View Full Version : Annoying modern expressions and anti-concepts

Tooting Carmen
06-04-2021, 01:53 PM
As the philosopher Ayn Rand defined it: "an anti-concept is an irrational, unusable term designed to replace or obliterate a legitimate concept". Some modern examples:

Woke. To be socially-aware, particularly to issues regarding racism and inequality.
To go viral. Using technology to promote a cause or spread news about an event, whether intentionally or not.
Cancel culture. Widespread shunning of people with putatively unacceptable or extreme views.
To call out. To criticise.
Trending. Something that is popular on social media. (Mainly Twitter).
Meme. See above.
Gaslighting. To mentally destabilise and confuse someone.
Doxing. Secretly finding out information about someone.

Tooting Carmen
06-04-2021, 11:55 PM

06-04-2021, 11:57 PM
As the philosopher Ayn Rand defined it: "an anti-concept is an irrational, unusable term designed to replace or obliterate a legitimate concept". Some modern examples:

Woke. To be socially-aware, particularly to issues regarding racism and inequality.
To go viral. Using technology to promote a cause or spread news about an event, whether intentionally or not.
Cancel culture. Widespread shunning of people with putatively unacceptable or extreme views.
To call out. To criticise.
Trending. Something that is popular on social media. (Mainly Twitter).
Meme. See above.
Gaslighting. To mentally destabilise and confuse someone.
Doxing. Secretly finding out information about someone.

Does "slutshaming" qualify?

Tooting Carmen
06-04-2021, 11:58 PM
Does "slutshaming" qualify?


06-05-2021, 12:01 AM
.systemic racism
.White fragility

Tooting Carmen
06-05-2021, 12:02 AM
I missed out virtue-signalling too.

Jacques de Imbelloni
06-05-2021, 12:04 AM
hegemonic bodies

06-05-2021, 12:09 AM
Cisgender. :rolleyes:

Makes me want to roll eyes to the back until further notice.

Tooting Carmen
06-05-2021, 12:10 AM
hegemonic bodies

Eurocentric and colourism do have legitimate uses. I agree about the others.

Tooting Carmen
06-05-2021, 12:22 AM
Microaggressions. Perceived minor insults because of someone's race or gender.
Trigger warnings. Telling the oversensitive that someone will be hurt or offended in the following story.
Safe spaces. A physical or technologically virtual location where a designated social group shall never feel challenged or insulted.

Jacques de Imbelloni
06-05-2021, 12:44 AM
Eurocentric and colourism do have legitimate uses. I agree about the others.

stop Gaslighting me you neurotypical heteronormative shitlord! stop posting those hegemonic Eurocentric naked white men bodies.

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2021, 01:01 AM
Community. An ethnic, religious or sexual minority group that is (usually wrongly) perceived to be close-knit, homogeneous and united.

Jacques de Imbelloni
06-16-2021, 01:20 AM
Collective is way more annoying.

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Tooting Carmen
06-16-2021, 03:36 AM
Collective is way more annoying.

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I know you often say colectivo, but we don't usually say it in English.

Tooting Carmen
06-16-2021, 10:22 PM
Spiritual. Superstitious and hostile to science and modernity.

06-16-2021, 10:39 PM
Fragile Masculinity is a term used all the time in my college, its kind of annoying.

Tooting Carmen
06-22-2021, 10:25 PM
Fragile Masculinity is a term used all the time in my college, its kind of annoying.

So too is toxic masculinity.

Tooting Carmen
07-02-2021, 11:35 PM
What is especially noticeable about all these words and trends is how they are used to obscure real debates about wealth and power.

07-02-2021, 11:39 PM
What is especially noticeable about all these words and trends is how they are used to obscure real debates about wealth and power.

It's all vague jargon to be exempt from giving actual arguments with sound logic and normal wording. "White fragility" "toxic masculinity" are all just codewords for being retarded.

Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 07:13 PM
Justice. Not an anti-concept in itself, but the way it is often attached to rather nebulous ideas makes it one. 'Social justice', 'racial justice', 'climate justice' etc. (If we were to talk about 'equality' rather than 'justice' in those contexts, then fine. But justice is something else - it means the law being arbitrated in an objective and dispassionate manner).

07-03-2021, 08:01 PM
friendzone, ghosting, incel, slayer/chad, karen, gagging...

However, there is nothing more irrational than the word Alt-right, Left and Right being themselves irrational anti-concepts. Politically dead society.

07-03-2021, 09:06 PM
.systemic racism
.White fragility


"Microagressions" is algo a fucking joke.

Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 09:21 PM
ADOS American Descendant of Slavery. A term invented to somehow give Aframs a superiority complex over other Blacks. (Never mind that Blacks in the Caribbean and Latin America are also mostly of slave descent!:picard1:)

Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 09:25 PM
ADOS American Descendant of Slavery. A term invented to somehow give Aframs a superiority complex over other Blacks. (Never mind that Blacks in the Caribbean and Latin America are also mostly of slave descent!:picard1:)

More generally, between a third and half of the other terms (maybe more) mentioned in this thread are also of African-American origin.

07-03-2021, 09:27 PM
More generally, between a third and half of the other terms (maybe more) mentioned in this thread are also of African-American origin.

On the same subject:

THOT: That Hoe' Over There. (Originally used to describe libertine women, now expanded to encapsulate "women that offended us" in manospheredom).

Jacques de Imbelloni
07-03-2021, 09:41 PM
Peronism did a great distorsion of the term social justice, even the partys name is justi scialism.

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Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 09:43 PM
Peronism did a great distorsion of the term social justice, even the partys name is justi scialism.

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As polarising a figure as Peron doubtlessly has been, from what I know about him he was a pragmatic reformer rather than a revolutionary, and as you've said yourself Argentina was certainly no shangri-la before he came along, and nor can he be blamed for everything wrong that has happened since.

Jacques de Imbelloni
07-03-2021, 11:11 PM
As polarising a figure as Peron doubtlessly has been, from what I know about him he was a pragmatic reformer rather than a revolutionary, and as you've said yourself Argentina was certainly no shangri-la before he came along, and nor can he be blamed for everything wrong that has happened since.

this videos explain my points:



The Twenty Fundamental Truths of Justicialism Source: Guido Indij, Perón Meidante. Buenos Aires, La Marca Editora, 2006;
Translated: for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor (https://www.marxists.org/admin/volunteers/biographies/mabidor.htm);
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (https://www.marxists.org/admin/legal/cc/by-sa.htm) (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2008.
These are the twenty fundamental truths of Justicialism. I wanted to bring them together here so that every one of you engrave it in your hearts and minds; so that they you spread them everywhere as a message of love and justice; so that you live happily in accordance with them; and also so that you die happily in their defense if it were necessary – Juan Perón October 17, 1950.

True democracy is one where the government does what the people want and defends only one interest: THE PEOPLE
Peronism is popular in its essence. All political circles are anti-popular and for this reason are not Peronist.
The Peronist works for the Movement. Whoever in its name serves a circle or a caudillo is one only in name.
For Peronism there exists only one class of men: workers.
In the new Argentina work is a right that creates human dignity and is a duty, for it is right that everyone produce at least what he consumes.
For a good Peronist there can be nothing better than another Peronist.
No Peronist should feel himself to be more than he is, or less than he should be. When a Peronist begins to feel himself to be more than he is he begins to convert himself into an oligarch.
In political action the scale of values of every Peronist is the following: first the Fatherland, then the Movement, and then Men.
For us politics are not an end, rather only a means for the good of the Fatherland, which is the happiness of its children and national greatness.
The two arms of Peronism are Social Justice and Social Assistance. With them we embrace the people in Justice and Love.
Peronism wants national unity and not struggle. It wants heroes and not martyrs.
In the new Argentina children are the only privileged ones.
A government without a doctrine is a body without a soul. For this reason Peronism has its own political, economic, and social doctrine, which is Justicialism.
Justicialism is a new philosophy of life that is simple, practical, popular, profoundly Christian, and profoundly popular.
As a political doctrine Justicialism realizes the equilibrium between the rights of the individual and those of the community.
As economic doctrine Justicialism realizes the social economy, placing capital at the service of the economy and the latter at the service of social well-being.
As a social doctrine Justicialism realizes social justice, which gives every person their right to a social function.
We want a socially just, economically free, and politically sovereign Argentina.
We constitute a centralized government, an organized state, and a free people.
The best we have on this earth is the People.

Tooting Carmen
07-03-2021, 11:14 PM
this videos explain my points:



The Twenty Fundamental Truths of Justicialism Source: Guido Indij, Perón Meidante. Buenos Aires, La Marca Editora, 2006;
Translated: for marxists.org by Mitchell Abidor (https://www.marxists.org/admin/volunteers/biographies/mabidor.htm);
CopyLeft: Creative Commons (https://www.marxists.org/admin/legal/cc/by-sa.htm) (Attribute & ShareAlike) marxists.org 2008.
These are the twenty fundamental truths of Justicialism. I wanted to bring them together here so that every one of you engrave it in your hearts and minds; so that they you spread them everywhere as a message of love and justice; so that you live happily in accordance with them; and also so that you die happily in their defense if it were necessary – Juan Perón October 17, 1950.

True democracy is one where the government does what the people want and defends only one interest: THE PEOPLE
Peronism is popular in its essence. All political circles are anti-popular and for this reason are not Peronist.
The Peronist works for the Movement. Whoever in its name serves a circle or a caudillo is one only in name.
For Peronism there exists only one class of men: workers.
In the new Argentina work is a right that creates human dignity and is a duty, for it is right that everyone produce at least what he consumes.
For a good Peronist there can be nothing better than another Peronist.
No Peronist should feel himself to be more than he is, or less than he should be. When a Peronist begins to feel himself to be more than he is he begins to convert himself into an oligarch.
In political action the scale of values of every Peronist is the following: first the Fatherland, then the Movement, and then Men.
For us politics are not an end, rather only a means for the good of the Fatherland, which is the happiness of its children and national greatness.
The two arms of Peronism are Social Justice and Social Assistance. With them we embrace the people in Justice and Love.
Peronism wants national unity and not struggle. It wants heroes and not martyrs.
In the new Argentina children are the only privileged ones.
A government without a doctrine is a body without a soul. For this reason Peronism has its own political, economic, and social doctrine, which is Justicialism.
Justicialism is a new philosophy of life that is simple, practical, popular, profoundly Christian, and profoundly popular.
As a political doctrine Justicialism realizes the equilibrium between the rights of the individual and those of the community.
As economic doctrine Justicialism realizes the social economy, placing capital at the service of the economy and the latter at the service of social well-being.
As a social doctrine Justicialism realizes social justice, which gives every person their right to a social function.
We want a socially just, economically free, and politically sovereign Argentina.
We constitute a centralized government, an organized state, and a free people.
The best we have on this earth is the People.

Some of it sounds like fascistic nonsense, but other bits I can happily agree. :)

Jacques de Imbelloni
07-03-2021, 11:23 PM
Some of it sounds like fascistic nonsense, but other bits I can happily agree. :)


Jacques de Imbelloni
07-03-2021, 11:30 PM
best ASMR video in youtube:


Jacques de Imbelloni
07-03-2021, 11:31 PM
Some of it sounds like fascistic nonsense, but other bits I can happily agree. :)


07-03-2021, 11:36 PM
Safe Space, which we should steal from snowflakes and apply to Apricity free speech instead of a "safe space" to hide from opposite opinions.

07-04-2021, 12:54 AM

"Microagressions" is algo a fucking joke.

I couldn't agree more. It's making Marxist mountains out of mundane molehills.

07-04-2021, 01:00 AM

They just released a new "White people suck" movie with that title. It got a terrible ratio, and it's so bad that it could be mistaken for a parody.

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 05:57 PM
Status exchange. The notion that middle-class non-whites who marry working-class Whites are actually thus improving their social status.

07-04-2021, 06:00 PM
As the philosopher Ayn Rand defined it: "an anti-concept is an irrational, unusable term designed to replace or obliterate a legitimate concept". Some modern examples:

Woke. To be socially-aware, particularly to issues regarding racism and inequality.
To go viral. Using technology to promote a cause or spread news about an event, whether intentionally or not.
Cancel culture. Widespread shunning of people with putatively unacceptable or extreme views.
To call out. To criticise.
Trending. Something that is popular on social media. (Mainly Twitter).
Meme. See above.
Gaslighting. To mentally destabilise and confuse someone.
Doxing. Secretly finding out information about someone.

I cringe so much whenever I hear someone misuse the "gaslighting" term.

Tooting Carmen
07-04-2021, 06:02 PM
I cringe so much whenever I hear someone misuse the "gaslighting" term.

Yeah I was quite surprised when I eventually looked it up. I usually thought of gaslighting as being this:):
https://www.period-homes.com/.image/ar_1:1%2Cc_fill%2Ccs_srgb%2Cfl_progressive%2Cq_aut o:good%2Cw_1200/MTQ5OTM1MzA5ODAxMzk5Mzg5/bevolo-1.jpg

07-10-2021, 03:22 AM
"Fragile masculinity", it's very popular among the enemies of humanity.

07-10-2021, 05:03 PM
"Fragile masculinity", it's very popular among the enemies of humanity.

There are so many of these feminazi SJW types here in Boston, fucking subnormales. I can´t stand it.

Tooting Carmen
07-10-2021, 11:58 PM
Ex-pats. Western immigrants in non-Western countries.
Reverse racism. It is called 'reverse' because of the bullshit assumption that Whites can only be perpetrators and not victims.

07-13-2021, 10:49 PM
I hate it when a zillion celebrities and politicians say "we have more work to do" like they're reading from the same script. "We have more work to do....to destroy good, normal Americans.'

Tooting Carmen
07-15-2021, 10:47 PM
Influencer. A Z-list celebrity.

07-15-2021, 10:52 PM
climate change

07-15-2021, 11:16 PM
"Problematic" gets on my nerves. I also hate how they misuse "tragic" and "unfortunate". "It was tragic that he stubbed his toe." "The condominium collapse was unfortunate."

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 04:34 PM
Influencer. A Z-list celebrity.

Usually a plastic, over-tanned woman who endlessly blabbers on social media about her eating disorder.

Transphobe. Someone who actually acknowledges that biological sex is real.

03-04-2022, 04:36 PM
As the philosopher Ayn Rand defined it: "an anti-concept is an irrational, unusable term designed to replace or obliterate a legitimate concept". Some modern examples:

Woke. To be socially-aware, particularly to issues regarding racism and inequality.
To go viral. Using technology to promote a cause or spread news about an event, whether intentionally or not.
Cancel culture. Widespread shunning of people with putatively unacceptable or extreme views.
To call out. To criticise.
Trending. Something that is popular on social media. (Mainly Twitter).
Meme. See above.
Gaslighting. To mentally destabilise and confuse someone.
Doxing. Secretly finding out information about someone.
What do you find annoying about them? Do you find their names annoying?

03-04-2022, 04:38 PM
Ex-pats. Western immigrants in non-Western countries.
Reverse racism. It is called 'reverse' because of the bullshit assumption that Whites can only be perpetrators and not victims.
I think expat refers to temporary migrant as opposed to immigrants who stay permanently. Or not?

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 04:40 PM
What do you find annoying about them? Do you find their names annoying?

They are often used to replace real debate and substance.

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 04:41 PM
I think expat refers to temporary migrant as opposed to immigrants who stay permanently. Or not?

In theory yes, but in practice it has acquired a racial undertone, so even e.g. a Frenchwoman who has lived in Bangladesh for forty years is still referred to as an 'ex-pat' rather than an 'immigrant'.

03-04-2022, 04:50 PM
Antisemitism (with antisemitic as an adjective) is a legitimate and documentable phenomenon, though nowadays may be used as an unjustified descriptor of any individual who dares to criticize the Jews (even in the smallest, most-respectful capacity).

Manspreading is similarly intolerable.

03-04-2022, 04:51 PM
They are often used to replace real debate and substance.

But a meme its a meme, its like its own thing, I just dont personally get whats annoying about that.

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 04:53 PM
But a meme its a meme, its like its own thing, I just dont personally get whats annoying about that.

But these terms are used, however subconsciously, to alter people's minds and stop them thinking and debating deeply.

03-04-2022, 04:54 PM
But these terms are used, however subconsciously, to alter people's minds and stop them thinking and debating deeply.


Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 04:57 PM

Compare and contrast:

"Today, a transphobe was cancelled after her speech went viral".
"Today, someone who strongly believes in biological sex was shunned after her speech was widely viewed and discussed".

03-04-2022, 05:03 PM
As the philosopher Ayn Rand defined it: "an anti-concept is an irrational, unusable term designed to replace or obliterate a legitimate concept". Some modern examples:

Woke. To be socially-aware, particularly to issues regarding racism and inequality.
To go viral. Using technology to promote a cause or spread news about an event, whether intentionally or not.
Cancel culture. Widespread shunning of people with putatively unacceptable or extreme views.
To call out. To criticise.
Trending. Something that is popular on social media. (Mainly Twitter).
Meme. See above.
Gaslighting. To mentally destabilise and confuse someone.
Doxing. Secretly finding out information about someone.

Do words and phrases like these count?

No Cap

I get triggered when I see and hear people using them.

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 05:09 PM
Do words and phrases like these count?

No Cap

I get triggered when I see and hear people using them.

Triggered itself is an anti-concept.

03-04-2022, 05:49 PM
Critical race theory
Gender Neutral
gender theory

Tooting Carmen
03-04-2022, 05:58 PM
Critical race theory
Gender Neutral
gender theory

The last two have a legitimate use, but I agree with the others.

03-04-2022, 06:14 PM
"Values", as in moral values.

In every political speeches, they have to slip that word nowadays to sanctify a viewpoint or ideology (left and right), defining oneself as the axiologue of good or wrong in every issues, like in an American B movie. Those values don't mean anything concrete, and they can change depending on the situation. I can't stand to hear that word anymore, now the general population starts using it too because of that trend, while having no clue what their own values really are.

"Because of my "values", "Our values dictate,.." etc..

Tooting Carmen
03-15-2022, 03:16 AM
Validation. Having others praise you for your identity.
Erasure. People being uninterested in your identity.
Misgendering. A man who claims to be a woman actually being told he is a man.

03-19-2022, 08:25 AM
Woke - white right-wingers unironically using nigger speak to own the libs, meanwhile the word has only been promoted in the MSM to avert people from calling out anti-whiteness explicitly.