View Full Version : Rasmus Hammerich Danish?

Grace O'Malley
10-20-2021, 08:13 AM
I've seen this actor in a couple of Danish series. He's now in the Netflix series Equinox. I thought he was of Middle Eastern descent or possibly Jewish.

There is nothing about his ethnicity other than he is a Danish actor. I don't think he is ethnic Danish but his surname sounds German.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BYzU5Y2E5ZWMtYTExMi00NWYxLWJjYTEtYjk0ZTgyYWEwMD c0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk0NTAxOTg@._V1_.jpg

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMDMxZDFmMDItZmNlNS00YTYzLWExZGUtNDMzNjIwNmVjMj EwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDk0NTAxOTg@._V1_.jpg



Maybe he's just exotic looking for his ethnicity?

Finnish Swede
10-20-2021, 08:31 AM
''Having Danish nationality, Rasmus is of white ethnicity. Unfortunately, this actor hasn't mentioned details on his family, early life and education as well.''

So? Hard to say for sure. Not always, but sometimes as you will not say something; there are reasons for that.

10-20-2021, 11:03 AM
Armenoid with Pontid-Borreby influences

10-20-2021, 11:09 AM
Balkan Borreby :laugh:

10-20-2021, 12:28 PM
Balkan Borreby :laugh:

I spat out my coffee.

10-20-2021, 11:56 PM
Nah dude looks European lol tf

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 12:19 AM
Nah dude looks European lol tf

He doesn't look Danish and I guess he could be Balkan. Europeans definitely have a range. :) If he was non-European I wouldn't be surprised but his name is German. I wonder what his origins are as he looks very atypical for Denmark or Germany?

10-21-2021, 12:25 AM
His eyebrow region looks like someone I know who’s English, and England and Denmark are pretty much the same so I don’t see why not

10-21-2021, 12:28 AM
In fact just searched him up he looks almost exactly the same as a person of English heritage or ancestry that I know of. Just his top of the head shape is different but he looks like he could easily be a Dane this guy u posted

10-21-2021, 12:28 AM
He dosn't look exotic in this pic nor does he look Balkan or even East European for that matter with that Phil Collins hairstyle. Looks western


10-21-2021, 12:29 AM
He dosn't look exotic in this pic nor does he look Balkan or even East European for that matter with that Phil Collins hairstyle. Looks western


Exactly ^ dude could easily be English I live here wouldn’t have even thought he was a Dane instead

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 12:34 AM
He doesn't look English or Danish to me. He definitely looks atypical. Unfortunately there isn't much about him. If he's Danish I'd be very surprised.

Phil Collins for comparison purposes.


10-21-2021, 12:39 AM
Passes in England just fine, not sure about Denmark but then such guys are a dime a dozen in Germany so it would not i don't think be that surprising to see his look in Denmark, if you said he was Finnish then i would be a bit surprised but he is not dark, just brunette.

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 12:42 AM
Passes in England just fine, not sure about Denmark but then such guys are a dime a dozen in Germany so it would not i don't think be that surprising to see his look in Denmark, if you said he was Finnish then i would be a bit surprised but he is not dark, just brunette.

I would never guess him as English. I have to say I'm very dubious and surprised at people's observations.

https://asset.dr.dk/imagescaler/?protocol=https&server=www.dr.dk&file=%2Fimages%2Fother%2F2018%2F01%2F22%2F2004031_ 05_still_enfrygteligkvinde05_dan_print.jpg&scaleAfter=crop&quality=70&w=720&h=369

10-21-2021, 12:50 AM

10-21-2021, 12:50 AM
Passes in England just fine, not sure about Denmark but then such guys are a dime a dozen in Germany so it would not i don't think be that surprising to see his look in Denmark, if you said he was Finnish then i would be a bit surprised but he is not dark, just brunette.

England and Denmark are genetically pretty much the same. Germany’s more like Belgium and France imo more Central European. Anyway agreed passes easily as English and if that’s the case I don’t see why not in Denmark too. Also his daughter looks like she’d be English as well

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 12:51 AM
Rasmus Hammerich was born on June 27, 1975, in Vesterbro, Copenhagen, Denmark. As of 2020, he is 45 years old. He belongs to Danish nationality and his ethnicity is unknown. There is no information regarding his family background on social media.

Any more opinions?


10-21-2021, 01:04 AM
Looks Kevin Pollak-oid, so, Jewish?

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 01:06 AM
Yes I think possibly Jewish.

10-21-2021, 01:18 AM
I scrolled through his insta you can see him his daughter his father when he was young it’s pretty safe to say he’s Danish funny how u guys randomly made him out to be Jewish lol.

10-21-2021, 01:20 AM
I scrolled through his insta you can see him his daughter his father when he was young it’s pretty safe to say he’s Danish funny how u guys randomly made him out to be Jewish lol.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.explicit.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid% 3DOIP.2hyL-XaNRgvkBUOw8b0FuwHaEK%26pid%3DApi&f=1

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 01:24 AM
I scrolled through his insta you can see him his daughter his father when he was young it’s pretty safe to say he’s Danish funny how u guys randomly made him out to be Jewish lol.

I think he's very atypical for Danish. That's my honest opinion. There is no ulterior motives for me. I'm surprised people like yourself and others think he could easily be English or Danish? Lots of people were saying Robert Sheehan doesn't look Irish but I believe he is fully Irish.

For this man it's not his colouring either but his overall vibe. If he is fully Danish he is very atypical.

Daco Celtic
10-21-2021, 01:31 AM
Maybe he isn't full Danish, I have no idea, but I don't find him that exotic. Reminds me of Dave Matthews


Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 01:38 AM
Maybe he isn't full Danish, I have no idea, but I don't find him that exotic. Reminds me of Dave Matthews


I've seen him on a series and I thought he was possibly Middle Eastern so looked him up. He's very atypical looking for that part of the world. Interesting and surprising if he is Danish.

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 01:53 AM
Here's another picture. Looks very atypical to me.


If he's Danish then I will give up guessing anyone's ethnicity. :confused: :p

10-21-2021, 01:58 AM
Here's another picture. Looks very atypical to me.


If he's Danish then I will give up guessing anyone's ethnicity. :confused: :p

Looks like a typical Scandinavian to me there

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 02:03 AM
Good profile picture. Can anyone classify him?



I should have just put up pictures without stating anything about where his possible origins were. No one would have said Denmark. :picard1:

10-21-2021, 02:35 AM
I don’t know about this man’s background, but Danes can sometimes look way southern than what you may expect.

10-21-2021, 02:48 AM
No idea about the average Dane if I am being honest but I have seen a lot of White Americans presumeably of Anglo stock looking similar-ish to him. although I can't vouch for any of their genetic composition

Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 02:51 AM
I don’t know about this man’s background, but Danes can sometimes look way southern than what you may expect.

Must be pretty rare though.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Danish+fans&rlz=1C1UEAD_en-GBAU933AU933&sxsrf=AOaemvJxs1i8Znlpicsc3hO0CPhVxqLErQ:163478415 7984&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwini5XIvdrzAhVF63MBHf8nDl8Q_AUoAXoECAEQA w&biw=1536&bih=754&dpr=1.25

I bet he has non-Danish ancestry.

Ola Rapace is a Swede but his features are not as unusual and I wouldn't question his nationality.



Grace O'Malley
10-21-2021, 02:54 AM
No idea about the average Dane if I am being honest but I have seen a lot of White Americans presumeably of Anglo stock looking similar-ish to him. although I can't vouch for any of their genetic composition

Very atypical for English or any Isles people also.

10-21-2021, 02:55 AM
Must be pretty rare though.

https://www.google.com/search?q=Danish+fans&rlz=1C1UEAD_en-GBAU933AU933&sxsrf=AOaemvJxs1i8Znlpicsc3hO0CPhVxqLErQ:163478415 7984&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwini5XIvdrzAhVF63MBHf8nDl8Q_AUoAXoECAEQA w&biw=1536&bih=754&dpr=1.25

I bet he has non-Danish ancestry.

Ola Rapace is a Swede but his features are not as unusual and I wouldn't question his nationality.



True, and without knowing his family tree, he very well could have non-Dansk admix. It’s interesting, because from south Jutland to Copenhagen, Denmark experiences only very slight genetic variation(I think jutlanders pull just a Bit closer to Britain, also of course Germany and Frisians)...I would be interested to see if people think that the looks have any regional clines.

10-21-2021, 04:33 AM
He doesn't look English or Danish to me. He definitely looks atypical. Unfortunately there isn't much about him. If he's Danish I'd be very surprised.

Phil Collins for comparison purposes.


I didn't say he looks like Phil, just his hair. Phil looks like a Polak or Slovak

10-21-2021, 04:46 AM

10-21-2021, 01:42 PM
I get a little of a John Rhys-Davies kinda vibe from him.

10-21-2021, 09:17 PM

The stupidity in this thread is truly remarkable

10-21-2021, 09:26 PM
Maybe Middle Eastern for your Irish eyes. Could just be on the very end of Danish spectrum.