View Full Version : Classify/Pass these Spanish kids

07-10-2021, 01:11 AM
Ok guys, I'm kind of bored, so I decided to open this thread.

On my recent trip to Spain I was in Barcelona, and when I was in a book store, I found this picture post, and decided to take a picture, thinking in The Apricity :rolleyes::


They are probably Catalan kids, but that's irrelevant, because they could be from anywhere in Spain. Don't forget that Spanish looks are about the same in any Spanish region.

I know many of you will come up saying things like "they are too young to be classified" and bla bla bla. I just ask you to classify and pass them as kids. That's it.

Tooting Carmen
07-10-2021, 01:12 AM
Generic European looks.

07-10-2021, 01:14 AM
Generic European looks.

How well would they pass as British and as white Colombians?

Tooting Carmen
07-10-2021, 01:15 AM
How well would they pass as British and as white Colombians?

They look fairly indistinctive, so they could pass as both and indeed pretty much as any other White ethnic group to varying degrees.

07-10-2021, 01:21 AM
Atypical in spain

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07-10-2021, 01:25 AM
They can be from anywhere. For advertising purposes, photographs from any country are used, so it is not a reliable method to use generic photographs from photo banks.


He is a Polish photographer, it is very likely that the children's models are Polish, although it may be another circumstance as well if you travel to other countries to take pictures.



07-10-2021, 01:26 AM
Atypical in spain

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Laughs aside, they are common as fuck.

07-10-2021, 01:33 AM
They can be from anywhere. For advertising purposes, photographs from any country are used, so it is not a reliable method to use generic photographs from photo banks.


He is a Polish photographer, it is very likely that the children's models are Polish, although it may be another circumstance as well if you travel to other countries to take pictures.



My bad :p

They could have been perfectly Spanish, anyways.

I should have checked it like you did, before opening this thread.

I think they are Polish, only because the adult woman that appears with them in some of the pictures, looks very Polish, not because the kids could not pass as Spanish.

07-10-2021, 01:42 AM
País: Poland

Orientación de imagen: Vertical

Etnias: Caucásico

Personas en esta foto: 3

Sin fondo: Imagen aislada

Hora del día: Mañana


They are Polish children

07-10-2021, 01:48 AM
My bad :p

They could have been perfectly Spanish, anyways.

I should have checked it like you did, before opening this thread.

I think they are Polish, only because the adult woman that appears with them in some of the pictures, looks very Polish, not because the kids could not pass as Spanish.

That's not the problem, I see that picture in a bookstore and I don't think anything of it.

But those advertising photos are very risky to use in a classification if you don't make sure beforehand of the origin because worldwide advertising uses photos from anywhere in the world.

The Spanish CISC really doesn't know what it has missed, but that's another topic.

07-10-2021, 01:53 AM
That's not the problem, I see that picture in a bookstore and I don't think anything of it.

But those advertising photos are very risky to use in a classification if you don't make sure beforehand of the origin because worldwide advertising uses photos from anywhere in the world.

The Spanish CISC really doesn't know what it has missed, but that's another topic.

Absolutely. I already admitted my mistake.

07-10-2021, 02:04 AM
They look South American/Latino. Aren't Spaniards and South Americans the same anyway?

07-10-2021, 02:06 AM
They look South American/Latino. Aren't Spaniards and South Americans the same anyway?

I hope you are joking ahahah :D

07-10-2021, 02:16 AM

Laughs aside, they are common as fuck.I know but there are many with black hair that are rare in other countries.

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07-10-2021, 03:44 AM
Latinos and spaniards tend to have blue hair

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07-10-2021, 03:48 AM
Too much blah blah blah in this thread. They look mainly Alpinid with Atlantid, regardless of their nationality.

07-10-2021, 04:10 AM
Alpine with Turanid.