View Full Version : carlos alcaraz

Mopi Licinius Crassus
09-04-2021, 05:04 AM
teenage spanish tennis sensation.
v exotic looking spaniard from murcia


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYhjuZzvExV6ZLf18rY5MvecHSvIzUR ZiGGQ&usqp=CAU


Mopi Licinius Crassus
09-04-2021, 10:33 AM

Mopi Licinius Crassus
09-04-2021, 12:10 PM
double bump

09-04-2021, 12:44 PM
Murcia received a large number of Catalan emigrants.

For me it goes in the direction of this type of Catalan Iberian or balearic


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMzCZ5GWee4tggLMWhkENQyhAL_ARaI 3pcGvUPQI_140aUE1H8mjNjCj1F_2zUtK4f0V4&usqp=CAU



Sebastianus Rex
09-04-2021, 01:09 PM
South Med with berid admixture.

09-05-2021, 08:25 PM
He could pass in Latam

South Med + Berid

Enviado desde mi SM-G920I mediante Tapatalk

09-05-2021, 08:43 PM
The complete opposite of this Italian tennis player


09-05-2021, 08:55 PM
The complete opposite of this Italian tennis player


Completely irellevant and useless post. Are you the guy that when someone asks you what's the time you start talking about the weather?

09-05-2021, 09:01 PM
Completely irellevant and useless post. Are you the guy that when someone asks you what's the time you start talking about the weather?

Its not irrelevant because Italians are constantly compared to Spaniards about how similar they both are and i wanted to say its not true but i didn't want to open another post. That would be irrelevant. So here is the best place to talk about it. It doesn't have to be just about Alcaraz's classifications. As if every other post on here stays exactly on topic anyway. Don't know why this bothers you or what it has to do with you. I just thought it was interesting that two random tennis players from Spain and Italy rise to the top and this is what they both happen to look like by random chance

09-05-2021, 09:15 PM
Its not irrelevant because Italians are constantly compared to Spaniards about how similar they both are and i wanted to say its not true but i didn't want to open another post. That would be irrelevant. So here is the best place to talk about it. It doesn't have to be just about Alcaraz's classifications. As if every other post on here stays exactly on topic anyway. Don't know why this bothers you or what it has to do with you. I just thought it was interesting that two random tennis players from Spain and Italy rise to the top and this is what they both happen to look like by random chance

Both countries have bigger population than 40 milion, do you think it's hard to find super dark/light individuals? Completely irellevant.

09-05-2021, 09:22 PM
Both countries have bigger population than 40 milion, do you think it's hard to find super dark/light individuals? Completely irellevant.

It was random. There was no "looking" and cherry picking involved. So what's your point about finding light individuals? And clearly in a random selection it was harder for a Spaniard to come up as a "super light" individual. In the random scenario it was one of the darkest

04-07-2022, 09:32 PM
Its not irrelevant because Italians are constantly compared to Spaniards about how similar they both are and i wanted to say its not true but i didn't want to open another post. That would be irrelevant. So here is the best place to talk about it. It doesn't have to be just about Alcaraz's classifications. As if every other post on here stays exactly on topic anyway. Don't know why this bothers you or what it has to do with you. I just thought it was interesting that two random tennis players from Spain and Italy rise to the top and this is what they both happen to look like by random chance

Totally irrelevant and that was just so random and unnecessary. Anyone can show a pic of a Spaniard and an Italian and have them both look the total opposite, going both ways. Your post didn't prove anything at all. There are plenty of Italians that look dark and southern like Alcaraz and plenty of Spaniards that look light like the other guy you posted and this also goes for vice versa.

04-08-2022, 03:11 AM
Berid wiht berberid archaic looking

04-08-2022, 03:40 AM

05-15-2022, 05:44 PM
Berid + South Med

05-15-2022, 05:59 PM
Berid wiht berberid archaic looking

yeah, I think, with no reason whatsoever, only 'intuition', that Alcaraz looks is somewhat like the ancient/archaic iberians were.
Although judging by the very few sculptures we've found of them it doesn't seems to be that way.


Or maybe yes, it seems.

05-15-2022, 06:16 PM
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMpPOTFRlq5rn2bhj09y3pLuwThp7zoHiA4eouUM0IFH-PD3L5rglPqu3lehs9x0iJdlAkuEaIQeT_Y4MQUy0UEZeGzMmp9 DvQiEnsi1KRzKThqBXLlzGQ3xLzj50MSWwQ5jKupE6Tl9QS-giGfP-2o8gZw_u-ZZ1Bbltdq2Tv9seNKnSnTfgionmd/s500/carlosalcarazNadal.jpeg

Alcaraz Has an Occipital Bow Tie that Nadal doesn't have or at least not as pronounced

Some scientists suspect that the occipital bow tie is related to the biomechanics of the breed. Another theory attributes it to enlargement of the cerebellum, an area of the cortex that mediates spatial reasoning, motor function and many aspects of brain wave patterns including gamma waves.

There are many human populations that often have occipital bows. A large proportion of early modern Europeans had them, but today they are relatively uncommon even among Europeans themselves. They are nonetheless very common among the Basques, Asturians, Lapps and Finns, and the Bushmen of South Africa and the Aborigines of Australia also often have occipital buns. One region where the occipital bow tie is very common is in southern Lancashire, northern England.

Individuals with narrow heads and relatively large brains are much more likely to have occipital bows.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjSbEGIq6gaMQNX6k9Wp6yPpaP6SSzCumR2W2bEyP1Cks YggGnMF1A6en7u4zoTkjnnpmUE6bI-K889wED6fUqHaKHFDWoUlqUagIgHJmrxDyCIKiLwYUboBL7qTT gYglB7FG6__d55OdVYWs4kshbEXzEfp3PCy1ZNMXTNppaZ-zDboV1cKmREaE12/s675/FaceApp_1650104886046.jpg

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi4tssceyzfBKH5gLUjQE4rwrIMBH5EEo_M_L4dUd-B45ULaguRSO0oMSap6GaXJAzFRiizi6iLmUTVS9vQEPet-9k68aN2zzANtq-vDQy_4r74DmU5CyfNSqcHhyiFvFN0E8mkSlvJ_2ikgZ_cL76C2 sjphJzi35G83NXQvpGaMuHqb7G6VGLNZ9PB/s675/FaceApp_1650104973071.jpg

It has been proven that Alcaraz has no berberid, it is something else.

05-15-2022, 10:28 PM
Murcia received a large number of Catalan emigrants.

For me it goes in the direction of this type of Catalan Iberian or balearic

What the fuck are you talking about? There are no Catalan emigrants in Murcia, in fact it is the opposite and there are many Murcian immigrants in Catalonia. Just like there are no French emigrants in Morocco but lots of Moroccan immigrants in France.
Carlos Alcaraz has nothing Catalan in him. His surnames are Castilian and the etymology of Alcaraz is Arab, easy to tell because of the prefix Al-.
I've ignored all your threads about blonde blue eyed Andalusians even though they're a pathetic attempt at trying to portray your people as something they're not, but pretending that Spaniards who don't fit your nordicist delirium are Catalans is a whole new level of deception. This is not the first time I've seen you do this.

You will see this post, say sorry for lying and never ever try to pass Spaniards as Catalans again or I promise I will make your worst dream come true: I'll be posting photos of groups of average Andalusians so everyone knows what your kind really look like. And believe me that by the time you find a blonde blue eyed individual I'll have posted 100 threads of non-cherrypicked Andalusians.
In Catalonia your people are know for being swarthy, stupid, poor, uneducated and overall trashy and low class. Not because we hate you but because this is the reality and everyone else here deserve to know what your brethren are like. If you want me to keep quiet and not spoil the fake reality you have created, you will have to repent and retract your lies.

05-15-2022, 10:33 PM

05-16-2022, 04:56 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? There are no Catalan emigrants in Murcia, in fact it is the opposite and there are many Murcian immigrants in Catalonia. Just like there are no French emigrants in Morocco but lots of Moroccan immigrants in France.
Carlos Alcaraz has nothing Catalan in him. His surnames are Castilian and the etymology of Alcaraz is Arab, easy to tell because of the prefix Al-.
I've ignored all your threads about blonde blue eyed Andalusians even though they're a pathetic attempt at trying to portray your people as something they're not, but pretending that Spaniards who don't fit your nordicist delirium are Catalans is a whole new level of deception. This is not the first time I've seen you do this.

You will see this post, say sorry for lying and never ever try to pass Spaniards as Catalans again or I promise I will make your worst dream come true: I'll be posting photos of groups of average Andalusians so everyone knows what your kind really look like. And believe me that by the time you find a blonde blue eyed individual I'll have posted 100 threads of non-cherrypicked Andalusians.
In Catalonia your people are know for being swarthy, stupid, poor, uneducated and overall trashy and low class. Not because we hate you but because this is the reality and everyone else here deserve to know what your brethren are like. If you want me to keep quiet and not spoil the fake reality you have created, you will have to repent and retract your lies.

Murcia received a large number of Catalan emigrants. You are stupid if you don't understand that you can have Catalan ancestors and not have a Catalan surname.

Carlos Alcaraz is a type of Iberian who is more Catalan than Murcian; even if his surnames were not Catalan, the surnames are too modern compared to the genetics.

Mireia Canalda


You won't find Murcians like that. In Murcia if you want there are a lot of Catalan surnames and women in Spain, our country you know that every two generations they change their surnames, don't stick to the surname because genetics overcomes it in cases like Carlos Alcaraz.

Focus, Catalonia has not achieved significant results compared to other Spaniards, accept it.

Kisses and don't forget to take your medication.

And above all, stop crying to the Russians to pay for your independence, who could have thought of that?

Cristiano viejo
05-16-2022, 05:15 AM
What the fuck are you talking about? There are no Catalan emigrants in Murcia
You are really ignorant, a liar or both rather, a total analphabet :picard1:

«En Murcia hablan el más bello catalán del mundo»
Siete siglos y medio después de la conquista del Reino por Jaime I perduran decenas de palabras que trajeron los repobladores catalanes

Cuando en Murcia se hablaba catalán

Biar (entonces frontera entre el reino de Valencia y el emirato de Murcia), 6 de noviembre de 1264. Hace 757 años. Las tropas catalanas del conde-rey Jaime I iniciaban la conquista del emirato de Murcia. Aquella operación militar culminaría dos años después (1266) con la toma del territorio murciano, la expulsión de buena parte de la población musulmana hacia el reino nazarí de Granada y el establecimiento de 10.000 colonos militarizados catalanes, que trasplantarían su lengua y su cultura. Durante tres siglos (XIII en XVI) el catalán fue la lengua mayoritaria del reino cristiano y castellanoleonés de Murcia, sobre todo en las principales ciudades: Murcia, Cartagena y Orihuela (que formó parte hasta 1308). Pero, a partir de 1500, el catalán de Murcia sería progresivamente desterrado por el castellano hasta desaparecer. ¿Qué pasó con el catalán de Murcia?

La colonización catalana

Según los Libros de Repartimiento (1271-1273), estudiados por los historiadores y catedráticos Torres Fontes y Gual Camarena; el porcentaje de repoblación quedaría de esta forma: en Murcia y en Cartagena, un 50% catalanes, un 20% castellanos y el resto de varios orígenes; en Orihuela, un 25% catalanes, un 20% castellanos, y el resto de varios orígenes; y en Alicante y en Elche, un 60% catalanes, un 20% castellanos y el resto de varios orígenes. Según las mismas investigaciones, de los 964 clanes catalanes que participaron en aquella empresa colonizadora, el 66% procedían de la Catalunya nueva (plana de Lleida, Camp de Tarragona y valle del Ebro catalán). Y el grupo de varios orígenes estaría formado por navarros, aragoneses, provenzales, ligures y lombardos. Concretamente los aragoneses representarían, tan solo, el 3% de los beneficiarios del reparto.

Según el historiador y catedrático Rubio Garcia-Mina; entre los siglos XIII y XVI la nueva frontera no fue nunca una divisoria cultural: el catalán fue la lengua mayoritaria de las casas, de las calles, de las plazas, de las tiendas, de los obradores, de las alquerías, de los posos y de las barcas de Alicante y de Elche (Corona catalanoaragonesa) y de Murcia y de Cartagena (Corona castellanoleonesa). Un catalán muy próximo, fonéticamente, al de Valencia, al de Tortosa o al de Lleida. Pero en la parte castellana fue lengua de cancillería solo durante la breve dominación catalana (1296-1308), en tiempos de Ferrer de Cortell, alcalde general de Murcia. Después de la devolución parcial catalana (Murcia, Cartagena y Lorca), la cancillería de Toledo respondería con una profunda y radical castellanización de la administración murciana; el civil, la militar y la eclesiástica.

Esta realidad catalana, a ambos lados de la frontera (a pesar de los esfuerzos castellanos para liquidarla) se vería patente —entre otras cosas— por la existencia de un mismo corpus patronímico que ha trascendido a través de los siglos. Otra vez la investigación académica, relaciona una larga lista de apellidos catalanes entre los primeros pobladores cristianos de Murcia y de Cartagena que, en la actualidad, todavía son vigentes. Por ejemplo: Amalt, Ferrer, Fuster, Bernat, Carboner, Castell, Martorell, Paner, Ripoll, Torner, Deusevol, Argenter, Especier, Graner, Vaquer, Barber, u Ostalric. También el panocho (el dialecto local murciano) —a pesar de su continua aproximación al castellano durante los últimos cuatro siglos— contiene un porcentaje elevadísimo de palabras catalanas. Por ejemplo bajoca, melsa, minso, rosigó, rustidera o iuz (lluç).

El panocho fue una lengua viva hasta bien entrado el siglo XVIII. Fue 'la lengua' en las alquerías de Murcia hasta la década de 1720, y en las de Orihuela y de Cartagena hasta la de 1750. En aquel momento ya era un dialecto híbrido —entre el catalán y el castellano— y en retroceso. En aquel contexto, aparecería la figura de Luis Belluga Moncada; obispo de Cartagena, virrey de Murcia y de Valencia y entusiasta partidario del régimen borbónico, que sería uno de los que más perseguiría el uso del panocho, asociándolo a la rusticidad y a la blasfemia. El catalán quedaría limitado a una pequeña comarca interior, donde actualmente todavía se vive, situada en el nordeste de Murcia, y denominada el Carxe; el último testimonio de una época en la que en Murcia se hablaba la misma lengua que en Valencia, que en Palma, que en Cagliari, que en Lleida o que en Perpinyà.


05-16-2022, 09:25 AM
Fixed for you.

The complete opposite of this Italian tennis player

https://i.postimg.cc/8zZFK6zc/Berretini.png (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/tJdJh1cX/berretinimatteo.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

I don´t care about the swarthiness or "exotism in features" of Alcaraz, but please...non mi rompere il cazzo, Italians and Spanish are comparable in terms of swarthiness/non-swarthiness.

We can agree that the Italian player is more handsome, but in terms of swarthiness it is a draw.

When it comes to tennis, Alcaraz is better, which is what is really important.:thumb001:

05-16-2022, 10:31 AM
he has negroid features, lips, skull..., pass as african inmigrant

usually these people of Spanish nationality who have lots of threads that are uploaded periodically by insecure people who need a consolation pass as gypsies or immigrant.

05-16-2022, 03:27 PM
Murcia received a large number of Catalan emigrants. You are stupid if you don't understand that you can have Catalan ancestors and not have a Catalan surname.

Carlos Alcaraz is a type of Iberian who is more Catalan than Murcian; even if his surnames were not Catalan, the surnames are too modern compared to the genetics.

Mireia Canalda

You won't find Murcians like that. In Murcia if you want there are a lot of Catalan surnames and women in Spain, our country you know that every two generations they change their surnames, don't stick to the surname because genetics overcomes it in cases like Carlos Alcaraz.

Focus, Catalonia has not achieved significant results compared to other Spaniards, accept it.

Kisses and don't forget to take your medication.

And above all, stop crying to the Russians to pay for your independence, who could have thought of that?[/I]

Wow you did it again hiding the surname of Mireia DOPACIO Canalda, pointing to her Spanish (Galician) origins.

Too bad genetics don't lie:

Distance to: Spanish_Murcia
0.01513258 Spanish_Andalucia
0.01544949 Spanish_Galicia
0.01603988 Spanish_Valencia
0.01609259 Spanish_Extremadura
0.01707537 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha
0.01729458 Spanish_Alacant
0.01820029 Spanish_Menorca
0.01881891 Spanish_Eivissa
0.01902594 Spanish_Baleares
0.01955197 Catalan_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.01978173 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon
0.02002708 Catalan_Peri-Barcelona
0.02013133 Spanish_Castello
0.02065433 Spanish_Mallorca
0.02135774 Spanish_Aragon
0.02152286 Catalan_Lleida
0.02154523 Catalan_Pirineu
0.02232289 Catalan_Terres_de_l'Ebre
0.02232535 Catalan_Penedes
0.02238546 Catalan_Girona
0.02368600 Catalan_Catalunya_Central
0.02472515 Catalan_Barcelones
0.02547411 Spanish_Cantabria
0.02635202 Spanish_Navarra

Carlos Al-Caraz is a typical Spaniard of Al-Andalus and you know this because you're Al-Andalusian and Murcians are your brothers.

Well you're done. I gave you the chance to repent and retract your lies but you went further. Must suck knowing that years of cherry-picking efforts are going down the toilet because now everyone will see several threads everyday of group photos of your average Andalusians. Oh and I have lots of knowledge about your people and your country that others you're at war with at this site don't have. Sucks to be you.

05-16-2022, 03:41 PM
You are really ignorant, a liar or both rather, a total analphabet :picard1:

«En Murcia hablan el más bello catalán del mundo»
Siete siglos y medio después de la conquista del Reino por Jaime I perduran decenas de palabras que trajeron los repobladores catalanes

Cuando en Murcia se hablaba catalán

Biar (entonces frontera entre el reino de Valencia y el emirato de Murcia), 6 de noviembre de 1264. Hace 757 años. Las tropas catalanas del conde-rey Jaime I iniciaban la conquista del emirato de Murcia. Aquella operación militar culminaría dos años después (1266) con la toma del territorio murciano, la expulsión de buena parte de la población musulmana hacia el reino nazarí de Granada y el establecimiento de 10.000 colonos militarizados catalanes, que trasplantarían su lengua y su cultura. Durante tres siglos (XIII en XVI) el catalán fue la lengua mayoritaria del reino cristiano y castellanoleonés de Murcia, sobre todo en las principales ciudades: Murcia, Cartagena y Orihuela (que formó parte hasta 1308). Pero, a partir de 1500, el catalán de Murcia sería progresivamente desterrado por el castellano hasta desaparecer. ¿Qué pasó con el catalán de Murcia?

La colonización catalana

Según los Libros de Repartimiento (1271-1273), estudiados por los historiadores y catedráticos Torres Fontes y Gual Camarena; el porcentaje de repoblación quedaría de esta forma: en Murcia y en Cartagena, un 50% catalanes, un 20% castellanos y el resto de varios orígenes; en Orihuela, un 25% catalanes, un 20% castellanos, y el resto de varios orígenes; y en Alicante y en Elche, un 60% catalanes, un 20% castellanos y el resto de varios orígenes. Según las mismas investigaciones, de los 964 clanes catalanes que participaron en aquella empresa colonizadora, el 66% procedían de la Catalunya nueva (plana de Lleida, Camp de Tarragona y valle del Ebro catalán). Y el grupo de varios orígenes estaría formado por navarros, aragoneses, provenzales, ligures y lombardos. Concretamente los aragoneses representarían, tan solo, el 3% de los beneficiarios del reparto.

Según el historiador y catedrático Rubio Garcia-Mina; entre los siglos XIII y XVI la nueva frontera no fue nunca una divisoria cultural: el catalán fue la lengua mayoritaria de las casas, de las calles, de las plazas, de las tiendas, de los obradores, de las alquerías, de los posos y de las barcas de Alicante y de Elche (Corona catalanoaragonesa) y de Murcia y de Cartagena (Corona castellanoleonesa). Un catalán muy próximo, fonéticamente, al de Valencia, al de Tortosa o al de Lleida. Pero en la parte castellana fue lengua de cancillería solo durante la breve dominación catalana (1296-1308), en tiempos de Ferrer de Cortell, alcalde general de Murcia. Después de la devolución parcial catalana (Murcia, Cartagena y Lorca), la cancillería de Toledo respondería con una profunda y radical castellanización de la administración murciana; el civil, la militar y la eclesiástica.

Esta realidad catalana, a ambos lados de la frontera (a pesar de los esfuerzos castellanos para liquidarla) se vería patente —entre otras cosas— por la existencia de un mismo corpus patronímico que ha trascendido a través de los siglos. Otra vez la investigación académica, relaciona una larga lista de apellidos catalanes entre los primeros pobladores cristianos de Murcia y de Cartagena que, en la actualidad, todavía son vigentes. Por ejemplo: Amalt, Ferrer, Fuster, Bernat, Carboner, Castell, Martorell, Paner, Ripoll, Torner, Deusevol, Argenter, Especier, Graner, Vaquer, Barber, u Ostalric. También el panocho (el dialecto local murciano) —a pesar de su continua aproximación al castellano durante los últimos cuatro siglos— contiene un porcentaje elevadísimo de palabras catalanas. Por ejemplo bajoca, melsa, minso, rosigó, rustidera o iuz (lluç).

El panocho fue una lengua viva hasta bien entrado el siglo XVIII. Fue 'la lengua' en las alquerías de Murcia hasta la década de 1720, y en las de Orihuela y de Cartagena hasta la de 1750. En aquel momento ya era un dialecto híbrido —entre el catalán y el castellano— y en retroceso. En aquel contexto, aparecería la figura de Luis Belluga Moncada; obispo de Cartagena, virrey de Murcia y de Valencia y entusiasta partidario del régimen borbónico, que sería uno de los que más perseguiría el uso del panocho, asociándolo a la rusticidad y a la blasfemia. El catalán quedaría limitado a una pequeña comarca interior, donde actualmente todavía se vive, situada en el nordeste de Murcia, y denominada el Carxe; el último testimonio de una época en la que en Murcia se hablaba la misma lengua que en Valencia, que en Palma, que en Cagliari, que en Lleida o que en Perpinyà.


I said it to this guy or gal or whatever on the previous page and he didn't want to believe it. The Catalans have been very emigrant.

05-16-2022, 03:46 PM
You will see this post, say sorry for lying and never ever try to pass Spaniards as Catalans again or I promise I will make your worst dream come true: I'll be posting photos of groups of average Andalusians so everyone knows what your kind really look like. And believe me that by the time you find a blonde blue eyed individual I'll have posted 100 threads of non-cherrypicked Andalusians.
In Catalonia your people are know for being swarthy, stupid, poor, uneducated and overall trashy and low class. Not because we hate you but because this is the reality and everyone else here deserve to know what your brethren are like. If you want me to keep quiet and not spoil the fake reality you have created, you will have to repent and retract your lies.

I could go into the easy insult but I don't feel like it, I'm too relaxed after the eclipse.

I am not particularly interested in Catalans either, they are people who do not shine; although I recognise that I have a feeling and I like them, obviously I am talking about real Catalans, not like you, who evidently have no published results of yours, there is no photo of you or your family, so it is very common in Catalonia that many of the obsessed and abducted are not real Catalans, as must surely be the case with you.

Andalusia is worshipped all over the world, we are great since antiquity and you, what are you: a piece of shit.

Have a nice evening, I'm much better looking than you, you scavenger!

05-16-2022, 04:52 PM
I said it to this guy or gal or whatever on the previous page and he didn't want to believe it. The Catalans have been very emigrant.

Are you really comparing a colonization during the middle ages after expelling the Muslims with the modern mass migration of Andalusians due to poverty and lack of jobs? You're laughable.
And it isn't even true because 99% of Murcians speak Castilian and have Castilian surnames, not Catalans.

I could go into the easy insult but I don't feel like it, I'm too relaxed after the eclipse.

I am not particularly interested in Catalans either, they are people who do not shine; although I recognise that I have a feeling and I like them, obviously I am talking about real Catalans, not like you, who evidently have no published results of yours, there is no photo of you or your family, so it is very common in Catalonia that many of the obsessed and abducted are not real Catalans, as must surely be the case with you.

Andalusia is worshipped all over the world, we are great since antiquity and you, what are you: a piece of shit.

Have a nice evening, I'm much better looking than you, you scavenger!

The only insult you have for me is saying I'm Spanish, just like you say Carlos Alcaraz is Catalan. Because being like you is an insult.
Andalusia is known around the world as a place where the Muslims did great things in the past but nowadays is a hotbed of poverty, unemployment and laziness. And it's a pity you're ashamed of yourself and your land because instead of taking pride of what the Arabs build there you feel the need to create a fake reality where you're all Nordics. And the worst is that you think your cherry-picked pics have any influence in people's opinion.
I told you to not lie about Catalans and lied once again. If I ever see you again writing the word Catalan or Catalonia, I will flood the front page with group pics of Andalusians, so your efforts of years will be gone and everyone will know you're just a worse version of your Moorish masters. Be warned.

05-16-2022, 07:47 PM
Are you really comparing a colonization during the middle ages after expelling the Muslims with the modern mass migration of Andalusians due to poverty and lack of jobs? You're laughable.

The Andalusians and other Spaniards had to emigrate to Catalonia because it was a region under Franco's protectorate and Franco's regime decided to industrialise that region and also forced the rest of the regions to buy products manufactured in Catalonia, which were also more expensive and of lower quality than those from other European regions, making it easy for Catalonia to become somewhat richer than the rest of the regions, so anyone, being protected and with the sale of the products assured, anyone can do it.

And it isn't even true because 99% of Murcians speak Castilian and have Castilian surnames, not Catalans.

Thus, Pujante, Guirao, Guillamón, Durante, Reverte, Riquelme, Puche, Capel, Cerdán, Arnao, Noguera, Meseguer, Miralles, Ballester, Soler, Viudes... These are some of the common surnames in the Murcia Region that show the Catalan past e.t.c and many other Catalan surnames were also Castilianised, as was the case in the province of Malaga. You don't know anything about Spain, I wouldn't be surprised if you were a hybrid, it is possible that you are the son of Catalan and Latin or something else, you are not Catalan, you have many gaps about Catalonia and the rest of Spain and you have a dialogue and arguments that are a bit strange and like you are trying to transplant in Spain and here it doesn't work like that, so there is something strange in your origin.

The only insult you have for me is saying I'm Spanish, just like you say Carlos Alcaraz is Catalan. Because being like you is an insult.
Andalusia is known around the world as a place where the Muslims did great things in the past but nowadays is a hotbed of poverty, unemployment and laziness. And it's a pity you're ashamed of yourself and your land because instead of taking pride of what the Arabs build there you feel the need to create a fake reality where you're all Nordics. And the worst is that you think your cherry-picked pics have any influence in people's opinion.
I told you to not lie about Catalans and lied once again. If I ever see you again writing the word Catalan or Catalonia, I will flood the front page with group pics of Andalusians, so your efforts of years will be gone and everyone will know you're just a worse version of your Moorish masters. Be warned.

Do not be confused in the Muslim era Andalusia did not exist. You keep confusing ancient populations with modern ones. I'll talk about the Catalans when I get out of my dick and I'll give my opinion whenever I want. Do you think shit like you will make me shut up? keep dreaming. they have to finish You keep misrepresenting, I have never said that Carlos Alcaraz is Catalan but Carlos Alcaraz's face seems more Catalan than Murcian, it must be some ancestor, it does not resemble either of the parents.

You have no credibility, and Catalonia does not arouse any expectations, you yourselves, the independence supporters, have achieved that the image of Catalonia is on the ground.

And it was really lucky for Catalonia to receive Andalusians, they are, together with other Spaniards, without a doubt the ones who raised Catalonia in their day

Don't presume so much that if it wasn't for Franco Catalonia would have been one of the poorest regions in Spain and thanks to Franco and his protection it became somewhat richer, so your Latin-style regional supremacies for Spain don't work.

What an annoying guy or girl, talking to a Catalan pro-independence person is the most horrible thing, it's like talking to an abuducid.

05-16-2022, 07:51 PM
Alcatraz has to works his way up the social ladder, being the phenotypical outlier he is, in order to survive among Celtiberian blonds.

05-16-2022, 07:59 PM
Alcatraz has to works his way up the social ladder, being the phenotypical outlier he is, in order to survive among Celtiberian blonds.

I didn't notice before, but the Alcatraz, the bird, must be of moorish origin too, judging by its name beginning with Al.

https://www.bing.com/th?id=ALSTU8DE4C119A95F1D227079898848B54F0C1D4D509 011E3A305DC0DB5316615FEB7&w=472&h=280&c=13&rs=2&o=6&oif=webp&pid=SANGAM

El alcatraz común (Morus bassanus), también conocido como alcatraz atlántico,

I was right. :cool:

05-16-2022, 08:05 PM
Alcatraz has to works his way up the social ladder, being the phenotypical outlier he is, in order to survive among Celtiberian blonds.

You too are annoyed that there is a thread about Spanish blondes, oh yes and why? Out of curiosity, it doesn't really matter little to Spaniards that some foreigners are bothered by a thread about blond Spaniards, there it is with thousands of visits.

In Alcaraz several factors come together: he is not very graceful or he has a peculiar face, big mouth, then he is very tanned due to his profession and it is already very easy for some people, especially other Europeans, to direct a specific opinion and to show what he is not, here it has been said, berid, South American e.t.c. and he is neither berid nor South American.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMpPOTFRlq5rn2bhj09y3pLuwThp7zoHiA4eouUM0IFH-PD3L5rglPqu3lehs9x0iJdlAkuEaIQeT_Y4MQUy0UEZeGzMmp9 DvQiEnsi1KRzKThqBXLlzGQ3xLzj50MSWwQ5jKupE6Tl9QS-giGfP-2o8gZw_u-ZZ1Bbltdq2Tv9seNKnSnTfgionmd/s500/carlosalcarazNadal.jpeg

05-16-2022, 08:14 PM
You too are annoyed that there is a thread about Spanish blondes, oh yes and why? Out of curiosity, it doesn't really matter little to Spaniards that some foreigners are bothered by a thread about blond Spaniards, there it is with thousands of visits.

In Alcaraz several factors come together: he is not very graceful or he has a peculiar face, big mouth, then he is very tanned due to his profession and it is already very easy for some people, especially other Europeans, to direct a specific opinion and to show what he is not, here it has been said, berid, South American e.t.c. and he is neither berid nor South American.

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiMpPOTFRlq5rn2bhj09y3pLuwThp7zoHiA4eouUM0IFH-PD3L5rglPqu3lehs9x0iJdlAkuEaIQeT_Y4MQUy0UEZeGzMmp9 DvQiEnsi1KRzKThqBXLlzGQ3xLzj50MSWwQ5jKupE6Tl9QS-giGfP-2o8gZw_u-ZZ1Bbltdq2Tv9seNKnSnTfgionmd/s500/carlosalcarazNadal.jpeg

I'm not annoyed at all , I'm aware that phenotypes in Spain can range from Irish-looking to Greek-looking/East-Med, some being an even mix of those two.

Cristiano viejo
05-17-2022, 12:36 AM
I didn't notice before, but the Alcatraz, the bird, must be of moorish origin too, judging by its name beginning with Al.

https://www.bing.com/th?id=ALSTU8DE4C119A95F1D227079898848B54F0C1D4D509 011E3A305DC0DB5316615FEB7&w=472&h=280&c=13&rs=2&o=6&oif=webp&pid=SANGAM

I was right. :cool:

hahahahah BEST POST OF THE DAY ;);)

05-19-2022, 02:27 AM
teenage spanish tennis sensation.
v exotic looking spaniard from murcia


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRYhjuZzvExV6ZLf18rY5MvecHSvIzUR ZiGGQ&usqp=CAU


typical looking spaniard. saharid berid. with shitloads of moro north african throw back genes lmaooo

05-19-2022, 02:32 AM
He could pass in Latam

South Med + Berid

Enviado desde mi SM-G920I mediante Tapatalk

yup for pardo brazileno

05-21-2022, 10:51 PM

05-21-2022, 10:55 PM

Que dejada tiene el chaval!

05-21-2022, 11:57 PM


05-22-2022, 01:20 AM
bump :)


05-22-2022, 04:59 PM
bump :)



05-22-2022, 05:32 PM

05-22-2022, 05:42 PM
Carlos Alcaraz es uno de los hombres más guapos que hay ahora mismo en el panorama deportivo.

05-22-2022, 05:42 PM
Alcaraz cannot pass as chicano though, because he's a champion.

05-22-2022, 05:45 PM
Alcaraz cannot pass as chicano though, because he's a champion.

It has all the essence of some Northeast Iberian tribe, how could it pass for someone of mixed race or not from America?

05-22-2022, 07:02 PM
he has negroid features, lips, skull..., pass as african inmigrant

usually these people of Spanish nationality who have lots of threads that are uploaded periodically by insecure people who need a consolation pass as gypsies or immigrant.

absolutely. This man!! whoever he is never pass in my lands! We look nothing alike. He is gyspy admix or Moor. I don't care either one, pick and choose ladies. But I know for a truth no pass in A Spain, my people are much beautifuller.

05-22-2022, 07:09 PM
absolutely. This man!! whoever he is never pass in my lands! We look nothing alike. He is gyspy admix or Moor. I don't care either one, pick and choose ladies. But I know for a truth no pass in A Spain, my people are much beautifuller.

who is in your avatar? he looks completely celtiberian.

05-22-2022, 07:17 PM
who is in your avatar? he looks completely celtiberian.

He absolutely is. I found him in the celtic search I did earlier. Looking for those who look like the common A Spanish, like me, like my brother, sister, and the rest of our lands. It is to pay of a homage to my ancestor to which made our country great.

05-22-2022, 07:43 PM
He absolutely is. I found him in the celtic search I did earlier. Looking for those who look like the common A Spanish, like me, like my brother, sister, and the rest of our lands. It is to pay of a homage to my ancestor to which made our country great.

Typical Iberian individual on ur avatar, 0 North african blood(piada)

05-22-2022, 07:54 PM
Alcaraz: arab last name, needless to say more

05-22-2022, 08:06 PM
Typical Iberian individual on ur avatar, 0 North african blood(piada)

Of course no black dna. We are more a white than any other europid contries, even i say the firist. We brought white people to the rest of the lands. Thanks to us

05-22-2022, 08:09 PM
Alcaraz: arab last name, needless to say more

Antiguo apellido castellano de origen toponímico, bastante frecuente y repartido por España, hallándose sus principales asientos en la Comunidad de Murcia, Barcelona, Alicante, Comunidad de Madrid y Valencia. Procede del topónimo , nombre de una población en la provincia de Albacete, cuyo étimo es, según algunos filólogos, es el árabe al-karaz, “el cerezo”, y,...

Sorry to dissapoint you.

What is of arab origen is the name of the village, Alcaraz.

05-22-2022, 08:59 PM
Sorry to dissapoint you.

What is of arab origen is the name of the village, Alcaraz.

This is like saying that Mohammed is not an Arabic name because it is written in the Latin alphabet instead of its original Arabic form.

05-22-2022, 09:27 PM
This is like saying that Mohammed is not an Arabic name because it is written in the Latin alphabet instead of its original Arabic form.

Es fácil de entender creo yo. El apellido es toponímico, deriva de un lugar o población, lo que no implica que todos los portadores del apellido son originarios de esa población.
Y Alcaraz es de origen árabe si, y cuando la reconquista los moros se fueron echando ostias y llegaron los cristianos.

Es como decir que todos los que se apellidan 'Zaragoza' son de esa ciudad o aragoneses, lo cual evidentemente no es el caso.

Apellido de origen aragonés, relativamente frecuente y repartido por España, procedente del topónimo Zaragoza, ciudad y capital de la provincia de su nombre, del latín Caesar Augusta, arabizado en Saragusta. El apellido se da sobre todo en Alicante, Barcelona, Valencia, Madrid, Murcia, Castellón, Tarragona y Málaga. Se documentaron familias apellidadas Saragoza o Zaragoza entre los primeros repobladores aragoneses del antiguo Reino de Valencia, así como en el de Murcia. Uno de los datos más antiguos sobre el apellido Zaragoza se halla en el llamado “Libro de la repartición de Lorca” (Murcia), pues en el reparto de 1266-1270 se cita a Salvador Zaragoza (Çaragoça), a Domingo Zaragoza y a Ximeno Zaragoza. En el antiguo Reino de Valencia hubo casas de familias apellidadas Saragossa en Morvedre (1244-76), Sueca (1245-49), Ontinyent-Agulllent (1248), Alzira, Xátiva, Albaida, Silla (1248), Cocentaina (1249), Alcoi (1296-1314), Oriola (1300-14), Valencia (1306-16), Alcúdia de Carlet (1337), Alcalá de Xivert, Carraixet (Horta de Valencia), Sant Mateu, Morella, Vilafranca del Maestrat (1396), Morvedre (1421), Borriana ( 1481), Pego (1488), etc. Familias Zaragoza probaron su nobleza ante la Real Audiencia de Aragón, ante la Real Chancillería de Granada, y para su ingreso en las Órdenes Militares

Ya ves, ni nombra Zaragoza entre los sitios donde mas 'Zaragoza' hay.

05-22-2022, 09:38 PM
Es fácil de entender creo yo. El apellido es toponímico, deriva de un lugar o población, lo que no implica que todos los portadores del apellido son originarios de esa población.
Y Alcaraz es de origen árabe si, y cuando la reconquista los moros se fueron echando ostias y llegaron los cristianos.

Es como decir que todos los que se apellidan 'Zaragoza' son de esa ciudad o aragoneses, lo cual evidentemente no es el caso.

Ya ves, ni nombra Zaragoza entre los sitios donde mas 'Zaragoza' hay.

Si, por supuesto, todos los apellidos derivan de algo ya sea un pueblo, cosas o variaciones de otros nombres, pero sigue siendo de origen árabe ese nombre aunque solo se refiera a dicho poblado.

Habrá gente que se apellide Almuñecar por ejemplo, pero el nombre de ese poblado sigue derivando del árabe a pesar de todo.

05-23-2022, 12:44 PM
It has all the essence of some Northeast Iberian tribe, how could it pass for someone of mixed race or not from America?

Why would a half Murcian and half Andalusian has any essence of an extinct tribe from hundreds of km apart from his regions of origin?
How can you know what northeastern Iberian tribes looked like?
Why is a South-American pretending to be Andalusian and pass an uber Spaniard such as Carlos Alcaraz as a Catalan?

Y efectivamente, la madre del niño de oro es sevillana, Verónica Garfia, que todavía no se ha acostumbrado a convivir con la victoria y alguna que otra derrota de su hijo, el mediano de cuatro hermanos que todos juegan al tenis con mejor o peor tino.

En la edición de 2019 de la Copa Sevilla, el gran torneo que se celebra en el Tenis Betis y por el que pasan muchos de los tenistas que luego se cuelan en el top ten, como el mismísimo Rafael Nadal; Carlitos Alcaraz se metió en cuartos de final. El malagueño Alejandro Davidovich ganó esa edición, como lo hicieron no hace tanto Felix Auger-Aliassime o el propio Casper Ruud, que perdió la final de Miami con el murciano-sevillano en ese partido que le ha llevado al primer plano.

Juan Carlos Ferrero, exnúmero uno del mundo, y actual entrenador de Alcaraz, allí mismo en el Tenis Betis, dijo que el gran Carlitos, que contaba con el favor de la grada en todos sus partidos jugados en el barrio de El Porvenir, "se ha sentido como en casa, de hecho es que tiene casa en Sevilla, y familia, su madre es de aquí".

A Sevilla le haría falta como el comer un nombre polideportivo de este nivel. En esta ocasión ha rozado el palo. Si ese matrimonio de murciano y sevillana llega a decidir que se quedaba en Sevilla

I told you to stop but didn't. This is your average Spaniards of mainly Andalusian ancestry:
Carlos Alcaraz fits perfectly among "your" people. Your between " because you're pretending to be what you're not.

05-23-2022, 01:05 PM
Why would a half Murcian and half Andalusian has any essence of an extinct tribe from hundreds of km apart from his regions of origin?
How can you know what northeastern Iberian tribes looked like?
Why is a South-American pretending to be Andalusian and pass an uber Spaniard such as Carlos Alcaraz as a Catalan?

I told you to stop but didn't. This is your average Spaniards of mainly Andalusian ancestry:
Carlos Alcaraz is fits perfectly among your people.

I have seen some Catalan ancestral natives in the south, even today, it is the game of genes. You think that the Spanish regions existed since always and nobody came out of them, I don't know what you do in a genetics forum, ah well make apology for the Catalan independentism that no one is interested anymore.

Carlos Alcaraz looks absolutely nothing like his father or his mother and seems to me some ancestral Catalan native.

Absolutely its archaic Catalan face does not fit in Seville must come through the Catalan emigration to Murcia.

05-23-2022, 01:15 PM
I have seen some Catalan ancestral natives in the south, even today, it is the game of genes. You think that the Spanish regions existed since always and nobody came out of them, I don't know what you do in a genetics forum, ah well make apology for the Catalan independentism that no one is interested anymore.

Carlos Alcaraz looks absolutely nothing like his father or his mother and seems to me some ancestral Catalan native.

Absolutely its archaic Catalan face does not fit in Seville must come through the Catalan emigration to Murcia.

Carlos Alcaraz Garfia is half Murcian and half Andalusian and has 0 Catalan ancestry. There is no way to spin it. The game of genes is Alcaraz showing typical SSA traits through the North African admixture present in the regions he is from.

If you made a composite of these Andalusian below you get a copy of Carlos Alcaraz.

05-23-2022, 01:50 PM
Why would a half Murcian and half Andalusian has any essence of an extinct tribe from hundreds of km apart from his regions of origin?
How can you know what northeastern Iberian tribes looked like?
Why is a South-American pretending to be Andalusian and pass an uber Spaniard such as Carlos Alcaraz as a Catalan?

I told you to stop but didn't. This is your average Spaniards of mainly Andalusian ancestry:
Carlos Alcaraz fits perfectly among "your" people. Your between " because you're pretending to be what you're not.

They don't look much different from these Basques


05-23-2022, 02:34 PM
By the way, very handsome. Is it really what makes you envious, that Andalusians are better looking?

Some of my results. And thank you that I have published some of Valencia and the Balearic Islands, I have not wanted to publish those of France not to excite your imperialistic cravings hehehehe. And my results with Taifas Moorish etc. are the I samples which were local.

I publish my results without any problem, where are your results?

https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgxoezlFmVZX6wwPSQHWws7h-0HHSCpUuMbXXq3x6xO3CJPFdbsab8rT6q2MTF236AKsOoq09Bz M7BMYOb57USmk-MXA2diqiZxrmjWfPIn3hAlFl7U4EdtETS8icjL_DjFj_7wKP5b NI6Y2VeTywt-qbrOTXwDOP6h5a-_-7p6Zr3JX9iu69OjNRFb/s720/AlAndalusCatalonia.jpg

I have tons of results with Catalan label, I don't know who you want to convince and of what.


3. Visigoth Iberian Girona
550 AD - Genetic Distance: 8.765 - I12034

10. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
880 AD - Genetic Distance: 9.193 - I10895

11. Roman-Era Empuries
47 BC - Genetic Distance: 9.529 - I10866

32. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
1060 AD - Genetic Distance: 10.71 - I10852

41. Late Roman-Era Emporion
550 AD - Genetic Distance: 11.18 - I8343

55. Greco-Era Emporion
425 BC - Genetic Distance: 11.65 - I834

56. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
1060 AD - Genetic Distance: 11.65 - I10851

61. Late Medieval L'Esquerda Spain
1350 AD - Genetic Distance: 11.81 - T-145-2

67. Ilergetes Tribe Catalan
200 BC - Genetic Distance: 12.03 - I3320B

73. Ilergetes Tribe Catalan
600 BC - Genetic Distance: 12.19 - I4556

89. Carolingian Settlement Barcelona
790 AD - Genetic Distance: 12.58 - I7676

92. Iron Age Catalan
620 BC - Genetic Distance: 12.63 - I12640

94. Late Bronze Age Menorca Es Forat de Ses Aritges
1000 BC - Genetic Distance: 12.67 - EFA004

99. Ilergetes Tribe Catalan
440 BC - Genetic Distance: 12.75 - I12878

119. Ilergetes Tribe Catalan
200 BC - Genetic Distance: 13.39 - I3320

123. Iberian Settlement Catalonia Spain
250 BC - Genetic Distance: 13.44 - I3496

135. Menorca Late Bronze Age
861 BC - Genetic Distance: 13.55 - I3315

140. Roman-Carthago Mix Empuries
150 AD - Genetic Distance: 13.63 - I8475

142. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
1060 AD - Genetic Distance: 13.64 - I10853

145. Bronze Age Tarragona Galls Carboners Spain
1600 BC - Genetic Distance: 13.68 - I4561

158. Post-Roman Era Barcelona
650 AD - Genetic Distance: 13.87 - I3775

222. Roman Era Empuries
80 AD - Genetic Distance: 14.63 - I8339

230. Basque Post-Roman Era Barcelona
650 AD - Genetic Distance: 14.73 - I3777

231. Iron Age Ilercavones Catalan
200 BC - Genetic Distance: 14.74 - I3321B

232. Ilergetes Outlier Catalan
440 BC - Genetic Distance: 14.75 - I12410

243. Roman-Era Emporion
200 AD - Genetic Distance: 14.94 - I8202

248. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
990 AD - Genetic Distance: 15.05 - I10892

254. Bronze Age Fuente la Mora Spain
1500 BC - Genetic Distance: 15.16 - I3491

273. Vasconic Greco-Era Empuries
425 BC - Genetic Distance: 15.38 - I8209

292. Vasconic Tribe Empuries
375 BC - Genetic Distance: 15.68 - I8214

296. Carolingian Settlement Barcelona
790 AD - Genetic Distance: 15.77 - I7673

318. Mallorca Early Bronze Age
2350 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.0 - I4329

322. Hispano-Roman Taifa of Valencia
1200 AD - Genetic Distance: 16.03 - I12644

328. Bronze Age Can Roqueta-Can Revella Spain
1700 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.22 - I1310

356. Bronze Age Tarragona Galls Carboners Spain
1600 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.47 - I4559

374. Iron Age Catalan
680 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.61 - I12641

380. Ullastret Iberian Head Girona
225 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.67 - I3327

400. Bronze Age Tarragona Galls Carboners Spain
1600 BC - Genetic Distance: 16.95 - I4560

407. Ilercavones Catalan
200 BC - Genetic Distance: 17.01 - I3321

410. Roman Villa Tarragona
350 AD - Genetic Distance: 17.04 - I6490

436. Ilergetes Tribe Catalan
440 BC - Genetic Distance: 17.36 - I12877

453. Ullastret Ligurian Head Girona
280 BC - Genetic Distance: 17.5 - I3324

467. Carolingian Settlement Barcelona
790 AD - Genetic Distance: 17.66 - I7672

472. Greco-Era Emporion
450 BC - Genetic Distance: 17.76 - I8213

476. Roman-Era Empuries
200 BC - Genetic Distance: 17.78 - I8203

517. Basque Post-Roman Era Barcelona
650 AD - Genetic Distance: 18.28 - I3778

519. Bronze Age Tarragona Galls Carboners Spain
1625 BC - Genetic Distance: 18.32 - I4562

524. Carolingian Settlement Barcelona
790 AD - Genetic Distance: 18.36 - I7675

541. Bronze Age Tumulo Morterem Valencia Spain
1400 BC - Genetic Distance: 18.59 - I8570

569. Post-Roman Era Barcelona
650 AD - Genetic Distance: 18.96 - I3776

572. Late Bronze Age Menorca Es Forat de Ses Aritges
1000 BC - Genetic Distance: 18.99 - EFA010

592. Late Bronze Age Menorca Es Forat de Ses Aritges
1000 BC - Genetic Distance: 19.22 - EFA006

612. Girona Sant Julia de Ramis
1115 AD - Genetic Distance: 19.49 - I10897

621. Visigoth Frankish Girona
550 AD - Genetic Distance: 19.59 - I12032

648. Girona Pontos Mas Castellar Spain
395 BC - Genetic Distance: 19.88 - I19722

658. Greco-Era Emporion
375 BC - Genetic Distance: 19.98 - I8210

707. Bronze Age Tumulo Morterem Valencia Spain
1400 BC - Genetic Distance: 20.55 - I8571

719. Visigoth Germanic Girona
550 AD - Genetic Distance: 20.74 - I12162

721. Ullastret Germanic Head Girona
225 BC - Genetic Distance: 20.76 - I3326

729. Bronze Age Galls Carboners Catalonia Spain
1600 BC - Genetic Distance: 20.89 - I4558

745. Iron Age Catalan
600 BC - Genetic Distance: 21.04 - I12642

783. Bronze Age Cabezo Redondo Villena Valencia Spain
1625 BC - Genetic Distance: 21.39 - I3488

787. Ullastret Iberian Head Girona
280 BC - Genetic Distance: 21.43 - I3323

880. Post-Roman Era Barcelona
650 AD - Genetic Distance: 22.33 - I3866

05-23-2022, 02:45 PM
They don't look much different from these Basques


The only difference I see is that those of Vox are under a canvas roof and the photo of the Basques is of higher photographic quality. What is more certain is that a photo of Andalusians are all Andalusians, the photos of the Basque country or Catalonia group is very likely to have members from other parts of Spain due to the high emigration from the rest of Spain. They all look like Spaniards.

It's a classic, selection of photos of one quality or another, that's very easy. I don't feel like it, I have a lot of work to do and the Basques and Catalans are not my favorite subject, the south is much more interesting.

We are all Spaniards, dear. Just leave the Russians alone, they are playing with fire and putting European security at risk.

05-30-2022, 11:23 AM
They don't look much different from these Basques


They don't look different because those "Basques" are actually Spanish immigrants.

Cristiano viejo
05-30-2022, 08:27 PM
They don't look different because those "Basques" are actually Spanish immigrants.

Then all the Basques are.

05-30-2022, 08:34 PM
Is he European? Doesnt look it. Thought it might be latin american or even some other place.

Cristiano viejo
05-30-2022, 08:40 PM
Si, por supuesto, todos los apellidos derivan de algo ya sea un pueblo, cosas o variaciones de otros nombres, pero sigue siendo de origen árabe ese nombre aunque solo se refiera a dicho poblado.

Habrá gente que se apellide Almuñecar por ejemplo, pero el nombre de ese poblado sigue derivando del árabe a pesar de todo.
¿Eres consciente de que llevar ese apellido, u otro más famoso como Medina, que es directamente una palabra árabe, no significa en absoluto que la gente que los porte tenga ni siquiera una sola gota de sangre árabe, no? Esos apellidos fueron adoptados por los cristianos durante la Reconquista en señal de hidalguía y señorío, nada más.

Que este tenista tenga ese apellido y esa cara de mezclado es una casualidad que tú has aprovechado para enmierdar el apellido.

05-30-2022, 08:54 PM
Is he European? Doesnt look it. Thought it might be latin american or even some other place.

It's archaic-iberian.


He even doesn't resemble his parents.


I think he has come directly from year 3000 BC. To play tennis.

05-31-2022, 04:54 AM
¿Eres consciente de que llevar ese apellido, u otro más famoso como Medina, que es directamente una palabra árabe, no significa en absoluto que la gente que los porte tenga ni siquiera una sola gota de sangre árabe, no? Esos apellidos fueron adoptados por los cristianos durante la Reconquista en señal de hidalguía y señorío, nada más.

Que este tenista tenga ese apellido y esa cara de mezclado es una casualidad que tú has aprovechado para enmierdar el apellido.

Entonces utilizaron apellidos árabes para diferenciarse de la plebe? Interesante, veo que siguieron creyendo en el proyecto andaluz después de todo.

05-31-2022, 03:54 PM
Then all the Basques are.

Then you're a wannabe. You're obsessed about making Basques and Catalans Spaniards and at the same time making Spanish immigrants Basques and Catalans.
I get it, we're übermensch to you so wish we were the same but we're not. Neither are all the blonde blue eyed Spaniards you post a faithful representation of your people. I'm sorry but you will have settle for reality.

Cristiano viejo
06-01-2022, 12:46 AM
Entonces utilizaron apellidos árabes para diferenciarse de la plebe? Interesante, veo que siguieron creyendo en el proyecto andaluz después de todo.
¿Qué tiene que ver Andalucía con todo esto? Alcaraz es un pueblo en el sur de Castilla la Mancha al que en su día durante la Reconquista se le dieron fueros y privilegios, donde se firmaron tratados entre reinos y que tras la batalla de las Navas se convirtió en la fortaleza castellana más importante al sur de la frontera. Pues claro que se utilizó ese topónimo como señal de nobleza, cualquiera sabe esto.

Según algunas documentaciones, se cree que el primer Alcaraz fue un caballero que asistió a la conquista de Alcaraz con el Rey Alonso VIII de Castilla, en 1213. En consecuencia, se le dio el honor, según fue costumbre en la época, de que tomase el nombre de la conquistada población por apellido.

Su sucesor, Mateo Alcaraz, se habría hallado en la conquista de Baeza (Jaén) con el Rey Fernando III "el Santo", en 1227. A este Mateo Alcaraz se le tiene por el fundador de la casa de Alcaraz en Lorca (Murcia). De Murcia recordamos que es Carlos Alcaraz, por lo tanto, este tendría un apellido propio de su lugar de nacimiento. Luego, el apellido se habría ido extendiendo por Murcia, Castilla, Aragón, León, Vizcaya y finalmente por toda América.

https://www.elespanol.com/curiosidades/lenguaje/de-donde-proviene-apellido-alcaraz-que-significa/671432945_0.html#:~:text=Seg%C3%BAn%20el%20Institu to%20de%20Historia,Comunidad%20de%20Madrid%20y%20V alencia.

Respecto al apellido Medina, el origen es exactamente el mismo. Caballeros que reconquistaban cualquier ciudad árabe adoptaban ese apellido como señal de que lo habían hecho. Medina significa ciudad. Y no sólo eso, es que es un apellido súper extendido entre la nobleza, por lo que te acabo de decir y porque los nobles adoptaban este apellido por ser sus familias de pueblos con ese nombre (Medina del Campo, Medina de Pomar, etc).

Then you're a wannabe.
So I am a wannabe for saying any Basque has non Basque origins?? :lol:

You're obsessed about making Basques and Catalans Spaniards and at the same time making Spanish immigrants Basques and Catalans.
I get it, we're übermensch to you so wish we were the same but we're not.

You are the most untermensch beings one could imagine in the peninsula, literally retarded, coward and servile, as history proves.

06-05-2023, 08:47 PM
Today i saw in Twitter that Carlos have some French Ancestry i thought it would be curious to share it here:


06-06-2023, 07:25 PM
It's archaic-iberian.


He even doesn't resemble his parents.


I think he has come directly from year 3000 BC. To play tennis.

Maybe that's why he keeps winning. Those caveman genes :notworth:

06-07-2023, 05:36 PM
Doesn't look white to me.

06-07-2023, 07:42 PM
Doesn't look white to me.


It is archaic and unusual but it does look European, you just have to know how to see it.

06-07-2023, 07:42 PM
Today i saw in Twitter that Carlos have some French Ancestry i thought it would be curious to share it here:


It has not surprised me since I said at the time that I thought he was Catalan in terms of the emigration of French people to Catalonia and I attributed it to the Catalan emigration to Murcia but apparently that French ancestor is on his maternal Andalusian side. :)

06-07-2023, 07:45 PM
09-04-2021, 02:44 PM

Murcia received a large number of Catalan emigrants.

For me it goes in the direction of this type of Catalan Iberian or balearic


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQMzCZ5GWee4tggLMWhkENQyhAL_ARaI 3pcGvUPQI_140aUE1H8mjNjCj1F_2zUtK4f0V4&usqp=CAU



Here it is


06-07-2023, 11:12 PM
It's because the kind of people called white in America is usually Anglo/Germanic people, because that's the most common European type there. I think a lot of white people in the US wouldn't call him white. To me he's European enough, but would pass in North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco and Algeria) due to the thick lips. Zinedine Zidane (Algeria) and Ons Jabeur (Tunisia) look more Caucasian than him. I think Italy doesn't have as much of a range in facial types as Spain. One of my flatmates is Spanish and he also has thick lips compared to the average Anglo.

06-07-2023, 11:19 PM
It's because the kind of people called white in America is usually Anglo/Germanic people, because that's the most common European type there. I think a lot of white people in the US wouldn't call him white. To me he's European enough, but would pass in North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco and Algeria) due to the thick lips. Zinedine Zidane (Algeria) and Ons Jabeur (Tunisia) look more Caucasian than him. I think Italy doesn't have as much of a range in facial types as Spain. One of my flatmates is Spanish and he also has thick lips compared to the average Anglo.

Nor does the average Spaniard have thick lips.

06-08-2023, 11:34 AM
It's because the kind of people called white in America is usually Anglo/Germanic people, because that's the most common European type there. I think a lot of white people in the US wouldn't call him white. To me he's European enough, but would pass in North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco and Algeria) due to the thick lips. Zinedine Zidane (Algeria) and Ons Jabeur (Tunisia) look more Caucasian than him. I think Italy doesn't have as much of a range in facial types as Spain. One of my flatmates is Spanish and he also has thick lips compared to the average Anglo.

Pretty much agree with everything you said. I'm not denying him being European, just he doesn't fit my image of a white person. and yeah Zidane and Jabeur are whiter than him imo.

PT Tagus
06-08-2023, 12:01 PM
His face is coarse.

Trans-Mediterranid with Berid admixture.

Spanish dark spectrum.

06-08-2023, 12:39 PM
His face is coarse.

Trans-Mediterranid with Berid admixture.

Spanish dark spectrum.


Colonel Frank Grimes
06-08-2023, 01:30 PM
What the fuck are you talking about? There are no Catalan emigrants in Murcia, in fact it is the opposite and there are many Murcian immigrants in Catalonia. Just like there are no French emigrants in Morocco but lots of Moroccan immigrants in France.
Carlos Alcaraz has nothing Catalan in him. His surnames are Castilian and the etymology of Alcaraz is Arab, easy to tell because of the prefix Al-.
I've ignored all your threads about blonde blue eyed Andalusians even though they're a pathetic attempt at trying to portray your people as something they're not, but pretending that Spaniards who don't fit your nordicist delirium are Catalans is a whole new level of deception. This is not the first time I've seen you do this.

You will see this post, say sorry for lying and never ever try to pass Spaniards as Catalans again or I promise I will make your worst dream come true: I'll be posting photos of groups of average Andalusians so everyone knows what your kind really look like. And believe me that by the time you find a blonde blue eyed individual I'll have posted 100 threads of non-cherrypicked Andalusians.
In Catalonia your people are know for being swarthy, stupid, poor, uneducated and overall trashy and low class. Not because we hate you but because this is the reality and everyone else here deserve to know what your brethren are like. If you want me to keep quiet and not spoil the fake reality you have created, you will have to repent and retract your lies.

This Catalan who made hundreds of accounts and threatened Loki with a discrimination lawsuit was (is) absolutely insane.

Gallop is mentally ill (threatened to do me harm in the astral plane) but this dude's 'threat' against Gallop was just as insane.

06-08-2023, 01:35 PM
This Catalan who made hundreds of accounts and threatened Loki with a discrimination lawsuit was (is) absolutely insane.

Gallop is mentally ill (threatened to do me harm in the astral plane) but this dude's 'threat' against Gallop was just as insane.

I even had problems with him 2 times XD

Cristiano viejo
06-08-2023, 01:38 PM
Today i saw in Twitter that Carlos have some French Ancestry i thought it would be curious to share it here:


Congratulations my hippy boy, from now on I will not consider him Spanish anymore :picard1:

Colonel Frank Grimes
06-08-2023, 01:43 PM
I even had problems with him 2 times XD

In this thread under different names:

Why would a half Murcian and half Andalusian has any essence of an extinct tribe from hundreds of km apart from his regions of origin?
How can you know what northeastern Iberian tribes looked like?
Why is a South-American pretending to be Andalusian and pass an uber Spaniard such as Carlos Alcaraz as a Catalan?

I told you to stop but didn't. This is your average Spaniards of mainly Andalusian ancestry:
Carlos Alcaraz fits perfectly among "your" people. Your between " because you're pretending to be what you're not.

They don't look different because those "Basques" are actually Spanish immigrants.

Then you're a wannabe. You're obsessed about making Basques and Catalans Spaniards and at the same time making Spanish immigrants Basques and Catalans.
I get it, we're übermensch to you so wish we were the same but we're not. Neither are all the blonde blue eyed Spaniards you post a faithful representation of your people. I'm sorry but you will have settle for reality.

He's better behaved now but it took him over a year (and literally 100s of accounts) to figure it out.

06-08-2023, 03:19 PM
It's archaic-iberian.


He even doesn't resemble his parents.


I think he has come directly from year 3000 BC. To play tennis.

He looks like his father.

06-08-2023, 03:34 PM
Congratulations my hippy boy, from now on I will not consider him Spanish anymore :picard1:

That would make him 6.25% French from his mother side. You think that's enough to doom him in Tennis? :cool:

What i learned is Egler + Jeannenot = Egler Yeanot in Spanish

Wtf guys

06-08-2023, 09:22 PM
Its not irrelevant because Italians are constantly compared to Spaniards about how similar they both are and i wanted to say its not true but i didn't want to open another post. That would be irrelevant. So here is the best place to talk about it. It doesn't have to be just about Alcaraz's classifications. As if every other post on here stays exactly on topic anyway. Don't know why this bothers you or what it has to do with you. I just thought it was interesting that two random tennis players from Spain and Italy rise to the top and this is what they both happen to look like by random chance

It is completely irrelevant and so random because you're just posting one person out of millions of people from both country. Anyone could have cherrypicked one pic and posted it and said what you said. Do you think all of Italy is like this redhead you posted? There are plenty of dark Italians and light Spaniards and vice versa but both countries are obviously Southern European with lots of similarities in term of pigmentation and phenotypes.

06-21-2023, 09:17 AM
Hans Nichols-Carlos Alcaraz

Carlos Alcaraz is in this line, that's what I meant when I said that you have to know how to see it.

With Mediterranean makeup and sunburned skin due to his profession, many have not been able to see beyond his nose.

06-21-2023, 04:42 PM
If you really want to compare him with a German, you could pick the Alphaville lead singer. His mouth is even fleshier than Alcaraz's.

Davy Jones's Locker
07-16-2023, 06:11 PM
I'd guess Berid.

Given Federer & Nadal are finished and Djokovic is 36, wonder if this Alcaraz will dominate the future of tennis.

07-16-2023, 06:24 PM

He seems to be half or whole catalan!

Carlos Alcaraz Garfia

07-16-2023, 06:27 PM
Trans Mediterranid

Cristiano viejo
07-17-2023, 04:54 PM
I'd guess Berid.

Given Federer & Nadal are finished and Djokovic is 36, wonder if this Alcaraz will dominate the future of tennis.

Do you doubt it??

07-17-2023, 05:32 PM
He is dark, typically Spanish, berid and coarse med

07-17-2023, 05:54 PM
He is dark, typically Spanish, berid and coarse med

Be sincere and say who are the ones who still bite the bait of these childish provocations of yours.

Because the other side of the coin is that it makes YOU look very childish, and above all... CANSINO.

07-28-2023, 09:06 PM
The complete opposite of this Italian tennis player


"Jannik Sinner"

Very Italian sounding name.

Too bad genetics don't lie:

Distance to: Spanish_Murcia
0.01513258 Spanish_Andalucia
0.01544949 Spanish_Galicia
0.01603988 Spanish_Valencia
0.01609259 Spanish_Extremadura
0.01707537 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha
0.01729458 Spanish_Alacant
0.01820029 Spanish_Menorca
0.01881891 Spanish_Eivissa
0.01902594 Spanish_Baleares
0.01955197 Catalan_Camp_de_Tarragona
0.01978173 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon
0.02002708 Catalan_Peri-Barcelona
0.02013133 Spanish_Castello
0.02065433 Spanish_Mallorca
0.02135774 Spanish_Aragon
0.02152286 Catalan_Lleida
0.02154523 Catalan_Pirineu
0.02232289 Catalan_Terres_de_l'Ebre
0.02232535 Catalan_Penedes
0.02238546 Catalan_Girona
0.02368600 Catalan_Catalunya_Central
0.02472515 Catalan_Barcelones
0.02547411 Spanish_Cantabria
0.02635202 Spanish_Navarra

Are you dumb? Your own results show that Spaniards regardless of their region are genetically the same people. In what sense does the average Andalusian look any different to any other Spaniard?

07-28-2023, 09:29 PM
"Jannik Sinner"

Very Italian sounding name.

Are you dumb? Your own results show that Spaniards regardless of their region are genetically the same people. In what sense does the average Andalusian look any different to any other Spaniard?


07-28-2023, 09:32 PM

Hello and Welcome to the forum :D

Let me help you with the photo

https://i.postimg.cc/gr9mQJ8Y/06022017-ilegales-y-carrusel-317-scaled.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

07-28-2023, 09:33 PM
Hello and Welcome to the forum :D

Let me help you with the photo

https://i.postimg.cc/gr9mQJ8Y/06022017-ilegales-y-carrusel-317-scaled.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Thanks. Can you not delete posts on this site or something?

07-28-2023, 09:36 PM
Thanks. Can you not delete posts on this site or something?

No, but you have 24 hours to edit them if u want.

07-28-2023, 10:12 PM
No, but you have 24 hours to edit them if u want.

Or remove within the time frame.

07-28-2023, 10:16 PM
He's a legend?

07-28-2023, 10:41 PM