View Full Version : Scottish Government, May 2021

05-19-2021, 07:08 PM
Kate Forbes Finance and the Economy


John Swinney Deputy First Minister and Covid Recovery

https://www.thetimes.co.uk/imageserver/image/%2Fmethode%2Ftimes%2Fprodmigration%2Fweb%2Fbin%2Fa b847888-ebaf-3e9f-816c-4b304fe80ada.jpg?crop=780%2C520%2C0%2C0&resize=1180

Shona Robison Social Justice, Housing and Local Government


Keith Brown Justice


Mairi Gougeon Rural Affairs and Islands


Humza Yousaf Health and Social Care (Asian)


Shirley Anne Somerville Education and Skills


Michael Matheson Net Zero, Energy and Transport

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R3a8fbb2263e3fcf2c60b7a9e1f262427?rik=U%2fEA09OmcY 78gg&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.orcadian.co.uk%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2017%2f08%2fMichael-matheson.jpg&ehk=GY3%2bXDYY3D4iS2hd9VIabovYRAeUq6xNA5XQbmuf2Dw% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw

Nicola Sturgeon First Minister

https://th.bing.com/th/id/R8b959a143d1c3ea10309a9e8b6ce26f1?rik=RtCr7uaR9hhS Dw&pid=ImgRaw

Angus Robertson Constitution, External Affairs and Culture (1/2 German)


05-19-2021, 07:10 PM
It has nothing to do with the issue, but will Scotland have another independence referendum this year?

05-19-2021, 07:15 PM
It has nothing to do with the issue, but will Scotland have another independence referendum this year?

No, Governments first priority is covid recovery.

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2021, 07:19 PM
Lots of Atlantids and North Atlantids.

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2021, 07:21 PM
No, Governments first priority is covid recovery.

Let's just hope the Indian variant doesn't wreck it - it already has resulted in very high infection rates in Glasgow.

05-19-2021, 07:27 PM
Lots of Atlantids and North Atlantids.

Some of them look extremely similar to English people too bad Scots hate English over some ancient shit back in the day when politics was more brutal or everything in fact was more nasty and brutish in general.

Tooting Carmen
05-19-2021, 07:30 PM
Some of them look extremely similar to English people too bad Scots hate English over some ancient shit back in the day when politics was more brutal or everything in fact was more nasty and brutish in general.

Well the Scots held their own against the English for much longer than the Welsh did, and even when joining the Union it was on far more favourable terms - unlike Wales, Scotland has always kept its own legal and educational system, and of course King James could get his share of the loot from the then-expanding English/British Empire.

05-19-2021, 07:36 PM
Out of those listed above i would say 5 look distinctly Scottish(first also looks Irish) the rest not including the Asian look generally British.

05-19-2021, 07:37 PM
Let's just hope the Indian variant doesn't wreck it - it already has resulted in very high infection rates in Glasgow.

Have my brothers wedding in July, delayed from last year. So hope not.

05-19-2021, 07:39 PM
Out of those listed above i would say 5 look distinctly Scottish(first also looks Irish) the rest not including the Asian look generally British.

Shona Robison was born in England, her middle name is McRory though.

05-19-2021, 07:40 PM
No, Governments first priority is covid recovery.

It is that at the beginning of the year, the Prime Minister of Scotland wrote on Twitter that they wanted to do another, I suppose thanks to the Covid it was postponed.

05-19-2021, 07:54 PM
It is that at the beginning of the year, the Prime Minister of Scotland wrote on Twitter that they wanted to do another, I suppose thanks to the Covid it was postponed.

That was a show for the gung-ho side of the party but they were mostly pushed out in the last year and this government is more moderate.

Would be foolish to do another referendum at this time as too much of a gamble that they could lose, when independence is probably inevitable in the long term.

anyway, don't want to get too into it. :P