View Full Version : How common is the Alpine race in Afghanistan

08-17-2021, 09:57 AM
Was watching the reports from Afghanistan and was quite struck by the diversity of phenotypes there, much more diverse than Pakistan or even Tajikistan which tend more to homogenous types. Is the Alpine type common in this territory?

08-17-2021, 02:07 PM
It's very common in badakshan and panjshir valley , you see the diveristy because it's ethnically diverse country . Most of the reports are from urban areas which is a diverse place .

For instance here is a video from a region close to Kabul


Here is a video from a protest by afghans in Washington


These are taliban mainly comprised of pashtuns , I don't think alpine in its full form is common, they tend to have more types that lean to a dolicephalic skull with longer and sharper faces ( fyi that's the afghan mark wahlberg below lol )


This is from panjshir valley


08-17-2021, 02:59 PM
Alpines in Afghanistan are mostly Tajik in origin (according to humanphenotypes site.)
From what I see in the Taliban videos, Pashtun tend to be Iranid while the Turkmen and Uzbeks are mostly Turanid and Pamirid. Hazara are heavily East Asian admixed

08-17-2021, 03:21 PM
Alpines in Afghanistan are mostly Tajik in origin (according to humanphenotypes site.)
From what I see in the Taliban videos, Pashtun tend to be Iranid while the Turkmen and Uzbeks are mostly Turanid and Pamirid. Hazara are heavily East Asian admixed

The panjshir valley is a perfect example of iranid , Irano nordoid and pamirid ( local alpine ) types . I would say turkmens and Uzbeks are turanid for the most part . Tajiks from badakshan are pamirids mostly .

08-17-2021, 07:37 PM
Don't worry, you will have the joy of seeing it with your own eyes with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Afghans in Europe

08-17-2021, 08:04 PM
Don't worry, you will have the joy of seeing it with your own eyes with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Afghans in Europe

Nope, more like turanids and mongoloids .

08-17-2021, 09:00 PM
Don't worry, you will have the joy of seeing it with your own eyes with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of Afghans in Europe

Europe will probably receive the mongoloid Hazara Shia Muslims. The sexy brunette light eyed Pashtun are staying back :P

08-17-2021, 09:07 PM
The panjshir valley is a perfect example of iranid , Irano nordoid and pamirid ( local alpine ) types . I would say turkmens and Uzbeks are turanid for the most part . Tajiks from badakshan are pamirids mostly .

I thought Pamirids were a subtype of the Turanid race rather than Alpine, interesting.

08-17-2021, 10:05 PM
Europe will probably receive the mongoloid Hazara Shia Muslims. The sexy brunette light eyed Pashtun are staying back :P


08-17-2021, 10:06 PM
I thought Pamirids were a subtype of the Turanid race rather than Alpine, interesting.

Really? They look quite different to each other , pamirid often gives off the typical square headed Balkan/ north Caucasian look at times .

08-17-2021, 11:13 PM
I don't really know. I'm ignorant about the phenotypes there.