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10-30-2011, 06:59 AM
I am quite surprised about the tolerance anti-Hungarian messages get on this forum. This seems a general trend on all self-declared European and White preservationists forums.

Unfortunately, everywere I go on the internet, I found only hungarians insulting romanians,slovaks and serbians :rolleyes2:, but mostly romanians are the target. I don't care who was first or who was third in that area, nobody does, but I see only complaines and the most horrible insults comes from hungarians against romanians and as 1/4 hungarian and 1/4 romanian, I feel more than pain in my chest! Too bad internet people can't live like the ones who, in reality, live there, my grandfather and my grandmother,46 ages of marriage between a romanian man and a hungarian woman.

10-30-2011, 07:57 AM
I am quite surprised about the tolerance anti-Hungarian messages get on this forum. This seems a general trend on all self-declared European and White preservationists forums.
Nigga please...

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 09:11 AM
Unfortunately, everywere I go on the internet, I found only hungarians insulting romanians,slovaks and serbians :rolleyes2:, but mostly romanians are the target. I don't care who was first or who was third in that area, nobody does, but I see only complaines and the most horrible insults comes from hungarians against romanians and as 1/4 hungarian and 1/4 romanian, I feel more than pain in my chest! Too bad internet people can't live like the ones who, in reality, live there, my grandfather and my grandmother,46 ages of marriage between a romanian man and a hungarian woman.

You are a bit naive. Most Hungarians bring logical argumentation about certain historical happenings concerning these nations you mentioned. What, we cannot have debates anymore? This is the point of such forums. There might be some Hungarians that level down the language, but most do that in response to the low-brow provocations against us.

10-30-2011, 09:45 AM
I may be naive, but I lived beside them and I didn't see any kind of hate there! Maybe the naive ones are those who talk only for being in business, those who know nothing about the peoples who live there, those who call their kin 'olah cygan' even if they're pure hungarians, those who talk from biased history books not from real life! Yes, I think I'm naive cos I want peace in that little corner of Europe.

10-30-2011, 09:48 AM
I am quite surprised about the tolerance anti-Hungarian messages get on this forum. This seems a general trend on all self-declared European and White preservationists forums.

Tipical hungarian user :


10-30-2011, 09:49 AM
@ turbogirl : ignore the trolls and everything shall be fine, the best way to fight these mogyors (just these 2, I'm not generalising ) is to ignore them, once you will stop talking to them they'll go away.

10-30-2011, 10:18 AM
@Caeruleus I don't want them to go away, I'm a little hungarian too, I just love both those nations and when I see such hate and biased point of views from both parts, I feel something like a pain in my soul! Maybe cos I'm born in another place and I don't live there, plus cos I'm young and a girl, my opinion don't matter for all of you, but in my naivity I still hope you'll be friends one day, cos both of your countries and people are nothing in Europe alone, but they could be Something together!

10-30-2011, 10:23 AM
@Caeruleus I don't want them to go away, I'm a little hungarian too, I just love both those nations and when I see such hate and biased point of views from both parts, I feel something like a pain in my soul! Maybe cos I'm born in another place and I don't live there, plus cos I'm young and a girl, my opinion don't matter for all of you, but in my naivity I still hope you'll be friends one day, cos both of your countries and people are nothing in Europe alone, but they could be Something together!

On a personal level it's possible but on a national level things don't look pink nowadays,especially when it comes to Hungarian politicians,both here and in Hungary. The far-right gets more and more support these days in Hungary and they are bullying Romanians on an 'official' level.

10-30-2011, 10:24 AM
nough said bout romania, this is a EUROPEAN forum http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQXM-Z6F7iNIGO_lm55jGNFx-KuCS9Uz0GS0_sEV9MPhJYj_KOxD-liCQ

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 10:43 AM
@ turbogirl : ignore the trolls and everything shall be fine, the best way to fight these mogyors (just these 2, I'm not generalising ) is to ignore them, once you will stop talking to them they'll go away.

All I see here is Romanians calling Hungarians in diverse ridiculing manner. I hope the fairness in you turbogirl will feel revolted that this user in several messages keeps on referring to Magyars in denigrate way as mogyors :rolleyes2:

10-30-2011, 10:46 AM
mogyors :rolleyes2:

Isn't mogyor how you pronounce it? We're sorry(I apologize for everyone) we hurt your feelings anyway. ;_;

10-30-2011, 11:11 AM
Isn't mogyor how you pronounce it?

We pronounce it as Magyar.
IPA: /ˈmɒɟɒr/
Audio (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/File:Hu-magyar.ogg)

There you go.

10-30-2011, 11:13 AM
@Caeruleus I don't want them to go away, I'm a little hungarian too, I just love both those nations and when I see such hate and biased point of views from both parts, I feel something like a pain in my soul! Maybe cos I'm born in another place and I don't live there, plus cos I'm young and a girl, my opinion don't matter for all of you, but in my naivity I still hope you'll be friends one day, cos both of your countries and people are nothing in Europe alone, but they could be Something together!

You're not naive, its only natural to want peace and harmony, only a psycopath would enjoy constant figthing and tension, so your stance on this particular topic has nothing to do with your age :) You have to understand though that boyzos have a lot of testosterone and they like to fight a lot (I know its stupid but what can you do about it ?) especially on the internet :D they may be the yellowist guys ever but on the internet they get tough an mighty :D ... so dont pay attention to the net Arpads, Vlads and other insecure teenagers ;)

10-30-2011, 11:17 AM
You have to understand though that boyzos have a lot of testosterone and they like to fight a lot

Boyzo = Bozgor?
There you go again... :mad:


bozgor m (plural bozgori; feminine equivalent bozgoroaică)
(slang, vulgar, pejorative) a Hungarian, Magyar

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 11:20 AM
You're not naive, its only natural to want peace and harmony, only a psycopath would enjoy constant figthing and tension, so your stance on this particular topic has nothing to do with your age :) You have to understand though that boyzos have a lot of testosterone and they like to fight a lot (I know its stupid but what can you do about it ?) especially on the internet :D they may be the yellowist guys ever but on the internet they get tough an mighty :D ... so dont pay attention to the net Arpads, Vlads and other insecure teenagers ;)

Who is fighting? I am only debating. Speak for yourself. But from experience usually Romanians tend to go from debates into fights, since they run out of logical arguments quite fast. The hot-tempered Balkan blood probably :D

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 11:22 AM
Boyzo = Bozgor?
There you go again... :mad:


Yes, Romanians were always sneaky, only naive people, as turbogirl see them as innocent newborns.

10-30-2011, 11:23 AM
Boyzo = Bozgor?
There you go again... :mad:


Lol-ed at that definition(I know it differently),it means I can call Daos a bozgor too(opincar). :)

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 11:29 AM
Lol-ed at that definition(I know it differently),it means I can call Daos a bozgor too(opincar). :)

But your ancestors wore too the bocskor-opinca, it was extended among all Romanians and Moldovans, so you are an opincar too.


10-30-2011, 11:34 AM
Boyzo = Bozgor?
There you go again... :mad:


boyzos = boys, guys ... its slang you hungarian son of a gun :) I'm well aware of what "bozgor" means. I'm quite good at hungarian curse words ;) Boy, you hungarians are jumpy aren't you !? ;) take it easy

10-30-2011, 11:49 AM
boyzos = boys, guys ... its slang you hungarian son of a gun :) I'm well aware of what "bozgor" means. I'm quite good at hungarian curse words ;) Boy, you hungarians are jumpy aren't you !? ;) take it easy

Hungarians are humans, just like you are.
Humans can be paranoid.
In my case, yes, I am paranoid. But not all Hungarians are. Most of them aren't.

10-30-2011, 11:50 AM
But your ancestors wore too the bocskor-opinca, it was extended among all Romanians and Moldovans, so you are an opincar too.


I was just joking man. I know about it, it's an ancient footwear used for maybe thousands of years,but when new type of footwear became available in Transylvania the Hungarians banned the Romanians there from wearing anything else than opinci. Calling someone opincar is an insult there apparently. :P

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 12:08 PM
I was just joking man. I know about it, it's an ancient footwear used for maybe thousands of years,but when new type of footwear became available in Transylvania the Hungarians banned the Romanians there from wearing anything else than opinci. Calling someone opincar is an insult there apparently. :P


10-30-2011, 12:12 PM

A source? From the same link you gave me earlier(the image).

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 12:14 PM
A source? From the same link you gave me earlier(the image).

So you cannot back your false claims. Once again... (I am sure to be continued)

10-30-2011, 12:16 PM
So you cannot back your false claims. Once again... (I am sure to be continued)

Same site you gave:


http://www.eliznik.org.uk/RomaniaPortul/bibliography.htm the bibliography.

Boots - Cizme, bocanci, gheată (pl. ghete) and shoes

Boots were introduced during Ottoman times, and were worn first by the upper classes, only becoming available to the richer peasants in the 19th century. Initially the Hungarians in Transylvania banned the Romanians from wearing boots, but boots are now widely worn by men especially in west and north Transylvania and also by women in some regions of Transylvania such as Ţara Oaşului, Sibiu, Făgăraş and Hungarian Kalotaszeg.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 12:22 PM
Same site you gave:


http://www.eliznik.org.uk/RomaniaPortul/bibliography.htm the bibliography.

Where have you seen sheep herders with boots? :D (Just joking)

10-30-2011, 12:32 PM
Where have you seen sheep herders with boots? :D (Just joking)

You're being a racy a-hole but I agree,functionality prevails,while going with sheep across difficult terrain "boots" aren't good enough,same case with the peasants that whore opinci or similar stuff instead of fancy shoes when doing heavy field word. However when going to the church at Sunday,something fundamental in traditional Romanian life, the peasants wear "haine de sărbătoare"(or the best clothes they have around).

Depiction of a Romanian shepherd with opinci at the mountain:

Hungarian shepherd with boots in the valley(shepard in hungarian Pusta):


10-30-2011, 01:56 PM
I know about it, it's an ancient footwear used for maybe thousands of years,but when new type of footwear became available in Transylvania the Hungarians banned the Romanians there from wearing anything else than opinci.

They're very comfortable, unless you walk on concrete for too long, but during prolonged rainfall things can get pretty messy. Beats walking bare-footed though. I would be amazed if a moldovean sărăntoc like you could afford a pair...:laugh:

Calling someone opincar is an insult there apparently. :P

I never even heard the word until I read it here. I still don't find it offensive.:shrug:

10-30-2011, 03:34 PM
Mongolia is that way ----->
Go there. West of the Baikal awaits the gloriuos Magyar Oblast, wide open space where you can ride all day and arrow bunnys and small birds, at night you will come home to your yurt and drink nutritious horse milk.

10-30-2011, 03:46 PM
Mongolia is that way ----->
Go there. West of the Baikal awaits the gloriuos Magyar Oblast, wide open space where you can ride all day and arrow bunnys and small birds, at night you will come home to your yurt and drink nutritious horse milk.

Magyars are whiter than Romanians.
Wallachia and Moldova were under Pecheng and Cuman/Kipchak (all turkic peoples) rule for over 500 years.
Who is the mongol now?


Also, I almost forgot to mention...


10-30-2011, 03:54 PM
@Homo Transilvanus Superior aka Daos aka opincar from an armpit village who everybody will avoid/ignore in real life:


Cât despre grofi, acestia au fost cei mai sadici, edificator fiind îndemnul lansat de baronul Aczel Ede, seful circumscriptiei regionale X Cluj a organizatiei a tiraliorilor într-o cuvântare rostită la Şimleul Silvaniei si păstrată în arhiva MAE, fond Transilvania, 1940-1944, volumul 362, filele 39-44, din care spicuim: "Pe acesti valahi opincari trebuie să-i extirpăm, să-i ucidem ca pe dusmanii nostri[...]
Pity it wasn't you.

@IVDEVS_AVGVSTVS I reported you for hate speech against Romanians,and for depicting gypsies as being Romanians. I hope the moderators will do their job as I see they have too much patience with the likes of you.

10-30-2011, 03:58 PM
@IVDEVS_AVGVSTVS I reported you for hate speech against Romanians,and for depicting gypsies as being Romanians. I hope the moderators will do their job as I see they have too much patience with the likes of you.

What about Volkodav's hate speech against the Hungarians? :rolleyes:
Double Standards... :mad:

10-30-2011, 04:03 PM
What about Volkodav's hate speech against the Hungarians? :rolleyes:
Double Standards... :mad:

What about it? he only said magyars came from the East(under Arpad). Nothing untrue about that,if it pisses you off it's your problem.

10-30-2011, 04:05 PM
What about it? he only said magyars came from the East(under Arpad). Nothing untrue about that,if it pisses you off it's your problem.

Magyars might have came from the East, but not from Mongolia.
They came from the South-West of the Ural mountains.

10-30-2011, 04:13 PM
Magyars might have came from the East, but not from Mongolia.
They came from the South-West of the Ural mountains.

Some people connect the uralics and turanics with the mongoloids. Turks have no issues connecting themselves with Mongols(AND I saw Hungarians officially having "brothership" occasions with Turks,I even posted links about it in a former thread here when talking with you).

Are you gonna send these people hate mail calling them gypsies too? https://www.indiana.edu/~iaunrc/index.shtml

The issue still remains that you began your gypsy calling like a raging madman. Seek some help.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 04:13 PM
Mongolia is that way ----->
Go there. West of the Baikal awaits the gloriuos Magyar Oblast, wide open space where you can ride all day and arrow bunnys and small birds, at night you will come home to your yurt and drink nutritious horse milk.

I hope your frustrated, chauvinistic butt gets banned!

10-30-2011, 04:20 PM
Isn't mogyor how you pronounce it? We're sorry(I apologize for everyone) we hurt your feelings anyway. ;_;

We pronounce it in practise as [ˈmɑɟɑɾ].



The [ˈmɒɟɒr] is literally/archaic/rural pronounce, however it is close to mogyor, but nowadays it is not common.

10-30-2011, 04:23 PM
We pronounce it in practise as [ˈmɑɟɑɾ].



The [ˈmɒɟɒr] is literally/archaic/rural pronounce, however it is close to mogyor, but nowadays it is not common.

Thanks,I had a feeling it's something like that because I heard on national TV something similar in a Transylvanian-Hungarian show .

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 04:30 PM
We pronounce it in practise as [ˈmɑɟɑɾ].



The [ˈmɒɟɒr] is literally/archaic/rural pronounce, however it is close to mogyor, but nowadays it is not common.

Stop kissing Romanian butt Zsidánus. No Hungarian declares himself mogyor. Are you retarded or you follow a very well planned anti-Hungarian agenda? This term was popularized in this clearly anti-Hungarian book, written by Romanians, without daring to give their names. They even write in the under titles, as a peak in ridiculing our people "The history of mogyors".


10-30-2011, 04:34 PM
You can find all you want here (www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15495). :)

Thank I am on it. :) By the way one of my teacher said long years ago that the mountain pastoral peoples culture closer each other than to lowlanders. This loops similar to the csango's music but the csango's music, speech and cultur very far to the original hungarian culture. When first I saw csango's music live I laughed with my friends that they are greeks, coz they clothes, music and dances was very similar to balkanic traditions.

10-30-2011, 04:37 PM
Stop kissing Romanian butt Zsidánus. No Hungarian declares himself mogyor. Are you retarded or you follow a very well planned anti-Hungarian agenda? This term was popularized in this clearly anti-Hungarian book, written by Romanians, without daring to give their names. They even write in the under titles, as a peak in ridiculing our people "The history of mogyors".



Why are the links here Hungarian then? -_- This,and the image you posted, just proves Caeruleus didn't say anything mockingly,it's just you and the Budapest kid butthurting like a bunch of winy women,again.

10-30-2011, 04:42 PM
Stop kissing Romanian butt Zsidánus. No Hungarian declares himself mogyor. Are you retarded or you follow a very well planned anti-Hungarian agenda? This term was popularized in this clearly anti-Hungarian book, written by Romanians, without daring to give their names. They even write in the under titles, as a peak in ridiculing our people "The history of mogyors".


My uneducated little friend! I see you no more an high school boy and you have not got information about hungarian dialects and pronouncication. The common hungarian pronounce is very far to the literally pronounce. Just you repeat and repeat same error idead and you cannot understand my sentences. The archaic pronounce of magyar was closer to the romanian mogyor form, that is the reason. I am very cherrles that some uneducated idiot as you spread cancer in this great forum. Please peruse you my posts before you write craps.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 04:58 PM
My uneducated little friend! I see you no more an high school boy and you have not got information about hungarian dialects and pronouncication. The common hungarian pronounce is very far to the literally pronounce. Just you repeat and repeat same error idead and you cannot understand my sentences. The archaic pronounce of magyar was closer to the romanian mogyor form, that is the reason. I am very cherrles that some uneducated idiot as you spread cancer in this great forum. Please peruse you my posts before you write craps.

You know nothing about how Romanians call Hungarians. They use two terms: ungur or maghiar. Nobody uses mogyor, only chauvinistic provocateurs. Unless you bring clear sources in which Hungarians call themselves mogyor your claims are science-fiction. I had the chance to encounter magyars from Csángóföld to Szabadka, from Nagybánya to Resicabánya. Absolutely everyone calls him or herself as magyar. What you are doing here is pure shameful lying. Otherwise not surprising for a hook-nosed.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 05:05 PM

Why are the links here Hungarian then? -_- This,and the image you posted, just proves Caeruleus didn't say anything mockingly,it's just you and the Budapest kid butthurting like a bunch of winy women,again.

Are you serious? How can a normal person come with such a delusional example, that makes absolutely no sense regarding the word "mogyor". Mogyoró means peanut, it is a totally different word! As I said earlier, some Romanians tend to run out of arguments very fast, and enter in the state of delirium.

10-30-2011, 05:20 PM
I know that a bit off-topic, but please, post you some other samples to romanian folk.

Here is a very good site with Romanian traditions(it's only in Romanian so I don't know if you're gonna have problems with it but I can translate some of it during the next week if something): http://www.traditii.ro/

About folk,I assume you are talking about traditional dances and music? I'll only post a small part of what I consider representative and what I saw(and also did myself as a kid) with my own eyes(some people from other regions,I'm from the Moldova region, might have other folk,even more specific):

During Christmas and New Year we have several dances/acts that we perform:

Ursul(the bear):

This custom is known only in Moldavia, a part of Romania, on the Christmas Eve. In this case a young person dresses up in a bear costume adorned with red tassels on its ears, on his head and shoulders. The person wearing the bear costume is accompanied by fiddlers and followed by a whole procession of characters, among them a child dressed-up as the bear's cub. Inspired by the crowd's singing:

"Dance well, you old bear,
And I'll give you bread and olives",

the bear grumbles and imitates the steps of the bear, striking strongly against the earth with the soles of its feet to the sound of drums and pipes.
Filmed and produced by Rofilco Film Studio, Iasi, Romania


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_yBJsalRAk&feature=related Ursul in a town in my county(not my town but close).

Capra(the goat):

Throughout the season, teenagers and young adults especially enjoy caroling with the "Goat". The "Goat" is actually a usually boisterous young person dressed up in a goat costume. The whole group dances through the streets and from door to door, often with flute music. This tradition comes from the ancient Roman people and it reminds us of the celebration of the ancient Greek gods. Filmed and produced by Rofilco Film Studio, Iasi, Romania


Pluguşorul(The Little Plough):

Plugusorul is a small plough. In Romanian folklore is a traditional procession with a decorated plough, on New Years' Eve. This is a well wishing custom for the field fruitfulness into the new year. This custom arises from "Carmen arvale", a Roman wish for bountiful crops.
The ploughmen are teenagers and children carrying whips, bells and pipes in their hands.

Filmed and produced by Rofilco Film Studio, Iasi, Romania



"Sorcova" is a special bouquet used for New Year's wishes early New Year’s morning. Children wish people a “Happy New Year!” while touching them lightly with this bouquet. After they have wished a Happy New Year to the members of their family, the children go to the neighbors and relatives. Traditionally, the "Sorcova" bouquet was made up of one or several fruit - tree twigs (apple-tree, pear-tree, cherry-tree, plum-tree); all of them are put into water, in warm place, on November 30th (St. Andrew’s Day), in order to bud and to blossom on New Year's Eve.


Colinde de Crăciun(Christmas carols - all sorts):

Traditionally, during the first hours after dark on Christmas' Eve is the time for children to go caroling and the adults stay home to greet them. As they go caroling from house to house, the children receive treats like candy, fruit, baked treats and sometimes even money in appreciation of their performance and as a sign of holiday good will.

Filmed and produced by Rofilco Film Studio, Iasi, Romania


EDIT. I forgot to add "Steaua"(the star), very important:

The Star boys' singing procession is a very important part of Romanian Christmas festivity.


Leaving those aside here is a song that I like from Liviu Vasilică(he is a singer from South Romania and the videos itself is a "folk" song,so I don't really know how original it is):


Here is a specific song from Maramureş:

10-30-2011, 05:28 PM
Sylvanus is a neo-pagan scum who is anti-christian.
I do NOT consider him a true Hungarian, nor a true European.

10-30-2011, 05:54 PM
Sylvanus is a neo-pagan scum who is anti-christian.
I do NOT consider him a true Hungarian, nor a true European.

You thought are offtopic, no doubt. You spread cancer in this great forum. I expect when hit you the banhammer. Secondly. Lol.

By the way your god, יהוה is an ancient semitic diety and you whorship the jewish carpenter Yehoshua (Jesus Christ) you anti-semitic national socialist. Lol.

10-30-2011, 06:48 PM
I hope your frustrated, chauvinistic butt gets banned!:lol00002:

Transylvia is Hungary - if you disagree, you are anti-Hungary
Vojvodina is Hungary - if you disagree, you are anti-Hungary
Northern Hungary ("Slovakia") is Hungary - if you disagree, you are anti-Hungary
Transcarpathia is Hungary - if you disagree, you are anti-Hungary

10-30-2011, 06:57 PM
Here is a very good site with Romanian traditions(it's only in Romanian so I don't know if you're gonna have problems with it but I can translate some of it during the next week if something): http://www.traditii.ro/

About folk,I assume you are talking about traditional dances and music? I'll only post a small part of what I consider representative and what I saw(and also did myself as a kid) with my own eyes(some people from other regions,I'm from the Moldova region, might have other folk,even more specific):

During Christmas and New Year we have several dances/acts that we perform:

Ursul(the bear):


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_yBJsalRAk&feature=related Ursul in a town in my county(not my town but close).

Capra(the goat):


Pluguşorul(The Little Plough):




Colinde de Crăciun(Christmas carols - all sorts):


EDIT. I forgot to add "Steaua"(the star), very important:


Leaving those aside here is a song that I like from Liviu Vasilică(he is a singer from South Romania and the videos itself is a "folk" song,so I don't really know how original it is):


Here is a specific song from Maramureş:

Thank you this fully guide! I save it. And all folk stuff including music, dances and folk traditions are interest for me. Ethnography is cool thing, I love it.

The tradition of Ursul is especially awesome! :)

Sagitta Hungarica
10-30-2011, 07:41 PM

You can't even quote right. Those words belong to IVDEVS AVGVSTVS. Some of you people must be one of the most amateurish bunch I meat on internet forums. Go figure.

10-30-2011, 07:44 PM
You can't even quote right. Those words belong to IVDEVS AVGVSTVS. Some of you people must be one of the most amateurish bunch I meat on internet forums. Go figure.

Hungarian you mad?...no need to answer that ofc. :coffee:

EDIT: Maybe a multiaccount? A moderator should investigate.
EDIT2: Maybe the 2(?) Hungarians can stop with the constant off-topics,insults and provocations and/or get banned?

10-31-2011, 12:26 AM
Looks Balkan to me.


Notice on the profile view, most of them have a bump on their nose. A Balkan Dinarid trait.

10-31-2011, 12:50 AM
Notice on the profile view, most of them have a bump on their nose. A Balkan Dinarid trait.

Thank you I feel more Italic than ever now(although I have a "Greek nose" with no bumps,and my father has a roman nose). :*

Joseph Deniker's map of European races (1899) identified "Dinarics" as the dominant group in parts of central Europe, Northern Italy and the North West Balkans.


10-31-2011, 01:13 AM
I have a "Greek nose" with no bumps

I have a bump:


compare with this Romanian man:


10-31-2011, 01:20 AM
I have a bump:


compare with this Romanian man:


Compare yourself to me,ich bin ein ethnic român :coffee::



The pictures are from when I was a teenager(aprox. 18 years old).

10-31-2011, 01:28 AM
Compare yourself to me,ich bin ein ethnic român :coffee::



The pictures are from when I was a teenager.

Looks Slavic. :coffee:

10-31-2011, 01:31 AM
Looks Slavic. :coffee:

Didn't know slavs have latin features,including greek noses...then all of Italy(and Greece) is slavic. :coffee:


PS I never saw any slavs with my features.

10-31-2011, 01:34 AM
Didn't know slavs have latin features,including greek noses...then all of Italy(and Greece) is slavic. :coffee:


The way your brow ridge connects to your nasal bone - I seen this in many Slavs.

Italian? You seriously believe Romanians descend from Romans enough to alter their phenotype?

10-31-2011, 01:37 AM
Anyway, I think it's time we bring out the Roman statues of Dacians:



10-31-2011, 01:43 AM
Looks Balkan to me.


Notice on the profile view, most of them have a bump on their nose. A Balkan Dinarid trait.

3rd guy looks like typical Romanian lmao, all seem to look Balkan Slav and Ukrainian.

10-31-2011, 01:45 AM
The way your brow ridge connects to your nasal bone - I seen this in many Slavs.

Italian? You seriously believe Romanians descend from Romans enough to alter their phenotype?

I saw lots of Italians with exactly the same nose as mine,I don't really care what you think(maybe that I'm light pigmented means I'm a "slav" in your mind),it's a fact. That and I was classified by knowledgeable people(who guessed right the other pictures I put).

Here are some Russians,notice that although my pale skin is comparable( :rolleyes: ) their noses are very different(generally more longer and narrower at the tip):




10-31-2011, 01:48 AM
I saw lots of Italians with exactly the same nose as mine,

You really want to be Italian?

I don't really care what you think(maybe that I'm light pigmented means I'm a "slav" in your mind),it's a fact.

I never said you were a Slav, but Romania was right next to the Slavic homeland(s). So some of your ancestors were definitely named Vladimir and Yulia.

Here are some Russians,notice that although my pale skin is comparable( :rolleyes: ) their noses are very different(generally more longer and narrower at the tip):

Meh, post some Poles instead, I'm sure you wouldn't be that different looking from them.

10-31-2011, 02:06 AM
You really want to be Italian?

You really wanna be white Mr.Caucasus or you dropped that idea and decided you want everybody else has to have some off-white stuff related to them? :coffee:

I never said you were a Slav, but Romania was right next to the Slavic homeland(s). So some of your ancestors were definitely named Vladimir and Yulia.

Yes you did and fact that we have slavic(since that isn't a race I'll let you tell me what it is) doesn't mean anything in particular to me. Romania has possibly all or most phenotypes in Europe but most people here are ethnic Romanian types.

Meh, post some Poles instead, I'm sure you wouldn't be that different looking from them.

I can post some Italians instead,cuz I wanna be italian. :coffee:



Here is part of a picture of a Spanish poster from theapricity(a celto-iberian):


10-31-2011, 02:11 AM
You really wanna be white Mr.Caucasus or you dropped that idea and decided you want everybody else has to have some off-white stuff related to them? :coffee:

WTF are you talking about? I am white, how many times I have to post my DNA results? I didn't come here for your acceptance anyway.

10-31-2011, 02:13 AM
WTF are you talking about? I am white, how many times I have to post my DNA results? I didn't come here for your acceptance anyway.

I don't care about your DNA results,I'm talking about your butthurt cuz Russians see you as a "nigger"(I've seen your picture too).

10-31-2011, 02:15 AM
I don't care about your DNA results,I'm talking about your butthurt cuz Russians see you as a "nigger"(I've seen your picture too).

So what I'm a nigger? You have a problem with Meds or something? Go join the line with all the others.

I've seen your picture too).

Good for you, I have nothing to hide. I'm 100% content with looking the way I do, wouldn't ever want to trade places with you.

10-31-2011, 02:21 AM
So what I'm a nigger? You have a problem with Meds or something?

Good for you, I got nothing to hide. I'm 100% content with looking the way I do, wouldn't ever want to trade places with you.

To me there is no problem but to you it is. Your problem is evident - you are butthurting because of it.

This is exactly what I'm talking about: "wouldn't ever want to trade places with you". Take a chill pill.

10-31-2011, 02:24 AM
After reading 32 pages of this shite, I can only reach the conclusion that you're all a bunch of crazy Slavic hotheads!

10-31-2011, 02:24 AM
To me there is no problem but to you it is. Your problem is evident - you are butthurting because of it.

This is exactly what I'm talking about: "wouldn't ever want to trade places with you". Take a chill pill.

:lol: So you think every dark Caucasoid has a inferiority complex and desperatley wants to be Nordic? Keep dreaming. :cool: I'm not butt hurt at all, just a bit annoyed of always having to defend my tall, dark & handsome looks. What's the problem unurautarescu, bad day at work or something?

10-31-2011, 02:29 AM
:lol: So you think every dark Caucasoid has a inferiority complex and desperatley wants to be Nordic? Keep dreaming. :cool: I'm not butt hurt at all, just a bit annoyed of always having to defend my tall, dark & handsome looks. What's the problem unurautarescu, bad day at work or something?

I haven't said a thing,you said it all yourself,and again with the butthurt and calling me in a certain way. As I said I have no problem with you, but you have a problem with yourself and it's evident.

10-31-2011, 02:31 AM
I haven't said a thing,you said it all yourself,and again with the butthurt and calling me in a certain way. As I said I have no problem with you, but you have a problem with yourself and it's evident.

Ok fine, I hate myself and wish I was born Swedish :lol: Is that what you wanted to hear?

Anyway, I think you are just projecting your own self esteem problems onto me.

As far as I remember, I came here to discuss Romanian genetics & anthropology and you think this is some "who's whiter" constest? Do you want me to cherry pick dark Romanians or something, because there are plenty.

10-31-2011, 02:34 AM
After reading 32 pages of this shite, I can only reach the conclusion that you're all a bunch of crazy Slavic hotheads!

No hot latino blood? (((((((( Joking. :) This thread has been troll over and over again,maybe thank the moderators that have yet to punish certain hungarian members that keep insulting people and being generally off-topic(although to my shame there was a 'tard "fellow" countryman of mine that did the same thing).

10-31-2011, 02:36 AM
Ok fine, I hate myself and wish I was born Swedish :lol: Is that what you wanted to hear?

Anyway, I think you are just projecting your own self esteem problems onto me.

As far as I remember, I came here to discuss Romanian genetics & anthropology and you think this is some "who's whiter" constest? Do you want me to cherry pick dark Romanians or something, because there are plenty.

You seem ticked about something,like when I said about that Greek nose thing and you replied with "What you want to be italian?". I call it as I see it,although I may be wrong,but as I said I have no problems with you.

10-31-2011, 02:40 AM
You seem ticked about something,

Yes, I'm mad that I was born Med looking, that's it Unurautare you discovered my deep emotional scars, now it's time you introduce me to one of you Romanian countrywomen so I can marry her and nordify my offspring.

like when I said about that Greek nose thing and you replied with "What you want to be italian?".

It was just kind of shocking hearing a Romanian who actually wants to be Italian. That's all.

I call it as I see it,although I may be wrong,but as I said I have no problems with you.

I have no problems with you either, except that you are a agressive Slavic east Nordid type. :coffee:

10-31-2011, 02:48 AM
Yes, I'm mad that I was born Med looking, that's it Unurautare you discovered my deep emotional scars, now it's time you introduce me to one of you Romanian countrywomen so I can marry her and nordify my offspring.

Self-hatred is bad,try to solve your issues without projecting hate at others,it's never a good thing.

It was just kind of shocking hearing a Romanian who actually wants to be Italian. That's all.

I have yet to met this sort of individuals,unless they have italian parents or grandparents,I do not,still people that classified me and fellow latin speakers(from the West) said that I could pass as one of their own. If you have another opinion nobody will murder you,lol,just try not to be seem so butthurt all the time.

I have no problems with you either, except that you are a agressive Slavic east Nordid type. :coffee:

You forgot to add "Balkanic". ;)

10-31-2011, 02:54 AM
try to solve your issues without projecting hate at others,it's never a good thing.

Dude, I never touched you. & I was joking about my self hate, I know this is a European forum oriented for N-W Europeans mostly, but doesn't mean I automatically have a inferiority complex and want to be Scottish or whatever the f*ck you think. :coffee:

lol,just try not to be seem so butthurt all the time.
How can I try not to be butthurt, you hurt my feeling Unurautare


Now I'm checking myself out in the mirror and thinking about running down to the pharmacy to buy some eye contacts & peroxide.


Anyway enough of the childs play, lets see what other Romanians have to say about the Slavic impact in Romania:

All Romanians (which means every single Romanian today) are primarily mixes of Dacian and Slavic (plus some other local elements). You will find Slavic looking people in every single Romanian village, that's how important Slavic influence is.

How Romanians managed to keep their language under Slavic rule for almost 1000 years (a dialect of Bulgarian was official language until 17th century) is truly a historical wonder. Judging by our language, they were at no point in danger of losing their identity (Slavic influence in our language is incomparably smaller than that of Chinese over Viet or even that of French over English).

Yes, of course!

About 14% of the modern Romanian lexis and about a quarter of the words used daily are of Slavic origin, as well as the majority of toponyms (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_the_Romanians#Place_names_in_Romania). There are also influences on our language's phonetics, morphology and syntax. And all this after heavily importing neologisms from French and Italian during the 19th century. I think the Wikipedia article on the Slavic superstratum in Romanian (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavic_superstratum_in_Romanian) is fairly revealing. Basically, without the Slavs, Romanian would not be what it is today.

Even our political institutions were influenced by Slavs (the cnezatdom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knyaz), the voievodeship (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voivode)) and most of the boyars (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boyar) were of Slavic origin.

But when it comes to cultural influences, I really don't have any knowledge on the subject.

I think our Latin roots have been exaggerated while our Slavic roots have been largely ignored.

10-31-2011, 02:59 AM
Dude, I never touched you. & I was joking about my self hate, I know this is a European forum oriented for N-W Europeans mostly, but doesn't mean I automatically have a inferiority complex and want to be Scottish or whatever the f*ck you think. :coffee:

How can I try not to be butthurt, you hurt my feeling Unurautare :*(
Now I'm checking myself out in the mirror and thinking about running down to the pharmacy to buy some eye contacts & peroxide.


Anyway enough of the childs play, lets see what other Romanians have to say about the Slavic impact in Romania:

Be a man and stop with the "butthurt",joke or not,enough is enough.
You can quote me too,I said most Romanians are mixed with Slavs(although "Slavic" is not a "race" but a linguistic group). Also you can quote me about Old Church Slavonic(a language developed by Greek monks to christianize the slavs; it was also used in Romanian church and administration until the XVIII-XIXth century).

10-31-2011, 03:04 AM
Be a man and stop with the "butthurt",joke or not,enough is enough.
You can quote me too,I said most Romanians are mixed with Slavs(although "Slavic" is not a "race" but a linguistic group). Also you can quote me about Old Church Slavonic(a language developed by Greek monks to christianize the slavs; it was also used in Romanian church and administration until the XVIII-XIXth century).

OoOo giving me permission on what I can quote and what I can't? Such a real Slav you are.

10-31-2011, 03:09 AM
OoOo giving me permission on what I can quote and what I can't? Such a real Slav you are.

I feel you needed(I suppose that's how Russians treat you),since you didn't quote me in the 1st place. You have it anyway.

Such a real Slav you are

You have to add "Balkan" or else it's a semi-failed troll. :coffee:

10-31-2011, 03:37 AM

10-31-2011, 09:55 AM
Here is part of a picture of a Spanish poster from theapricity(a celto-iberian):


OoO so because he has blue eyes you were able to ID him as a celto-Iberian? Very scientific of you.

I feel you needed(I suppose that's how Russians treat you),since you didn't quote me in the 1st place. You have it anyway.

Russians never treated me badly outside of forums. Of course some of them call me chorni, what else should they call me, purple? Even my cousins and aunts call me chorni, it's not a bad thing. I'm the dark, evil, dracula of the family. I don't know why you would care though, unless you have a crush on me?! I only like females but it's nice of you for coming out of the closet.

10-31-2011, 10:20 AM
OoO so because he has blue eyes you were able to ID him as a celto-Iberian? Very scientific of you.

Use your superior Caucasus intelligence to the breaking point and realize I only put part of his picture because I don't have his permission.

Russians never treated me badly outside of forums. Of course some of them call me chorni, what else should they call me, purple? Even my cousins and aunts call me chorni, it's not a bad thing. I'm the dark, evil, dracula of the family. I don't know why you would care though, unless you have a crush on me?! I only like females but it's nice of you for coming out of the closet.

Russians like to stick to themselves,I don't think they'd want to interact with you in the 1st place. :coffee: On the other hand I can imagine the things you would be saying(for trolling purposes) if you had at least half their military history and accomplishments.
Btw don't push your Caucasus racial and sexual complexes on me. I know your kind too well.
I've proven my point(that you're a butthurt maniac) so I'll stop replying to you from now on,go ahead and say anything you want,ciao.

10-31-2011, 10:29 AM
Russians like to stick to themselves,I don't think they'd want to interact with you in the 1st place.

They would interact with me before you, because I'm closer to them than any Romanian:


so I'll stop replying to you from now on.

Good, that's what I wanted.

10-31-2011, 12:00 PM
What that mogyor thing mean? First I thought it's a typo, but now I see it's some sort of insult:mad:! To be honest, I never heard about that untill now, maybe cos I'm too naive (don't you think so, S.H. :)?), but if it's in the same category with olah cigan and boscor or bojgor, or something like that, I really feel offended! I know the word magyar, for other peoples than hungarians, sound like that word, but when it's writed, now after I read the com's, it's insulting! Respect your enemy and you'll be respected by him, that's for both of you guys!

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 02:52 PM
What that mogyor thing mean? First I thought it's a typo, but now I see it's some sort of insult:mad:! To be honest, I never heard about that untill now, maybe cos I'm too naive (don't you think so, S.H. :)?), but if it's in the same category with olah cigan and boscor or bojgor, or something like that, I really feel offended! I know the word magyar, for other peoples than hungarians, sound like that word, but when it's writed, now after I read the com's, it's insulting! Respect your enemy and you'll be respected by him, that's for both of you guys!

No Hungarian has used the term oláh cigány, at least I haven't seen any of it. While some Romanian users used bozgor, and tendentiously mogyor, after the model of that chauvinistic, anti-Hungarian book I put the picture before. Romanians are way more aggressive here, I try to debate with them based on logic, but all in vain. However I am not at all surprised. Based on their hot-headed, absurd style of conversation some of them are more Balkanic than they like to admit.

10-31-2011, 03:21 PM
First of all, mogyor is wrong, unless you read it mAgyAr. Second, BOZGOR means "a man without a country" it is not a bad word and its only used for minorities in this country (except slavic groups).
Third. if someone would tell me to go at my motherland and attend sheep and sleep in mud houses, i would feel verry nice. But YOU ARE ASHAMED OF YOUR ORIGINS, both of you.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 03:57 PM
First of all, mogyor is wrong, unless you read it mAgyAr. Second, BOZGOR means "a man without a country" it is not a bad word and its only used for minorities in this country (except slavic groups).
Third. if someone would tell me to go at my motherland and attend sheep and sleep in mud houses, i would feel verry nice. But YOU ARE ASHAMED OF YOUR ORIGINS, both of you.

My ancestors had nothing to do with Mongolia. It is a fraudulent anti-Hungarian rant, just as Romanians are Gypsies. Of course I take offense when some people repeat lies purposely, like some national mantra. I just don't like two-faced hypocrites.

Bozgor is as a strong hate-word, much harsher than words like kraut (German), ruski (Russian), frog (French), wog (dark skinned people). It derives from the Hungarian word bocskor, which is a type of peasantry sandal, but Romanians use it as a word exclusively for Hungarians in Transylvania, meaning they are people without a home, thus suggesting they are inferior to Romanians. Only paranoid, and unsecured people find satisfaction in insulting others with such words.

10-31-2011, 05:08 PM
My ancestors had nothing to do with Mongolia. It is a fraudulent anti-Hungarian rant, just as Romanians are Gypsies. Of course I take offense when some people repeat lies purposely, like some national mantra. I just don't like two-faced hypocrites.

well not Mongolia but the same stepe culture and traditions were north of the Caucasus all the way to Mongolia. Only exeption was the Khazar Kingdom (aka JEWS).
Ofcourse things of whitch you know nothing, just like that avatar metal statue of your, shortbow on foot with asian clothing and a medieval grip (horse archers used a thumb ring and an unequal shortbow, only an english man in the XV holded the bow that way) :coffee: seems Im more hunic than most hungarians :D

10-31-2011, 05:54 PM
Volkodav, you really hate hungarians? If so, you hate me too a little! Comme on people, stop that mongolian/gypsy s..t and talk without too much hot blood flooding your brains! That's for you too S.H.

10-31-2011, 05:58 PM
why there were not any romanian ss units? offtopic.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 06:00 PM
well not Mongolia but the same stepe culture and traditions were north of the Caucasus all the way to Mongolia. Only exeption was the Khazar Kingdom (aka JEWS).
Ofcourse things of whitch you know nothing, just like that avatar metal statue of your, shortbow on foot with asian clothing and a medieval grip (horse archers used a thumb ring and an unequal shortbow, only an english man in the XV holded the bow that way) :coffee: seems Im more hunic than most hungarians :D

There existed different populations in steppe Eurasia (going from Eastern Europe towards Central Asia), who spoken different languages, had different religions, different customs, but it is easier to repeat the unscientific dogmas they taught you in your schools. To reduce all this vast region to Mongolia denotes lack of basic historical knowledge from you side. First you should start reading more about Eurasian history to understand the connections, and missing links. Europe and Asia are the same continent, people migrated from Europe to Asia, and the other way round. We are all Eurasians one way or the other ;)

This painting dates back to the Homecoming period of the Magyars. The same technique as the statuette in my avatar. Hungarians were the unparalleled masters of archery. Europe used to pray like this: „A sagittis Hungarorum libera nos, Domine!” (Save us Lord from the Hungarian arrows!). Do I feel envy in your tone? :)


10-31-2011, 06:02 PM
why there were not any romanian ss units? offtopic.
for the same reason there were no italian or japanese SS units,
there were romenians in the SS but they went to Germany

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 06:09 PM
This is the English longbow

This is the Scythian bow (from whom Hungarians inherited)
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4e/Scythians_shooting_with_bows_Kertch_antique_Pantic apeum_Ukrainia_4th_century_BCE.jpg/793px-Scythians_shooting_with_bows_Kertch_antique_Pantic apeum_Ukrainia_4th_century_BCE.jpg

To which is the archer in my avatar closer? :thumb001:

10-31-2011, 06:20 PM
No Hungarian has used the term oláh cigány, at least I haven't seen any of it. While some Romanian users used bozgor, and tendentiously mogyor, after the model of that chauvinistic, anti-Hungarian book I put the picture before. Romanians are way more aggressive here, I try to debate with them based on logic, but all in vain. However I am not at all surprised. Based on their hot-headed, absurd style of conversation some of them are more Balkanic than they like to admit.

Take a look in Romania Forum Topix and read the posts user Szatmari put there. That's only what I see. Now what my mother saw, when she was with my father and my grandmother in Hungary everything went fine and well untill they enter in a shop in Sopront or something, since only my grandmother talk hungarian as her mother tongue she talked with the shop owner, they buy something and when they go out my mother heard him say erdly olah cigani! Only one example.

10-31-2011, 06:26 PM
I have a bow, and i use a thumb ring, its easyer to shot and reload arrows faster than with the finger glowe. I made it myself after mongol designs, and its recorded that this was the tehnique of Ghenghis Khan. So magyars with 500 years earlier did not used the thumb ring ?

Hungarians were the unparalleled masters of archery. Europe used to pray like this: „A sagittis Hungarorum libera nos, Domine!” (Save us Lord from the Hungarian arrows!). Do I feel envy in your tone?

My ancestors used to pray like this: „Gospode Iisusa Hristos, Syne Bozhi, pomiluii ia greshno” . Sounds better than the euro-coward prayer :thumb001:

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 06:45 PM
I have a bow, and i use a thumb ring, its easyer to shot and reload arrows faster than with the finger glowe. I made it myself after mongol designs, and its recorded that this was the tehnique of Ghenghis Khan. So magyars with 500 years earlier did not used the thumb ring ?

My ancestors used to pray like this: „Gospode Iisusa Hristos, Syne Bozhi, pomiluii ia greshno” . Sounds better than the euro-coward prayer :thumb001:

It's polite to translate, as I did ;)

10-31-2011, 06:52 PM
It's polite to translate, as I did ;)
God, Iisus Hristos, Son of God, have merci on me, sinner. it sounds so bad in english :( in general this prayer sounds bad in all languages except russian, all prayers do.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 06:58 PM
Take a look in Romania Forum Topix and read the posts user Szatmari put there. That's only what I see. Now what my mother saw, when she was with my father and my grandmother in Hungary everything went fine and well untill they enter in a shop in Sopront or something, since only my grandmother talk hungarian as her mother tongue she talked with the shop owner, they buy something and when they go out my mother heard him say erdly olah cigani! Only one example.

You seem quite duplicitous here. You keep on pinpointing Hungarians, but totally ignore the insults Romanians bring on us :rolleyes:

10-31-2011, 07:02 PM
Take a look in Romania Forum Topix and read the posts user Szatmari put there. That's only what I see. Now what my mother saw, when she was with my father and my grandmother in Hungary everything went fine and well untill they enter in a shop in Sopront or something, since only my grandmother talk hungarian as her mother tongue she talked with the shop owner, they buy something and when they go out my mother heard him say erdly olah cigani! Only one example.

Typical behind-the-back swearing from those people(just like some call Romanians "opincari" behind their backs in Transylvania) I wonder what our Transylvanian friend,Daos,thinks of that. I'd suppose he'll say it's better to be sh*tted on by Hungarians because their sh*t smells better or something... The only reason I called him "opincar" is to remind him of his "official status" in the eyes of those foreigners,but apparently he's in a sub-region with few non-romanians so he thinks he is seen as German or whatever.

10-31-2011, 07:21 PM
@Homo Transilvanus Superior aka Daos

See? Admitting that wasn't so hard. :)

aka opincar from an armpit village

Actually, my village is right next to the largest town in the county, larger than your shithole turkish town, I might add.;)

who everybody will avoid/ignore in real life:

Far from ignoring me, everybody stares at me, it's quite tiring...:(

Pity it wasn't you.

That would have been awkward, since I was born 44 years later...

Typical behind-the-back swearing from those people(just like some call Romanians "opincari" behind their backs in Transylvania) I wonder what our Transylvanian friend,Daos,thinks of that. I'd suppose he'll say it's better to be sh*tted on by Hungarians because their sh*t smells better or something...

I've never had any negative experiences with Hungarians, not even in Harghita or Hungary, only on the interwebz. Romanians however...:rolleyes:

I think you're just jelly I have the possibility of marrying and making „oláh cigányok” with a Hungarian chick, while you don't.:naughty2:

The only reason I called him "opincar" is to remind him of his "official status" in the eyes of those foreigners,but apparently he's in a sub-region with few non-romanians so he thinks he is seen as German or whatever.


I think someone has an opinci fetish...

10-31-2011, 07:37 PM
See? Admitting that wasn't so hard. :)

Yes,apparently people can be "of superiority" just for being born in a 2nd hand mountain village. Now I know.

Actually, my village is right next to the largest town in the county, larger than your shithole turkish town, I might add.;)

My shithole town was built by ourselves,not by Germans or other foreigners,at least we have that even if it's a turkish shithole.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=kjrmc&cp=12&gs_id=1r&xhr=t&q=piatra+neamt&qe=UGlhdHJhIE5lYW10&qesig=6ZeAmSXiF5XbifQs95rC4w&pkc=AFgZ2tmHaL81AFLOyk7Tob_yZVTTMMKJNLlStavCSFvl1a _EjrLpar_tJRcWoEqCOKJdfbzHDMI5EIJkMRoEysq6do6QMU04 Zg&biw=1440&bih=567&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

Far from ignoring me, everybody stares at me, it's quite tiring...:(

They never seen such a specimen? I have to admit I've never been insulted for being from a different region before by another "Romanian"(although I have my doubts you are an ethnic Romanian,maybe some ukrainian),congrats.

That would have been awkward, since I was born 44 years later...

Still pity.

I've never had any negative experiences with Hungarians, not even in Harghita or Hungary, only on the interwebz. Romanians however...:rolleyes:

Only on the interwebz my ass,they don't say it to your face 'tard,it's pretty obvious.

I think you're just jelly I have the possibility of marrying and making „oláh cigánok” with a Hungarian chick, while you don't.:naughty2:

Part of my family is from the ruling class of the Habsburg Empire,eventually you can kiss my ass as being your historic overlord.:coffee:
What Hungarian chick? You obviously have some mental issues.


I think someone has an opinci fetish...

Apparently someone has complexes,you. :coffee:

10-31-2011, 07:41 PM
You seem quite duplicitous here. You keep on pinpointing Hungarians, but totally ignore the insults Romanians bring on us :rolleyes:

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 07:51 PM
See? Admitting that wasn't so hard. :)

Actually, my village is right next to the largest town in the county, larger than your shithole turkish town, I might add.;)

Far from ignoring me, everybody stares at me, it's quite tiring...:(

That would have been awkward, since I was born 44 years later...

I've never had any negative experiences with Hungarians, not even in Harghita or Hungary, only on the interwebz. Romanians however...:rolleyes:

I think you're just jelly I have the possibility of marrying and making „oláh cigányok” with a Hungarian chick, while you don't.:naughty2:


I think someone has an opinci fetish...

I have many Romanian friends and girl friends, even if some may think I am exaggerating (think what you wish) some of them told me personally that they wish Transylvania never united with Romania. I also had to close my friendship with a few Romanians, because even if first they seemed quite friendly, they started to insult Hungarians from Transylvania, and used the bozgor word frequently. That was enough to just end any connection with these people. Also it is very unusual that some Romanians I know hate the guts out of Transylvanian Hungarians, but on a peculiar way have many admiring words about Hungarians west to the Tisza river. I know there are still right-minded Transylvanian Romanians as Daos, who are willing to think in a cooperation, rather than division and constant fighting. It's a real petty they are in such a large minority among Romanians.

10-31-2011, 07:54 PM
I have many Romanian friends and girlfriends, even if some may think I am exaggerating (think what you wish) some of them told me personally that they wish Transylvania never united with Romania. I also had to close my friendship with a few Romanians, because even if first they seemed quite friendly, they started to insult Hungarians from Transylvania, and used the bozgor word frequently. That was enough to just end any connection with these people. Also it is very unusual that some Romanians I know hate the guts out of Transylvanian Hungarians, but on a peculiar way have many admiring words about Hungarians west to the Tisza river. I know there are still right-minded Transylvanian Romanians as Daos, who are willing to think in a cooperation, rather than division and constant fighting. It's a real petty they are in such a large minority among Romanians.

How many of your friends and gfs were actually orthodox Romanians and not some other sort of Transylvanians? Anyway I have my doubts Daos is actually an ethnic Romanian,so don't get your hopes up(he clearly has issues).

10-31-2011, 08:00 PM
So I'm duplicitarian because I answer you? I'm not a police woman to see everything and since I'm new here, I'll say what I feel. I'm not the one who said about other they're naive :) and I never show'd my finger to the same person, not you of course, no matter my gender anyway, but still! When a romanian talk bad about hungarians, I'll alway respond, but I'm a normal girl with a real life, so I won't be able to see too much here!

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 08:01 PM
Yes,apparently people can be "of superiority" just for being born in a 2nd hand mountain village. Now I know.

My shithole town was built by ourselves,not by Germans or other foreigners,at least we have that even if it's a turkish shithole.

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=kjrmc&cp=12&gs_id=1r&xhr=t&q=piatra+neamt&qe=UGlhdHJhIE5lYW10&qesig=6ZeAmSXiF5XbifQs95rC4w&pkc=AFgZ2tmHaL81AFLOyk7Tob_yZVTTMMKJNLlStavCSFvl1a _EjrLpar_tJRcWoEqCOKJdfbzHDMI5EIJkMRoEysq6do6QMU04 Zg&biw=1440&bih=567&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi

They never seen such a specimen? I have to admit I've never been insulted for being from a different region before by another "Romanian"(although I have my doubts you are an ethnic Romanian,maybe some ukrainian),congrats.

Still pity.

Part of my family is from the ruling class of the Habsburg Empire,eventually you can kiss my ass as being your historic overlord.:coffee:
What Hungarian chick? You obviously have some mental issues.

Apparently someone has complexes,you. :coffee:

Are you sure you know the history of your hometown? The first mentioning of the town, which dates to 1395 clearly points out a Hungarian origin: „in terra nostra Molduana ante villam Karachonkw.” Karácsonkő was the original name of the town, which was Romanianized into Piatra lui Craciun, and in the Communist period it became Piatra Neamt, to hide the name which had Christian connotations (Karácsony=Craciun=Christmas). You may very well have Hungarian ancestry :)

10-31-2011, 08:08 PM
Are you sure you know the history of your hometown? The first mentioning of the town, which dates to 1395 clearly points out a Hungarian origin: „in terra nostra Molduana ante villam Karachonkw.” Karácsonkő was the original name of the town, which was Romanianized into Piatra lui Craciun, and in the Communist period it became Piatra Neamt, to hide the name which had Christian connotations (Karácsony=Craciun=Christmas). You may very well have Hungarian ancestry :)

You have no idea what you're talking about,this is pure fantasy of yours. There are no Hungarian monuments/relics of any kind in my town,you butthurt troll.

PS Karácsonkő is a bad translation into Hungarian.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 08:11 PM
How many of your friends and gfs were actually orthodox Romanians and not some other sort of Transylvanians? Anyway I have my doubts Daos is actually an ethnic Romanian,so don't get your hopes up(he clearly has issues).

Haven't talked much about each others religions, or faiths, since it is not polite to ask someone directly what is his or her religion or faith. But besides two-three Roman Catholics, one Greek-Catholic, two-three Neo Protestants, the largest part of them I am quite certain are Orthodox. But there are a few none-believers also, and a more peculiar fella claims he follows the Zalmoxian religion (unsure if this is only in his head, or there is an official sect with such religion).

I know Romanians from almost all regions, the most friendly, and I would add the most open minded, are those from Bánát and Transylvania. Those from the South seem to me very anti-Hungarian, even if often I was the first Hungarian they meat (I am totally baffled about this, they never meat a Hungarian in their lives, yet they are so indoctrinated to watch us as the enemy that they frequently use the hating word bozgor). Those from Moldova are a mix between the two based on my experiences.

10-31-2011, 08:24 PM
Haven't talked much about each others religions, or faiths, since it is not polite to ask someone directly what is his or her religion or faith. But besides two-three Roman Catholics, one Greek-Catholic, two-three Neo Protestants, the largest part of them I am quite certain are Orthodox. But there are a few none-believers also, and a more peculiar fella claims he follows the Zalmoxian religion (unsure if this is only in his head, or there is an official sect with such religion).

I know Romanians from almost all regions, the most friendly, and I would add the most open minded, are those from Bánát and Transylvania. Those from the South seem to me very anti-Hungarian, even if often I was the first Hungarian they meat (I am totally baffled about this, they never meat a Hungarian in their lives, yet they are so indoctrinated to watch us as the enemy that they frequently use the hating word bozgor). Those from Moldova are a mix between the two based on my experiences.

For future notice,ethnic Romanians are almost exclusively Orthodox(even if they no longer practice it). Maybe some Greek-Catholics too but that's already being partially magyarised via religion. I don't trust these people if they say they are "ethnic Romanians",they might as well be some minorities trying to pass off as Romanian(apparently it's pretty common).
Some from the South have a solid idea about how things really stand,either you're one of them or you're not but you shouldn't get offended if something,it's just how some are.
If you speak decent to people in Romania they will usually reply in the same way. If you bring up sensitive issues they might be less polite(duh).

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 08:25 PM
You have no idea what you're talking about,this is pure fantasy of yours. There are no Hungarian monuments/relics of any kind in my town,you butthurt troll.

PS Karácsonkő is a bad translation into Hungarian.

I gave you the quotation of the first time this town was mentioned in documents. The city was almost totally destroyed by the Tatar and Turkish invasions, as also the original Hungarian population of the city. In 1646 the Bosnian archbishop Bandinus (Marcus Bandunovic) written: "In its beginnings it was fully Magyar... now there are only 3 Hungarian houses left, and only a man called János knows his mother tongue... the majority of the population died out, others had parted towards the dissidents (Orthodox), some of them had moved in Bákó-Bacau some to Roman, and others to other regions, especially to Hungary (Transyilvania), their archaic lands". Is brainwashing and history falsification that drastic in Romania? You should know these things, about the past of your hometown.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 08:28 PM
For future notice,ethnic Romanians are almost exclusively Orthodox(even if they no longer practice it). Maybe some Greek-Catholics too but that's already being partially magyarised via religion. I don't trust these people if they say they are "ethnic Romanians",they might as well be some minorities trying to pass off as Romanian(apparently it's pretty common).
Some from the South have a solid idea about how things really stand,either you're one of them or you're not but you shouldn't get offended if something,it's just how some are.
If you speak decent to people in Romania they will usually reply in the same way. If you bring up sensitive issues they might be less polite(duh).

I learned my lesson several times. Romanians are indeed very touchy about the theme of Hungarians. I always struggle to keep talking about such issues with them to the minimum.

10-31-2011, 08:32 PM
I gave you the quotation of the first time this town was mentioned in documents. The city was almost totally destroyed by the Tatar and Turkish invasions, as also the original Hungarian population of the city. In 1646 the Bosnian archbishop Bandinus (Marcus Bandunovic) written: "In its beginnings it was fully Magyar... now there are only 3 Hungarian houses left, and only a man called János knows his mother tongue... the majority of the population died out, others had parted towards the dissidents (Orthodox), some of them had moved in Bákó-Bacau some to Roman, and others to other regions, especially to Hungary (Transyilvania), their archaic lands". Is brainwashing and history falsification that drastic in Romania? You should know these things, about the past of your hometown.

Bullshit,there are no traces of Hungarians living in this town,especially being some dominant population,as I said,no monuments or relics,get real. Those that I know personally are csango "immigrants" from some villages near Roman.
Furthermore the medieval architecture of the town and it's historic buildings is gothic-moldavian,with the oldest structures being from the 15th century(still standing).
Is your butthurt so great? You're more likely to be Romanian if you're from East Hungary,than I'm ever likely to be "Hungarian"(whatever that is since mongols and turks supposedly made a genocide on your people twice).

10-31-2011, 08:44 PM
De ce no vorbizy fromos? Fara insultse rog! Haha :p

10-31-2011, 08:48 PM
De ce no vorbizy fromos? Fara insultse rog! Haha :p

EDIT. Because he is being an "a-h" on purpose.

10-31-2011, 09:00 PM
@Sagitta Hungarica


See the landmarks:

Stephen's tower, built in 1499, during Ştefan cel Mare's reign
St John The Baptist church (1497–1498)
The Princely Court
The History & Archaeology Museum (host of the Cucuteni exhibition, the largest Aeneolithic artifacts collection in southeastern Europe)
The Fine Arts Museum
The Natural Sciences Museum
The "Calistrat Hogaş" Memorial Museum
The "Schimbarea la Faţă" Wooden Church in Văleni
The Bistriţa Monastery, founded in the early 15th century, is 8 km (5 mi) west of the city
The Wooden Synagogue

The only non-romanian historic landmark is a Jewish Synagogue built in the year 1766.

10-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Romanians are long lost Albanians, so yes

10-31-2011, 09:08 PM
Romanians are long lost Albanians, so yes

I've been called a Russian,a Hungarian and an Albanian today by different users. That must be a record of some kind.

Sagitta Hungarica
10-31-2011, 09:18 PM
@Sagitta Hungarica


See the landmarks:

The only non-romanian historic landmark is a Jewish Synagogue built in the year 1766.

The original city was almost destroyed, and was rebuilt, mainly by Moldovans. In the time of Stephen the Great, all Moldova went under his ownership, as several cities built and inhabited by Hungarians. They of course steadily converted to Orthodoxism, and assimilated into the Moldovans (otherwise quite logical, when they were quite isolated from their motherland and its culture), but still some of the Medieval Hungarian inhabitants of Moldova kept their culture, and preserved a very archaic form of the Hungarian language. These are the Csángó people. They are to this day deeply traditionalists, and exclusively Roman Catholic. Unfortunately in the last century the Romanian governments continued heavy assimilation politics against them, and there are only a few thousands left who still speak Hungarian in Moldova, when there used to be tens of thousands. Anyways, I quoted two sources that confirm the Hungarian background of your city. You can block this information from your mind, but you cannot change what really happened in that aria ;)

What happened (history) cannot be changed only denied (unfortunately).

10-31-2011, 09:22 PM
I don't consider Romania a Balkan country. It is an Eastern European country, that's it.

10-31-2011, 09:30 PM
The original city was almost destroyed, and was rebuilt, of mainly Moldovans.
In the time of Stephen the Great, all Moldova went under his ownership, as several cities built and inhabited by Hungarians. They of course steadily converted to Orthodoxism, and assimilated into the Moldovans (otherwise quite logical, when they were quite isolated from their motherland and its culture), but still some of the Medieval Hungarian inhabitants of Moldova kept their culture, and preserved a very archaic form of the Hungarian language. These are the Csángó people. They are to this day deeply traditionalists, and exclusively Roman Catholic. Unfortunately in the last century the Romanian governments continued heavy assimilation politics against them, and there are only a few thousands left who still speak Hungarian in Moldova. Anyways, I quoted two sources that confirm the Hungarian background of your city. You can block this information from your mind, but you cannot change what really happened in that aria ;)

Give it a rest,there is no support for your bullshit,as I just proved earlier,you also present no official sources/records(ofc there aren't any,just like there are no Hungarian buildings or "anything" here,you freaking troll). Your trolling is such annoying I have problems controlling my speech,I'm also very tired.
Converted to Orthodoxy you say? :coffee: The Csangos are still catholic,and pretty much alive and kicking(you'd figure after 600+ years we would have assimilated them by now if we wanted).

I have a secret for you: Romanians don't wish to assimilate your kind...at all! "At best" your kind,and some of the other 'off-whitey' minorities, wants to be perceived as being ethnic Romanian. :|

10-31-2011, 09:32 PM
What happened (history) cannot be changed only denied (unfortunately).

That's why Budapest is originally a slavic city built on a Roman center and it doesn't mean anything in Hungarian while Pannonia is a latin name(from the name of the Roman province).

11-01-2011, 05:45 AM
They never seen such a specimen? I have to admit I've never been insulted for being from a different region before by another "Romanian"(although I have my doubts you are an ethnic Romanian,maybe some ukrainian),congrats.

Лайно! У мене були виставлені!:eek: Considering where I come from, Slovak would be more likely...

Part of my family is from the ruling class of the Habsburg Empire,eventually you can kiss my ass as being your historic overlord.:coffee:

Orly? What about the part of your family that comes from the turkish peasantry?;) The only thing I'll kiss your arse with is a stake!


How many of your friends and gfs were actually orthodox Romanians and not some other sort of Transylvanians? Anyway I have my doubts Daos is actually an ethnic Romanian,so don't get your hopes up(he clearly has issues).

I think that vast amount of polenta you've ingested, mămăligarule, might have gone to your head. You know, paranoia is not the normal state of the mind.

11-01-2011, 08:17 AM
It's a mixed zone, a fade in from the mountains and balkans into the vast plains of Ukraine.

That is reflected on its 3 fundamental regions: Transylvania (central europe), Wallachia (balkans), Moldova (eastern europe). And the people follows up this logic.

As a final touch it has inherited a foreign language.

As in life, not everything has to be black or white, some things are better without well-defined borders. People should accept that.

11-01-2011, 09:40 AM

11-01-2011, 09:41 AM
Лайно! У мене були виставлені!:eek: Considering where I come from, Slovak would be more likely...

I figured it could be that as well,subhuman.

Orly? What about the part of your family that comes from the turkish peasantry?;) The only thing I'll kiss your arse with is a stake!

The other part were Moldavians,not exactly part of the ruling class but not exactly peasants either, but I don't want to go into details. They were into the business of killing Turks though. :coffee:

I think that vast amount of polenta you've ingested, mămăligarule, might have gone to your head. You know, paranoia is not the normal state of the mind.

I 1st believed you were a (crazy) Romanian,maybe from Sibiu or Cluj,or at least some half-breed Hungarian-Romanian(with hate on one of your parents) because of your nick and so on.
Even then it would be ulta-weird to swear Romanians out of the blue while pretending to be Romanian. Knowing you're just some piece of turd immigrant really lifted a stone above my conscious.
Pity I didn't see from what sub-region you came earlier,the possibility of a maramuresean swearing a moldovan just for being a moldovan is like the possibility of seeing pigs fly. You can go die in peace(and maybe stop pretending something you're not,you act too subhuman).*spits*

EDIT: It's no wonder now why you said ethnic Romanians were treating you bad(I mean besides the fact that you're a total 'tard). As I said above,stop pretending to be Romanian.



11-01-2011, 09:53 AM
At least finally Romania is taking care of it's problems:


11-01-2011, 09:58 AM
At least finally Romania is taking care of it's problems:


I already talked about the gypsies earlier on the thread with a Hungarian,you might want to check that and stop posting videos about something you have 0 ideas about.

11-01-2011, 09:59 AM
I already talked about the gypsies earlier on the thread with a Hungarian

Yes but we need someone with a higher IQ to talk about them.

11-01-2011, 10:04 AM
Yes but we need someone with a higher IQ to talk about them.

Since you have no clue and I do I still suggest checking that because there is no need for 200 IQ when it comes to non-white minorities.

Maybe we should resolve things like Russians do(to people like you)?


11-01-2011, 10:16 AM
Since you have no clue and I do I still suggest checking that

What? :confused:

because there is no need for 200 IQ when it comes to non-white minorities.

I'm whiter than you. I seen your photos, your skin is yellow + plus your face looks deformed. To call such a ugly thing like you European would be a discrace to all of Europe.

Maybe we should resolve things like Russians do(to people like you)?


Like you said earlier, hypocrite: don't post videos about things you have 0 clue about.

11-01-2011, 10:28 AM
What? :confused:

I'm whiter than you. I seen your phoots, your skin is yellow + plus your face looks "deformed".

If you say so. I score high on face-symmetry and my skin if pale-white but if you say you saw my pictures I believe you. :rolleyes:

Like you said earlier, hypocrite: don't post videos about things you have 0 clue about.

I know pretty well what's going on in Russia regarding immigrants,eventually I can call cops there to help beat up immigrants like you. You on the other hand are just trolling with South Park and gypsy videos and have 0 clues.

11-01-2011, 10:45 AM
well not Mongolia but the same stepe culture and traditions were north of the Caucasus all the way to Mongolia. Only exeption was the Khazar Kingdom (aka JEWS).
Ofcourse things of whitch you know nothing, just like that avatar metal statue of your, shortbow on foot with asian clothing and a medieval grip (horse archers used a thumb ring and an unequal shortbow, only an english man in the XV holded the bow that way) :coffee: seems Im more hunic than most hungarians :D

That's not a shortbow, it's a composite (Asiatic) bow, the same one used by "Tatars" to hold Romania hostage for almost 2,000 years:


English shortbows had no curves and were made of pure wood, not bone and horn.

If you say so. I score high on face-symmetry and my skin if pale-white but if you say you saw my pictures I believe you. :rolleyes:

Your skin color is yellow like hay that has been drying in the sun for to long, anyone can go 10 pages back and see that. There's no possible way you could be whiter than me since freckled skin like mine is considered the whitest it gets. Your skin color:


I can call cops there to help beat up immigrants like you.

Russians would never take orders from a lower life-form like you. Anyway I had enough of your wanna-be Vlad the Impaler style trolling, don't even bother replying since I'm adding you to my ignore list.

11-01-2011, 10:47 AM
That's not a shortbow, it's a composite (Asiatic) bow, the same one used by "Tatars" to hold Romania hostage for almost 2,000 years:


English shortbows had no curves and were made of pure wood, not bone and horn.

Your skin color is yellow like hay that has been drying in the sun for to long, anyone can go 10 pages back and see that. There's no possible way you could be whiter than me since freckled skin like mine is considered the whitest it gets. Your skin color:


Russians would never take orders from a lower life-form like you. Anyway I had enough of your wanna-be Vlad the Impaler style trolling, don't even bother replying since I'm adding you to my ignore list.

Are you done with your mid-day drama,princess? :coffee:

11-01-2011, 01:31 PM
Since you have no clue and I do I still suggest checking that because there is no need for 200 IQ when it comes to non-white minorities.

Maybe we should resolve things like Russians do(to people like you)?


I hate Kavkaz people with a burning passion, but what Russian skinheads do to them is just unacceptable.

11-01-2011, 01:53 PM
Are you done with your mid-day drama,princess? :coffee:

Listen self hating Gypsy, Romania is in Balkan country. End of discussion.

11-01-2011, 01:59 PM
Listen self hating Gypsy, Romania is in Balkan country. End of discussion.

Sorry I'm a bit busy right now to pay attention...*kills Poland*

11-01-2011, 01:59 PM
I hate Kavkaz people with a burning passion, but what Russian skinheads do to them is just unacceptable.

they do mostly to central asians

11-01-2011, 02:01 PM
It's partially a Balkan country.

11-01-2011, 02:01 PM
Sorry I'm a bit busy right now to pay attention...*kills Poland* with water gun
Arrrr, I'm expecting more Gypsy warrior from you.

11-01-2011, 02:03 PM
It's partially a Balkan country.

Shut up the fuck up.

11-01-2011, 02:04 PM
Romania is in South Asia


11-01-2011, 02:05 PM
I hate Kavkaz people with a burning passion, but what Russian skinheads do to them is just unacceptable.

You love getting arserape by a bunch of Kavkaz, don't ya?

11-01-2011, 02:34 PM
I figured it could be that as well,subhuman.

A vlacho-slavo-tatar-turk calling me subhuman for (supposedly) being Slavic?:mmmm: You're probably bitter because Ukrainians out-bred Moldavians in Bucovina and Bugeac...

The other part were Moldavians,not exactly part of the ruling class but not exactly peasants either, but I don't want to go into details.

Of course, we're all blue-blooded around here. Makes you wonder what happened to all those peasants that were running around a few decades ago.

They were into the business of killing Turks though. :coffee:

I don't think there was much Turk killing to be had, perhaps Turk ass-kissing? Or maybe even the occasional fratricidal war with Wallachia?:icon_ask:

Pity I didn't see from what sub-region you came earlier,the possibility of a maramuresean swearing a moldovan just for being a moldovan is like the possibility of seeing pigs fly.

I wonder what gave you the impression we bare any love for you. If anything, we pity you for being so poor, but we know the reason: booze and sloth.;)

EDIT: It's no wonder now why you said ethnic Romanians were treating you bad(I mean besides the fact that you're a total 'tard).

LOL, just lol.

As I said above,stop pretending to be Romanian.

I'm Transylvanian before being Romanian. I only identify as a Romanian in an international setting, otherwise it's meaningless to me.

11-01-2011, 02:37 PM
@Daos Thank you for proving what a subhuman scum you are again,like I said before stop pretending to be Romanian in any way,you can go now. :)

11-01-2011, 02:52 PM
@Daos Thank you for proving what an übermensch you are again, like I said before, keep being a role-model to Romanians in any way, you are awesome. :)

Such kind words. I thank thee, sir!ಠ_ರೃ

Perhaps there still is hope for Moldavia and Moldavians...

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 02:57 PM
Give it a rest,there is no support for your bullshit,as I just proved earlier,you also present no official sources/records(ofc there aren't any,just like there are no Hungarian buildings or "anything" here,you freaking troll). Your trolling is such annoying I have problems controlling my speech,I'm also very tired.
Converted to Orthodoxy you say? :coffee: The Csangos are still catholic,and pretty much alive and kicking(you'd figure after 600+ years we would have assimilated them by now if we wanted).

I have a secret for you: Romanians don't wish to assimilate your kind...at all! "At best" your kind,and some of the other 'off-whitey' minorities, wants to be perceived as being ethnic Romanian. :|

Hungarians in Erdély and the Bánság loath being considered Romanians by foreigners (they are ashamed having Romanian identity cards, I know this for sure). Of course they will declare themselves as Magyar in the current census that is held in Romania. Possibly only those from mixed marriages will opt for Romanian ethnicity, but not all.

11-01-2011, 03:03 PM
Hungarians in Erdély and the Bánság loath being considered Romanians by foreigners (they are ashamed having Romanian identity cards, I know this for sure). Of course they will declare themselves as Magyar in the current census that is held in Romania. Possibly only those from mixed marriages will opt for Romanian ethnicity, but not all.

You may belong to a different ethnic caste inside the nation (like Serbs and Russians for example) but outwards you will still belong to the Rumanian nation.

If this wasn't the case, then outsiders wouldn't see you as Rumanians to begin with. Even Hungarians from Hungary consider Magyars from Rumania to be Rumanian.

11-01-2011, 03:07 PM
Hungarians in Erdély and the Bánság loath being considered Romanians by foreigners (they are ashamed having Romanian identity cards, I know this for sure). Of course they will declare themselves as Magyar in the current census that is held in Romania. Possibly only those from mixed marriages will opt for Romanian ethnicity, but not all.

I decided to follow on your quote yesterday about my city,lead me to hungarian jewipedia and that lead me to only one obscure hungarian site. Knowing what's written there,although I still consider it unproven bullshit, about the hungarians, you should go to a doctor to have your eyes checked especially since it doesn't contradict what I said about we building the city but you have to be a hungarian troll and say your off-topic bullshit or else you don't feel good for the day.

Before you speak any other off-topic venomous stupidities,I think last year or early this year the Hungarians in Hungary decided to let Hungarians from neighboring countries have a Hungarian citizenship if they wish:


"[...] in the last six months 20,000+ hungarians(from Romania) decided to take dual-citizenship".

Apparently they are all flocking to be Hungarians considering there live aprox. 1,5 mil. hungarians in Romania.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:07 PM
That's why Budapest is originally a slavic city built on a Roman center and it doesn't mean anything in Hungarian while Pannonia is a latin name(from the name of the Roman province).

You must have a thick facial skin to dare pushing your false historical claims again and again. First, on the location of today's Budapest there was founded a settlement by the Celts in the first century B.C. Than the Romans over this town built Aquincum. After the decay of the Roman Empire this city became unpopulated, and on its location in the 9th century, the Bulgars raised two military fortresses, Buda and Pest. After the Homecoming of the Hungarians they built a city over these fortresses. Buda and Pest were basically built as cities by the Magyars themselves. But it has a none-Magyar background. But no Magyar has a problem with it. Unlike Romanians, who seem very frustrated when you point out the Hungarian origin of many of their cities.

11-01-2011, 03:15 PM
You must have a thick facial skin to dare pushing your false historical claims again and again. First, on the location of today's Budapest there was founded a settlement by the Celts in the first century B.C. Than the Romans over this town built Aquincum. After the decay of the Roman Empire this city became unpopulated, and on its location in the 9th century, the Bulgars raised two military fortresses, Buda and Pest. After the Homecoming of the Hungarians they built a city over these fortresses. Buda and Pest were basically built as cities by the Magyars themselves. But it has a none-Magyar background. But no Magyar has a problem with it. Unlike Romanians, who seem very frustrated when you point out the Hungarian origin of many of their cities.

Double standard bullshit at it's best. So I'm hungarian because I'm suppose to believe your undocumented claims on regard to my city in medieval times,although the area has had permanent buildings since 12,000 BC ,although you specifically lied and trolled about it thinking I won't check it out and even if I did I won't understand Hungarian.
And now you're telling me about Bulgarians -> Genius,they are considered slavs. :coffee:

"Buda and Pest were basically built as cities by the Magyars themselves"
Besides not being founded by hungarians(but assuming they were),that's why most visible architecture is build in the same Habsburg-Germanic style in the XIXth century that can be found in all of the Habsburg empire? :coffee:

11-01-2011, 03:19 PM
You may belong to a different ethnic caste inside the nation (like Serbs and Russians for example) but outwards you will still belong to the Rumanian nation.

If this wasn't the case, then outsiders wouldn't see you as Rumanians to begin with. Even Hungarians from Hungary consider Magyars from Rumania to be Rumanian.

Not only that but I also heard hungarians from Romania get insulted by those in Hungary with "olah" and so on(a poster here described the same experience).

Football player from Romania went to Hungary for a match,he was insulted the whole match,even before holding the Romanian flag at the end:


11-01-2011, 03:20 PM
You must have a thick facial skin to dare pushing your false historical claims again and again. First, on the location of today's Budapest there was founded a settlement by the Celts in the first century B.C. Than the Romans over this town built Aquincum. After the decay of the Roman Empire this city became unpopulated, and on its location in the 9th century, the Bulgars raised two military fortresses, Buda and Pest. After the Homecoming of the Hungarians they built a city over these fortresses. Buda and Pest were basically built as cities by the Magyars themselves. But it has a none-Magyar background. But no Magyar has a problem with it. Unlike Romanians, who seem very frustrated when you point out the Hungarian origin of many of their cities.

I don't know about Budapest, but Pannonia as a whole was inhabited mainly by Slavs by the time the Magyars arrived:

From 800, the whole area of Pannonian Basin was under control between two powers (East Francia and First Bulgarian Empire). Around 800, northeastern Hungary became part of the Slavic Principality of Nitra, which itself became part of Great Moravia in 833.

Also, after 800, southeastern Hungary was conquered by Bulgaria. Western Hungary (Pannonia) was a tributary to the Franks. In 839 the Slavic Balaton Principality was founded in southwestern Hungary (under Frank suzerainty). During the reign of Svatopluk I northwestern Hungary was conquered by Great Moravia.[4] Pannonia remained under Frank control until the Hungarian Conquest.[5][6]

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hungary_before_the_Hungarians#Migration _period

11-01-2011, 03:24 PM
I don't know about Budapest, but Pannonia as a whole was inhabited mainly by Slavs by the time the Magyars arrived:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hungary_before_the_Hungarians#Migration _period
Lol, have you registered here for this matter?

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:28 PM
You may belong to a different ethnic caste inside the nation (like Serbs and Russians for example) but outwards you will still belong to the Rumanian nation.

If this wasn't the case, then outsiders wouldn't see you as Rumanians to begin with. Even Hungarians from Hungary consider Magyars from Rumania to be Rumanian.

Hungarians from Erdély and Bánság are part of the united Hungarian nation, remember that in Hungary there wasn't a nationalist ideology as in Romania, people were raised to consider everybody outside the Republic of Hungary as foreigners. There was a true internationalist-Communist regime, in which Jews, Russians were in high state positions, and they loathed anything that reminded of former Hungarian traditions, unity, history. Most who still consider Hungarians from Erdély Romanians, those from Felvidék Slovaks, those from Délvidék Serbs (because there are unfortunately some) are the proletariat, that will steadily die out. These are the people who keep on voting for the Socialist party (they are just the former Communist party, only changed their name overnight). There is a large shift in the mentality of Hungarians, mainly the middle-aged and the young generations who are aware that no matter where a Hungarian lives in the Carpathian Basin, they are as Hungarians as they are. There are Hungarian nationalist festivals organized also in Transylvania, where you can meet Hungarians from Kassa to Temesvár, from Győr to Újvidék having a great time together, because they are aware that they are brothers, and the false borders that depart them one day will disappear.

11-01-2011, 03:28 PM
Lol, have you registered here for this matter?

I just dropped by to lurk.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:37 PM
Double standard bullshit at it's best. So I'm hungarian because I'm suppose to believe your undocumented claims on regard to my city in medieval times,although the area has had permanent buildings since 12,000 BC ,although you specifically lied and trolled about it thinking I won't check it out and even if I did I won't understand Hungarian.
And now you're telling me about Bulgarians -> Genius,they are considered slavs. :coffee:

"Buda and Pest were basically built as cities by the Magyars themselves"
Besides not being founded by hungarians(but assuming they were),that's why most visible architecture is build in the same Habsburg-Germanic style in the XIXth century that can be found in all of the Habsburg empire? :coffee:

The city went through many transformations during the passing of the centuries. Of course the city still has many resemblance to Germanic architecture, since Budapest was part of the Hapsburg Empire from 1686 until 1867. The city was basically destroyed during the Siege of Buda, and the Hapsburgs reconstructed it of course. This is why it is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Hungarians cherish the Germanic contribution in rebuilding the city, into the basics of what we know today. I don't know why you even had to write this down. Thought you can provoke Hungarian-German conflicts?

11-01-2011, 03:38 PM
Hungarians from Erdély and Bánság are part of the united Hungarian nation, remember that in Hungary there wasn't a nationalist ideology as in Romania, people were raised to consider everybody outside the Republic of Hungary as foreigners. There was a true internationalist-Communist regime, in which Jews, Russians were in high state positions, and they loathed anything that reminded of former Hungarian traditions, unity, history. Most who still consider Hungarians from Erdély Romanians, those from Felvidék Slovaks, those from Délvidék Serbs (because there are unfortunately some) are the proletariat, that will steadily die out. These are the people who keep on voting for the Socialist party (they are just the former Communist party, only changed their name overnight). There is a large shift in the mentality of Hungarians, mainly the middle-aged and the young generations who are aware that no matter where a Hungarian lives in the Carpathian Basin, they are as Hungarians as they are. There are Hungarian nationalist festivals organized also in Transylvania, where you can meet Hungarians from Kassa to Temesvár, from Győr to Újvidék having a great time together, because they are aware that they are brothers, and the false borders that depart them one day will disappear.

So you admit that there are Hungarians that consider Rumanians of Magyar background to be Rumanian?

If this group wanted to be part of the Hungarian nation, they would just move to Hungary. There are even ethnic Rumanians who go to Hungary. But the Rumanians of Magyar origin don't seem to want to do that. Maybe because they're badly treated by the Hungarians?

All ethnic castes have their gatherings. It's the same for Russians and Tatars for example. You don't see them claiming to be part of other nations.

Of course the borders will disappear once Pannonia is incorporated into the Rumanian state.

11-01-2011, 03:40 PM
The city went through many transformations during the passing of the centuries. Of course the city still has many resemblance to Germanic architecture, since Budapest was part of the Hapsburg Empire from 1686 until 1867. The city was basically destroyed during the Siege of Buda, and the Hapsburgs reconstructed it of course. This is why it is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Hungarians cherish the Germanic contribution in rebuilding the city, into the basics of what we know today. I don't know why you even had to write this down. Thought you can provoke Hungarian-German conflicts?

So finally you cave in to the truth,I'll make a screen and save it in my PC. :D What about Hungarian-German conflicts? I don't care about those.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:47 PM
I don't know about Budapest, but Pannonia as a whole was inhabited mainly by Slavs by the time the Magyars arrived:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Hungary_before_the_Hungarians#Migration _period

If the Carpathian Basin was under the control of two Empires, the Frank and the Bulgarians, it doesn't mean the population belonged also only to these two populations. Bulgarians before becoming Slavicized were in close relation to Hungarians. They can be called as cousin nation. Also you forgot to give the entire quotation from wiki which says:
"On the eve of the arrival of the Hungarians, East Francia, the First Bulgarian Empire and Great Moravia ruled the territory of the Carpathian Basin. Additionally, the Avars formed a significant part of the population of the Carpathian Basin at the end of the 9th century; both contemporary sources and a growing number of archaeological evidences suggest that groups of the Avars survived the disintegration of their empire."
The Avars were also related to Hungarians. The Homecoming Magyars almost haven't meat any resistance, moreover they meat populations that spoken on their language. This is the reason why Hungarians could so easily organize the entire Carpathian Basin under their rule.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:52 PM
So finally you cave in to the truth,I'll make a screen and save it in my PC. :D What about Hungarian-German conflicts? I don't care about those.

I always speak the truth, since I seek to analyze history from as a neutral point of view as I am able to achieve to do. However many times the content of your messages are full of dilettantism, and you repeat the same lies even if I point out your errors.

11-01-2011, 03:52 PM
Definitely not.Stuck to find simmilarities in Balkan itself letalone abroad.

I agree,that's my feeling too.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 03:56 PM
So you admit that there are Hungarians that consider Rumanians of Magyar background to be Rumanian?

If this group wanted to be part of the Hungarian nation, they would just move to Hungary. There are even ethnic Rumanians who go to Hungary. But the Rumanians of Magyar origin don't seem to want to do that. Maybe because they're badly treated by the Hungarians?

All ethnic castes have their gatherings. It's the same for Russians and Tatars for example. You don't see them claiming to be part of other nations.

Of course the borders will disappear once Pannonia is incorporated into the Rumanian state.

We have to deal with a chauvinist provocateur obviously. Your last sentence showed your true colors and the purpose why you registered: to insult Hungarians.

However I will still answer to you very weak logic. Hungarians from Transylvania don't want to move to Hungary from one very obvious reason: they are already home.

11-01-2011, 03:56 PM
I always speak the truth, since I seek to analyze history from as a neutral point of view as I am able to achieve to do. However many times the content of your messages are full of dilettantism, and you repeat the same lies even if I point out your errors.

I know my city very well and there are no errors in what I said about my city being built by us(Romanians),later you said the same thing,but before that you insisted on some fantasy theory of yours that doesn't even have a real-life basis to contradict my original statement.
Your typical error is that you check Hungarian jewipedia and copy-paste whatever bs some Hungarians wrote there without any other sources to confirm or at least visual proof.

11-01-2011, 03:57 PM
If the Carpathian Basin was under the control of two Empires, the Frank and the Bulgarians, it doesn't mean the population belonged also only to these two populations. Bulgarians before becoming Slavicized were in close relation to Hungarians. They can be called as cousin nation. Also you forgot to give the entire quotation from wiki which says:
"On the eve of the arrival of the Hungarians, East Francia, the First Bulgarian Empire and Great Moravia ruled the territory of the Carpathian Basin. Additionally, the Avars formed a significant part of the population of the Carpathian Basin at the end of the 9th century; both contemporary sources and a growing number of archaeological evidences suggest that groups of the Avars survived the disintegration of their empire."
The Avars were also related to Hungarians. The Homecoming Magyars almost haven't meat any resistance, moreover they meat populations that spoken on their language. This is the reason why Hungarians could so easily organize the entire Carpathian Basin under their rule.

You have to separate the Pannonian Plain from the Carpathian Basin. The Carpathian Basin was mainly Vlach since centuries back.

The population in PP was mainly Slavic. How can we know this? Except for historical sources and other sources, it is because Slavs are a settled people. And an agricultural society can support a larger population. Avars could only survive in the PP to the extent that they assimilated into settled communities. This is common sense.

I have never heard of Avars in the CB. And if the Magyars didn't meet any resistance, then why did it take them 300 years to conquer the CB? Why does the Gesta contradict what you're saying:

The chronicle was written as a literary work based on similar western chronicles that were then in fashion. The author describes all the local ruling families of the Kingdom of Hungary as being descended from the ruling Árpáds or at least from their allies, and aims to glorify the merits of the Árpáds with respect to the tenth-century Magyar occupation of the Transylvania part of the Carpathian basin. This chronicle describes the opposition of the local rulers Gelou, Glad and Menumorut in Transylvania at the arrival of the Magyars in the 10th century. Though the very existence of these rulers is debated.


11-01-2011, 04:04 PM
We have to deal with a chauvinist provocateur obviously. Your last sentence showed your true colors and the purpose why you registered: to insult Hungarians.

However I will still answer to you very weak logic. Hungarians from Transylvania don't want to move to Hungary from one very obvious reason: they are already home.

They are home because they identify with the Rumanian nation. Why don't you look at the Germans? They moved to Germany because they identified with that nation. The same applies to the Jews, who left for Israel en masse. As a result there are very few Germans and Jews left. But there are many "Magyars". The reason for that is that they have become assimilated to the Rumanian nation.

11-01-2011, 04:07 PM
Let me give you a reminder to the Vlachs about how white are they compared to us...


Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 04:08 PM
You have to separate the Pannonian Plain from the Carpathian Basin. The Carpathian Basin was mainly Vlach since centuries back.

The population in PP was mainly Slavic. How can we know this? Except for historical sources and other sources, it is because Slavs are a settled people. And an agricultural society can support a larger population. Avars could only survive in the PP to the extent that they assimilated into settled communities. This is common sense.

I have never heard of Avars in the CB. And if the Magyars didn't meet any resistance, then why did it take them 300 years to conquer the CB? Why does the Gesta contradict what you're saying:

How can you say you never heard of Avar presence in the Carpathian Basin? You basically disqualified your opinions, since their rule in the region is a well know historical fact. Here you can read briefly about their rule in the Carpathian Basin: http://www.allempires.com/article/index.php?q=The_Avar_Khaganate. It's never too late to learn basic history.


Yet the first mentioning of Vlachs in Transyilvania dates from the 13th century. Where are the Vlach geographical names in the Carpathian Basin? Most are translations from Hungarian. Where are the Vlach cities? Where are the Vlach churches?

If you haven't heard about the Avar Empire in the Carpathian Basin than your opinion is basically of zero importance. This is elementary history. Here you can educate yourself briefly about historical facts you shockingly never knew about: http://www.allempires.com/article/index.php?q=The_Avar_Khaganate

Can you be more explicit about which Gesta are you talking about? And what are the passages that contradict Hungarian rule over the Carpathian Basin?

11-01-2011, 04:10 PM
Let me give you a reminder to the Vlachs about how white are they compared to us...


Whiteness isn't defined on looks. It's defined on cultural traits. Thanks for playing.

11-01-2011, 04:11 PM
Whiteness isn't defined on looks. It's defined on cultural traits. Thanks for playing.

If you look Negroid, you ARE Negroid.
If you look Mongoloid, you ARE Mongoloid.
It has next to nothing to to with culture.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 04:14 PM
They are home because they identify with the Rumanian nation. Why don't you look at the Germans? They moved to Germany because they identified with that nation. The same applies to the Jews, who left for Israel en masse. As a result there are very few Germans and Jews left. But there are many "Magyars". The reason for that is that they have become assimilated to the Rumanian nation.

So after you, Hungarians in Transylvania are Romanians. Then why do Romanians call them unguri, maghiari or worse: bozgor? Why do these Romanians speak Hungarian better than Romanian. Why do Romanian chauvinistic parties and groups as PRM, PPP, Noua Dreapta organize rallies against Hungarians in Transylvania? Why do Romanians refer to these "Romanians" as they, them, as they would be a different population? Can I ask you if you are writing from a hospice? I rarely read such stupidity, and trust me, I read them all.

11-01-2011, 04:17 PM
If you look Negroid, you ARE Negroid.
If you look Mongoloid, you ARE Mongoloid.
It has next to nothing to to with culture.

some europeans have non-european traits but they associate themselves with europe

11-01-2011, 04:33 PM
some europeans have non-european traits but they associate themselves with europe

You mean Northern-Europeans having Mongoloid traits?
Europe is a continent, not a race.
The native, indigenous populations of Europe - with the exception of Northern Europe - are Caucasoid, racially Caucasian, and are characterized by light skin.
Of course, you don't have to have light skin to be Caucasian (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x71X9i3FqmE&feature=related). Also, North-East Asians have paler skin than most Europeans.

So, basically: White = Light-skinned Caucasoid.
The average Hungarian has lighter skin than the average Romanian.

Also, the average Hungarian is more likely to have light eyes than the average Romanian.
The average Hungarian is more likely to have light hair than the average Romanian.


11-01-2011, 04:42 PM
Yet the first mentioning of Vlachs in Transyilvania dates from the 13th century. Where are the Vlach geographical names in the Carpathian Basin? Most are translations from Hungarian. Where are the Vlach cities? Where are the Vlach churches?

If you haven't heard about the Avar Empire in the Carpathian Basin than your opinion is basically of zero importance. This is elementary history. Here you can educate yourself briefly about historical facts you shockingly never knew about: http://www.allempires.com/article/index.php?q=The_Avar_Khaganate

Can you be more explicit about which Gesta are you talking about? And what are the passages that contradict Hungarian rule over the Carpathian Basin?

You know how Hungarians used to be called Magyars? Vlachs used to be called Dacians. They're mentioned in Roman, Byzantine and, in the Middle Ages, German and Latin sources, if I'm not mistaken. This goes from the 4th century (Augustan History I think) to the 6th century (Getica) to Middle Age sources I don't remember right now. But they're mentioned as living in the area that corresponds with modern day Rumania.

Read about the different cultures in the area. Here you have cities, churches, houses, graves, and artifacts:

In Transylvania, the first sunken floored huts with stone ovens appear in the very end of the 6th century in the valley of the rivers Râul Negru, Covasna and Caşin.[12] Some time after the middle of the 7th century, an enclave of sites in the region of Cluj forms a zone of settlements in the upper reaches of the Mureş and its tributaries.[43] These are mainly settlement sites and flat cremation cemeteries, some containing also inhumation burials.[43]

The ‘Band-Noşlac’ types of graveyards (e.g., Bratei 3, Târgu Mureş) saw a peak of activity in the 7th century.[58] The villages linked to the cemeteries underwent a peculiar transformation after the turn of the 7th century: the traditional fashions of the earlier population (e.g., the smoothed or stamped decoration of pottery, comb-makers’ products) became mixed with a new culture (interment with horses, horse harnesses, pike-heads).[12]

‘Early Avar’ graves were found in the Western Plain, mostly from the first half of the 7th century (e.g., at Felnac and Sânpetru German).[58] The area of the Gâmbaş group included the Middle Mureş valley at the confluence between the rivers Arieş and Târnava; its beginning cannot predate the first half of the 7th century, and the maximum expansion was achieved in the second half of the 7th century and in the early 8th century.[58]

An important group of 7th- to 9th-century cemeteries known as the ‘Mediaş group’ cluster near the salt mines (e.g., the cemetery of Ocna Sibiului, with 120 cremation and 15 inhumation burials).[8] Adjacent to the zone are the Someşeni and Nuşfalău barrow cemeteries which seems to reflect tradition of construction similar to the barrow cemeteries in the Ukraine.[43]

The distribution of these river names[note 16] coincides with that of a series of archaic cranial features within the restricted area of the Apuşeni Mountains. Linguistic data thus suggest the existence of speakers of Romanian in the vicinity of the salt mine district. This is indeed important, for it is very difficult to distinguish between "Slavic" and "Romanian" pottery or dress accessories. In most cases, archaeology can only identify cultural groups that, unlike Avars or Magyars, were not of nomadic origin. The wheel-made pottery produced on the fast wheel (as opposed to the tournette), which was found in several settlement of the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries, may indicate the continuation of Roman traditions.
Madgearu, Alexandru, 2005 (p. 105)

Elements of the ‘Dridu culture have been identified only in the southeast of this province and near Alba Iulia,[63] all dated to the second half of the 9th century.[8]

In addition to burials found near the church, three cemeteries have been excavated in Alba Iulia, which produced artifacts very similar to those from burial assemblages in Slavonia and the Hungarian Plain that had attributed to the ‘Bjelo Brdo culture’.[37] One of the earliest Bjelo Brdo cemeteries in Transylvania is that of Deva; another was established shortly after 1000 in Hunedoara and continued through the 11th century.[37] Burial in most pre-Christian cemeteries ceased by 1100.[37]

At some point in the early 12th century, strongholds erected in the 11th century in the northwest (Biharea, Dăbâca, Cluj-Mănăştur, Moldoveneşti) had their ramparts repaired and heightened.[37] Churches were built inside each one of them, and around those churches grew the 12th-century cemeteries that Romanian archaeologists group together in what they call the ‘Citfalău’ phase following the disappearance of the ‘Bjelo Brdo culture’.[37]


Now to the Gesta:

The "Gesta Hungarorum" contains correct facts, inaccurate facts, and information on Transylvania that cannot be confirmed from other sources. Some of the work is directly from earlier sources, and covers the history of the Magyar peoples moving into the Carpathian basin. The following are some commonly referenced parts with commentary regarding Transylvania. You may choose to believe them or not!
Regarding the area of Bihor:

Gesta hungarorum says:

....The lands between the Tisa and the forest towards Transylvania and from the Mures river to the Somes river was occupied by Duke Morout, whose grandson was called Men-Marot by the Hungarians. The lands were inhabited by people called Khozar. The Hungarian leader Arpad, sends messengers to Bihar and asks Menumorout to cede the territory between the Somes river and Mezes mountains. Menumorout refuses, referring to his lord the Byzantium Emperor. After three days of siege at Sotmar (now Szatmar = Satu Mare) the castle is taken. The story is told once again, but this time Menumorurt who had earlier declined "with a Bulgarian heart" now gives the lands and his daughter.....

Some Hungarians propose that the names Morout and Menumorout were invented from from earlier chronicles regarding Morot, the leader the Hungarians met in Pannonia, other suggest these names could have come from the Hungarian name for Moravians whom they defeated in 906.

The Magyars tribes were joined by some other tribes when they moved into the Carpathian basin. One of these tribes was related to the Khazar. It is know that a tribe which originally settled in the Bihor region was later known as the Szekely and were moved to the south east of Transylvania.

Much of the Balkans was under Bulgarian rule but had fallen to Byzantium before the Magyar tribes entered. Any Dukes met by the Hungarians were likely to be "Bulgarian", and the population might be expected to be a mix of Slavs and Romanised peoples, as found in other Bulgarians territories. Other sources record the presence of Avars (kingdom existed until 796), Slavs, Moravians (Slavic state until defeated by Hungarians in 906), Bulgarians (Empire extended to this area in 9th century) and Gepids (Germanic kingdom existing until 567). Gesta hungarorum and Russian Primay Chronicle also includes Vlachs.
Regarding the area of Banat:

Gesta hungarorum says:

....The lands between the Mures river and the castle of Orsova was occupied by Duke Glad, who came from the castle of Vidin. His descendent was Ahtum, who later in the time of King Stephen was killed by Csanad, the son of Bobuka. The Hungarians sent an army against Duke Glad and subdued the population between the Mures and Temes rivers. When they tried to pass the Temes river Glad came against them with a great army including Cuman, Bulgarian and Vlach support. On the following day the Hungarians defeated the enemy......

It is known that the Bulgarians fought the newly arrived Hungarians, and Bulgarian armies may have included Vlachs. Several centuries later Bulgaria was to create a second empire of Slavs and Vlachs south of the Danube. Ahtum is a known historical Prince who lived in the region of Banat and was subdued by King Stephen at the start of the 11th century.
Regarding the area of Transylvania:

Gesta hungarorum says:

....Teteny, the father of Horka, found out from the inhabitants about the territory beyond the forest, where some Vlach Gelu ruled.....and the territory beyond the forrest was held by the decedents of Teteny until the time of Stephen, and would have continued to be if Gyula and his sons Bolya and Bonyha had been willing to adopt Christianity and not act against the king. Teteny sent a spy beyond the forrest and he reported that it was rich in salt, gold and many good rivers. The inhabitants of that country were the most unworthy in the world because they were Vlachs and Slavs. A fierce battle started, in which the soldiers of Gelu were defeated. ... Gelu was pursued by warriors of Teteny and killed. When the inhabitants of the country saw the death of their lord, they wanted to make peace and chose Teteny as their leader......

The Hungarian chief Gyula is a known historic character and was subdued by King Stephen in 1002. Hungarians ruled the lands of Transylvania by maintaining a typically Slavic system of Voivode and local Knez rulers suggesting that the pre-Hungarian organisation was maintained. This system re-emerged a couple of centuries later when the Vlachs founded the countries of Moldavia and Wallachia. These may support the view of continuity from a previous Slavic ruled period.


Avars never had a civilization because they were a nomadic culture. Nomadic cultures don't build and create stuff.

11-01-2011, 04:44 PM
You mean Northern-Europeans having Mongoloid traits?
Europe is a continent, not a race.
The native, indigenous populations of Europe - with the exception of Northern Europe - are Caucasoid, racially Caucasian, and are characterized by light skin.
Of course, you don't have to have light skin to be Caucasian (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x71X9i3FqmE&feature=related). Also, North-East Asians have paler skin than most Europeans.

So, basically: White = Light-skinned Caucasoid.
The average Hungarian has lighter skin than the average Romanian.

Also, the average Hungarian is more likely to have light eyes than the average Romanian.
The average Hungarian is more likely to have light hair than the average Romanian.

Just because someone have light eyes and light hair doesn't make them white. Hey, Albino are known for being extremely light featured... Are they white?

11-01-2011, 05:05 PM
If you look Negroid, you ARE Negroid.
If you look Mongoloid, you ARE Mongoloid.
It has next to nothing to to with culture.

Yeah, it does. If you look White but act Black, then you're not White.

You need to both look White and act White.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 05:10 PM
You know how Hungarians used to be called Magyars? Vlachs used to be called Dacians. They're mentioned in Roman, Byzantine and, in the Middle Ages, German and Latin sources, if I'm not mistaken. This goes from the 4th century (Augustan History I think) to the 6th century (Getica) to Middle Age sources I don't remember right now. But they're mentioned as living in the area that corresponds with modern day Rumania.

Read about the different cultures in the area. Here you have cities, churches, houses, graves, and artifacts:


Now to the Gesta:


Avars never had a civilization because they were a nomadic culture. Nomadic cultures don't build and create stuff.

But you still didn't answered to my questions? List me cities built by Vlachs that predate those built by Hungarians in Transylvania. Also churches built by Vlachs that predate churches built by Hungarians. What you listed speak of "cultures" and not of ethnic populations, since the Vlachs were an ethnicity. Nothing proves that these artifacts belonged to the Vlachs. It is more probable that they belonged to some of the migratory populations that settled in the Carpathian Basin before the Homecoming of the Magyars.

About the Gesta by Anonymus it is widely considered in academic circles as a none-reliable source. There are several reasons it cannot be the object of argument regarding historical facts. According to Carlile Aylmer Macartney, "the work is the most famous, the most obscure, the most exasperating and most misleading of all the early Hungarian texts". It has many striking inaccuracies: the Gesta does not discuss the 200 years of history between the era of Hunnish king Attila and Hungarian prince Árpád. The Gesta also states that Árpád is a great grandson of king Attila. According to Martyn Rady, Anonymus’s "account pretends to give a historically-grounded account of early Hungarian history... but does in fact nothing of the sort. Anonymus’s account is essentially a ‘toponymic romance’ that seeks to explain place-names by reference to imagined events and persons. Although he gets the names of the earliest Hungarian rulers right, as well as some of the early tribal chieftains, he has the Hungarians beating Slavonic and Romanian leaders whose names are not attested to anywhere else, as well as fighting the Cumans (who appeared in Europe only in the late 11th century) and even the Romans". Authors who dispute the credibility of the Gesta point out that the author probably had no information (apart from some familial and tribal legends) regarding the actual circumstances of the conquest. Thus he invented enemies and rivals for his heroes to vanquish; he casually borrowed the names of rivers (Laborc), mountains (Tarcal and Zobor), and castles (Gyalu) to conjure up knights and chieftains (e.g., the Bulgarian Laborcy, the Cuman Turzol, the Czech Zobur, and the Vlach Gelou) who are not mentioned in other primary sources. They also emphasize that Anonymus obviously had no knowledge of the settlers' real enemies (e.g., Svatopluk II, Emperor Arnulf I, the Bulgar Tzar Simeon); of the settlers' actual adversaries, which included the Moravians, Slovenes, Karantans, Franks, and Bavarians, he knew only of the Bulgarians. Thus he arbitrarily counted among the Hungarians' opponents the Czechs, who at the time lived exclusively in the Czech Basin; the Cumanians, who moved to Europe only in the 11th century; and the Vlachs which suggest that his choices reflect the ethnic and political realities of the 12th century. Anybody who tries to justify their theories from such a heavily flawed source obviously needs a brain check. That person most probably isn't normal.

11-01-2011, 05:29 PM
Yeah, it does. If you look White but act Black, then you're not White.

You need to both look White and act White.

Nice try, but race is still a biological thing, not cultural.
Race is biological, not cultural.
Try again.

11-01-2011, 05:33 PM
So after you, Hungarians in Transylvania are Romanians. Then why do Romanians call them unguri, maghiari or worse: bozgor? Why do these Romanians speak Hungarian better than Romanian. Why do Romanian chauvinistic parties and groups as PRM, PPP, Noua Dreapta organize rallies against Hungarians in Transylvania? Why do Romanians refer to these "Romanians" as they, them, as they would be a different population? Can I ask you if you are writing from a hospice? I rarely read such stupidity, and trust me, I read them all.

Because Rumania has a different social structure. People are divided into a number of sub-tribes:


"Magyars" and "Szeklers" are just sub-tribes that speak a different language. It's not "Rumanians" that are holding those rallies. It's the Transylvanian tribe.

If it was NOT like this, "Magyars" and other minorities would not be forcibly assimilated, like it's done in Russia.

11-01-2011, 05:33 PM
You mean Northern-Europeans having Mongoloid traits?
Europe is a continent, not a race.
The native, indigenous populations of Europe - with the exception of Northern Europe - are Caucasoid, racially Caucasian, and are characterized by light skin.
Of course, you don't have to have light skin to be Caucasian (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x71X9i3FqmE&feature=related). Also, North-East Asians have paler skin than most Europeans.

So, basically: White = Light-skinned Caucasoid.
The average Hungarian has lighter skin than the average Romanian.

Also, the average Hungarian is more likely to have light eyes than the average Romanian.
The average Hungarian is more likely to have light hair than the average Romanian.


I disagree with your premise that European caucasians MUST have light skin. Go to Malta and the Greek Islands- you'll see plenty of native Europeans with rather dark skin.

11-01-2011, 06:08 PM
But you still didn't answered to my questions? List me cities built by Vlachs that predate those built by Hungarians in Transylvania. Also churches built by Vlachs that predate churches built by Hungarians. What you listed speak of "cultures" and not of ethnic populations, since the Vlachs were an ethnicity. Nothing proves that these artifacts belonged to the Vlachs. It is more probable that they belonged to some of the migratory populations that settled in the Carpathian Basin before the Homecoming of the Magyars.

I already listed this in my previous post:

At some point in the early 12th century, strongholds erected in the 11th century in the northwest (Biharea, Dăbâca, Cluj-Mănăştur, Moldoveneşti) had their ramparts repaired and heightened.[37] Churches were built inside each one of them

There are actually about 20 settlements. But these are most famous ones.

How do we know that the artifacts belonged to the Vlachs and not to migratory peoples? We compare pottery. Vlach pottery was made on a wheel (which nomad pottery wasn't) and it matches pottery from other confirmed Vlach settlements in shape, style and decoration.

There was no "homecoming" of the Magyars because the Magyar home is in the Ural. You don't belong in Europe.

About the Gesta by Anonymus it is widely considered in academic circles as a none-reliable source. There are several reasons it cannot be the object of argument regarding historical facts.

Okay, then why is the account in Gesta confirmed by Nestor's chronicle?

11-01-2011, 06:15 PM
Nice try, but race is still a biological thing, not cultural.
Race is biological, not cultural.
Try again.

No, race is both biological and cultural. Just because you look White (Albinos) doesn't mean you are White. You need to have White culture too.

11-01-2011, 06:47 PM
You were right all along,I'm just a butthurt minority thinking he's Romanian and then thinking he's a special Romanian when in fact I'm just some non-white mongrel immigrant. I thank thee, sir!ಠ_ರೃ

Perhaps there still is hope to get outside Romania and leave Romanians alone from my subhuman self...

I agree.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 07:58 PM
Because Rumania has a different social structure. People are divided into a number of sub-tribes:


"Magyars" and "Szeklers" are just sub-tribes that speak a different language. It's not "Rumanians" that are holding those rallies. It's the Transylvanian tribe.

If it was NOT like this, "Magyars" and other minorities would not be forcibly assimilated, like it's done in Russia.

You lack in making sense then your fellow countryman, Unu. This tribe stuff is pure hog-wash invented by you. Never heard of Transylvanian tribe, nor of Magyar and Szekler sub-tribes. Transylvanian or Erdélyi is a Hungarian regional identity, while Magyar is a nationality, and Szekler or Székely is a former ethnicity turned into a Hungarian regional identity.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-01-2011, 08:10 PM
I already listed this in my previous post:

There are actually about 20 settlements. But these are most famous ones.

How do we know that the artifacts belonged to the Vlachs and not to migratory peoples? We compare pottery. Vlach pottery was made on a wheel (which nomad pottery wasn't) and it matches pottery from other confirmed Vlach settlements in shape, style and decoration.

There was no "homecoming" of the Magyars because the Magyar home is in the Ural. You don't belong in Europe.

Okay, then why is the account in Gesta confirmed by Nestor's chronicle?

In the quote those settlement are dated in the 12th century, when Magyars were already there for 2 centuries. So you couldn't show me any settlement raised by the Vlachs that predate the Homecoming of the Magyars.

Can you list the other Vlach settlements in comparison and be more explicit how the pottery was typical only to the Vlachs? Also can you post pictures, just to be sure you are not making this up from both Intra and Extra Carpathian sites?

I won't even react to the crazy rant about Hungarians not belonging to Europe. People with such opinions always come from the under-belly of society.

11-01-2011, 08:49 PM
Mary, reasoning with hungarians is pretty much like pissing in the wind (pardon my french). You mention Gesta (their document) they tell you its fake, you tell them that its confirmend by other sources they go on about churches and cities. You give them information regarding pre-magyar vlach settlements in Transylvania they want to know about pottery :)
Hungarians visit romanian threads to bemoan their pathetic existence, they keep whining about Transylvania and Trianon and all that crap, they are not here to accept your opinions and inputs, so dont waste your time.

let me show you how you talk to a mogyor :) = Listen you asian horse eating manure you're not getting Transylvania !!! (triple exclamation point) stop trolling romanian related topics, saddle your horses and fuck off back to Ural (now thats a homecoming for you boys) :D

and ... :icon_yell: TRIANON, TRIANON, TRIANON ! :laugh2:

11-01-2011, 08:54 PM
You lack in making sense then your fellow countryman, Unu. This tribe stuff is pure hog-wash invented by you. Never heard of Transylvanian tribe, nor of Magyar and Szekler sub-tribes. Transylvanian or Erdélyi is a Hungarian regional identity, while Magyar is a nationality, and Szekler or Székely is a former ethnicity turned into a Hungarian regional identity.

She's a Russian born in Russia. I don't even know if she moved to Romania yet. You better find some Russian related stuff to try to denigrate her talk with documented proof about Transylvania, off-topic talking about me won't do this time. :coffee:

11-01-2011, 11:53 PM
Mary, reasoning with hungarians is pretty much like pissing in the wind (pardon my french). You mention Gesta (their document) they tell you its fake, you tell them that its confirmend by other sources they go on about churches and cities. You give them information regarding pre-magyar vlach settlements in Transylvania they want to know about pottery :)
Hungarians visit romanian threads to bemoan their pathetic existence, they keep whining about Transylvania and Trianon and all that crap, they are not here to accept your opinions and inputs, so dont waste your time.

let me show you how you talk to a mogyor :) = Listen you asian horse eating manure you're not getting Transylvania !!! (triple exclamation point) stop trolling romanian related topics, saddle your horses and fuck off back to Ural (now thats a homecoming for you boys) :D

and ... :icon_yell: TRIANON, TRIANON, TRIANON ! :laugh2:

Reported the post.

11-02-2011, 12:12 AM
Reported the post.

I reported your insults and spams so many times by now,basically useless to report :( ...

Btw I read an interesting news today,regarding the level of corruption in Transylvania(it may be a bit off-topic but it's especially for our butthurt minority "transilvanian friends" that hate Romanians and think they are so awesome,especially for being historic slaves to foreigners):


A kilometer of renewed highway at Sibiu(Hermanstadt - the majority of the population is Romanian but they vote for the German party and they have a German mayor) costs 350 times more than at Brasov( Kronstadt - the mayor is a Moldovan,by region, born in my county,he is considered to be the best mayor Brasov had so far).
[...]the medium cost per kilometer rose up to 100,000 euros in a single year![...]The data from the Institute of Public Politics shows that at Sibiu,a kilometer of highway that was renewed costs 350 times more than at Brasov.

Best is a comment there: "obrazul arian cu cheltuiala se tine"(~the Aryan way of life is expensive). :P


- Mayor Klaus Johannis (Democratic Forum of Germans)



Brasov: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brasov

- Mayor George Scripcaru (Democratic Liberal Party)


George Scripcaru (born September 3, 1966, Doljeşti, Neamţ County) is a Romanian politician and the mayor of Braşov since 2004.[1] In 2011 he was elected as one of the 15 vice-presidents of the Democratic Liberal Party.

11-02-2011, 05:42 AM
@Unu: It's just not funny any more.:shrug: Leave it be...

And as for the corruption thing, I don't even want to know what I would find out if I started digging in what you Moldavian Phanariots have been up to...:stop

11-02-2011, 07:38 AM
@Daos: OK,I'll leave it at that.

It's not a beauty contest and I have better things to do that talk about non-Romanian politicians in Romania,just wanted certain people that may be reading this to see that news,that's all.

Stars Down To Earth
11-03-2011, 02:04 AM
I wouldn't count Romania as a Balkan country. It's geographically in the Balkans, for sure, but not ethno-culturally. The "proper Balkans" are the South Slavic countries. Romania is a rather odd Eastern European country with a Romance language.

No, race is both biological and cultural.
No, Mrs. Racial Ladder Troll, the concept of race is solely biological. If you are physically white, then you are a white person. The word "white" denotes appearance, not culture. Ethno-cultural groups are a whole nother thing.

White people are also part of the European cultural spectrum. This is what people mean by "white culture" and "acting white". Colonies such as North America and Australia also count as an extension of Europe in this sense.

11-03-2011, 03:41 AM
I don't consider Romania a Balkan country. It is an Eastern European country, that's it. But Eastern Europe had the same hatefull behaviour just like Balkan countries, some even more. Hungary-Romania, Slovakia-Hungary, Ukraine(west)-Russia,ALL-Russia :)! But EE has also the hottest boys I've ever seen in my life :p ,YES I KNOW MY AGE S.H. :D, so I kinda forgive them, cos they're great even if they are... how they are :)

11-03-2011, 04:22 AM
But Eastern Europe had the same hatefull behaviour just like Balkan countries, some even more. Hungary-Romania, Slovakia-Hungary, Ukraine(west)-Russia,ALL-Russia :)! But EE has also the hottest boys I've ever seen in my life :p ,YES I KNOW MY AGE S.H. :D, so I kinda forgive them, cos they're great even if they are... how they are :)

So now we have hateful behavior because we live here?! I HATE YOU!:mad: *jk lol.

Btw Western Europe had more wars and the rivalries were even more intense.

11-04-2011, 10:31 AM
@Unurautare I hate you more :p LOL! I know western and central Europe had some bloody wars, well more than some :), but I talk about today situation, cos I never heard those days a french sayin' he hate and despise Germany and germans nor vice versa. Not the same for EE unfortunately :(

Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 03:18 PM
@Unurautare I hate you more :p LOL! I know western and central Europe had some bloody wars, well more than some :), but I talk about today situation, cos I never heard those days a french sayin' he hate and despise Germany and germans nor vice versa. Not the same for EE unfortunately :(

Actually Hungary and Slovakia, parts of Ukraine and Romania are Central European (Mitteleuropa), not Eastern European (btw Switzerland, Transylvania, Vojvodina, Slavonija and Bánát should also appear on the map). Do they teach you different geography in Iceland?


11-04-2011, 03:22 PM
@Sagitta Hungarica Hungarian,the concept of Europe itself is not a sure thing,where it ends and where it begins. We had Azerbaijan win the Eurovision last time(go figure,next time maybe it will be Mongolia itself). So don't get into off-topic bs more than you already have and insult turbogirl for no good reason.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 03:27 PM
@Sagitta Hungarica Hungarian,the concept of Europe itself is not a sure thing,where it ends and where it begins. We had Azerbaijan win the Eurovision last time(go figure,next time maybe it will be Mongolia itself). So don't get into off-topic bs more than you already have and insult turbogirl for no good reason.

Leave this tendentious provoking messages at rest. Not everything that comes to your mind you have to share with the rest of the forum.

11-04-2011, 03:32 PM
Leave this tendentious provoking messages at rest. Not everything that comes to your mind you have to share with the rest of the forum.

How about you stick to the topic and leave your personal butthurts aside?

Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 03:39 PM
How about you stick to the topic and leave your personal butthurts aside?

My post was a clear correction to turbogirl's wrong generalizations that some countries are Eastern European. This thread revolves around European regional discussion, so nothing off-topic in my correcting post. Hungarians always consider themselves as Central European (közép európaiak). Heck, we are straight in the center of Europe. Why are you always so conflictual? Are you generally so upset in life?

11-04-2011, 03:47 PM
Actually Hungary and Slovakia, parts of Ukraine and Romania are Central European (Mitteleuropa), not Eastern European (btw Switzerland, Transylvania, Vojvodina, Slavonija and Bánát should also appear on the map). Do they teach you different geography in Iceland?



11-04-2011, 03:51 PM
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Central_Europe_%28Meyers_Grosses_Taschenlexikon%29 .PNG


http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3e/Central_Europe_%28Geographie_universelle%2C_1927%2 9.PNG

I don't care,just posting these to show it's a variable concept.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 04:07 PM
All those maps just confirm what I said in the first place. Only you know why you had to inflame my post directed to another person into one of your petty arguing.

11-04-2011, 04:08 PM
All those maps just confirm what I said in the first place. Only you know why you had to inflame my post directed to another person into one of your petty arguing.

Eastern Europe according to the UN:


Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 04:14 PM
Culturally, geographically, anthropologically, there is a Central European specificity. The concepts are different, but what should matter the foremost is geography, but not the less culture also. And both geographically and culturally Hungary is Central and not Eastern European.

11-04-2011, 04:22 PM
Culturally, geographically, anthropologically, there is a Central European specificity. The concepts are different, but what should matter the foremost is geography, but not the less culture also. And both geographically and culturally Hungary is Central and not Eastern European.

Indeed,and they can vary a lot,especially for Europe.

11-04-2011, 05:03 PM
@S.H. They teach us to be normal, not to hate others, like you do, too bad cos I thought you're different! They teach us about Middle Europe not the german name, you sound so proud to say it in german :p as something abstract, you said something but your map show'd something different, in one word .... .. :p

Sagitta Hungarica
11-04-2011, 07:54 PM
@S.H. They teach us to be normal, not to hate others, like you do, too bad cos I thought you're different! They teach us about Middle Europe not the german name, you sound so proud to say it in german :p as something abstract, you said something but your map show'd something different, in one word .... .. :p

Darling, you are unprepared yet to judge my posts. I was perfectly logical, just read again ;)

11-04-2011, 08:02 PM
Only the Holy Roman Empire is considered to be Central Europe, so Hungary is in Central Europe.

11-07-2011, 09:50 AM
@S.H. Thanx, what you just said proved my point, so you know me so well, after only few posts, that you figured it out how unprepared I am to do something. Nice!

Sagitta Hungarica
11-07-2011, 02:15 PM
@S.H. Thanx, what you just said proved my point, so you know me so well, after only few posts, that you figured it out how unprepared I am to do something. Nice!

Not to hurt your feelings, but you yet have to prove with well detailed posts that you have a background of knowledge in this topic. Until now you are only playing the innocent pacifist, which is good, I myself believe in European peace, but if we let old unresolved issues open we cannot create a new beneficial future for all sides. Fortunately debating on forums haven't started any real-life wars yet.

11-07-2011, 02:54 PM
Just wondering, if hungarians and romanians would renounce their religions and languages, and would speak and adoopt the language of a superiour culture, for example russian, would you accept that to form a new nation in and around the Charpatian Basin ?

11-07-2011, 03:24 PM
Why Russian, Volko?

China believes its economic success reflects its superior culture (http://australianpropertyforum.com/topic/8170540/1/).:) How about Chinese?

11-07-2011, 03:33 PM
It's mostly a South Asian country.


11-07-2011, 03:42 PM
@S.H. I only put here my opinions, dunno if I'm right r wrong, but that's what I belive! And I don't playin' anything here dear, innocent r the opposite, maybe I just hate "the hate". And how, in your opinion, those old conflicts could be resolved? Thanks God for that, after a "beautiful" endless economic crisis, the last thing we need is a war in Eastern Europe :)

11-07-2011, 04:34 PM
Why Russian, Volko?
:) How about Chinese?

1800 years ago they were just a handfull of people at the Vistula, now they are one of the most numerous people in Europe.
The egyptians tried, the greeks tried, the romans tried, Hitler tried, but only Sviatoslav destroied the jews.
For a long time they were the sole defenders of Orthodoxy, and Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was the last legit church.
When Rurik got on the Baltic shore the entire slavic people were there waiting for him.
When russians die, they alwaist say cool things, see Taras Bulba the film.

And most important, all the people in our area speak russian only hungarians and romanians speak non-slavic languages.

How else would romanians and hungarians live in peace ?

11-08-2011, 03:54 AM
Just wondering, if hungarians and romanians would renounce their religions and languages, and would speak and adoopt the language of a superiour culture, for example russian, would you accept that to form a new nation in and around the Charpatian Basin ?

Are you high? Russian superior? At drinking I suppose. If you want to live as a sheep go ahead but Romanians are individualists by nature,even when we go and pray.

1800 years ago they were just a handfull of people at the Vistula, now they are one of the most numerous people in Europe.
The egyptians tried, the greeks tried, the romans tried, Hitler tried, but only Sviatoslav destroied the jews.
For a long time they were the sole defenders of Orthodoxy, and Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia was the last legit church.
When Rurik got on the Baltic shore the entire slavic people were there waiting for him.
When russians die, they alwaist say cool things, see Taras Bulba the film.

And most important, all the people in our area speak russian only hungarians and romanians speak non-slavic languages.

How else would romanians and hungarians live in peace ?

I'll take your arguments one by one:
"1800 years ago they were just a handfull of people at the Vistula, now they are one of the most numerous people in Europe."

Russia is facing severe demographic problems right now,and they aren't by far one of the most numerous people in the world,especially considering a lot of the population in the Russian federation isn't even ethnic Russian. They just have the largest country that,based on climate,is mostly not a nice place to live in.

"The egyptians tried, the greeks tried, the romans tried, Hitler tried, but only Sviatoslav destroied the jews."

The Egyptians used jews as slaves, the Roman Empire destroyed Israel as a state,that was their purpose and they succeeded,you could say Germany tried and failed,but Russia was the place where jews succeeded with their bolshevik revolution and in time spread their jewish agents all across Eastern Europe in key management position,and now,in Russia, they have a parade every year in honor of those nice jewish forefathers.

Btw Soviet Russia recognized Israel's independence right away,didn't it? ;)

"For a long time they were the sole defenders of Orthodoxy"

From who? Who did they defend? :rolleyes: The only legit church for a long time,until the Orthodox churches of other countries became independent, was that in Constantinople,that was the center of Orthodoxy,never Russia. Besides the fact that Russian orthodoxy there sprung(and still produce) some of the most weird and degrading sects(read about Rasputin's adventures with such sects and it's enough to be sick)most Russians aren't even religious for that matter. Slavs aren't really that suited up for Christianity imo.

"When Rurik got on the Baltic shore the entire slavic people were there waiting for him. "

East slavs aren't entire "slavic people".

"When russians die, they alwaist say cool things, see Taras Bulba the film."

:rolleyes: Those are Ukrainian cossacks not Russian cossacks,I would think you'd know the difference. Russians=/=ukrainians.

"And most important, all the people in our area speak russian only hungarians and romanians speak non-slavic languages."

Tell that Russian imperialist pan-slavic story to the Yugoslavs,Poles, or "Czechoslovaks",I'm sure they will listen,or maybe not. And don't worry,Russia's time will come sooner than you think,the only reason it's crawling today is because of underground resources it exports(sort of like a banana country exports bananas).

"How else would romanians and hungarians live in peace ?"

Cute how you worry about these countries Russians invaded time and time again. :D When did Romanians or Hungarians ever live in peace? We didn't even have a century of rest when we had to defend from somebody,including from the Russians,most recently, that are still hellbent on annexing Moldova.

11-08-2011, 04:09 PM
Da, i drunk several Stejar cans when i wrote that, but Constantinopole renounced Orthodoxy and became Catholic in 1923 the same did romanians bulgarians greeks and others. The russian orthodoxy lasted untill 1925, and then it continued under ROCOR untill a few years ago.

That made Russia the last Christian Patriarchate in the world. (untill 1925)

11-08-2011, 04:16 PM
Da, i drunk several Stejar cans when i wrote that, but Constantinopole renounced Orthodoxy and became Catholic in 1923 the same did romanians bulgarians greeks and others. The russian orthodoxy lasted untill 1925, and then it continued under ROCOR untill a few years ago.

Stejar was very good at one time but for some years now it just seems like overly strong alcohol mixed with burned sugar. I prefer other brands.
1923? You mean the calendar change or what?

11-08-2011, 04:22 PM
Calendar change, serghianism, unity with the vatican, that sort of stuff.

11-08-2011, 04:32 PM
Calendar change, serghianism, unity with the vatican, that sort of stuff.

I agree. I'd raise my kids as convinced atheist rather than 'hand them over' to some Catholic priests,no point to explain why. Also reading about what Catholics did to Romanians in Moravia that refused to convert to Catholicism made me fell sick about the whole brother church stuff. They are also pretending to be the "true and only" Church of God.
The Popes should be banned from existence considering how many crimes and what-not they did and continue to do.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-09-2011, 05:43 PM
I agree. I'd raise my kids as convinced atheist rather than 'hand them over' to some Catholic priests,no point to explain why. Also reading about what Catholics did to Romanians in Moravia that refused to convert to Catholicism made me fell sick about the whole brother church stuff. They are also pretending to be the "true and only" Church of God.
The Popes should be banned from existence considering how many crimes and what-not they did and continue to do.

I meat several Romanians who wished Romanians were Catholics from the start, because as they said, Orthodoxy kept Romanians "away from Europe" for several centuries. I agree with this.

11-09-2011, 06:18 PM
I meat several Romanians who wished Romanians were Catholics from the start, because as they said, Orthodoxy kept Romanians "away from Europe" for several centuries. I agree with this.

Those are Romanian citizens,not ethnic Romanians,that have no idea what they are bullshiting about. Kept away from child molesters. I agree on this,I don't need gay parades and pedo-priests,thanks but no thanks.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-09-2011, 06:33 PM
Those are Romanian citizens,not ethnic Romanians,that have no idea what they are bullshiting about. Kept away from child molesters. I agree on this,I don't need gay parades and pedo-priests,thanks but no thanks.

None ethnic Romanians have names like: Stefan, Adrian, Andrei, Victor, Cristi? Just to name a few I remember made such statements. Only one of them is partially Hungarian (though he cannot speak the language), the rest are fully Romanian. The poorest places in Europe are countries where Orthodoxy is the state-religion (few exceptions perhaps). Only if you are a fanatic Orthodox you may deny this, but I don't see what can be denied on this.

11-09-2011, 07:42 PM
None ethnic Romanians have names like: Stefan, Adrian, Andrei, Victor, Cristi? Just to name a few I remember made such statements. Only one of them is partially Hungarian (though he cannot speak the language), the rest are fully Romanian. The poorest places in Europe are countries where Orthodoxy is the state-religion (few exceptions perhaps). Only if you are a fanatic Orthodox you may deny this, but I don't see what can be denied on this.

Yes ,even gypsies have ethnic Hungarian or Romanian names(not to mention those in Spain and other places in Europe that have local names).
Realize that the most powerful military in Europe is currently in Russia(traditional orthodox country),also the Byzantines were powerful in their day. You talk about Orthodox countries like an American geek talks about Japan by only watching animes.

Sagitta Hungarica
11-10-2011, 04:52 PM
Yes ,even gypsies have ethnic Hungarian or Romanian names(not to mention those in Spain and other places in Europe that have local names).
Realize that the most powerful military in Europe is currently in Russia(traditional orthodox country),also the Byzantines were powerful in their day. You talk about Orthodox countries like an American geek talks about Japan by only watching animes.

I know Romania closely, I know your people very well, I perfectly know what I am talking about ;)

11-10-2011, 05:07 PM
I know Romania closely, I know your people very well, I perfectly know what I am talking about ;)


11-11-2011, 07:14 PM
I meat several Romanians who wished Romanians were Catholics from the start, because as they said, Orthodoxy kept Romanians "away from Europe" for several centuries. I agree with this.

Apart from jew-boy Daos no other romenians would ever say that, even if its true.

btw a question for you, let's say all the world would bann Chatolicism except Nicaragua, would you give up your language and move to Nicaragua ? And what if a more Chatolic country (Vatican) would attack Hungary, witch side will you take ?
I have said my loyalty in case of a war against Russia or Ethiopia, but how many of you who trumpet your religion would do the same ?

Teutoburg King
11-11-2011, 07:19 PM
No it's not, and neither is Hungary for the same reason. Romania is a Central-Eastern European country, not quite Balkan. Close, but no cigar. ;)

02-18-2012, 06:12 PM
I consider a good part of Romania Balkanic.

Comte Arnau
02-18-2012, 07:08 PM
To me, the Balkans are everything south of the Danube. So most of Romania and Hungary lie on that vague area of eastern Europe which is neither Southern nor Northern. On top of it, both countries aren't Slavic, but they separate northern Slavs from southern Slavs. So to me they are the Eastern Centre, much like the Rhine separates Latins from Teutons in the West, leaving Switzerland and the Benelux as the borders.

04-07-2012, 02:10 AM

05-06-2013, 12:47 PM
Romania geographically is not part of the Balkan peninsula, however their culture is 100% balkan culture, their culture related to Serbians and Bulgarians.

08-30-2013, 09:24 PM
Not geography, culturally yes

01-25-2018, 10:57 PM
Romania geographically is not part of the Balkan peninsula, however their culture is 100% balkan culture, their culture related to Serbians and Bulgarians.

Geography wise a good part of Romania is in Balkans.

01-25-2018, 11:05 PM
They are Balkan people who continued to use Latin language, while most of others Illyrians and Thracians got Slavicized. (except Albanians)

Romanians are Romanized Thracians who mixed with some Slavs (just like people of Western Balkans).

Closest people to them are Yugos, and the only barrier between us and them is language, but we also spoke Latin in the past.

The number of Slavicized Romans in Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Montenegro is ENORMOUS.

01-25-2018, 11:14 PM
Closest people to them are Yugos

Actually the Bulgarians are closest to them.

01-25-2018, 11:16 PM
Actually the Bulgarians are closest to them.

Only the ones from the south. The ones from Transylvania are more similar to Serbs than Bulgarians and the Moldavians are sorta their own thing.

01-28-2018, 01:37 PM
Only the ones from the south. The ones from Transylvania are more similar to Serbs than Bulgarians and the Moldavians are sorta their own thing.

Well, why than Bulgarian and Romanian samples are close to each other on all calculators or is it because the Romanian samples are taken from the south?
If that's the case than the calculators are not very accurate because in that case the Romanian reference should plot further north.

01-28-2018, 01:51 PM
Well, why than Bulgarian and Romanian samples are close to each other on all calculators or is it because the Romanian samples are taken from the south?
If that's the case than the calculators are not very accurate because in that case the Romanian reference should plot further north.

Most results are from the south, yes. Most people live there and they're richest there. I've seen some results from central Romania and they always usually get Serbian before Bulgarian and even before Romanian. One example:
Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baltic 29.17
2 North_Atlantic 25.26
3 West_Med 15.29
4 East_Med 13.05
5 West_Asian 10.00
6 Siberian 2.65
7 East_Asian 2.07
8 Red_Sea 1.48


Least-squares method.

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Serbian @ 4.601385
2 Moldavian @ 5.699784
3 Romanian @ 7.730595
4 Croatian @ 8.897905
5 Hungarian @ 9.285542
6 Bulgarian @ 10.344256
7 Austrian @ 13.609597
8 East_German @ 15.031610
9 Ukrainian_Lviv @ 15.833433
10 South_Polish @ 16.667696
11 Ukrainian @ 17.295725
12 Greek_Thessaly @ 20.086020
13 West_German @ 20.144962
14 Tatar @ 20.570208
15 Polish @ 20.858053
16 Southwest_Russian @ 20.912415
17 Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 21.166742
18 South_Dutch @ 21.855402
19 French @ 22.345224
20 North_Italian @ 22.613775

Using 2 populations approximation:
1 50% Moldavian +50% Serbian @ 2.745194

Using 3 populations approximation:
1 50% Bulgarian +25% East_German +25% Tatar @ 2.533930

Using 4 populations approximation:
1 Erzya + Italian_Abruzzo + North_Italian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2.161067
2 Italian_Abruzzo + Kargopol_Russian + Moldavian + Serbian @ 2.352432
3 Erzya + Italian_Abruzzo + North_Italian + Southwest_Russian @ 2.394356
4 Austrian + Erzya + Moldavian + South_Italian @ 2.423036
5 Austrian + Central_Greek + Erzya + Serbian @ 2.424443
6 Bulgarian + East_German + Erzya + Italian_Abruzzo @ 2.427929
7 Central_Greek + East_German + Erzya + Romanian @ 2.454652
8 Central_Greek + Erzya + Spanish_Andalucia + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2.459615
9 Italian_Abruzzo + Kargopol_Russian + North_Italian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2.465806
10 Central_Greek + East_German + Erzya + Serbian @ 2.480118
11 Austrian + Kargopol_Russian + Moldavian + South_Italian @ 2.484510
12 East_Finnish + Italian_Abruzzo + Moldavian + Romanian @ 2.489713
13 Bulgarian + Erzya + Moldavian + North_Italian @ 2.491621
14 East_German + Erzya + Serbian + South_Italian @ 2.514197
15 East_German + Erzya + Italian_Abruzzo + Romanian @ 2.515399
16 Central_Greek + Kargopol_Russian + North_Italian + Ukrainian_Belgorod @ 2.515465
17 Bulgarian + North_Italian + Tatar + Ukrainian @ 2.516113
18 Central_Greek + Erzya + Moldavian + West_German @ 2.518579
19 Erzya + Italian_Abruzzo + North_Italian + Ukrainian @ 2.523907
20 Bulgarian + North_Italian + South_Polish + Tatar @ 2.529156

02-21-2018, 05:28 AM
I sense that a lot of the former yugo countries don't like themselves since they went to war with each other in the 90's and now try to change their image and using Romania as a template. The fact is Romania do not share any history with the balkan peninsula, there is only a minimum culture mixing the the south of romania from cross border contamination. Romanias culture is vastly different form the balkan peninsula, different language and different background. I believe there is an attempt to label romania as a balkan country by NGO's like BIRN and others for political reasons.

02-21-2018, 05:50 AM
Not geography, culturally yes

so I guess Italy should be called a balkan country also, since it shares a lot of genetic background with the former yugo countries. The difference between romania and balkan countries are the same as italy vs balkan countries.

Bobby Martnen
02-21-2018, 07:31 AM
Mostly but not entirely.

02-21-2018, 07:53 AM
We are all Slavo-Vlachs it's just that Vlachs prevailed in Romania while Slavs prevailed in Serbia, Bosnia.

Romania is more Vlach than Slav, while Bosnia for example is a somewhat more Slav than Vlachs.

But again I say.. We are all Slavo-Vlachs and Romanians are our cousins.

brennus dux gallorum
02-21-2018, 08:35 AM

Excluding Albania and Croatia,which I don't consider Balkans for different reasons for each of them, this is what most of people perceive as Balkans, and I think Romania is quite different and not part of it

I know that the previous century may affected Romania, but surely not in a "Balkan" way, ussr was not Balkans, after all

02-21-2018, 08:37 AM
Excluding Albania, this is what most of people perceive as Balkans, and I think Romania is quite different

Lol how?

I speak some of their language as well, we have the same culture, we have 100% identical genetics.

We are closer to Romanians than Greeks are to Albanians.

brennus dux gallorum
02-21-2018, 08:41 AM
Lol how?

I speak some of their language as well, we have the same culture, we have 100% identical genetics.

We are closer to Romanians than Greeks are to Albanians.

Albanians are not even close to Greeks from any non-genetic aspect (not even genetics for most of Greece) so maybe you are right.

This "proximity" you are talking about is not enough to associate Romania with you

02-21-2018, 08:43 AM
Albanians are not even close to Greeks from any non-genetic aspect (and genetics for most of Greece) so you may are right.

This "proximity" you are talking about is not enough to associate Romania with you

Romanians spoke Serbian language up to 18th century.

Only recently they adopted Romance in 19th century.

brennus dux gallorum
02-21-2018, 08:44 AM
Romanians spoke Serbian language up to 18th century.

Only recently they adopted Romance in 19th century.

Can you post some sources about that?

02-21-2018, 08:55 AM
Can you post some sources about that?

If you need sources for something like that than you have missed a lot of school class.

But I'll give you a hint:

1. Majority of Romanians are I2a1b CTS 10228 (which is Slavic)
2. On Vlad Tepes graveyard there is written in Serbian Cyrillic: "Ovde pociva Rab Boziji Vlad Tepes" i.e. Here lays Slave of God Vlad Tepes
3. Romanian Icon


brennus dux gallorum
02-21-2018, 08:58 AM
If you need sources for something like that than you have missed a lot of school class.

But I'll give you a hint:

1. Majority of Romanians are I2a1b CTS 10228 (which is Slavic)
2. On Vlad Tepes graveyard there is written in Serbian Cyrillic: "Ovde pociva Rab Boziji Vlad Tepes" i.e. Here lays Slave of God Vlad Tepes
3. Romanian Icon



first of all the helmet in the icon reminds me of sassanid helmets, nothing slavic about it

but anyway, even if there are Slavic speakers in Romania (which is obvious, all countries around them are slavic) do you hae any evidence that the majority of them were speaking slavic back then?