View Full Version : 4.50/100% DNA

06-27-2021, 06:09 PM
Hello everyone.
I need a little help, though I don't know if TheApricity is where I can find the information I need.
I'll get straight to the point.
I am Romanian, I speak Romanian and I have Romanian ancestors. However, starting to study history, I noticed that Romania's history is very complex. Specifically, we were Dacians, the inhabitants of Dacia in the Northern Balkans and to some extent we were (probably) mixed with the Thracians in our south, that is, in the Balkans. Our languages ​​were (probably) similar and the Dacians were probably Thracians (although I don't know exactly what that means).
Anyway. The idea is that today, we have become Romanians and bear the name of Romania. And during 2000 years, much has changed in this territory inhabited by Dacians and Thracians for thousands of years.
Among all these changes, there were waves of migrants from Central Asia, the steppes and even the Mongols, as well as Turanian-Tatar migrants.

Now comes the question that grinds me.
I was always curious if in this place today, Romania, of ancient Dacia, there were mixtures of blood between Daco-Thracians and these migrants: Mongols, Turans, Tatars, Huns, Siberians, Chinese, Koreans, Central Asians, Volga- urals, etc.

And if so. Can I find out with Gedmatch? Specifically, how much% of my blood contains blood from these populations, from Central Asia, the steppes, Mongolia, Siberia, the Volga-Urals, and East Asia?

Because with Eurogenes K12b, I get the results:
3.63% West Central Asian (probably referring to migrants from Central Asia, Eastern Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan).
0.87% Siberian (probably referring to migrants from Siberia and including the Altai Mountains, Mongolia).

I mean, out of 100%, my blood is 3.63 + 0.87 = 4.50% real non-Balkan blood? Coming from these very places, and probably because of migrants? Or is it just a fake test, the numbers are false, and in reality they can be 0%? Because it is very important to me, even this small figure of 4.50%.

The second question, probably for professionals. This 4.50%, even if it comes from those non-Balkan places, were simply normal in those years (0 AD) in the Balkans? I mean, did the Dacians already contain 4.50% of this blood? Didn't anything come "after"?

Thank you very much. I hope to clarify this dilemma once!


06-27-2021, 11:00 PM

06-27-2021, 11:14 PM
West Central Asian in Eurogenes K12 is not a mongoloid component, as far as I know it is similar to Gedrosian in other calculators basically Iran_N for the most part

06-27-2021, 11:37 PM

07-02-2021, 01:40 PM

07-02-2021, 02:41 PM
What is the map you posted is supposed to quantify, the central asian component? It's likely the more basal shifted half of the IE carriers, mostly some old CHG and more recent Iran_N stuff, and maybe some part of the EHG too. Shouldn't be very mongoloid shifted in recent terms, but likely harbors some ancestrally.

07-02-2021, 03:15 PM
Don't forget huge Slavic DNA input.

07-02-2021, 03:36 PM
Target: BGR_IA:I5769 (presumably Thracian, Iron Age, 500-400 BCE)
Distance: 3.1384% / 0.03138360
55.8 Mediterranean:Sardinian
36.8 CaucasoAnatolian:Armenian
7.4 BaltoSlavic:Latvian

Target: UKR_Cimmerian_o:MJ12 (presumably Thraco-Cimmerian, 992-830 BC)
Distance: 4.9969% / 0.04996878
35.8 Mediterranean:Sardinian
31.2 CaucasoAnatolian:Armenian
19.6 CeltoGermanic:Irish
11.8 BaltoSlavic:Latvian
1.6 TurkoMongol:Altaian

Target: Romanian (modern sample)
Distance: 1.4538% / 0.01453781
39.4 BaltoSlavic:Latvian
27.2 Mediterranean:Sardinian
25.2 CaucasoAnatolian:Armenian
7.0 CeltoGermanic:Irish
1.2 TurkoMongol:Altaian

Romanians in the Romanian G25 sample have the following TurkoMongol by this amateur calc I made up just now for this post:
Romanian:A306: 0.6
Romanian:A325: 0.2
Romanian:A343: 0.0
Romanian:A362: 2.3
Romanian:A374: 1.7
Romanian:G408: 1.8
Romanian:G421: 1.1
Romanian:G428: 0.5
Romanian:G429: 0.3
Romanian:G434: 1.7

I, Romanian myself, score 1.8:

Target: Nurzat
Distance: 1.9225% / 0.01922467
50.0 BaltoSlavic:Latvian
20.4 CaucasoAnatolian:Armenian
19.6 Mediterranean:Sardinian
8.2 CeltoGermanic:Irish
1.8 TurkoMongol:Altaian


BaltoSlavic:Latvian,0.1354494,0.122473,0.0887742,0 .089471,0.043208,0.0340246,0.0125966,0.0140762,-0.002168,-0.0368842,-0.0035728,-0.0138178,0.0232208,0.031378,-0.010559,0.0040572,0.0027118,-0.0003802,0.0016088,0.0043022,-0.0027952,-0.0057128,0.0090708,-0.0093264,0.0026346
CeltoGermanic:Irish,0.1333605,0.1340977,0.0611689, 0.0488642,0.037788,0.0193517,0.0032928,0.0047129,0 .0035683,0.0029265,-0.0069712,0.0058395,-0.0141892,-0.0140763,0.0259353,0.0052146,-0.0111456,0.0018944,0.0005974,0.0017758,0.0051145, 0.0012787,0.0002929,0.0144074,0.0006607
Mediterranean:Sardinian,0.1216872,0.1672855,0.0284 897,-0.0506523,0.060151,-0.0221337,-0.0039523,0.0024964,0.0415743,0.077351,-5.9e-05,0.0166487,-0.0286645,-0.012974,-0.013572,-0.0030013,0.0114027,-0.0013475,0.0016798,-0.0129947,-0.0021212,-0.0011018,-0.010084,-0.021383,0.0003375
Indian:Gond,0.0121858,-0.1856029,-0.1774244,0.1208029,-0.0297792,0.0642105,-0.0035526,0.0136691,0.0770934,0.0491072,0.0113481, 0.0027857,-0.0030957,0.0133009,-0.0186017,-0.0208165,0.0098862,-0.0025263,-0.0045104,0.0218487,0.0021506,0.0118415,-0.0036394,0.0079386,0.0021202