View Full Version : Classify Norwegian Mongol

05-13-2021, 10:54 PM
Per Ivar Moe:




05-13-2021, 10:55 PM
Uralid. Probably has some Saami roots.

05-13-2021, 11:26 PM
Baltid and uralid, don't see that much Saami(too eastern shifted imo)

05-14-2021, 05:38 AM

05-14-2021, 08:11 AM
He doesn't look European even with blue eyes. Only Scandinavians and Russian has this type of phenotype. People like him doesn't exist in Balkan even though we were under Turkish domination for 500 years

05-14-2021, 08:51 AM
He doesn't look European even with blue eyes. Only Scandinavians and Russian has this type of phenotype. People like him doesn't exist in Balkan even though we were under Turkish domination for 500 years

It's because Turkish culture&language was dominant. When a Turk and an Anatolian&Balkan native marry, their children would become Turk.

05-14-2021, 09:34 AM
It's because Turkish culture&language was dominant. When a Turk and an Anatolian&Balkan native marry, their children would become Turk.
It is the paternal side who give more value to your ethnicity. If a Turk men marry an Albanian women, the child is gonna be more linked to the turk . If an Albanian men marry a Turkish women, the child is gonna feels more Albanian. In the us, when there was racial laws, White men had sexual relations with coloured Women but the opposite wasn't allowed because taking a women from another culture or race was a sign of domination.

05-14-2021, 09:50 AM
Anti-thesis to wog.

Also take away the epicantic fold and you basically get a Midwest American (with mainly Scandinavian ancestry).

Grace O'Malley
05-14-2021, 10:30 AM
I know a man from Newcastle in England who has very similar features. I doubt it is anything non-European.

05-14-2021, 10:41 AM
Anti-thesis to wog.

Also take away the epicantic fold and you basically get a Midwest American (with mainly Scandinavian ancestry).

I saw that the Nordic race originated from Mediterranean one. Saying they are complete opposite is quite ironic don't you think ?

Grace O'Malley
05-14-2021, 10:49 AM
I saw that the Nordic race originated from Mediterranean one. Saying they are complete opposite is quite ironic don't you think ?

Haven't we got genetics now instead of all the old worldly anthro stuff. All Euros are just a mixture of Steppe, Farmer and HG. Southern Euros just have more Farmer and some extra stuff from West Asia or North Africa from the Roman era or after. People shouldn't now be using these old world theories when you can read some excellent genetic studies.

05-14-2021, 10:50 AM
I saw that the Nordic race originated from Mediterranean one. Saying they are complete opposite is quite ironic don't you think ?

What did you saw? You mean you read something but you did not understood it? If you would see that Nordic people as a whole are strongly Cromagnoid as well and have a cranial diversity to them just like other Euroepan groups...

North Europeans are very little Mediterranean genetically- compared to other Europeans, so no matter what was claimed in the past should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The skull shape of the Corded ware (or that early Kurgan skulls rater) only resembled a very small group of Mediterraean- mainly an East African and el 'Ubaid Mesopotamic group. Now those East Africans look like North Africans and Ethiopians etc. So you would never claim those Ethiopians and North Africans to look close even to Southeuros let alone Norwegians.

05-14-2021, 10:58 AM
Haven't we got genetics now instead of all the old worldly anthro stuff. All Euros are just a mixture of Steppe, Farmer and HG. Southern Euros just have more Farmer and some extra stuff from West Asia or North Africa from the Roman era or after. People shouldn't now be using these old world theories when you can read some excellent genetic studies.

Genetic test and Human Taxonomy are in the same group, they are both pseudoscience. None are accurate

05-14-2021, 11:04 AM
What did you saw? You mean you read something but you did not understood it? If you would see that Nordic people as a whole are strongly Cromagnoid as well and have a cranial diversity to them just like other Euroepan groups...

North Europeans are very little Mediterranean genetically- compared to other Europeans, so no matter what was claimed in the past should be taken with a pinch of salt.

The skull shape of the Corded ware (or that early Kurgan skulls rater) only resembled a very small group of Mediterraean- mainly an East African and el 'Ubaid Mesopotamic group. Now those East Africans look like North Africans and Ethiopians etc. So you would never claim those Ethiopians and North Africans to look close even to Southeuros let alone Norwegians.

Yes i readed coon these day and it is quite interesting even though it is considered as a pseudoscientist. I'm sorry that i have hurt your feelings my friend, it just seems to me that this guy could open his mouth and talk mandarin any second but for some other people here he seems noble

Grace O'Malley
05-14-2021, 11:06 AM
Genetic test and Human Taxonomy are in the same group, they are both pseudoscience. None are accurate

Genetics is not pseudoscience. They can tell what population you are from with very high accuracy. All the genetic tests I've taken have been very accurate. Human Taxonomy was mostly guess work when they didn't have genetics. Now scientists will use genetics to study populations. Some archaeologists were pretty good for what they had and made a pretty good stab at population movements in the past and a lot of them were pretty good. Now with genetics we know this much more accurately. The studies that have been published over the last 6 years have been brilliant.

05-14-2021, 11:13 AM
Yes i readed coon these day and it is quite interesting even though it is considered as a pseudoscientist. I'm sorry that i have hurt your feelings my friend, it just seems to me that this guy could open his mouth and talk mandarin any second but for some other people here he seems noble

you did not hurt my feelings at all. Its just a bogus claim- simply by not knowing how Norwegians look like, and again- skull shape similarities are all very relative. The word "Mediterranean" was mainly on skull shape- but all those Mediterranean skulls looked different as well. Also many features like big broad nsoe, prognathism, short faced etc. all things nobody would consider as "Mediterranean" today. I think you should be only thankfull that i m explaining you the important details of Coons book, that you did not read or misunderstood. Also actually i would be angy not to call all those cranially"Alpine" and "Dinaric" Southeuropeans as Mediterranean...

05-14-2021, 12:21 PM
0% of E-Berberian look and blood

05-17-2021, 09:11 PM
Subnordid + Lappid.

Cristiano viejo
05-17-2021, 09:31 PM
Anti-thesis to wog.

He is super wog under my (normal) eyes.

Genetics is not pseudoscience.
It is, since one company says a thing and other company says another, and each of them uses different components. If genetic was an exact science (and not pseudoscience) the results would be clear and the same for every company.

Also they say a thing today and tomorrow the opposite. And for the next day, God will say. I laugh a lot when people even make threads to warn that (for example) 23andme has renewed its data source, and all the people like crazy uploading their results to see the differences compared with their own results just from some months ago :lol: If you people just noticed how ridicolous and pathetic this is...

05-18-2021, 05:31 AM
Paleo-European (Uralid) with Corded influences: facial features are strongly indigenous, but head form is Corded-influenced (would have been more rectangular if unmixed). Close to Khanti...

05-18-2021, 11:15 AM
It is funny when I see people classifying him as "Paleo" European or Uralid or some kind of eufemisms to not say he is a mixed race (non-White) from Caucasoid and Mongol (Asiatic). That his asiatic blood was in NorthernEurope 15000 years ago?? Ok. But it is still asiatic blood (call it Uralid, or ANE, or whatever, it keeps being ASIATIC blood). I have seen hapas that looks less asiatic than this man (or many other Scandinavians).

Our "wog" types resemble northafricans (or semitic) people. They are like 8-10% of the population. They are still fully caucasoid despite the dark pigmentation. Obviously they are non-White also. But people like this man is a mestizo, a mutt, a mixed race individual. Nothing wrong with it. But let´s call things like they are.

Btw, I am 0.1% East Asian on 23andme (probably a barbarian gang comming here), so nothing wrong with being part whatever.

05-18-2021, 11:50 AM
It is funny when I see people classifying him as "Paleo" European or Uralid or some kind of eufemisms to not say he is a mixed race (non-White) from Caucasoid and Mongol (Asiatic). That his asiatic blood was in NorthernEurope 15000 years ago?? Ok. But it is still asiatic blood (call it Uralid, or ANE, or whatever, it keeps being ASIATIC blood). I have seen hapas that looks less asiatic than this man (or many other Scandinavians).

This is painfully true sadly.

Grace O'Malley
05-18-2021, 11:50 AM
He is super wog under my (normal) eyes.

It is, since one company says a thing and other company says another, and each of them uses different components. If genetic was an exact science (and not pseudoscience) the results would be clear and the same for every company.

Also they say a thing today and tomorrow the opposite. And for the next day, God will say. I laugh a lot when people even make threads to warn that (for example) 23andme has renewed its data source, and all the people like crazy uploading their results to see the differences compared with their own results just from some months ago :lol: If you people just noticed how ridicolous and pathetic this is...

All the big companies are good at discerning your major ancestry. The lesser ancestry i.e. trace is not so accurate but this is because of lack of samples and also what panels they use. For example if they used Basque for the Iberian category then other Spaniards will end up with a variety of trace ancestry but still they will get a decent chunk of the Iberian category. The dna companies do appear to be improving. Ancestry for example can tell me where my dna in Ireland is from with the Genetic Communities. They are very accurate if they have enough populations. They also picked up the correct Genetic Community for my daughter's paternal ancestry.

Also the raw dna is great. You can learn all sorts of things by using your raw dna. Considering the improvements over 5 years I'm sure they will only get more accurate like Ancestry has been with my result. Very mixed ancestry might take more time to get what works. It's still early days really.

05-18-2021, 12:07 PM
This guy have clearly neandhertaliens features look at the prominence of the brow bone .


05-18-2021, 01:13 PM
He clearly has some Saami influence, the average Norwegian does not look like that, they actually look very regular NW most of the time. When i was there i thought a lot looked UK, if only more slender/taller and more blonde/blue eyes in general (but likely less than people imagine on forums). Once in a while you find his look for sure but it's not the norm at all.

Here with some other Norwegian skaters of the time

05-18-2021, 02:03 PM
Haven't we got genetics now instead of all the old worldly anthro stuff. All Euros are just a mixture of Steppe, Farmer and HG. Southern Euros just have more Farmer and some extra stuff from West Asia or North Africa from the Roman era or after. People shouldn't now be using these old world theories when you can read some excellent genetic studies.

Yes, but unfortunately most science outside of physics is commercially motivated or politically motivated statistical manipulation.

G25 says I closest to the Dutch as my number 1 population but a Polish man made it and Poles are a problem in Britain. It is not totally off as we have known that the English are closely related to the Dutch genetically for a while and may not be politically motivated but it hardly seems like progress.

AncestryDNA : "You are mostly Irish"

K13 : "You are Irish"

G25 : "You are Dutch"

K15 :. "You are English"

Dodecad K12B: "You are Dutch"

^niggas say wut ?!?

You can say it is because all Northern Europeans are similar but I say political chicanery (bullshit)

05-18-2021, 02:26 PM
Yes, but unfortunately most science outside of physics is commercially motivated or politically motivated statistical manipulation.

G25 says I closest to the Dutch as my number 1 population but a Polish man made it and Poles are a problem in Britain. It is not totally off as we have known that the English are closely related to the Dutch genetically for a while and may not be politically motivated but it hardly seems like progress.

AncestryDNA : "You are mostly Irish"

K13 : "You are Irish"

G25 : "You are Dutch"

K15 :. "You are English"

Dodecad K12B: "You are Dutch"

^niggas say wut ?!?

You can say it is because all Northern Europeans are similar but I say political chicanery (bullshit)

Your ancestry just pulls you towards continental NW. You overthink it at this point, 25% French/German (as you put it) is mostly a pull east and your oracle reflects that, no more no less. NW are also extremely close around the north sea which doesn't make it easier. You would have to be 100% something to get a more consistent pop in every calculators (different bias, samples etc..)

I get S.German/Belgian or even Kent in some calculators, and for sure im not from there. That's how it is.

Grace O'Malley
05-18-2021, 02:28 PM
Yes, but unfortunately most science outside of physics is commercially motivated or politically motivated statistical manipulation.

G25 says I closest to the Dutch as my number 1 population but a Polish man made it and Poles are a problem in Britain. It is not totally off as we have known that the English are closely related to the Dutch genetically for a while and may not be politically motivated but it hardly seems like progress.

AncestryDNA : "You are mostly Irish"

K13 : "You are Irish"

G25 : "You are Dutch"

K15 :. "You are English"

Dodecad K12B: "You are Dutch"

^niggas say wut ?!?

You can say it is because all Northern Europeans are similar but I say political chicanery (bullshit)

On calculators you can match different populations but the commercial companies get it mostly right especially if they have the correct population panels and you have long term ancestry in a country. Where they fail is having too broad categories for some populations. They don't have a targeted Dutch sample for example and with Dutch the North is different than the south. It will be interesting to see how they progress on Genetic Communities for example.

05-18-2021, 02:28 PM
I would say autistic-down syndrome tendencies imposed over a mainly Nordic phenotype

05-18-2021, 02:57 PM
It is funny when I see people classifying him as "Paleo" European or Uralid or some kind of eufemisms to not say he is a mixed race (non-White) from Caucasoid and Mongol (Asiatic).Because of reasons bro. This person been to scandinavia much earlier than white or caucasoid (non-mongol) people.

05-18-2021, 03:05 PM
Yes, but unfortunately most science outside of physics is commercially motivated or politically motivated statistical manipulation.

G25 says I closest to the Dutch as my number 1 population but a Polish man made it and Poles are a problem in Britain. It is not totally off as we have known that the English are closely related to the Dutch genetically for a while and may not be politically motivated but it hardly seems like progress.

AncestryDNA : "You are mostly Irish"

K13 : "You are Irish"

G25 : "You are Dutch"

K15 :. "You are English"

Dodecad K12B: "You are Dutch"

^niggas say wut ?!?

You can say it is because all Northern Europeans are similar but I say political chicanery (bullshit)

To avoid that, you should have been born (or be of origin) in another country with less ancestral overlap with its neighbors, such as Spain. :rolleyes:

05-18-2021, 08:22 PM
On calculators you can match different populations but the commercial companies get it mostly right especially if they have the correct population panels and you have long term ancestry in a country. Where they fail is having too broad categories for some populations. They don't have a targeted Dutch sample for example and with Dutch the North is different than the south. It will be interesting to see how they progress on Genetic Communities for example.

Just imagine the mess some genetic companies do when they use a bad model to represent a country. For example, for representing "NorthAfricans" they used some north-moroccoans that are 30% Iberian. Is this fair? No. Because these moroccoans will old Iberian DNA (or old common ancestry) are used for the "NOrthafrican" label. That is why, even up here (and all over Spain, also most of France, even in Belgium), they get "North-African" when in reality it is not. It is so easy to deduce that they made a wrong decisión in using north-moroccoans to model NorthAfricans that there is zero history, archaeology, chronicles, settlements, or anything related to NorthAfrica here in Galicia (not even in Roman or AlAndalus times). Yet we get the highest ""northafrican"".

We get this northafrican not because we have northafrican ancestry but because of the wrong modelling of the "NorthAfrican" label. In reality, I don´t even think that north-moroccoans are 30% Iberians, but that we probably share an ancient caucasoid component from prehistoric times (and here in Galicia, as we have lived quite isolated from other Iberian populations -no inmigration here from other parts of Spain- we get the highest ""northafrican"" because we hold the oldest Iberian Peninsula DNA, or the most "pure" than other populations that have mixed more because of the Reconquista or any other reasons.

Then people start mixing History (ah, Alandalus) with the conclussion and they give validity to the conclussions. So, just a wrong modelling and people can take wrong conclussions that affect your own perception as people (because it is ignorant people the ones that want to promote their biased ideas of what we are). I WISH that for modelling NorthAfricans they used Moroccoans without any iberian blood. Then, we would see how much these conclussions change. And I will accept them. But using a 30% Iberian to modelize "northafricans"?? No. It is just a stupidity.