View Full Version : Common Finnish phenotypes

08-23-2021, 01:23 PM
I am not obsessed with this idea, but I am the only Finn who try to be without leaning towards VUR, East Balts and Siberians. So you kindly could help me and look these very common types and classify them. Thank you. I'll later come back with Finnish Baltic types, but now presented phenotypes are more widespread in Finland.




https://img.ilcdn.fi/_SdDVtUtPL4IEyV1CXwTZOjnmbk=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/ffbd6707629012b6e68a8db37cc9150afc8f8be8efd4af2a20 64a113b81cc9af.jpg


https://img.ilcdn.fi/uAXBpYMlotXz7Uohx1xxC6RA5eI=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/8486639fd39d0725eb552d7b1d74ec8c750e2075fa3a0fd3df af32b38c96e57f.jpg





08-23-2021, 01:25 PM
Get help

08-23-2021, 01:27 PM
Kinda funny 2 of 3 dudes you posted are confirmed homosexuals, and I'm guess the top dancer guy very likely too.

Well just observation :coffee:

08-23-2021, 01:32 PM
Kinda funny 2 of 3 dudes you posted are confirmed homosexuals, and I'm guess the top dancer guy very likely too.

Well just observation :coffee:

It must be connected to the phenotype, lol. Yes, I used pages linked to TV programs, so it can be the link.

08-23-2021, 01:34 PM
Maybe the Finland that they represent is Tom of Finland.

Award-winning filmmaker Dome Karukoski brings to screen the life and work of artist Touko Valio Laaksonen (aka Tom of Finland), one of the most influential and celebrated figures of twentieth century gay culture.

08-23-2021, 01:37 PM
Yeah I'm not judgemental or anything but as general trend you seem to have preference in looks for males, types who for some reason or another turn out to be gay in quite high percentage. And for women you seem to like quite masculine looks, go figure.

08-23-2021, 01:53 PM
Maybe the Finland that they represent is Tom of Finland.

Finland -- Land of Siberians and Homosexuals.

I've understood from some sources that Touko was not very "gay" gay. That he was actually quite patriotic, and proud war veteran, and very active in veteran circles.

08-23-2021, 01:54 PM
These are common as well and more usually linked to last names with nen-ending, but not exclusively.











Finnish Swede
08-23-2021, 02:11 PM
The only phenotype which Harkonnen will accept as Finns (same goes with the message).


08-23-2021, 02:12 PM
Maybe the Finland that they represent is Tom of Finland.

Touko Lasksonen, an epithet Tom of Finland. More like the man in the signature of Broadskull

https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/w_1200,h_1800,ar_0.6666666865348816,dpr_1,c_fill,g _faces/q_auto:eco,f_auto,fl_lossy/13-3-6570764

08-23-2021, 02:17 PM
The only phenotype which Harkonnen will accept as Finns (same goes with the message).


He has problems in living in Finland and I wonder why he always try to prove his masculinity... We have in Finland a proverb " siitä puhe mistä puute".

08-23-2021, 02:41 PM
Finland -- Land of Siberians and Homosexuals.

I've understood from some sources that Touko was not very "gay" gay. That he was actually quite patriotic, and proud war veteran, and very active in veteran circles.
Alright. Very contradictory, which proves how confused you are in judging your own thoughts. Try to get help to understand youself. Was Mannerheim feminine, masculine, patriot or even veteran in your opinion. It is written that he was bisexual. Difficult to think such real life complexity?

Thank you ruining this thread with your Siberian complexes.

08-23-2021, 03:06 PM
Karelian pheotypes picked from articles written by Karelians or pictured in Karelia

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyS9cXyZxZWq6Cwxyaebc9oZb2dtDff nWsIw&usqp=CAU





08-23-2021, 03:32 PM
Finnish Laplanders






https://img.ilcdn.fi/rWyxStLK-hmF1FkyTqoccmV2rtA=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/00cd3ef673264ac30135f26ab9b9593b7261154d892c2e39b3 4eb19cc2fb9610.png

08-23-2021, 03:49 PM
Alanders. Thank you for watching all these pictures in my messages. Hope you enjoyed.

https://img.ilcdn.fi/uDi9zGc_W_xlapL0bVOKUpiKWSY=/525x0:5010x3369/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/aae6cea80eacf017c62dda5aaa8fee57e182fae6a17dd70cb7 a9f1d7cde0a333.jpg

https://img.ilcdn.fi/NJV1ygGhooBlbOoYRnfTPzzIC80=/full-fit-in/2048x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/64fb361bc5309014319a711734160450d19fbd25d522e18177 d4abd1fcfa23f5.jpg




08-23-2021, 06:47 PM
Southwestern Finns. The most Baltic group with higher Germanic input.






08-24-2021, 08:19 AM
The only phenotype which Harkonnen will accept as Finns (same goes with the message).


I forgot yesterday an anecdote, my experience 10 years ago. I knew a guy, a linguist in Uralic languages. He was born in Kainuu and told me and there all men are Kekkonen lookalikes. Sure, because they all are cousins at the distance of the third or fourth generation.

08-24-2021, 09:11 AM
How those famous Kainuu broadskulls look like in reality. No, they are not Karelian, they are from a poor small Finnish northeastern province, which was populated 300 years ago from Ostrobothnia, Savolax snd Lapland without any connection to Karelia.






08-24-2021, 09:24 AM
I am not obsessed with this idea, but I am the only Finn who try to be without leaning towards VUR, East Balts and Siberians. So you kindly could help me and look these very common types and classify them. Thank you. I'll later come back with Finnish Baltic types, but now presented phenotypes are more widespread in Finland.

We had a thread in the genetics section with a map where Finland and Baltic states had 20-30 percent EEF ancestry. I don't know how accurate these numbers are, but it's clear that Europe is very mixed, and you can find very different phenotypes in every country in large quantities. Even Lapps often don't look like average Lappid. EEF ancestry (partially also Steppe) is reflected in leptomorphs and mesomorphs.
It's no surprise that in one country people likes different types.

08-24-2021, 09:49 AM
We had a thread in the genetics section with a map where Finland and Baltic states had 20-30 percent EEF ancestry. I don't know how accurate these numbers are, but it's clear that Europe is very mixed, and you can find very different phenotypes in every country in large quantities. Even Lapps often don't look like average Lappid. EEF ancestry (partially also Steppe) is reflected in leptomorphs and mesomorphs.
It's no surprise that in one country people likes different types.

As to my first group I didn't mention any locality, because those people are from a wide area in Southern Finland. It is just as you wrote, but there are some thumb rules though. Strongly isolated regions tend to show certain similarity, which is broken by migrations, which also can be seen in genomes. People often tend to believe and then ignore what they see or study results and act in social psychological environments.

I don't rely much on those admixture analyses giving farmer, HG and steppe proportions. In some analyses ypu can get 30% farmer, in another one 5%. Other proportions vary too. Some analysts use allele distribution, others IBD's, IBS's or autosomal haplotypes. The data could be imputed, which means a lot uncertainty for fringe populations. Some use instead aggressive pruning. Every time the result changes.

08-24-2021, 10:07 AM
Maybe I contunue this horror gallery 🤣🤣🤣

08-24-2021, 11:03 AM
You cannot alter reality with this puny attempt at racial revisionism.


Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 11:57 AM
Family from Ostrobothnia.


08-24-2021, 12:36 PM
Finnish Laplanders






https://img.ilcdn.fi/rWyxStLK-hmF1FkyTqoccmV2rtA=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/00cd3ef673264ac30135f26ab9b9593b7261154d892c2e39b3 4eb19cc2fb9610.png

Are they ethnic Finns or Saamis or mixed? I wonder how much Mongoloid they would have?

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 12:57 PM
Are they ethnic Finns or Saamis or mixed? I wonder how much Mongoloid they would have?

Are they Lappalainen or Lappilainen ...

Someway I think that woman could has the most Samis blood (if she is short).

08-24-2021, 12:58 PM
Are they ethnic Finns or Saamis or mixed? I wonder how much Mongoloid they would have?

I am not sure how much they have Saami admixture, I only know where they are from. At least the third one has very much Finnish ancestry, which I can conclude of his surname. Usually people from those areas have 10% or little more Siberian.

Yes they are considered Finnish, not Saami.

08-24-2021, 12:59 PM
Are they Lappalainen or Lappilainen ...

Someway I could think that woman of them has the most Samis blood (if she is short).

Sorry I don't understand what this means: " are they Lappalainen or Lappilainen"?

Would Saami blood also affect your hair, eye color or make you look more Asiatic?

Sebastianus Rex
08-24-2021, 01:05 PM
xD Are most of the actors Finn or Swede?


Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 01:06 PM
Sorry I don't understand what this means: " are they Lappalainen or Lappilainen"?

Would Saami blood also affect your hair, eye color or make you look more Asiatic?

Other is Finn living in Lappland (= Lappilainen) and another is Sami living in Lappland (= Lappalainen). Go to call them wrongly, neither of them will like that :).

08-24-2021, 01:14 PM
Are they Lappalainen or Lappilainen ...

Someway I think that woman could has the most Samis blood (if she is short).

Lappilainen means a Finn living in Lapland.

Lappalainen means Saami living in Finnish Lapland. Historically Lappalainen meant people living in backwoods without practising farming or animal husbandry. This kind of living disappeared outside Lapland after the Finnish northward migration. Earlier Saami and Lappalainen were synonyms.

She is a writer from Aavasaksa/Kolari.

08-24-2021, 01:19 PM
You cannot alter reality with this puny attempt at racial revisionism.


Another Finindian trying to make us Russians :bored:. I wait for Ruski members start thanking these finindians. Keep the Karelia, the Finns don't want it.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 01:24 PM
She is a writer from Aavasaksa/Kolari.

Needs to have Sami's blood then.

Just as then Samis people will get older, they often have wrinkly faces like hers. Might come facts that their faces are shorter and rounder. Ageing bit different ways.

08-24-2021, 01:24 PM
i'll post typical finnish features:

1) ash blond,platinium blond,ash brown sometimes golden blond hair
2) straight/wavy but thick hair
3) Pale or light skin with sometimes a yellowish/grey undertones
4) light grey,light green,hazel eyes, sometimes dark
5) low and rectangularoid orbits, narrow eyes with epicanthic fold
6) Broad and projecting cheeckbones
7) extremly broad jaw, projecting maxilla, with often receding chin
6) High forehead and cranial valut
7) Broad bi parietal distance
8) Occiput prominent with lamboid flattening
9) Tall to medium stature, very massive stocky built
10) narrow eyelids
11) Nose long and broad, often concave

08-24-2021, 01:26 PM
Family from Ostrobothnia.


You call these people blond?

08-24-2021, 01:26 PM
Family from Ostrobothnia.


100% made in finland, but I don't say that finindians.

08-24-2021, 01:30 PM
xD Are most of the actors Finn or Swede?


Yeah a Suomi film and actors Finnish or Finland-Swedish.

08-24-2021, 01:32 PM
100% made in finland, but I don't say that finindians.

You have germanic/neolithic admixture that makes you ''woggier'' than average Finn.

08-24-2021, 01:34 PM
You have germanic/neolithic admixture that makes you ''woggier'' than average Finn.

Pretty much same in Southwestern Finland.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 01:35 PM
You call these people blond?

Linda? She is ... so - so

Johan? Never.

08-24-2021, 01:37 PM
Linda? She is ... so - so

Johan? Never.

Ok, do you realize you said ''all ethnic finns'' must be blonde? They are both dark haired and they are ethnic finns, so your statement is wrong.

08-24-2021, 01:43 PM
Another Finindian trying to make us Russians :bored:. I wait for Ruski members start thanking these finindians.

Peace man


Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 01:45 PM
Ok, do you realize you said ''all ethnic finns'' must be blonde? They are both dark haired and they are ethnic finns, so your statement is wrong.

LOL. Now then I said that BS? More like I calculate blonds only the people who really are that; not someones who now differs from ''coal heads'' (as I have noticed some do).
And nope all Finns are not (light) blonds. Far from that. Most of the Finns have sand brown hair.

Opposite I have said that almost all pure ethnic Finns have light eyes. And behind that, I'll stay. Meaning, yes ... there are few Finns with dark eyes, but I'm quite sure that if we would dig their family lines more back ... we would find the logical reason(s). Most of the cases anyway.

08-24-2021, 01:50 PM
Peace man


Finindians can keep him. Btw, he also is from Kainuu. Ugh.

I have a joke. Kekkonen visited in USA and the host asked why all Finns are drunk. Kekkonen, being very talkative Finindian, asked from Americans if they ever drink too much. The host told " here is a gun, you can shoot every drunk you see in USA. Tomorrow Washington Post had a small news "a bald ganster shot yesterday a Finnish tourist".

08-24-2021, 02:07 PM
Are they ethnic Finns or Saamis or mixed? I wonder how much Mongoloid they would have?

Regular northern Finns. Mongoloid admix probably similar to eastern Finnish average.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 02:15 PM
Peace man





08-24-2021, 02:56 PM
Table 1 of Kerminen et al. 2021 includes a matrix of FST distances between Finnish subpopulations (https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1009347#pgen-1009347-t001). I used the FST matrix to make the MDS plot below, where the extreme corners of the plot are occupied by Finns from Ostrobothnia, Kainuu, and East Lapland:



R10-Central_Finland,268,545,454,226,380,397,423,160,36 7,")/1e3

pct=paste0("MDS dimension ",1:ncol(p)," (",sprintf("%.1f",100*eig/sum(eig)),"%)")

geom_text(aes(x=V1,y=V2),label=rownames(p),size=2. 3,vjust=-.7)+
axis.text.y=element_text(angle=90,vjust=1,hjust=.5 ),


In the plot above, the position of Central Finns is intermediate between Western Finns and Eastern Finns. Therefore I think we can search for the average Finnish phenotype from Central Finland. One example is this Finn from Jyväskylä, Central Finland:


08-24-2021, 03:11 PM
Other is Finn living in Lappland (= Lappilainen) and another is Sami living in Lappland (= Lappalainen). Go to call them wrongly, neither of them will like that :).

Wow only difference is "i" and "a"? :eek:

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 03:29 PM
Wow only difference is "i" and "a"? :eek:

Yes, foreigners should be careful :)

08-24-2021, 03:33 PM
Regular northern Finns. Mongoloid admix probably similar to eastern Finnish average.

Do Saamis tend to look different from Finns phenotypically? Do the two groups intermarried a lot?

08-24-2021, 03:35 PM
Do Saamis tend to look different from Finns phenotypically? Do the two groups intermarried a lot?

Vast majority look/act noticably different, but some can pass of course.

08-24-2021, 04:06 PM
Vast majority look/act noticably different, but some can pass of course.

Are they darker hair, eye, shorter and look chinkier than Finns? Do you know if Saamis in that area are Kola Saamis?

Kola Saamis are genetically different from other Saamis it seems:

Target: Saami
Distance: 2.6217% / 0.02621673
26.8 Baltic_EST_BA
26.8 RUS_Krasnoyarsk_BA
19.2 KAZ_Maitan_MLBA_Alakul
16.6 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara
7.8 WHG
2.8 Baltic_LTU_BA

Target: Saami_Kola
Distance: 1.7910% / 0.01790951
32.8 Baltic_EST_BA
29.0 KAZ_Maitan_MLBA_Alakul
19.8 RUS_Krasnoyarsk_BA
13.2 Baltic_LTU_BA
4.4 WHG
0.8 Yamnaya_RUS_Samara

08-24-2021, 04:13 PM
Do Saamis tend to look different from Finns phenotypically? Do the two groups intermarried a lot?

I some regions they intermarried. A bit long story and needs an introduction about the history of Finland. From a beginner's level too laborious to think about it.

08-24-2021, 04:57 PM
Paula Vesala is a good example of intermediate form west- and east Finns. Watch the shape of eyes and face and get the idea.



08-24-2021, 05:06 PM
I some regions they intermarried. A bit long story and needs an introduction about the history of Finland. From a beginner's level too laborious to think about it.

I see. Do Finns feel closer to ethnic Saamis or to ethnic Swedes?

08-24-2021, 05:27 PM
I see. Do Finns feel closer to ethnic Saamis or to ethnic Swedes?

Saamis are in many ways different. It is not genes, but the life style, although most of Finns have closer relations with Swedes. Swedes are closer in this meaning. Everyone has different reasons. Although the Finns in general feel Swedes closer, but for example I would prefer Estonians. They were like lost cousins and now again closer than ever.

08-24-2021, 05:35 PM
Saamis are in many ways different. It is not genes, but the life style, although most of Finns have closer relations with Swedes. Swedes are closer in this meaning. Everyone has different reasons. Although the Finns in general feel Swedes closer, but for example I would prefer Estonians. They were like lost cousins and now again closer than ever.

Ah ok. True, I also thought Estonians would be the closest to Finns. Are the Finnish and Estonian languages mutually intelligible? How do Finns feel about Northwest Russians like those from Archangelsk, Kostroma, Pinega, Vologda? Do they feel closer to Saamis than them?

Regarding phenotype overlap, do Finns look more like Swedes or Saamis in general?

08-24-2021, 06:09 PM
Ah ok. True, I also thought Estonians would be the closest to Finns. Are the Finnish and Estonian languages mutually intelligible? How do Finns feel about Northwest Russians like those from Archangelsk, Kostroma, Pinega, Vologda? Do they feel closer to Saamis than them?

Regarding phenotype overlap, do Finns look more like Swedes or Saamis in general?

At least me. Somehow I genetically fall easily between Estonians, Sw-Finns and North Swedes. This is true for many Southwest Finns, if the Siberian is low. Admixture analyses have difficulties to handle Siberian in Finns.

Our languages diverged around 1400 years ago.linguists say that they were still close 1000 years ago. I have difficulties to understsnd spoken Estonian, but I do better with written Estonian. Many Estonian words are like old Finnish. Some systematic differences too in written forms.

We have of course common recent history with Saamis, not with those groups living in Russia. With Russians (big Russian) we have had common history, not with those groups. Even today tens of thousands Russians live in Finland and always lived, but not many from Archangelsk, Kostroma, Pinega, Vologda.

Phenotypically the Finns in general are somewhere between, but the diversity is big, so hard to say.

Those were somehow funny questions, but I can imagine reasons.

08-24-2021, 06:15 PM
Another Finindian trying to make us Russians :bored:. I wait for Ruski members start thanking these finindians. Keep the Karelia, the Finns don't want it.

I don't know your obsession about Russians. Its mainly Poles who do these, "Finns are Mongols" memes. Mentat Komintasavalta sometimes reposts them because he finds them handsome. Can you blame him

Anyway, you look way more Russian than UKK. See for reference the common Pontid type.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 06:24 PM
Regarding phenotype overlap, do Finns look more like Swedes or Saamis in general?

Finnish Swede from Ostrobothnia. Decide yourself.

Finland's Swedes feels more connections to Sweden than average Finns. But you still note some culture differences then you cross the sea.

08-24-2021, 06:32 PM
Finindians can keep him. Btw, he also is from Kainuu. Ugh.

I have a joke. Kekkonen visited in USA and the host asked why all Finns are drunk. Kekkonen, being very talkative Finindian, asked from Americans if they ever drink too much. The host told " here is a gun, you can shoot every drunk you see in USA. Tomorrow Washington Post had a small news "a bald ganster shot yesterday a Finnish tourist".

Again you look way more Russian than UKK

This is UKK:


Unlike you my missling, UKK looks very Finnish. Not just Kainuuan or East Finnish. Finnish. Coon would have classified him as Scandinavian Borreby survivor. You would have been Russian Pontid. In Gunthers books you would have been the famous Karelian Bedouin type originating somewhere from Volga.

08-24-2021, 06:38 PM
I don't know your obsession about Russians. Its mainly Poles who do these, "Finns are Mongols" memes. Mentat Komintasavalta sometimes reposts them because he finds them handsome. Can you blame him

Anyway, you look way more Russian than UKK. See for reference the common Pontid type.

Russian members here are comfortable with a couple exceptions. They give a feeling that they don't like Finns though �� Being less confortable still means quality members. I meant more the Russian tendency to fabricate history, not those few on this forum.

Of course. I didn't compare Czar Kekkonen and Russians, but told what a Finnish scientist told me about the distinct looks of Kainuu people.

08-24-2021, 06:45 PM
Finnish Swede from Ostrobothnia. Decide yourself.

Finland's Swedes feels more connections to Sweden than average Finns. But you still note some culture differences then you cross the sea.

This girl is very dark! Dark yes,tan skin, dark ash blonde hair!

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 06:50 PM
This girl is very dark! Dark yes,tan skin, dark ash blonde hair!

Darker than average 1.) Samis 2.) Swedes or 3.) Finns you meant?

Maybe you should talk with Septenrion? :)

08-24-2021, 06:54 PM
This girl is very dark! Dark yes,tan skin, dark ash blonde hair!

I don't see her dark. Not at all. What do you expect from people living in Finland?

08-24-2021, 06:55 PM
This girl is very dark! Dark yes,tan skin, dark ash blonde hair!

I don't see her dark. Not at all. What do you expect from people living in Finland?

08-24-2021, 07:03 PM

08-24-2021, 07:18 PM
I don't see her dark. Not at all. What do you expect from people living in Finland?

Blonde hair! Pale grey eyes! White skin!

08-24-2021, 07:23 PM
Blonde hair! Pale grey eyes! White skin!

We can't fulfill your requirement, sir!

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 07:23 PM


08-24-2021, 08:07 PM
Darker than average 1.) Samis 2.) Swedes or 3.) Finns you meant?

Maybe you should talk with Septenrion? :)

Darker than finns and swedish average.
Of course she is light for non-nordic countries.

08-24-2021, 08:16 PM
Darker than finns and swedish average.
Of course she is light for non-nordic countries.

Ask her to compare nip pigmentation with you.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 08:32 PM
Darker than finns and swedish average.
Of course she is light for non-nordic countries.

Now may I ask what makes you expert on this subject?

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 08:45 PM
Ask her to compare nip pigmentation with you.

I doubt she would agree :)

08-24-2021, 08:48 PM
Keep the Karelia, the Finns don't want it.

I thought Finns are sensitive about Karelia, I hear stories about it. Do you mean the Finns in these pics belong to Karelia and they look more Russian?

I am not an expert in Finnish phenotype but exploring, from what I observe there are many Sami/Eurasian looking Finns at least as much as Swede or european looking ones with different and unique facial features.which I find fascinating

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 09:01 PM
I am not an expert in Finnish phenotype but exploring, from what I observe there are many Sami/Eurasian looking Finns at least as much as Swede or european looking ones

Looks like Komintasavalta etc. have done their job....

08-24-2021, 09:09 PM
Looks like Komintasavalta tc. have done their job....

not sure what you mean but I only speak my mind and personal observation

08-24-2021, 09:16 PM
I thought Finns are sensitive about Karelia, I hear stories about it. Do you mean the Finns in these pics belong to Karelia and they look more Russian?

I am not an expert in Finnish phenotype but exploring, from what I observe there are many Sami/Eurasian looking Finns at least as much as Swede or european looking ones with different and unique facial features.which I find fascinating

The guy is mentally ill; suffers mainly from narrow skullism, which makes him impossible to see anything in that big ol picture. He sees everything from that narrow crack of half-opened door.

Not that I disagree. There is no need for return of Karelia. But for different reasons than this loonie.

08-24-2021, 09:31 PM
I doubt she would agree :)

Ashamed of the brown nips I see.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 09:34 PM
Ashamed of the brown nips I see.

Or having some dignity, morals and values. Plus not being moron.

BTW: Which Kekkonen you liked more (head shape)?

08-24-2021, 09:42 PM
Or having some dignity, morals and values. Plus not being moron.

BTW: Which Kekkonen you liked more (head shape)?

Climbing skull of course. High back of the skull.

Finnish Swede
08-24-2021, 09:44 PM
Climbing skull of course. High back of the skull.

Did Russians give Finland the Kekkonen 2.0 ? :)

08-24-2021, 09:52 PM
I thought Finns are sensitive about Karelia, I hear stories about it. Do you mean the Finns in these pics belong to Karelia and they look more Russian?

I am not an expert in Finnish phenotype but exploring, from what I observe there are many Sami/Eurasian looking Finns at least as much as Swede or european looking ones with different and unique facial features.which I find fascinating

These are Karelians, but there is on internet too much noise about Karelia and Karelians. You can believe what you read, but all you read isn't true. Far of it.

We live in neighborhood of Eurasian looking people and it is not a surprise to see such people.

08-24-2021, 09:56 PM
The goat


08-24-2021, 10:03 PM
Did Russians give Finland the Kekkonen 2.0 ? :)

That depends if Russians have Australoid. Climbing skull is either Australoid or Borreby. My climbing skull comes from Australoid. If UKKs climbing skull doesn't come from Russian Australoid, it comes straight from Devil's Nest -- Denmark.


08-24-2021, 10:07 PM
The goat


"Live me alone I know what I am doing"

Engineer to Räikkönen during the race: "what what what"
Räikkönen "Do you hear me?"
Engineer "No"
Räikkönen " yet you answer me".

08-24-2021, 10:14 PM
Did Russians give Finland the Kekkonen 2.0 ? :)

They had a series of cloned Kekkonens. Also Ceaușescu, Honecker and Castro clones.

08-24-2021, 10:15 PM

08-24-2021, 11:09 PM

Wow with dark hair she looks so VURian and Northern. Could be textbook example of a real northern light type.


08-25-2021, 07:18 AM
Hey Lemmy, I found your race

Karelians were sometimes Alhamdulillah described as members of the noble Arab club.

The Racial Elements of European History, H.F.K. Günther, ch. IV:

The Finnish Karelian tribe, occupying eastern Finland, has not been investigated as to its racial composition. They are, contrasting especially with the Tavasts, of rather slender build, and middling height, and show a rather large proportion of brown hair with brownish skin, curly hair, rather narrow face, long, narrow nose, and thick beard. In their mental constitution, too, the Karelians stand out from the other Finnish tribes: they are merrier, more talkative, of greater decision, but less enduring; they are friendly, and give a nobler impression by their good carriage and more refined movements.18 What racial mixture do they represent? One is tempted to think of connexions with the 'Riazan type', mentioned below, and to assume (in this district with its poor communications) special selective forces, which have been favourable to a certain cross.

The Anthroplogical Study of Finland, B.Lundman, p. 211 and 214:

However, Haartman likens the Karelians to "desert Bedouins" (!), with brown hair, blue eyes, long and high-vaulted crania, narrow faces, and straight, narrow noses.


The zygomatic arch is absolutely smaller in some narrower faced Swedish groups in the west and southwest and in the short East Finns. This, however, does not hold for the equally short North Finns mixed with the very broad-faced Lapps. These groups have an absolutely larger zygomatic arch, along with the mediumsized West Finns and the verv tall island Swedes. The whole picture is thus far from clear. The very small values along Lake Ladoea are physiofrnomicallv noticeable, thus providing the only definite basis for Haartman's " Bedouin hypothesis." This trait mav hark back to old remnants of East-Mediterranean Russian and Gypsy immigrants, of whom there were at one time fairly large numbers in this area (see map in Thesleff, 1910).


08-25-2021, 07:55 AM
I am not obsessed with this idea, but I am the only Finn who try to be without leaning towards VUR, East Balts and Siberians. So you kindly could help me and look these very common types and classify them. Thank you. I'll later come back with Finnish Baltic types, but now presented phenotypes are more widespread in Finland.




https://img.ilcdn.fi/_SdDVtUtPL4IEyV1CXwTZOjnmbk=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/ffbd6707629012b6e68a8db37cc9150afc8f8be8efd4af2a20 64a113b81cc9af.jpg


https://img.ilcdn.fi/uAXBpYMlotXz7Uohx1xxC6RA5eI=/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/8486639fd39d0725eb552d7b1d74ec8c750e2075fa3a0fd3df af32b38c96e57f.jpg





not really the average finnish phenotypes finns are rounded than that


ADVANCED ART electro-wave duo for ex,typical cheeky finn/fenno-scandian average phenotype

tarja turunen (nigthwish)

08-25-2021, 08:02 AM
Hey Lemmy, I found your race


LOL. I can't do more.

08-25-2021, 08:08 AM
not really the average finnish phenotypes finns are rounded than that


ADVANCED ART electro-wave duo for ex,typical cheeky finn/fenno-scandian average phenotype

tarja turunen (nigthwish)

They are the most common south phenotypes in Finland.

Komintasavalta with his allies started to organize resistance. It took 3 days to get ready. Not convincing. Be my quest, but be also warned, I'll open a new thread about real Finns and you don't know when it happens. You have now to start to flood preventive propaganda 😂

08-25-2021, 08:40 AM

ADVANCED ART electro-wave duo for ex,typical cheeky finn/fenno-scandian average phenotype

tarja turunen (nigthwish)

IDK about this band. They were young 35 years ago. A picture 30 years ago.


Tarja Turunen is an alien even in Karelia where she is from.

08-25-2021, 08:46 AM
I thought Finns are sensitive about Karelia, I hear stories about it. Do you mean the Finns in these pics belong to Karelia and they look more Russian?

I am not an expert in Finnish phenotype but exploring, from what I observe there are many Sami/Eurasian looking Finns at least as much as Swede or european looking ones with different and unique facial features.which I find fascinating

indeed,it's more complicated than that ,but it's true than islandic/finns could have a few eurasian phenotoypes where norwegians/swedes/danes/balts are more or less closer of each other with vikings roots,but finns have varangian roots too


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/04/2016209185748_2016-07-27_Champions_for_Charity_-_Sven_-_1D_X_-_0226_-_DV3P4819_mod.jpg/120px-2016209185748_2016-07-27_Champions_for_Charity_-_Sven_-_1D_X_-_0226_-_DV3P4819_mod.jpg MIKKA HÄKKINEN is typical finn type

ice skater KIIRA KORPI is more "scandinavian" indeed finns are maybe more baltic looking


08-25-2021, 08:49 AM
IDK about this band. They were young 35 years ago. A picture 30 years ago.

don't worry they are very underground,it's normal than you haven't heard about it
Tarja Turunen is an alien even in Karelia where she is from.

08-25-2021, 08:55 AM
indeed,it's more complicated than that ,but it's true than islandic/finns could have a few eurasian phenotoypes where norwegians/swedes/danes/balts are more or less closer of each other with vikings roots,but finns have varangian roots too


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/04/2016209185748_2016-07-27_Champions_for_Charity_-_Sven_-_1D_X_-_0226_-_DV3P4819_mod.jpg/120px-2016209185748_2016-07-27_Champions_for_Charity_-_Sven_-_1D_X_-_0226_-_DV3P4819_mod.jpg MIKKA HÄKKINEN is typical finn type

ice skater KIIRA KORPI is more "scandinavian" indeed finns are maybe more baltic looking


Haha. Our favorite Kiira Korpi again. The real Finnish beauty on all shit online diskussion. What next? For your information: we have two million blonds more.

08-25-2021, 09:02 AM
Finnish Actress Anna Easteden


more "germanic",finn actress
Laura Birn

08-25-2021, 09:12 AM
Jasmin Voutilainen (why a fucking arabic name??? jasmin=yasmina/flower of jasmin,damn!)

08-25-2021, 09:19 AM
Finnish Actress Anna Easteden


more "germanic",finn actress
Laura Birn

The first one is from North Karelia. Are you obsessed with Karelians? The latter has foreign surname. Looks bloomy north German.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 09:30 AM
not really the average finnish phenotypes finns are rounded than that


Honestly, both of these guys are someway ''fat''. They partly looks that round faces because of it. Yes average Finns are getting worse and worse ... what comes to their shape. Just like in many other nations in wealthier Europe (incl. Brits, Germans etc.). Scandinavians luckily have been able to ''fight'' against that trend. Same trend is here too, but not nearly as strongly.

08-25-2021, 09:35 AM
Honestly, both of these guys are someway ''fat''. They partly looks that round faces because of it. Yes average Finns are getting worse and worse ... what comes to their shape. Just like in many other nations in wealthier Europe (incl. Brits, Germans etc.). Scandinavians luckily have been able to ''fight'' against that trend. Same trend is here too, but not nearly as strongly.

But Finnish internet warrior Mika Häkkinen has always looked like in this picture. He was born like 50 years old. Shit happens in Finland ��

https://img.ilcdn.fi/l0dpkmDrZD0ca26sI5cAYCAuHzo=/165x0:2835x2003/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/1737ab80bef50ea178ec9d65b6ace2c5ceb3321afc15491e2f e45ad4f88847d6.jpg

08-25-2021, 09:39 AM
Jasmin Voutilainen (why a fucking arabic name??? jasmin=yasmina/flower of jasmin,damn!)

I once encountered a Finnish neo-Nazi named Rami. I reacted because usually Arabs are named Rami in my experience. Maybe Komintasavalta has a point in that Caucasoid-centric Finns want to be wogs.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 09:42 AM
But Finnish internet warrior Mika Häkkinen has always looked like in this picture. He was born like 50 years old. Shit happens in Finland 😉

https://img.ilcdn.fi/l0dpkmDrZD0ca26sI5cAYCAuHzo=/165x0:2835x2003/full-fit-in/612x0/img-s3.ilcdn.fi/1737ab80bef50ea178ec9d65b6ace2c5ceb3321afc15491e2f e45ad4f88847d6.jpg

Sure, There are real round faces Finns. I think more in East and North than West? You agree. Yes, some Finns are ''ugly''.
Sorry to say..

Your Mister Finland 2022:tongue?

08-25-2021, 09:54 AM
He is Lemmi's Ostrobothnian bro. His archenemy is North Karelian Hannu Hoskonen who is of the Noble Bedouin type. Well actually no, just kidding, Hannu is way too broadskulled for noble Bedouin.

Anyway this weird French incel can kindly buzz off from this thread. I know this type well: ugly Incel who in his mind creates fantasy land where he might have chance. Well you don't, so buzz off.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 09:54 AM
I once encountered a Finnish neo-Nazi named Rami. I reacted because usually Arabs are named Rami in my experience. Maybe Komintasavalta has a point in that Caucasoid-centric Finns want to be wogs.

Rami is actually pretty new man's name in Finland. So far it has given to 3 959 person (end of 2019).
More than half of those have born 1960's and 1970's. Opposite before year 1920, there was no/none Ramis in Finland

And Jasmin (name) is quite similar. Looks like Jasmin name came to Finland earlies 1920's. So far it has given to 8 470 women (end of 2019). Most of those have born 1980's and 1990's. More than 4000.

So 1920's here? Finland became autonomous part of Russian Empire 1809. Ended 1917. I wonder have these names someway transported to Finland (or knows of Finns) via that period?

08-25-2021, 10:01 AM
Sure, There are real round faces Finns. I think more in East and North than West? You agree. Yes, some Finns are ''ugly''.
Sorry to say..

Your Mister Finland 2022:tongue?

Rural people don't want to vote for other kind of looks.

08-25-2021, 10:03 AM
Rural people don't want to vote for other kind of looks.

He's your Ostro-bro. Very annoying guy to be honest.

08-25-2021, 10:04 AM
Rami is actually pretty new man's name in Finland. So far it has given to 3 959 person (end of 2019).
More than half of those have born 1960's and 1970's. Opposite before year 1920, there was no/none Ramis in Finland

And Jasmin (name) is quite similar. Looks like Jasmin name came to Finland earlies 1920's. So far it has given to 8 470 women (end of 2019). Most of those have born 1980's and 1990's. More than 4000.

So 1920's here? Finland became autonomous part of Russian Empire 1809. Ended 1917. I wonder have these names someway transported to Finland (or knows of Finns) via that period?

Rami was earlier a nick name of Raimo. Pronouncing names like Rami is common in Finnish. Tami, Sami, nami etc.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 10:08 AM
He's your Ostro-bro. Very annoying guy to be honest.

For example more annoying than him? I think this guy normally talks pretty ok?


He is from Savo (Mäntyharju, if I'm not mistaken)? Quite unique look for sure ...

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 10:14 AM
Rami was earlier a nick name of Raimo. Pronouncing names like Rami is common in Finnish. Tami, Sami, nami etc.

Oh, so it is not Raipe (the nick name of Raimo) ? I though so for some reasons.

Well, you as Finn will of course know better.

08-25-2021, 10:20 AM
Oh, so it is not Raipe (the nick name of Raimo) ? I though so for some reasons.

Well, you as Finn will of course know better.

Raipe, Rami, Rape. Btw,. Rami Sarmasto, a Finn from the '60s. Looks 100% Finno-Ugri.


08-25-2021, 10:27 AM
Oh, so it is not Raipe (the nick name of Raimo) ? I though so for some reasons.

Well, you as Finn will of course know better.

That's not a name I would have wanted when going to an English-speaking country.

08-25-2021, 10:33 AM
Its mainly Poles who do these, "Finns are Mongols" memes.

Actually it's Finlandssvenska posters on Ylilauta.

Rami was earlier a nick name of Raimo. Pronouncing names like Rami is common in Finnish. Tami, Sami, nami etc.

A powerful name for a son would be Komi. Or for a daughter Mari.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 10:47 AM
That's not a name I would have wanted when going to an English-speaking country.

Well, he played in Skåne Malmö (several seasons)

Opposite his NHL visit was pretty short.

08-25-2021, 10:50 AM
Actually it's Finlandssvenska posters on Ylilauta.

I have heard about a lauta forum where you can order a kill. Never heard Ylilauta. It has to be an academia for Finno-Ugric self-esteem.

08-25-2021, 10:57 AM
I have heard about a lauta forum where you can order a kill. Never heard Ylilauta. It has to be an academia for Finno-Ugric self-esteem.

You are such sad little man.

08-25-2021, 11:00 AM
You are such sad little man.

I really am. Sad to see all this provocation against our nation.

08-25-2021, 11:10 AM
Well, he played in Skåne Malmö (several seasons)

Opposite his NHL visit was pretty short.

I meant Raipe which could be "rape" in English.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 11:21 AM
I meant Raipe which could be "rape" in English.

I got that. His (player) nickname was exactly Raipe (of all those options Lemminkäinen wrote).

08-25-2021, 11:36 AM
Raimo Summanen was Raivo; meaning rage. That because he had short fuse.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 11:53 AM
Raimo Summanen was Raivo; meaning rage. That because he had short fuse.

I wish he would go to coach Russians/slavics once.... :)

08-25-2021, 11:55 AM
Actually it's Finlandssvenska posters on Ylilauta.

What do they think about that the average Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnian had a CI over 80?



S.Osterbotten Swedish 80.2
S.Osterbotten Finnish 80.0


08-25-2021, 12:14 PM
What do they think about that the average Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnian had a CI over 80?



S.Osterbotten Swedish 80.2
S.Osterbotten Finnish 80.0


Perfect match at Ylilauta.

08-25-2021, 12:18 PM
What do they think about that the average Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnian had a CI over 80?



S.Osterbotten Swedish 80.2
S.Osterbotten Finnish 80.0


Normal people don't know about cephalic index. They just correctly think that a broad face is more chad, so maybe they also assume that a high CI is better.

This blog has data from old Finnish anthropological studies from the book "Suomalaiset, outo Pohjolan kansa" by Aira Kemiläinen: https://finnanthro.blogspot.com/2007/09/finland-by-region-anthropometric.html. According to one of the studies, Swedish-speaking males from Southern Ostrobothnia had a CI of 80.7, which was even higher than among Finnish-speaking males from Southern Ostrobothnia (79.7). However other groups of Swedish-speaking males had much lower CI. Here's the data for males expressed as z-scores (where the z-scores are based on the standard deviations of population averages and not on standard deviations of individual-level data):



t=read.csv(text=",Body height,Cranium length,Cranium width,Minimum frontal width,Bizygomatic width,Bigonial width,Total facial height,Nose height,Nose width,Interorbital width,Cephalic index,Facial index,Nasal index,Breadth-height index,Height-length index
Åland (Swe),174.23,196.58,155.09,109.73,142.82,112.30,12 5.12,54.22,34.88,32.31,78.928,87.801,64.596,,
Turku Archipelago (Swe),173.37,195.02,152.98,109.20,142.02,110.00,12 7.89,57.11,35.10,32.02,78.554,90.181,61.810,,
Uusimaa (Swe),172.14,,,108.41,,110.62,127.00,57.35,35.90,3 3.13,78.227,,62.987,118.353,65.744
Southern Ostrobothnia (Swe),171.19,190.23,153.30,107.29,138.01,108.90,12 2.69,54.63,35.59,32.41,80.69,89.17,65.50,,
Turku Archipelago (Fin),172.07,196.83,157.04,109.88,141.64,113.16,12 8.08,56.92,34.76,31.84,79.855,90.174,61.398,,
Finland Proper (Fin),171.68,194.18,153.46,111.32,140.5,110.11,131 .75,53.50,35.27,32.67,79.108,93.875,66.632,,
Uusimaa (Fin),169.65,,,110.58,139.04,111.07,124.22,54.51,3 5.22,32.39,79.785,89.611,65.285,116.467,68.463
Tavastia,170.55,191.37,154.85,109.82,141.39,111.0, 122.81,53.72,35.35,32.09,80.99,87.01,66.59,116.509 ,69.49
Satakunta,170.79,191.12,153.60,112.09,141.63,111.0 8,126.93,57.65,35.32,32.14,80.478,89.728,62.028,11 5.817,69.421
Southern Ostrobothnia (Fin),170.60,193.25,153.95,111.21,140.26,111.36,12 9.24,58.82,34.61,32.68,79.71,92.34,59.20,,
Northern Ostrobothnia,167.62,188.40,155.78,111.29,139.80,11 0.39,122.56,55.03,35.05,31.64,82.780,87.853,64.144 ,,
Karelia,166.29,186.28,152.36,109.86,137.35,107.22, 122.11,55.57,35.07,31.90,81.670,89.343,63.800,112. 397,72.754
Savo,167.40,189.41,153.49,113.20,137.77,109.19,118 .11,51.65,34.73,31.95,81.109,86.025,68.432,116.305 ,69.682
Saami,160.4,185.6,156.2,107.9,140.9,109.9,111.2,49 .6,36.3,33.3,84.2,79.1,74.0,123.916,67.9",row.names=1,check.names=F)

colorRampPalette(hex(HSV(c(210,210,210,210,0,0,0), c(.7,.6,.3,0,.3,.6,.7),c(.7,1,1,1,1,1,.7))))(256)

Swedish-speakers from Southern Ostrobothina were also shorter than the other three Swedish-speaking populations. The correlation coefficient between body height and cephalic index was -.90:


The studies were mostly from the 1930s, but I think today the difference in height between Savo-Karelians and Western Finns would be lower.

08-25-2021, 12:30 PM
What do they think about that the average Swedish-speaking Ostrobothnian had a CI over 80?



S.Osterbotten Swedish 80.2
S.Osterbotten Finnish 80.0


lol more Borreby, Alpine or Baltid admix i . it could be more southern influences (some Gracile Med, Dinaric, Alpine recombinations) theoretically too. It could be also selection patterns that lead to that

08-25-2021, 12:37 PM
lol more Borreby, Alpine or Baltid admix i . it could be more southern influences (some Gracile Med, Dinaric, Alpine recombinations) theoretically too. It could be also selection patterns that lead to that

According to Herman Lundborg, chief of the Swedish Institute for Racial Biology, you could not be ethnic Swedish with a CI above 80. :picard2:

Lapps of pure race certainly have a still higher average index. MANTEGAZZA and SOMMIER thus state (in Studii antropologici sui Lapponi, 1 ” iirenze 1880) that grown-up Mountain Lapps of male sex to a number of 64 showed an average cephalic index of 87,6. The minimum was 82, the maximum 95. The Finns are also a short-skulled race, although having a smaller index (average index 82,~).The Swedes, on the contrary, have somewhat longer heads (average index 78,s). If per- sons with an index number above 84 are counted as Lapps (i.e.as Lappic race-component), those having an index between 80 and 84 as Finns, and the rest with an index number below 80 as Swedes of Nordic race...


08-25-2021, 12:38 PM
I wish he would go to coach Russians/slavics once.... :)

He did coach

In 2010, Summanen succeeded Igor Nikitin as the head coach of Avangard Omsk, a leading KHL side. The team went from strength to strength and ended up as the top team of the regular season (largely due to an impressive 18-game winning streak lasting from December to February). However, some players were reportedly unhappy with Summanen's abrasive coaching methods. He was relieved of his coaching duties before game 7 of the Eastern Conference semifinals, which the team went on to lose. The club cited health issues as an official explanation.[1] However, according to anonymous sources within the team, the real reason behind it was a major conflict with the players. There were reports that Summanen even tried to challenge Avangard's star Jaromír Jágr to a fight.[2]

They could not handle Finnish brute

08-25-2021, 12:46 PM
Perfect match at Ylilauta.

Forgive me. I thought that it was IQ.

Finnish Swede
08-25-2021, 01:34 PM
He did coach

They could not handle Finnish brute


Summanen and 21 players like Jere Karalahti would be match written in the stars


08-25-2021, 08:02 PM
These are Karelians, but there is on internet too much noise about Karelia and Karelians. You can believe what you read, but all you read isn't true. Far of it.

We live in neighborhood of Eurasian looking people and it is not a surprise to see such people.

Actually not read I hear them from ethnic Finns, I am bride of Finland and I have been there too. I have seen many east Baltid types like Tavastid or Savolaxid (Mika Häkkinen type) but of course there are other varieties as well. I try to improve my knowledge on Finns and Finnish culture on every aspect and I honestly find Finnish men's type more appealing and inspiring than regular european phenotypes (well Finnish people in general). yes European they are but they still make me feel the breeze of Urals and Eurasian steppes

08-25-2021, 10:51 PM
The first one is from North Karelia. Are you obsessed with Karelians? The latter has foreign surname. Looks bloomy north German.

I wasn't aware than she was karelian indeed at the two sides of the finno-russian border doesn't the same rooted people,frankly russians outside the finn border are more closer from finns than the vladivostokians


08-25-2021, 11:27 PM
I wasn't aware than she was karelian indeed at the two sides of the finno-russian border doesn't the same rooted people,frankly russians outside the finn border are more closer from finns than the vladivostokians


They were same Karelian people 100 years ago, but not longer after ethnic cleansing began during the Stalin era. North Karelians on the Finnish side are also mixed with other Finns. But there are still Orthodox regions leaning towards old Karelians.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 06:06 AM
They were same Karelian people 100 years ago, but not longer after ethnic cleansing began during the Stalin era. North Karelians on the Finnish side are also mixed with other Finns. But there are still Orthodox regions leaning towards old Karelians.

Were these Karelians (from Russian side) called laukkuryssä about 100 years ago (or what that term might have meant)?

Rostos vilmoskörte
08-26-2021, 06:42 AM
How do you measure CI without skull measuring tools?

08-26-2021, 07:37 AM
Were these Karelians (from Russian side) called laukkuryssä about 100 years ago (or what that term might have meant)?

By wiktionary this term was also applied not only to Karelians, but also Russians - wandering traders.
We later had similar term for a few hundred thousand Soviet migrants who forgot to return to Motherland. Only our "laukkuryssä" were not traders.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 07:50 AM
By wiktionary this term was also applied not only to Karelians, but also Russians - wandering traders.
We later had similar term for a few hundred thousand Soviet migrants who forgot to return to Motherland. Only our "laukkuryssä" were not traders.

Yes. I just wondered as ''ryssä'' word has been used degrading meanings. Was it so originally?
Or were these traders from east seen bit like gypsies? Not valued very highly by Finns?

08-26-2021, 08:08 AM
Were these Karelians (from Russian side) called laukkuryssä about 100 years ago (or what that term might have meant)?

A good question, I answer because you asked, wouldn't do this without it. To the 19th century all Karelians were called by a derogatory name "ryssä", meaning Russian. Naming someone to be Russian (ryssä) was not derogatory, but calling Finnic brothers was it. This unconventional manner reflects the truth that the Karelians were during hundreds years Russian allies and made continuous raids to Finland during the Swedish era and also before it. The first narrations of Karelian raids to Finland are from the 11th century. During the Great Northern War many Karelians helped Russians/Cossacks to search Finnish properties to be stolen. Still in the 20th century older people in Western Finland called them by name "Ryssä". "Laukkuryssä" was a travelling Karelian seller keeping goods in a suitcase. This is of course today a sensitive issue after hundred thousands Karelians moved to Finland as refugees, espesially because the anti-Russian politics before the WWII figured Karelians as our brothers and sisters who ought to be liberated from the Russian tyranny. People have forgot or scholars, who knows don't want open old wounds.

Edit during the war Finns adapted this name to figure all enemies, were they Karelians, Russians or more eastern people. Russian solders found on the battle field were often Siberians.

08-26-2021, 08:21 AM
Yes. I just wondered as ''ryssä'' word has been used degrading meanings. Was it so originally?
Or were these traders from east seen bit like gypsies? Not valued very highly by Finns?

Lemminkäinen wrote everything. It sounded degrading.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 08:46 AM
A good question, I answer because you asked, wouldn't do this without it. To the 19th century all Karelians were called by a derogatory name "ryssä", meaning Russian. Naming someone to be Russian (ryssä) was not derogatory, but calling Finnic brothers was it. This unconventional manner reflects the truth that the Karelians were during hundreds years Russian allies and made continuous raids to Finland during the Swedish era and also before it. The first narrations of Karelian raids to Finland are from the 11th century. During the Great Northern War many Karelians helped Russians/Cossacks to search Finnish properties to be stolen. Still in the 20th century older people in Western Finland called them by name "Ryssä". "Laukkuryssä" was a travelling Karelian seller keeping goods in a suitcase. This is of course today a sensitive issue after hundred thousands Karelians moved to Finland as refugees, espesially because the anti-Russian politics before the WWII figured Karelians as our brothers and sisters who ought to be liberated from the Russian tyranny. People have forgot or scholars, who knows don't want open old wounds.

Edit during the war Finns adapted this name to figure all enemies, were they Karelians, Russians or more eastern people. Russian solders found on the battle field were often Siberians.

Thank you for reply.

Sometimes I think that forums like this tends to focus much too much pure genetics or PCA plots alone ... as keeping some people similar or different. They forget history totally. True especially with countries like Finland (border or watershed between two words ... west and east). People might genetically be close, people might look quite same, but still behave as humans totally different. Are they now how same/similar? Especially if they do not want to become same/similar? Is blood still much stronger than culture?

08-26-2021, 08:56 AM
Thank you for reply.

Sometimes I think that forums like this tends to focus much too much pure genetics or PCA plots alone ... as keeping some people similar or different. They forget history totally. True especially with countries like Finland (border or watershed between West and East). People might genetically be close, people might look quite same, but still behave as humans totally different. Are they now how same/similar?

Lol. Those war time Karelian refugees has been assimilated almost totally, but those Savolaxian internet warriors who have small and distant Karelian connections from the time of the third Swedish crusade keep on a talk about how Karelian they are.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 09:18 AM
Lol. Those war time Karelian refugees has been assimilated almost totally, but those Savolaxian internet warriors who have small and distant Karelian connections from the time of the third Swedish crusade keep on a talk about how Karelian they are.

There were Karelians among of Sovjets Partisans?
Attacking/killing civilians another side of border.

08-26-2021, 09:34 AM
During the pre-war time and the war time the word "ryssä" got a new meaning and connotation and is not now accepted. Russians are called by an older word "venäläinen". Linguistic explanation is that old East Slavs were called by words "ven*", "wen*". They are not unanimous about the origin. Some of them assume that it can be derived from "vends", but this explanation is similarly vague than the rule script of the Swedish kingdom stating that the king ruled also vends. No one seems to know who they were

08-26-2021, 09:43 AM
There were Karelians among of Sovjets Partisans?
Attacking/killing civilians another side of border.

During the WWII the Karelians behind the border had no significant status to be noticed as an own group by Finns. They were victims and refugees. Stalin's pogroms were effective among them. Through the history to the Russian era the answer is yes, especially to the 17th century.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 09:44 AM
During the pre-war time and the war time the word "ryssä" got a new meaning and connotation and is not now accepted. Russians are called by an older word "venäläinen". Linguistic explanation is that old East Slavs were called by words "ven*", "wen*". They are not unanimous about the origin. Some of them assume that it can be derived from "vends", but this explanation is similarly vague than the rule script of the Swedish kingdom stating that the king ruled also vends. No one seems to know who they were

Any better: vanja, iivana, Bobrikovin poika?

Keeping minds these: tsuhonets and tsuhna.

08-26-2021, 09:54 AM
Any better: vanja, iivana, Bobrikovin poika?

Keeping minds these: tsuhonets and tsuhna.

Haha, tsuhna is a bit dumb being. Topelius had an excellent figuring about differences between Swedes, Finns and Russians.

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 09:59 AM
Haha, tsuhna is a bit dumb being. Topelius had an excellent figuring about differences between Swedes, Finns and Russians.

Ever read books by Veikko Erkkilä?

08-26-2021, 10:10 AM
Ever read books by Veikko Erkkilä?

No, he wrote about partisans, right?

Finnish Swede
08-26-2021, 10:53 AM
No, he wrote about partisans, right?

Correct and not fictions.

08-27-2021, 03:39 PM
A good question, I answer because you asked, wouldn't do this without it. To the 19th century all Karelians were called by a derogatory name "ryssä", meaning Russian. Naming someone to be Russian (ryssä) was not derogatory, but calling Finnic brothers was it. This unconventional manner reflects the truth that the Karelians were during hundreds years Russian allies and made continuous raids to Finland during the Swedish era and also before it. The first narrations of Karelian raids to Finland are from the 11th century. During the Great Northern War many Karelians helped Russians/Cossacks to search Finnish properties to be stolen. Still in the 20th century older people in Western Finland called them by name "Ryssä". "Laukkuryssä" was a travelling Karelian seller keeping goods in a suitcase. This is of course today a sensitive issue after hundred thousands Karelians moved to Finland as refugees, espesially because the anti-Russian politics before the WWII figured Karelians as our brothers and sisters who ought to be liberated from the Russian tyranny. People have forgot or scholars, who knows don't want open old wounds.

Edit during the war Finns adapted this name to figure all enemies, were they Karelians, Russians or more eastern people. Russian solders found on the battle field were often Siberians.

Hohhoijakkahata, once again I see the Ostrobotnian Bedouin twisting facts. Bedouin tactics Bedouin tactics. While Ostrobotnians, true to their habits, were hiding in haystacks who was the main fighting force who during Russo-Swedish War, or ruptuurisodat, took the lands that later became known as Finnish Karelia? I answer: Lutheran Karelians.

Unfortunately we did it fighting our own blood, our own brothers. I have no ill feelings towards Orthodox Karelians. We were both victims of religious manipulation. You see this same shit happen even in modern days, see for example Ireland situation. You know that scene in that pompous tv show Vikings where King Harald kills his own brother, his own blood. The dying Halfdan doesn't mind. You know why he's oh-okay? Because he's a real man, not a rat. In any case, if not for the religious manipulation, we Karelians rather should have united, and conquered the world like was most likely and destined to happend, but unfortunately didn't happend. But trust me, in the future will happend. There are still places to go, in this endless Universe.

In all wars against Russians, Karelians, have been the main fighting force. Ostrobotnians meanwhile hid in haystacks. I see you here calling heroes "refugees". You have the audacity to call men who saved Finland "refugees". Without Karelians, there would be no Finland. This simple fact, you can't deny it. By all metrics, Karelians were the most effective fighting force, both in Winter War, and Continuation War. There is zero debate about this. All of the legendary heroes were Karelian. I can probably name 20 or so Karelians who to this day, live in Finnish folklore, as figures of legendary badasses. I can't name singe fucking Ostrofucker. Why? Because Ostrobotnians, true to their habits, hid in haystacks.

Some military facts:


Mannerheim Cross recipients by origin:

1 Karelians, 49

2 Ostrobothnians, 34

3 Savonians, 30

Of the top 10 Finnish fighter aces (with most victories),

4 were Karelian (2 in top 3)

3 were from Helsinki

1 was from Rauma (Satakunta, West coast)

1 from Iitti, Ostrobothnia

1 Finland-Swede from Ekenäs

My grandfather stood in the front line for five fucking years and he was offered to take a leave but he refused to take it because unfinished business and you goddamn gyppo have the audacity to call him refugee. I shake my head.

08-27-2021, 03:52 PM
Hohhoijakkahata, once again I see the Ostrobotnian Bedouin twisting facts. Bedouin tactics Bedouin tactics. While Ostrobotnians, true to their habits, were hiding in haystacks who was the main fighting force who during Russo-Swedish War, or ruptuurisodat, took the lands that later became known as Finnish Karelia? I answer: Lutheran Karelians.

Unfortunately we did it fighting our own blood, our own brothers. I have no ill feelings towards Orthodox Karelians. We were both victims of religious manipulation. You see this same shit happen even in modern days, see for example Ireland situation. You know that scene in that pompous tv show Vikings where King Harald kills his own brother, his own blood. The dying Halfdan doesn't mind. You know why he's oh-okay? Because he's a real man, not a rat. In any case, if not for the religious manipulation, we Karelians rather should have united, and conquered the world like was most likely and destined to happend, but unfortunately didn't happend. But trust me, in the future will happend. There are still places to go, in this endless Universe.

In all wars against Russians, Karelians, have been the main fighting force. Ostrobotnians meanwhile hid in haystacks. I see you here calling heroes "refugees". You have the audacity to call men who saved Finland "refugees". Without Karelians, there would be no Finland. This simple fact, you can't deny it. By all metrics, Karelians were the most effective fighting force, both in Winter War, and Continuation War. There is zero debate about this. All of the legendary heroes were Karelian. I can probably name 20 or so Karelians who to this day, live in Finnish folklore, as figures of legendary badasses. I can't name singe fucking Ostrofucker. Why? Because Ostrobotnians, true to their habits, hid in haystacks.

Some military facts:


Mannerheim Cross recipients by origin:

1 Karelians, 49

2 Ostrobothnians, 34

3 Savonians, 30

Of the top 10 Finnish fighter aces (with most victories),

4 were Karelian (2 in top 3)

3 were from Helsinki

1 was from Rauma (Satakunta, West coast)

1 from Iitti, Ostrobothnia

1 Finland-Swede from Ekenäs

My grandfather stood in the front line for five fucking years and he was offered to take a leave but he refused to take it because unfinished business and you goddamn gyppo have the audacity to call him refugee. I shake my head.

Sure Karelian warriors wait for the last attack on the back side of the moon.

08-27-2021, 05:26 PM
Of the top 10 Finnish fighter aces (with most victories),

4 were Karelian (2 in top 3)

3 were from Helsinki

1 was from Rauma (Satakunta, West coast)

1 from Iitti, Ostrobothnia

1 Finland-Swede from Ekenäs

There is mistake here. Iitti is part of Tavastia. Also Helsinki has only 2 aces in top 10



Karelians (4): Juutilainen, Luukkanen, Puhakka, Nissinen

Helsinki (2): Puro, Katajainen

Satakunta (1): Karhila

Ostrobotnia (1): Lehtovaara

Finnishswede (1): Wind

Tavastia (1): Tuominen

08-27-2021, 05:30 PM
Sure Karelian warriors wait for the last attack on the back side of the moon.

Will happend. Such feels in my bones.

08-27-2021, 05:48 PM
Will happend. Such feels in my bones.

I don't understand you. You are not Karelian. Why you try to give that vibe?

Of course real Karelians fought fiercely against Sovjets for their homes at Kannas (area near Leningrad). After the WWII they however lost their homes (the pact made between CCCP and western allies) and they were refugees in Finland. This episode has no connection with the older history.

08-27-2021, 05:53 PM






08-27-2021, 05:59 PM
I don't understand you. You are not Karelian. Why you try to give that vibe?

Of course real Karelians fought fiercely against Sovjets for their homes at Kannas (area near Leningrad). After the WWII they however lost their homes (the pact made between CCCP and western allies) and they were refugees in Finland. This episode has no connection with the older history.

Refugee is a person who escapes war to different country.

08-27-2021, 06:09 PM
Regarding 'common' Finnish pehontypes, I've always found something very distinctly Finnish in this guy

08-27-2021, 06:10 PM
Refugee is a person who escapes war to different country.


A person seeking refuge in a foreign country out of fear of political persecution or the prospect of such persecution in his home country, i.e., a person seeking a political asylum


A person who has been evacuated, especially a civilian evacuated from a dangerous place in time of war

You are right that the term refugee calls for moving to another country, but the Karelians fled to escape political persecution and were seeking asylum after Karelia was lost and defacto a part of CCCP. Evacuee is searching only safe in war.

08-27-2021, 06:12 PM
Regarding 'common' Finnish pehontypes, I've always found something very distinctly Finnish in this guy

He could be Karelian or Southwestern Finn.

08-27-2021, 06:18 PM
He could be Karelian or Southwestern Finn.

Exactly. Passes in every corner.

08-27-2021, 06:21 PM






Not especially broadskulls.

08-27-2021, 06:25 PM
Regarding 'common' Finnish pehontypes, I've always found something very distinctly Finnish in this guy

He resembles a blond version of the Swedish actor Göran Forsmark who was from the Norrbotten county:


08-27-2021, 08:00 PM
Let me just leave this here

Coat of arms, Ostrobothnia


Yes it really is six pussycats. You don't need new oculars.

Coat of arms, Karelia


The Arms of Karelia on the tomb of Gustavus I (Uppsala cathedral, Sweden)

The coat of arms of Karelia in Finland were first used in 1562, although the arms were probably presented at the burial of Gustav Vasa in 1560. The arms were used for the Swedish province of Karelia and they have been used continuously since then. Variations of the arms are still used in two regions of Finland: North Karelia and South Karelia, in which the North Karelian version is the original one. Present day North Karelia wasn't part of Swedish Kingdom back in 1562. Sweden gained the area from Russia after the Treaty of Stolbovo in 1617. For the most part, present day South Karelia had belonged to Sweden from 1323 onwards, since Treaty of Nöteborg.

The blazon for the arms may be translated as follows: A golden crown above two duelling arms, sinister gauntleted arm holding a sword and dexter mailed arm a scimitar, all silver except for golden hafts and gauntlet joint. Ducal coronet.

The two hands holding a sword and a scimitar are generally seen as symbol of Karelia's position between the Swedish and Russian realms. The coat of arms of Finland use the sword and scimitar in a similar manner.


You guys were bred for cutting hay, we were bred for war. This was The Battleground for hundreds of years. Results can be seen in massive domination of Karelian heroes in WW2.

08-27-2021, 08:04 PM
Not especially broadskulls.

Flying, it comfy office job.

08-27-2021, 08:09 PM
Rakensi kerran rajan kansa taivaantornia Lumivaaran huipulle

Finnish Swede
08-27-2021, 08:19 PM






Hans Wind (Finnish Swede) got Mannerheim's cross twice.

Finnish Swede
08-27-2021, 08:24 PM
BTW: Harkonnen & Lemminkäinen ... will Kurt Kuhlmey say something to you?

08-27-2021, 08:50 PM
Eventho I usually loath these Gothic etc etymologies our linguists fabricate. I'm gonna make exception this time since it fits narrative

Etymology of Finnish words, Finnish Literature Society:

"Karja" means "army", "troops" (joukko,sotajoukko) and comes
probably from Gotic "xarja" or Baltic "harjis" or German

Thus "Karelian" (karjalainen) most probably comes from the
aforementioned word, meaning, "a member of army"

08-27-2021, 08:57 PM
i'll destroy you, mongol subhuman.

Sure thing bud

08-27-2021, 09:08 PM
Hans Wind (Finnish Swede) got Mannerheim's cross twice.

4 people got it twice. 2 of them were Karelians. Martti Aho was from Lapland.

Recipients of two Mannerheim Crosses 2nd Class:

Martti Aho, Colonel, infantry regiment commander – first on 1 March 1942, second on 16 October 1944
Ilmari Juutilainen, Lentomestari (Sergeant Major), fighter pilot – first on 26 April 1942, second on 28 June 1944
Aaro Pajari, Major-General, infantry division commander – first on 14 September 1941, second on 16 October 1944
Hans Wind, Captain, fighter pilot – first on 31 July 1943, second on 28 June 1944

Aaro Pajari was only general who got it twice. He was also only badass general, rest were office boys.


Born in Tavastia, but his parents were Karelians.

08-27-2021, 09:30 PM
Lauri Törni was member of 3 armies. Sabaton made song. Only nazi buried in Arlington Cemetary


08-27-2021, 09:46 PM
Aarne Juutilainen, The Terror of Morocco, brother of flying ace Ilmari, was also member of 3 armies. Whites in Finnish Civil War, French Foreign Legion, and Finnish Army in ww2. He was also very bad man in personal life

Aarne Edward Juutilainen (Finnish: [ˈɑːrne ˈjuːtilɑi̯nen]; 18 October 1904 – 28 October 1976), nicknamed "The Terror of Morocco", was a Finnish army captain who served in the French Foreign Legion in Morocco between 1930 and 1935. After returning to Finland, he served in the Finnish army and became a national hero in the Battle of Kollaa during the Winter War with the Soviet Union; with his relentless fighting spirit, he rose to legendary status on the war front.[4][5] He was wounded three times during World War II.

Early life
Juutilainen was born in Sortavala on 18 October 1904. His parents were railway clerk Tuomas Juutilainen and Helmi Sofia Juutilainen née Kauppinen. His brother was Ilmari Juutilainen, later better known as flying ace during the wars.[3]

Juutilainen attended school in Sortavala, where he read seven classes at Sortavala Lyceum.[6] He was athletic, and enjoyed skiing, horseback riding, fencing and pesäpallo; he was a member of the Sortavalan Viritys pesäpallo team in 1924.[4]

Already as a young boy, he got his first contact with the war in 1918, participating in the Finnish Civil War by loading machine gun belts on the white side.[3] After the war, a still minor age Juutilainen tried to volunteer for the Aunus expedition, but the recruits found that Juutilainen had forged the consent of his parents to the expedition.[7]

Nevertheless, Juutilainen decided to choose a military career as his profession. He attended the Reserve Officer School in 1925 and continued his studies at the Cadet School in 1926–1927, but had to drop out of school due to unsuitable lifestyles for the active officer[4] and resigned from the Finnish Army in 1928.[6]

French Foreign Legion
On 20 June 1930, Juutilainen travelled to France and joined the French Foreign Legion. He was transferred to Fort St. Nicolas in Southern France, near Marseille, and from there to Oran in Algeria. He spent time in a Foreign Legion training camp in the town of Sidi Bel Abbès.[7] From there he was transferred to Fez and fought in several battles against the Berber rebels in the Atlas Mountains.[7] Because of his service in Morocco, he was called "The Terror of Morocco" by Finnish troops.[7]

The war in the Atlas Mountains was long, and in 1931 the Berber offensive surrendered.[clarification needed] Juutilainen served in the Foreign Legion for a full five years and was rewarded with the Legion Cross and French citizenship.[7] He returned to Finland on 20 June 1935, by which time the southern part of Morocco was under French protectorate.

The Winter War

In November 1939, the Soviet Union attacked Finland, starting the Winter War. Juutilainen served in the Finnish army during this war, notably during the Battle of Kollaa.[4]

Major General Woldemar Hägglund's question "Will Kollaa hold?" ("Kestääkö Kollaa?") was famously answered by Lieutenant Juutilainen: "Kollaa will hold, unless the orders are to run." ("Kyllä kestää, ellei käsketä karkuun juoksemaan.")

During his command at Kollaa in December 1939, Juutilainen negotiated with Hägglund about the strategy for the Kollaa Front. The Battle of Kollaa was strategically important. "Unless we are told to run" meant exactly that; a week earlier, he had received a regimental order to withdraw, which he disregarded.

Afterwards, Lieutenant-Colonel and regiment commander Wilhelm Teittinen, who commanded JR/34 at the Kollaa Front, honored Juutilainen: "He created the Kollaa spirit". ("Hän loi Kollaan hengen")[4]

By 1940, he was a captain commanding the "Moroccan company", a unit of "good shots and good skiers" who had all been decorated for bravery. A contemporary news report described the unit as having achieved "startling victories in this sector" during the war. Juutilainen's men called him "papa". He used the guerilla warfare skills he learned with the French Foreign Legion to train his men. By this time, Juutilainen had lost one finger of his right hand as a result of Russian shrapnel.[8]

The 6th Company of Infantry Regiment 34, a unit led by Lieutenant Juutilainen, also included the legendary military sniper Simo Häyhä, known as the "White Death."[2]

The Continuation War

During the offensive phase of the Continuation War, Juutilainen served as company commander and battalion commander in Infantry Regiment 9.[6][4] He had the reputation of the Winter War on his shoulders and his actions were closely monitored. Juutilainen was at his best in the front line, in the middle of a fight. In Svir, he served as commander of Battle Group Juutilainen in Infantry Regiment 3.[4] The future Commander of the Defense Forces, Yrjö Keinonen, also served as one of the company commanders in the battle group.[9]

After the fiercest battles of the Continuation War in Gora in 1942, Juutilainen was transferred to the command of the JR 9 garrison, a position he served in during the period of trench warfare from 1942 to 1944. He served as the regimental commandant, for more than a year before he was promoted to 7th Division commandant.[4] He served as the division's commandant for a year. After that, before returning to the field army, Juutilainen served from May 1944 as commander of the 31st Prisoner of War Company. The transfer to that unit was due to "continued drunkenness and the beating of a man under his command in April 1944", according to the Punishment Diary of 7th Division officers; as he served as commandant of the division's headquarters, action and excitement were replaced by alcohol that was consumed in considerable quantities.[4] He was known as a nervous and ferocious man, and did not bow to anyone. He was even known to have shot at the foot of a subordinate when he gave impetus[clarification needed] to his orders, but in the front line, he took care of his men, was fair and respected by his subordinates.[4]

In the summer of 1944, Juutilainen once again took part in the fighting in directing a company in the direction of Loimola, and he was also there when the armistice was concluded at the beginning of September 1944.[1]

Later years and death

Grave of Aarne Juutilainen at Malmi Cemetery in Malmi, Helsinki
After the war, Juutilainen struggled with peacetime, eventually turning to alcoholism.[2][4][10] He settled in Helsinki and supported himself with miscellaneous work.[4] Olavi Juutilainen, the son of his brother Ilmari Juutilainen, describes his uncle Aarne as follows:

Aarne was undeniably a fearless soldier, but a previously too romanticized image of him was painted. His conduct was inappropriate for the officer during both peace and war. He threatened and pointed at his own men with his pistol. As the men said, Aarne had a pistol more in his hand than in the case.––– My father was not exemplary in everything either. He betrayed my mother in public and later coveted alcohol as well. My parents divorced when I was 10 years old. However, Illu [Ilmari] was happy and funny, Aarne was a bad person. However, my father had some inexplicable grip on Aarne as he raged in his head. My father also guaranteed Aarne's debts.[2]

Major Ahti Vuorensola, a brother-in-arms during the battle of Kolla, helped Juutilainen as much as he could. Juutilainen died alone in a nursing home in Helsinki on 28 October 1976, at the age of 72. He was buried at the Malmi Cemetery.[11]

08-27-2021, 09:54 PM
oh yeah Simo the bestest sniper was us too https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4

08-28-2021, 08:29 AM
BTW: Harkonnen & Lemminkäinen ... will Kurt Kuhlmey say something to you?

Was he a German Stuga pilot whose group bombed attacking Russians?

08-28-2021, 09:01 AM
Eventho I usually loath these Gothic etc etymologies our linguists fabricate. I'm gonna make exception this time since it fits narrative

I know, you accept truth only if it fits with your agenda.