View Full Version : Guess the nationality of this rugby player.

Reccared I
11-07-2021, 01:06 AM
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cscontent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cs1080x1080%7C%7C248523763_1005336 760014185_6892277441213562855_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dsco ntent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D105%26_nc_ohc%3DIZh YFAZr6PwAX_q1dTa%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3D02329a0c0286e78f6ed3d6bbe2fce227%26oe%3D6 18DAE69%26_nc_sid%3D83d603
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cscontent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cs1080x1080%7C%7C249817601_2493230 83911928_6835853407043721666_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dscon tent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D104%26_nc_ohc%3DOgz GQm1RYxsAX-e7bHI%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3D3436416d54d9a1e5daa4af8fb06d8b86%26oe%3D6 18D970E%26_nc_sid%3D83d603
https://www.picuki.com/hosted-by-instagram/url=https%3A%7C%7C%7C%7Cscontent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%7C%7Cv%7C%7Ct51.2885-15%7C%7Ce35%7C%7Cs1080x1080%7C%7C248843599_3971856 28818261_5355758723936053403_n.jpg%3F_nc_ht%3Dscon tent-hel3-1.cdninstagram.com%26_nc_cat%3D109%26_nc_ohc%3DlyK QOaP6Y6AAX84nrkc%26edm%3DAABBvjUBAAAA%26ccb%3D7-4%26oh%3Dd630a5ae7b46d58fbe16c88f57f37c25%26oe%3D6 18D9099%26_nc_sid%3D83d603

11-07-2021, 02:23 AM
You have to hide the stuff that makes it obvious, there's dead give aways on the clothing/photo text.

11-07-2021, 02:40 AM
Nordid + CM

Reccared I
11-07-2021, 12:35 PM

Reccared I
11-07-2021, 06:08 PM

Reccared I
11-08-2021, 03:40 PM
You have to hide the stuff that makes it obvious, there's dead give aways on the clothing/photo text.

He is not french.

11-08-2021, 03:49 PM
German? Maybe some scandinavian country?

Reccared I
11-08-2021, 04:19 PM
German? Maybe some Scandinavian country?

please, be more specific:D

11-08-2021, 06:45 PM
please, be more specific:D

Northwest german but I dont know I think his phenotype is maybe common over the country, maybe danish but I never met a dane in real life so there you go.

11-08-2021, 11:43 PM
k if he's not French then I'd guess something like Spanish or North Italian, maybe Belgian, doesn't strike me as particularly Northern European looking.

I'll go with Spain.

Reccared I
11-09-2021, 12:20 AM
k if he's not French then I'd guess something like Spanish or North Italian, maybe Belgian, doesn't strike me as particularly Northern European looking.

I'll go with Spain.

Ok, guess two ethnicities, one by each parent, and 1 nationality.

Reccared I
01-25-2022, 09:20 PM