View Full Version : Classify Dominican politician Juan Bosch

Tooting Carmen
10-01-2021, 04:03 PM
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_gDQ3-BuoKuw/SGeLmvntGnI/AAAAAAAAAcI/3pzWb-0YeeQ/s400/Juan+Bosch.jpghttps://acento.com.do/media/storage01/uploads/1000_1388187986.jpghttp://farm9.staticflickr.com/8006/7348938158_ca1c3a6573.jpghttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSthTTrIItrHs1bwl2bh5VLzU4H83sFD Zy6UtzQEsdekJczG7JlfbyJrdVYd4-2XPCLjpo&usqp=CAU

10-01-2021, 07:33 PM
Medio jabao.

10-01-2021, 11:41 PM
His father was Catalan, iirc.

Something off white about him...

10-02-2021, 12:58 AM
Atlanto Med + Probably very subtle SSSA (nose seems combined)…
I guess octoroon (off white).

Tooting Carmen
10-04-2021, 01:29 AM
Atlanto Med + Probably very subtle SSSA (nose seems combined)…
I guess octoroon (off white).

So about 87% Euro 13% SSA?

10-04-2021, 02:37 AM
So about 87% Euro 13% SSA?

Could be, or even 15/20% SSA…
I think he had some recent catalan ancestors but I am not sure…

10-04-2021, 02:41 AM
Could be, or even 15/20% SSA…
I think he had some recent catalan ancestors but I am not sure…

I found this with a quick Google search:

Juan Bosch nació en la ciudad de La Vega el 30 de junio del 1909. Hijo de la puertorriqueña de ascendencia española Ángela Gaviño Costales, (cuyo padre era gallego, nacido en La Guardia) y de José Bosch Subirats, español de origen catalán, nacido en Tortosa. Vivió los primeros años de su infancia en una pequeña comunidad rural llamada Río Verde, donde comenzó sus estudios de primaria; los estudios secundarios los hizo en el colegio San Sebastián de La Vega, llegando solo hasta el tercer nivel de bachillerato. En 1924 se trasladó a Santo Domingo, donde trabajó en varias tiendas comerciales. Más tarde en 1929 viajó a España, Venezuela y algunas islas del Caribe.

He looks more mixed than someone who is supposedly 3/4 recent Spanish, but maybe his maternal grandmother was not white.

10-04-2021, 02:52 AM
I found this with a quick Google search:

He looks more mixed than someone who is supposedly 3/4 recent Spanish, but maybe his maternal grandmother was not white.

Bingo!! Excellent data!! :thumb001:

Tooting Carmen
10-30-2021, 06:44 AM

11-03-2021, 03:06 AM
Between octoroon and full blown criollo (the terms could be interchangeable for him as far as I could tell).

11-03-2021, 03:17 AM

Tooting Carmen
01-08-2022, 12:28 AM

01-08-2022, 01:30 AM
I thought he just looked white before reading the comments, now my mind is making me be biased, so I am gonna stick with my original opinion which is that he looks Criollo. Baskid + some Berid perhaps?.

Tooting Carmen
05-09-2023, 10:55 PM

05-09-2023, 10:57 PM
Mostly Baskid

05-09-2023, 11:14 PM
Berid + Baskid