View Full Version : Best fit for this woman: Mediterranean, Black Sea or Caspian Sea

10-01-2021, 06:35 PM
classify as well

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10-01-2021, 06:46 PM
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cscontent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cp1080x1080%7C%7C121780905_7791798 26259366_9100765500141091479_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dscon tent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D106%26_nc_ohc%3D6U_ Y6NA3evQAX_PX622%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3Db2b748adf38ae9e20b9e6fcf3f9d0059%26oe%3D6 15D62A9%26_nc_sid%3D83d603

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10-01-2021, 07:14 PM
She has quite a semitic nose and mouth area, probably Caspian sea, nice to see she paid my mothers city of Alicante a visit, barely passes there if at all though imo.

10-01-2021, 07:28 PM
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cinstagram.flwo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cp1080x1080%7C%7C118914234_3207571 26010054_9054104534867764996_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dinst agram.flwo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net%26_nc_cat%3D110%26_nc_ohc%3D7Bkv6_ 9rVW4AX-2HQ76%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3D41e56c98f0621f361e7e70892a1a17ad%26oe%3D6 15EF7C7%26_nc_sid%3D83d603

She has quite a semitic nose and mouth area, probably Caspian sea, nice to see she paid my mothers city of Alicante a visit, barely passes there if at all though imo.

She looks semitic only in this pic IMO, but mascara and wavy hair accentuates this impression. Her hair is straight.

Her eyes are somewhat Levantine, but this nose shape is common in the whole Southern Europe.

10-01-2021, 09:40 PM
She has quite a semitic nose and mouth area, probably Caspian sea, nice to see she paid my mothers city of Alicante a visit, barely passes there if at all though imo.
that's true she really looks Arab she passes in levant\arabia\iraq\ even jewish!

10-01-2021, 09:41 PM
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cinstagram.flwo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cp1080x1080%7C%7C118914234_3207571 26010054_9054104534867764996_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dinst agram.flwo4-1.fna.fbcdn.net%26_nc_cat%3D110%26_nc_ohc%3D7Bkv6_ 9rVW4AX-2HQ76%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3D41e56c98f0621f361e7e70892a1a17ad%26oe%3D6 15EF7C7%26_nc_sid%3D83d603

She looks semitic only in this pic IMO, but mascara and wavy hair accentuates this impression. Her hair is straight.

Her eyes are somewhat Levantine, but this nose shape is common in the whole Southern Europe.
u better come to Dubai and u will see dozens of Arab girls look like her even jews tbh!!

10-02-2021, 04:30 AM
She's extremely typical for Israelis (more so than anything else), but passes easily as Levantine Arab too... Doesn't pass as Turk, doesn't look Mesopotamian (Iraqi Arab), definitely doesn't look European

10-05-2021, 04:42 PM
that's true she really looks Arab she passes in levant\arabia\iraq\ even jewish!

Well, Arab is a cultural group more than an ethnic group. She can pass as a coastal Arab I guess.

10-05-2021, 04:52 PM

10-05-2021, 06:40 PM
any classification?

10-05-2021, 07:47 PM
Seems transistional from Orientalid to Med.
She is low skulled so I think she doesn't pass as typical in the Caspian Sea area. Could somewhat pass in the Black Sea area, but Mediterranean Sea seems to be the most fitting.

definitely doesn't look European
To be honest if someone told me she is Romanian, I would believe him.

10-05-2021, 08:56 PM
Barents Sea
(but more in Svalbard than Murmansk)

10-05-2021, 09:06 PM
Does it matter? She just looks like some Instagram loser. With all that make-up on, how can one really tell (or care) where she's from? I'm so sick of this.

10-05-2021, 09:10 PM
Does it matter? She just looks like some Instagram loser. With all that make-up on, how can one really tell (or care) where she's from? I'm so sick of this.

dude, you're exaggerating. in the daylight pics her make-up is minimal.

10-05-2021, 09:17 PM
dude, you're exaggerating. in the daylight pics her make-up is minimal.

I see what you mean, but I'm still so tired of that same "look"--as if there's only one way to apply makeup nowadays, or have to pass through some Facebook filter or whatever. She could be Mexican for all we know in most those photos.

10-05-2021, 09:21 PM
I see what you mean, but I'm still so tired of that same "look"--as if there's only one way to apply makeup nowadays, or have to pass through some Facebook filter or whatever. She could be Mexican for all we know in most those photos.

I post tons of Pontids, and the OP woman is a Pontid/Armenoid mix. Some people might find that boring - but in the great scheme of things I don't think Pontids are even noticeable in terms of the most marketable/frequent looks on Instagram.

10-05-2021, 09:28 PM
I post tons of Pontids, and the OP woman is a Pontid/Armenoid mix. Some people might find that boring - but in the great scheme of things I don't think Pontids are even noticeable in terms of the most marketable/frequent looks on Instagram.

You may be quite right, but I'm literally talking about the specific method (?) of make-up application, eyebrow and lip manipulation and/or filtering that defines the style of her photos.

10-05-2021, 09:31 PM
You may be quite right, but I'm literally talking about the specific method (?) of make-up application, eyebrow and lip manipulation and/or filtering that defines the style of her photos.

there might be some commonality there, some trends, I wouldn't know though

10-05-2021, 09:49 PM
Seems transistional from Orientalid to Med.
She is low skulled so I think she doesn't pass as typical in the Caspian Sea area. Could somewhat pass in the Black Sea area, but Mediterranean Sea seems to be the most fitting.

definitely doesn't look European
To be honest if someone told me she is Romanian, I would believe him.

aherne overstates his point. OP woman passes in the coastal area of Levant but also in the coastal areas of Southern Europe.

She is indeed Romanian.