View Full Version : Classify Finnish boy

07-23-2021, 12:45 PM
I think he has got a unique look. Proto-Nordid, Savolaxid or what? His slanted eyes are really prominent and fascinating


07-23-2021, 12:54 PM
his eyes heavily mongoloid (like east asian) influenced but headshape looks fully caucasoid. interesting looking.

07-23-2021, 12:55 PM
Too young, but pred Nordid with visible Uralid influence.

07-23-2021, 01:08 PM
Too young, but pred Nordid with visible Uralid influence.

yes a teenager from Espoo, I asked to get more picture of him but he refused (normal as a teenager:)) I wanted to share because of his interesting and unique look

07-23-2021, 01:38 PM
what if he has NORMAL look and you all are weird?

07-23-2021, 01:38 PM
Proto-Tavastid with Eskimo eyes.

07-23-2021, 04:07 PM
what if he has NORMAL look and you all are weird?

I dont find his look weird I think it is very nice. I also have high cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes but not as much. My grandmother had Uralid eye shape though

07-23-2021, 04:37 PM
Depigmented Japanese. True Indo-Uralopean.

07-23-2021, 04:46 PM
I dont find his look weird I think it is very nice. I also have high cheekbones and slightly slanted eyes but not as much. My grandmother had Uralid eye shape though

he has slanted eyes and also epicanthic fold i don't say weird but it's of course unusual. even some kazakhs and kyrgyz don't have epicanthic fold. uralids don't have these eyes.

07-23-2021, 04:49 PM
one feature is great on him btw... solid, big head - master race

07-23-2021, 05:49 PM
he has slanted eyes and also epicanthic fold i don't say weird but it's of course unusual. even some kazakhs and kyrgyz don't have epicanthic fold.

yes I saw some Uyghur and Kyrgyz with similar phenotype though few, like Kyrgyzstan president Atambayev:


Depigmented Japanese. True Indo-Uralopean.

I agree with depigmented Japanese but then I would rather call it Turco-Uralopean :)

07-23-2021, 05:52 PM
Too young, but pred Nordid with visible Uralid influence.

Is this phenotype common in Finland?

07-23-2021, 06:09 PM
depigmented mongol

07-23-2021, 06:14 PM
Is this phenotype common in Finland?

Yeah, most Finns look like him, some even more, but mostly the Finns have prominent cheek bones, round face, tall back, short legs and yellowish skin.

07-23-2021, 06:18 PM
He looks very cool. This type is superior to VUR weirdos Komintasavalta and travv like to post.

07-23-2021, 06:23 PM
Yeah, most Finns look like him, some even more, but mostly the Finns have prominent cheek bones, round face, tall back, short legs and yellowish skin.

Yeah i have noticed the cheek bones. I thought Finns had the most CM component in Europe, i usually associated round face with slavic people. Yellowish skin? this dude seems pale to me.

07-23-2021, 06:29 PM
East Nordid + uralid

07-23-2021, 07:10 PM
Yeah i have noticed the cheek bones. I thought Finns had the most CM component in Europe, i usually associated round face with slavic people. Yellowish skin? this dude seems pale to me.

Maybe the yellow skin is not prominent, likely the Finnish skin is not brown anyway. Round faces and narrow faces both exist, but the round face is braver.

07-23-2021, 07:16 PM
Maybe the yellow skin is not prominent, likely the Finnish skin is not brown anyway. Round faces and narrow faces both exist, but the round face is braver.

I prefer round face as well, especially on women. +1

07-23-2021, 07:25 PM
I prefer round face as well, especially on women. +1

High cheek bones are a female trait. Actually round faces necessitate higher cheeks, but you see them only on older women.

07-23-2021, 07:26 PM
What I imagine Kom looks like

07-23-2021, 07:28 PM
The Uralid/Tr00 Turk master-race scientists are at it again. I probably have no Uralic genes though, so I’m just a jealous wog.

07-23-2021, 07:34 PM

07-23-2021, 07:35 PM
I prefer round face as well, especially on women. +1

Look Catheryn Winnichk. She has cheek bones - the line from chin to forehead is not straight. In my family all women have higher cheek bones than my male relatives.


07-23-2021, 08:08 PM
In my family all women have higher cheek bones than my male relatives.Any idea for probable cause?

07-23-2021, 08:22 PM

07-23-2021, 08:35 PM
I smell great enviness, you can't into Uralhalla, just admit that and bake yourself in the Mediterranean sun

07-23-2021, 08:36 PM

07-24-2021, 10:21 AM
Is this phenotype common in Finland?

These kind of eyes are quite extreme. They exist but they are rare. Overall, these more exotic Finnish types tend to be very overrepresented on these sites, as most intelligent users should realize.

07-24-2021, 11:47 AM
Any idea for probable cause?

Maybe a smaller lower skull.

07-24-2021, 11:57 AM
These kind of eyes are quite extreme. They exist but they are rare. Overall, these more exotic Finnish types tend to be very overrepresented on these sites, as most intelligent users should realize.

As a Danish member stated it: what is rare in Finland, yet rarer in Denmark, is typical in Finland. If you remember this wisdom, you'll easily cope here.

07-24-2021, 12:14 PM
Look Catheryn Winnichk. She has cheek bones - the line from chin to forehead is not straight. In my family all women have higher cheek bones than my male relatives.


her cheeckbones are just like mine :) its a common trait among northern Caucasians too

These kind of eyes are quite extreme. They exist but they are rare. Overall, these more exotic Finnish types tend to be very overrepresented on these sites, as most intelligent users should realize.

Slanted eyes are common with high cheekbones in Finland like Lemminkäinen said and its no secret, but I thought this boy's eyes are a bit extreme than the usual Finnish eyes plus I know him, so why wouldnt I share to ask opinions? this is the first time I am asking about Finnish phenotype and I dont believe it is overrepresenting

07-24-2021, 12:39 PM
her cheeckbones are just like mine :) its a common trait among northern Caucasians too

Slanted eyes are common with high cheekbones in Finland like Lemminkäinen said and its no secret, but I thought this boy's eyes are a bit extreme than the usual Finnish eyes plus I know him, so why wouldnt I share to ask opinions? this is the first time I am asking about Finnish phenotype and I dont believe it is overrepresenting

I have no cheebones. Saiwalo onviously lacks them too. I don't know about Komintasavalta, he is too shy to show his picture.

07-24-2021, 12:54 PM
her cheeckbones are just like mine :) its a common trait among northern Caucasians too

Slanted eyes are common with high cheekbones in Finland like Lemminkäinen said and its no secret, but I thought this boy's eyes are a bit extreme than the usual Finnish eyes plus I know him, so why wouldnt I share to ask opinions? this is the first time I am asking about Finnish phenotype and I dont believe it is overrepresenting

Firstly, my message wasn't obviously directed towards you personally, but this boards attitude towards Finns as a whole. Anyway, calling slanted eyes common is a bit much, when in fact they are by far minority (and this is coming from a northern Finn).

07-24-2021, 01:05 PM
I have no cheebones. Saiwalo onviously lacks them too. I don't know about Komintasavalta, he is too shy to show his picture.

true usually women have it more in general. I noticed that I inherited it from my grandmother (via my mother), not my father:)

Firstly, my message wasn't obviously directed towards you personally, but this boards attitude towards Finns as a whole. Anyway, calling slanted eyes common is a bit much, when in fact they are by far minority (and this is coming from a northern Finn).

ok then, and this young guy might have Saami ancestors even, I wouldnt know it

but it is amazing to think about how genes show it depending on the background and history

07-24-2021, 01:11 PM
The average Finn hardly has Mongoliform eyes (but because they are more occurring, they catch attention from people who do not have or lower levels of Siberian etc).

The observations tabulated by Zolotarev confirm this general impression. The facial outline is called rectangular in 55 per cent of the series, and ovoid in 33 per cent; the nasal profile is straight in half the sample, concave in 40 per cent, and convex in the remaining tenth. The tip of the nose points upward twice as frequently as downward; the lateral profile of the forehead is as a rule steep; in only one out of ten instances are the two profile lines parallel, as in the characteristic Nordic form. Mongoloid features, including an internal eyefold and extreme malar projection, are not typical, but are more frequent in the series from the carelian Republic than in that from the Volga country. Only six men out of 1008 have the true Mongolian eyefold and these are all in the Republic series.


That's like 0.5%. Estonian physical anthropologist Karin Mark gave the data that 1.8% of Finns had epicanthic eyefolds: https://antropologia-fizyczna.pl/statystyki-krajow-regionow-populacji/europa/ludy-ugrofinskie-antropologia-fizyczna#uwagi-do-danych-w-tabeli-2 (Polish)

07-24-2021, 01:33 PM
The average Finn hardly has Mongoliform eyes (but because they are more occurring, they catch attention from people who do not have or lower levels of Siberian etc).

The observations tabulated by Zolotarev confirm this general impression. The facial outline is called rectangular in 55 per cent of the series, and ovoid in 33 per cent; the nasal profile is straight in half the sample, concave in 40 per cent, and convex in the remaining tenth. The tip of the nose points upward twice as frequently as downward; the lateral profile of the forehead is as a rule steep; in only one out of ten instances are the two profile lines parallel, as in the characteristic Nordic form. Mongoloid features, including an internal eyefold and extreme malar projection, are not typical, but are more frequent in the series from the carelian Republic than in that from the Volga country. Only six men out of 1008 have the true Mongolian eyefold and these are all in the Republic series.


That's like 0.5%. Estonian physical anthropologist Karin Mark gave the data that 1.8% of Finns had epicanthic eyefolds: https://antropologia-fizyczna.pl/statystyki-krajow-regionow-populacji/europa/ludy-ugrofinskie-antropologia-fizyczna#uwagi-do-danych-w-tabeli-2 (Polish)

Makes sense, I've been to Finland several times and if anything they look more like Swedes with a somewhat distinct component.

07-24-2021, 02:13 PM
I saw a guy with the same phenotype in Siberia.Nordid+uralid

07-24-2021, 02:21 PM
The average Finn hardly has Mongoliform eyes (but because they are more occurring, they catch attention from people who do not have or lower levels of Siberian etc).

The observations tabulated by Zolotarev confirm this general impression. The facial outline is called rectangular in 55 per cent of the series, and ovoid in 33 per cent; the nasal profile is straight in half the sample, concave in 40 per cent, and convex in the remaining tenth. The tip of the nose points upward twice as frequently as downward; the lateral profile of the forehead is as a rule steep; in only one out of ten instances are the two profile lines parallel, as in the characteristic Nordic form. Mongoloid features, including an internal eyefold and extreme malar projection, are not typical, but are more frequent in the series from the carelian Republic than in that from the Volga country. Only six men out of 1008 have the true Mongolian eyefold and these are all in the Republic series.


That's like 0.5%. Estonian physical anthropologist Karin Mark gave the data that 1.8% of Finns had epicanthic eyefolds: https://antropologia-fizyczna.pl/statystyki-krajow-regionow-populacji/europa/ludy-ugrofinskie-antropologia-fizyczna#uwagi-do-danych-w-tabeli-2 (Polish)

Makes sense, I've been to Finland several times and if anything they look more like Swedes with a somewhat distinct component.

Yeah but even Swedes look semi-Mongoloid from the point of view of Chad Spaniards like Viejo.

On a scale of how Mongoloid the eyes of a population looks, where 0% is the Spanish average 100% is the Han average, and where it's possible to go below zero percent or above hundred percent, I would guess that the Finnish average is at least 20%.

You can't measure the Mongoloidness of eye shape based on the prevalence of a complete epicanthic fold alone. You also have to account for palpebral fissure inclination, palpebral fissure height, pretarsal show, etc.

I collected measurements published in Karin Mark's book "Soome-ugri rahvaste füüsiline antropoloogia" from Lucas's website linked by Östsvensk. I then converted the measurements into z-scores by calculating the average value and standard deviation among the population averages included in Mark's book. For 7 measurements relating to having Mongoloid-like eyes, the average z-score of Finns (not including Northeastern Finns or Ingrians) was -0.4, which was far above the two Indo-European populations included in the book: Finland-Swedes (-0.8) and Russians from the Middle Volga region (-1.0). But Finland-Swedes and Russians from the Middle Volga are some of the least woggy Indo-European populations, and both are mixed with the local semi-Mongoloid populations, so the gap between Finns and Southwestern Europeans would probably be much higher.


07-24-2021, 04:25 PM

07-24-2021, 04:31 PM
He looks like that one nationalist guy from Komi Republic

07-24-2021, 05:38 PM
Yeah but even Swedes look semi-Mongoloid from the point of view of Chad Spaniards like Viejo.

On a scale of how Mongoloid the eyes of a population looks, where 0% is the Spanish average 100% is the Han average, and where it's possible to go below zero percent or above hundred percent, I would guess that the Finnish average is at least 20%.

You can't measure the Mongoloidness of eye shape based on the prevalence of a complete epicanthic fold alone. You also have to account for palpebral fissure inclination, palpebral fissure height, pretarsal show, etc.

I collected measurements published in Karin Mark's book "Soome-ugri rahvaste füüsiline antropoloogia" from Lucas's website linked by Östsvensk. I then converted the measurements into z-scores by calculating the average value and standard deviation among the population averages included in Mark's book. For 7 measurements relating to having Mongoloid-like eyes, the average z-score of Finns (not including Northeastern Finns or Ingrians) was -0.4, which was far above the two Indo-European populations included in the book: Finland-Swedes (-0.8) and Russians from the Middle Volga region (-1.0). But Finland-Swedes and Russians from the Middle Volga are some of the least woggy Indo-European populations, and both are mixed with the local semi-Mongoloid populations, so the gap between Finns and Southwestern Europeans would probably be much higher.


I don't know. Most Finns I saw appeared to have Mongoloid eyes more like Polynesians rather than Chinese. :)

07-24-2021, 06:06 PM
These kind of eyes are quite extreme. They exist but they are rare. Overall, these more exotic Finnish types tend to be very overrepresented on these sites, as most intelligent users should realize.

I'm asking cause i have never meet a finnish in real life, it looks like i touched a sensible spot, sorry to ask question about your people.

07-24-2021, 10:46 PM
Nordid- Mongoloid mix.

07-25-2021, 08:26 AM
I'm asking cause i have never meet a finnish in real life, it looks like i touched a sensible spot, sorry to ask question about your people.

It is not a sensitive question in the real life, only on anthro forums. I heard about this kind of things first time I was 50 yo when I read about an archaeological meeting in USA. Finnish and Estonian researchers told that no one was interesting in their messages, only came closer to see their Mongolian folds. Another document stated that Estonian researchers had to add bone to cheeks to a reconstruction of an old Estonian skull to make a credible scientific article. I never realized this kind of agenda before.

07-25-2021, 04:38 PM
It is not a sensitive question in the real life, only on anthro forums. I heard about this kind of things first time I was 50 yo when I read about an archaeological meeting in USA. Finnish and Estonian researchers told that no one was interesting in their messages, only came closer to see their Mongolian folds. Another document stated that Estonian researchers had to add bone to cheeks to a reconstruction of an old Estonian skull to make a credible scientific article. I never realized this kind of agenda before.

Amazing. But what is your take on this, is it a kind of western prejudice towards Finn-Ugric typology or are there really two types of peoples living in Finland and Estonia, namely one has more siberian influence like the Saami and other looks like Swedes? I have some idea about Finns but not very extensive ofc also I am told that Finns are kins of the Saami, speaking somewhat different dialects (Saami-Sami-Sapmi-Suomi, sounds similar already)

07-25-2021, 05:07 PM
Amazing. But what is your take on this, is it a kind of western prejudice towards Finn-Ugric typology or are there really two types of peoples living in Finland and Estonia, namely one has more siberian influence like the Saami and other looks like Swedes? I have some idea about Finns but not very extensive ofc also I am told that Finns are kins of the Saami, speaking somewhat different dialects (Saami-Sami-Sapmi-Suomi, sounds similar already)

On the other hand it is irony, which still common 50 years ago in Finland and Estonia in these matters, but also experienced prejudices. Today Finnish and Estonian researchers are beaten, no ironic comments, only intense adulation.