View Full Version : Where they fit best, Kaurismäki brothers

10-31-2021, 12:29 PM



Mika. Difficult to find his old pictures. Sure Aki is more picturesque.



10-31-2021, 02:13 PM
TomAki KauLISmäki fits in polish medias


10-31-2021, 05:20 PM
Aki is Neo-Danubian (anti VURish), he looks oddly soft and pudgy for a Finn (I imagine Finns more robust). I'd guess him eastern European of some sort.

he was strangely hot as young and name Aki is pretty sexy too

As for other brother idk, would need better pics.

10-31-2021, 05:35 PM



Mika. Difficult to find his old pictures. Sure Aki is more picturesque.



Maybe a boring answer, but that first Mika pic is incredibly, not to say specifically, Finnish! I personally met a number of Finns (and only Finns) that are in line with that look. It's also something about the skin.

Finnish Swede
10-31-2021, 05:44 PM
Where they fit best? Of course to EIRA! All ''Franks'' will try to get EIRA, right?
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/chaNV5q3bMUvZf6tbuIHg-oF8Xd7k8PtIYF2xmotdv068_ARHy2XuT_OJwyk6qjy8ZemXuuR 2njq2mu7wHCtC5CF3Kunw02dKBGwpiYAwJkL0HQfRa0

That needs to be pretty expensive living area in Helsingfors?
Sea is very close and so are main streets.


10-31-2021, 05:45 PM
https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/f_auto,fl_progressive/q_80/w_1028,h_1029,c_crop,x_587,y_0/w_400/v1440506166/17-3206655dc60e161560.jpgPutin KGB times.

10-31-2021, 05:50 PM
Aki is Neo-Danubian (anti VURish), he looks oddly soft and pudgy for a Finn (I imagine Finns more robust). I'd guess him eastern European of some sort.

he was strangely hot as young and name Aki is pretty sexy too

As for other brother idk, would need better pics.

Aki has more individual and artistic look.

10-31-2021, 06:05 PM
Where they fit best? Of course to EIRA! All ''Franks'' will try to get EIRA, right?
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/chaNV5q3bMUvZf6tbuIHg-oF8Xd7k8PtIYF2xmotdv068_ARHy2XuT_OJwyk6qjy8ZemXuuR 2njq2mu7wHCtC5CF3Kunw02dKBGwpiYAwJkL0HQfRa0

That needs to be pretty expensive living area in Helsingfors?
Sea is very close and so are main streets.


I have not seen it, but probably boring giving the fact that it was made in the '80s. Likely Leningrad Cowboys humor.

10-31-2021, 06:25 PM
Aki is Neo-Danubian (anti VURish), he looks oddly soft and pudgy for a Finn (I imagine Finns more robust). I'd guess him eastern European of some sort.

he was strangely hot as young and name Aki is pretty sexy too

As for other brother idk, would need better pics.

I advice stay clear of young Kaurismäki's. Both were violent commie hooligans and actually pretty big boys, both close two meters tall. Rauni Mollberg once told when he had seen the Kaurismäki's at town, one of them had threatened to smash his skull if he ever saw him at that part of town again. "Which one was it?" Rauni said that he couldn't tell, dunno, he couldn't recognize them by first name, "the one that looks like somethingsomething*."

*cant now remember what he said, but it was pretty funny.

10-31-2021, 06:42 PM
I have not seen it, but probably boring giving the fact that it was made in the '80s. Likely Leningrad Cowboys humor.

Like all Kaurismäki movies it is pretty boring as a whole but works well in small bits and has some pretty amazing individual scenes. I especially enjoy the scene about the battery in Pekka's coke bottle. One of his better ones for sure


Finnish Swede
10-31-2021, 07:07 PM
I advice stay clear of young Kaurismäki's. Both were violent commie hooligans and actually pretty big boys, both close two meters tall. Rauni Mollberg once told when he had seen the Kaurismäki's at town, one of them had threatened to smash his skull if he ever saw him at that part of town again. "Which one was it?" Rauni said that he couldn't tell, dunno, he couldn't recognize them by first name, "the one that looks like somethingsomething*."

*cant now remember what he said, but it was pretty funny.

Kaurismäki (brothers)?
2m tall Finn man, unpleasant & nasty characters, selfish & narcissists (= artist/actor) and lots of alcohol? Nothing good will follow. I think I have seen 2 films. Did not like those. Between brothers; hard to remember who is who.

In my opinion his version of The Unknown Solder is the worst of all 3. Has he actually done anything great either?

10-31-2021, 07:09 PM
Coke bottle scene starts 20:50


10-31-2021, 07:09 PM
North Poland.

10-31-2021, 07:32 PM
Like all Kaurismäki movies it is pretty boring as a whole but works well in small bits and has some pretty amazing individual scenes. I especially enjoy the scene about the battery in Pekka's coke bottle. One of his better ones for sure


Parody of American gangster movies sucks, but the '80s was pathetic in all. What would be more logical after it than the Soviet collapse

10-31-2021, 07:46 PM
In my opinion his version of The Unknown Solder is the worst of all 3. Has he actually done anything great either?

Mollberg's Tuntematon is goddamn gem. Visually with all the hand-held camera thingie it was ahead of its time. I understand why many don't like it, its like a dirt bike. Not all like dirt bikes, some like road bikes.

One my relative befriended Mollberg in his final years. Though not actor, he even got cast in small role in of those made for tv movies Mollberg did during his last years. He even has legit imdb page hot damn.