewish students could attend the university I believed my grandfather was fighting a Zionist cause. So back to the previous point about the "anti-Zionism=antisemitism argument", If you are a Jew who perceives Zionism the same way I did then obviously being anti-Zionist can be reasonably perceived as being anti-Semitic.

I'm actually totally aware of it but sometimes I simply can't be more explicit. They just can't resist thinking my deep hatred for zionism is motivated by anti-semitism which is not the case at all and I said it many times. Also why would they have a righ to self-determination if they were in general well integrated in their home countries ? This problem appeared recently in history especially in the anti-semite context of eastern europe during the XIX/XXth century. Also such right wasn't given to palestinians and it was clearly admitted by Mr. Balfour himself.

I don't find this argument to be very strong, I know little about Roman history in North Africa, but I think Romanized North Africans were more likely to be well aware that they were of North African origin and still had aspects of their North African ancestry in their everyday life. I know the ancient Romans referred to various Romanized people who also had Latin names as Gauls, Africans, Arabs, Illyrians, etc. The fact is I don't think any Morrocan Jew or Polish Jew 100 years ago would have any idea that many of their ancestors were Roman/Italian converts nor would they be living in Italy and I don't really think you would be able to find anything Italian or Roman about them. Now probably something like 2% of Ashkenazi or Morrocan Jews may be aware that many of their ancestors had originally been Roman/Italian women however they do not see anything at all about themselves or their family to be Roman or Italian so obviously, they forget about it or "avoid it" as you said, not because it creates some sort of self-conflict about their pro-Zionist views that they may have, but because it just seems entirely irrelevant to the Jewish identity they have had their whole lives.

Well don't be so sure many north africans today really view themselves as "arabs" in the deepest sense same in the past we have testimonials of north africans during the roman era who thought they came from canaan (many rural areas were still deeply punicized) and as for moroccan/polish jews I can assure you that it was the same case for most if not all maghrebis do you really think these people knew their ancestors were romans at some point ? And it might seems irrelevant to their identity but most israelis/zionists today really think they are simply judeans coming back to their land and that palestinians are arabs who came with the conquest. Only highly educated jews know this is not true. So that's why I keep insisting on the fact they are mixed and have a non negligeable amount of european ancestry which wasn't the case for ancient jews (the same way I've been attacked by canarians after I said they were mostly european and not berbers).

I would consider there to be an Ashkenazi culture as well as a Sephardic culture. I believe that Morrocan Jews (Sephardic) and Polish Jews (Ashkenazi) have many common cultural aspects that are unrelated to the religious beliefs they share

Come on it's clearly not that important to qualify it as a distinct culture. Moroccan jews spoke darija or tamazight, were dressed like locals, had their own gastronomy, followed the sephardic rite, etc

Dude do some research on Yemenite Jews they are the epitome of Jewishness.

Again in which sense ? Genetically they aren't.

05-14-2021, 07:35 PM
Actually I feel like anti-zionism often leads to anti-semitism rarely the other way around. Also many european anti-semite are actually pro-israel and often push the idea that jews are not "white".

Nah, I don't think this is true, just look at this thread. I'm one of the few that supports Israel. Most of the Euro nationalists can't get over their hatred of Jews so they blindly hate Israel, willingly opening up the door for some liberal white to invite them back into the west from Israel so they can make interracial adult films next to Zeno's or Sean's house. Look at someone like David Duke or people on Stormfront, it's Israel this, Israel that, you'd think they were whiny Palestinians.

Most righter wingers and civic nationalists/Trumpists def support Israel though.

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 07:38 PM
hahah didn't you know someone is considered jew if his mother is jewish ?


This is what I mean, firstly you believe Jews are Jews only because of their religion but now you are defining Jews by their biological ancestry because it is now convenient for you to do so. Secondly, you are wrong Jews are Jews if their mother converts to Judaism and have children with a Jewish man. Again you are attacking Jewish identity, NOT Zionism or Israel.

What did palestinians have to do with how jews were treated in Europe?

Nothing about the Israeli/Palestinian situation has anything to do with the way Jews were historically treated in Europe. You should be aware if you are not that many Jews and Israelis actually believe the Holocaust was caused by Palestinians specifically Amin al-Husseini. I, however, think the idea that al-Husseini instigated the Holocaust is complete bullshit even though he supported it the Holocaust still definitely would have happened. Here are some photos of al-Husseini and Nazi officials and Hitler


Many of these jews actually ended up in countries like the united states, the need of such state wasn't that crucial

I actually strongly agree with that. The Holocaust survivors I met as a kid who immigrated to the United States were just as safe in fact probably safer than they would be if they immigrated to Palestine or Israel. Despite the fact, the United States blocked many ships of Jewish Refugees and sent 1000's of Jews back to Europe where they mostly killed

05-14-2021, 07:39 PM
Nah, I don't think this is true, just look at this thread. I'm one of the few that supports Israel. Most of the Euro nationalists can't get over their hatred of Jews so they blindly hate Israel, willingly opening up the door for some liberal white to invite them back into the west from Israel so they can make interracial adult films next to Zeno's or Sean's house. Look at someone like David Duke or people on Stormfront, it's Israel this, Israel that, you'd think they were whiny Palestinians.

Most righter wingers and civic nationalists/Trumpists def support Israel though.

Maybe but based on my experience they often push the idea that they have nothing to do in europe and must stay in Israel and in general they have the "let them kill each other" mentality I've rarely seen white supremacists defending arabs/palestine but like I said It's strictly based on my experience.

05-14-2021, 07:44 PM
This is what I mean, firstly you believe Jews are Jews only because of their religion but now you are defining Jews by their biological ancestry because it is now convenient for you to do so. Secondly, you are wrong Jews are Jews if their mother converts to Judaism and have children with a Jewish man. Again you are attacking Jewish identity, NOT Zionism or Israel.

I was simply answering to this statement : " paternal side is always dominant culturally"

Nothing about the Israeli/Palestinian situation has anything to do with the way Jews were historically treated in Europe. You should be aware if you are not that many Jews and Israelis actually believe the Holocaust was caused by Palestinians specifically Amin al-Husseini. I, however, think the idea that al-Husseini instigated the Holocaust is complete bullshit even though he supported it the Holocaust still definitely would have happened. Here are some photos of al-Husseini and Nazi officials and Hitler

I was already aware of such meetings but I'm not surprised some think he caused the holocaust obviously they'll take every opportunity to justify their treatment of Palestinians.

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 07:55 PM
I was simply answering to this statement : " paternal side is always dominant culturally"

You are right.

The paternal side, however, is still not always dominant it just usually is like obviously in the case of early diasopric Jews for example.

05-14-2021, 07:58 PM
Wow I was expecting Israel to be the top choice by a land slide...

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 08:11 PM
Actually I feel like anti-zionism often leads to anti-semitism rarely the other way around

It goes both ways here is an interesting study on it.

Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Anti-Semitism In Europe: A Statistical Study


Unknown European
05-14-2021, 09:59 PM
Wow I was expecting Israel to be the top choice by a land slide...

People have been overestimating just how Pro-Israel people are. I don't find the results of the poll to be quite surprising.

05-14-2021, 10:03 PM
Israel all the way...

less then a century and they have achieved what a lot of countries (especially larger) haven't in a much longer timeframe..

05-14-2021, 10:12 PM

They are defending their lands against islamic terrorism

05-14-2021, 10:51 PM

They are defending their lands against islamic terrorismAmen ! Jesus will come back one day and clean it up.

Sent from my G9 PRO using Tapatalk

Unknown European
05-14-2021, 11:07 PM
I have no consistent views on the Israeli/Palestinian situation.

I am not the kind of person who will automatically defend someone just because they are my friend. If you are my best friend and you are in an argument with someone that I don't even know, then you can not expect that I will just automatically take your side, because if I agree with the stranger I will say so loud and proud without hesitation.

Hence, when it comes to things like this, my views don't seem consistent to the modern man because I have verbally attacked the Israeli side, and I have verbally defended the Israeli side, I have verbally attacked the Palestinian side, and I have verbally defended the Palestinian side.

People now in the 21st century don't even try at all to put their biases to the side when they argue about things, they don't try to be fair, impartial, and honest. They pick a side in a situation that they know nothing about and pick the side for the wrong reason(s). On the left side of politics, it is getting worse and worse it was originally worse on the right side of politics. If I know just three political views, you have then I should not ideally be able to predict your views on another 100 different subjects however I too often can.

Sometimes I listen to political commentators from both sides and write down 1 or 2 views that they have, then I write another 10 to 15 views I think they have so I click play again and continue listening to the commentator and my predictions are far more accurate than they should be. I put check marks next to what was correct and an X if it was wrong.

What I believe is that if your views are that predictable that you are too much like a sheep.

05-14-2021, 11:37 PM
Amen ! Jesus will come back one day and clean it up.

Sent from my G9 PRO using Tapatalk

He will come back one day to vaccine those who don't want it. Then he will be back, like who the hells cares about this planet?

05-14-2021, 11:38 PM
Israel all the way...

less then a century and they have achieved what a lot of countries (especially larger) haven't in a much longer timeframe..

I thought you were a proud Spaniard, and as a proud Spaniard you should embrace the Spanish Inquisition.

05-15-2021, 12:45 AM
Nothing good has ever come from the desert so I pass.

05-15-2021, 02:05 AM
Nothing good has ever come from the desert so I pass.

05-15-2021, 04:18 AM

It can be argued civilization is the worst thing that ever happened to man kind, before it there was no world wars or mass plagues (and I mean real ones, not overblown flu like covid), there was no companies and governments taking advantage of their people, no mass surveillance.
People before civilization had plenty of problems to, but they seemed to not have been as overarchingly bad or destructive

05-15-2021, 04:40 AM
Only a small minority of Israelites have Royal Dragon genes through the house of David.

Israel is the only 'Western' country to legally sanction torture, and the Israeli Defense Forces use bone-breaking and shoot-to-maim policies against Palestinians, and even reporters. Furthermore, Israel forbids marriages of Jews to non-Jews, just like nazi Germany (Jews who marry gentiles have to get married in Cyprus).

Unknown European
05-15-2021, 04:43 AM
just like nazi Germany

Just like most of history. Do you think my great-great-great-grandfather as a Jew in early 1800s Germany would be allowed to marry a gentile? Do you think a gentile would have been able to marry a Jew? forbidding interfaith marriage is not radical and the Nazis would have thought of it as forbidding interracial marriage as opposed to interfaith marriage. Most of the Israeli people support avoiding interfaith marriage and I would expect that view is in common with Jewish Israelis, Muslim Israelis, and Christian Israelis

05-15-2021, 04:47 AM
It can be argued civilization is the worst thing that ever happened to man kind, before it there was no world wars or mass plagues (and I mean real ones, not overblown flu like covid), there was no companies and governments taking advantage of their people, no mass surveillance.
People before civilization had plenty of problems to, but they seemed to not have been as overarchingly bad or destructive

It can be argued that the bourgeoisie is incompetent to rule society unlike true royalty. A true Royal Pendragon has transcendental perception and unity with the God-head of the universe. Only Dragons can initiate this derkesthai process through Royal vampirism as only dragons have the necessary brain receptor sites to be filled from chemicals in the redheaded virgin grail maidens' blood.

05-15-2021, 05:00 AM

You mean religion?

05-15-2021, 05:03 AM
It can be argued civilization is the worst thing that ever happened to man kind, before it there was no world wars or mass plagues (and I mean real ones, not overblown flu like covid), there was no companies and governments taking advantage of their people, no mass surveillance.
People before civilization had plenty of problems to, but they seemed to not have been as overarchingly bad or destructive
Kumbaya liberal(usually to defend savage Native Americans and Africans) and/or LARPer traditionalist garbage. All tribes(including Europeans) were more violent before civilization, shown both in archaeological studies of ancient cultures(some were more violent than others). Violence goes down as civilization progresses, with violence peaking during hunter gathering. There's some debate or not whether visuospatial intelligence actually increased, but intelligence is irrelevant if you aren't using it for more than surviving like paleolithic humans did.

Humans live far longer than before, are taller, are oppressed by other humans less than ever before despite your weird rant about governments(and again, based on violence rates, you could say most likely less violent oppression), people have far more choice and ability to do what they want to do without anyone else telling them otherwise, wars are less frequent than ever(world wars irrelevant, no difference in fighting half the world vs fighting your neighbouring tribe, weird point). Wars themselves have gotten a lot less bloody per capita and more humane. The idea of "surrender" probably existed in hunter gatherer societies but not to the extent that it does now.

The only thing you're right about is plagues, and hunter gatherers didn't have disgusting modern teeth because of grain, sugar and higher carb diets. They also didn't have many of the diseases we have today, or had them far less often, like cancer(again, you can blame desert people and crops for this), but this is really irrelevant if they're just going to eventually die of violent conflict, weather conditions or starvation. There are ancient archeological cultures in places like Papau New Guinea, Africa, the Americas, etc that have had estimated causes of death via violence at 50%, and there are more recently studied tribes in the early 1900s that had similar rates, namely the Waorani in the Amazon, and these numbers are much more solid than the ancient cultures numbers.

To compare, the same studies found the violent death rate of US and Europe from 1900-1960 to be 1%, this includes war deaths, and 0.4% in 2007 for the whole world. They also compared !Kung Bushmen murders per 100k before and after state authority was established, and they get cut by over 1/4th in a short period of time.

I don't mean to offend you because your posts are usually decent but I gotta say it, some of the posters and/or posts on this forum. :picard1:

Unknown European
05-15-2021, 05:20 AM
It can be argued civilization is the worst thing that ever happened to man kind, before it there was no world wars or mass plagues (and I mean real ones, not overblown flu like covid), there was no companies and governments taking advantage of their people, no mass surveillance.
People before civilization had plenty of problems to, but they seemed to not have been as overarchingly bad or destructive


05-15-2021, 05:28 AM
Maybe but based on my experience they often push the idea that they have nothing to do in europe and must stay in Israel and in general they have the "let them kill each other" mentality I've rarely seen white supremacists defending arabs/palestine but like I said It's strictly based on my experience.

You are fluent in French right? Then I suggest you to watch this short video. It represent the typical point of view of a far-right White about this issue, and it's quite similar with what you think: https://www.bitchute.com/video/i0Qy1aF6ScFE/

Basically, all the Jews should be expelled to Israel. But they should not receive any help from Occidentals and Christians people. Jews are not a people of farmer or of fighter, but mostly a people of speculator and of parasite. If they had not been supported by Occident and Christianity they could never have resisted to their Muslim belligerents. It would had been just a matter of years, or even of months, before they had been crushed and submitted by them.

Now, according to you, the situation of the Jews in muslim countries was fair and enviable, and they had nothing to complain about. Fair enough. If they are finally put under some muslim yoke and feel good with this, I'm ok with that. Or perhaps they would not feel as good. But I'm ok with that too, it's not my business.

Rafael Passoni
05-15-2021, 07:17 AM
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem:
“May those who love you be secure. (Psalm 122:6)

05-15-2021, 07:31 AM
As for any Arab or MENA-muslim ask for Turkish approach on this clashes;


The flag of the Arab Revolt, also known as the flag of Hejaz, was a flag used by the Arab nationalists during the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire during World War I


So; you wanted this, you got this. You kicked Turks out of the place (thanks for that) and were not interested in you or your issues anymore. Dont trust Erdogan's delusional statements, they have no base outside of a marginal islamist core which is funded by himself.

If you need help, you can call T. E. Lawrance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._E._Lawrence); your national hero, your commander against Turks and designer of your flag. Turks have no business with you.

05-15-2021, 12:04 PM
As for any Arab or MENA-muslim ask for Turkish approach on this clashes;



So; you wanted this, you got this. You kicked Turks out of the place (thanks for that) and were not interested in you or your issues anymore. Dont trust Erdogan's delusional statements, they have no base outside of a marginal islamist core which is funded by himself.

If you need help, you can call T. E. Lawrance (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T._E._Lawrence); your national hero, your commander against Turks and designer of your flag. Turks have no business with you.

Im more than confident the vast majority of Turks support Falastin.

Stop presenting your OWD liberal view as representative.
That would be as silly as me claiming the majority of Germans share my views.

05-15-2021, 12:43 PM
Just like most of history. Do you think my great-great-great-grandfather as a Jew in early 1800s Germany would be allowed to marry a gentile? Do you think a gentile would have been able to marry a Jew? forbidding interfaith marriage is not radical and the Nazis would have thought of it as forbidding interracial marriage as opposed to interfaith marriage. Most of the Israeli people support avoiding interfaith marriage and I would expect that view is in common with Jewish Israelis, Muslim Israelis, and Christian Israelis

Just like most of history 95% of lives that have ever been lived on this planet , under human governments, have been lived under despotism rather than Democracy therefore I should support despotism :crazy: :

Only Anglo-Saxon countries can do democracy. The natural state of human society is despotism. If you tally up all the human lives that have ever been lived on this planet under organized systems of government, no more than five per cent were lived under consensual systems. Even to get up to five per cent, you have to include places like ancient Athens and Tudor England, which wouldn’t pass muster as “democratic” by modern standards. In the last couple of centuries, practically all consensual systems have been Anglo-Saxon. Other cultures can fake it for a few decades, as France, Germany, and Japan are currently doing, but their hearts aren’t really in it and they will swoon gratefully into the arms of a fascist dictator when one comes along.--John Derbyshire

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/aOQBthZJWvnhyhUCHk9UdosFlShwXTF4LVm3ITpzl3IqfaMnFX RKSWNL_UCX_uHRsYViy72Zyb75OObUNV05_unvn-bTVQ5TBM0

One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail. -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]

05-15-2021, 01:08 PM
from the river to the sea one will be palestine united and free

05-15-2021, 01:31 PM
Im more than confident the vast majority of Turks support Falastin.

Stop presenting your OWD liberal view as representative.
That would be as silly as me claiming the majority of Germans share my views.
lol @ liberal = OWD. Also, his view wasn't liberal, it was imperialistic. In a way I agree with him, as all these little Middle-Eastern countries are fake countries created by western powers, although I do think Turks and Arabs should have separate states, but Ottoman controlled Middle-East is as legit as all these fake countries. The Middle-East has been united for most of history(or divided between 1-2 powers), save for those rebellious Berbers and the Shias.

I hope your precious "Falastin" wins, all the German libcucks beg for Israeli refugees to move to Germany, and a Jewish porn producer moves next to your house so you can make porn with your precious Chechen women.

05-15-2021, 02:37 PM
lol @ liberal = OWD. Also, his view wasn't liberal, it was imperialistic. In a way I agree with him, as all these little Middle-Eastern countries are fake countries created by western powers, although I do think Turks and Arabs should have separate states, but Ottoman controlled Middle-East is as legit as all these fake countries. The Middle-East has been united for most of history(or divided between 1-2 powers), save for those rebellious Berbers and the Shias.

I hope your precious "Falastin" wins, all the German libcucks beg for Israeli refugees to move to Germany, and a Jewish porn producer moves next to your house so you can make porn with your precious Chechen women.

Liberal views vary, a Turk liberal is a CHP/Kemalist wannabe White and Israel supporter, thank god not remotely representative for the Turkish population, even tho his and other Turks owd agenda is to claim there is a liberal/western orientated majority in Turkey.

You should worry less about Germany and Germanics as you are maximum 10% genetically Germanic, isolated from your roleplaying.

Unknown European
05-15-2021, 03:02 PM
Jewish porn producer moves next to your house so you can make porn with your precious Chechen women.

It will be Ron


05-15-2021, 04:10 PM
Im more than confident the vast majority of Turks support Falastin.

All members of Turkish parliament, even CHP/HDP, condemned Israel officially. But believe me, there are a lot of people who support Israel just because the government is pro-Palestinian.

05-15-2021, 04:14 PM
Liberal views vary, a Turk liberal is a CHP/Kemalist wannabe White and Israel supporter, thank god not remotely representative for the Turkish population, even tho his and other Turks owd agenda is to claim there is a liberal/western orientated majority in Turkey.

You should worry less about Germany and Germanics as you are maximum 10% genetically Germanic, isolated from your roleplaying.

At first most kemalist look like turkish secularists and patriots. But in reality,they're just disgusting wannabe whites with no spine or sense of pride... Making ataturk roll on his grave,he must wonder why his most fervent supporters are wannabe europeans,when the young turks themselves couldnt stand their western enemies

05-15-2021, 04:38 PM

05-15-2021, 07:30 PM
At first most kemalist look like turkish secularists and patriots. But in reality,they're just disgusting wannabe whites with no spine or sense of pride... Making ataturk roll on his grave,he must wonder why his most fervent supporters are wannabe europeans,when the young turks themselves couldnt stand their western enemies

Mustafa Kemal destroyed the Khalifa, copied western government and latinized the languge, to me he is the most prominent OWD in history.

ayip sahbi

05-15-2021, 07:34 PM
Israel is like the man with a stick that prods the angry bear.

05-15-2021, 07:35 PM
Mustafa Kemal destroyed the Khalifa, copied western government and latinized the languge, to me he is the most prominent OWD in history.

ayip sahbi
OWD is a nonsensical concept. Europeans using arabic numerals means Europeans have off brown dilemma?

05-15-2021, 08:16 PM
I support neither. I support a new Dacian state to form out of the modern countries of Romania, Serbia, Bulgaria, and then we conquer Croatia. We have to use AI to form a language that will most closely resemble Dacian. And we have to worship Zalmoxis once again.

05-15-2021, 10:00 PM
I could be for Outremeria in Paralia. 2,500,000 Indoeuropeans living there, can do this.

Then all should be baptized, and then there would be no problems and no reason to fight.

05-15-2021, 11:29 PM

05-15-2021, 11:33 PM
I guess we need Pro-Israel marches to complete the album.


05-16-2021, 06:34 AM
I choose my own side, which is neither Jewish or Muslim. Novel idea, I know.

05-16-2021, 02:52 PM
I am neutral.

Bosnian Serbs support Israel, and Bosniak and Bosnian Croatians Palestinians.

Banja Luka and Trebinje Serbian cities in BiH - Israeli flag / Sarajevo Bosniak city and Mostar Bosniak/Croatian city - Palestinian flag.


05-16-2021, 02:54 PM
I am neutral.

Bosnian Serbs support Israel, and Bosniak and Bosnian Croatians Palestinians.

Banja Luka and Trebinje Serbian cities in BiH - Israeli flag / Sarajevo Bosniak city and Mostar Bosniak/Croatian city - Palestinian flag.


Based on what do you think Bosnian Croats support Palestinians?

05-16-2021, 02:59 PM
Based on what do you think Bosnian Croats support Palestinians?

Palestinian flag in Mostar capital of Herceg-Bosna.

OK, maybe I am wrong. Mostar is half Bosniak and probably they set up Palestinian flag on the bridge.

05-16-2021, 02:59 PM
I am neutral.

Bosnian Serbs support Israel, and Bosniak and Bosnian Croatians Palestinians.

Banja Luka and Trebinje Serbian cities in BiH - Israeli flag / Sarajevo Bosniak city and Mostar Bosniak/Croatian city - Palestinian flag.


Serbs should not interfere in that conflict.
It is none of our business.

05-16-2021, 03:07 PM
Serbs should not interfere in that conflict.
It is none of our business.

Yes, but Bosnian Serbs are always against Muslims even in conflicts far away from them.

On Serbian forum Krstarica all Bosnian Serbs support Israel these days (and some other Serbs as well). One of them is very anti-Islamic oriented. He don't care for the fact that Israel recognized Kosovo and Palestine not. Several users said to him this fact, but it doesn't interest him.

Voting pool from Krstarica currently on the thread about Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
Support Israel - 25 votes
Support Palestine - 29 votes
Neutral - 24 votes

05-16-2021, 03:09 PM
if they lose, they would move to Polin (https://www.definitions.net/definition/Polin) supposedly, I am neutral as usual

05-16-2021, 03:11 PM
Palestinian flag in Mostar capital of Herceg-Bosna.

OK, maybe I am wrong. Mostar is half Bosniak and probably they set up Palestinian flag on the bridge.

The only legit flag is this:


05-16-2021, 03:12 PM
Serbs should not interfere in that conflict.
It is none of our business.

as christians they should. Christian palestinians are against the israeli occupation.

05-16-2021, 03:14 PM
Palestinian flag in Mostar capital of Herceg-Bosna.

OK, maybe I am wrong. Mostar is half Bosniak and probably they set up Palestinian flag on the bridge.

Obviously wrong. Israeli ambassador thanked Croats of Bosnia for support and put the flag of Republic of Herzeg-Bosnia next to Israeli one.

Mayor of Mostar who is Croatian refused to light the bridge in Palestinian colors. Later unknown (Bosniaks most surely) perpetrators put Palestinian flag on that bridge.

05-16-2021, 03:20 PM

05-16-2021, 03:25 PM
I understand why right wingers support Israel, obviously they don’t like Palestinians because most Muslims support them and they are often anti-islamic, but I don’t understand why left wingers support Palestine. Palestinians, regardless of Muslims or Christians, have a very different and incompatible lifestyle to their ideology. Also as a Muslim I don’t understand why we let them support Palestinians. Another reason why I am neutral.

05-16-2021, 04:41 PM
Yes, but Bosnian Serbs are always against Muslims even in conflicts far away from them.

On Serbian forum Krstarica all Bosnian Serbs support Israel these days (and some other Serbs as well). One of them is very anti-Islamic oriented. He don't care for the fact that Israel recognized Kosovo and Palestine not. Several users said to him this fact, but it doesn't interest him.

Voting pool from Krstarica currently on the thread about Israeli-Palestinian conflict:
Support Israel - 25 votes
Support Palestine - 29 votes
Neutral - 24 votes

There was a protest in my hometown in support for Palestine yesterday btw : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqilswEAfcg

All Muslims around the world are pro-Palestine

Only fringe edgy-atheist/secular "ex-Muslims" from Turkey or Iran or other sellouts are supporting Israel

black hole
05-16-2021, 05:06 PM
Even though I care less about Arabs and other Middle Easterners, but I fully support Palestine against kikes, because kikes are the infection, disease and parasites, the biggest cancer on the planet Earth. They are devil worshippers so they are against nature and humanity.

black hole
05-16-2021, 05:22 PM
Always Palestine. The fascist project "Israel" must be closed as it threatens the peaceful coexistence of the peoples of the world.
The Third Temple on the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque should not be built. Moshiach is not needed by anyone except Jews and Judaized Christians ("golden billion").
Orthodox Christians must be on the same side with Muslims in this war.

фильм вечный жид 30-х годов блокируют, не знаешь как достать?

05-16-2021, 05:30 PM
I understand why right wingers support Israel, obviously they don’t like Palestinians because most Muslims support them and they are often anti-islamic, but I don’t understand why left wingers support Palestine. Palestinians, regardless of Muslims or Christians, have a very different and incompatible lifestyle to their ideology. Also as a Muslim I don’t understand why we let them support Palestinians. Another reason why I am neutral.

That was a pretty dumb paragraph,i tried to understand the message behind but to no success. Regardless of religion,a people has a right to self-determination against colonization and being treated as second-class citizens in their own lands. Also Israel kills and arrests children,women and medical personnel. Palestine in 1948 owed nothing to jews as since saladin conquered the territory from the crusaders,the minorities in these lands (jews,christians) have never seen any injustice comparable to what we see nowadays. In my opinion,Israel is nation regrouping cowards and snakes,people i have no respect for regardless of religion .

05-16-2021, 05:33 PM
Any israelo-turkish shill should pick up a history book and educate themselves on the frontiers of the promised lands the israelites have been promised (nile to the edge of the euphrates). The definition of shooting yourself in the foot.

05-16-2021, 08:11 PM
I can't believe people support frauds like the Palestinians, who use their own children as shields and spread lies about Israel forces. What a shame people have been brainwashed by towel heads and leftist media.

05-16-2021, 08:13 PM
I can't believe people support frauds like the Palestinians, who use their own children as shields and spread lies about Israel forces. What a shame people have been brainwashed by towel heads and leftist media.

You're anti semetic as hell, fakest Israel supporter imaginable. You only support Israel because you think the third temple will be built, sending the Jews to hell, you pompous Protecuck cunt.

05-17-2021, 08:44 AM
thank god not remotely representative for the Turkish population

the vast majority of Turks support Falastin.


05-17-2021, 09:09 AM
Between Israel and Palestine I choose the bomb

05-17-2021, 10:00 AM


You try to tell us your personal positions are shared by a significant number of the turkish population?

A at least 80% muslim nation
Conservative society
Ruled by AKP for almost 20 years

Stop presenting ur LGBTQ köpek university filter bubble as representative.

05-17-2021, 10:26 AM
I hope Israel will choose peace

Sent from my SM-T515 using Tapatalk

05-17-2021, 10:43 AM
The palastinians attack innocent people, they get money water and light from Israel. And they use it against them.
Israel attack only Terror targets the terror leaders that choosed to hide in towers and childern gardens, but Israel send messages to leave the buildings and attack the terror targets
Israel the most humen and peacefull country on earth. Nobody was acting like Israel if he was under attacks non stop. On innocent people.

Palastinians and arabs make wars everywhere. In England, France, anywhere they go they just make terror. Open your eyes people !
They want everyone to be like them. And they want everyone to be Muslim.

They show fake photos fake news. And they just speak and speak. But in Reality Hamas is Terror orginazition. That rule on 2M Palastinians and take them as a piss of shit and use them for their own needs. Palastinians themsleves want to live in Israel in peace. The Terror Leaders (Hamas) doesnt let them.

05-17-2021, 11:10 AM


Ruled by AKP for almost 20 years

The Nation Alliance[4] (Turkish: Millet İttifakı), or simply Nation (Turkish: Millet), is an electoral alliance in Turkey, formed to contest the country's 2018 general election. The alliance was officially launched on 1 May 2018, and consists of four opposition parties, namely the Republican People's Party (CHP), the Good Party (İYİ), the Felicity Party (SP), and the Democratic Party (DP).[5] The constituent parties of the Nation Alliance contested the parliamentary election under a common banner, while each individual party nominated its own candidate for the presidential election.

Formed against the backdrop of the 2017 constitutional referendum and subsequent constitutional amendments, the Nation Alliance brings together groups that campaigned for a "no" vote against the transition to a presidential system, and that are in opposition to the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.[6] As such, the Nation Alliance is seen as rivalling the pro-government People's Alliance,[7] which was established on 20 February 2018.

On 4 July, having won 189 seats in total, the İYİ Party General Secretary Aytun Çıray announced that the Nation Alliance had been dissolved, citing the lack of a need for a post-election alliance.[8] In response, the CHP's spokesperson Bülent Tezcan said that the election alliance was no longer technically necessary, but the union of alliance parties under a joint set of fundamental values (such as separation of powers and the rule of law) would continue.[9]

İmamoğlu was sworn in as Mayor of Istanbul on 17 April, following the conclusion of all recounts. On 6 May 2019, the Supreme Electoral Council convened and voted to annul the results of the mayoral election. Members of the Council accepted the Justice and Development Party's objection to the local election results in Istanbul, with seven members voting in favour of calling a new election and four against.[5] The election board also cancelled İmamoğlu's mayoral certificate.[6] A new election took place on 23 June 2019 in which İmamoğlu was re-elected as the mayor by a margin of approximately 800,000 votes. He was sworn into office on 27 June 2019. Because of the scale of his victory, he has been called a possible candidate for the Turkish presidency in the next elections.


According to Piar Araştırma, Yavaş had a satisfaction rating of 73.2% in 2020, greater than Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu or President Erdoğan, and the highest of mayors polled.[3] Mansur Yavaş also currently holds the highest approval rating of any Turkish politician at 61%.[4] According to polls, he is the strongest candidate to run against Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the next presidential election with a lead as high as 13,9% in the second round; with this lead, his chances of beating Erdoğan are on par with the other possible joint opposition candidate Istanbul Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu. [5][6]



In the 2019 mayoral election, which was held as part of the 2019 local elections, Soyer was elected with 58.1% of the vote, beating the People's Alliance candidate Nihat Zeybekçi. Zeybekçi, a former Economy Minister, received 38.7% of the vote.


05-17-2021, 11:25 AM







And? CHP Istanbul rule after many yeara does not neglect the support of AKP overall.

That menas in London or Berlin protest for Palestine is logically, every muslim and muslim nation does so, including Turkey.

Stop liying to yourself and others.

About CHP:

Turkish protesters demonstrated in Istanbul on Sunday against the so-called “deal of the century” proposed by U.S. President Donald Trump to resolve the long-lasting Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Organised by Islamist opposition Felicity Party, the “Great Jerusalem Rally” commenced at Yenikapı, where the leaders of Turkey’s opposition parties convened, including Temel Karamollaoğlu, Chairman of the Felicity Party, CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, Future Party President Ahmet Davutoğlu and Free Cause (Hüda Par) Chairman İshak Sağlam and Istanbul mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu.

Istanbul Mayor Ekrem Imamoglu makes a speech as pro-Palestinian demonstrators take part in a rally to protest against U.S. President Donald Trump's proposed Middle East peace plan, in Istanbul, Turkey, February 9, 2020. (REUTERS/Murad Sezer)
“The status of Jerusalem is the common struggle of the Islamic world. Masjid al-Aqsa is our most sacred site,” İmamoğlu said in a speech



Summary: You try to tell us Turkey is the only muslim nation where the population supports Israel even tho from opposition to governing parties and protest show the opposite.

05-17-2021, 11:44 AM
Masjid al-Aqsa is our most sacred site,” İmamoğlu said in a speech[/I]

İmamoğlu gave instructions to remove the IMM emblem with the mosque logo

Summary: You try to tell us Turkey is the only muslim nation where the population supports Israel even tho from opposition to governing parties and protest show the opposite.

05-17-2021, 11:46 AM



Twitter ist a köpek liberal filter bubble in any nation.

05-17-2021, 11:50 AM
Twitter ist a köpek liberal filter bubble in any nation.


Thankfully, Ekrem İmamoğlu's attempt to establish an LGBT directorate was blocked by the Ak Parti MHP. Why did not you talk about these? Your job is to deal with faith and religion, shame on you ...

05-17-2021, 11:54 AM

Are you mentally retarded?

05-17-2021, 11:58 AM
Are you mentally retarded?

If you do not repent of your self-righteous hypocrisy, you are storing up wrath for the day of judgment.

05-17-2021, 12:13 PM
The palastinians attack innocent people, they get money water and light from Israel. And they use it against them.
Israel attack only Terror targets the terror leaders that choosed to hide in towers and childern gardens, but Israel send messages to leave the buildings and attack the terror targets
Israel the most humen and peacefull country on earth. Nobody was acting like Israel if he was under attacks non stop. On innocent people.

Palastinians and arabs make wars everywhere. In England, France, anywhere they go they just make terror. Open your eyes people !
They want everyone to be like them. And they want everyone to be Muslim.

They show fake photos fake news. And they just speak and speak. But in Reality Hamas is Terror orginazition. That rule on 2M Palastinians and take them as a piss of shit and use them for their own needs. Palastinians themsleves want to live in Israel in peace. The Terror Leaders (Hamas) doesnt let them.

Compared to the Somme offensive, terrorism is a puny matter. Mathematically it is insignificant but people overreact or whatnot. For instance, Americans lost a lot of freedom after 9/11 and Cheney then invoked the surveillance state (unconstitutional). Terrorism is like a horse fly biting an elephant's ass. A terrorist is a David vs Goliath but the terrorists have an inferior strategy : it is all based on hoping the opposition will overreact. So, Israeli precision strikes seem like not overreacting until you realize Israel legally sanctions torture and bone-breaking shoot to maim policies against Palestinians.

Palastinians and arabs make wars everywhere. In England, France, anywhere they go they just make terror. Open your eyes people !
They want everyone to be like them. And they want everyone to be Muslim.

The Jew : "diversity for you and ethno-state for me."

BTW, many plastic paddy Americans support the IRA.

Jews don't proselytize Judaism for gentiles because it is like an ethnocentric la cosa nostra : you are not good enough for them.

At least christians and Muslims aren't as elitist.

05-17-2021, 01:24 PM
As pathetic as Teutone is for knowing so much about foreign low IQ reactionaries, being a low IQ reactionary himself, he probably is right most Turks don't support Israel, especially in the center/east. There's really no evidence but it's a very solid assumption.

I think the only majority Muslim populations that might mostly support Israel are Kurds or Azeris, but even that could easily be wrong and it's more just the governments.

Here's some evidence to back up your claim though, I wouldn't say personally it's enough however:

(from 2009


05-17-2021, 02:11 PM
he probably is right most Turks don't support IsraelProblem here is he didnt say that, he said that vast majority of Turks support Palestine. Turks dont support Israel, thats very clear why would us? And that doesnt ultimately mean Turks support Palestine, we dont either. Most Turks dont support one side between Israel and Palestine, despite being a muslim nation. The reason for this is= https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=PKK

From 1984, the PKK became a paramilitary group, training at camps in Turkey, Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria, Lebanon and France. At the same time, some of its members started to receive training from the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, in Syrian-controlled camps. The PKK received significant support from the Syrian government, which allowed it to maintain headquarters in Damascus, as well as some support from the governments of Iran, Iraq, and Libya. It began to launch attacks and bombings against Turkish governmental installations, the military, and various institutions of the state. The organization focused on attacks against Turkish military targets, although civilian targets were also hit.[64][65][66]

In Turkey its well know that PKK terrorists trained and equipped by Palestinian "expert terrorists" during early stages of their deployment. (after PLO, Greece and finally Israel took the job) Its well-documented and widely known fact here, especially among youth. So please, dont expect Turks to support Palestine in this case, at least not more than a random country. Yes, its sad to see people dying, especially children. Thats allright. But we arent fighting for Palestinians, thats for sure.

Of course, there will be some pan-islamist support for them, but that will be far from being "vast majority" of the people.

05-17-2021, 02:26 PM
Why would the opposition parties plus the governing parties rally for Palestine if it would have no resonance within the Turkish population.

You create a wrong image anliyon

I will keep calling you out for that.

Inshallah if another Gezi Park protest occurs Reis will come with the big guns and shows that might is power and liberal values gotta be countered by strength and iron, Freikorps knew that already.

05-17-2021, 02:33 PM
Why would the opposition parties plus the governing parties rally for Palestine if it would have no resonance within the Turkish population.Childrean are dying there. Babies. We arent heartless robots.

05-17-2021, 02:37 PM
Childrean are dying there. Babies. We arent heartless robots.

The protest I posted that included the entire spectrum of the opposition was a Protest over the Trump administration Israel policies, noone died that time.

Speak the truth and there is no problem with you, tamam?

05-17-2021, 02:41 PM
The protest I posted that included the entire spectrum of the opposition was a Protest over the Trump administration Israel policies, noone died that time.So it isnt a support for Palestine already. Jerusalem is a sacred place for Turks as well, for stupid reasons.

05-17-2021, 02:43 PM
So it isnt a support for Palestine already. Jerusalem is a sacred place for Turks as well, for stupid reasons.

Deny obvious intentions to fit your narrative.

vay güzel

05-17-2021, 02:53 PM
Deny obvious intentions to fit your narrative.Theres a very strong opposition against Isreal here currently. Because they support PKK. Even elderly grandmothers in villages know that and openly blame Israel. Shouldnt be confused for PAL. support, theres no base for PAL. support here except a marginal islamist core. This is not my opinion this is fact. Ask any Turk you will get the same answer.

05-17-2021, 02:55 PM
Whatever dude the discussion leads to nowhere.

05-17-2021, 03:03 PM

05-17-2021, 03:37 PM
Palestine. The jews took the land by right of Conquest.

05-17-2021, 08:15 PM

You obviously didn't understand my point. I didn't defend Israel, I just said that it is canting if the radical left is supporting Palestinians. Why do they support them? If an antinationalistic/antireligious group is supporting the Palestinian movement, which includes Arab nationalism and pan-Islamic ideas, many bust become suspicious. They are standing for totally anti-Islamic values, they are silent and even justify the Uyghur elimination by the Chinese state. Here, non-Muslim demonstrators of pro Palestinian demonstrations, are from radical left, they oppose radically to Turks and nevertheless they are demonstrating together. Why we let them participating on this demonstrations? You don't achieve adalat with people who don't know haq.

05-17-2021, 08:42 PM

05-17-2021, 08:46 PM
A moro against another moro. I could care less.

05-17-2021, 09:09 PM
Don't side either.

Pulsa Dinura
05-19-2021, 03:59 AM
The jews took the land by right of Conquest.
Muslims also took many lands -Palestine included- by right of Conquest.

05-19-2021, 04:40 AM
I hear there's a satanic government that simulates and inflames the armed conflict between Jews and Arabs that can be stopped easily. I choose every side which opposes this government.

05-19-2021, 02:56 PM
Yes ,a long time ago when this was normal.

09-11-2021, 04:04 PM
Palestine, although not the most extremist sides

09-11-2021, 04:06 PM
Ultimately, Israel is more European no matter how much I dislike them. I'd always rather put things in the hands of the more European group when considering a conflict.

09-11-2021, 04:10 PM
Neither, none of my business.

09-11-2021, 05:35 PM
Israel, of course.

12-28-2021, 07:50 PM

12-28-2021, 07:56 PM
no, thanks

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-28-2021, 08:37 PM
"If I don't steal it someone else will..."


This guy is a New Yorker. What the fuck is he doing stealing someone's property on the other side of the world?

This is a good video that takes a shot at Zionism by taking apart Ben Shapiro's biased commentary of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Shapiro actually believes Moses existed and that the Hebrews fled Egypt despite absolutely no historical or archaeological evidence for the Hebrews having been held in captivity in Egypt.


Colonel Frank Grimes
12-28-2021, 09:23 PM
If we look at history, Israel launched a preemptive attack against the Arab nations that were amassing significant military power along its border in 1967. This was not a unilateral or uncalled for act of aggression on Israel's part, it was to prevent a clear and obvious plan to invade and destroy Israel.

That's propaganda. It was a land grab against weaker powers.

In President Lyndon Johnson's memoirs, he speaks of a meeting on May 26, a few weeks before the war, Israeli diplomat informed Johnson that Egypt was planning an attack. Johnson wrote, "I asked Secretary McNamara . . . to give Mr. Eban a summary of our findings. Three separate intelligence groups had looked carefully into the matter, McNamara said, and it was our best judgment that a U.A.R. attack was not imminent. "All of our intelligence people are unanimous," I added, "that if the U.A.R. attacks, you will whip hell out of them."

Egypt was in the middle of a war they were losing in Yemen at the time. They're not going to start another war, while in the middle of losing one already.

As for the 1973 war, Norman Finkelstein explains that was based on bullshit also:


Zionists talk about Palestinian terrorism but never talk about how their nation was founded: through terrorism. Their terrorist organizations (the Irgun, Lehi, Haganah murdered British, Palestinian, and even other Jews to get what they wanted but, you know, 'that's not terrorism when we do it.'

As for Israelis wanting peace plans. They're always scams as you can see here:


Even Trump recently acknowledged that Netanyahu didn't actually want peace and that they were pissed Netanhyu allowed Israel settlements to grow, which obviously would agitate the Palestinians in the West bank.

Do you know where there isn't land being stolen from the Palestinians? In Gaza. I wonder why... It seems if you actually fight people stop stealing your property. Go figure.

We know from population genetics and historical documents that Palestinians are basically Jews that converted to Christianity and Islam and while modern day Jews do have genetic ties to the Levant (they're basically a mixed population... and the Palestinians also have some foreign admixture as well) two thousand years of continuity trumps two thousand years of discontinuity.

Stop stealing other people's property, fags.

And for those people who think life is wonderful for Palestinians living in Israel. Be sure to fuck the right woman if you're a Palestinian.

Palestinian Who Claimed to Be a Jew Jailed For Rape By Deception (https://abcnews.go.com/International/palestinian-claimed-jew-jailed-rape-deception/story?id=11224513)

I've never heard of someone being charged for rape because they're of the 'wrong ethnicity.' Israeli-Arabs have to basically pretend to be Sephardics and Mizrahi Jews (i.e. Jews who actually look native to the Levant) to get employment and not be harassed for being Palestinians.

12-28-2021, 09:50 PM

12-28-2021, 10:59 PM
Israel is based. God Bless Israel!

12-28-2021, 11:00 PM
Palestine never existed. Never had a leader or a nation. Modern day Palestinians are nomadic frauds.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-28-2021, 11:27 PM
Israel is based. God Bless Israel!

This is why Israel can get away with its crimes. Evangelical Christians run interference for them.

Zionists laugh at you, dude. They just want your money (which is a lot) and protection in the US.

Don't be a cuck.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-28-2021, 11:28 PM
Palestine never existed. Never had a leader or a nation. Modern day Palestinians are nomadic frauds.

Population genetics says otherwise. You know, science?

What does it matter if they had a nation or if they're called widgets instead of Palestinians? People were living on that land for generations and they got fucked.

Imagine a bunch of people with the intent of taking your property showing up in mass on your land. People go on about how Zionists bought land in Palestine and those mean Arabs just wouldn't leave them alone except Zionists made it clear in their writing from the very beginning what their intent was for Palestine: it wasn't going to end well for the locals.

Cristiano viejo
12-28-2021, 11:56 PM
Israel is based. God Bless Israel!
You are the type of American soooooo brainwashed, that I just feel pity for you...

Palestine never existed. Never had a leader or a nation. Modern day Palestinians are nomadic frauds.
Israel less even.

12-29-2021, 12:04 AM

12-29-2021, 12:13 AM
none of my business.

Cristiano viejo
12-29-2021, 12:15 AM
none of my business.

Palestinians are Muslims like Turkish so yes, your business there.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-29-2021, 12:22 AM
Palestinians are Muslims like Turkish so yes, your business there.

It's not a religious conflict. The Gulf Arab nations work with Israel against Iran and Syria. Israel has more friends in the Arab world than the Palestinians, you could say (when speaking of governments).

And not all Palestinians are Muslim. A minority are Christians.

12-29-2021, 12:22 AM
This is why Israel can get away with its crimes. Evangelical Christians run interference for them.

Zionists laugh at you, dude. They just want your money (which is a lot) and protection in the US.

Don't be a cuck.

Yep these Cucks do get laughed at by the Zionists. The most Zionist Christian’s are usually the American Protestant Evangelicals, although Christian Zionism might be found in other off shoot Christian sects like JW or Mormons. They are truly Cucks in everyway imaginable.

12-29-2021, 01:14 AM
Palestinians are Muslims like Turkish so yes, your business there.

I’m not Muslim. None of my business.

Cristiano viejo
12-29-2021, 01:16 AM
I’m not Muslim. None of my business.

Then you are not a true Turk.
Ah, I just see you are semi Georgian.

12-29-2021, 01:28 AM
This is why Israel can get away with its crimes. Evangelical Christians run interference for them.

Zionists laugh at you, dude. They just want your money (which is a lot) and protection in the US.

Don't be a cuck.

Crimes? Why do Palestinians used their own children as cannon fodder and then blame Israelis for defending their land? As an American Southerner I see how the Palestinians are like the Yankees.

12-29-2021, 06:00 AM
Then you are not a true Turk.
Ah, I just see you are semi Georgian.


Not all Turks are Muslim. Some Turks are not Muslims, but they are still nationalists like me. The number of atheists and deists continues to increase with the new generation. Also I’m not semi Georgian, only quarter. :DD And they’re muslim Georgian. Many Georgian even more religious. For example Erdoğan. :D

12-29-2021, 03:18 PM

Not all Turks are Muslim. Some Turks are not Muslims, but they are still nationalists like me. The number of atheists and deists continues to increase with the new generation. Also I’m not semi Georgian, only quarter. :DD And they’re muslim Georgian. Many Georgian even more religious. For example Erdoğan. :D

Is your indifference towards Palestinians a way to affirm your rejection of Islam ?

Because I do observe a pro-Zionist bias among many ex-Muslims (especially diaspora Iranians), as if, like eating pork in public, it's a required proof to show that "for sure we left Islam and we don't have anything to do with these backward violent people" ?

12-29-2021, 03:39 PM
Is your indifference towards Palestinians a way to affirm your rejection of Islam ?

Because I do observe a pro-Zionist bias among many ex-Muslims (especially diaspora Iranians), as if, like eating pork in public, it's a required proof to show that "for sure we left Islam and we don't have anything to do with these backward violent people" ?

I am neutral regarding this topic, idk about this user but many Turks support Israel because of this reason. And many are pro-Israel because the government is pro-Palestine. If you don’t want to involved inside this discussion the best thing is being neutral, in Germany and Turkey. If you criticize Israel you are an antisemite Muslim, if you criticize some Palestinian groups, you are an antimuslim traitor. In Turkey if support Israel, you are a westernized traitor who wants to destroy Turkey as fake Turk, if you support Palestinians you are an antiturkish terrorist who supports traitors and friends of Armenians/pkk who cares about nonsense. Objectively I only say Palestinians experience a lot of injustice, but besides of that I am out of this discussion. But you are right about Turks who would do and say anything to be different or out of this kind of topics. Islam is not popular among this Turks.

12-29-2021, 03:41 PM
Is your indifference towards Palestinians a way to affirm your rejection of Islam ?

Because I do observe a pro-Zionist bias among many ex-Muslims (especially diaspora Iranians), as if, like eating pork in public, it's a required proof to show that "for sure we left Islam and we don't have anything to do with these backward violent people" ?

Nope it has nothing to do with it. But I understand what you mean.

Of course, I am against the violence, but it's not because this violence against a Muslims. I am against because they're a human. But still it’s none of my business, I don't choose a side.

12-29-2021, 04:24 PM

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-29-2021, 07:49 PM
Crimes? Why do Palestinians used their own children as cannon fodder and then blame Israelis for defending their land?

They don't use their children as cannon fodder. That's more propaganda. IDF snipers literally target Palestinian children's knee caps and groin. There is footage of IDF snipers having a good laugh at shooting children.

What the Israelis want is more land. Even Trump has stated recently Netanyahu didn't want peace. It's obvious they didn't want peace if they were still building illegal settlements when talking about peace.

As an American Southerner I see how the Palestinians are like the Yankees.

Are you kidding me? Yankees invaded and conquered the south and made Whites second class citizens during Reconstruction. It's the Palestinians who were invaded. It's the Palestinians who are second class citizens.

12-29-2021, 11:15 PM
They don't use their children as cannon fodder. That's more propaganda. IDF snipers literally target Palestinian children's knee caps and groin. There is footage of IDF snipers having a good laugh at shooting children.

What the Israelis want is more land. Even Trump has stated recently Netanyahu didn't want peace. It's obvious they didn't want peace if they were still building illegal settlements when talking about peace.

Are you kidding me? Yankees invaded and conquered the south and made Whites second class citizens during Reconstruction. It's the Palestinians who were invaded. It's the Palestinians who are second class citizens.

Wrong on all counts. Palestinians are the ones pushing propaganda. Yes, I think Israel is more like the South. It's based .

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-29-2021, 11:40 PM
Wrong on all counts. Palestinians are the ones pushing propaganda. Yes, I think Israel is more like the South. It's based .

Is Trump pushing Palestinian propaganda when he says Netanyahu didn't want peace?

Is this man stealing this woman's property based? He says it himself. He's a New Yorker who decided to come to Jerusalem and steal a woman's property.


I can't hold it against Zionists for thinking Evangelical Christians are useful idiots.

05-16-2022, 03:41 PM

05-16-2022, 04:51 PM
Jews always lived in peace under Muslim control : Holocaust and pogroms happened in the European christian world

A classic Muslim lie.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Morocco#Under_the_Almoravid s

An account by Solomon Cohen dated January 1148 CE describes the Almohad conquests:

Abd al-Mumin ... the leader of the Almohads after the death of Muhammad Ibn Tumart the Mahdi ... captured Tlemcen [in the Maghreb] and killed all those who were in it, including the Jews, except those who embraced Islam. ... [In Sijilmasa] One hundred and fifty persons were killed for clinging to their [Jewish] faith. ... One hundred thousand persons were killed in Fez on that occasion, and 120,000 in Marrakesh. The Jews in all [Maghreb] localities [conquered] ... groaned under the heavy yoke of the Almohads; many had been killed, many others converted; none were able to appear in public as Jews.[14]

Once a rumor began to circulate that the Jewish vizier in Fez, Aaron Batash, struck a Muslim woman, there were public outcries amongst Fez's Muslim population. They demanded the Mufti (Islamic legal expert) to issue a Fatwa (legal opinion) to permit the killing of Jews in the name of the Allah. The Mufti had no choice but to make these killings permissible. Thus, began the 1465 Moroccan revolt, one of the worst pogroms in Morocco's history.[23]


On November 30, 2012, prominent Tunisian imam Sheikh Ahmad Al-Suhayli of Radès, told his followers during a live broadcast on Hannibal TV that "God wants to destroy this [Tunisian] sprinkling of Jews and is sterilizing the wombs of Jewish women."

Under French rule, some Muslim anti-Jewish riots still occurred, as in 1897 in Oran.[16]

On March 2, 1974, the bodies of four Syrian Jewish women were discovered by border police in a cave in the Zabdani Mountains northwest of Damascus. Fara Zeibak 24, her sisters Lulu Zeibak 23, Mazal Zeibak 22 and their cousin Eva Saad 18, had contracted with a band of smugglers to flee Syria to Lebanon and eventually to Israel. The girls' bodies were found raped, murdered and mutilated. The police also found the remains of two Jewish boys, Natan Shaya 18 and Kassem Abadi 20, victims of an earlier massacre.[58] Syrian authorities deposited the bodies of all six in sacks before the homes of their parents in the Jewish ghetto in Damascus.[59]

The Jews suffered much during the great conquests of Moulay Rashid, who united the separate parts of Morocco into one single state, and wished to add to it all northwest Africa. According to Chénier, when Al-Raschid took the city of Marrakech in 1670, at the desire of the inhabitants he caused the Jewish counselor and governor of the ruling prince Abu Bakr, together with the latter and his whole family, to be publicly burned, in order to inspire terror among the Jews.[46] He also tore down the synagogues of the city, expelled many Jews from the Berber region of Sus and treated them tyrannically. His demands on the Jews in the way of taxes were enormous; he had them collected by Joshua ben Hamoshet, a rich Jew, to whom he was under obligations for various services and whom he appointed chief over the Jews. He even ordered the Jews to supply wine to the Christian slaves.

The accession to the throne of Yazid, on the death of Mohammed III in 1789, led to a terrible massacre of the Moroccan Jews, having refused him their support in his fight with his brother for the succession. As a punishment the richer Jews of Tetouan, at his entry into the city, were tied to the tails of horses and dragged through the city. Many were killed in other ways or robbed. Jewish women were raped. The Spanish consul, Solomon Hazzan, was executed for alleged treachery, and the Jews of Tangier, Asilah, and Alcazarquivir were condemned to pay a large sum of money. Elijah, the minister of the former king, who had always opposed Yazid in the council, quickly embraced Islam to avoid being persecuted. He died soon after. The cruelty of the persecutors reached its climax in Fez. In Rabat, as in Meknes, the Jews were ill-treated. In Mogador, strife arose between the Jews and the city judge on the one hand, and the Moorish citizens on the other; the dispute was over the question of Jewish garb. Finally the Jews were ordered to pay 100,000 piasters and three shiploads of gunpowder; and most of them were arrested and beaten daily until the payment was made. Many fled beforehand to Gibraltar or other places; some died as martyrs; and some accepted Islam.[53] The notables and the Muslim masses then rose to intervene on behalf of the Jews. They hid many of them in their houses and saved a great many others. In Rabat, the governor Bargash saved the community from the worst.[54] The sanguinary events of the year 1790 have been poetically described in two kinot for the Ninth of Ab, by Jacob ben Joseph al-Mali? and by David ben Aaron ibn Husain.[55]

From the second half of this century various accounts of travels exist which give information concerning the external position of the Jews. Chénier, for example, describes them as follows:

The Jews possess neither lands nor gardens, nor can they enjoy their fruits in tranquillity. They must wear only black, and are obliged when they pass near mosques, or through streets in which there are sanctuaries, to walk barefoot. The lowest among the Moors imagines he has a right to ill-treat a Jew, nor dares the latter defend himself, because the Koran and the judge are always in favor of the Mohammedan. Notwithstanding this state of oppression, the Jews have many advantages over the Moors: they better understand the spirit of trade; they act as agents and brokers, and they profit by their own cunning and by the ignorance of the Moors. In their commercial bargains many of them buy up the commodities of the country to sell again. Some have European correspondents; others are mechanics, such as goldsmiths, tailors, gunsmiths, millers, and masons. More industrious and artful, and better informed than the Moors, the Jews are employed by the emperor in receiving the customs, in coining money, and in all affairs and intercourse which the monarch has with the European merchants, as well as in all his negotiations with the various European governments.[56]

Another event caused to a population decrease among the community was the two-year exile of the Jews from the mellah in 1790–1792, during the brief reign of sultan Malawy yazid . The whole community was forced to leave to Qasba Shrarda which was on the other side of Fez. This time the population of the Jews around the mellah was at the lowest stage of all time, and did not manage to "heal" itself. A mosque was built on the site of the main synagogue, under the order of yazid, tomb stones from a near Jewish cemetery was used to built the mosque, and the cemetery itself was moved to the entrance of the Muslim quarter along with the bones of the saintly rabbis. The exile lasted around for two years, and only after the death of yazid, the qadi of Fez ordered the mosque to be torn down and the Jews were permitted to return to their quarter.[7][8][49]

In the 18th century, in the period between the Saadi and 'Alawi dynasties, the Jewish community of Oufrane, which predated Islam in Morocco and spoke Tamazight and Arabic, came into contact with a "mad sorcerer" seeking the support of Yazid.[59] Oral tradition tells how this "sorcerer," along with armed bandits who had been marauding through the Sous valley, forced a group of 60 Jews at a sūq to either convert or die.[59] The local population was able to save ten of them, and the other fifty decided to all enter a fire rather than have any one of them convert. The site became revered as a holy place by both Jews and Muslims.[59]

According to a statistical report of the AIU, for the years 1864–80 no less than 307 Jews were murdered in the city and district of Morocco, which crimes, although brought to the attention of the magistracy upon every occasion, remained unpunished.[78]


After the Six-Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbours, Libyan Jews were once again the target of anti-Jewish riots. During these attacks, rioters killed 18 people and more were injured.[13]

By the time Colonel Muammar Gaddafi came to power in 1969, roughly 100 Jews remained in Libya. Under his rule, all Jewish property was confiscated, and all debts to Jews were cancelled. In 1970, the Libyan government declared the Day of Revenge, which celebrated the expulsion of Jews and Italians from Libya, a national holiday. Despite emigration being prohibited, most of the remaining Jews succeeded in escaping the country and by 1974, only 20 Jews remained in Libya.[13]

Jews were forced to apostasy by Caliph Abd al-Mu'min. Many massacres took place, despite many formal conversions by the pronunciation of the Shahada.

At the end of the eighteenth century, Hammouda Pasha denied Jews the right to acquire and possess real estate properties, while the learning of literal Arabic and the use of the Arabic alphabet was also prohibited during this period. Finally, the behavior of the Muslim population towards the communities varied from the will to rigorous application of the dhimma by the Ulama to the absence of hostility of the rural population, marginalized urban fringes but assured of impunity.


Bear in mind Jews (and other minorities) only held rights in Iran from 1906.

Four hundred Jews were injured in violent demonstrations in Egypt in 1945 and Jewish property was vandalized and looted. In Libya, 130 Jews were killed and 266 injured. In December 1947, 13 Jews were killed in Damascus, including 8 children, and 26 were injured. In Aleppo, rioting resulted in dozens of Jewish casualties, damage to 150 Jewish homes, and the torching of 5 schools and 10 synagogues. In Yemen, 97 Jews were murdered and 120 injured.[28]


By 1975 the government had seized all but one of the country's synagogues and converted them to mosques or libraries.[33]


The main synagogue in Beirut was bombed in the early 1950s, and the Lebanese Chamber of Deputies witnessed heated debates on the status of Lebanese Jewish army officers. The discussions culminated in a unanimous resolution to expel and exclude them from the Lebanese Army.[10] The two Jewish army officers were discharged

The Lebanese Civil War, which started in 1975, was much worse for the Lebanese Jewish community, and some 200 were killed in pogroms. Most of the 1,800 remaining Lebanese Jews migrated in 1976, fearing that the growing Syrian presence in Lebanon would restrict their freedom to emigrate.[12] In 1982, during the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, 11 leaders of the Jewish community were captured and killed by Islamic extremists.

Jews were targeted in the later years of the Lebanese civil war. Isaac Sasson, a leader of the Lebanese Jewish community, who was kidnapped at gunpoint March 31, 1985, on his way from the Beirut International Airport, after a trip to Abu Dhabi. Earlier, kidnappers had also seized Eli Hallak, 60-year-old physician; Haim Cohen, a 39-year-old Jew; Isaac Tarrab; Yeheda Benesti; Salim Jammous; and Elie Srour. Cohen, Tarrab, and Srour were killed by their captors, a Shiite Muslim group called The Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, which is believed to have been part of or had links to Hezbollah. The others' fates remain unknown, but they are believed to have also been killed.

it is said that the law requiring Jews to wear a yellow badge upon their clothing originated with Harun

05-16-2022, 05:54 PM
Israel ofc. Palestinians are Arabs who moved there after the expulsion of Israelites. Jews need their homeland and Palestinians can move back to Arabia or choose plenty of countries to live in.

05-16-2022, 06:00 PM
A classic Muslim lie.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Morocco#Under_the_Almoravid s




Bear in mind Jews (and other minorities) only held rights in Iran from 1906.



I fucking hated qajars man. Qajars were responsible for a lot of shit. A bunch of traitors.

05-16-2022, 07:01 PM
Israel. It is good that they kill radical Muslims.

So bad that Saudi Arabia is Israeli ally. Israel would have a job against these dismembering murderers.