View Full Version : Classify Olof Palme

10-30-2021, 11:50 PM
Classify the former Swedish prime minister Olof Palme (with minor Swedish ancestry).


10-31-2021, 08:11 AM
Nordid-Baltid-Armenid... very intelligent, very sinister

Finnish Swede
10-31-2021, 09:02 AM
For some reasons J.F Kennedy always comes to my mind.

Both of my parents were still at school.
For my mom (Finnish Swede) it was first heavy shock/hit against face (in modern era of Sweden).
For my dad (grown up in Skåne) fights between immigrants + polices vs neo natzis were familiar already bit earlier. So he did not share anymore as ''pinkish dreams''. Still sure a shock.

Today (2021) that can be seen one of the first warnings (or milestone) then continuous improvement of society (since 1950's) started to turn wrong direction.

10-31-2021, 09:25 AM
Baltid, Dinaric range.

10-31-2021, 09:43 AM
The power of Finnish genealogy. Olof Pale is my cousin from the 18th century. He has Finnish ancestry and the Finnish class rotation was strong from lower nobles to merchants and priests, between all classes. Despite the nose he looks very ordinary.

10-31-2021, 09:44 AM
Very strange looking, would make an excellent film villain. Strong dinaric influence which is odd for a Swede.

Probably a heavily dinaricized Subnordid. Looks more central European or even British to me.

10-31-2021, 09:46 AM
No no, he was jewish.... thats why he had an armenid influence.
Nordid-Baltid-Armenid, believe me... :eyes

10-31-2021, 09:49 AM
No no, he was jewish.... thats why he had an armenid influence.
Nordid-Baltid-Armenid, believe me... :eyes

No idea about that, but he looks like Soros in third pic. But in other pics don't see him as Jewish looking.

10-31-2021, 09:50 AM
No idea about that, but he looks like Soros in third pic. But in other pics don't see him as Jewish looking.

Its not a secret, everybody knows he was jewish.

10-31-2021, 09:52 AM
Its not a secret, everybody knows he was jewish.

Post some evidence for your claims.

Palme was born into an upper class, conservative Lutheran family in the Östermalm district of Stockholm. The progenitor of the Palme family was skipper Palme Lydert of Ystad of either Dutch or German ancestry. His sons adopted the surname Palme. Many of the early Palmes were vicars and judges in Scania. One branch of the family, of which Olof Palme was part, and which became more affluent, relocated to Kalmar; that branch is related to several other prominent Swedish families such as the Kreugers, von Sydows and the Wallenbergs. His father, Gunnar Palme [sv] (1886–1934), was a businessman, son of Sven Theodore Palme [sv] and Swedish-speaking Finnish Baroness Hanna Maria von Born-Sarvilahti [fi]. Through her, Olof Palme claimed ancestry from King Johan III of Sweden, his father King Gustav Vasa of Sweden and King Frederick I of Denmark and Norway. His mother, Elisabeth von Knieriem (1890–1972), of the Knieriem family who originated from Quedlinburg, descended from Baltic German burghers and clergy and had arrived in Sweden from Russia as a refugee in 1915. Elisabeth's great-great-great grandfather Johann Melchior von Knieriem (1758–1817) had been ennobled by the Emperor Alexander I of Russia in 1814.


10-31-2021, 09:59 AM
It doesnt surprise me that Wikipedia doesnt mentioned it.....

10-31-2021, 10:55 AM
No idea about that, but he looks like Soros in third pic. But in other pics don't see him as Jewish looking.

Here he has much Jewish vibes imo.


But there is no indication that he was. And btw. to me Soros does not look very Jewish in spite of that he is.

10-31-2021, 11:05 AM
Its not a secret, everybody knows he was jewish.

Everybody knows? Come on. If you have some particular knowledge than feel very welcome to share that. Which ancestry of what is easily found in Wikipedia is wrong, the father, the mother, a grandparent or is all together a conspiracy towards the public? The widespread attitude to suspect every important individual to in fact be a Jew is a poor and not very helpful approach.

Finnish Swede
10-31-2021, 02:27 PM
I copied here 4 comments about Olof Palme (and Jews/Israel). None are mine.

''I don’t know if he was personally an anti-Semite. His family certainly was.Olof Palme was from the aristocracy and the Swedish aristocracy was traditionally pro-German.
Palme also had German Baltic roots from his mother’s side, rich German landowners from Estonia. Their land would later be confistigated by the Communists. In WW2, Olof and his family openly supported the Germans.
On his paternal side, Olof had a Finland Swedish grandmother, the matriarch of the family. She always claimed she would never in her life visit a shop owned by Jews!
Given his background, is a big wonder why Olof later, according to his own words, become a ‘marxist’ and a ‘democratic socialist’ .
Ulf Adelsohn, a political opponent of Palme and a Jew, wrote that Palme called him an ‘alien bird’, which according to Ulf was a traditional anti-Jewish slur.''


''He was not an anti-Semite and, in fact, he was not really even anti-Zionist, just pro-Palestinian. Palme did not have strong views about Israel- he was critical of many Israeli policies but not, a priori, of the right of Israel to exist.
Bruno Kreisky, the Jewish social democratic Prime Minister of Austria was much more antizionist than Palme ever was. Kreisky, although Jewish himself, embodied the classic attitude of those Jews for whom the abnegation of Jewishness was a virtue in itself.
Palme was a typical man of the Left in the 1970s in that he was strongly anti-imperialist and had bought into the Arab discourse which cast Israel in the role of imperial agent in the Middle East. This view was not entirely incorrect; the imperative for survival had driven Israeli governments to undertake some very unsavory enterprises but it’s easy to judge when your survival is not on the line.
Palme was no antisemite but he was no philosemite either, he was merely interpreting the Middle-East through a particular lens that did not capture the full picture.''


''He said that the Palestinians are a people and Palestine is a nation with a right to autonomy. But the world according to Palme must also aknowledge Israel’s right to exist within safe borders.''


''no he was anti American, and thought we were imperialists and refused NATO spy submarines. The Swedish military ignored him and the ships patrolled the Baltic in spite oh the Prime Minister, so actually his statements served as cover!.
PM Palme was probably murdered by a member of the KGB as they thought he was in on the operation and TRYING to serve as cover….life is funny.''