View Full Version : SE Aeronautics designs six-wing low-carbon plane of the future

08-13-2021, 05:41 PM
SE Aeronautics designs six-wing low-carbon plane of the future


Aug 12, 2021

US-based start-up SE Aeronautics has unveiled the design for its futuristic six-wing SE200 aircraft, which it claims could revolutionise commerical aviation with its low-carbon footprint technology. Jenny Southan reports

SE Aeronautics says that the “super-efficient” subsonic SE200 jet would be able to transport 264 passengers at a speed of Mach 0.9 (just under the speed of sound at Mach 1) with a range of 10,560 miles (the approximate distance of London to Sydney).

The wide-body SE200 would be a 100 per cent molded all-composite plane, with its most standout feature being six wings, three on each side of its fuselage in a “tri-wing” configuration. But what is most significant is its claim that it could fly with a far lower carbon footprint than similar traditional planes.


08-13-2021, 06:32 PM
Very nice but I am afraid that because of the number of wings the maintenance may take longer
Also there is just one engine, even if the chances for failure of engine, then in case of failure the machine stays without power and it needs to glide but I don't know if the plane is able to glide. I was also afraid if because of moving the engine back there could be issues with balancing such machine but designers probably already solved that
Except for that it sounds great and I hope it could start being used in next several years(I know it's not easy to manufacture them, all maintenance procedures need to be made, I guess pilots need to be learnt to control that etc)