View Full Version : What is the evolutionary reason for why white guys( Nordic, Anglo& Slav)obsess over mongoloid women?

09-08-2021, 05:10 PM
As a Greek guy, I've never understood it.
I don't understand how the men who sexually selected some of the most beautiful female populations— Swedish, German, Danish, ect— can now prefer the complete opposite physical traits and looks and actually create odd-looking offspring who look nothing like them. Explain the shift in aesthetics to me?

Tell me if you find the set of Asian( a popular Filipino singer, a Taiwanese and a Korean Kpop idols who I've seen be really popular among other white guys) or the White girls attractive (Romanian singer, a Danish and a Ukrainian Instagram models whose phenotypes I personally like).

09-08-2021, 05:18 PM
Use some logic, people in medieval ages and before didn't care where they put their dicks into. Men don't care about that neither nowaydays. It was good to have kids in every household, more manpower, no abortions.

09-08-2021, 05:19 PM
As a Greek guy, I've never understood it.
I don't understand how the men who sexually selected some of the most beautiful female populations— Swedish, German, Danish, ect— can now prefer the complete opposite physical traits and looks and actually create odd-looking offspring who look nothing like them. Explain the shift in aesthetics to me?

Tell me if you find the set of Asian( a popular Filipino singer, a Taiwanese and a Korean Kpop idols who I've seen be really popular among other white guys) or the White girls attractive (Romanian singer, a Danish and a Ukrainian Instagram models whose phenotypes I personally like).

It's desperation, cope, and a large slice of propaganda.

09-08-2021, 05:27 PM
Use some logic, people in medieval ages and before didn't care where they put their dicks into. Men don't care about that neither nowaydays. It was good to have kids in every household, more manpower, no abortions.

Using logic, I would assume you with stick your dick in hot women with good genetic potential. And people did care in the medieval and prior ages who they reproduced with because we know traits like blonde hair were partly selected through sexual preferences.

09-08-2021, 05:32 PM
...from an American perspective, they tend to be petite, and seem more likely than most ethnicities to be at least 'cute.' Psychologically, the real answer to your question is that there was a stereotype that they were docile and obedient.

But part of your confusion comes from your personal desires for blonde women, which is more stereotypical for people like Greeks than the stereotype that 'White' guys like Asian women.

09-08-2021, 05:36 PM
Using logic, I would assume you with stick your dick in hot women with good genetic potential. And people did care in the medieval and prior ages who they reproduced with because we know traits like blonde hair were partly selected through sexual preferences.

Not at all, you overstimate people in that times. The IQ of people was much much lower, noone really cared who they fucked, especially with the wars going on, warriors are horny 24/7 as fu...
Besides rich people, monarchs etc.. which were a small portion of the general population..

09-08-2021, 05:52 PM
...from an American perspective, they tend to be petite, and seem more likely than most ethnicities to be at least 'cute.' Psychologically, the real answer to your question is that there was a stereotype that they were docile and obedient.

But part of your confusion comes from your personal desires for blonde women, which is more stereotypical for people like Greeks than the stereotype that 'White' guys like Asian women.

My type isn't blonde. My type is Brunette, Med(perfectly sculpted, classical facial look), busty and tall/long legged like Monica Bellucci. I'm mentioning blondes because why would the men (Germanic peoples and Slavs) who intensely sexually selected more dimorphic/ beautiful( as opposed to cute/infantile) traits like blonde hair, straight noses, tall/busty/ long-legged women with caucasoid facial features and skull now be so into more androgynous, flatter noses/faces and paedomorphic looks?

09-08-2021, 05:52 PM
Not at all, you overstimate people in that times. The IQ of people was much much lower, noone really cared who they fucked, especially with the wars going on, warriors are horny 24/7 as fu...
Besides rich people, monarchs etc.. which were a small portion of the general population..

Interesting perspective I didn't consider. Thanks for the reply.

09-08-2021, 06:26 PM
My type isn't blonde. My type is Brunette, Med(perfectly sculpted, classical facial look), busty and tall/long legged like Monica Bellucci. I'm mentioning blondes because why would the men (Germanic peoples and Slavs) who intensely sexually selected more dimorphic/ beautiful( as opposed to cute/infantile) traits like blonde hair, straight noses, tall/busty/ long-legged women with caucasoid facial features and skull now be so into more androgynous, flatter noses/faces and paedomorphic looks?

Gotcha. There's always the 'exotic' thing too, which attracts people. People who aren't 'your own' will always be appealing to certain people...

09-08-2021, 06:39 PM
"Most" white men do not prefer Asians or even non-whites in general. Asians are liked better than other races because they possess a higher rate of traits we associate with women, the opposite of masculine-looking African women, who are the least liked by white men. Asians merely do better than the other races among Europeans, and somehow that has become "Most white men prefer Asian women"?

09-08-2021, 06:46 PM
"Most" white men do not prefer Asians or even non-whites in general. Asians are liked better than other races because they possess a higher rate of traits we associate with women, the opposite of masculine-looking African women, who are the least liked by white men. Asians merely do better than the other races among Europeans, and somehow that has become "Most white men prefer Asian women"?

Asians are just as unfeminine as Africans to me just in a more asexual and monomorphic rather than primitive sort of way. Still though there is a large percentage of Northern white men in particular who legitimately prefer the features and traits of Asian females. To me you cannot be both attracted to white females and asian females because of how vasty different and opposing their appearances are.

09-08-2021, 06:46 PM
"Most" white men do not prefer Asians or even non-whites in general. Asians are liked better than other races because they possess a higher rate of traits we associate with women, the opposite of masculine-looking African women, who are the least liked by white men. Asians merely do better than the other races among Europeans, and somehow that has become "Most white men prefer Asian women"?

When I was in Sydney, Melbourne, London and Toronto I would honestly say I saw lots more Germanic looking white dudes with asian women. They looked completely mismatched and kinda comical too.

09-08-2021, 08:28 PM
I think one reason why Mongoloids are more beautiful than Caucasoids is that Caucasoids have been more impacted by the human domestication syndrome (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X72jQWnuf3OCKaZyPK9QR5jCuGo1Vp8D/view) than Mongoloids, so they have degenerated further genetically, but Mongoloids are still more like wild-type humans. Compared to wild animals, domesticated animals have smaller brains, shorter snout length, smaller teeth, lighter pigmentation, and more protruding eyeballs (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228974732_Post-Pleistocene_diachronic_change_in_East_Asian_facial _skeletons_The_size_shape_and_volume_of_the_orbits ). In the same way compared to Mongoloids, Caucasoids have smaller brain size relative to their body size, lower prognathism, smaller teeth, lighter pigmentation, and more protruding eyeballs. Also for example wolves have higher canthal tilt than domestic dogs, and wild boars have higher canthal tilt than domestic pigs. Domestic pigs even have a larger visible area of the upper eyelids than wild boars:


09-08-2021, 08:38 PM
Because more than half than European women are overweight and woke who are not attracted to equally overweight men. Meanwhile. East-Asian women are still possesed by the beauty ideal that represents 1% of modern European population.

After the Komi nanobot revolution all this will change and Europeans won't be able to mate and reproduce.

09-11-2021, 04:05 AM
Who cares. It’s a racial fetish. Some white women like black guys but it’s over exaggerated.

09-11-2021, 04:13 AM
Dont really know what this is getting at.

I prefer white European girls over East Asian girls. Im sure most European males do to. So much for some obsessing myth.

09-11-2021, 04:27 AM
As a Greek guy, I've never understood it.
I don't understand how the men who sexually selected some of the most beautiful female populations— Swedish, German, Danish, ect— can now prefer the complete opposite physical traits and looks and actually create odd-looking offspring who look nothing like them. Explain the shift in aesthetics to me?

Tell me if you find the set of Asian( a popular Filipino singer, a Taiwanese and a Korean Kpop idols who I've seen be really popular among other white guys) or the White girls attractive (Romanian singer, a Danish and a Ukrainian Instagram models whose phenotypes I personally like).

1.) Hitler lost WWII so the Jew has been allowed to brainwash Western women in the feminist ideology so that makes Western women a lot less attractive

2.) Although pure nordic women exhibit paedomorphic traits asian women are even more paedomorphic, in other ways, due to divergent evolution.

3.) All modern western women have to offer, generally, is sex but you can get that from a prostitute there has to be more to being with a woman than sex.

09-11-2021, 05:59 AM
Dont really know what this is getting at.

I prefer white European girls over East Asian girls. Im sure most European males do to. So much for some obsessing myth.

It’s just a racial Fetish

09-11-2021, 06:22 AM
Personality, Values and cuteness/attractiveness are more important then race. A asian woman can be a better wife then a nordic woman and vice versa... but Im not nordic or even white... so I dont know if my opinion counts here.

09-17-2021, 03:30 PM
It's mostly a meme from 4chan. Most of people date within their racial group.

However, it is true that White males are way more willing to date Asian/Latinas than White women. Besides 64% of White women prefer to date Whites only, as opposed to 29% of White males.

To answer your question, a minority of people just have a fetish for exoticness (~7% of White men, ~4% of White women), white women falling for blacks is basically the same thing as white guys with yellow fever. Interracial dating is pretty much unevitable unless we have a totalitarian/apartheidist regime that will prohibit it, and it's doesn't seem very likely right now.

09-17-2021, 03:41 PM
Only hideous looking males with receding chins and jawlines like Asian women because nobody else wants them. HAHAHA they look like FREAKS :)



09-18-2021, 09:00 PM
Only hideous looking males with receding chins and jawlines like Asian women because nobody else wants them. HAHAHA they look like FREAKS :)



Both are technically Nordic types and look very Swedish.

10-09-2021, 10:40 PM
They don't at all did you ask them? I was surprised when I asked. Did you talk to any real people? The ones that do like them have fetishes idk I personally like the East Asian look on females but I don't think it's popular among men.

10-21-2021, 09:51 PM
They don't at all did you ask them? I was surprised when I asked. Did you talk to any real people? The ones that do like them have fetishes idk I personally like the East Asian look on females but I don't think it's popular among men.

It's literally the most common interracial pairing.

10-21-2021, 09:52 PM
Only hideous looking males with receding chins and jawlines like Asian women because nobody else wants them. HAHAHA they look like FREAKS :)



This is pretty true. The guys do tend to be very lanky, pale and obviously weebs.

10-21-2021, 09:56 PM
It's literally the most common interracial pairing.


10-21-2021, 10:04 PM
What shocks me more is a Greek poster praising Nordic women as the best women, while being Greek and more largely Mediterranean (EURO+MENA) equals living in the area with the most beautiful women in the world...

10-21-2021, 10:12 PM
I think it's just a trend, they come and go.

10-21-2021, 10:39 PM
What shocks me more is a Greek poster praising Nordic women as the best women, while being Greek and more largely Mediterranean (EURO+MENA) equals living in the area with the most beautiful women in the world...

I stated before I like the refined Med phenotypes best. I agree that Euro and Mena mix makes the most classically pretty women. I don't like nordic women if they have the pudgy, pushed up short-faced round baltid look. But there are Nordic women with Med features just paired with blonde hair which is the opposite of mongoloid facial morphology, so I dont get how you could prefer the latter over the former??

10-21-2021, 10:55 PM
I stated before I like the refined Med phenotypes best. I agree that Euro and Mena mix makes the most classically pretty women. I don't like nordic women if they have the pudgy, pushed up short-faced round baltid look. But there are Nordic women with Med features just paired with blonde hair which is the opposite of mongoloid facial morphology, so I dont get how you could prefer the latter over the former??

I am not much attracted to Asian women (and among them, the cutest on average are the Japanese), and thus, between them and Nordic women, I prefer Nordic women

But still, they are far from the Caucasoid girl with dark wavy hair and dark eyes, that are found in the Mediterranean, MENA, Caucasus, Iran, North India, and among Latinas (Castiza-Mulatta)

10-21-2021, 11:05 PM
Only hideous looking males with receding chins and jawlines like Asian women because nobody else wants them. HAHAHA they look like FREAKS :)



Where I come from, that's the last kind of guy an East Asian girl would go out with-- My experience is that they fairly exclusively stick to WASPy pretty-boy types.

10-22-2021, 05:52 AM
Exposure. Thing is anime kpop and manga and East Asian video games are very popular everywhere. Also tik tok which favour East Asian face according to algorithm . Same reason why so many white girls like black guys because they get exposure through rap and sports. Even many western games have many Asian women. Personally these days I am into East Asian culture. Kpop anime video games etc. It have happened with me I used to like west Asian look when I used to watch Turkish drama and Latin American look when I was into Latin songs black people when I was into rap. These days I mostly consume East Asian media. And Asian people look best to me now. They look very young and cute. And really skinny and short .
Some Asian men and women I think look great. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/59cdd7301e22027c7c013dd83ea7988a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/b9ac94d23466230dca8c3c9e6c208266.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/c30723c867bb72b6153b545bd725d4da.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/fc87b15afc206ec8de5be4744459deb3.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/2f91094d9da68c2f5462e5fbf610fb2c.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/9c521d4598df96e9f802b11750be3a70.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/a2bd7c420ba1afb337b5e4b43ce1761f.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/fbe484b757d1f019ce10f908abcf138a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/1a56ae613ad63a0fcbf66a918adca702.jpg

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10-22-2021, 05:54 AM
Also Asian video game anime manga character. These women's are part of some of the most popular video games and anime/manga.this is whyhttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/2f91a08141178fa974bea3343745fe23.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/9d457931a66e359b8deaa7e936ec1798.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/59dcefb2b896c6b1d04e7fa53b2fb40a.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/6dcb143912f50a6b7fab1ce739839767.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/0eafee4bbd3e0ecd2c390a35576e021d.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20211022/338056a69714f2331e3a43925e4c1880.jpg

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10-22-2021, 05:56 AM
I don't see how one could make a plausible argument over others personal preferences.

10-22-2021, 06:27 AM
Only hideous looking males with receding chins and jawlines like Asian women because nobody else wants them. HAHAHA they look like FREAKS :)



A recessed jaw is a progressive Caucasoid-like trait, and East Asians have higher prognathism than whites:



Finnish Swede
10-22-2021, 06:31 AM
Using logic, I would assume you with stick your dick in hot women with good genetic potential. And people did care in the medieval and prior ages who they reproduced with because we know traits like blonde hair were partly selected through sexual preferences.

Really? I have believed that amounts counts to men; even quite a much. Now not saying here: Quantity alone or fully over quality, but first one really has some role. Like 1 hot looking woman alone vs 1 hot looking woman and 2 good looking women? Many men would choose the latter...

Also in history as white people moved to new areas, there might not have been their own races women for all.

Today? Old gender roles (man vs woman) might be more valid with other races (women). If those are one of the most important matter for man, he might end to chose other race woman. Partly so too as his own race women might ''show him door'' ...

10-22-2021, 06:41 AM
A recessed jaw is a progressive Caucasoid-like trait, and East Asians have higher prognathism than whites:



Bats, rats, cats and dogs are high in protein. Modern Western diet is shit compared to chink food

10-22-2021, 07:08 AM
They r cute and smart !

10-22-2021, 07:16 AM
Quantity alone or fully over quality, but first one really has some role. Like 1 hot looking woman alone vs 1 hot looking woman and 2 good looking women? Many men would choose the latter...

Nice understanding of men's nature. (:

A little bit insight from me

When women is 1 vs 2, latter can be just average, its enough.
For 3 women, below average is alright
4 women, lets say not very bad looking is acceptable in a way
5 or more women= Enough if theyre breathing

If youre stupid and cant avoid the curse named "love" however, 1 is better than million because you only want that.

Finnish Swede
10-22-2021, 08:18 AM
Nice understanding of men's nature. (:

A little bit insight from me

When women is 1 vs 2, latter can be just average, its enough.
For 3 women, below average is alright
4 women, lets say not very bad looking is acceptable in a way
5 or more women= Enough if theyre breathing

If youre stupid and cant avoid the curse named "love" however, 1 is better than million because you only want that.

There are birds like Whooper swan:



... these birds will mate only with one and same partner. Year after year. Whole life. Migrating south for winters, coming back here early spring time and facing same partner here. Their bonds needs to be strong.

Only if another will not arrive (died), the lonely bird will chose new partner. Next year. Romantic?

Now we can rightfully question is that good or bad => genetically similar background birds (via same parents) will born year after year? That has still not caused them much of problems, or at least anything what we can notice. Population is big enough.

Humans are still pretty different, like most of mammals. Both women, but especially men. It just is what it is.

10-23-2021, 12:39 PM
Because more than half than European women are overweight and woke who are not attracted to equally overweight men. Meanwhile. East-Asian women are still possesed by the beauty ideal that represents 1% of modern European population.

After the Komi nanobot revolution all this will change and Europeans won't be able to mate and reproduce.

Not even true. Ever been to a football game or just walked down any Scandinavian or street and you will see literal supermodels who don't seem bothered by their beauty at all. You cant be possessed by the beauty ideal if you weren't ever really beautiful to begin with.

10-23-2021, 12:54 PM
It's desperation, cope, and a large slice of propaganda.

but how can you fall for propaganda and get so desperate and cope when this is an option tbh:

10-23-2021, 12:59 PM
there isn't any evolutionary reason. Many of them are simply Low T and not confident therefore seek women they perceive as submissive/weak/child-like in comparison to their "emancipated" women (there is also this minority who is into anime stuff/kpop/jpop which can produced this nasty obsession with east asian women).

10-23-2021, 01:05 PM
I think one reason why Mongoloids are more beautiful than Caucasoids is that Caucasoids have been more impacted by the human domestication syndrome (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1X72jQWnuf3OCKaZyPK9QR5jCuGo1Vp8D/view) than Mongoloids, so they have degenerated further genetically, but Mongoloids are still more like wild-type humans. Compared to wild animals, domesticated animals have smaller brains, shorter snout length, smaller teeth, lighter pigmentation, and more protruding eyeballs (https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228974732_Post-Pleistocene_diachronic_change_in_East_Asian_facial _skeletons_The_size_shape_and_volume_of_the_orbits ). In the same way compared to Mongoloids, Caucasoids have smaller brain size relative to their body size, lower prognathism, smaller teeth, lighter pigmentation, and more protruding eyeballs. Also for example wolves have higher canthal tilt than domestic dogs, and wild boars have higher canthal tilt than domestic pigs. Domestic pigs even have a larger visible area of the upper eyelids than wild boars:


Mongoloids are flatter faced tho? That doesn't make sense? Also caucasoids are taller and have dimorphic traits still from our Cro magnon ancestors. Mongolids suffer more from human domestication syndrome because they changed to infantile paedomorphic phenotypes to survive.

10-23-2021, 01:07 PM
Who cares. It’s a racial fetish. Some white women like black guys but it’s over exaggerated.

This is true I guess. My top two crushes are married to black men :(

10-23-2021, 01:10 PM
Dont really know what this is getting at.

I prefer white European girls over East Asian girls. Im sure most European males do to. So much for some obsessing myth.

What country do you live in?

10-23-2021, 01:33 PM
Mongoloids are flatter faced tho? That doesn't make sense? Also caucasoids are taller and have dimorphic traits still from our Cro magnon ancestors. Mongolids suffer more from human domestication syndrome because they changed to infantile paedomorphic phenotypes to survive.east Asian women genuinely look more feminine than any race of women to me.women have smaller brow ridge than men Asian have small brow ridge. Women have fuller lips than men. Asian women probably are second or third in that category. Women have wider face than average on average. Asian have widest face. Only their eyes can be considered masculine even than 50% East Asian according to science have big eyes. They also have smaller face and bigger forehead. Actually women face is flatter than mens. I rarely see a Caucasian and black girl I feel like I need to protect they don't have gene for neoteny . I feel same about Asian men because of Neoteny I feel like I need to protect them.
There was this video which explain why East Asian are cuter. Maybe you should check it. It would answer most of your questions

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10-23-2021, 01:37 PM
1.) Hitler lost WWII so the Jew has been allowed to brainwash Western women in the feminist ideology so that makes Western women a lot less attractive

2.) Although pure nordic women exhibit paedomorphic traits asian women are even more paedomorphic, in other ways, due to divergent evolution.

3.) All modern western women have to offer, generally, is sex but you can get that from a prostitute there has to be more to being with a woman than sex.

1. Beautiful women are beautiful regardless of their political views. Most attractive competent women are feminists anyway excluding the fat, green-haired girls.

2.Pure nordic women are sexually dimorphic, not paedomorphic which retains infantile features but doesn't create feminine beauty. Those tall, well built Viking men chose sexually dimorphic beautiful women to kidnap otherwise they would have mixed and kidnapped inuit women when they found Greenland.
Explain how asian women are "even more paedomorphic in other ways" than a pure nordic women like this?

3.Western women actually have personalities and are fun to hang out with. Naturally they also are culturally similar so easier to bond and relate to them, unless you are a social reject.

10-23-2021, 01:38 PM
Asian women look younger too. My classmates with mongoloid trait look younger than one with Caucasoid trait

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10-23-2021, 01:53 PM
east Asian women genuinely look more feminine than any race of women to me.women have smaller brow ridge than men Asian have small brow ridge. Women have fuller lips than men. Asian women probably are second or third in that category. Women have wider face than average on average. Asian have widest face. Only their eyes can be considered masculine even than 50% East Asian according to science have big eyes. They also have smaller face and bigger forehead. Actually women face is flatter than mens. I rarely see a Caucasian and black girl I feel like I need to protect they don't have gene for neoteny . I feel same about Asian men because of Neoteny I feel like I need to protect them.
There was this video which explain why East Asian are cuter. Maybe you should check it. It would answer most of your questions

That's simply because of neoteny which doesn't play in favor of their males btw + We can't say they are better physically that's really subjective. Their ultra wide face is a big turn off for me

10-23-2021, 01:56 PM
That's simply because of neoteny which doesn't play in favor of their males btw + We can't say they are better physically that's really subjective. Their ultra wide face is a big turn off for meHow Neoteny don't help men do you even follow kpop? I do? All women's and gays there love cute guys. Neoteny look good on both men and women .

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10-23-2021, 02:04 PM
How Neoteny don't help men do you even follow kpop? I do? All women's and gays there love cute guys. Neoteny look good on both men and women .

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All papers show women tend to prefer more robust/masculine faces than "cute" faces. You're too much into kpop or you might be on the bisexual spectrum.

Here it's well known that both south asians/east asians are the least prefered males among women.

10-23-2021, 02:10 PM
All papers show women tend to prefer more robust/masculine faces than "cute" faces. You're too much into kpop or you might be on the bisexual spectrum.

Here it's well known that both south asians/east asians are the least prefered males among women.I am asexual but I like the way women look because they're cuter. I am not into mens at all I like women's. But straight bisexual women and gay kpop fans I know prefer cute mens. Maybe woman outside of kpop and anime fandom like masculine mens. I really won't understand why.

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10-23-2021, 02:15 PM
1. Beautiful women are beautiful regardless of their political views. Most attractive competent women are feminists anyway excluding the fat, green-haired girls.

2.Pure nordic women are sexually dimorphic, not paedomorphic which retains infantile features but doesn't create feminine beauty. Those tall, well built Viking men chose sexually dimorphic beautiful women to kidnap otherwise they would have mixed and kidnapped inuit women when they found Greenland.
Explain how asian women are "even more paedomorphic in other ways" than a pure nordic women like this?

3.Western women actually have personalities and are fun to hang out with. Naturally they also are culturally similar so easier to bond and relate to them, unless you are a social reject.

stop obessing over "nordic" women it's creepy

10-23-2021, 02:17 PM
I am asexual but I like the way women look because they're cuter. I am not into mens at all I like women's. But straight bisexual women and gay kpop fans I know prefer cute mens. Maybe woman outside of kpop and anime fandom like masculine mens. I really won't understand why.

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so you're lesbian and therefore naturally prefer "cute" faces among men. Ask any women here and you'll see that they will rarely consider east asian men attractive.

10-23-2021, 02:18 PM
A recessed jaw is a progressive Caucasoid-like trait, and East Asians have higher prognathism than whites:



Bruh lol East Asians look like dog eating aliens sent by Satan to conquer earth.

10-23-2021, 02:20 PM
East Asian women are some of the most beautiful in the world, pretty good reason for being popular pretty much everywhere around the world.

10-23-2021, 02:31 PM
That's simply because of neoteny which doesn't play in favor of their males btw + We can't say they are better physically that's really subjective. Their ultra wide face is a big turn off for me

Wide face in men has nothing to do with neoteny, rather higher levels of testosterone.

10-23-2021, 02:33 PM
Wide face in men has nothing to do with neoteny, rather higher levels of testosterone.

I never said it had to do with it + When it comes to wide face I was talking about their women

10-23-2021, 03:37 PM
The answer is simple; Look up Yeji(Itzy), Dahyun(Twice), Ahn Sohee, Iz*one(all members), Yuna(Itzy), Momo(Twice), Umji(ex GFriend), Soyeon(G-Idle), Kim Go-eun, Wheein(Mamamoo), Kang Mina(ex Gugudan), Naeun(A-Pink), Tamiris Zhangazinova, Albina Nazarbayeva(Damn! She is niece of ex Kazakh president:p), Aidana Medenova(though she's married), Aya Shalkar, Jidesh Idirisova, Cholpon Talipbek etc. are enough proves for this situation.

As a White(non-European one) girl, I must admit that they have a cute & petite aura which attracts most men to them. Also I've observed many men like "petite" type women, and this may be the reason of why there are WMAF couples than AMWF couples. But nowadays I see many Asian(especially Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese)men date/marry White women(including Turkish women also).

I, as a White girl who doesn't have that cute & petite aura at all, prefer cute guys. My current crush is a cute & very babyface guy(but not East/Southeast Asian) also. Pls, guys, I'm not lesbian or bisexual at all!

10-23-2021, 06:03 PM
The answer is simple; Look up Yeji(Itzy), Dahyun(Twice), Ahn Sohee, Iz*one(all members), Yuna(Itzy), Momo(Twice), Umji(ex GFriend), Soyeon(G-Idle), Kim Go-eun, Wheein(Mamamoo), Kang Mina(ex Gugudan), Naeun(A-Pink), Tamiris Zhangazinova, Albina Nazarbayeva(Damn! She is niece of ex Kazakh president:p), Aidana Medenova(though she's married), Aya Shalkar, Jidesh Idirisova, Cholpon Talipbek etc. are enough proves for this situation.
And not calling the best one? (:


10-23-2021, 06:25 PM
And not calling the best one? (:

I'd want to mention her, but she has more "hot/swag" aura than "cute/petite".

Btw, I adore her! She is my bias on Mamamoo & my hero(look at the "heroes" part of my bio;))

10-24-2021, 07:44 PM

10-27-2021, 01:58 PM
This is true I guess. My top two crushes are married to black men :(

Yeah a lot of whites women find black men attractive but it’s mostly a fetish. Looking for the exotic or some stereotypes like how some White guys go for Asian women. Usually it’s the unattractive white women or men who go blacks and Asians respectively.

11-01-2021, 06:09 AM
People refused to see how much soft power affect people perception. After squid game success I am predicting Korean dramas and movies becoming way more popular
People really are simping for North Korean girl actress
Making video about why her face is unique. It is just funny how much video and meme I see about her and squid game in general. Even though people like her most. Many are still simping for male characters.

Sent from my Redmi Y3 using Tapatalk

12-13-2021, 03:27 AM
Yeah a lot of whites women find black men attractive but it’s mostly a fetish. Looking for the exotic or some stereotypes like how some White guys go for Asian women. Usually it’s the unattractive white women or men who go blacks and Asians respectively.

It doesn't seem to be unattractive women going for black men anymore. I think the plummetting testosterone levels of white men is the reason why now even the most beautiful white women throw away thousands of years of genes and phenotypes in the making to have a child with a black man that looks nothing like her.
Both these women who are IMHO physically perfect are married to black men:


12-13-2021, 03:30 AM
stop obessing over "nordic" women it's creepy

I'm not. I already said I like med women best. As I said before, I want to know why nordic men who through evolution sexually selected really beautiful women now obsess over the polar opposite traits in Asian women.

12-13-2021, 03:31 AM

don't feel any attraction or notice any beauty.just meh, another asian

12-13-2021, 03:38 AM
East Asian women are some of the most beautiful in the world, pretty good reason for being popular pretty much everywhere around the world.

was not long ago when asian women were considered ugly genderless mongols who looked no different from their men. Explain how they could be some of the most beautiful women in the world? Is it the shapeless head, boyish body, no visible eyes or pan face you find most attractive?

12-13-2021, 04:10 AM
The answer is simple; Look up Yeji(Itzy), Dahyun(Twice), Ahn Sohee, Iz*one(all members), Yuna(Itzy), Momo(Twice), Umji(ex GFriend), Soyeon(G-Idle), Kim Go-eun, Wheein(Mamamoo), Kang Mina(ex Gugudan), Naeun(A-Pink), Tamiris Zhangazinova, Albina Nazarbayeva(Damn! She is niece of ex Kazakh president:p), Aidana Medenova(though she's married), Aya Shalkar, Jidesh Idirisova, Cholpon Talipbek etc. are enough proves for this situation.

As a White(non-European one) girl, I must admit that they have a cute & petite aura which attracts most men to them. Also I've observed many men like "petite" type women, and this may be the reason of why there are WMAF couples than AMWF couples. But nowadays I see many Asian(especially Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese)men date/marry White women(including Turkish women also).

I, as a White girl who doesn't have that cute & petite aura at all, prefer cute guys. My current crush is a cute & very babyface guy(but not East/Southeast Asian) also. Pls, guys, I'm not lesbian or bisexual at all!

I googled them all and found none of them attractive. I'm not joking, they all have poor facial structure with round heads, fat cheeks, bland colouring. Can you google mathilde goehler, yael shelbia, rawan bin hussain, tisshko and monica bellucci and tell me why you think your set of women are prettier? I must be the only man who prefers beautiful pretty women over cute women.

12-13-2021, 04:45 AM
There is an evolutionary drive to seek neotenous or pedomorphic traits such as smaller noses and more gracile features. I think that is an element of it. Some Western men perceive many Asian women (even when older) as "adolescent" in appearance - but still safely adults when it comes to legal status.

I think there are some other factors. At least in the U.S., since World War II, Asian "war brides" were part of life in many military circles, and this made these relationships more acceptable than many other interracial unions.

12-13-2021, 04:48 AM
The answer is simple; Look up Yeji(Itzy), Dahyun(Twice), Ahn Sohee, Iz*one(all members), Yuna(Itzy), Momo(Twice), Umji(ex GFriend), Soyeon(G-Idle), Kim Go-eun, Wheein(Mamamoo), Kang Mina(ex Gugudan), Naeun(A-Pink), Tamiris Zhangazinova, Albina Nazarbayeva(Damn! She is niece of ex Kazakh president:p), Aidana Medenova(though she's married), Aya Shalkar, Jidesh Idirisova, Cholpon Talipbek etc. are enough proves for this situation.

As a White(non-European one) girl, I must admit that they have a cute & petite aura which attracts most men to them. Also I've observed many men like "petite" type women, and this may be the reason of why there are WMAF couples than AMWF couples. But nowadays I see many Asian(especially Korean, Japanese & Vietnamese)men date/marry White women(including Turkish women also).

I, as a White girl who doesn't have that cute & petite aura at all, prefer cute guys. My current crush is a cute & very babyface guy(but not East/Southeast Asian) also. Pls, guys, I'm not lesbian or bisexual at all!

Even tho I find some korean girls attractive, most of the girls you posted are ugly af to me, since I'm not into women with baby fat...

Yuna from ITZY is an example, of one of them I find quite beautiful, since her face is slim:


12-13-2021, 04:51 AM
Bro it’s not complicated. Asian pussy is easy for white men to get. They are also more feminine and submissive. I vote for the importation of 300 million Asian foids distributed evenly between countries in EU. But of course the simp politicians will never want this

12-13-2021, 06:54 AM
Bro it’s not complicated. Asian pussy is easy for white men to get. They are also more feminine and submissive. I vote for the importation of 300 million Asian foids distributed evenly between countries in EU. But of course the simp politicians will never want this

brah then all the pure European children will be outnumbered by weak hapas and dominant asian genes. They're not more feminine nor submissive, they lack sexually dimorphic traits( for men that's being tall, muscular, good facial structure, high t, square face while for women busty, high estrogen, long legs, oval face, wide hips etc. Asian women are the opposite with flat faces, boyish bodies, longer torso than legs, flat chest and unshapely head. You're low t and desperate.

12-13-2021, 06:57 AM
Even tho I find some korean girls attractive, most of the girls you posted are ugly af to me, since I'm not into women with baby fat...

Yuna from ITZY is an example, of one of them I find quite beautiful, since her face is slim:


that's not a slim face. There is so much flesh and baby fat contouring her face. Plus she looks like a bug.
this is a slim face for a woman:

12-13-2021, 09:15 AM
was not long ago when asian women were considered ugly genderless mongols who looked no different from their men. Explain how they could be some of the most beautiful women in the world? Is it the shapeless head, boyish body, no visible eyes or pan face you find most attractive?

They often have youthful, very feminine faces which is always a very attractive trait, plus they tend to be slim and athletic, overall very healthy looking, so there's 3 reasons for you. But I bet none of these arguments will land to a white supremacist as you.

12-13-2021, 10:27 AM
don't feel any attraction or notice any beauty.just meh, another asian

No problem bro its not for you its for white guys( Nordic, Anglo& Slav).

married to black men:


Amber Heard is married to black man, ok but in which universe?

12-13-2021, 10:45 AM
Among many benefits, they do age the best:


12-13-2021, 02:29 PM
brah then all the pure European children will be outnumbered by weak hapas and dominant asian genes. They're not more feminine nor submissive, they lack sexually dimorphic traits( for men that's being tall, muscular, good facial structure, high t, square face while for women busty, high estrogen, long legs, oval face, wide hips etc. Asian women are the opposite with flat faces, boyish bodies, longer torso than legs, flat chest and unshapely head. You're low t and desperate.

Im neither low T or desperate. I just do what’s easier for me. The least effort I have to put in and get pussy that’s the route I’m taking. If that happens to be Asian girls or black girls that’s what I’m doing. Also how the fuck is long legs a feminine trait? Top sprinters all have longer legs than torso are they feminine?

12-13-2021, 02:43 PM
No problem bro its not for you its for white guys( Nordic, Anglo& Slav).

Greece is like Turkey but orthodox

You two are literally brothers

12-13-2021, 02:48 PM
Greece is like Turkey but orthodox

You two are literally brothers

Compare E-V13 % in both countries.

12-13-2021, 03:07 PM
Compare E-V13 % in both countries.

Why are you treating what I said seriously? You know that the whole "greeks and turks are basically the same" thing is more of an internet meme, right??

12-13-2021, 03:21 PM
Because they know them only from internet where most asian girls use tons of make up and photoshop:









12-13-2021, 03:22 PM
Because they know them only from internet where most asian girls use tons of make up and photoshop:









Yes and white girls never wear make up. Gottem’

12-13-2021, 03:26 PM
Yes and white girls never wear make up. Gottem’

They wear, but white girls are 1000 times more natural than asian girls in general, also in Europe i dont see this hardcore photoshop mania what exist in East Asia.

12-13-2021, 03:27 PM
It doesn't seem to be unattractive women going for black men anymore. I think the plummetting testosterone levels of white men is the reason why now even the most beautiful white women throw away thousands of years of genes and phenotypes in the making to have a child with a black man that looks nothing like her.

Are you Pooping Carmen's sock? Possibly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.

Only cucks have yellow fever. Pretty much every single millennial white male I've known in real life who has a yellow fever fetish all look and act in a similar way. Physically weak, timid, unconfident, and still into anime and extensive gaming (even in their fucking 30s lel).


But Asian women always reject beta males.


Both these women who are IMHO physically perfect are married to black men:


One of them is a swarthy Romanian, another girl is some mystery meat from Denmark married to a mulatto.


Nice try lel.

12-13-2021, 03:34 PM
Are you Pooping Carmen's sock? Possibly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.

Only cucks have yellow fever. Pretty much every single millennial white male I've known in real life who has a yellow fever fetish all look and act in a similar way. Physically weak, timid, unconfident, and still into anime and extensive gaming (even in their fucking 30s lel).


But Asian women always reject beta males.


One of them is a swarthy Romanian, another girl is some mystery meat from Denmark married to a mulatto.


Nice try lel.

Sean you’re just mad my bwc can hit Asian walls better than your LWC.

12-13-2021, 03:36 PM
They wear, but white girls are 1000 times more natural than asian girls in general, also in Europe i dont see this hardcore photoshop mania what exist in East Asia.

Make up needs to be illegal. Only shit like facial moisturizers should be allowed. If you literally gotta draw your face on thats illegal

12-13-2021, 03:37 PM
I have never liked Asian women; from exotic, mulattas and latinas have always attracted me more.
But even here it will never go further than talk.

A half-Asian child will destroy traces of caucasoid sexual dimorphism - height will decrease, beard and chest hair will disappear, and the profile will be smoothed. This is if a boy. The girl also runs the risk of losing pronounced secondary sexual characteristics.
He will also be psychologically uncomfortable here, he will be oppressed by the majority.

Daco Celtic
12-13-2021, 03:38 PM
Sean you’re just mad my bwc can hit Asian walls better than your LWC.

He's actually obsessed with Asian women but has angst from being rejected by them so much. It's pretty obvious from his posts.

12-13-2021, 03:41 PM
He's actually obsessed with Asian women but has angst from being rejected by them so much. It's pretty obvious from his posts.

But Sean is actually right here:

Pretty much every single millennial white male I've known in real life who has a yellow fever fetish all look and act in a similar way. Physically weak, timid, unconfident, and still into anime and extensive gaming (even in their fucking 30s lel).

12-13-2021, 03:42 PM
Keep them dude. I don't want an entire generation of kids who are even uglier and lower class than their parents with no sense of identity, imagine the types of problems that would arise?

But I like problems. Hopefully my sociopathy is passed on and we can get a more Chad version of ER.

12-13-2021, 03:53 PM
He's actually obsessed with Asian women but has angst from being rejected by them so much. It's pretty obvious from his posts.

I think Sean still believes he can find himself a 8/10 blonde haired blue eyed Stacy. I too good for ching chong, I sexy white man. Good luck with that my nigga.

12-13-2021, 03:56 PM
Even celebrities who adopted non-white children often end up regretting it lel.


Yeah she did it to virtue signal. Everyone knows.

12-13-2021, 03:57 PM
Even celebrities who adopted non-white children often end up regretting it lel.


Yeah she did it to virtue signal. Everyone knows.

12-13-2021, 04:14 PM
Why are you treating what I said seriously? You know that the whole "greeks and turks are basically the same" thing is more of an internet meme, right??

Counter question= Why are you treating what I said seriously? You know that the whole "E-V13 balkaniggas" thing is more of an internet meme, right??

12-13-2021, 04:23 PM
Counter question= Why are you treating what I said seriously? You know that the whole "E-V13 balkaniggas" thing is more of an internet meme, right??

That's a good counter-question, you got me there ngl...

now, to answer it, just gonna say that i'm extremely autistic, so there's that.

12-13-2021, 04:27 PM
Counter question= Why are you treating what I said seriously? You know that the whole "E-V13 balkaniggas" thing is more of an internet meme, right??

Every meme has truth to it

12-13-2021, 04:52 PM
How many Asian women are famed for their beauty in Northern European nations? Troll thread. I can only think of one well-known Asian actress/model in the last few decades, and nobody besides weebs discusses how beautiful this or that Asian woman is, they're largely indistinguishable to most. I'm not interested in criticising their looks, but I'm not attracted to them at all. Many lower-status white men go with Asian women because they'll settle for anything they can get. Getting an Asian woman is almost seen like a Bronze Medal, or rather a participation award - 'Good on you mate' sort of attitude.

12-13-2021, 05:00 PM
I think they look more feminine on average and they age better than women from other races. I know that vietnamese women are a hot commodity in the chinese countryside, since there's a lack of women there, and they are very praised for their qualities: good wifes, traditional, obedient, take care of elderly and children. Most white women I know would rather raise a dog/cat than a child, and they prefer to waste their time watching series on Netflix, HBO Max, Social Medias, etc. Indeed there's some of them into family and children, but their number is shrinking very fast. Poor women (mixed, black, etc), in the other hand, are way more family oriented, at least where I live. Also there's the exotic thing about asian women. Most of my friends (I'm not an exception) have never see a chinky women in real life, so there's some curiosity.

12-13-2021, 09:41 PM
Among many benefits, they do age the best:


No point in ageing well if you were never beautiful in the first place

12-13-2021, 09:43 PM
No problem bro its not for you its for white guys( Nordic, Anglo& Slav).

Amber Heard is married to black man, ok but in which universe?

That's Antonia Iacobescu. The most beautiful woman in existence to me.

12-13-2021, 09:51 PM
Im neither low T or desperate. I just do what’s easier for me. The least effort I have to put in and get pussy that’s the route I’m taking. If that happens to be Asian girls or black girls that’s what I’m doing. Also how the fuck is long legs a feminine trait? Top sprinters all have longer legs than torso are they feminine?

Longer legs just look more aesthetic and progressive. Short legs look stumpy and primitive.
Asian women are known for not having standards and dating any old or incel white guy so if you date them you're either old af or an incel. I've seen some rare hot black girls (especially mulattas and Ethiopians) so I think for me it's just that I like secondary sexual characters and extreme dimorphism in the sexes.

12-13-2021, 09:54 PM
Longer legs just look more aesthetic and progressive. Short legs look stumpy and primitive.
Asian women are known for not having standards and dating any old or incel white guy so if you date them you're either old af or an incel. I've seen some rare hot black girls (especially mulattas and Ethiopians) so I think for me it's just that I like secondary sexual characters and extreme dimorphism in the sexes.

But what if you fuck the Asian girl in the ass and there is no kids can you still fuck her and not be an incel?

12-13-2021, 10:03 PM
I have never liked Asian women; from exotic, mulattas and latinas have always attracted me more.
But even here it will never go further than talk.

A half-Asian child will destroy traces of caucasoid sexual dimorphism - height will decrease, beard and chest hair will disappear, and the profile will be smoothed. This is if a boy. The girl also runs the risk of losing pronounced secondary sexual characteristics.
He will also be psychologically uncomfortable here, he will be oppressed by the majority.

You summed up what I've been trying to say perfectly. It's not even that I'm only attracted to white women because I too find mulattas and latinas attractive. Just genuinely unattracted to asian women so curious as to why so many northern white men who through years of evolution selected for caucasoid dimorphism would throw that all away.
Also since you seem to know more about European genetic evolution, what are the reasons for caucasoid dimorphism? Like what morphologically happened for Europeans to have such a dramatic puberty and so many nice phenotypes like Atlantid, gracile med, pontid etc?

12-13-2021, 10:26 PM
Are you Pooping Carmen's sock? Possibly one of the dumbest things I've read on this forum.

Only cucks have yellow fever. Pretty much every single millennial white male I've known in real life who has a yellow fever fetish all look and act in a similar way. Physically weak, timid, unconfident, and still into anime and extensive gaming (even in their fucking 30s lel).


But Asian women always reject beta males.


One of them is a swarthy Romanian, another girl is some mystery meat from Denmark married to a mulatto.


Nice try lel.

Majority of northern white millennial men act that way and are cucks now( they have become infantilised which is probably why they like asian women anyway) so dimorphic millennial women get with black guys.
come on, the Romanian girl is really pretty. Looks like a statue of Diana, perfect caucascoid gracile face. Also Danish girl is the Northen European phenotype perfected- perfect nose, eyes, face shape and profile. Top tier 11/10 women.
also rate their bodies( whoever said long legs are unfeminine don't know shit about aesthetics):

12-13-2021, 10:28 PM
No point in ageing well if you were never beautiful in the first place

That's in the eye of the beholder.

12-13-2021, 10:30 PM
Yes and white girls never wear make up. Gottem’

The point is though that Asian women put on so much makeup that they change into a completely different phenotype that doesn't actually exist and look unrecognisable from their real selves without makeup. Especially because of the eye makeup. White girls just highlight the features they already have because they have good facial structure.

12-13-2021, 10:33 PM
Because they know them only from internet where most asian girls use tons of make up and photoshop:









yeah this is true. I guess because of the flat faces they can do more with makeup to create angles and different eye shapes to really transform.

12-13-2021, 10:34 PM
The point is though that Asian women put on so much makeup that they change into a completely different phenotype that doesn't actually exist and look unrecognisable from their real selves without makeup. Especially because of the eye makeup. White girls just highlight the features they already have because they have good facial structure.


Skip the beaners and chinks.

12-13-2021, 10:34 PM
The point is though that Asian women put on so much makeup that they change into a completely different phenotype that doesn't actually exist and look unrecognisable from their real selves without makeup. Especially because of the eye makeup. White girls just highlight the features they already have because they have good facial structure.


Skip the beaners and chinks.

12-14-2021, 05:43 AM
That's Antonia Iacobescu. The most beautiful woman in existence to me.

Personal life
Antonia married Italian businessman Vincenzo Castellano in 2011, and they have a daughter together, Maya Rosario Castellano (born August 28, 2010).[13] The two separated in 2013 when a long divorce process began, which ended in 2020.[14] In 2013 Antonia started a relationship with the Romanian singer Alex Velea, with whom she has two children, Dominic (born on December 27, 2014)[15] and Akim (born on December 7, 2016).[1] Eight years later, the two announced their engagement in July 2021.[16]

Wheres the black?

12-14-2021, 12:15 PM
Majority of northern white millennial men act that way and are cucks now( they have become infantilised which is probably why they like asian women anyway) so dimorphic millennial women get with black guys.

Majority only in your dreams. Nobody cares about your interracial fantasies in real world.


All of the articles on online dating state that more than 90% of the time non-white men are not selected by other races.


It's amazing how you can be this stupid with only 11 words.

Also Danish girl is the Northen European phenotype perfected- perfect nose, eyes, face shape and profile. Top tier 11/10 women.

She doesn't look Danish. She is completely and totally unrepresentative of reality.