View Full Version : Classify Serbian singer Neda Ukraden

09-26-2021, 08:35 AM
She looks Native American to me.

https://i.ibb.co/D9cj5VR/maxresdefault.jpg (https://ibb.co/tqj18mJ)

https://i.ibb.co/WBx5qp0/A-920673-1487967048-7842-jpeg.jpg (https://ibb.co/vLwqgvh)

https://i.ibb.co/fxqVXwn/500x500.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

09-26-2021, 09:12 AM
Was about to say that mixed American with some SSA and native in here.

Tooting Carmen
09-26-2021, 10:36 AM

09-26-2021, 10:38 AM
Baltogorid+med. Typical Serbian face, especially the nose and eyes.

09-26-2021, 10:54 AM
Baltogorid+med. Typical Serbian face, especially the nose and eyes.

This. Distinctly serb face

09-26-2021, 11:12 AM
I can't tell if you're joking with the native american.

09-26-2021, 11:17 AM
I can't tell if you're joking with the native american.

For me she looks like some Mexican celebrities. I see Central Asian or Siberian admixture in her at least.


09-26-2021, 11:25 AM
one of "look of Russia", so more like Yakut-Slavic mix

09-26-2021, 11:25 AM
For me she looks like some Mexican celebrities. I see Central Asian or Siberian admixture in her at least.


When she still looked human, I would probably say Turkish. So maybe some Turanid at least.

09-26-2021, 11:29 AM
High Ancestral North Eurasian + high Mediterran ancestry is a combination found in both Latin Americans and South Slavs. The main difference however is South Slavs do not score any Mongoloid on top of that.

09-26-2021, 11:36 AM
on the first photo she has Валентина Матвиенко vibes

09-26-2021, 11:37 AM
High Ancestral North Eurasian + high Mediterran ancestry is a combination found in both Latin Americans and South Slavs. The main difference however is South Slavs do not score any Mongoloid on top of that.

Do you understand part of her song 1:30-1:53, she sings that part in Greek?


Song is about Serbian-Greek friendship.

09-26-2021, 11:39 AM
High Ancestral North Eurasian + high Mediterran ancestry is a combination found in both Latin Americans and South Slavs. The main difference however is South Slavs do not score any Mongoloid on top of that.

def. passes as mixed Southeur/Native mestiza or what is it called
https://img.discogs.com/TCpreH1anfX5wEoUokwJW5y0wpY=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(webp):mode_rgb():qualit y(90)/discogs-images/R-1838343-1246892256.jpeg.jpg

09-26-2021, 11:40 AM
High Ancestral North Eurasian + high Mediterran ancestry is a combination found in both Latin Americans and South Slavs. The main difference however is South Slavs do not score any Mongoloid on top of that.

def. passes as mixed Southeur/Native mestiza or what is it called
https://img.discogs.com/TCpreH1anfX5wEoUokwJW5y0wpY=/fit-in/600x600/filters:strip_icc():format(webp):mode_rgb():qualit y(90)/discogs-images/R-1838343-1246892256.jpeg.jpg

09-26-2021, 11:52 AM
Do you understand part of her song 1:30-1:53, she sings that part in Greek?


Song is about Serbian-Greek friendship.

She has a good accent.

It says:
It says:

We ended the dream,
(the dream?) everyday (becomes) stronger
Love exists within us to this day
Honest/proud Serbia, eternal Greece

09-26-2021, 12:40 PM
She has a good accent.

It says:
It says:

We ended the dream,
(the dream?) everyday (becomes) stronger
Love exists within us to this day
Honest/proud Serbia, eternal Greece

It is basically about fighting together for freedom in Balkan wars (1912-1913) and in WW1

Serbian lyrics:

They wanted to lead us
roads without freedom,
but love was stronger
than the dreams of the conquerors

We ruined their dream again
Because we are stronger day by day,
Love remains between us to this day
Proud Serbia and Eternal Greece

09-26-2021, 04:28 PM
Damn, she looks very exotic indeed.

High Ancestral North Eurasian + high Mediterran ancestry is a combination found in both Latin Americans and South Slavs. The main difference however is South Slavs do not score any Mongoloid on top of that.

Some Serbians though do score some Mongoloid.

09-26-2021, 05:06 PM

She dance quite good for a 71 years old grandma. :p

09-26-2021, 05:09 PM
She is from village Glavina Donja near Imotski in central Dalmatia https://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavina_Donja

09-26-2021, 06:17 PM
She is from village Glavina Donja near Imotski in central Dalmatia https://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavina_Donja

Croats set fire to her house during the last war.

09-26-2021, 06:34 PM
Croats set fire to her house during the last war.

Terrible. In an ideal world, she should have received a compensation from Croatia...

09-26-2021, 07:23 PM
Terrible. In an ideal world, she should have received a compensation from Croatia...

There is no justice for Serbs. And let alone her, there are tens of thousands of similar cases like hers.

She was born and spent her childhood in Dalmatia, but spent most of her life before the war in Sarajevo. When the war in Bosnia began, as a Serb, she took refuge in Belgrade.

This is song that she dedicated to Sarajevo, mourning the pre-war life:


A bit dramatic and sad song.

09-26-2021, 09:05 PM
Croats set fire to her house during the last war.

I know.
Croatians of Imotski are traditionally hard core ustashe. Croatians from western Herzegovina, Tropooje, Dalmatian hinterland and Lika are the biggest ustashe and main bearers of anti-Serbism in Croatian nation.

I blame Neda because after war she as victim of Croatians (same as her family and family, cousins, and countymen) was a guest on Croatian national TV. She licked their asses pretty much, and down in the comments many Croatians claim her, call her "our Imoćanka", "our Dalmatinka" etc. She was not "theirs Imoćanka/Dalmatinka" when they set fire to her house and expelled family and cousins!


09-26-2021, 09:15 PM
I blame Neda because after war she as victim of Croatians (same as her family and family, cousins, and countymen) was a guest on Croatian national TV. She licked their asses pretty much, and down in the comments many Croatians claim her, call her "our Imoćanka", "our Dalmatinka" etc. She was not "theirs Imoćanka/Dalmatinka" when they set fire to her house and expelled family and cousins!

I agree. She may be a good singer with great voice, but her behavior (concerts in Croatia) is immoral, primarily to herself.
That only shows that she is ready to spit on herself only to get money. :(

09-26-2021, 09:35 PM
I agree. She may be a good singer with great voice, but her behavior (concerts in Croatia) is immoral, primarily to herself.
That only shows that she is ready to spit on herself only to get money. :(

Yes. She's a big enough singer that she doesn't need concerts in Croatia. She has quite enough fans in Serbia, Republika Srpska and Montenegro.

About Imotski and western Herzegovinian Croatians.
They carry tons of mainstream Serbian surnames. It's really not an easy life for them with that. xD One of them with nick Imoćanin is every day present on Poreklo, he even use Cyrillic sometimes xD https://forum.poreklo.rs/index.php?topic=578.msg162926#msg162926
Josip Jović Croatian journalist from Imotski said his surname is not from Serbian Jovo (nick of Jovan), but came from plaint jova (that plaint does not thrive in rockery!) https://sh.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Jović_(novinar)
Surname Jović exist among Croatians from Imotski area and Herzegovina, another Josip Jović from Imotski https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josip_Jović

09-26-2021, 11:17 PM

09-27-2021, 08:51 AM
I blame Neda because after war she as victim of Croatians (same as her family and family, cousins, and countymen) was a guest on Croatian national TV. She licked their asses pretty much, and down in the comments many Croatians claim her, call her "our Imoćanka", "our Dalmatinka" etc.

I don't blame her, she does not want a war. It is the easiest to be hardcore against Croats for Serb nationalist somewhere in Belgrade having zero connection to Croatia. It is normal to act like her, if she goes to Croacia.

09-27-2021, 12:49 PM
She is from village Glavina Donja near Imotski in central Dalmatia https://bs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glavina_Donja

I didn't even know there were Serbs near Imotski. It must have been hell for them to live in that environment.

09-27-2021, 12:50 PM
For me she looks like some Mexican celebrities. I see Central Asian or Siberian admixture in her at least.


She's had a lot of plastic surgery done. Most female Balkan singers look like her.

09-27-2021, 01:30 PM
I do see some turanid. She was very beautiful pre surgery.

09-27-2021, 01:48 PM
I didn't even know there were Serbs near Imotski. It must have been hell for them to live in that environment.

In Imotski and several surrounding villages in 1991 lived about 1150 Serbs https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Срби_у_Далмацији#Имотска_крајина
They were minority surrounded with Croatians from all sides, and cut off from northern Dalmatia where lived over 100 000 Serbs. Before WW2 number of Serbs in Imotski area was higher (still minority towards the Croatians), but Croatian ustashe killed and expelled part of Imotski Serbs 1941-45. In 1991/92 Serbs of Imotski were expelled by Croatians, and some of them where imprisoned in the prison camp Lora in Split where Croatians tortured and killed them or both https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lora_prison_camp

Vast majority of present day Serbs of Imotski area settled there in direct migration from East Herzegovina in early 18th century, mostly from Popovo Polje.
There are evidences for the presence of Orthodox population in Imotski area in earlier centuries, but they mostly migrated from area and converted to Catholicism. Several Serbian families from northern Dalmatia came from Imotski area and Vrgorac in the late 17th and early 18th century.

09-27-2021, 02:06 PM
I didn't even know there were Serbs near Imotski. It must have been hell for them to live in that environment.

Yes, there were, but a minority.

This is Imotski area from ethnic map of Dalmatia according to Austro-Hungarian census of 1910.

Red - Serbs
Blue - Croats
Green - Italians


09-27-2021, 02:37 PM

09-27-2021, 02:39 PM
Terrible. In an ideal world, she should have received a compensation from Croatia...

Not really. Dalmatian Serbs were hard core Četniks (Serb fascists) who committed massive war crimes against Croatian civilians during WW2 and last war. This is one very backward, bloodthirsty and aggressive population that had it coming.

09-27-2021, 02:41 PM
Imotska reminds me of.. Iz imotske kamijoni zure nose crnce franketica jure... I knew I heard that somewhere before

09-27-2021, 02:47 PM
Imotska reminds me of.. Iz imotske kamijoni zure nose crnce franketica jure... I knew I heard that somewhere before

Yes, Imotska krajina is traditionally strong Ustaše stronghold. But not entirely. Dalmatian hinterland also had partizan presence to a limited degree.
Example is village Lovreć near Imotski where in 1943. Croat civilians were massacred by joint operation of Četniks from Knin, Italian military and SS Division Prinz Eugen from Vojvodina.

09-27-2021, 02:55 PM
Not really. Dalmatian Serbs were hard core Četniks (Serb fascists) who committed massive war crimes against Croatian civilians during WW2 and last war. This is one very backward, bloodthirsty and aggressive population that had it coming.

There was no Chetniks around Imotski.

Chetniks were in northern Dalmatia, mostly around Knin.

Still significant part of northern Dalmatian Serbs were in Partisans, especially in Bukovica and Cetinska Krajina.

Some of the prominent Dalmatian Serb Partisans:
- Simo Dubajić https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_Dubajić
- Božo Bilić Marjan (a "Spanish" fighter) https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Божо_Билић_Марјан
- Jošo Durbaba https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Јошо_Дурбаба
- Boško Žunić https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Бошко_Жунић
- Stevo J. Opačić https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Стево_Ј._Опачић

09-27-2021, 03:10 PM
^^^^^crimes in wider Imotski region were carried out by Četniks from Knin and Herzegovina.

09-27-2021, 05:16 PM
Not really. Dalmatian Serbs were hard core Četniks (Serb fascists) who committed massive war crimes against Croatian civilians during WW2 and last war. This is one very backward, bloodthirsty and aggressive population that had it coming.

You see, for me Croats and Serbs are very similar people speaking one language but having a different religion. You had a war, but private property is private property. You can't simply burn a house of a person because he/she belongs to the other ethnicity/political party/etc. In general, I actually sympathize more with Croats than with Serbs, but that would be amoral to say that you can take away someone's home because of belonging to another ethnicity.

09-27-2021, 05:28 PM
You see, for me Croats and Serbs are very similar people speaking one language but having a different religion. You had a war, but private property is private property. You can't simply burn a house of a person because he/she belongs to the other ethnicity/political party/etc. In general, I actually sympathize more with Croats than with Serbs, but that would be amoral to say that you can take away someone's home because of belonging to another ethnicity.

And what gives you idea Serb houses were not rebuilt after the war? They were, with money of Croatian tax payers. They were allowed to return and many hold Croatian passports including user Varda. Obv I don't feel like funding such people.

Official figures on wartime damage published in Croatia in 1996 specify 180,000 destroyed housing units, 25% of the Croatian economy destroyed, and US$27 billion of material damage. Europe Review 2003/04 estimated the war damage at US$37 billion in damaged infrastructure, lost economic output, and refugee-related costs, while GDP dropped 21% in the period. 15 percent of housing units and 2,423 cultural heritage structures, including 495 sacral structures, were destroyed or damaged.

Approximately 2 million mines were laid in various areas of Croatia during the war. Most of the minefields were laid with no pattern or any type of record being made of the position of the mines.

Obviously, most of the this damage was caused by Serb insurgents. And they did not pay a penny in reparations so far.

09-27-2021, 05:41 PM
And what gives you idea Serb houses were not rebuilt after the war? They were, with money of Croatian tax payers. They were allowed to return and many hold Croatian passports including user Varda. Obv I don't feel like funding such people.

Good that they are rebuilt then. I understand what you think about Serbs in Croatia. And yes, citizenship does not always correspond to ethnicity. For example, I don't have Ukrainian citizenship.

09-27-2021, 05:43 PM
and I am Vlach

10-18-2021, 07:36 PM
My favorite songs of hers :)

