View Full Version : Religion vs Atheism debate thread

10-19-2021, 04:17 AM

10-19-2021, 09:05 AM
Atheism is based on facts, like evolution. Religion on the other hand is based on pure belief (but I donīt think believing in something is necessarily bad, even if its not proofen).

10-19-2021, 12:15 PM
Atheists always want to and need to and try to and struggle to and do anything employing all possible measures to convince the others, to convince people constitutes 99% of their motivation behind all their lives, 1% is made up from trying to convince themselves in their own atheism by the achievement in convincing the others; 99% motivation for nonatheist people today is having to evade/fight the harassments from communism and other kinds of atheists, 1% left is used to concentrate on the small peace left.(a modern day situation). I do not claim to believe in any God, I just do not get atheism(bored to death) and their hard-peddling facts.

10-19-2021, 06:31 PM
Atheists always want to and need to and try to and struggle to and do anything employing all possible measures to convince the others, to convince people constitutes 99% of their motivation behind all their lives, 1% is made up from trying to convince themselves in their own atheism by the achievement in convincing the others; 99% motivation for nonatheist people today is having to evade/fight the harassments from communism and other kinds of atheists, 1% left is used to concentrate on the small peace left.(a modern day situation). I do not claim to believe in any God, I just do not get atheism(bored to death) and their hard-peddling facts.
Not all atheists do that. Only a small %.

10-20-2021, 07:14 AM
Not all atheists do that. Only a small %.

Joseph lenin, stalin, biden, mao, marx, algore, deng all agree, atheism and communism are the science of love and peace.

10-20-2021, 08:41 PM
Religiousness has it's roots in irrationality, existential fear and even tradition in some cases.

There's no single empirical evidence that support concept of religion, so why it's intellectually justified to believe in it, but not in the dragons and vampires since both are equally scientifically unproved?

Even if idea of some kind of deism and pantheism might sound justifiable, theology still can't be regarded as science, since scientific facts are the same wherever one goes, either it be India or America, two times two always equal four, while it's not the case with different religious dogmas and teachings which still shape lifestyle and thinking pattern of few billions people.

10-21-2021, 07:09 AM
When people talk about empiricism, they try to hide the most obvious thing: their own self, you study the others, everything also studies you, you are no god. There is a mutual empiricism in nature, you can apply on everything, on people, it also must applied to you in the same way, what is so hyped about empiricism, how sanctimonious and officious? Just a self-grandeur.

10-21-2021, 01:02 PM
Not all atheists do that. Only a small %.


Atheists always want to and need to and try to and struggle to and do anything employing all possible measures to convince the others, to convince people constitutes 99% of their motivation behind all their lives, 1% is made up from trying to convince themselves in their own atheism by the achievement in convincing the others; 99% motivation for nonatheist people today is having to evade/fight the harassments from communism and other kinds of atheists, 1% left is used to concentrate on the small peace left.(a modern day situation). I do not claim to believe in any God, I just do not get atheism(bored to death) and their hard-peddling facts.

There is so much bullshit here that it makes me nauseous.

10-21-2021, 01:33 PM
Smelling crackpot makes someone high too.

10-21-2021, 02:38 PM
Secularization and atheism has brought materialism to the masses and existential crises.

The term "science" is abused. As if saying a magic word makes someone more knowledgable on a topic.

10-21-2021, 03:28 PM
Secularization and atheism has brought materialism to the masses and existential crises.

The term "science" is abused. As if saying a magic word makes someone more knowledgable on a topic.

Truly, I am not against atheism but autocratic atheism which oppresses dozen of billions of people and yet some people still want to apologize for this.
People should be free to believe and think.

10-21-2021, 03:54 PM
Truly, I am not against atheism but autocratic atheism which oppresses dozen of billions of people and yet some people still want to apologize for this.
People should be free to believe and think.

Yeah, there is a world of difference between government crushing the populations' lives and cultures and some edgy "influencers" mocking religion.

That said, there feels like a subversive movement, utilizing marketing and propaganda to divide and conquer in so called "free" individualist nations.

10-21-2021, 04:14 PM
Yeah, there is a world of difference between government crushing the populations' lives and cultures and some edgy "influencers" mocking religion.

That said, there feels like a subversive movement, utilizing marketing and propaganda to divide and conquer in so called "free" individualist nations.

No much difference between the flatteries and oppression I know, as much as no difference between flatteries and mockeries. Marketing is a skilled trading in flatteries in forms of advertisement and apologetism, not an edgy business. If I can subverse a system, I will subverse ccp first and close the border to most of the countries in the world, open only to a select few.

10-21-2021, 04:23 PM
Ya'll need Jesus.

10-21-2021, 04:29 PM
I dont like religious fanaticism, but i prefer christianity over atheism.

12-25-2021, 02:56 PM

12-26-2021, 07:31 PM
https://i.imgur.com/rlED4s2.jpeg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Newton)

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-26-2021, 11:23 PM
You can't have a debate over faith. Faith is not based on evidence and so it's a waste of time to debate someone on the subject.

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-26-2021, 11:33 PM
You can't have a debate over faith. Faith is not based on evidence and so it's a waste of time to debate someone on the subject.

Christopher Langan tried to prove the existence of God through mathematics. That you can debate.

12-28-2021, 12:01 AM
Secularization and atheism has brought materialism to the masses and existential crises.

The term "science" is abused. As if saying a magic word makes someone more knowledgable on a topic.
I think that the discovery and exploration of the huge number of easily accessible natural resources (as well as the methods of their extraction) sent long-starved humanity towards materialism. The ideological and religious base was adapted for this, respectively. The USSR, by the way, resisted this to his very end, despite the "absence of God".
Nothing terrible, it was temporarily, soon easily accessible resources will end, and the masses will again become (will be forced to be) believers and God-fearing.

12-28-2021, 12:09 AM

His argumentation is really weak and he clearly doesn't know much about the historical context in which such texts were written, all the stylistic device, symbolism, etc Even the early fathers knew it shouldn't be interpreted literally lol

Colonel Frank Grimes
12-28-2021, 11:17 PM
His argumentation is really weak and he clearly doesn't know much about the historical context in which such texts were written, all the stylistic device, symbolism, etc Even the early fathers knew it shouldn't be interpreted literally lol

Were the Hebrews living in captivity in Egypt also symbolism?

Was the parting of the Red Sea also symbolism?

Was Moses symbolism?

Was the conquest of Canaan symbolism?

I ask because all the above can be proven to be false through historical records (and lack of) as well as through archaeology.

We have events that are stated to have existed in a religious book that never happened. Never mind the silly shit like giants walking around and talking donkeys.

Ajeje Brazorf
12-28-2021, 11:30 PM
I have a feeling that many here will dislike atheism because they link it to a certain progressive leftist ideology.

12-31-2021, 07:40 AM
Atheists always want to and need to and try to and struggle to and do anything employing all possible measures to convince the others, to convince people constitutes 99% of their motivation behind all their lives, 1% is made up from trying to convince themselves in their own atheism by the achievement in convincing the others; 99% motivation for nonatheist people today is having to evade/fight the harassments from communism and other kinds of atheists, 1% left is used to concentrate on the small peace left.(a modern day situation). I do not claim to believe in any God, I just do not get atheism(bored to death) and their hard-peddling facts.

bullshit, I am an Atheist and most Atheists I know don't try to convince anyone. for example living in a supposedly very religious country like Romania you do get a weird look from most when they hear you don't want to baptize your child or you don't agree with the Orthodox Church being sponsored by the state (i.e. our tax money etc), and this is increasingly frustrating with age. actually at least in Romania and other religious nations it's opposite to what you say, it's the religious ones attacking your ideas and trying to "bring you to your senses" in terms of religious beliefs when they hear you're an Atheist. if each is free to believe whatever, then religions should fund themselves, especially in the countries with state official religions that get billions of dollars out of tax money, money that could be used to invest in education and healthcare better than paying priests and funding monasteries and churches. in Romania it gets to a ridiculous number of churches, like one church every few streets. and btw my wife is deeply religious, from an Orthodox conservative faction, and neither of us is trying to convince the other of anything, she goes to church, I don't and we respect each other's stance on religion, as this is in the end a very personal matter and the others or the state shouldn't interfere to impose anything

Armenian Bishop
12-31-2021, 08:02 AM
Truly, I am not against atheism but autocratic atheism which oppresses dozen of billions of people and yet some people still want to apologize for this.
People should be free to believe and think.

I understand your point there, but the last time I looked the world population is 7 billion, not dozen of billions. Of course the world population is dangerously increasing rapidly, but not that fast.

01-11-2022, 07:53 PM
https://i.imgur.com/uZjMvll.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jahannam)