View Full Version : CLASSIFY ME

08-27-2021, 04:25 PM
height: 1.72 cm
eyes: blue
hair: dark brown
body build: mesomorph

can you tell me what is my phenotype or subrace to which I belong!



08-27-2021, 04:28 PM
Change your country to something neutral like USA buddy so you get most sincere and more realer answers. People here tend to go based of country and most of them have no idea how to classify including me.

08-27-2021, 04:34 PM
Your hair looks just black in the first pic(although yes, it is most likely just dark brown).

To me you look intermediary between Atlanto-Med and Atlantid, very slightly Alpinized. I would provide more commentary but I don't wanna risk getting banned for "personal insults"(I wouldn't consider them personal insults but forum administration might disagree).

Your sub-race is whatever ethnicites you genetically cluster with, little to do with phenotype. So, to me you look French but I still wouldn't consider your "sub-race" to be French or a French-peaking "sub-race", would still be within the confines of Italy.

08-27-2021, 04:44 PM
Your hair looks just black in the first pic(although yes, it is most likely just dark brown).

To me you look intermediary between Atlanto-Med and Atlantid, very slightly Alpinized. I would provide more commentary but I don't wanna risk getting banned for "personal insults"(I wouldn't consider them personal insults but forum administration might disagree).

Your sub-race is whatever ethnicites you genetically cluster with, little to do with phenotype. So, to me you look French but I still wouldn't consider your "sub-race" to be French or a French-peaking "sub-race", would still be within the confines of Italy.

What do you mean with "personal insults"?

08-27-2021, 05:36 PM
Alpine + Atlantid

Tenma de Pegasus
08-27-2021, 05:37 PM
Atlanto Alpinid

09-08-2021, 05:44 PM
Atlanto Alpinid

what do I have of alpinid?